Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170824 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170824

dozens of million-dollar winning tickets still out there. ♪ i'm on the edge >> and gone! >> and the dodgers' dream of a perfect game going, going, gone. nine innings of no hits destroyed by this walk-off home run. >> and gone! >> could this cover have been their jinx? and good morning, america. there is a lot of news to get to this morning. we want to get right to that hurricane watch. it's happening on the gulf coast. take a look at this image from nasa. that is tropical storm harvey from space. it's massive. >> and it is gaining strength right now. evacuations under way in some parts of texas preparing for the worst, they're stocking up on supplies. we want to go right to ginger tracking the storm. good morning. >> they are right to prepare for the worst. this will be a heavy rain event and flooding that could impact life and property. we could lose both this weekend. let me take you to tropical storm harvey that formed overnight or redeveloped, and you can see it's about 300 miles south and east of brownsville, max-sustained winds right now, 45 miles per hour, moving north at 10 miles per hour. there are hurricane watches, tropical storm warnings and a hurricane warning for a large area in southeast texas, but this flood watch extends tnisan rain. we have to get to the track in a couple of moments. but first, our matt gutman already standing in water this morning in corpus christi. matt. >> reporter: hey, good morning, ginger. the major story is water temperature. check this out. the water here, 87 degrees. like a bathtub. and that's some of the warmest in the world and it's turbocharging this storm, and all morning long we've been getting urgent alerts on our phone about a hurricane warning. texas is very much on its toes right now. this morning, texas declaring a state of disaster with cities along a 600-mile stretch of the gulf of mexico bracing for catastrophic rainfall. >> we need people to be aware. >> reporter: harvey churning towards the texas gulf coast upgraded to a tropical storm overnight. major cities including houston and san antonio forecast for a deluge of over a foot of rain from this storm, plus potentially devastating storm surge. >> we're going to have coastal flooding. >> all of our bayous and creeks would be potentially a problem. with this type of rainfall. >> reporter: residents in the lone star state emptying shelves. many stores selling out of basics including water. >> some of the essentials. >> water and food and batteries. >> just getting ready for it. >> reporter: city officials and emergency responders preparing for the worst this morning. local law enforcement practicing for potential helicopter rescues. college campuses under mandatory evacuations and drivers warned to avoid the roads as main thoroughfares are shut down. there are potentially 12,000 students locked out of university. and the concern stretches 550 miles away to new orleans where they fear that the pumps there may not be able to handle this deluge of water. ginger. >> matt, thank you. so much to talk about here. but we have to go to the track and the timing. i know that's important to everyone so, as it gets going the next 24 hours, we should see this become a category 1 hurricane and it makes landfall sometime early saturday morning, just south of corpus christi in this latest track. then it sits around and that's going to be the problem. it does not move much and that's where you're going to end up getting significant rainfall. some of the warnings have up to 25 inches locally. a wide swath of 8 to 15 inches and you can see it goes all the way as matt was saying up through louisiana. storm surge, two to seven feet. huge waves that we will talk about in just a bit and, guys, this is going to be a big storm, not just because of the storm surge but because of that rain, much like tropical storm allison. look at these images from 2001. this was only in quotes a tropical storm but if we remember, there were $5 billion in damage, more than 20 people dead. 30,000 homes in houston lost because of the rain, george. >> boy, a rough weekend coming for the gulf. okay, ginger, thanks very much. now to the big powerball winner. one ticket holding the key to that more than $750 million jackpot. it is the largest prize ever won by a single ticket and it was purchased in massachusetts. abc's gio benitez is in the lucky state. good morning, gio. >> reporter: we got quite the plot twist. because lottery officials initially told us that this was the store that sold the winning lottery ticket. but it turned out it's a totally different store. it's actually in western massachusetts. someone in western massachusetts has that $758 million jackpot ticket. take a look at these numbers. the winning ticket at the store hit all of the winning numbers, 6, 7, 16, 23, 26 and of course that powerball 4. now that lucky winner can either get the $758 million over 29 years or a lump sum payout of $480.5 million. the drawing came after a last-minute rush of sales. sales here in massachusetts were $10,000 per minute and over in texas, we're talking about more than $60,000 per minute. this would be now the fourth time that a winning ticket was sold here in massachusetts. so, again -- amy. >> you should look at your ticket. because there are a lot of millionaires waking up this morning. and they might not even know it yet, correct? >> reporter: that's right and you got to look at that ticket. even scan it at the store to make sure that you don't have one, but there are six $2 million prizes right now and there are 34 $1 million prizes right now. so i'm going to go look at that ticket because i don't think i looked at it close enough. >> i'm texting my husband right now, gio. all right, thank you. george. >> good luck to both of you. we're going to get the latest from president trump back at the white house after a western tour marked by striking shifts in tone. first, that fiery attack on the media and fellow republicans in phoenix, and then a call for unity and healing in reno. our chief white house correspondent jon karl has the story. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. it was a defiant two-day trip out west where the president aimed some of his harshest attacks at fellow republicans. as the president returned to the white house overnight, he ignored questions on whether he plans to pardon controversial sheriff joe arpaio. on his trip out west, the president did a political version of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde. after tuesday's 75-minute diatribe against his critics. >> i always hear about the elite. they're elite. i went to better schools than they did. i was a better student than they were. i live in a bigger, more beautiful apartment and i live in the white house too, which is really great. >> reporter: on wednesday, he talked of love and unity. >> it is time to heal the wounds that divide us and to seek a new unity based on the common values that unite us. >> reporter: the two speeches just hours apart were shockingly different in tone. >> we are defined by our shared humanity, by our citizenship in this magnificent nation. >> i really think they don't like our country. i really believe that. and by the love that fills our hearts. >> i hit them with neo-nazi. i hit them with everything. >> reporter: in arizona, the president also lashed out at the state's two republican senators. prompting the speaker of the house to issue a plea for republican unity instead. >> i think the president feels that's a strategy that works for him. i would just say i think it's important we all stay unified. >> reporter: in arizona, the president also threatened a government shutdown if congress does not fund his border wall, that is something that is not sitting well with fellow republicans. paul ryan said, nobody wants a shutdown and mitch mcconnell put out a statement saying he has a good relationship with the president saying, quote, we are working together to develop tax reform and infrastructure legislation to grow the economy and create jobs to prevent a government default and fund the government so we can advance our priorities in the short and long terms. but, george, you'll notice in that statement, no mention of the border wall and i am told that mcconnell and the president have not spoken in more than two weeks and their last conversation was a tense phone call where the president was essentially shouting at mcconnell over the russia investigation. >> tense times in that showdown looming fast. okay, jon, stand by. we also saw yesterday hillary clinton speaking out, an excerpt of her book coming out in september where she talks about that moment in the debate with donald trump where he was looming behind her. let's listen. >> well, what would you do? do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space? or do you look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly, back up, you creep, get away from me. i know you love to intimidate women but you can't intimidate me, so back up. >> she might wish now she had said that but this book is going to be coming out in september when all these other big issues are hitting. >> reporter: absolutely. it shows she will not hold back and, george, and the president hasn't held back. he sometimes attacks hillary clinton so harshly and so regularly that it seems like the campaign was never over. never ended. >> thanks very much. let's bring in matt dowd for more on all this. matt, yesterday you talked about jekyll and hyde, president trump, and one of the things we're seeing, the public, at least, in the most recent poll, the quinnipiac poll out this morning, showed by 62%-31%, 2-1 margin the public believes that president trump is a divider, not a uniter. >> george, i think this is a huge problem on two fronts, first politically for the president. the american public does not see him at all in any way as a moral leader that can unite the country. that's a problem for him but for the country. you and i talked before the inauguration and i said to you, i thought we were at as great a divide in our country as we were entering the civil war and if we're in that situation today, and don't have a president the american public trusts, then we have a huge problem getting to the common good. and if we can't get to the common good, then our democracy becomes very problematic. >> even less likely to get to the common good to come to unity if in september we have a government shutdown and maybe even a default on our debt. >> well, yeah, that goes straight to donald trump's vulnerability, which was he was a businessman. he's going to make government work. he's going to bring people together and he's going to do all the things and make it like a business, and if we go at a situation and the government is shut down because of threats from the president, it even makes it harder to move forward. >> okay, matt dowd, thanks very much. new developments into the investigation into what caused u.s. officials to fall ill in cuba. we are now learning more about what may have led to hearing and memory loss and whether it involved a sonic attack. abc's victor oquendo is in miami with all of those details. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, amy. some of those officials were medically evacuated right here to miami for immediate treatment. this happened months ago, but the investigation is still very much ongoing. this morning, troubling new information about those american officials working in havana, cuba, who suddenly fell ill. >> yes, there is a pattern taking place here. yes, there is something -- there is something going on. >> reporter: but the u.s. government doesn't know exactly what happened or who was behind it, and now several government agencies including the fbi are on the ground in havana to find out why at least ten american staff members and their families started experiences strange and severe physical symptoms in late 2016, including hearing loss and according to our miami station wplg, memory loss, loss of balance and vision issues. sources telling abc they appeared to have been targeted by a sonic device that produced inaudible and audible booms, impossible to hear with the human ear much like a dog whistle. >> tony, are you there? >> reporter: it sounds like something out of a hollywood movie, not even iron man was a match for this sonic device but in real life they can cause permanent damage. >> if this is a type of weapon, the type of device that could be used in other places, i think there's real reason for the state department to be concerned about our diplomats in other countries where we have tense relations. >> reporter: while the investigation deepens those american officials who have returned home are being treated and closely monitored by doctors. >> those incidents have caused a variety of physical symptoms. not everyone has experienced the same type of symptoms. >> reporter: cuba denying any involvement but in response the u.s. expelled two cuban diplomats from washington, d.c. according to the state department, there are american staff members who chose to stay and continue working in havana and for them medical professionals were brought in for an evaluation. amy. >> all right, victor, thank you. we appreciate it. now to a protest on the doorstep of the national football league. more than 1,000 supporters of quarterback colin kaepernick rallied outside league headquarters on wednesday. they claim kaepernick who remains unsigned this year has been blacklisted for taking a stand against police brutality kneeling during the national anthem. his supporters are demanding the league pass a rule that would protect players from any retaliatory actions resulting from personal protests. but critics say it's kaepernick's performance on the field that's to blame for his lack of a job this season, not his protest. george. >> thank you. there are new questions now about how beach towns are protecting their shores after images like this, sharks hunting fish near the hamptons, and there's been a recent surge in sightings at cape cod with one politician recommending dramatic action. abc's eva pilgrim is here with the story. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, george. it's not that anyone wants to see in the water with them at the beach, that fin sticking out. fatal shark attacks are rare but recent great white shark encounters have some wanting to take drastic measures to keep people safe. this morning, a controversial proposal in massachusetts to protect packed end of summer beaches from sharks prompted in part by two close encounters just this week. monday, just feet from swimmers on this cape cod beach, a great white shark was caught on tape attacking a seal. listen as the beachgoers panic. screaming, running out of the water. >> i heard a lot of screaming and yelling. >> reporter: then yesterday another shark. >> there's my board. there's the teeth. >> reporter: taking a bite out of this paddleboard at a beach a few miles away. the man unharmed by the shark. >> it actually launched him in the air and got right back up on his paddleboard and paddled to the shore. >> reporter: both beaches briefly closed but for some the encounters too close for comfort, coming after a summer filled with terrifying images of beachgoers getting uncomfortably close to the endangered predators. in may, dozens of great whites surrounding a paddleboarder in california. >> you are paddleboarding next to approximately 15 great white sharks. >> reporter: in cape cod, a county official saying it is only a matter of time before someone's child is killed and proposing a controversial strategy to mitigate the threat. his plan, to toss baited drum lines near beach destinations using hooks to catch and kill them. the backlash, fierce. experts saying the idea is ill-considered. indiscriminate and will not influence beach safety. now, what freaks us out, scientists say that sharks being in the area is actually a sign of a healthy ecosystem. they're there to feed, not on us but on the seals, and in both of those cases in massachusetts there were seals in the water nearby. >> that explains it. thanks very much. >> thank you, eva. there is the saying i think we've all heard it, there is no crying in baseball. but do not tell that to fans in los angeles this morning. dodgers pitcher rich hill was throwing a perfect game into the ninth inning last night until an error dashed his hopes, still, he had his shot to earn that no-hitter as the game entered the tenth inning but hill threw one bad pitch, oh, and the pirates' josh hamilton launched it over the fence for that home run and cost the dodgers the game. hill later played down the drama simply saying looking forward to tomorrow, and he said just keep working, keep getting it done and keep moving forward. >> good for him but nine-inning no-hitter and loses. let's go back to ginger with more on that tropical storm. >> tropical storm harvey, we said major impact will be heavy rain and flooding but watch this. we know in a tropical storm or hurricane as it will become water piles up in front of it. look, from south padre island up to galveston, storm surge and up to 14-foot waves. have some mist for the rest of the morning commute, and afternoon sunshine. a little hazy, even a few clouds around the bay. definitely cloudy around the coast. cloudy tonight, some drizzle and the heat will build through the weekend. today's temperatures mainly in the 70s and 80s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. locked into the 60s along the coast into san francisco. tonight, a cool night. 53 to about 58 degrees. my accuweather and coming up, a high school under investigation after disturbing video appears to show cheerleaders being forced into splits. plus, the new warning for parents. a possible hidden danger in those popular apps your children are using. what one dad says he found on his daughter's phone. you're going to want to stay tuned for this one. tay tuned for this one. when it comes to reducing the sugar in your family's diet coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi hear you and we're working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. has complete one-coat coverage. by sherwin-williams and it's also stain resistant. how stain resistant? this stain resistant. and, it's also scrubbable. so scrubbable. it has complete one-coat coverage. and it's oh-so durable. this durable. infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwin-williams. get $10 to $40 off now through september 6th. available at lowe's. can i have a peanut butter sandwich? can charlie have one, too? charlie can have one too. one for charlie. 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>> reporter: it was one of the most famous television scandals of all time, the 1995 episode of "the jenny jones show" about secret crushes so explosive it never aired. >> "a," would you write that person a letter, "b," would you tell the person in private in case he rejects you or, "c," would you tell that person that you're gay and you hope he is on national television? >> reporter: one of the guests, scott amedure, announced on the show he had romantic feelings for his friend jonathan schmitz. >> well, guess what, it's scott that has the crush on you. >> you lied to me. >> did you have any idea that he liked you this much? >> no, no. no, i did not. >> can you tell us what your status is? are you involved with anybody? >> no, but i'm definitely a heterosexual. >> reporter: three days later, schmitz shot amedure in cold blood after a night of drinking, telling police he was embarrassed by what happened on the show. now 20 years later, schmitz has been released from jail. a parole board on tuesday let him out early for good behavior. >> did he get what he deserved? i don't know. should he be in there longer? does he need more help? i don't know but he's not the only person that i blame for my brother's death. >> reporter: amedure's brother is now speaking out, saying he believes the show's producers were as much to blame for his brother's death as schmitz. >> the man told the producers that he wouldn't want to appear on the show if his admirer were a man. >> reporter: in 1999, in a very public trial against the show in which jones herself took the stand for several days. >> it's not my intent to embarrass anyone on the show. >> reporter: a jury awarded amedure's family $25 million. that ruling was later reversed. >> if my brother knew that schmitz felt the way he did before this happened, he wouldn't have gone on the show. i'm sure of it. >> reporter: schmitz was sentenced to 25 to 50 years in jail. so some are now shocked he's free. chief among them the victim's brother who's told reporters that he's not sure that schmitz learned what he should have while he was in prison and he says he hopes that good behavior wasn't the parole board's only decision. >> all right. well, linsey, thanks so much for that. we appreciate that. >> thanks. we want to turn to that high school under investigation after a video appeared to show cheerleaders being forced into splits, you see it right there. the coach and principal placed on leave and abc's adrienne bankert is here with the story. >> george, it's video that is so upsetting it makes you cringe or sick to your stomach. this young woman writhing in pain as her cheer coach and teammates hold her down. again, we want to warn families this is hard to watch. cheerleading can be the epitome of grace in motion but, as the difficulty of maneuvers increase, catastrophic injuries caused by the sport multiply. >> oh, man. >> reporter: second only to football with almost 40,000 cheerleaders rushed to the emergency room each year. this morning, five employees of the denver public school system suspended after this disturbing video came to light. >> stop. >> reporter: ally wakefield was at cheerleading camp when she was pinned down by coaches and teammates forced to do elevated splits. she can be heard saying please stop nine times in the 24-second video. >> he was pushing down on the back of my right leg. he was pushing like with his other knee on my back. it was tearing my ligament and my muscle at the same time. >> reporter: one of the men suspended, cheerleading coach ozell williams, seen in this video, he is somewhat of a local celebrity known for his tumbling skills at local pro sporting events. several other cheerleaders from the same school have also said they were forced into situations like ally's. >> this is a grown man pushing my 13-year-old girl so hard against her will. >> reporter: this isn't the first time a cheer coach has gone too far. in tennessee, as a cheerleader was tumbling across the court, a respected coach was fired for appearing to trip the competitor midtumble. although the coach denied the allegations. there is no question about the health concerns associated with the sport. >> it's been over a year and i still have headaches, you know, 60, 70% of the day. >> reporter: katelyn was forced to quit the sport after suffering five concussions. ally wakefield does not want to be one of those casualties. >> i shouldn't have been to afraid of high school cheerleading. >> reporter: again, we don't have any comment from the coaches or the staff. the principal, the vice principal who have been put on leave in defense of these actions but apparently, there have been complaints filed by other parents over the last few months. in all, five employees placed on the leave and the superintendent saying as the father of two teenage girls the video is extremely distressing and not in line with the values of the school district. george, amy. >> hard to understand how that could happen. >> adrienne, thank you. coming up next here on "gma," the new warning for parents. a possible hidden danger in the very popular apps your child is probably using that could be putting them at risk. a father speaking out about what happened to his 7-year-old daughter. if you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go? 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>> that's right. you know, a lot of these apps are changing their features and some of those features are including this peer-to-peer communication where as you said strangers can talk to your children unbeknownst to you. the best way, and we tell parents, is know the technology. and the best way to do that is to get on these apps with your kids, figure out how the features work and make sure it's right for your child. >> and it's a shocking thing when you see all of a sudden your child messaging someone and they don't even have a phone like who are you talking to. there are parental controls. talk about how those work. >> well, we definitely recommend for parents to use the parental controls and many of these platforms do have them. they don't want this exploitation to happen on their networks, you know, the internet has changed life for the better and so many different ways but it's also created new ways to exploit children and those parental controls are really there for parents to be able to make sure their kids are staying safe on these apps. >> and callahan, obviously kids are downloading new apps every day so you might not have a chance to go in for those parental controls when they're downloading these. what do you say to your children? what's the conversation that needs to happen? >> well, there's plenty of tips that we give to parents but first, the setting of ground rules and sticking to them. also, having ongoing conversations with your kids about safety. you want to empower them to make these safe and smart decisions on their own and also look for teachable moments. something concerning pops up use that to empower your children. teach them how to stay safe. the national center for missing & exploited children has great child safety education programs, netsmarts, in fact, a great way to teach kids to be safe online. >> and parents have to teach themselves first, callahan, thanks so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> sounds like you had one of those. >> we did, indeed. >> got something out of it. coming up on our big board, could we be heading toward the end of high school football. the new safety concerns and why some high schools are dropping their programs altogether. somewhere along of self-discovery: a breakthrough. ♪ it's in our nature to need each other. ♪ how'd we rethink light yogurt? 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(avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 outbacks. ends august 31. back with today's big board. new concerns about the safety of high school football just as the season is getting started. >> some schools are dropping their programs. one in new jersey shutting down their varsity team and now there are questions about whether this is part of a bigger nationwide trend and t.j. holmes joins us now. tell us what's going on. >> well, west windsor plains borough north is the school you're talking about will not have a varsity football season. gone? why? kids aren't signing up to play football so the superintendent put out a statement saying we can't risk it undermanned and undersized. so, if you're undermanned that means you don't have enough players and have to play phelps and defense or you might have to move up 14 and 15-year-olds to go to varsity. that puts you at risk as well so kids just aren't signing up and it has to do with demographics and it has something with money and also all of these concussion stories coming out of the nfl. >> there are big regional differences. >> you go up to a place like michigan, where they've lost almost 60 teams have been cut there over the past five years, places like missouri, as well, but then you look at places like arkansas and oklahoma and florida, where they have added 150 teams over the past five years between those three states so we talk about demographics, where in some places like the school in new jersey, 60% of the school asian and indian-american. their family doesn't know the culture. they don't want to play taking the concussions and places like arkansas where every newborn has a swaddle blanket and plush toy with a razorback on it. >> fabric of the south. >> it makes a difference. >> all right, thanks so much. coming up, scout wars. the new feud brewing, are boy scouts trying to recruit girls? 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back here on "gma" we just back here on "gma" we just got an update. from the national hurricane center -- i'm sorry, it's still tropical storm harvey but it's nearing hurricane status and it should be within 24 hours so it's moving north-northwest at 10 miles per hour and look at where it makes landfall early saturday morning right near corpus christi. the harshest winds on the right side. up to 25 inches of rain locally in that white area. "good morning america" is brought to you by the capital one "good morning america" is brought to you by the capital one venture card. what's in your wallet? wallet? good morning to you. the controversial rally this weekend in san francisco is causing businesses to close their doors. they say it's for safety reasons in case the right wing demonstrations turn violent. the rally's permit was issued yesterday and came with with 26 conditions including no firearms. let's get to mike. hi, mike. >> we'll talk about mt. pleasant school district. 60 degrees and cloudy. 82 in sunshine. as we head into the afternoon hours and one more, pacifica school district, 66. not much of a change. >> all right, it took a while, but we have ramped up and we're looking at heavy virtuvolumes. northbound 280, got rid of the first problem, the crash at saratoga. so some major delays. for several miles. >> thank you. coming up, "dancing with the stars" for the new season that's next on gma. join us the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. hurricane watch. tropical storm harvey picking up strength in the gulf of mexico taking aim at texas with life-threatening flooding and storm surges. people bracing for the worst. schools evacuating shelves, and we're tracking the path. the new warnings just ahead. jackpot. the winning $758 million powerball ticket sold. the largest prize ever won by a single ticket. how you could still be a millionaire. dozens of million dollar winning tickets still out there. taylor swift is back with a big reveal. addressing the bad blood with a new "reputation" announcing her highly anticipated new album plus the exclusive announcement we have this morning that will spark fans' wildest dreams. scout wars. are the boy scouts trying to steal girls from the girl scouts? now the girl scouts are fighting back trying to keep all girls together. are same-sex groups a valued tradition or are they holding kids back? ♪ and the countdown to "dancing with the stars" is on. we are revealing the pros this morning and which pro is announcing a return to the ballroom right here in times square as we say good morning, america. ♪ and good morning, america. happy thursday. august is winding down which means we're gearing up for a new season of "dancing with the stars" and take a look at this. this is going to be the mystery pro making a comeback. that is definitely him. he's here live this morning. >> a big reveal but in the mean time gwyneth paltrow's company under fire. the new claim that the company is being deceptive to sell products. we'll have much more on that in just a bit. first the top story in our morning rundown. emergency preparations under way in texas. tropical storm harvey is expected to strengthen into a hurricane and ginger is tracking it all. >> george, we just got brand-new information from the national hurricane center, an update on tropical storm harvey. now 60-mile-per-hour max sustained winds moving north-northwest at ten miles per hour, less than 300 miles south and east of brownsville, texas. tomorrow will start the impact. you see the warnings, victoria, corpus christi, bay city, texas, houston in a tropical storm warning. look how far inland they go including san antonio's warning of 20 inches of rain. some of these will not only stick inland but will stay for days on end. that's the issue with this. starts tomorrow and looks like it hits early saturday morning and then you see it not only stay but some of the models have it coming back toward that hot water. up to 25 inches of rain, not a wide swath there but 25 inches locally in the white you've got 12 to 20. green, 6 to 12 and don't forget you also have storm surge. 2 to 7 feet. a lot of that, that small sliver of land. san padre -- south padre island intense weekend ahead. also lots of excitement in massachusetts where the one winning ticket for the massive $758 million powerball jackpot was sold. gio benitez is there, good morning, gio. >> reporter: well, george, good morning. lottery officials made a big mistake. first they told us this was where that ticket was sold many massachusetts. it was actually sold in chickapee, massachusetts an hour and a half to the west of us. but that is where that powerball ticket was sold. let's take a look at the numbers on the screen. play close attention to them. 6, 7, 16, 23, 26 and that powerball 4. you have to see if you have even some of those numbers because there are six $2 million winners and 34 $1 million winners but that lucky big winner will get either $758.7 million over 29 years or a lump sum payout of $480.5 million. so again, that winning ticket was sold in chickapee, massachusetts. if you bought it there, take a look at that ticket george. >> thanks very much. amy with the rest of the rundown. the white house appearing to be moving forward with president trump's proposed ban on transgender people in the military. "the wall street journal" reports a memo calls for the ban to be implemented within six months and defense secretary james mattis will get the final say on the so-called deployability of the thousands of transgender people currently serving to determine whether they should be removed from service. army commanders at ft. benning, georgia, have suspended several drill sergeants accused of assaulting female trainees. investigators were looking into a complaint reported by one trainee when they uncovered several more allegations. in europe, dutch police have taken two men into custody after a terror threat against an american band's concert. california-based allah-las was set to perform in rotterdam. it was canceled. police received a specific tip from spanish police about a threat. one of the men taken into custody was driving a van containing gas canisters. but police now say the van posed no threat. the investigation continues. and a frightening scene in the swiss alps. this massive rockslide forced dozens of people in a town near the italian border to evacuate. the boulders damaged several buildings. eight people remain unaccounted for this morning. actress gwyneth paltrow's company was accused of using deceptive claims. truth in advertising says paltrow's website made unsubstantiated health claims in response goop says it is dead -- dedicated to quality and wants to work with t.i.n.a. but they have provided limited information and arbitrary deadlines. he may just be 6 but a louisiana boy is already a hero. branson lee saw his 2-year-old twin cousins floating in their pool and even though he can't even swim he didn't hesitate, he jumped into the shallow end and pulled them out as fast as he could. >> i went head first and went and picked them out of the water. i was happy the twins were still alive and that didn't happen to them. >> branson yelled for help and soon the twins' mom and dad started cpr. everyone is okay and doctors say specifically if he hadn't pulled them out when he did the twins would not have survived. >> what a scare and what a hero at 6. coming up here scout wars. the boy scouts trying to recruit girls. it has sparked a feud and should boys and girls scout separately. plus, the truth about the trendiest health foods from almond milk to acai bowls. i can they have say that right. are they good for you? guess what, lara is upstairs. >> i'm not alone. cyndi lauper is with us today. so excited. and you may have noticed a supersize "dancing with the stars" ball. who is in there? we have a big surprise and an amazing audience so come on back to "dancing with the stars." are you okay? okay? othbrush really cleans... ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. tand the alzheimer'sf association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. [ cheers and applause ] a big audience here this wednesday morning. welcome to them and all of you. welcome, lara, for "pop news." >> good morning. we begin with this. will ferrell has plans to embark on a brand-new adventure producing and starring in "the 100-year-old man who climbed out the window and disappeared." that is a long title based on a book. he plays allan karlsson, a man who does that, climbs out of the window of his nursing home on his 100th birthday and goes on an adventure. involving a suitcase filled with cash, an elephant and some criminals. the senior has flashbacks of his life interacting with folks like winston churchill and harry s. truman. if this all sounds a little crazy, we agree but the swedish version of this movie earned two academy award nominations and was one of sweden's highest growing movies of all time. >> and will ferrell is fantastic. >> so i'm really looking forward to that and the title just made me laugh. yeah. also in "pop news" this morning, one of our favorites, rod stewart and the pop group dnce joining forces to ask that famous question, do you think i'm sexy? listen up. ♪ and you think i'm sexy come on tell me so ♪ >> isn't it good? >> the new reimagined version of the 1978 classic is set for release this friday. we're also going to get the chance to see rod and dnce in action performing it sunday, the 27th at the mtv vma awards. the original was part of the legendary rocker's album "blonds have more fun" spent four weeks at the top of the charts and dnce must be feeling sexy. they wrote what a pleasure to work with the iconic legend. agreed. looking forward to that as well. all good news today, george. now a little something for you and i. and you maybe. i doubt it but maybe. you know this summer has been like the summer of creative rose consumption. we have told you guys about companies making rose ice pops, of course, froze is everywhere and now one company is delivering summer water as we call it here with a nostalgic spin thanks to electric rose who brings us portable pouchs that look a whole like capri suns for grown-ups. so excited. the pouches are available in packs of six. i won't say it the other way around and, yes, they come with little straws and you can feel really good about drinking your rose from the pouch. the socially conscious brand plans to share proceeds with the charity water to, an organization that provides clean water to people in need. at the moment electric rose pouches are still only available in limited release but you can, trust me, you can find them online. >> drinking for a cause. >> drinking for a cause. i found my calling. >> perfect way to end. thank you so much. now to our "gma" cover story, that feud that's brewing between the girl scouts and the boy scouts. the girl scouts' president writing a letter accusing the boy scouts of covertly trying to recruit girls to boost their declining membership and abc's adrienne bankert is back with more on that story. good morning, adrienne. >> yes, amy, a lot talking about this. good morning. both the boy and girl scouts have lost a third of their membership since the early 2000s and with increased pressure for inclusivity there's a debate over how they might need to change. this morning, a battle of the sexes and the scouts and whether the boy scouts of america should be recruiting girls. do you think it should be coed? >> not exactly. i feel like girls just sometimes want to be like only girls instead of together. >> reporter: the 107-year-old organization tells abc news based on numerous requests from families we've been exploring the benefits of bringing scouting to every member of the family, boys and girls. partly it says to accommodate busy schedules. >> we talked to a lot of families who would love to drop their kids off at one activity and not shoot one here and one there. >> reporter: the recruiting efforts outraging the girls scouts usa writing in a letter to boy scout officials it is unsettling that bsa would seek to upend a paradigm that's served both boys and girls so well through the years by moving forward with a plan that would result in fundamentally undercutting girl scouts. >> i think it's fine. i mean like you should probably change the name. >> reporter: 16-year-old sydney ireland hopes they change soon. she's been fighting for years to be an official boy scout as an honorary member of her brother's troop. over 3 million people have watched her passionate appeal on facebook. >> i think that girls should have the opportunity to join either program. >> reporter: meanwhile, parents have a lot to think about. >> there's a sense of comfort if you see your kid off to camp and it's all boys and girls you don't have to worry about a lot of other factors when they're preteen. >> a lot of other factors indeed and boy scouts said no decisions have been made to become coed and both stand by the benefit of single gender programs. >> we have here with us the author of "enough as she is" an educator at an all girls school in new york city so there are people that think why not have scouts of america. why do we have to delineate boys and girls? where do you stand on the importance of having some sort of single sex organization? >> yeah, i think as an educator we see all the time the importance of girls being with girls and i think my colleagues in boys schools would say the same thing. not so much that they're different but get messages from society about how to act and when girls are around boys and vice versa those messages get louder and often really toxic messages that prevent kids from being themselves. >> what about boys? the benefits of them just being boys and not having girls in the group. >> yeah, i mean i think what happens boys are under pressure from society to be tough and repress their feelings and when girls show up they want to perform a bit more. girls get that message don't rock the boat and don't speak up. when you talk to girls they might say i might not speak up when a boy is around so we need to preserve those spaces for kids that are quiet away from those messages. >> some who say women have been fighting for generations to be let into groups that have been exclusively for men or for boys and some girls who want to break that gender barrier by being a part of the boy scouts in this case, so is there an argument on that level that boy scouts could or should be coed? >> honestly if girls want to be part of boy scouts i think they should be given that option. i don't think this story is about that. i don't think girls are saying i want to be like the boys or even with the boys. i think they are saying i want some of the programs boys get and boy scouts might be thinking about the programs they're giving to all their boys. ultimately this is about are the boy scouts and girl scouts speaking to every kid. >> it is also fair to note we're not seeing boys try to get into the girl scouts because boys are okay to be tomboys but it's not reversed. >> we don't give them permission to do stereo typical girl things and i guarantee you there are some who would love that and should be on the look out for that. >> rachel simmons. thanks so much. we move on to taylor swift's big announcement. her new album "reputation" about to drop and swift sent fans into a frenzy with a post, the first single is out tonight. chris connelly here with the details. >> reporter: good morning, george. only one entertainer could get the eclipse off social media. a new album coming in 2 1/2 month, new single tonight and fans ablaze with anticipation and interest thanks to the announcement of a savvy self-aware artist who knows how to get people to take notice. ♪ we are are never ever ever getting back together ♪ >> reporter: oh, yes, they are. that long-running romance, taylor swift and her public rekindled and ready to reteam once more. ♪ red lips classic >> reporter: the pop unicorn announcing on social media she's got a new single dropping tonight from her next album entitled "reputation" that will be out november 10th. had you heard about that already? of course, you have. when it comes to the art of the drop, taylor swift is its da vinci able to bring the internet to its knees. the only artist ever with three records that sold 1 million copies in the first week of their releases. thrilling her fans as she did with this times square performance. ♪ new york >> reporter: her new song and earlier the ten-time grammy winner wiping her instagram and twitter slates clean posting three brief videos of a snake-like creature all setting off a prairie fire of intrigue and speculation. >> taylor swift does things big and the rollout for this album is certainly no exception. it's a very skillful and deliberate plan. >> reporter: others have hyped their drops, last year kanye west's fashion show at madison square garden. ♪ >> reporter: helped out his "life of pablo" and beyonce's video "lemonade" whetted the beyhive's appetite. now it's her turn with a song sure to spurn and the vmas on sunday, taylor swift's moment is again right now. ♪ and i'll write your name >> well, what it means speaks for itself. numbers speak loudly, 450 million streams in a single week earlier this year and now as shakespeare wrote reputation, reputation, reputation. >> that's what he meant. >> wow. >> chris, thank you. that is not all. we have one more big announcement. tomorrow on "gma," an exclusive sneak peek and swift's brand-new video for the new single tomorrow on "gma." over to ginger. >> wow, that is going to be big. hey, good morning, ryan. he's so cute. we have some big news this morning for "star wars" fans. in anticipation of force friday 2, disney and lucas film have announced a global augmented reality treasure hunt via the "star wars" app called find the force. download the "star wars" app then go to participating retail store, look for the find the force logo and then scan that logo to unlock characters from the new movie. it all starts friday, september 1st but for a sneak peek of a new character from "the last jedi" load the app today. at "good morning america" have some mist for the rest of the morning commute, and afternoon sunshine. a little hazy, even a few clouds around the bay. definitely cloudy around the coast. cloudy tonight, some drizzle and the heat will build through the weekend. today's temperatures mainly in the 70s and 80s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. locked into the 60s along the coast into san francisco. tonight, a cool night. 53 to about 58 degrees. my accuweather >> back now with our series "cracking the code," are trends healthy. but are they? maya feller is here to break it down. we'll ask you to help us out. all right. so we're going to start out with acai bowls. here they are. so the audience, we want to now, some acai bowls, can they have as much -- wait. let me say this statement. some acai bowls have as much sugar as four doughnuts. true or false? let's see what we say here. i think we have kind of a mixed bag so the answer is -- >> true. >> you thought you were being so smart ordering that acai bowl. what is the story? >> so acai berries themselves alone are fantastic full of antioxidants and can be wonderful. >> it's all the other stuff is >> exactly. when we get into that whole bowl mixture it can be a significant amount of sugar and so that's what we want to encourage people to look out for all of that sugar. >> okay, so you heard it hear first and almond milk has become so popular as a dairy alternative. coffee shops. grocery stores. audience, true or false and you at home, everybody, almond milk can contain as much calcium at dairy milk, true or false? and the answer is. more trues, i would say. you think it is true and the answer is -- >> it is true. it's absolutely true. >> good job, audience. >> so with almond milk our main concern is all the additives, added sugars, salts and fats in some of the conventional ones so were thinking about some of the stabilizers, those can cause some adverse health outcomes so tell people steer clear, go for the unsweetened versions. >> those adverse health -- >> yes. >> i did not know that. >> some g.i. distress, a little inflammation. >> okay. good to know. good to know but the calcium is in fact there. here's one i was curious about. activated charcoal. doesn't sound very appealing. lots of people love it. we're seeing a lot of this in everything from supplements as we have here, juices, lattes so, audience, true or false, consuming charcoal -- >> i know, i know. >> consuming charcoal on a daily basis aids digestion, true or false? we have a lot of false. i would say more pause. >> absolutely false. >> it is false. it does not aid -- >> it does not so activated charcoal was originally used in a hospital setting for people who ingested toxins. what it does binds the intestine and helps so that those toxins are not absorbed. what our concern is if you're having it on a day-to-day basis it might just do that with prescription medications as well as vitamins and minerals. >> not going to absorb into your system. >> just the way it was used when it was first used in hospitals. >> how should people use it? >> what we recommend people kind of steer clear of it. we don't know -- >> altogether. >> altogether? we don't know what the outcomes are going to be. >> three important facts. thanks, maya. thank you, audience. wait for it, everybody. coming up on "good morning america," "dancing with the stars," the big pro reveal. who is coming back to the ballroom? look at him. isn't he cute? m. isn't he cute? good morning. i'm je making headlines today marks the third anniversary of the napa earthquake. it struck at 320 in the morning. the historic courthouse and post office are still waiting for repairs. 25 structures were destroyed. now, your morning commute. >> good morning. boy, we we have ramped up. southbound 680, slow crawl through the walnut creek area. no issues, but heavy drive times. westbound 80, 13 minutes. southbound 880 to san jose, 26 and really tough, northbound 280 recovering. 101 to cup tie know is going to take you almost a half hour. first day of school for belmont redwood shores. cloudy. 68 by the end the day. quick look at your commute forecast. small craft advisory on bay. mist still hanging around through 9:00. cool to warm in mass transit. it's going get really hot sunday and monday. >> thank you. we have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes and always and welcome back to "gma." it's thursday morning. >> we are counting down to season 25, 25 of "dancing with the stars," just a few weeks away now and we are revealing the pros this morning. >> starting with lara in front of that mirror ball. >> yes, very small mirror ball. we'll give you a few clues. this former pro is a two-time mirror ball champion. he took two seasons off to get married. oh, and he starred on broadway. any ideas. don't say it. don't say it. the moment we've been waiting for, three, two, one, turn that ball. mark ballas is back, everybody. mwah. come on over. ginger. how are you? >> how are you? [ cheers and applause ] right here? >> good to see you. >> ginger, get over here. you guys danced together. >> hey. hi. it's great to see you if how are you? >> so good, thank you. >> welcome back. >> thanks, man. how are you? >> so happy when i read you were coming back. >> thank you, guys, appreciate it. >> coming back with that wedding ring. >> i know. i know. it's set in stone. >> and to one of the greatest girls in the whole wide world so congratulations. >> it's been an amazing year. >> broadway as well. >> yep, yep, we got married in november last year and at the same time i was playing frankie in "jersey boys" and finished january 15th and did touring and -- >> you couldn't stay away. you're coming back. >> yeah, you know what -- [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. yeah, after a year off you kind of see it with a new light and i missed being creative and miss my friends and, you know, the timing was right. >> did you miss the nuttiness? >> no. i just miss the creative -- i miss the fans. i miss -- that's my favorite part of it so looking forward to being creative and doing what i do best and it's going to be fun. >> they miss you, mark and i have to say you mentioned frankie valli and alexander jean. you were busy with that. i know you have to be in great shape to do dancing. believe me i know and lately your instagrams have been about working out. >> yeah, i started a new workout program. i have this trainer back in l.a., adam, who has been getting me in shape doing a lot of conditioning training, kind of switching it up. i used to do a lot of weights. when i was here doing "jersey boys," i would swim 50 laps a day for breathing exercises but now we're doing a lot of the medicine balls and the weights and he had me dragging 100 pounds around the block the other day. >> because you will be dragging 100 pounds. [ laughter ] more or less. >> yes. >> so as you know today is thursday, throwback thursday, your lucky day, so we'll go back to the beginning and we dug out of the vault your audition tape. >> okay. >> let's take a look. >> let's do it. >> my dancing is -- i'm the rebel. i'm one of the rebels on the floor. i break the rules. i bend the rules but i do it so it's -- so you don't take offense. you find me cheeky and you think, oh, he's cute breaking the rules. >> cheeky. >> oh. >> what are you, like 16? >> i was probably about -- i think i was 19 or 20. >> you were the rebel. >> back then in my abercrombie shirt. >> so you're such a rebel and like to break the rules we would like you to break a rule and tell us who your partner is. >> ah. i can't do that. >> no. >> not that much of a rebel. >> i do know, yes. that would be -- a big reason why i'm here, i think. it's going to be an awesome partnership and that's all i can say. >> and you joked before that you'd like to have your wife as your partner on the show. >> i would. >> you did quite the number at your wedding. any way she would come out on the ballroom floor. >> never say never. she's a singer/songwriter first and for the wedding we were going to stand there and sway back and forth and like a week before she's like let's do something and did this tango and she crushed it. like there's a photo of all of our friends like -- it was pretty amazing to watch. >> she always says she can't dance. >> that's the photo. look at everyone's face. her hand is also in a really questionable place. >> you're married. >> yeah. all our friends' faces are in shock. she's amazing. >> team ballas will be so excited to have you back. two fans are more excited than anyone. we have a message. >> go ahead. >> welcome back. yay. hope you haven't forgotten how to dance now that you're a big broadway star. we love you and i look forward to seeing you on the dance floor. >> ah. [ applause ] >> oh, mark, so good to have you back on the show. i love your vivid imagination and all that fire down below. >> oh, my. >> i hope you're not rusty now that you're a broadway star. >> bruno loves to take his clothes off. >> he does. >> take it all off. >> you're going to be competing against this season -- are you ready? so we have reigning mirror ball champ emma slater is back. >> yay. >> and lindsay arnold. we have keo motsepe. val chmerkovskiy is back in the ballroom. >> hey. >> peta murgatroyd and maks, artem chigvintsev, gleb savchenko, we have sharna burgess and witney carson and stepping up to be a pro for the first time, alan bersten. we're so psyched to have you back. >> it's going to be fun. >> we're looking forward to seeing you again. two more "dancing with the stars" pros will join us live. back now with another pro revealed gearing up for a really exciting season 25. hard to believe and we are -- >> we've seen all the pros but now we have two of them. maks is here, maks chmerkovskiy and the new pro alan joining us from los angeles. so, alan, you're smiling and relaxed. you've filled in before, so how does it feel to be an official pro? >> it feels amazing to finally get my shot. so excited. >> the satellite has a little lag. i got this. >> you know, last season i got a fill-in with heather for maks so it's nice to have maks by my side. helped me walk through my first interview. >> maks is not walking through anything. i gave him advice already. i was like, look, just, you know, do not listen to your inner voice. try to not first say and then think maybe it's the right thing to do and just follow through with that. just maybe cut yourself short and be like, maybe i said something wrong. >> everyone else not to take maks' advice. >> sounds like maks should take maks' advice. >> no, i got to say i'm really proud of alan. it's been, you know, for you, i don't know, technically but a longer journey than most of us the jump from the troupe on to the show. i'm very proud of him and has done a phenomenal job last season standing in with me for heather and heather was not an easy partner to jump in with so i was very proud of him. this is a very well deserved job. >> thank you, maks. >> are you ready to compete against peta? >> that's for you? >> who, me? nobody is competing against anybody. don't instigate, george. let's focus on alan. let's focus on alan. i have a lot of stuff to deal with, so, please, would you just chill and this is going to be a beautiful show and everybody is going to be friends. >> it sounds like there may have been some conversations about how this is all going to work. >> no. no, trust me. no. >> not have a conversation here about it. >> we're excited. we are. we are -- yeah, we had an incredible summer since last season ended we got back into sort of like, you know enjoying shai's moments and every day there's something fascinating that makes you not want to leave the house and how much "dancing with the stars" last season helped both of us, you know, peta, you know, physically and myself as well and us as a sort of family to kind of, you know, it really helped us out and i think coming back this season we're coming back with the same sort of approach. we just want to have fun. we just want to be a sort of family doing stuff together, you know, shai now recognizes certain things and dances to some commercials that just stop him in his tracks and he just starts to wiggle so i want him to do this when he watches mommy and daddy on tv. >> it's not surprising. it's in his dna. listen, we're so psyched. can't wait to see you on the floor and we welcome you both back to the show. >> congratulations, alan. [ cheers and applause ] great job, guys. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> see you in a couple of weeks. outside to ginger. >> love both of them so much. so happy we get them. you know what, you are taking a look at that '80s classic "time after time." that's right. one of cyndi lauper's greatest hits and guess what, we are so excited to have grammy, emmy and tony award winner cyndi lauper right here. >> hello. >> live in times square. >> cyndi, the reaction when you came out was so great, i love watching people react to you. your music has resonated forever, forever changing my life and now with "kinky boots" you wrote the music there -- >> it's going strong. it's in six countries and when it opens in germany it'll be seven. so it's pretty wild. i had such a great time doing that with everybody and i'm going to start working on another one, "working girl." >> "working girl" is next. >> any secrets or tips? how is it going? >> i didn't start yet. >> and, you know, but i'm here today because i partnered up with novartis to bring awareness to psoriasis. i'm 1 of the 7.5 million people with it and i just can't stress enough to not sit in the dark, not sit alone when you're sick, you feel isolated and powerless but information is power so go to and you'll hear my story and other people's stories, what everyone continually says is don't give up, seek the treatment that's right for you but seek the treatment. it's not just a rash. it's an inflammatory thing. >> it's bigger than that. >> and, you know, i was covered from head to toe with it and you know started with my head. ooh, you know, but -- and i felt badly and i didn't give up. i had every kind of crazy treatment and what works for one person isn't going to work for another so write your list out, go to the doctor. >> thank you. >> i'm writing a song for world psoriasis day. >> we have to actually get somewhere else but i'm so glad. >> we have to go. okay. all right. hi, there. i'm meteorologist mike nicco. after a misty start, we'll see hazy sunshine this afternoon. temperatures below average in your 12-hour day planner. my accuweather seven-day forecast, the heat is >> amy, i'm going to stick here with cyndi and head up to you. >> all right. ginger, thanks so much. now to "gma's" getaway guide. helping you plan that final summer trip without breaking the bank. we have jacqui gifford, the travel director of "travel + leisure" and she's here to share some great secrets and the first one is that everyone wants to know which day is the best day to plan your trip or to book your trip. >> do you have any guesses? >> i think it's either tuesday or wednesday. i feel like i heard both. >> it is tuesday, you're right. >> it's tuesday and why is that? >> so airlines start to look at the week ahead and see what fares aren't selling so well and that's when they start to discount so that's when you can get a great deal if get a great deal. also if you decide which days to fly in and out on so what days are those? >> yeah, so let's start. the worst days to fly are fridays and sundays, no surprise. that's when everybody wants to fly. looking for the cheapest fare think about saturday then we've got tuesday. >> okay. >> and wednesday. and the other thing to keep in mind the earliest flights and latest flights will be the cheapest fares out there. again, the least popular types but you'll get a great price. >> about the money you can use those tips. those all make good sense and we have a question here and the audience. rebecca who wants to ask you something. >> hi. my husband and i, we have a lot of miles for the end of summer. should we use cash or miles to book our trip? >> that's a great question. a lot of people like to hold on to their miles. >> you want to see the big number. >> but the reality is you should use them if you have them and airlines say they'll release rewards and keep in mind there could be blackout dates over big holidays. >> we have two weeks left in summer by the way so people want to know where can they go? where are the best deals to be had? >> you want to think outside the box, right. so places that are really popular, beach destinations have probably been sold out so think about big cities, places that have a lot of hotels, it might be their low season so miami, great city. charleston, another one of my favorites. >> amazing city, yes. >> also new york. i mean a lot of people don't think of new york but the reality is it's really popular in the fall. summer you might be able to get a great deal and last up las vegas. >> vegas is good any time of the year, right? >> another one of my favorites. >> any tips on affordable places to stay? >> well, you know what, there is a great app called hotel tonight and it's all about last-minute hotel deals so use it. it's for cities worldwide and of course all these cities right here. >> hotel tonight is easy to remember. jacqui gifford, thanks so much. the former nfl star turned movie star here live in times square. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or your money back. that's 40% off everything coit cleans. call or click today. that's 40% off everything coit cleans. food. water. internet. we need it to live. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. all right. it's time for "good morning america's" drive-in and we have a very special guest joining us. we want to bring him in now. there you go. big welcome to former nfl star now star of a new film called "crown heights," nnamdi asomugha, everybody. >> great to see you. >> coming in style. >> i know. you guys got this for me. >> it's not a parting gift. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you very much for being here. i want to tell everybody about the film called "crown heights." won the audience award at sundance. >> yeah. >> very powerful movie that tells the true story of colin warner wrongly accused of a crime. he spent 21 years in jail. you play his best friend who spent all that have time working so hard to get him out. >> yeah. >> let's take a look. >> why you keep wasting your time on me? >> that's not just about you. it's bigger than that. it could be me in here. >> there's a little sneak peek of "crown heights" and i know, nnamdi, you said this hit close to home, this role. >> yeah, it did for me when i was a kid i was arrested twice, both times for things i didn't do so i felt like playing him i could have a voice for the issue and i'm doing that now. >> carl king is the best friend who fights so hard for his friend wrongly accused put in jail but it wasn't -- you didn't want to play carl. you wanted to play the lead. >> i wanted to play the lead. it was the meaty role. >> you got to go for it? but our director matt rushkin said i know you're a football player and not an actor, so, no, no, it's not happening then i asked if i could play carl and like a month later he let me audition so -- >> this whole acting thing is pretty -- a remarkable story, if you will. if you dream it, you can have it. this guy, 11 seasons in the nfl, all pro player. doing a nike commercial and essentially you get discovered. >> yeah, the nike commercial. finished doing it. went back to my trailer and the director said i think you're really gifted, you should look into this when you finish playing and i'm like, okay and three months later i get a call from my agent saying that director wants to put you in his tv show and he said the tv show is "friday night lights." >> oh, that little thing. >> the director peter berg, one of those moments that pushed me into it. >> you got to believe in faith in those moments. >> yeah. >> you're a football player with a really great career. how do you think the nfl has prepared you for life in hollywood as both a producer and an actor? >> it's prepared me in a lot of ways. i think just the preparation that it takes to be good at anything. i think bringing that from the nfl to acting, i think, is huge and then just the ups and downs you go through in front of the public, you know, just makes your skin thick and that's what you need. >> thick skin, absolutely. would you give your wife kerry washington from "scandal" a big, giant hug from her number one gladiator. >> i will. >> congratulations on "crown heights." awesome to have you here. enjoy the ride. >> do i get to keep this? >> "crown heights" in select theaters and part of the proceeds go to the innocence project so check it out and we'll be right back. >> are you getting in or am i the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. >> announcer: tomorrow want a summertime party in the park? well, here we go because paramore is taking over the morning and central park live. tomorrow only on "good morning america" presented by king's hawaiian. "good morning america" is brought to you by prudential. >> thanks for watching, everyone. have a great thursday. >> bye-bye. >> friday eve. good morning. mike, it's pretty gray out there. is it going to get better. >> it will get brighter. mostly cloudy at the coast, but sunny inland. 50s and 60s until you get to brentwood. temperature, 60s half moon bay. 70s for the rest of the bay. 80ness the north bay and inland east bay. it's dwoik get hot. hottest days will be sunday and monday. >> we've got a handful of issues working now in a low of slow spots. we are ending the commute busy today. here's 280 and 17 in san jose. three separate incidents. and quick check of drive times. not terrible. central valley, northbound 101 in the red at 38. >> thank you. time now for live with kelly and ryan.

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Louisiana , United States , Park Well , Arizona , Nevada , Razorback , Central Valley , New York , California , San Francisco , Mexico , Green Mountain , Colorado , New Orleans , Netherlands , Massachusetts , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Guinea , Italy , Switzerland , Spain , Bay City , Texas , Land San , Norbotten , Sweden , Miami , Florida , Georgia , Missouri , Washington , Rotterdam , Zuid Holland , Colombia , San Antonio , Togo , Reno , Cape Cod , Denver , Germany , Jersey , Oklahoma , Tennessee , New Jersey , Redwood Shores , West Windsor , Phoenix , Houston , Crown Heights , Italian , Spanish , Dutch , Swiss , American , Chris Connelly , King Hawaiian , Gwyneth Paltrow , Josh Hamilton , Jenny Jones , America , Matt Dowd , Witney Carson , Jacqui Gifford , Carl King , Los Angeles , Boris Calvo , Jonathan Schmitz , Victor Oquendo , Joe Arpaio , Cyndi Lauper , Square Cyndi , Branson Lee , Keo Motsepe , Christi Matt , Allan Karlsson , Peter Berg , Jon Karl , Mitch Mcconnell , Rachel Simmons , Lindsay Arnold , Paul Ryan , Emma Slater ,

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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170824 :

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170824

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dozens of million-dollar winning tickets still out there. ♪ i'm on the edge >> and gone! >> and the dodgers' dream of a perfect game going, going, gone. nine innings of no hits destroyed by this walk-off home run. >> and gone! >> could this cover have been their jinx? and good morning, america. there is a lot of news to get to this morning. we want to get right to that hurricane watch. it's happening on the gulf coast. take a look at this image from nasa. that is tropical storm harvey from space. it's massive. >> and it is gaining strength right now. evacuations under way in some parts of texas preparing for the worst, they're stocking up on supplies. we want to go right to ginger tracking the storm. good morning. >> they are right to prepare for the worst. this will be a heavy rain event and flooding that could impact life and property. we could lose both this weekend. let me take you to tropical storm harvey that formed overnight or redeveloped, and you can see it's about 300 miles south and east of brownsville, max-sustained winds right now, 45 miles per hour, moving north at 10 miles per hour. there are hurricane watches, tropical storm warnings and a hurricane warning for a large area in southeast texas, but this flood watch extends tnisan rain. we have to get to the track in a couple of moments. but first, our matt gutman already standing in water this morning in corpus christi. matt. >> reporter: hey, good morning, ginger. the major story is water temperature. check this out. the water here, 87 degrees. like a bathtub. and that's some of the warmest in the world and it's turbocharging this storm, and all morning long we've been getting urgent alerts on our phone about a hurricane warning. texas is very much on its toes right now. this morning, texas declaring a state of disaster with cities along a 600-mile stretch of the gulf of mexico bracing for catastrophic rainfall. >> we need people to be aware. >> reporter: harvey churning towards the texas gulf coast upgraded to a tropical storm overnight. major cities including houston and san antonio forecast for a deluge of over a foot of rain from this storm, plus potentially devastating storm surge. >> we're going to have coastal flooding. >> all of our bayous and creeks would be potentially a problem. with this type of rainfall. >> reporter: residents in the lone star state emptying shelves. many stores selling out of basics including water. >> some of the essentials. >> water and food and batteries. >> just getting ready for it. >> reporter: city officials and emergency responders preparing for the worst this morning. local law enforcement practicing for potential helicopter rescues. college campuses under mandatory evacuations and drivers warned to avoid the roads as main thoroughfares are shut down. there are potentially 12,000 students locked out of university. and the concern stretches 550 miles away to new orleans where they fear that the pumps there may not be able to handle this deluge of water. ginger. >> matt, thank you. so much to talk about here. but we have to go to the track and the timing. i know that's important to everyone so, as it gets going the next 24 hours, we should see this become a category 1 hurricane and it makes landfall sometime early saturday morning, just south of corpus christi in this latest track. then it sits around and that's going to be the problem. it does not move much and that's where you're going to end up getting significant rainfall. some of the warnings have up to 25 inches locally. a wide swath of 8 to 15 inches and you can see it goes all the way as matt was saying up through louisiana. storm surge, two to seven feet. huge waves that we will talk about in just a bit and, guys, this is going to be a big storm, not just because of the storm surge but because of that rain, much like tropical storm allison. look at these images from 2001. this was only in quotes a tropical storm but if we remember, there were $5 billion in damage, more than 20 people dead. 30,000 homes in houston lost because of the rain, george. >> boy, a rough weekend coming for the gulf. okay, ginger, thanks very much. now to the big powerball winner. one ticket holding the key to that more than $750 million jackpot. it is the largest prize ever won by a single ticket and it was purchased in massachusetts. abc's gio benitez is in the lucky state. good morning, gio. >> reporter: we got quite the plot twist. because lottery officials initially told us that this was the store that sold the winning lottery ticket. but it turned out it's a totally different store. it's actually in western massachusetts. someone in western massachusetts has that $758 million jackpot ticket. take a look at these numbers. the winning ticket at the store hit all of the winning numbers, 6, 7, 16, 23, 26 and of course that powerball 4. now that lucky winner can either get the $758 million over 29 years or a lump sum payout of $480.5 million. the drawing came after a last-minute rush of sales. sales here in massachusetts were $10,000 per minute and over in texas, we're talking about more than $60,000 per minute. this would be now the fourth time that a winning ticket was sold here in massachusetts. so, again -- amy. >> you should look at your ticket. because there are a lot of millionaires waking up this morning. and they might not even know it yet, correct? >> reporter: that's right and you got to look at that ticket. even scan it at the store to make sure that you don't have one, but there are six $2 million prizes right now and there are 34 $1 million prizes right now. so i'm going to go look at that ticket because i don't think i looked at it close enough. >> i'm texting my husband right now, gio. all right, thank you. george. >> good luck to both of you. we're going to get the latest from president trump back at the white house after a western tour marked by striking shifts in tone. first, that fiery attack on the media and fellow republicans in phoenix, and then a call for unity and healing in reno. our chief white house correspondent jon karl has the story. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. it was a defiant two-day trip out west where the president aimed some of his harshest attacks at fellow republicans. as the president returned to the white house overnight, he ignored questions on whether he plans to pardon controversial sheriff joe arpaio. on his trip out west, the president did a political version of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde. after tuesday's 75-minute diatribe against his critics. >> i always hear about the elite. they're elite. i went to better schools than they did. i was a better student than they were. i live in a bigger, more beautiful apartment and i live in the white house too, which is really great. >> reporter: on wednesday, he talked of love and unity. >> it is time to heal the wounds that divide us and to seek a new unity based on the common values that unite us. >> reporter: the two speeches just hours apart were shockingly different in tone. >> we are defined by our shared humanity, by our citizenship in this magnificent nation. >> i really think they don't like our country. i really believe that. and by the love that fills our hearts. >> i hit them with neo-nazi. i hit them with everything. >> reporter: in arizona, the president also lashed out at the state's two republican senators. prompting the speaker of the house to issue a plea for republican unity instead. >> i think the president feels that's a strategy that works for him. i would just say i think it's important we all stay unified. >> reporter: in arizona, the president also threatened a government shutdown if congress does not fund his border wall, that is something that is not sitting well with fellow republicans. paul ryan said, nobody wants a shutdown and mitch mcconnell put out a statement saying he has a good relationship with the president saying, quote, we are working together to develop tax reform and infrastructure legislation to grow the economy and create jobs to prevent a government default and fund the government so we can advance our priorities in the short and long terms. but, george, you'll notice in that statement, no mention of the border wall and i am told that mcconnell and the president have not spoken in more than two weeks and their last conversation was a tense phone call where the president was essentially shouting at mcconnell over the russia investigation. >> tense times in that showdown looming fast. okay, jon, stand by. we also saw yesterday hillary clinton speaking out, an excerpt of her book coming out in september where she talks about that moment in the debate with donald trump where he was looming behind her. let's listen. >> well, what would you do? do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space? or do you look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly, back up, you creep, get away from me. i know you love to intimidate women but you can't intimidate me, so back up. >> she might wish now she had said that but this book is going to be coming out in september when all these other big issues are hitting. >> reporter: absolutely. it shows she will not hold back and, george, and the president hasn't held back. he sometimes attacks hillary clinton so harshly and so regularly that it seems like the campaign was never over. never ended. >> thanks very much. let's bring in matt dowd for more on all this. matt, yesterday you talked about jekyll and hyde, president trump, and one of the things we're seeing, the public, at least, in the most recent poll, the quinnipiac poll out this morning, showed by 62%-31%, 2-1 margin the public believes that president trump is a divider, not a uniter. >> george, i think this is a huge problem on two fronts, first politically for the president. the american public does not see him at all in any way as a moral leader that can unite the country. that's a problem for him but for the country. you and i talked before the inauguration and i said to you, i thought we were at as great a divide in our country as we were entering the civil war and if we're in that situation today, and don't have a president the american public trusts, then we have a huge problem getting to the common good. and if we can't get to the common good, then our democracy becomes very problematic. >> even less likely to get to the common good to come to unity if in september we have a government shutdown and maybe even a default on our debt. >> well, yeah, that goes straight to donald trump's vulnerability, which was he was a businessman. he's going to make government work. he's going to bring people together and he's going to do all the things and make it like a business, and if we go at a situation and the government is shut down because of threats from the president, it even makes it harder to move forward. >> okay, matt dowd, thanks very much. new developments into the investigation into what caused u.s. officials to fall ill in cuba. we are now learning more about what may have led to hearing and memory loss and whether it involved a sonic attack. abc's victor oquendo is in miami with all of those details. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, amy. some of those officials were medically evacuated right here to miami for immediate treatment. this happened months ago, but the investigation is still very much ongoing. this morning, troubling new information about those american officials working in havana, cuba, who suddenly fell ill. >> yes, there is a pattern taking place here. yes, there is something -- there is something going on. >> reporter: but the u.s. government doesn't know exactly what happened or who was behind it, and now several government agencies including the fbi are on the ground in havana to find out why at least ten american staff members and their families started experiences strange and severe physical symptoms in late 2016, including hearing loss and according to our miami station wplg, memory loss, loss of balance and vision issues. sources telling abc they appeared to have been targeted by a sonic device that produced inaudible and audible booms, impossible to hear with the human ear much like a dog whistle. >> tony, are you there? >> reporter: it sounds like something out of a hollywood movie, not even iron man was a match for this sonic device but in real life they can cause permanent damage. >> if this is a type of weapon, the type of device that could be used in other places, i think there's real reason for the state department to be concerned about our diplomats in other countries where we have tense relations. >> reporter: while the investigation deepens those american officials who have returned home are being treated and closely monitored by doctors. >> those incidents have caused a variety of physical symptoms. not everyone has experienced the same type of symptoms. >> reporter: cuba denying any involvement but in response the u.s. expelled two cuban diplomats from washington, d.c. according to the state department, there are american staff members who chose to stay and continue working in havana and for them medical professionals were brought in for an evaluation. amy. >> all right, victor, thank you. we appreciate it. now to a protest on the doorstep of the national football league. more than 1,000 supporters of quarterback colin kaepernick rallied outside league headquarters on wednesday. they claim kaepernick who remains unsigned this year has been blacklisted for taking a stand against police brutality kneeling during the national anthem. his supporters are demanding the league pass a rule that would protect players from any retaliatory actions resulting from personal protests. but critics say it's kaepernick's performance on the field that's to blame for his lack of a job this season, not his protest. george. >> thank you. there are new questions now about how beach towns are protecting their shores after images like this, sharks hunting fish near the hamptons, and there's been a recent surge in sightings at cape cod with one politician recommending dramatic action. abc's eva pilgrim is here with the story. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, george. it's not that anyone wants to see in the water with them at the beach, that fin sticking out. fatal shark attacks are rare but recent great white shark encounters have some wanting to take drastic measures to keep people safe. this morning, a controversial proposal in massachusetts to protect packed end of summer beaches from sharks prompted in part by two close encounters just this week. monday, just feet from swimmers on this cape cod beach, a great white shark was caught on tape attacking a seal. listen as the beachgoers panic. screaming, running out of the water. >> i heard a lot of screaming and yelling. >> reporter: then yesterday another shark. >> there's my board. there's the teeth. >> reporter: taking a bite out of this paddleboard at a beach a few miles away. the man unharmed by the shark. >> it actually launched him in the air and got right back up on his paddleboard and paddled to the shore. >> reporter: both beaches briefly closed but for some the encounters too close for comfort, coming after a summer filled with terrifying images of beachgoers getting uncomfortably close to the endangered predators. in may, dozens of great whites surrounding a paddleboarder in california. >> you are paddleboarding next to approximately 15 great white sharks. >> reporter: in cape cod, a county official saying it is only a matter of time before someone's child is killed and proposing a controversial strategy to mitigate the threat. his plan, to toss baited drum lines near beach destinations using hooks to catch and kill them. the backlash, fierce. experts saying the idea is ill-considered. indiscriminate and will not influence beach safety. now, what freaks us out, scientists say that sharks being in the area is actually a sign of a healthy ecosystem. they're there to feed, not on us but on the seals, and in both of those cases in massachusetts there were seals in the water nearby. >> that explains it. thanks very much. >> thank you, eva. there is the saying i think we've all heard it, there is no crying in baseball. but do not tell that to fans in los angeles this morning. dodgers pitcher rich hill was throwing a perfect game into the ninth inning last night until an error dashed his hopes, still, he had his shot to earn that no-hitter as the game entered the tenth inning but hill threw one bad pitch, oh, and the pirates' josh hamilton launched it over the fence for that home run and cost the dodgers the game. hill later played down the drama simply saying looking forward to tomorrow, and he said just keep working, keep getting it done and keep moving forward. >> good for him but nine-inning no-hitter and loses. let's go back to ginger with more on that tropical storm. >> tropical storm harvey, we said major impact will be heavy rain and flooding but watch this. we know in a tropical storm or hurricane as it will become water piles up in front of it. look, from south padre island up to galveston, storm surge and up to 14-foot waves. have some mist for the rest of the morning commute, and afternoon sunshine. a little hazy, even a few clouds around the bay. definitely cloudy around the coast. cloudy tonight, some drizzle and the heat will build through the weekend. today's temperatures mainly in the 70s and 80s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. locked into the 60s along the coast into san francisco. tonight, a cool night. 53 to about 58 degrees. my accuweather and coming up, a high school under investigation after disturbing video appears to show cheerleaders being forced into splits. plus, the new warning for parents. a possible hidden danger in those popular apps your children are using. what one dad says he found on his daughter's phone. you're going to want to stay tuned for this one. tay tuned for this one. when it comes to reducing the sugar in your family's diet coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi hear you and we're working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. has complete one-coat coverage. by sherwin-williams and it's also stain resistant. how stain resistant? this stain resistant. and, it's also scrubbable. so scrubbable. it has complete one-coat coverage. and it's oh-so durable. this durable. infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwin-williams. get $10 to $40 off now through september 6th. available at lowe's. can i have a peanut butter sandwich? can charlie have one, too? charlie can have one too. one for charlie. 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let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. advil liqui-gels minis. our first concentrated pill that rushes powerful relief. a small new size that's fast, cause it's liquid. woohoo! you'll ask, what pain? new advil liqui-gels minis. and we have a winner. you're looking at the winning powerball numbers for that jackpot, worth more than $750 million. the largest prize won by a single ticket ever. it was bought in massachusetts. guess what, there are other winners out there, at least 40 other tickets won at least a million-dollar each. >> also right now, the south is on hurricane watch as tropical storm harvey gains strength closing in on the texas coastline. the texas governor preemptively declared a state of disaster and people there are bracing for the storm stocking up on supplies, some evacuating. and president trump is back at the white house this morning after those speeches out west showed a striking shift in tone, first attacking the media and his own party in phoenix, then calling for unity in nevada as the threat of a government shutdown looms. but we begin with new developments in the talk show murder gripping the nation more than 20 years ago, remember the man who killed an acquaintance after an incident on "the jenny jones show." well, now, he's out of prison and abc's linsey davis is here with more on that story. >> reporter: good morning. people in the live studio audience howled with laughter at the time. a secret gay crush revealed on "the jenny jones show" but the joke was short-lived. three days later it ended in murder and on tuesday the man who pulled the trigger walked out of jail a free man. >> you're john. >> reporter: 22 years after murdering a male friend who appeared on a daytime talk show claiming to have a crush on him, jonathan schmitz is a free man this morning. >> which of these would you choose to reveal your secret crush on someone? >> reporter: it was one of the most famous television scandals of all time, the 1995 episode of "the jenny jones show" about secret crushes so explosive it never aired. >> "a," would you write that person a letter, "b," would you tell the person in private in case he rejects you or, "c," would you tell that person that you're gay and you hope he is on national television? >> reporter: one of the guests, scott amedure, announced on the show he had romantic feelings for his friend jonathan schmitz. >> well, guess what, it's scott that has the crush on you. >> you lied to me. >> did you have any idea that he liked you this much? >> no, no. no, i did not. >> can you tell us what your status is? are you involved with anybody? >> no, but i'm definitely a heterosexual. >> reporter: three days later, schmitz shot amedure in cold blood after a night of drinking, telling police he was embarrassed by what happened on the show. now 20 years later, schmitz has been released from jail. a parole board on tuesday let him out early for good behavior. >> did he get what he deserved? i don't know. should he be in there longer? does he need more help? i don't know but he's not the only person that i blame for my brother's death. >> reporter: amedure's brother is now speaking out, saying he believes the show's producers were as much to blame for his brother's death as schmitz. >> the man told the producers that he wouldn't want to appear on the show if his admirer were a man. >> reporter: in 1999, in a very public trial against the show in which jones herself took the stand for several days. >> it's not my intent to embarrass anyone on the show. >> reporter: a jury awarded amedure's family $25 million. that ruling was later reversed. >> if my brother knew that schmitz felt the way he did before this happened, he wouldn't have gone on the show. i'm sure of it. >> reporter: schmitz was sentenced to 25 to 50 years in jail. so some are now shocked he's free. chief among them the victim's brother who's told reporters that he's not sure that schmitz learned what he should have while he was in prison and he says he hopes that good behavior wasn't the parole board's only decision. >> all right. well, linsey, thanks so much for that. we appreciate that. >> thanks. we want to turn to that high school under investigation after a video appeared to show cheerleaders being forced into splits, you see it right there. the coach and principal placed on leave and abc's adrienne bankert is here with the story. >> george, it's video that is so upsetting it makes you cringe or sick to your stomach. this young woman writhing in pain as her cheer coach and teammates hold her down. again, we want to warn families this is hard to watch. cheerleading can be the epitome of grace in motion but, as the difficulty of maneuvers increase, catastrophic injuries caused by the sport multiply. >> oh, man. >> reporter: second only to football with almost 40,000 cheerleaders rushed to the emergency room each year. this morning, five employees of the denver public school system suspended after this disturbing video came to light. >> stop. >> reporter: ally wakefield was at cheerleading camp when she was pinned down by coaches and teammates forced to do elevated splits. she can be heard saying please stop nine times in the 24-second video. >> he was pushing down on the back of my right leg. he was pushing like with his other knee on my back. it was tearing my ligament and my muscle at the same time. >> reporter: one of the men suspended, cheerleading coach ozell williams, seen in this video, he is somewhat of a local celebrity known for his tumbling skills at local pro sporting events. several other cheerleaders from the same school have also said they were forced into situations like ally's. >> this is a grown man pushing my 13-year-old girl so hard against her will. >> reporter: this isn't the first time a cheer coach has gone too far. in tennessee, as a cheerleader was tumbling across the court, a respected coach was fired for appearing to trip the competitor midtumble. although the coach denied the allegations. there is no question about the health concerns associated with the sport. >> it's been over a year and i still have headaches, you know, 60, 70% of the day. >> reporter: katelyn was forced to quit the sport after suffering five concussions. ally wakefield does not want to be one of those casualties. >> i shouldn't have been to afraid of high school cheerleading. >> reporter: again, we don't have any comment from the coaches or the staff. the principal, the vice principal who have been put on leave in defense of these actions but apparently, there have been complaints filed by other parents over the last few months. in all, five employees placed on the leave and the superintendent saying as the father of two teenage girls the video is extremely distressing and not in line with the values of the school district. george, amy. >> hard to understand how that could happen. >> adrienne, thank you. coming up next here on "gma," the new warning for parents. a possible hidden danger in the very popular apps your child is probably using that could be putting them at risk. a father speaking out about what happened to his 7-year-old daughter. if you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go? 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>> that's right. you know, a lot of these apps are changing their features and some of those features are including this peer-to-peer communication where as you said strangers can talk to your children unbeknownst to you. the best way, and we tell parents, is know the technology. and the best way to do that is to get on these apps with your kids, figure out how the features work and make sure it's right for your child. >> and it's a shocking thing when you see all of a sudden your child messaging someone and they don't even have a phone like who are you talking to. there are parental controls. talk about how those work. >> well, we definitely recommend for parents to use the parental controls and many of these platforms do have them. they don't want this exploitation to happen on their networks, you know, the internet has changed life for the better and so many different ways but it's also created new ways to exploit children and those parental controls are really there for parents to be able to make sure their kids are staying safe on these apps. >> and callahan, obviously kids are downloading new apps every day so you might not have a chance to go in for those parental controls when they're downloading these. what do you say to your children? what's the conversation that needs to happen? >> well, there's plenty of tips that we give to parents but first, the setting of ground rules and sticking to them. also, having ongoing conversations with your kids about safety. you want to empower them to make these safe and smart decisions on their own and also look for teachable moments. something concerning pops up use that to empower your children. teach them how to stay safe. the national center for missing & exploited children has great child safety education programs, netsmarts, in fact, a great way to teach kids to be safe online. >> and parents have to teach themselves first, callahan, thanks so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> sounds like you had one of those. >> we did, indeed. >> got something out of it. coming up on our big board, could we be heading toward the end of high school football. the new safety concerns and why some high schools are dropping their programs altogether. somewhere along of self-discovery: a breakthrough. ♪ it's in our nature to need each other. ♪ how'd we rethink light yogurt? 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(avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 outbacks. ends august 31. back with today's big board. new concerns about the safety of high school football just as the season is getting started. >> some schools are dropping their programs. one in new jersey shutting down their varsity team and now there are questions about whether this is part of a bigger nationwide trend and t.j. holmes joins us now. tell us what's going on. >> well, west windsor plains borough north is the school you're talking about will not have a varsity football season. gone? why? kids aren't signing up to play football so the superintendent put out a statement saying we can't risk it undermanned and undersized. so, if you're undermanned that means you don't have enough players and have to play phelps and defense or you might have to move up 14 and 15-year-olds to go to varsity. that puts you at risk as well so kids just aren't signing up and it has to do with demographics and it has something with money and also all of these concussion stories coming out of the nfl. >> there are big regional differences. >> you go up to a place like michigan, where they've lost almost 60 teams have been cut there over the past five years, places like missouri, as well, but then you look at places like arkansas and oklahoma and florida, where they have added 150 teams over the past five years between those three states so we talk about demographics, where in some places like the school in new jersey, 60% of the school asian and indian-american. their family doesn't know the culture. they don't want to play taking the concussions and places like arkansas where every newborn has a swaddle blanket and plush toy with a razorback on it. >> fabric of the south. >> it makes a difference. >> all right, thanks so much. coming up, scout wars. the new feud brewing, are boy scouts trying to recruit girls? 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back here on "gma" we just back here on "gma" we just got an update. from the national hurricane center -- i'm sorry, it's still tropical storm harvey but it's nearing hurricane status and it should be within 24 hours so it's moving north-northwest at 10 miles per hour and look at where it makes landfall early saturday morning right near corpus christi. the harshest winds on the right side. up to 25 inches of rain locally in that white area. "good morning america" is brought to you by the capital one "good morning america" is brought to you by the capital one venture card. what's in your wallet? wallet? good morning to you. the controversial rally this weekend in san francisco is causing businesses to close their doors. they say it's for safety reasons in case the right wing demonstrations turn violent. the rally's permit was issued yesterday and came with with 26 conditions including no firearms. let's get to mike. hi, mike. >> we'll talk about mt. pleasant school district. 60 degrees and cloudy. 82 in sunshine. as we head into the afternoon hours and one more, pacifica school district, 66. not much of a change. >> all right, it took a while, but we have ramped up and we're looking at heavy virtuvolumes. northbound 280, got rid of the first problem, the crash at saratoga. so some major delays. for several miles. >> thank you. coming up, "dancing with the stars" for the new season that's next on gma. join us the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. hurricane watch. tropical storm harvey picking up strength in the gulf of mexico taking aim at texas with life-threatening flooding and storm surges. people bracing for the worst. schools evacuating shelves, and we're tracking the path. the new warnings just ahead. jackpot. the winning $758 million powerball ticket sold. the largest prize ever won by a single ticket. how you could still be a millionaire. dozens of million dollar winning tickets still out there. taylor swift is back with a big reveal. addressing the bad blood with a new "reputation" announcing her highly anticipated new album plus the exclusive announcement we have this morning that will spark fans' wildest dreams. scout wars. are the boy scouts trying to steal girls from the girl scouts? now the girl scouts are fighting back trying to keep all girls together. are same-sex groups a valued tradition or are they holding kids back? ♪ and the countdown to "dancing with the stars" is on. we are revealing the pros this morning and which pro is announcing a return to the ballroom right here in times square as we say good morning, america. ♪ and good morning, america. happy thursday. august is winding down which means we're gearing up for a new season of "dancing with the stars" and take a look at this. this is going to be the mystery pro making a comeback. that is definitely him. he's here live this morning. >> a big reveal but in the mean time gwyneth paltrow's company under fire. the new claim that the company is being deceptive to sell products. we'll have much more on that in just a bit. first the top story in our morning rundown. emergency preparations under way in texas. tropical storm harvey is expected to strengthen into a hurricane and ginger is tracking it all. >> george, we just got brand-new information from the national hurricane center, an update on tropical storm harvey. now 60-mile-per-hour max sustained winds moving north-northwest at ten miles per hour, less than 300 miles south and east of brownsville, texas. tomorrow will start the impact. you see the warnings, victoria, corpus christi, bay city, texas, houston in a tropical storm warning. look how far inland they go including san antonio's warning of 20 inches of rain. some of these will not only stick inland but will stay for days on end. that's the issue with this. starts tomorrow and looks like it hits early saturday morning and then you see it not only stay but some of the models have it coming back toward that hot water. up to 25 inches of rain, not a wide swath there but 25 inches locally in the white you've got 12 to 20. green, 6 to 12 and don't forget you also have storm surge. 2 to 7 feet. a lot of that, that small sliver of land. san padre -- south padre island intense weekend ahead. also lots of excitement in massachusetts where the one winning ticket for the massive $758 million powerball jackpot was sold. gio benitez is there, good morning, gio. >> reporter: well, george, good morning. lottery officials made a big mistake. first they told us this was where that ticket was sold many massachusetts. it was actually sold in chickapee, massachusetts an hour and a half to the west of us. but that is where that powerball ticket was sold. let's take a look at the numbers on the screen. play close attention to them. 6, 7, 16, 23, 26 and that powerball 4. you have to see if you have even some of those numbers because there are six $2 million winners and 34 $1 million winners but that lucky big winner will get either $758.7 million over 29 years or a lump sum payout of $480.5 million. so again, that winning ticket was sold in chickapee, massachusetts. if you bought it there, take a look at that ticket george. >> thanks very much. amy with the rest of the rundown. the white house appearing to be moving forward with president trump's proposed ban on transgender people in the military. "the wall street journal" reports a memo calls for the ban to be implemented within six months and defense secretary james mattis will get the final say on the so-called deployability of the thousands of transgender people currently serving to determine whether they should be removed from service. army commanders at ft. benning, georgia, have suspended several drill sergeants accused of assaulting female trainees. investigators were looking into a complaint reported by one trainee when they uncovered several more allegations. in europe, dutch police have taken two men into custody after a terror threat against an american band's concert. california-based allah-las was set to perform in rotterdam. it was canceled. police received a specific tip from spanish police about a threat. one of the men taken into custody was driving a van containing gas canisters. but police now say the van posed no threat. the investigation continues. and a frightening scene in the swiss alps. this massive rockslide forced dozens of people in a town near the italian border to evacuate. the boulders damaged several buildings. eight people remain unaccounted for this morning. actress gwyneth paltrow's company was accused of using deceptive claims. truth in advertising says paltrow's website made unsubstantiated health claims in response goop says it is dead -- dedicated to quality and wants to work with t.i.n.a. but they have provided limited information and arbitrary deadlines. he may just be 6 but a louisiana boy is already a hero. branson lee saw his 2-year-old twin cousins floating in their pool and even though he can't even swim he didn't hesitate, he jumped into the shallow end and pulled them out as fast as he could. >> i went head first and went and picked them out of the water. i was happy the twins were still alive and that didn't happen to them. >> branson yelled for help and soon the twins' mom and dad started cpr. everyone is okay and doctors say specifically if he hadn't pulled them out when he did the twins would not have survived. >> what a scare and what a hero at 6. coming up here scout wars. the boy scouts trying to recruit girls. it has sparked a feud and should boys and girls scout separately. plus, the truth about the trendiest health foods from almond milk to acai bowls. i can they have say that right. are they good for you? guess what, lara is upstairs. >> i'm not alone. cyndi lauper is with us today. so excited. and you may have noticed a supersize "dancing with the stars" ball. who is in there? we have a big surprise and an amazing audience so come on back to "dancing with the stars." are you okay? okay? othbrush really cleans... ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. tand the alzheimer'sf association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. [ cheers and applause ] a big audience here this wednesday morning. welcome to them and all of you. welcome, lara, for "pop news." >> good morning. we begin with this. will ferrell has plans to embark on a brand-new adventure producing and starring in "the 100-year-old man who climbed out the window and disappeared." that is a long title based on a book. he plays allan karlsson, a man who does that, climbs out of the window of his nursing home on his 100th birthday and goes on an adventure. involving a suitcase filled with cash, an elephant and some criminals. the senior has flashbacks of his life interacting with folks like winston churchill and harry s. truman. if this all sounds a little crazy, we agree but the swedish version of this movie earned two academy award nominations and was one of sweden's highest growing movies of all time. >> and will ferrell is fantastic. >> so i'm really looking forward to that and the title just made me laugh. yeah. also in "pop news" this morning, one of our favorites, rod stewart and the pop group dnce joining forces to ask that famous question, do you think i'm sexy? listen up. ♪ and you think i'm sexy come on tell me so ♪ >> isn't it good? >> the new reimagined version of the 1978 classic is set for release this friday. we're also going to get the chance to see rod and dnce in action performing it sunday, the 27th at the mtv vma awards. the original was part of the legendary rocker's album "blonds have more fun" spent four weeks at the top of the charts and dnce must be feeling sexy. they wrote what a pleasure to work with the iconic legend. agreed. looking forward to that as well. all good news today, george. now a little something for you and i. and you maybe. i doubt it but maybe. you know this summer has been like the summer of creative rose consumption. we have told you guys about companies making rose ice pops, of course, froze is everywhere and now one company is delivering summer water as we call it here with a nostalgic spin thanks to electric rose who brings us portable pouchs that look a whole like capri suns for grown-ups. so excited. the pouches are available in packs of six. i won't say it the other way around and, yes, they come with little straws and you can feel really good about drinking your rose from the pouch. the socially conscious brand plans to share proceeds with the charity water to, an organization that provides clean water to people in need. at the moment electric rose pouches are still only available in limited release but you can, trust me, you can find them online. >> drinking for a cause. >> drinking for a cause. i found my calling. >> perfect way to end. thank you so much. now to our "gma" cover story, that feud that's brewing between the girl scouts and the boy scouts. the girl scouts' president writing a letter accusing the boy scouts of covertly trying to recruit girls to boost their declining membership and abc's adrienne bankert is back with more on that story. good morning, adrienne. >> yes, amy, a lot talking about this. good morning. both the boy and girl scouts have lost a third of their membership since the early 2000s and with increased pressure for inclusivity there's a debate over how they might need to change. this morning, a battle of the sexes and the scouts and whether the boy scouts of america should be recruiting girls. do you think it should be coed? >> not exactly. i feel like girls just sometimes want to be like only girls instead of together. >> reporter: the 107-year-old organization tells abc news based on numerous requests from families we've been exploring the benefits of bringing scouting to every member of the family, boys and girls. partly it says to accommodate busy schedules. >> we talked to a lot of families who would love to drop their kids off at one activity and not shoot one here and one there. >> reporter: the recruiting efforts outraging the girls scouts usa writing in a letter to boy scout officials it is unsettling that bsa would seek to upend a paradigm that's served both boys and girls so well through the years by moving forward with a plan that would result in fundamentally undercutting girl scouts. >> i think it's fine. i mean like you should probably change the name. >> reporter: 16-year-old sydney ireland hopes they change soon. she's been fighting for years to be an official boy scout as an honorary member of her brother's troop. over 3 million people have watched her passionate appeal on facebook. >> i think that girls should have the opportunity to join either program. >> reporter: meanwhile, parents have a lot to think about. >> there's a sense of comfort if you see your kid off to camp and it's all boys and girls you don't have to worry about a lot of other factors when they're preteen. >> a lot of other factors indeed and boy scouts said no decisions have been made to become coed and both stand by the benefit of single gender programs. >> we have here with us the author of "enough as she is" an educator at an all girls school in new york city so there are people that think why not have scouts of america. why do we have to delineate boys and girls? where do you stand on the importance of having some sort of single sex organization? >> yeah, i think as an educator we see all the time the importance of girls being with girls and i think my colleagues in boys schools would say the same thing. not so much that they're different but get messages from society about how to act and when girls are around boys and vice versa those messages get louder and often really toxic messages that prevent kids from being themselves. >> what about boys? the benefits of them just being boys and not having girls in the group. >> yeah, i mean i think what happens boys are under pressure from society to be tough and repress their feelings and when girls show up they want to perform a bit more. girls get that message don't rock the boat and don't speak up. when you talk to girls they might say i might not speak up when a boy is around so we need to preserve those spaces for kids that are quiet away from those messages. >> some who say women have been fighting for generations to be let into groups that have been exclusively for men or for boys and some girls who want to break that gender barrier by being a part of the boy scouts in this case, so is there an argument on that level that boy scouts could or should be coed? >> honestly if girls want to be part of boy scouts i think they should be given that option. i don't think this story is about that. i don't think girls are saying i want to be like the boys or even with the boys. i think they are saying i want some of the programs boys get and boy scouts might be thinking about the programs they're giving to all their boys. ultimately this is about are the boy scouts and girl scouts speaking to every kid. >> it is also fair to note we're not seeing boys try to get into the girl scouts because boys are okay to be tomboys but it's not reversed. >> we don't give them permission to do stereo typical girl things and i guarantee you there are some who would love that and should be on the look out for that. >> rachel simmons. thanks so much. we move on to taylor swift's big announcement. her new album "reputation" about to drop and swift sent fans into a frenzy with a post, the first single is out tonight. chris connelly here with the details. >> reporter: good morning, george. only one entertainer could get the eclipse off social media. a new album coming in 2 1/2 month, new single tonight and fans ablaze with anticipation and interest thanks to the announcement of a savvy self-aware artist who knows how to get people to take notice. ♪ we are are never ever ever getting back together ♪ >> reporter: oh, yes, they are. that long-running romance, taylor swift and her public rekindled and ready to reteam once more. ♪ red lips classic >> reporter: the pop unicorn announcing on social media she's got a new single dropping tonight from her next album entitled "reputation" that will be out november 10th. had you heard about that already? of course, you have. when it comes to the art of the drop, taylor swift is its da vinci able to bring the internet to its knees. the only artist ever with three records that sold 1 million copies in the first week of their releases. thrilling her fans as she did with this times square performance. ♪ new york >> reporter: her new song and earlier the ten-time grammy winner wiping her instagram and twitter slates clean posting three brief videos of a snake-like creature all setting off a prairie fire of intrigue and speculation. >> taylor swift does things big and the rollout for this album is certainly no exception. it's a very skillful and deliberate plan. >> reporter: others have hyped their drops, last year kanye west's fashion show at madison square garden. ♪ >> reporter: helped out his "life of pablo" and beyonce's video "lemonade" whetted the beyhive's appetite. now it's her turn with a song sure to spurn and the vmas on sunday, taylor swift's moment is again right now. ♪ and i'll write your name >> well, what it means speaks for itself. numbers speak loudly, 450 million streams in a single week earlier this year and now as shakespeare wrote reputation, reputation, reputation. >> that's what he meant. >> wow. >> chris, thank you. that is not all. we have one more big announcement. tomorrow on "gma," an exclusive sneak peek and swift's brand-new video for the new single tomorrow on "gma." over to ginger. >> wow, that is going to be big. hey, good morning, ryan. he's so cute. we have some big news this morning for "star wars" fans. in anticipation of force friday 2, disney and lucas film have announced a global augmented reality treasure hunt via the "star wars" app called find the force. download the "star wars" app then go to participating retail store, look for the find the force logo and then scan that logo to unlock characters from the new movie. it all starts friday, september 1st but for a sneak peek of a new character from "the last jedi" load the app today. at "good morning america" have some mist for the rest of the morning commute, and afternoon sunshine. a little hazy, even a few clouds around the bay. definitely cloudy around the coast. cloudy tonight, some drizzle and the heat will build through the weekend. today's temperatures mainly in the 70s and 80s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. locked into the 60s along the coast into san francisco. tonight, a cool night. 53 to about 58 degrees. my accuweather >> back now with our series "cracking the code," are trends healthy. but are they? maya feller is here to break it down. we'll ask you to help us out. all right. so we're going to start out with acai bowls. here they are. so the audience, we want to now, some acai bowls, can they have as much -- wait. let me say this statement. some acai bowls have as much sugar as four doughnuts. true or false? let's see what we say here. i think we have kind of a mixed bag so the answer is -- >> true. >> you thought you were being so smart ordering that acai bowl. what is the story? >> so acai berries themselves alone are fantastic full of antioxidants and can be wonderful. >> it's all the other stuff is >> exactly. when we get into that whole bowl mixture it can be a significant amount of sugar and so that's what we want to encourage people to look out for all of that sugar. >> okay, so you heard it hear first and almond milk has become so popular as a dairy alternative. coffee shops. grocery stores. audience, true or false and you at home, everybody, almond milk can contain as much calcium at dairy milk, true or false? and the answer is. more trues, i would say. you think it is true and the answer is -- >> it is true. it's absolutely true. >> good job, audience. >> so with almond milk our main concern is all the additives, added sugars, salts and fats in some of the conventional ones so were thinking about some of the stabilizers, those can cause some adverse health outcomes so tell people steer clear, go for the unsweetened versions. >> those adverse health -- >> yes. >> i did not know that. >> some g.i. distress, a little inflammation. >> okay. good to know. good to know but the calcium is in fact there. here's one i was curious about. activated charcoal. doesn't sound very appealing. lots of people love it. we're seeing a lot of this in everything from supplements as we have here, juices, lattes so, audience, true or false, consuming charcoal -- >> i know, i know. >> consuming charcoal on a daily basis aids digestion, true or false? we have a lot of false. i would say more pause. >> absolutely false. >> it is false. it does not aid -- >> it does not so activated charcoal was originally used in a hospital setting for people who ingested toxins. what it does binds the intestine and helps so that those toxins are not absorbed. what our concern is if you're having it on a day-to-day basis it might just do that with prescription medications as well as vitamins and minerals. >> not going to absorb into your system. >> just the way it was used when it was first used in hospitals. >> how should people use it? >> what we recommend people kind of steer clear of it. we don't know -- >> altogether. >> altogether? we don't know what the outcomes are going to be. >> three important facts. thanks, maya. thank you, audience. wait for it, everybody. coming up on "good morning america," "dancing with the stars," the big pro reveal. who is coming back to the ballroom? look at him. isn't he cute? m. isn't he cute? good morning. i'm je making headlines today marks the third anniversary of the napa earthquake. it struck at 320 in the morning. the historic courthouse and post office are still waiting for repairs. 25 structures were destroyed. now, your morning commute. >> good morning. boy, we we have ramped up. southbound 680, slow crawl through the walnut creek area. no issues, but heavy drive times. westbound 80, 13 minutes. southbound 880 to san jose, 26 and really tough, northbound 280 recovering. 101 to cup tie know is going to take you almost a half hour. first day of school for belmont redwood shores. cloudy. 68 by the end the day. quick look at your commute forecast. small craft advisory on bay. mist still hanging around through 9:00. cool to warm in mass transit. it's going get really hot sunday and monday. >> thank you. we have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes and always and welcome back to "gma." it's thursday morning. >> we are counting down to season 25, 25 of "dancing with the stars," just a few weeks away now and we are revealing the pros this morning. >> starting with lara in front of that mirror ball. >> yes, very small mirror ball. we'll give you a few clues. this former pro is a two-time mirror ball champion. he took two seasons off to get married. oh, and he starred on broadway. any ideas. don't say it. don't say it. the moment we've been waiting for, three, two, one, turn that ball. mark ballas is back, everybody. mwah. come on over. ginger. how are you? >> how are you? [ cheers and applause ] right here? >> good to see you. >> ginger, get over here. you guys danced together. >> hey. hi. it's great to see you if how are you? >> so good, thank you. >> welcome back. >> thanks, man. how are you? >> so happy when i read you were coming back. >> thank you, guys, appreciate it. >> coming back with that wedding ring. >> i know. i know. it's set in stone. >> and to one of the greatest girls in the whole wide world so congratulations. >> it's been an amazing year. >> broadway as well. >> yep, yep, we got married in november last year and at the same time i was playing frankie in "jersey boys" and finished january 15th and did touring and -- >> you couldn't stay away. you're coming back. >> yeah, you know what -- [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. yeah, after a year off you kind of see it with a new light and i missed being creative and miss my friends and, you know, the timing was right. >> did you miss the nuttiness? >> no. i just miss the creative -- i miss the fans. i miss -- that's my favorite part of it so looking forward to being creative and doing what i do best and it's going to be fun. >> they miss you, mark and i have to say you mentioned frankie valli and alexander jean. you were busy with that. i know you have to be in great shape to do dancing. believe me i know and lately your instagrams have been about working out. >> yeah, i started a new workout program. i have this trainer back in l.a., adam, who has been getting me in shape doing a lot of conditioning training, kind of switching it up. i used to do a lot of weights. when i was here doing "jersey boys," i would swim 50 laps a day for breathing exercises but now we're doing a lot of the medicine balls and the weights and he had me dragging 100 pounds around the block the other day. >> because you will be dragging 100 pounds. [ laughter ] more or less. >> yes. >> so as you know today is thursday, throwback thursday, your lucky day, so we'll go back to the beginning and we dug out of the vault your audition tape. >> okay. >> let's take a look. >> let's do it. >> my dancing is -- i'm the rebel. i'm one of the rebels on the floor. i break the rules. i bend the rules but i do it so it's -- so you don't take offense. you find me cheeky and you think, oh, he's cute breaking the rules. >> cheeky. >> oh. >> what are you, like 16? >> i was probably about -- i think i was 19 or 20. >> you were the rebel. >> back then in my abercrombie shirt. >> so you're such a rebel and like to break the rules we would like you to break a rule and tell us who your partner is. >> ah. i can't do that. >> no. >> not that much of a rebel. >> i do know, yes. that would be -- a big reason why i'm here, i think. it's going to be an awesome partnership and that's all i can say. >> and you joked before that you'd like to have your wife as your partner on the show. >> i would. >> you did quite the number at your wedding. any way she would come out on the ballroom floor. >> never say never. she's a singer/songwriter first and for the wedding we were going to stand there and sway back and forth and like a week before she's like let's do something and did this tango and she crushed it. like there's a photo of all of our friends like -- it was pretty amazing to watch. >> she always says she can't dance. >> that's the photo. look at everyone's face. her hand is also in a really questionable place. >> you're married. >> yeah. all our friends' faces are in shock. she's amazing. >> team ballas will be so excited to have you back. two fans are more excited than anyone. we have a message. >> go ahead. >> welcome back. yay. hope you haven't forgotten how to dance now that you're a big broadway star. we love you and i look forward to seeing you on the dance floor. >> ah. [ applause ] >> oh, mark, so good to have you back on the show. i love your vivid imagination and all that fire down below. >> oh, my. >> i hope you're not rusty now that you're a broadway star. >> bruno loves to take his clothes off. >> he does. >> take it all off. >> you're going to be competing against this season -- are you ready? so we have reigning mirror ball champ emma slater is back. >> yay. >> and lindsay arnold. we have keo motsepe. val chmerkovskiy is back in the ballroom. >> hey. >> peta murgatroyd and maks, artem chigvintsev, gleb savchenko, we have sharna burgess and witney carson and stepping up to be a pro for the first time, alan bersten. we're so psyched to have you back. >> it's going to be fun. >> we're looking forward to seeing you again. two more "dancing with the stars" pros will join us live. back now with another pro revealed gearing up for a really exciting season 25. hard to believe and we are -- >> we've seen all the pros but now we have two of them. maks is here, maks chmerkovskiy and the new pro alan joining us from los angeles. so, alan, you're smiling and relaxed. you've filled in before, so how does it feel to be an official pro? >> it feels amazing to finally get my shot. so excited. >> the satellite has a little lag. i got this. >> you know, last season i got a fill-in with heather for maks so it's nice to have maks by my side. helped me walk through my first interview. >> maks is not walking through anything. i gave him advice already. i was like, look, just, you know, do not listen to your inner voice. try to not first say and then think maybe it's the right thing to do and just follow through with that. just maybe cut yourself short and be like, maybe i said something wrong. >> everyone else not to take maks' advice. >> sounds like maks should take maks' advice. >> no, i got to say i'm really proud of alan. it's been, you know, for you, i don't know, technically but a longer journey than most of us the jump from the troupe on to the show. i'm very proud of him and has done a phenomenal job last season standing in with me for heather and heather was not an easy partner to jump in with so i was very proud of him. this is a very well deserved job. >> thank you, maks. >> are you ready to compete against peta? >> that's for you? >> who, me? nobody is competing against anybody. don't instigate, george. let's focus on alan. let's focus on alan. i have a lot of stuff to deal with, so, please, would you just chill and this is going to be a beautiful show and everybody is going to be friends. >> it sounds like there may have been some conversations about how this is all going to work. >> no. no, trust me. no. >> not have a conversation here about it. >> we're excited. we are. we are -- yeah, we had an incredible summer since last season ended we got back into sort of like, you know enjoying shai's moments and every day there's something fascinating that makes you not want to leave the house and how much "dancing with the stars" last season helped both of us, you know, peta, you know, physically and myself as well and us as a sort of family to kind of, you know, it really helped us out and i think coming back this season we're coming back with the same sort of approach. we just want to have fun. we just want to be a sort of family doing stuff together, you know, shai now recognizes certain things and dances to some commercials that just stop him in his tracks and he just starts to wiggle so i want him to do this when he watches mommy and daddy on tv. >> it's not surprising. it's in his dna. listen, we're so psyched. can't wait to see you on the floor and we welcome you both back to the show. >> congratulations, alan. [ cheers and applause ] great job, guys. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> see you in a couple of weeks. outside to ginger. >> love both of them so much. so happy we get them. you know what, you are taking a look at that '80s classic "time after time." that's right. one of cyndi lauper's greatest hits and guess what, we are so excited to have grammy, emmy and tony award winner cyndi lauper right here. >> hello. >> live in times square. >> cyndi, the reaction when you came out was so great, i love watching people react to you. your music has resonated forever, forever changing my life and now with "kinky boots" you wrote the music there -- >> it's going strong. it's in six countries and when it opens in germany it'll be seven. so it's pretty wild. i had such a great time doing that with everybody and i'm going to start working on another one, "working girl." >> "working girl" is next. >> any secrets or tips? how is it going? >> i didn't start yet. >> and, you know, but i'm here today because i partnered up with novartis to bring awareness to psoriasis. i'm 1 of the 7.5 million people with it and i just can't stress enough to not sit in the dark, not sit alone when you're sick, you feel isolated and powerless but information is power so go to and you'll hear my story and other people's stories, what everyone continually says is don't give up, seek the treatment that's right for you but seek the treatment. it's not just a rash. it's an inflammatory thing. >> it's bigger than that. >> and, you know, i was covered from head to toe with it and you know started with my head. ooh, you know, but -- and i felt badly and i didn't give up. i had every kind of crazy treatment and what works for one person isn't going to work for another so write your list out, go to the doctor. >> thank you. >> i'm writing a song for world psoriasis day. >> we have to actually get somewhere else but i'm so glad. >> we have to go. okay. all right. hi, there. i'm meteorologist mike nicco. after a misty start, we'll see hazy sunshine this afternoon. temperatures below average in your 12-hour day planner. my accuweather seven-day forecast, the heat is >> amy, i'm going to stick here with cyndi and head up to you. >> all right. ginger, thanks so much. now to "gma's" getaway guide. helping you plan that final summer trip without breaking the bank. we have jacqui gifford, the travel director of "travel + leisure" and she's here to share some great secrets and the first one is that everyone wants to know which day is the best day to plan your trip or to book your trip. >> do you have any guesses? >> i think it's either tuesday or wednesday. i feel like i heard both. >> it is tuesday, you're right. >> it's tuesday and why is that? >> so airlines start to look at the week ahead and see what fares aren't selling so well and that's when they start to discount so that's when you can get a great deal if get a great deal. also if you decide which days to fly in and out on so what days are those? >> yeah, so let's start. the worst days to fly are fridays and sundays, no surprise. that's when everybody wants to fly. looking for the cheapest fare think about saturday then we've got tuesday. >> okay. >> and wednesday. and the other thing to keep in mind the earliest flights and latest flights will be the cheapest fares out there. again, the least popular types but you'll get a great price. >> about the money you can use those tips. those all make good sense and we have a question here and the audience. rebecca who wants to ask you something. >> hi. my husband and i, we have a lot of miles for the end of summer. should we use cash or miles to book our trip? >> that's a great question. a lot of people like to hold on to their miles. >> you want to see the big number. >> but the reality is you should use them if you have them and airlines say they'll release rewards and keep in mind there could be blackout dates over big holidays. >> we have two weeks left in summer by the way so people want to know where can they go? where are the best deals to be had? >> you want to think outside the box, right. so places that are really popular, beach destinations have probably been sold out so think about big cities, places that have a lot of hotels, it might be their low season so miami, great city. charleston, another one of my favorites. >> amazing city, yes. >> also new york. i mean a lot of people don't think of new york but the reality is it's really popular in the fall. summer you might be able to get a great deal and last up las vegas. >> vegas is good any time of the year, right? >> another one of my favorites. >> any tips on affordable places to stay? >> well, you know what, there is a great app called hotel tonight and it's all about last-minute hotel deals so use it. it's for cities worldwide and of course all these cities right here. >> hotel tonight is easy to remember. jacqui gifford, thanks so much. the former nfl star turned movie star here live in times square. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or your money back. that's 40% off everything coit cleans. call or click today. that's 40% off everything coit cleans. food. water. internet. we need it to live. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. all right. it's time for "good morning america's" drive-in and we have a very special guest joining us. we want to bring him in now. there you go. big welcome to former nfl star now star of a new film called "crown heights," nnamdi asomugha, everybody. >> great to see you. >> coming in style. >> i know. you guys got this for me. >> it's not a parting gift. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you very much for being here. i want to tell everybody about the film called "crown heights." won the audience award at sundance. >> yeah. >> very powerful movie that tells the true story of colin warner wrongly accused of a crime. he spent 21 years in jail. you play his best friend who spent all that have time working so hard to get him out. >> yeah. >> let's take a look. >> why you keep wasting your time on me? >> that's not just about you. it's bigger than that. it could be me in here. >> there's a little sneak peek of "crown heights" and i know, nnamdi, you said this hit close to home, this role. >> yeah, it did for me when i was a kid i was arrested twice, both times for things i didn't do so i felt like playing him i could have a voice for the issue and i'm doing that now. >> carl king is the best friend who fights so hard for his friend wrongly accused put in jail but it wasn't -- you didn't want to play carl. you wanted to play the lead. >> i wanted to play the lead. it was the meaty role. >> you got to go for it? but our director matt rushkin said i know you're a football player and not an actor, so, no, no, it's not happening then i asked if i could play carl and like a month later he let me audition so -- >> this whole acting thing is pretty -- a remarkable story, if you will. if you dream it, you can have it. this guy, 11 seasons in the nfl, all pro player. doing a nike commercial and essentially you get discovered. >> yeah, the nike commercial. finished doing it. went back to my trailer and the director said i think you're really gifted, you should look into this when you finish playing and i'm like, okay and three months later i get a call from my agent saying that director wants to put you in his tv show and he said the tv show is "friday night lights." >> oh, that little thing. >> the director peter berg, one of those moments that pushed me into it. >> you got to believe in faith in those moments. >> yeah. >> you're a football player with a really great career. how do you think the nfl has prepared you for life in hollywood as both a producer and an actor? >> it's prepared me in a lot of ways. i think just the preparation that it takes to be good at anything. i think bringing that from the nfl to acting, i think, is huge and then just the ups and downs you go through in front of the public, you know, just makes your skin thick and that's what you need. >> thick skin, absolutely. would you give your wife kerry washington from "scandal" a big, giant hug from her number one gladiator. >> i will. >> congratulations on "crown heights." awesome to have you here. enjoy the ride. >> do i get to keep this? >> "crown heights" in select theaters and part of the proceeds go to the innocence project so check it out and we'll be right back. >> are you getting in or am i the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. >> announcer: tomorrow want a summertime party in the park? well, here we go because paramore is taking over the morning and central park live. tomorrow only on "good morning america" presented by king's hawaiian. "good morning america" is brought to you by prudential. >> thanks for watching, everyone. have a great thursday. >> bye-bye. >> friday eve. good morning. mike, it's pretty gray out there. is it going to get better. >> it will get brighter. mostly cloudy at the coast, but sunny inland. 50s and 60s until you get to brentwood. temperature, 60s half moon bay. 70s for the rest of the bay. 80ness the north bay and inland east bay. it's dwoik get hot. hottest days will be sunday and monday. >> we've got a handful of issues working now in a low of slow spots. we are ending the commute busy today. here's 280 and 17 in san jose. three separate incidents. and quick check of drive times. not terrible. central valley, northbound 101 in the red at 38. >> thank you. time now for live with kelly and ryan.

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