Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170328 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170328

the president going on a twitter tirade overnight taking aim at the investigation and conservatives who derailed his health care bill. and breaking news, under ambush. two police officers attacked in their car overnight shot on the job outside of a florida apartment and rushed to the hospital. the urgent manhunt for the suspects this morning. ♪ and tom brady bombshell. patriots owner robert kraft revealing his star quarterback isn't going anywhere any time soon. >> he assured me he'd be willing to play six, seven more years. >> the super bowl star on the verge of turning 40, could he become the oldest and greatest nfl star ever? ♪ good morning, america. a lot of news to get to but it's great to have david muir for another six, seven years at least. >> that will make me about 47, 48 just like tom brady. i'll be a little older than that actually. check out not only the fans excited although no word from tom brady but bob kraft saying there would be no one happier than i and hoping coach belichick sticks around and coaches into his 80s. >> don't count them out. anything is possible. we'll have more on that ahead. first we want to get to that severe weather hitting the south. more than 160 storm reports as powerful winds and damaging rain move through several states and ginger zee has the latest. good morning, ginger. >> good morning to you, michael. they will be so busy looking at all of potential tornado damage today. and gunnersville, alabama, see that blowing wind and dangerous hail smashing windshields in mississippi and this flipping cars in tennessee. so, this is what we saw as of yesterday. now we're going to go ahead and focus on a new storm that is putting itself together in the plains coming over the rockies, it's got a cold front dry line all the classic setup for a severe weather potential and that really happens tonight in this region, southwest of oklahoma city into parts of north texas, down to san angelo and then moves east. this is day after day of severe weather threat. it goes into the little rock area, shreveport is in it by wednesday. so much more to come with the severe weather forecast but we have to get straight to adrienne bankert who is in decaturville, tennessee, this morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. we want to show you what a possible tornado or those strong straight line winds can do. this building behind us shredded. the walls and roof ripped apart. officials say the system was so strong a number of mobile homes pretty much imploded. overnight, 15 million americans in the crosshairs. severe storm systems ripping across the south. tornado sirens blaring with funnel clouds forming across western kentucky. drivers struggling to see the roads through the torrential rains. high winds destroying this large brick sign and turning trees to trash on busy roads. in mississippi, dangerous twisters tearing through the area. this ominous funnel cloud spotted right off this highway. this heavy hailstorm in alabama forcing everyone indoors. >> this is creepy. i have never seen in the 11 years we've lived here. >> reporter: for those on the road visibility is reduced to near whiteout conditions and high winds and heavy rains interrupting this baseball game in north central alabama. golf ball size hail stones pelting swimming pools from mississippi and alabama to texas. where larger, more dangerous baseball-size ones shatter this car windshield. and you know what, just like this structure a number of homes were damage and responders saying several were severely damaged but no one injured. this part of the country under the severe weather with another strong system set to roll in. rob robin. >> thank you, adrienne. thinking of everyone down that way. now to that big headline out of washington about russia and the election. there are new calls for the republican congressman who's leading the investigation, devin nunes to step aside after he confirmed he held a secret meeting on white house grounds. abc's senior white house correspondent cecilia vega has more on that. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning to you. those calls for him to step down are growing louder. democrats say he has tarnished congress' investigation into russia's election meddling but the president, he's tweeting saying the trump/russia story is a hoax. overnights top republican leading what is supposed to be an independent investigation into russia's election meddling going into self-defense mode. >> there was no sneaking around. >> reporter: devin nunes facing questions about impartiality and the house intelligence committee chairman says his trove of classified information allegedly showing intelligence officials may have inadvertently picked up the communications of the president and his transition team was actually given to him by someone on the white house grounds. >> i'm not going to tell you where i was at on the grounds because, of course, those are all classified facilities. >> reporter: nunes, a member of the president's transition team is not naming names. >> look, i'm not going to get into the process of how we do our sources and methods. >> reporter: that secret meeting happened last week. just hours before nunes briefed reporters on capitol hill about his findings and then rushed to the white house to brief the president, the white house also not willing to out nunes' source. >> i'm not going to get into who he met with or why he met with. i think that's something he's clear and i'll let him answer. >> reporter: the backlash swift with democrats calling on the chairman to step aside. >> mr. president, it could very well be the case that chairman nunes was briefing members of the administration about an investigation of which they are the subject. >> reporter: the top democrat on the house intelligence committee adding to the chorus. >> i think it would be in the chairman's interest as well as the committee's for him to recuse himself. >> reporter: nunes says he had to leave congress to view these documents here on the white house grounds because they could only be shown to him on a secure network connected to the executive branch and still has not made the content of those documents known, robin, even to others in congress involved in that investigation into russia. >> they want to know. also, cecilia, we know that the president is set to sign another executive order today. >> reporter: yeah, this is a really controversial one that would roll back basically a number of president obama's climate change regulations. the white house says that those rules have been a burden to the economy. they are promising to bring back coal jobs but a number of experts are questioning whether the president can fulfill that promise and bring back all of these jobs. >> all right, cecilia, thank you. >> going to make a lot of headlines today. let's turn to our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl with more. the president was up overnight with a tweet storm and clearly not over the stinging defeat of his promise to repeal and replace obamacare. still pointing fingers this morning? >> reporter: absolutely, david. about 10:00 last night the tweets started on health care. the first one taking aim -- republicans who defied him on the health care bill. the republican house freedom caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. after so many bad years they were ready for a win and then hinting that he is ready to work with democrats in the next week, the democrats will make a deal with me on health care as soon as obamacare folds. not long. don't worry, we are in very good shape. so, david, the not so subtle threat here to the republicans who defied him is that he is ready to go right by them and start working with at least some democrats. >> but, jon, as you know, interesting he brings up the democrats because you pressed the white house about whether that can really happen. will president trump and democrats be able to work together on taxes, infrastructure or do democrats sense and opening given the defeat over obamacare? >> reporter: well, i pressed sean spicer on that yesterday in a very interesting response, david. he basically told me that there would be a need of a course correction here at the white house, a very rare admission from the white house that they would have to change course if they were to actually be able to work with democrats. of course, the president has gotten to calling chuck schumer a clown and worked almost entirely with republicans so far so this would be a big change. one idea floated this morning by the online publication axios reporting that the white house may consider doing infrastructure next, a big spending bill that would be likely to bring along some democrats and make a lot of republicans very uncomfortable. >> all right, jon karl, we'll watch all day at the white house, jon, thanks so much. robin. >> david, wall street also reacting to what's going on in washington. the failure of the republican health care bill. the stocks now riding an eight-day losing streak. our chief economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with more on that. good morning, rebecca. >> hey, robin, good morning. this is the longest losing streak since 2011. you see that eight-day losing streak has cost the dow 1.9%. we want to put this into context. since election day the dow surged 12% on expectations president trump's agenda, deregulation, lower taxes and infrastructure spending will help business. but pulling repeal and replace of obamacare was a first major test and it failed. which has some investors now on edge now wondering can the president actually deliver on his promises and, robin, about the prospects for tax reform. >> are we seeing something with the overnight markets that is encouraging about today? >> reporter: it is encouraging. stocks look like they'll take a breather as wall street really tries to get a sense of what happens next, robin. >> rebecca, thank you. now we'll turn to the battle against isis, robin and american-led air strikes in mosul and this morning the accusations that the air strikes may have killed hundreds of iraqi civilians in mosul. if confirmed this could be one of the deadliest instance of unintended death since the war began. when the u.s. became involved in iraq. let's get right to martha raddatz. she's live with us from washington. martha, what do we know about what happened and has there been any shift in tack tiffs under the new president. >> reporter: this was not just one building that was hit but witnesses say a city block was destroyed. i think the thing to remember is this is an urban environment. there's no more challenging battlefield than that. some iraqi officers said the u.s. has been quicker to strike targets of late but the military says the rules of engagement have not changed since donald trump became president and what they're looking at is whether there was a secondary explosion caused by explosives left there purposefully by isis or whether this was just a terrible mistake, david. >> martha, as you know we were all waiting for secretary of defense james mattis to weigh in. he was asked about those civilian deaths. >> reporter: he was, david. he said there is no military force in the world more sensitive to civilian casualties that they do everything humanly possible to protect innocent people, unlike isis. but mattis knows firsthand having fought in fallujah which was a packed urban environment that the enemy can hide behind women and children and that's why they're investigating to fine the truth in this case. >> martha raddatz with us this morning from washington. thanks, martha. over to robin. >> david, we'll turn now to a foiled plot at a maryland high school. an 18-year-old student facing charges for planning a potentially deadly attack after her father uncovered the plot in her diary. our senior justice correspondent pierre thomas has the details for us. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. today this high school in this small town is relieved and the parents of the suspect are being hailed as heroes. the plot, police say, a potential school massacre involving these weapons. a shotgun, explosives, pipes for a pipe bomb planned by an 18-year-old honor student nichole cevario who apparently detailed it in a chilling diary. >> it was clear she planned to die during this event. it is very clear to us she had the means, the materials to cause significant damage to herself, to the student body, to the facility up there at catoctin high school. >> reporter: they say cevario's diary was planned for a few days from now on april 5 but they say her parents discovered the diary and her father contacted authorities. you're a parent. can you put yourself in their shoes of having to make a decision like that? >> they most likely saved their daughter's life and other lives. within the student body. >> reporter: cevario mentioned columbine in her diary. part of a disturbing trend. an abc news investigation found within the last 17 years there have been at least 79 thwarted school massacre plots and in more than half of them the would-be attackers mention columbine. women being involved in these plots is rare. of the 160 active shooters we looked at only six involved females. in this case the young suspect is undergoing an emergency mental health evaluation. robin. >> that is to be expected. thank you very much. thank goodness for that father stepping in like that. now amy has the morning's other top stories starting with two officers shot in florida. >> we have dramatic video showing that moment when two undercover miami police officers were rushed to the hospital after being shot during a gang surveillance operation. they were dropped off in a pickup truck and were able to limp into the hospital. thankfully they are in stable condition and police are searching for those two suspects. a deadly fire in oakland is raising new questions about building inspections. three people were killed when this transitional housing facility went up in flames. code violations were found just last week. this comes just months after 36 people died in a warehouse fire in that same city. well, the state of michigan has agreed to spend $87 million to replace thousands of pipes in flint that are tainted with lead. it's part of a deal to settle a federal lawsuit. and overseas new security procedures are in place at windsor castle following the attack outside british parliament last week. barriers set up along the route of the changing of the guard ceremony. the mother of the london attacker says she is shocked and saddened by her son's actions. and finally for some college kids an 8:00 a.m. class is optional after a late night of partying, right? but not for one guy. luke maye, he was, of course, the hero of unc's win sunday night sending them to the final four look at that with that shot. >> oh. >> no doubt, plenty of celebrating that followed but just 12 hours later at 8:00 a.m. on monday luke shows up for his business 101 class and he got a standing ovation. he has not missed one class yet, an all-around awesome guy. >> he may miss monday's game from the championship game. women's final four now set, south carolina, like the men going on to the final four and uconn, the defending champs, that winning streak keeps going, going to dallas as well. >> where is that bell? >> i am wearing mississippi state maroon. i will bring back the bell thursday. >> that's what we're looking forward to. good to see athletes doing it on the court and off the court as well. you know what, now we go to las vegas. the las vegas raiders, everybody, yeah, i said it right. the oakland raiders have received permission from the nfl to move to sin city but they weren't packing their bags just yet. t.j. holmes, you have more. >> stra, the city of oakland refused to give taxpayer money to build a new stadium for the raiders so you know what happened vegas stepped in and said we got cash and put $750 billion in chips in the middle of the table. viva las vegas. home to world famous casino, tigers, even britney spears. and now the city is getting a pro football team. monday the nfl gave the green light to the oakland raiders to move to sin city. for years the nfl was concerned putting players and referees too close to a betting culture of the gambling capital would corrupt the game. that opinion appears to be fading. >> still a surprise because the nfl had always publicly been against gambling. >> reporter: the main reason for the move an outdated stadium. the raiders wanted a new one but oakland officials say they wouldn't use taxpayer money to build it. >> we worked very hard and never want to see a relocation of a franchise. >> reporter: las vegas made them an offer they couldn't refuse. promising $750 million from a tourist tax to build a new $2 billion stadium. oakland and the raiders have had a very rocky relationship. the team left oakland in 1982, came back in 1995 and now they're leaving again. >> one thing money cannot buy is a loyal fan base. >> reporter: but for the football fans of las vegas, nothing but excitement. >> i still can't believe we're -- i'm actually getting my team here in my backyard. >> reporter: to your point they're not going for another two years so they'll keep playing in oakland. so it's like getting a divorce and still having to live in the house with our ex for two years. ain't going to work. >> i have no comment on that one. >> that's right. >> let's go back to ginger now. rainy day here in the northeast, ginger? >> it is. a rainy day. i've had so many people say, you know, my app says it's going to rain all week. it won't. that doesn't happen. what i did want to show you that low ceiling in new york city. you can see it from brooklyn and of course have to get to tuesday trivia. coming up we have an abc news exclusive. the family of that filmmaker who died diving with sharks now speaking out. also the outrage growing over this video shot by a mother showing a tsa agent patting down her son with a disability. the question this morning, did he go too far? come on back. go too far? come on back. of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term 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mayor shaft says she feels double crossed by the nfl and the team. councilman reed says he wants to explore ways to evict the raiders right now. all right. let's take a look at the roads. we are in recovery mode in the south bay. northbound 85 right around cottle road cleared but you can see you're slow on 101 approaching and still lingering delays, as well. quick check of some drive times, heavy out of tracy and one hour ten minutes. a couple of crashes in antioch to concord today. back to our coldest and warmest temperatures inland. look at the san roman, 43. antioch, 46. oakland and san francisco 50. 46 in san jose. look at the sunshine today. temperatures will top out in the mid to upper 60s at the coast. low to mid-70s for the rest of us. cooler thursday with a random shower and even warmer this weekend, jessica. >> that looks beautiful, mike. thank you. we will have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes. and always on the news app and abc 7 enjoy the day and enjoy there's 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president obama's clean power plan. the trump administration says it will bring back jobs but critics say it will put the environment and millions of americans at risk. >> first this half hour our exclusive this morning with the family of a filmmaker who died in the waters off florida while making a shark documentary, they're filing a lawsuit and abc's gio benitez is here with much more for us. >> hey, david, good morning. it's been just two months since rob stewart's death but his parents say they're doing what stewart would have wanted them to do, to make sure a diving accident like this never happens again. >> we're going to go down to maybe 130 feet. see if we can find some hammerhead sharks. >> reporter: rob was the fearless filmmaker teaching the world about the ocean's top predator. but just two months ago while filming a sequel to his award winning documentary "shark water" -- >> you're under water and you see the thing that you were taught your whole life to fear, and it doesn't want to hurt you. >> reporter: stewart disappeared off the coast of the florida keys. his body was found three days later. it's believed he drowned after an issue with the air tank. this morning his parents and their attorney sitting down with "gma" talking about the lawsuit they're filing, alleging his dive instructor and boat crew are to blame for his death. >> there's no way anyone should ever die the way rob died and it's the irresponsibility of the people involved that caused it, had somebody had their eyes on the water. >> so many things went wrong. so many careless mistakes were made and he would want to make sure that this never happened to anyone else again. >> reporter: stewart and instructor peter sotis were diving in more than 220 feet of water using new rebreathing equipment when they both came to the surface. sotis had issues breathing and got on to the point. but stewart disappeared. >> the only reason peter is alive today he left rob stewart in the water to get on the boat which is a cardinal sin in the dive industry. >> reporter: the lawsuit alleges sotis failed to monitor, keep eyes on and/or rescue stewart when they got into trouble. >> he didn't protect his student. he got on the boat and left his student in the water. it's so preventable that it is scary. >> reporter: the family and their attorney point to sotis' legal issues. in a separate ongoing lawsuit, his business partner accuses him of selling noncertified air tanks to customers and of selling dive gear to libyan militants. >> we're divers ourselves and we're crushed inside. we're trying to be strong. >> reporter: this morning stewart's parents promise his legacy will live on. >> he always used to take off again for another part of the world with his camera. to us a little part of what makes me go on is the fact that he's still off shooting. somehow what he wants to have done is going to be done. >> and we've reached out to sotis and everyone mentioned in that coming suit. so far we haven't heard back. stewart's parents tell us they intend to finish shooting their son's sequel and insist diving is beautiful and safe. they hope his story actually inspires others to explore. david. >> all right, much more to come on this. thanks. let's bring in our senior legal correspondent, sunny hostin. always great to have you with us here. first of all what's this about? it seems they're concentrated on the instructor and the business. >> that's right, everyone that was involved in this dive and what they're saying, david, is this was a preventable tragedy that they owed him a duty of care. they owed him a duty to protect him and they failed to do so. we all know that diving can be very safe and it can be very beautiful but it really the onus is on the diving instructor, on the folks that are supposed to take care of those students in the water. >> interesting. what what do you think their chances are, this family? >> i think that their chances are significant. although i do think that they are going to argue in defense that this -- that diving is an inherently risky sort of activity and that he assumed the risk by taking part in the dive. so that's generally the type of defense that you will see. but, again, this obviously was a preventable tragedy. >> i know you looked into the past. any precedent for a case like this? >> yes, remember that open water movie where two divers were just left stranded. well, they were found criminally liable, the folks involved there so that was in another country but certainly these suits happen and they happen all too often i think. >> all right, we'll continue to follow this. sunny hostin, great to have you with us. i know you're headed to your other show, "the view." >> i am. >> congratulate the ladies on the emmy nomination. >> thank you, thank you. we're very proud. >> we are too. over to you robin. coming up, why a major dance mom star is calling it quits. come on back. almond breeze, wey use california-grown blue 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revealed she is quitting the show saying she was manipulated and disrespected by producers but she's also facing a much bigger problem, possible prison time, amy. isn't that right? >> that is correct and abby lee miller may be in legal hot water personally but that did not stop her from lashing out in an instagram post announcing there that she is quitting the hit show, blaming the producers and leaving her fans in limbo. >> too sloppy. get up in the air on that. >> reporter: for seven seasons millions have tuned in to watch notoriously tough dance teacher, abby lee miller, push. >> no cry babies, none! >> reporter: punish -- >> you're too tall for us today. >> reporter: and pit young dancers and their stage moms against one another at the abbey lee dance company in pittsburgh and now l.a. >> everybody is watching you cry. save your tears for the pillow. >> reporter: the future of the hit "dance moms" is uncertain after miller took to instagram late sunday to tell her 3.2 million followers she's bowing out. >> you better stand up straight because i've had it! >> reporter: the 50-year-old posting, i will no longer take part in "dance moms." i have asked, begged and even demanded creative credit for all of the ideas, to no avail. >> please welcome to the stage "where have all the children gone." >> miller citing a recent clash with producers, posting, i don't have a problem working with any kid. i love children and have dedicated my life to making other people's children successful. i just have a problem with being manipulated, disrespected and used day in and day out by men who never took a dance lesson in their lives and treat women like dirt. >> abby lee miller has been very vocal in the past and insiders have said, look, there's a lot of tension between her and producers. >> right now there's a lot at stake. is this the end of an era? i hope it's not. >> reporter: outside the studio miller has plenty of real-life drama back in pittsburgh. she's now facing up to 2 1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty to bankruptcy fraud last summer. a federal grand jury indicting her for attempting to hide more than $700,000 of income from her hit shows, seminars and merchandise sales. the dance diva seemingly placing some of the blame for her financial troubles on the show during this "e.t." interview. >> everybody thinks's oh wow, she's probably booming. she probably has tons and tons of kids now. it's the opposite. kids left because of the crew and stepping on their bags and pushing them out of the way. >> reporter: this morning lifetime isn't commenting leaving fans wondering if the reality show has had its final curtain call. and abby lee miller is set to be sentenced back in may where she will learn if she gets prison time or just probation for that guilty plea to bankruptcy fraud. >> we'll have to wait to see what happens there and also wait to see what happens with the show ratings. >> that's right, because i mean i'm just going to -- full disclosure. my kids love the show. i've seen it because it's been on and she's the big draw. talk about tension, she creates it. that creates the drama which keeps people watching. >> it's okay. you've been watching the show. >> i haven't. like making dinner in the background while it's on. >> sure. she's like, what's that? >> nice save. nice save. michael. >> all right, thank you, robin. coming up on our big board, the mom of this boy saying she's horrified by the way tsa treated her son. now millions are reacting. and we're coming back in two minutes to talk about it. minutes to talk about it. 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(announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. we are back with our big board, and espn's kate fagan is here with us at the table. she's winning the shoe game. she wanted to wear her jordans but we didn't let her. >> i did, i put in a request. >> let's start with that powerful protest by the women's hockey team planning to boycott the world championship if they can't strike a deal, saying they're getting unequal treatment. negotiations overnight not resolving the dispute, even senators are weighing in on the side of the team, so where does it stand right now? >> no go right now and we're only a few days away and i mean this is a team that's -- >> what are they negotiating? >> they say they're fighting for the future. they say that it's not as much about them and what they'll make playing for usa hockey as it is about growing the women's game, adding funding to the women's national development team. trying to make that more equal than necessarily the actual dollars they're getting for suiting up for team usa. >> does the men's national team get more support than the women's? >> in terms of actual dollars for suiting up, no. in terms of the amount of millions poured in and first class airfare, bringing a guest with you, little inequities that have built up over the last 20 years for this team like not being invited to the jersey unveiling before sochi, these are the inequities they're fighting as well as the 3.5 million that goes to the boy's side to develop and not even a budget line for the women. >> these are nhl players so they're not so concerned about the money. the women need it to be able to be on the team and not have to get a second and third job. what's going to happen? do you think they'll play on friday? >> i've talked to a lot of the women's hockey players. they're not budging. they are fully prepared to not play this tournament and they say that even when it comes to the 2018 olympics, this isn't resolved. so we'll see. so even that is on the line. >> i love even how the men's team are siding with the women and saying, come on. >> they're saying maybe they'll boycott. >> the men are most of them nhl players so there's a lot more finances behind them. >> more weight. >> than the women's team has. i like it. dig in and say this is what we want. fighting for the future. that's what they're doing. kate, thank you. next up there's trouble for the tsa. a mom is livid posting this video to facebook showing a tsa officer patting down her son as he went through a security checkpoint calling the incident traumatizing, and david kerley is here with more. david, we just saw a little bit of the video. what exactly happened? >> michael, it went on for about a minute 45, less than two minutes of a pat-down of this young boy. he's wearing a t-shirt and shorts and the officer does what is considered a thorough pat-down, but the mother, as you mentioned, is livid. her name is jennifer williamson. she posted this video. it shows the officer explaining what he's going to do and then goes through this pat-down. she says that her son did not set off any alarms and that he has sensory processing disorder which left him traumatized going through this pat-down. he looks like he's complying and there's not a problem. i don't like it. i've been through it. it's not fun. this mother certainly not happy with what happened in dallas. >> before i ask a second question how long was this because online they were saying one thing that i even read somewhere they said like an hour. you're saying it was a minute -- a couple minutes. >> it's a couple minutes of the pat-down but then they were at the checkpoint for some time because the mother was very upset and tsa and police were talking to her, so, you know, there are three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth and this one -- what parent wants to see their child patted down like this wearing a t-shirt and shorts. once again though, the officer knows he's on surveillance. they've recently changed the rules at tsa. there used to be five different pat-downs and a couple of weeks ago they changed it to one so the officer has only one pat-down he can do and it's that full pat-down you just saw. he knows he's being watched by the cameras so he's got to do the pat-down. >> what determines if a person needs an additional pat-down. if you have to go through it, is there any way to avoid having to have it? >> don't fly. don't go through tsa. that's one way to avoid it. if you set off the alarm going through the metal director that's one and there are random checks where they just decide every 13th, 14th, 6th person that that person is going to go through a pat-down. that's to make sure the machines are working right and they don't miss something going through. the one way to avoid it is go to the scanner. that's the big machine that scans your body. for those of us who have a staple or something in their piece of metal in their body always a good idea to take the scanner and then if they find something you get a small pat-down but not the full-on pat-down like this child did with the mother who was very, very unhappy. >> she was not happy at all. all right. thank you, david. very much. happy to have you and happy to have you. i love you on "around the horn." when i'm working out i see you guys. >> i will have you tell tony i should win more. >> coming up inside the metabolic chamber. is this the future of weight loss? the surprising results after our reporter, our mara, mara schiavocampo went through 24 hours in that tiny space. michael, what did you do? >> i saw scarlett johansson. had a chance to talk to her. there we are, robin. you see us walking and can't wait to let everybody see this. we talk about her new movie "ghost in the shell." it's late it's an all nighter when are we even going to sleep? got a little all nighter refuel going on this is the best morning ever! look at that joy and excitement mmmmm i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. my doctor says i havey, what's skittles pox. are they contagious? i don't think so. contract the rainbow! taste the rainbow! come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. li don't want to pry... grown man now. dad. but have you made a decision? i'm going with the $1000 in cash back. my son... ...a cash man. dad, are you crying? nah, just something in my eye. the volkswagen 3 and easy event... ...where you can choose one of three easy ways to get a $1000 offer. hurry in to your volkswagen dealer now and you can get $1000 as an apr bonus, a lease bonus, or cash back. spring is on. and it's time to get growing. so while you're doing your thing, we'll do what we do best. to get you ready to live life outside. as america's #1 professional lawn care company, trugreen can tailor a plan that turns your ordinary lawn into an extraordinary one. that will thrive and stay healthy throughout the year. guaranteed. so start your trugreen lawn plan today for only $29.95. under armofor him at kohl's. for her for the entire family. for a limited time take 25% off select shoes, apparel, and more. get your start with under armour now at kohl's. back here on "good morning america," you know we are not the only one with wild weather. queensland, australia, dealing with this. look at this image. we're going to take it full. you can see the debris flying. they have a category 4 cyclone that is now category 3 but hit as a 4 and it has made landfall. now still moving through. severe winds, still, you know, busting -- we had 100, 150-mile-per-hour winds with this thing and now it's starting to hit the land, starting to rip apart that storm but they'll still see heavy rain and extreme wind and i'm sure we'll see many more pictures and unfortunately some officials saying death or even injury. then i wanted to pick up because we talked about the severe weather around the backside of it here. new mexico, parts of colorado, getting more than a foot of snow. yeah. that's right. it's still -- hey, it's still spring ski season so still happening. now they perked up because they heard snow. they said for us? no. out west. i also wanted to show you guys. i don't know if you watched but we have "dancing's" first booted couple, chris kattan and witney carson here live for us. i believe they are getting ready right now and chris improved so much, i don't know if you guys saw this, with that spine injury he had. so nice to see him on the dance floor, unfortunately we're going to not see him any longer but he is here this morning. you know it's always going to be a great morning with chris kattan and his physical comedy. >> we want you back on "dancing with the stars." >> you want me back? >> yes. >> everybody -- people upstairs will say i love "dancing." i miss it so much. thank you. >> you're so good. >> i'm walking over here because you're being so nice to me this morning. you know what else is coming up on "gma," all of them. yeah, that's what you get. this segment brought to you by kohl's. local news and weather next. welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx "good morning america" is brought to you by trugreen. america's number one professional lawn care company. start today. profes al lawn care company. start today. good morning. i'm jessica castro. and meteorologist mike nicco as a quick look at the bay area forecast. i hear it's beautiful. >> going to be a nice one, jessica. thank you. hi, everybody. 54 already in oakland. starting to see 50s in the north bay. san jose at 49. we are going to top out 70 to 75 except for the coast at san francisco, 66 to 69. even warmer tomorrow, slight chance of a stray shower and much cooler thursday and then the warmest weather this weekend. alexis? >> we thought we were clear westbound 580 but the left lane is blocked again. tracy to dublin, 1 hour 55 minutes. northbound 85 recovering and the south bay westbound 580 just past the toll plaza, a crash clear up about 15 minutesi ago. >> thank you. we'll have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our news app and abc 7 join us for abc 7 mornings weekdays 4: to 7:00. enjoy that gorgeous sunshine throughout the day. live-streat the airport.e sport binge dvr'd shows while painting your toes. on demand laughs during long bubble baths. tv everywhere is awesome. the all-new xfinity stream app. xfinity. the future of awesome. good morning, america. severe weather slaps the south. 15 million americans on alert after 160 reports of storm damage overnight. baseball-size hail. homes hammered by the storm and new warnings as another dangerous storm moves in. also new this morning, president trump about to unveil a major executive order in just hours rolling back president obama's environmental agenda. as trump takes aim overnight at republican conservatives who derailed his health care bill. health alert. does breast-feeding really make your baby smarter in the long term? what the new research is revealing. dr. ashton here to break it down for you. would you spend 4 hours in this tiny room to change the way you lose weight? what one of our correspondents learned about her body exercise and diet and what the results mean for you. ♪ one-on-one with scarlett johansson, major movie star and mom. what she revealed about kicking butt on screen and bringing up her daughter offscreen all ahead this morning as we say -- >> both: good morning, america. [ applause ] >> show us that wink again. happy tuesday, everybody. [ applause ] >> that's ellen. >> i love ellen. >> with her friend rhoda here very early this morning. >> there we go. there's your moment. >> how many cups of coffee? >> we're on tv. >> i know. >> you know, it was raining out. we pulled up in the dark this morning to get out to the studio and covering yourself. hello, david. already said hello to robin. >> and their new friends from texas are with them. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're bringing america together one family at a time. >> and it's great to have you here with us. >> day two. >> day two. >> i'm not counting. >> double duty. >> can i just point out too the color coordination, very fabulous. >> i call robin every -- >> mississippi state maroon. at least i didn't bring the bell out this time. i wanted to. >> later this week. >> seen lara running two seconds ago. that's impressive. >> we had a little "pop news" moment. amy and i always want to get it right. the producer and you'll see why later. perfection. >> you know who else is here america's fittest truck driver is here, his four-minute plan to transform thousands of drivers' lives. he'll show us his moves coming up here. there's his moves. >> hey, michael. how is scar jo? >> we hung out. it was pretty cool. scarlett johansson, we had a great time yesterday. had a great time yesterday. and the thing -- she's one of the world's biggest movie stars but she's also very down to earth. you never -- she has another career she has her eye on but you'll never guess what it is but you'll find out. >> were you shopping for art together? >> is that your loft? >> we were in this art gallery just walk around. >> a multitasker. >> exactly. >> we have that and then we have "dancing with the stars," the first eliminated couple. [ cheers and applause ] love this guy. chris kattan and witney. we'll talk to them coming up. >> a great effort. the morning rundown with amy. >> good morning, everyone. the big story this morning, president trump taking steps to roll back president obama's policies addressing climate change. today he is signing an executive order that will begin to unravel certain regulations passed in the obama era including restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions and coal fired power plants. many experts doubt the president can fulfill his promise to bring back thousands of jobs. according to gallup, the president's approval rating has hit a new low, 36% following this the defeat of the health care bill. meanwhile, there are growing calls for house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes to recuse himself from the investigation into russia's meddling in the election after it was revealed nunes met with the source on the grounds of the white house. abc's cecilia vega has all the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: amy, good morning. the man who was leading that congressional investigation into russia is now facing serious questions about his own impartiality. house intelligence committee devin nunes held a secret meeting on white house grounds where he viewed classified intelligence he says may have inadvertently picked up the communications of the president and his transition team. that meeting took place just hours before nunes briefed reporters on capitol hill about his findings and then rushed to the white house to brief the president. the backlash swift with democrats calling on nunes to step down from the investigation, but house speaker paul ryan says he has full confidence in nunes' ability to conduct a fair investigation. amy. >> all right, cecilia, thank you. parts of the south bracing for more severe weather following at least 160 reports of storm damage and possible tornadoes in mississippi and tennessee. hail the size of baseballs smashed car windows and more of the same unfortunately is possible over the next few days. well, two miami police officers are recovering from gunshot wounds. they were rushed to the hospital in the back of a truck after being ambushed during a gang surveillance operation. two suspects are at large. and a would-be jewel thief in florida found herself locked up before police arrived. investigators say the woman wanted to inspect diamonds in the store's vault but the store owner thought she was suspicious so they locked her in her vault. they say she tried to hide diamonds up her skirt before being arrested. and finally one customer cooked up a recipe for success at a fast food restaurant in kansas city. popeyes worker showanna maze told one of her customers through the drive-through as they were waiting for the food to be prepared she wanted to go to nursing school but little hoe -- hope she'd get the chance. don carter was so touched he drove home, worked late into the night to set up a gofundme page and raised $6,000 for her in just a few days. the donations are still pouring in. he went there to the restaurant to tell her about it and it was so cute. the only thing she could say was oh, my gosh, oh my gosh and a litany of thank-yous followed. what a beautiful story. >> very touching. thanks for sharing that with us. thank you so much, amy. [ applause ] >> all right, you were late getting out here. you said you wanted the timing to be just right. >> it's not easy. >> expectations are high. >> yes, and i will point out the moment. okay. >> you got it. >> i'll let you guess. here we go everybody. "pop news" time. [ cheers and applause ] and we begin with a little real estate news. you guys like real estate, right, so the late david bowie's new york city apartment where he lived with his wife supermodel iman for ten years has just come on the market. it's $6.5 million and it is spectacular. it's 18,000 plus square feet. it's located in manhattan's essex house building with great views of central park from the living room which is 28 feet wide. but here's the catch. you also get if you buy the apartment david bowie's grand piano. [ applause ] comes with it like a twofer because they can't get it out of the apartment. oh. >> so they don't want to move it. you're the lucky buyer. you get david bowie's iconic piano where he has practiced and written. >> you said 18,000. >> 1800. >> it got to be. 18,000 for 6.5 million. i'm sorry but we're going to take a collection and buy that. >> 1877 square feet and every square foot matters. >> everything matters. >> so, if you're in the market and you play the piano, there you go. also in "pop news," it's time to brush up on your trivia because "cash cab" is back. >> oh, yeah. >> i love that show. every time i get in a cab, i was hoping it was my shot. the game show famous for testing knowledge will assume its original format. in a new twist, the reboot will have celebrities behind the wheel which is terrifying depending who it would be. no. no. no all different kinds of celebrities will come. the show ran for 10 seasons. >> won three emmys, back to the discovery channel later this year. >> well, i'm no celebrity. [ applause ] >> you're not celebrity. >> no, no, no. i'm not putting my name in the hat. i'm no celebrity but i did win the driver's ed award in tenth grade. i did win the driver's ed award so -- >> awesome. >> throwing their name in the hat. >> fun fact, robin roberts was a bus driver. >> a school bus driver. >> my first job. >> we do know each other so well. >> you know that i was -- another story for another day. finally they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder where most of us would drive by and see this. an old water heater awaiting pickup. rayna sees something altogether different. >> hi, robot. hi. >> ah. >> she loves her new friend. >> i love you robot. >> beauty is in the eye of the beholder. [ cheers and applause ] isn't that great? >> i love that. >> little tuesday love and that, everybody, is "pop news" and let me tell you, timing her to say hi, robot when i finished my copy was not easy, so -- >> you brought it yet again, lara, thank you. coming up, a surprising new study, a new study on the benefits of breast-feeding. does it really make your baby smarter long-term? dr. ashton here to weigh in. >> mara schiavocampo is back from the metabolic chamber and she has the secret she unlocked about weight loss and fitness just ahead. looks like she's trapped in there. >> we do let her out. 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>> so it's all about the long-term effect on brain function. is breast-feeding really better than not breast-feeding. huge study out of ireland and looked at 8,000 babies at 9 month, three years, five years. those breastfed compared to those who weren't. at three years there was a slight improvement in those who were breastfed. at 5 years, no difference in terms of vocabulary, hyperactivity and overall reasoning. now, there were limitations with this study. they didn't measure maternal i.q. which can play into it so we need more research. >> breast is best or not. >> overall yes. it's better. and we have to remember there is a plethora of benefit that is come along with breast-feeding. take a look at this list, baby who are plaes-fed lower risk of sids and asthma and infant infections, obesity, for the mom lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer. it is represented by every professional organization that dealing with moms and babies. >> that list is very comprehensive and helpful. do you think the findings are beneficial to moms who feel guilty if they choose not to breast-feed. >> this is where it gets difficult. as a doctor and mom, of course, i'm going to recommend breast-feeding but as a woman i want to be crystal clear, breast-feeding is not for everyone whether they can or cannot, whether they choose not to. the operative word in breast-feeding is feeding. so feed your baby. the infant safety comes first here. if women want to breast-feed and they're having difficulty, so many resources for them. they can talk to their pediatrician, midwife, obstetrician and consult a lactation consultant, support groups. >> formulas are pretty well done these day, right? >> it is an individual choice and it should be a judgment-free zone. >> judgment-free zone as always with dr. jen ashton. we thank you very much. >> you bet. >> important information. coming up the future of weight loss. what we learned from spending 24 hours in a metabolic chamber and by we, i mean mara schiavocampo. managing blood sugar is not a marathon it's a series of smart choices. like using glucerna to replace one meal or snack a day. glucerna products have up to 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger and carbsteady, unique blends of slow release carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. every meal every craving. it's the choices you make when managing blood sugar that are the real victories. glucerna. everyday progress. does your child need help with digestive balance? try align junior probiotic. so she can have a fraction dominating... status updating... hello-yellow-belt kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support with align junior. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, also for kids. you're not going to make it. best-selling brand? 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[ cheers and applause ] you know, lara, you can't adopt those two dogs. you already have enough. okay? i know you were eyeing them. >> it is time to go inside the metabolic chamber. it is the most personalized way to figure out your fitness profile and how you burn calories and how exercise affects your body. no tv cameras have ever been inside until that woman right there, mara schiavocampo tried it out for 24 hours and now you're back with the results. >> i survived the chamber. i've been getting so many questions about this and now we have the answers. this is called the future of weight management. it was previously only available for research and tells you precisely how your body works and i was shocked by what i learned. this tiny room is actually the most cutting edge way to measure exactly how many calories your body is burning. i spent a full day locked inside the metabolic chamber at mt. sinai st. luke's hospital. see you in 23 hours and 15 minutes. >> to test some commonly held beliefs about diet and exercise. so, we're going to try to learn a lot more about how my body works and what those lessons can teach everybody about how their bodies work. first up, a showdown between good old-fashioned cardio and high intensity interval training or one of the most popular new workout trends. to find out i did a 20-minute run at a moderate pace of six miles per hour. four hours later i did a 30-minute hiit workout. brief periods of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. hiit is commonly believed to burn more calories in less time but the chamber says for me that's wrong. the slow ruin burning 10.7 calories a minute compared to just seven for hiit, the run almost 53% more effective. >> i consider it very, very important for a lot of different processes in the body. however, when you do high intensity interval training, you also resting, right, for a long time. >> next up, measuring after burn. how many calories your body continues burning at an elevated level after you stopped exercising. though sometimes it goes on for hours that wasn't the case with either of my workouts. i burned just 34 calories after the run and 44 after the hiit workout. my body returning to normal levels within minutes. >> i want to manage the burn after the exercise is not that significant. >> last, how much time and energy does it stake my body to burn what i eat. to measure this, i spent six hours in a different much smaller chamber. >> hello. >> and ate a high carb high sugar 750-calorie breakfast of a blueberry muffin and sweetened coffee drink. my body burned through it quickly in just four hours using about 80 calories, compared to a high protein meal which would have taken an estimated six hours to burn using almost 200 calories more than double the high carb breakfast. and another interesting piece of information that i learned. i burned 600 calories over the course of that day just in day-to-day tasks, just goes to show you how important small activities can be. >> i saw you on instagram. >> right. that didn't burn quite as much as i hoped it would. >> what surprised you the most? >> i was really shocked by the high intensity interval training. i was the one who reads a lot about it and into health and wellness. i thought it would burn more because i felt like i was working so much harder. that's all about perception. just because i felt like i was working hard clearly i was not. >> that's what blew our mind. you lost so much more on the treading. treadmill running. a lot do that high interval training with something lower. it works for some. >> that's what the magic of the chamber is. it tells you what's true for you. so these are my results the so somebody else could so a completely different result but what it did do was taught me that the one was much more effective for me but i hate running. so you're better off -- you're better off doing what you love because you'll do it more often? we watch you run and, robin said i hate running even though it works. you learned a lot but is this available to everybody. >> the question is people are e-mailing me. right now it's not practical for most people. it's expensive. it's 1500 to $2,000. that's a lot for that. it takes 24 hours out of your day. who can sacrifice that amount of time and it's only available here in new york but we could be seeing is a glimpse in the future of weight management where it becomes much more affordable and go get it in your local town and find so much more about yourself. >> as long as i don't have to run, i'm in. >> thanks for sharing that with me. >> more later in the week. >> coming up, we have the booted couple from "dancing with the stars" they're here. good morning. i'm jessica castro. happening right now, crews removing the final steel truss section of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. this is a live picture of the work being done. the 300-foot long section will be taken to the port of oakland to be taken apart there. all right. let's check in with alexis smith for the roads. >> not so great right now. we have over 50 incidents. there's a serious crash clear up involving another motorcycle. southbound 880 before niles road. two lanes blocked and reopened the lanes and a rollover crash here in the two right lanes, southbound 280 before sand hill road and obviously a significant backup. that's two of very long list. back to you. >> all right. you're busy. well, the forecast i know is pretty nice. you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. you're just about to head outside, take a look at the temperatures. fremont 46. san ramon 47. 60 the antioch. the tedestination, 60s and 70s 4:00. cooler thursday and then much warmer this weekend. jessica? >> great. mike, thank you. another update from welcome back to "gma" live from times square. ♪ >> got it. >> i'm ready to go. >> oh, that looks good. >> look at you. >> look at you. >> what is that? how are you wearing yours. >> he's fashion forward. >> like all the cool people like on those city bikes. >> i have a small dog in mine. >> everybody thinks we're crazy right now. >> there is a reason why we're doing it. >> there is a reason why because it is the '90s, all right, it's not the '90s but they're having a comeback. check your closets. you may one of the coolest things that is coming back, the fanny pack. okay, yes, it is. the fanny pack is back. [ applause ] >> remember dwayne "the rock" johnson, he knows what's up because he put it in his movie "central intelligence." check this out. >> had a fanny pack. >> hell yeah. dude, you want one. >> no, it's okay. >> i got two at home. i'll hook you up. >> oh, he knows. he knows. >> and i mean that was in last summer's movie and when he said he had two at home. he wasn't joking because he's been a fan long time. check out this throwback photo. >> yeah. >> oh! >> wow. the turtleneck, chain also. >> a lot of people think it's a fad but this has been the hottest thing on the new york fashion runway. a lot of big designers, this is in their thing and everyone here -- >> i don't think the one with the polka dots is in. >> everybody here what? >> not only is it in. [ cheers and applause ] >> you make that look good. >> what do you keep in yours. >> you do. >> what do i keep in my fanny pack? let me see. i have some gum. >> what else you got in there. >> nothing else i can tell you, robin. top secret. >> wonderful. >> not to put robin on the spot, stand up. you took yours off. >> i'm going to donate mine. >> oh, oh, oh. >> that was your basketball move. >> you saw that move. you saw that? you thought you were getting it. no. >> but all of you were excited like you were oprah giving away a car. i won it. >> at "gma," fanny packs. >> you saw my basketball moves. >> i totally saw them. >> but i'm curious, you like a very hipster. >> very downtown after the show. >> a lot of celebs wear it like david muir. >> they pull it off. >> and kendall jenner wore it -- >> you wore it first. >> yeah. >> i wore it best. >> i don't know anybody who has the wild print verse but you know what -- >> no one is screaming for that. >> it goes with your dress. >> what do you keep in your fanny pack, i'm just curious. >> i'll move on to topic two. you know what, we have wonderful folks who don't want to talk about fanny packs but talk about dancing. [ cheers and applause ] >> the first stars eliminated, unfortunately, chris kattan and witney carson, come on out, please. [ cheers and applause ] like as we get them, we're going to have you take a look at what happened last night. ♪ all right ♪ here we're going to break this thing down in just a few seconds. shake it shoet shake ♪ shake it >> the first couple to be eliminated this season is -- chris and witney. >> oh. >> sad to see that. all right, come on out now, chris and witney. [ cheers and applause ] >> mwah. >> thank you. >> how are you? >> hi, how are you? >> how are you? good to see you. good to see you too. >> good to see you too. >> thank you. >> chris, you had an injury many years ago. >> yes, i did. >> you were very brave to do this. how hard was it to dance with -- you suffered a broken neck. >> yeah, it was a while ago. a long time ago and, you know, it came up because obviously doing "dancing with the stars" i was like -- they've asked twice before i did this season and i wasn't ready because i did have to undergo some surgeries and wasn't quite ready so i was ready which is ready this time around, i was like, yeah, i'm willing to do it but i still wasn't quite obviously not the best dancer you've ever seen. >> but your spirit -- >> it's like there's so many great dancer. witney is unbelievable. you can't compete with simone as well. simone who is a gold medalist. >> you're shaking it pretty well. >> that's not -- i shake it like twice. that's two shakes. >> yeah. but -- [ applause ] but it was like -- it was a while ago and it was like -- it was -- i'm happy, you know, i'm happy that -- i'm content. i had a good time. i had a blast. it was such an amazing experience, you know. most the amount of time, i want to get a fanny pack because i know you're handing them out. that's why we're here anyway. >> all right. here. >> this one. that's the one i wanted. >> it's so convenient. why don't we wear these? >> you know, you say you had a lot of fun, witney, we know you're amazing. >> thank you. >> the way you took him under your wing it was a lot of fun for us to watch and you relived a night at the >> it was a bit of like -- okay, it was -- you know, hard because we're still dancing, this part is easier than most people would think but, you know, it was great to do it. it had a lot of fun. it's a whole experience. we spent a lot of time just like -- witney is like a tremendous amount of she took so many type out to do all this -- she choreographed the whole thing and -- but it's a great experience. all of it was so much fun. >> we need to watch chris' stuff from "saturday night live." >> i had. i've heard so much about chris. obviously he's like a comedy legend so, you know, i was a little embarrassed that didn't know who he was but all those skits i'm very familiar with now and he really is just so funny. >> makes you smile. >> he really does. >> i just felt like that was our whole journey. he made me laugh all the time. and we worked really hard. we really did. >> we spent a majority of the time of the process of the show is that's the majority of the show is getting ready for these dances and we spent hours every day, you know to rehearse -- >> sense of humor play a role. >> oh, yeah, because i can't dance. >> you can dance -- >> i'm okay but i mean like it was a lot of like -- my legs never had so much work. >> everybody says, right. >> the hardest show. >> i have little cricket legs really and they're like, god, they're really like moveing. >> who should we watch for? >> you know what, i'm actually really surprised by rashad. i think he's going to do really well. yes. and i'm really happy for think simone will be in the finals and fun to see them compete against each other. yeah, very itting. >> i had a great time. >> thank you very much. >> and don't miss vegas night on "dancing with the stars" this monday at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc. coming up, michael and scarlett johansson. oh. [ cheers and applause ] back here on "good morning america," it's a big day for "star wars" fans. a "star wars" fan, yes, huge one back there. well, today "rogue one: a star wars story" is available for digital hd and itunes and our whole audience is going home with a code to download it. good morning. look at all the sunshine. temperatures already in the 50s at 9:00. 60s away from the coast at noon. in the 60s while the rest of us in the 70s at 4:00. and scarlett johansson is back on the big screen taking on the anticipated movie "ghost in the shell" and she's opening up about motherhood and her possible second act off screen. we recently sat down to talk about it all. take a look. >> this is major. >> reporter: major star, major action. scarlett johansson is major. her character in "ghost in the shell," based on the japanese animated classic about a cyberenhanced crime fighter with no human organs except the brain. >> we saved you and now you save others. >> reporter: when i watched this movie all i could think about thank goodness for you. you are always kicking butt and saving the world. >> somebody's got to. >> how much did other roles like lucy or the avengers help you. >> totally. i can pick up fight choreography with much more ease than i could ten years ago. i tried to train in self-defense on my own. >> i can tell. i'm scared of you. i saw you and i'm like don't mess with her. she'll take you out of the a lot of people when they first announced you would take this part there were some people that took offense and said, it's an asian story. should go to an asian actress. what are your thoughts. >> i think this character is living a very unique experience in that she is a human brain in an entirely machiny body. she's essentially identifiless. i wouldn't attempt to play a person of a different race obviously. hopefully any question that comes up of my casting will hopefully be answered by audiences when they see the film. >> i ask you to support all women and our fight for equality in all things. >> audiences are also seeing a passionate and empowered scarlett off screen. >> i'm not afraid to say what i feel is right just because i think that i'm going to face criticism or some people might not like me. i mean, you know, if fighting, you know, for women's rights, if that's going to, you know, mean that some people don't want to buy a ticket to see "ghost in the shell," then i'm okay with that. >> you mentioned that you would possibly one day run for office. >> i've always been interested in local politics. right now i think, you know, with my young daughter and also as my career is going right now there's just -- there's -- it's not the right time but eventually, you know, maybe if i -- if when my daughter was older and i could totally focus myself i think it would be interesting. >> having a kid is like politic, negotiates quite a bit. you'll get a lot of practice with your daughter in already i do. do you want this one or this one? these are your only choices. >> do a deep dive. >> major does the deep dive. remember the deep dive. >> oh, yes, i remember the deep dive. >> body suit. >> how would i look in a body suit by the way. >> fabulous. >> thank you. can you do a deep dive and tell me about avengers infinity -- >> i think fans will be surprised at the state of us all. the avengers are not quite as you last remembered them. if you thought that like avengers was crazy the idea of how do all these pieces fit together. it's taken to the neck level out of control. >> for you to play this character to be in this movie did you find out anything about yourself that maybe you didn't know before. >> i definitely came out of there like i was a little traumatized at the end of this film just because it was so much work and it was like kind of a dark head space to live in but i myself i actually, you know, i was kind of like, okay, i did that. like i'm hanging in. i'm resilient. i'm back to myself. i was happy to find myself at the end of "ghost in the shell." >> and "ghost in the shell" hits theaters nationwide on friday. and go see scarlett johansson in that and coming up, america's fittest truck driver is here sharing his secrets to getting in shape coming up next. we are back with everybody's got something. america's fittest truck driver. he is here to share tips from his four-minute tip plan. first mara has the story. >> yale graduate and former olympic hopeful siphiwe baleka has always been fit. until he started truck driving in 2008 and instantly started gaining weight. he's not alone. obesity in the trucking industry is twice the average rate. so he took control of his health. >> this is driver health and fitness class number 40. >> then helped transform the lives of thousands of other truckers with his breakthrough 13-week program 4-minute fit. >> get those knees up. he recently partnered with progressive's healthy truckers initiative. >> helping truck drivers with their health is what i'm good at. and it's needed. >> reporter: his mission for the long haul. [ cheers and applause ] >> the long haul and the author is here "the 4-minute fitst is here. so wonderful to meet you. >> thank you. >> everybody's got something. i love how you found something to share with others. college swimmer, you attended yale. how did you get into trucking? >> well, i was traveling the word and i wanted to keep traveling. i wanted to see america. i had a friend say, hey, you should drive a truck, it suits your nomadic lifestyle and next thing i knew i was in the truck. >> and next thing you know you were gaping weight and is this how you many came up with this. >> i gained 10.7% of my body weight in the first part of my driving career. i had to take responsibility for my health while i was out on the road and i also realized there's millions of other truck drivers who are facing the same problem. >> well, let's meet two of them. let's meet carlos and tom. carlos and tom, come on out here. come on. the before pictures. hey. come on over here. carlos. nice to see you. tom. my man. good to meet you both. all right. all right. so, tell us your story here. what was your situation, carlos? >> just i was very overweight. just trucking lifestyle is rough on us. >> how much did you lose? >> i lost over 50 pounds. >> 50 pounds. [ cheers and applause ] and this is weight you gained trucking? >> yes. right after i got out of the military i gained a lot of this weight? thank you for your years of service in the military. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. hey, tom, so, tom, hello there. so tell us about how much weight you lost and what motivated you. >> 88 pounds. >> really. yes. that much [ cheers and applause ] and you said you -- we see the pictures beforehand. you said you always had an issue with your -- >> yes, unfortunately. >> a lot of people are like that. you said you saw a picture with your wife and that's what told uh-huh to do something different. >> yes, when i saw that picture i was like, it's time -- >> picture right here. >> it's time for a change. not just for myself but for my kids, for my wife, for my family. i needed to get healthy, so that's what motivated me. >> bless you. >> to do this. >> you know what, i love it. the hat. you don't have to just be a trucker. you don't have to just be a trucker to benefit from this so you'll show us a couple of quick exercises. >> we'll show you what you can do. our drivers, they're on the road 300 days so we had to bring the gym to the truck. so carlos is going to do lunges, this is something he can do on the side of his truck but can you do this at your desk, you can do this in a hotel room, right. so, these lunges they're working all the leg muscles. o. and it's helping to build mitochondr mitochondria. that's what you need to burn fat. carlos, keep doing your lunges. tom is going to shadow box. okay. this is my favorite exercise. >> i love this one. >> it's fun. the key is, keep going. [ applause ] >> okay. fat burning and you want to do it with as much intensity as you can do. four minutes is all you need to turn your metabolism on. >> and it really lets out some frustration, doesn't it, tom? i oughta. thank you so much for sharing this. "the 4-minute fit" hits book stores tomorrow but today you all, you all -- [ cheers and applause ] are going to get it. four minutes. that's all it takes. >> four minute. >> thank you all very much. we'll be rig but do they need help making more of their own tears? if you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose™ can help... with continued use twice a day, every day, one drop at a time. restasis multidose™ helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose™ did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. your eyes. your tears. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose™. brad, ben, george, matthew, mel. life with be filled with highs and lows even if you're one of the sexiest men alive. new details and interviews and what you don't know about the incredible lives of these men tonight at 10:00 central on abc. ♪ "good morning america" is brought to you by macy's. >> i tell you what, we have some incredible men with us right now, don't we, ladies? we do. we do. [ applause ] so give us that one final tip, one final tip. >> turn your metabolism on before you start your day by moving with maximum intensity for four minutes. >> that's it. >> for four minutes, that's all. >> watch david tonight, everybody. "world news tonight." (vo)have to happen?idn't i didn't see it. (vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford. the all-new subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. good morning. i'm jessica castro. meteorologist mike nicco has a look quick at the bay area forecast. >> all right. thank you very much. hi, everybody. mid to upper 60s along the coast and san francisco. pretty breezy at the coast. not so much around the bay and inland hitting the low to mid-70s. take a look at the 7-day forecast. even warmer tomorrow. much cooler thursday. with a stray shower possible. and them it gets warmer this weekend. alexis? >> really turned into a rough cmmute, mike. we have several blocking issues right now. one of the worst is this rollover crash, still trying to clean up. southbound 280 past 84 in the woodside area, the backup to state route 92. stick to 101 instead. >> thank you. our reporting continues now on our news app and abc 7 join us for abc 7 mornings weekdays from 4:30 to 7:00. we'll >> announcer: it's "live with kelly." today the one and only kevin james, and we catch up with chelsea handler. plus, from "fresh off the boat," randall park. and busy philipps is today's cohost. all next on "live." [upbeat music] ♪ >> ♪ and do you your ♪ hair toss ♪ check my nails >> announcer: now here are kelly ripa and busy philipps. >> ♪ check my nails ♪ baby, how you feeling >> ♪ let it all hang out ♪ tonight >> ♪ hair toss, check my nails >> busy: i'm gonna pull out your chair. >> kelly: yeah, we'll pull out each other's. >> ♪ hair toss, check my nails ♪ baby, how you feeling >> ♪ feeling good as hell ♪ >> busy: oh! [speaking indistinctly] >> ♪ baby, how you feeling >> ♪ feeling good as hell

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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170328 :

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170328

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the president going on a twitter tirade overnight taking aim at the investigation and conservatives who derailed his health care bill. and breaking news, under ambush. two police officers attacked in their car overnight shot on the job outside of a florida apartment and rushed to the hospital. the urgent manhunt for the suspects this morning. ♪ and tom brady bombshell. patriots owner robert kraft revealing his star quarterback isn't going anywhere any time soon. >> he assured me he'd be willing to play six, seven more years. >> the super bowl star on the verge of turning 40, could he become the oldest and greatest nfl star ever? ♪ good morning, america. a lot of news to get to but it's great to have david muir for another six, seven years at least. >> that will make me about 47, 48 just like tom brady. i'll be a little older than that actually. check out not only the fans excited although no word from tom brady but bob kraft saying there would be no one happier than i and hoping coach belichick sticks around and coaches into his 80s. >> don't count them out. anything is possible. we'll have more on that ahead. first we want to get to that severe weather hitting the south. more than 160 storm reports as powerful winds and damaging rain move through several states and ginger zee has the latest. good morning, ginger. >> good morning to you, michael. they will be so busy looking at all of potential tornado damage today. and gunnersville, alabama, see that blowing wind and dangerous hail smashing windshields in mississippi and this flipping cars in tennessee. so, this is what we saw as of yesterday. now we're going to go ahead and focus on a new storm that is putting itself together in the plains coming over the rockies, it's got a cold front dry line all the classic setup for a severe weather potential and that really happens tonight in this region, southwest of oklahoma city into parts of north texas, down to san angelo and then moves east. this is day after day of severe weather threat. it goes into the little rock area, shreveport is in it by wednesday. so much more to come with the severe weather forecast but we have to get straight to adrienne bankert who is in decaturville, tennessee, this morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. we want to show you what a possible tornado or those strong straight line winds can do. this building behind us shredded. the walls and roof ripped apart. officials say the system was so strong a number of mobile homes pretty much imploded. overnight, 15 million americans in the crosshairs. severe storm systems ripping across the south. tornado sirens blaring with funnel clouds forming across western kentucky. drivers struggling to see the roads through the torrential rains. high winds destroying this large brick sign and turning trees to trash on busy roads. in mississippi, dangerous twisters tearing through the area. this ominous funnel cloud spotted right off this highway. this heavy hailstorm in alabama forcing everyone indoors. >> this is creepy. i have never seen in the 11 years we've lived here. >> reporter: for those on the road visibility is reduced to near whiteout conditions and high winds and heavy rains interrupting this baseball game in north central alabama. golf ball size hail stones pelting swimming pools from mississippi and alabama to texas. where larger, more dangerous baseball-size ones shatter this car windshield. and you know what, just like this structure a number of homes were damage and responders saying several were severely damaged but no one injured. this part of the country under the severe weather with another strong system set to roll in. rob robin. >> thank you, adrienne. thinking of everyone down that way. now to that big headline out of washington about russia and the election. there are new calls for the republican congressman who's leading the investigation, devin nunes to step aside after he confirmed he held a secret meeting on white house grounds. abc's senior white house correspondent cecilia vega has more on that. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning to you. those calls for him to step down are growing louder. democrats say he has tarnished congress' investigation into russia's election meddling but the president, he's tweeting saying the trump/russia story is a hoax. overnights top republican leading what is supposed to be an independent investigation into russia's election meddling going into self-defense mode. >> there was no sneaking around. >> reporter: devin nunes facing questions about impartiality and the house intelligence committee chairman says his trove of classified information allegedly showing intelligence officials may have inadvertently picked up the communications of the president and his transition team was actually given to him by someone on the white house grounds. >> i'm not going to tell you where i was at on the grounds because, of course, those are all classified facilities. >> reporter: nunes, a member of the president's transition team is not naming names. >> look, i'm not going to get into the process of how we do our sources and methods. >> reporter: that secret meeting happened last week. just hours before nunes briefed reporters on capitol hill about his findings and then rushed to the white house to brief the president, the white house also not willing to out nunes' source. >> i'm not going to get into who he met with or why he met with. i think that's something he's clear and i'll let him answer. >> reporter: the backlash swift with democrats calling on the chairman to step aside. >> mr. president, it could very well be the case that chairman nunes was briefing members of the administration about an investigation of which they are the subject. >> reporter: the top democrat on the house intelligence committee adding to the chorus. >> i think it would be in the chairman's interest as well as the committee's for him to recuse himself. >> reporter: nunes says he had to leave congress to view these documents here on the white house grounds because they could only be shown to him on a secure network connected to the executive branch and still has not made the content of those documents known, robin, even to others in congress involved in that investigation into russia. >> they want to know. also, cecilia, we know that the president is set to sign another executive order today. >> reporter: yeah, this is a really controversial one that would roll back basically a number of president obama's climate change regulations. the white house says that those rules have been a burden to the economy. they are promising to bring back coal jobs but a number of experts are questioning whether the president can fulfill that promise and bring back all of these jobs. >> all right, cecilia, thank you. >> going to make a lot of headlines today. let's turn to our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl with more. the president was up overnight with a tweet storm and clearly not over the stinging defeat of his promise to repeal and replace obamacare. still pointing fingers this morning? >> reporter: absolutely, david. about 10:00 last night the tweets started on health care. the first one taking aim -- republicans who defied him on the health care bill. the republican house freedom caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. after so many bad years they were ready for a win and then hinting that he is ready to work with democrats in the next week, the democrats will make a deal with me on health care as soon as obamacare folds. not long. don't worry, we are in very good shape. so, david, the not so subtle threat here to the republicans who defied him is that he is ready to go right by them and start working with at least some democrats. >> but, jon, as you know, interesting he brings up the democrats because you pressed the white house about whether that can really happen. will president trump and democrats be able to work together on taxes, infrastructure or do democrats sense and opening given the defeat over obamacare? >> reporter: well, i pressed sean spicer on that yesterday in a very interesting response, david. he basically told me that there would be a need of a course correction here at the white house, a very rare admission from the white house that they would have to change course if they were to actually be able to work with democrats. of course, the president has gotten to calling chuck schumer a clown and worked almost entirely with republicans so far so this would be a big change. one idea floated this morning by the online publication axios reporting that the white house may consider doing infrastructure next, a big spending bill that would be likely to bring along some democrats and make a lot of republicans very uncomfortable. >> all right, jon karl, we'll watch all day at the white house, jon, thanks so much. robin. >> david, wall street also reacting to what's going on in washington. the failure of the republican health care bill. the stocks now riding an eight-day losing streak. our chief economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with more on that. good morning, rebecca. >> hey, robin, good morning. this is the longest losing streak since 2011. you see that eight-day losing streak has cost the dow 1.9%. we want to put this into context. since election day the dow surged 12% on expectations president trump's agenda, deregulation, lower taxes and infrastructure spending will help business. but pulling repeal and replace of obamacare was a first major test and it failed. which has some investors now on edge now wondering can the president actually deliver on his promises and, robin, about the prospects for tax reform. >> are we seeing something with the overnight markets that is encouraging about today? >> reporter: it is encouraging. stocks look like they'll take a breather as wall street really tries to get a sense of what happens next, robin. >> rebecca, thank you. now we'll turn to the battle against isis, robin and american-led air strikes in mosul and this morning the accusations that the air strikes may have killed hundreds of iraqi civilians in mosul. if confirmed this could be one of the deadliest instance of unintended death since the war began. when the u.s. became involved in iraq. let's get right to martha raddatz. she's live with us from washington. martha, what do we know about what happened and has there been any shift in tack tiffs under the new president. >> reporter: this was not just one building that was hit but witnesses say a city block was destroyed. i think the thing to remember is this is an urban environment. there's no more challenging battlefield than that. some iraqi officers said the u.s. has been quicker to strike targets of late but the military says the rules of engagement have not changed since donald trump became president and what they're looking at is whether there was a secondary explosion caused by explosives left there purposefully by isis or whether this was just a terrible mistake, david. >> martha, as you know we were all waiting for secretary of defense james mattis to weigh in. he was asked about those civilian deaths. >> reporter: he was, david. he said there is no military force in the world more sensitive to civilian casualties that they do everything humanly possible to protect innocent people, unlike isis. but mattis knows firsthand having fought in fallujah which was a packed urban environment that the enemy can hide behind women and children and that's why they're investigating to fine the truth in this case. >> martha raddatz with us this morning from washington. thanks, martha. over to robin. >> david, we'll turn now to a foiled plot at a maryland high school. an 18-year-old student facing charges for planning a potentially deadly attack after her father uncovered the plot in her diary. our senior justice correspondent pierre thomas has the details for us. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. today this high school in this small town is relieved and the parents of the suspect are being hailed as heroes. the plot, police say, a potential school massacre involving these weapons. a shotgun, explosives, pipes for a pipe bomb planned by an 18-year-old honor student nichole cevario who apparently detailed it in a chilling diary. >> it was clear she planned to die during this event. it is very clear to us she had the means, the materials to cause significant damage to herself, to the student body, to the facility up there at catoctin high school. >> reporter: they say cevario's diary was planned for a few days from now on april 5 but they say her parents discovered the diary and her father contacted authorities. you're a parent. can you put yourself in their shoes of having to make a decision like that? >> they most likely saved their daughter's life and other lives. within the student body. >> reporter: cevario mentioned columbine in her diary. part of a disturbing trend. an abc news investigation found within the last 17 years there have been at least 79 thwarted school massacre plots and in more than half of them the would-be attackers mention columbine. women being involved in these plots is rare. of the 160 active shooters we looked at only six involved females. in this case the young suspect is undergoing an emergency mental health evaluation. robin. >> that is to be expected. thank you very much. thank goodness for that father stepping in like that. now amy has the morning's other top stories starting with two officers shot in florida. >> we have dramatic video showing that moment when two undercover miami police officers were rushed to the hospital after being shot during a gang surveillance operation. they were dropped off in a pickup truck and were able to limp into the hospital. thankfully they are in stable condition and police are searching for those two suspects. a deadly fire in oakland is raising new questions about building inspections. three people were killed when this transitional housing facility went up in flames. code violations were found just last week. this comes just months after 36 people died in a warehouse fire in that same city. well, the state of michigan has agreed to spend $87 million to replace thousands of pipes in flint that are tainted with lead. it's part of a deal to settle a federal lawsuit. and overseas new security procedures are in place at windsor castle following the attack outside british parliament last week. barriers set up along the route of the changing of the guard ceremony. the mother of the london attacker says she is shocked and saddened by her son's actions. and finally for some college kids an 8:00 a.m. class is optional after a late night of partying, right? but not for one guy. luke maye, he was, of course, the hero of unc's win sunday night sending them to the final four look at that with that shot. >> oh. >> no doubt, plenty of celebrating that followed but just 12 hours later at 8:00 a.m. on monday luke shows up for his business 101 class and he got a standing ovation. he has not missed one class yet, an all-around awesome guy. >> he may miss monday's game from the championship game. women's final four now set, south carolina, like the men going on to the final four and uconn, the defending champs, that winning streak keeps going, going to dallas as well. >> where is that bell? >> i am wearing mississippi state maroon. i will bring back the bell thursday. >> that's what we're looking forward to. good to see athletes doing it on the court and off the court as well. you know what, now we go to las vegas. the las vegas raiders, everybody, yeah, i said it right. the oakland raiders have received permission from the nfl to move to sin city but they weren't packing their bags just yet. t.j. holmes, you have more. >> stra, the city of oakland refused to give taxpayer money to build a new stadium for the raiders so you know what happened vegas stepped in and said we got cash and put $750 billion in chips in the middle of the table. viva las vegas. home to world famous casino, tigers, even britney spears. and now the city is getting a pro football team. monday the nfl gave the green light to the oakland raiders to move to sin city. for years the nfl was concerned putting players and referees too close to a betting culture of the gambling capital would corrupt the game. that opinion appears to be fading. >> still a surprise because the nfl had always publicly been against gambling. >> reporter: the main reason for the move an outdated stadium. the raiders wanted a new one but oakland officials say they wouldn't use taxpayer money to build it. >> we worked very hard and never want to see a relocation of a franchise. >> reporter: las vegas made them an offer they couldn't refuse. promising $750 million from a tourist tax to build a new $2 billion stadium. oakland and the raiders have had a very rocky relationship. the team left oakland in 1982, came back in 1995 and now they're leaving again. >> one thing money cannot buy is a loyal fan base. >> reporter: but for the football fans of las vegas, nothing but excitement. >> i still can't believe we're -- i'm actually getting my team here in my backyard. >> reporter: to your point they're not going for another two years so they'll keep playing in oakland. so it's like getting a divorce and still having to live in the house with our ex for two years. ain't going to work. >> i have no comment on that one. >> that's right. >> let's go back to ginger now. rainy day here in the northeast, ginger? >> it is. a rainy day. i've had so many people say, you know, my app says it's going to rain all week. it won't. that doesn't happen. what i did want to show you that low ceiling in new york city. you can see it from brooklyn and of course have to get to tuesday trivia. coming up we have an abc news exclusive. the family of that filmmaker who died diving with sharks now speaking out. also the outrage growing over this video shot by a mother showing a tsa agent patting down her son with a disability. the question this morning, did he go too far? come on back. go too far? come on back. of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. good morning. i'm jessica castro. the investigation continues this morning into the deadly building fire in oakland. three people died. the coroner identified one as 64-year-old edward anderson. one person remains missing this morning. oakland city leaders may not be okay with the raiders playing at the coliseum for two more years. mayor shaft says she feels double crossed by the nfl and the team. councilman reed says he wants to explore ways to evict the raiders right now. all right. let's take a look at the roads. we are in recovery mode in the south bay. northbound 85 right around cottle road cleared but you can see you're slow on 101 approaching and still lingering delays, as well. quick check of some drive times, heavy out of tracy and one hour ten minutes. a couple of crashes in antioch to concord today. back to our coldest and warmest temperatures inland. look at the san roman, 43. antioch, 46. oakland and san francisco 50. 46 in san jose. look at the sunshine today. temperatures will top out in the mid to upper 60s at the coast. low to mid-70s for the rest of us. cooler thursday with a random shower and even warmer this weekend, jessica. >> that looks beautiful, mike. thank you. we will have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes. and always on the news app and abc 7 enjoy the day and enjoy there's 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president obama's clean power plan. the trump administration says it will bring back jobs but critics say it will put the environment and millions of americans at risk. >> first this half hour our exclusive this morning with the family of a filmmaker who died in the waters off florida while making a shark documentary, they're filing a lawsuit and abc's gio benitez is here with much more for us. >> hey, david, good morning. it's been just two months since rob stewart's death but his parents say they're doing what stewart would have wanted them to do, to make sure a diving accident like this never happens again. >> we're going to go down to maybe 130 feet. see if we can find some hammerhead sharks. >> reporter: rob was the fearless filmmaker teaching the world about the ocean's top predator. but just two months ago while filming a sequel to his award winning documentary "shark water" -- >> you're under water and you see the thing that you were taught your whole life to fear, and it doesn't want to hurt you. >> reporter: stewart disappeared off the coast of the florida keys. his body was found three days later. it's believed he drowned after an issue with the air tank. this morning his parents and their attorney sitting down with "gma" talking about the lawsuit they're filing, alleging his dive instructor and boat crew are to blame for his death. >> there's no way anyone should ever die the way rob died and it's the irresponsibility of the people involved that caused it, had somebody had their eyes on the water. >> so many things went wrong. so many careless mistakes were made and he would want to make sure that this never happened to anyone else again. >> reporter: stewart and instructor peter sotis were diving in more than 220 feet of water using new rebreathing equipment when they both came to the surface. sotis had issues breathing and got on to the point. but stewart disappeared. >> the only reason peter is alive today he left rob stewart in the water to get on the boat which is a cardinal sin in the dive industry. >> reporter: the lawsuit alleges sotis failed to monitor, keep eyes on and/or rescue stewart when they got into trouble. >> he didn't protect his student. he got on the boat and left his student in the water. it's so preventable that it is scary. >> reporter: the family and their attorney point to sotis' legal issues. in a separate ongoing lawsuit, his business partner accuses him of selling noncertified air tanks to customers and of selling dive gear to libyan militants. >> we're divers ourselves and we're crushed inside. we're trying to be strong. >> reporter: this morning stewart's parents promise his legacy will live on. >> he always used to take off again for another part of the world with his camera. to us a little part of what makes me go on is the fact that he's still off shooting. somehow what he wants to have done is going to be done. >> and we've reached out to sotis and everyone mentioned in that coming suit. so far we haven't heard back. stewart's parents tell us they intend to finish shooting their son's sequel and insist diving is beautiful and safe. they hope his story actually inspires others to explore. david. >> all right, much more to come on this. thanks. let's bring in our senior legal correspondent, sunny hostin. always great to have you with us here. first of all what's this about? it seems they're concentrated on the instructor and the business. >> that's right, everyone that was involved in this dive and what they're saying, david, is this was a preventable tragedy that they owed him a duty of care. they owed him a duty to protect him and they failed to do so. we all know that diving can be very safe and it can be very beautiful but it really the onus is on the diving instructor, on the folks that are supposed to take care of those students in the water. >> interesting. what what do you think their chances are, this family? >> i think that their chances are significant. although i do think that they are going to argue in defense that this -- that diving is an inherently risky sort of activity and that he assumed the risk by taking part in the dive. so that's generally the type of defense that you will see. but, again, this obviously was a preventable tragedy. >> i know you looked into the past. any precedent for a case like this? >> yes, remember that open water movie where two divers were just left stranded. well, they were found criminally liable, the folks involved there so that was in another country but certainly these suits happen and they happen all too often i think. >> all right, we'll continue to follow this. sunny hostin, great to have you with us. i know you're headed to your other show, "the view." >> i am. >> congratulate the ladies on the emmy nomination. >> thank you, thank you. we're very proud. >> we are too. over to you robin. coming up, why a major dance mom star is calling it quits. come on back. almond breeze, wey use california-grown blue 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revealed she is quitting the show saying she was manipulated and disrespected by producers but she's also facing a much bigger problem, possible prison time, amy. isn't that right? >> that is correct and abby lee miller may be in legal hot water personally but that did not stop her from lashing out in an instagram post announcing there that she is quitting the hit show, blaming the producers and leaving her fans in limbo. >> too sloppy. get up in the air on that. >> reporter: for seven seasons millions have tuned in to watch notoriously tough dance teacher, abby lee miller, push. >> no cry babies, none! >> reporter: punish -- >> you're too tall for us today. >> reporter: and pit young dancers and their stage moms against one another at the abbey lee dance company in pittsburgh and now l.a. >> everybody is watching you cry. save your tears for the pillow. >> reporter: the future of the hit "dance moms" is uncertain after miller took to instagram late sunday to tell her 3.2 million followers she's bowing out. >> you better stand up straight because i've had it! >> reporter: the 50-year-old posting, i will no longer take part in "dance moms." i have asked, begged and even demanded creative credit for all of the ideas, to no avail. >> please welcome to the stage "where have all the children gone." >> miller citing a recent clash with producers, posting, i don't have a problem working with any kid. i love children and have dedicated my life to making other people's children successful. i just have a problem with being manipulated, disrespected and used day in and day out by men who never took a dance lesson in their lives and treat women like dirt. >> abby lee miller has been very vocal in the past and insiders have said, look, there's a lot of tension between her and producers. >> right now there's a lot at stake. is this the end of an era? i hope it's not. >> reporter: outside the studio miller has plenty of real-life drama back in pittsburgh. she's now facing up to 2 1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty to bankruptcy fraud last summer. a federal grand jury indicting her for attempting to hide more than $700,000 of income from her hit shows, seminars and merchandise sales. the dance diva seemingly placing some of the blame for her financial troubles on the show during this "e.t." interview. >> everybody thinks's oh wow, she's probably booming. she probably has tons and tons of kids now. it's the opposite. kids left because of the crew and stepping on their bags and pushing them out of the way. >> reporter: this morning lifetime isn't commenting leaving fans wondering if the reality show has had its final curtain call. and abby lee miller is set to be sentenced back in may where she will learn if she gets prison time or just probation for that guilty plea to bankruptcy fraud. >> we'll have to wait to see what happens there and also wait to see what happens with the show ratings. >> that's right, because i mean i'm just going to -- full disclosure. my kids love the show. i've seen it because it's been on and she's the big draw. talk about tension, she creates it. that creates the drama which keeps people watching. >> it's okay. you've been watching the show. >> i haven't. like making dinner in the background while it's on. >> sure. she's like, what's that? >> nice save. nice save. michael. >> all right, thank you, robin. coming up on our big board, the mom of this boy saying she's horrified by the way tsa treated her son. now millions are reacting. and we're coming back in two minutes to talk about it. minutes to talk about it. 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(announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. we are back with our big board, and espn's kate fagan is here with us at the table. she's winning the shoe game. she wanted to wear her jordans but we didn't let her. >> i did, i put in a request. >> let's start with that powerful protest by the women's hockey team planning to boycott the world championship if they can't strike a deal, saying they're getting unequal treatment. negotiations overnight not resolving the dispute, even senators are weighing in on the side of the team, so where does it stand right now? >> no go right now and we're only a few days away and i mean this is a team that's -- >> what are they negotiating? >> they say they're fighting for the future. they say that it's not as much about them and what they'll make playing for usa hockey as it is about growing the women's game, adding funding to the women's national development team. trying to make that more equal than necessarily the actual dollars they're getting for suiting up for team usa. >> does the men's national team get more support than the women's? >> in terms of actual dollars for suiting up, no. in terms of the amount of millions poured in and first class airfare, bringing a guest with you, little inequities that have built up over the last 20 years for this team like not being invited to the jersey unveiling before sochi, these are the inequities they're fighting as well as the 3.5 million that goes to the boy's side to develop and not even a budget line for the women. >> these are nhl players so they're not so concerned about the money. the women need it to be able to be on the team and not have to get a second and third job. what's going to happen? do you think they'll play on friday? >> i've talked to a lot of the women's hockey players. they're not budging. they are fully prepared to not play this tournament and they say that even when it comes to the 2018 olympics, this isn't resolved. so we'll see. so even that is on the line. >> i love even how the men's team are siding with the women and saying, come on. >> they're saying maybe they'll boycott. >> the men are most of them nhl players so there's a lot more finances behind them. >> more weight. >> than the women's team has. i like it. dig in and say this is what we want. fighting for the future. that's what they're doing. kate, thank you. next up there's trouble for the tsa. a mom is livid posting this video to facebook showing a tsa officer patting down her son as he went through a security checkpoint calling the incident traumatizing, and david kerley is here with more. david, we just saw a little bit of the video. what exactly happened? >> michael, it went on for about a minute 45, less than two minutes of a pat-down of this young boy. he's wearing a t-shirt and shorts and the officer does what is considered a thorough pat-down, but the mother, as you mentioned, is livid. her name is jennifer williamson. she posted this video. it shows the officer explaining what he's going to do and then goes through this pat-down. she says that her son did not set off any alarms and that he has sensory processing disorder which left him traumatized going through this pat-down. he looks like he's complying and there's not a problem. i don't like it. i've been through it. it's not fun. this mother certainly not happy with what happened in dallas. >> before i ask a second question how long was this because online they were saying one thing that i even read somewhere they said like an hour. you're saying it was a minute -- a couple minutes. >> it's a couple minutes of the pat-down but then they were at the checkpoint for some time because the mother was very upset and tsa and police were talking to her, so, you know, there are three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth and this one -- what parent wants to see their child patted down like this wearing a t-shirt and shorts. once again though, the officer knows he's on surveillance. they've recently changed the rules at tsa. there used to be five different pat-downs and a couple of weeks ago they changed it to one so the officer has only one pat-down he can do and it's that full pat-down you just saw. he knows he's being watched by the cameras so he's got to do the pat-down. >> what determines if a person needs an additional pat-down. if you have to go through it, is there any way to avoid having to have it? >> don't fly. don't go through tsa. that's one way to avoid it. if you set off the alarm going through the metal director that's one and there are random checks where they just decide every 13th, 14th, 6th person that that person is going to go through a pat-down. that's to make sure the machines are working right and they don't miss something going through. the one way to avoid it is go to the scanner. that's the big machine that scans your body. for those of us who have a staple or something in their piece of metal in their body always a good idea to take the scanner and then if they find something you get a small pat-down but not the full-on pat-down like this child did with the mother who was very, very unhappy. >> she was not happy at all. all right. thank you, david. very much. happy to have you and happy to have you. i love you on "around the horn." when i'm working out i see you guys. >> i will have you tell tony i should win more. >> coming up inside the metabolic chamber. is this the future of weight loss? the surprising results after our reporter, our mara, mara schiavocampo went through 24 hours in that tiny space. michael, what did you do? >> i saw scarlett johansson. had a chance to talk to her. there we are, robin. you see us walking and can't wait to let everybody see this. we talk about her new movie "ghost in the shell." it's late it's an all nighter when are we even going to sleep? got a little all nighter refuel going on this is the best morning ever! look at that joy and excitement mmmmm i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. my doctor says i havey, what's skittles pox. are they contagious? i don't think so. contract the rainbow! taste the rainbow! come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. li don't want to pry... grown man now. dad. but have you made a decision? i'm going with the $1000 in cash back. my son... ...a cash man. dad, are you crying? nah, just something in my eye. the volkswagen 3 and easy event... ...where you can choose one of three easy ways to get a $1000 offer. hurry in to your volkswagen dealer now and you can get $1000 as an apr bonus, a lease bonus, or cash back. spring is on. and it's time to get growing. so while you're doing your thing, we'll do what we do best. to get you ready to live life outside. as america's #1 professional lawn care company, trugreen can tailor a plan that turns your ordinary lawn into an extraordinary one. that will thrive and stay healthy throughout the year. guaranteed. so start your trugreen lawn plan today for only $29.95. under armofor him at kohl's. for her for the entire family. for a limited time take 25% off select shoes, apparel, and more. get your start with under armour now at kohl's. back here on "good morning america," you know we are not the only one with wild weather. queensland, australia, dealing with this. look at this image. we're going to take it full. you can see the debris flying. they have a category 4 cyclone that is now category 3 but hit as a 4 and it has made landfall. now still moving through. severe winds, still, you know, busting -- we had 100, 150-mile-per-hour winds with this thing and now it's starting to hit the land, starting to rip apart that storm but they'll still see heavy rain and extreme wind and i'm sure we'll see many more pictures and unfortunately some officials saying death or even injury. then i wanted to pick up because we talked about the severe weather around the backside of it here. new mexico, parts of colorado, getting more than a foot of snow. yeah. that's right. it's still -- hey, it's still spring ski season so still happening. now they perked up because they heard snow. they said for us? no. out west. i also wanted to show you guys. i don't know if you watched but we have "dancing's" first booted couple, chris kattan and witney carson here live for us. i believe they are getting ready right now and chris improved so much, i don't know if you guys saw this, with that spine injury he had. so nice to see him on the dance floor, unfortunately we're going to not see him any longer but he is here this morning. you know it's always going to be a great morning with chris kattan and his physical comedy. >> we want you back on "dancing with the stars." >> you want me back? >> yes. >> everybody -- people upstairs will say i love "dancing." i miss it so much. thank you. >> you're so good. >> i'm walking over here because you're being so nice to me this morning. you know what else is coming up on "gma," all of them. yeah, that's what you get. this segment brought to you by kohl's. local news and weather next. welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx "good morning america" is brought to you by trugreen. america's number one professional lawn care company. start today. profes al lawn care company. start today. good morning. i'm jessica castro. and meteorologist mike nicco as a quick look at the bay area forecast. i hear it's beautiful. >> going to be a nice one, jessica. thank you. hi, everybody. 54 already in oakland. starting to see 50s in the north bay. san jose at 49. we are going to top out 70 to 75 except for the coast at san francisco, 66 to 69. even warmer tomorrow, slight chance of a stray shower and much cooler thursday and then the warmest weather this weekend. alexis? >> we thought we were clear westbound 580 but the left lane is blocked again. tracy to dublin, 1 hour 55 minutes. northbound 85 recovering and the south bay westbound 580 just past the toll plaza, a crash clear up about 15 minutesi ago. >> thank you. we'll have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our news app and abc 7 join us for abc 7 mornings weekdays 4: to 7:00. enjoy that gorgeous sunshine throughout the day. live-streat the airport.e sport binge dvr'd shows while painting your toes. on demand laughs during long bubble baths. tv everywhere is awesome. the all-new xfinity stream app. xfinity. the future of awesome. good morning, america. severe weather slaps the south. 15 million americans on alert after 160 reports of storm damage overnight. baseball-size hail. homes hammered by the storm and new warnings as another dangerous storm moves in. also new this morning, president trump about to unveil a major executive order in just hours rolling back president obama's environmental agenda. as trump takes aim overnight at republican conservatives who derailed his health care bill. health alert. does breast-feeding really make your baby smarter in the long term? what the new research is revealing. dr. ashton here to break it down for you. would you spend 4 hours in this tiny room to change the way you lose weight? what one of our correspondents learned about her body exercise and diet and what the results mean for you. ♪ one-on-one with scarlett johansson, major movie star and mom. what she revealed about kicking butt on screen and bringing up her daughter offscreen all ahead this morning as we say -- >> both: good morning, america. [ applause ] >> show us that wink again. happy tuesday, everybody. [ applause ] >> that's ellen. >> i love ellen. >> with her friend rhoda here very early this morning. >> there we go. there's your moment. >> how many cups of coffee? >> we're on tv. >> i know. >> you know, it was raining out. we pulled up in the dark this morning to get out to the studio and covering yourself. hello, david. already said hello to robin. >> and their new friends from texas are with them. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're bringing america together one family at a time. >> and it's great to have you here with us. >> day two. >> day two. >> i'm not counting. >> double duty. >> can i just point out too the color coordination, very fabulous. >> i call robin every -- >> mississippi state maroon. at least i didn't bring the bell out this time. i wanted to. >> later this week. >> seen lara running two seconds ago. that's impressive. >> we had a little "pop news" moment. amy and i always want to get it right. the producer and you'll see why later. perfection. >> you know who else is here america's fittest truck driver is here, his four-minute plan to transform thousands of drivers' lives. he'll show us his moves coming up here. there's his moves. >> hey, michael. how is scar jo? >> we hung out. it was pretty cool. scarlett johansson, we had a great time yesterday. had a great time yesterday. and the thing -- she's one of the world's biggest movie stars but she's also very down to earth. you never -- she has another career she has her eye on but you'll never guess what it is but you'll find out. >> were you shopping for art together? >> is that your loft? >> we were in this art gallery just walk around. >> a multitasker. >> exactly. >> we have that and then we have "dancing with the stars," the first eliminated couple. [ cheers and applause ] love this guy. chris kattan and witney. we'll talk to them coming up. >> a great effort. the morning rundown with amy. >> good morning, everyone. the big story this morning, president trump taking steps to roll back president obama's policies addressing climate change. today he is signing an executive order that will begin to unravel certain regulations passed in the obama era including restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions and coal fired power plants. many experts doubt the president can fulfill his promise to bring back thousands of jobs. according to gallup, the president's approval rating has hit a new low, 36% following this the defeat of the health care bill. meanwhile, there are growing calls for house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes to recuse himself from the investigation into russia's meddling in the election after it was revealed nunes met with the source on the grounds of the white house. abc's cecilia vega has all the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: amy, good morning. the man who was leading that congressional investigation into russia is now facing serious questions about his own impartiality. house intelligence committee devin nunes held a secret meeting on white house grounds where he viewed classified intelligence he says may have inadvertently picked up the communications of the president and his transition team. that meeting took place just hours before nunes briefed reporters on capitol hill about his findings and then rushed to the white house to brief the president. the backlash swift with democrats calling on nunes to step down from the investigation, but house speaker paul ryan says he has full confidence in nunes' ability to conduct a fair investigation. amy. >> all right, cecilia, thank you. parts of the south bracing for more severe weather following at least 160 reports of storm damage and possible tornadoes in mississippi and tennessee. hail the size of baseballs smashed car windows and more of the same unfortunately is possible over the next few days. well, two miami police officers are recovering from gunshot wounds. they were rushed to the hospital in the back of a truck after being ambushed during a gang surveillance operation. two suspects are at large. and a would-be jewel thief in florida found herself locked up before police arrived. investigators say the woman wanted to inspect diamonds in the store's vault but the store owner thought she was suspicious so they locked her in her vault. they say she tried to hide diamonds up her skirt before being arrested. and finally one customer cooked up a recipe for success at a fast food restaurant in kansas city. popeyes worker showanna maze told one of her customers through the drive-through as they were waiting for the food to be prepared she wanted to go to nursing school but little hoe -- hope she'd get the chance. don carter was so touched he drove home, worked late into the night to set up a gofundme page and raised $6,000 for her in just a few days. the donations are still pouring in. he went there to the restaurant to tell her about it and it was so cute. the only thing she could say was oh, my gosh, oh my gosh and a litany of thank-yous followed. what a beautiful story. >> very touching. thanks for sharing that with us. thank you so much, amy. [ applause ] >> all right, you were late getting out here. you said you wanted the timing to be just right. >> it's not easy. >> expectations are high. >> yes, and i will point out the moment. okay. >> you got it. >> i'll let you guess. here we go everybody. "pop news" time. [ cheers and applause ] and we begin with a little real estate news. you guys like real estate, right, so the late david bowie's new york city apartment where he lived with his wife supermodel iman for ten years has just come on the market. it's $6.5 million and it is spectacular. it's 18,000 plus square feet. it's located in manhattan's essex house building with great views of central park from the living room which is 28 feet wide. but here's the catch. you also get if you buy the apartment david bowie's grand piano. [ applause ] comes with it like a twofer because they can't get it out of the apartment. oh. >> so they don't want to move it. you're the lucky buyer. you get david bowie's iconic piano where he has practiced and written. >> you said 18,000. >> 1800. >> it got to be. 18,000 for 6.5 million. i'm sorry but we're going to take a collection and buy that. >> 1877 square feet and every square foot matters. >> everything matters. >> so, if you're in the market and you play the piano, there you go. also in "pop news," it's time to brush up on your trivia because "cash cab" is back. >> oh, yeah. >> i love that show. every time i get in a cab, i was hoping it was my shot. the game show famous for testing knowledge will assume its original format. in a new twist, the reboot will have celebrities behind the wheel which is terrifying depending who it would be. no. no. no all different kinds of celebrities will come. the show ran for 10 seasons. >> won three emmys, back to the discovery channel later this year. >> well, i'm no celebrity. [ applause ] >> you're not celebrity. >> no, no, no. i'm not putting my name in the hat. i'm no celebrity but i did win the driver's ed award in tenth grade. i did win the driver's ed award so -- >> awesome. >> throwing their name in the hat. >> fun fact, robin roberts was a bus driver. >> a school bus driver. >> my first job. >> we do know each other so well. >> you know that i was -- another story for another day. finally they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder where most of us would drive by and see this. an old water heater awaiting pickup. rayna sees something altogether different. >> hi, robot. hi. >> ah. >> she loves her new friend. >> i love you robot. >> beauty is in the eye of the beholder. [ cheers and applause ] isn't that great? >> i love that. >> little tuesday love and that, everybody, is "pop news" and let me tell you, timing her to say hi, robot when i finished my copy was not easy, so -- >> you brought it yet again, lara, thank you. coming up, a surprising new study, a new study on the benefits of breast-feeding. does it really make your baby smarter long-term? dr. ashton here to weigh in. >> mara schiavocampo is back from the metabolic chamber and she has the secret she unlocked about weight loss and fitness just ahead. looks like she's trapped in there. >> we do let her out. "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by chick-fil-a. acronyms are fun. lol laugh out loud, btw by the way, and of course, wbyceiydbo we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours hey, what if i wanted to sell my car? wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo? we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo!!! wbyceiydbo!!! no, no, we're cool. i got you. ok. it's the right thing to do. ♪ carmax music sting true radiance comes from within. new radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. whitens teeth both inside and out. for a radiant, whiter smile. be radiant by colgate optic white. when a fire destroyed the living room. we were able to replace everything in it. liberty did what? liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. and we didn't have to touch our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. well, there goes my boat. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? 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>> so it's all about the long-term effect on brain function. is breast-feeding really better than not breast-feeding. huge study out of ireland and looked at 8,000 babies at 9 month, three years, five years. those breastfed compared to those who weren't. at three years there was a slight improvement in those who were breastfed. at 5 years, no difference in terms of vocabulary, hyperactivity and overall reasoning. now, there were limitations with this study. they didn't measure maternal i.q. which can play into it so we need more research. >> breast is best or not. >> overall yes. it's better. and we have to remember there is a plethora of benefit that is come along with breast-feeding. take a look at this list, baby who are plaes-fed lower risk of sids and asthma and infant infections, obesity, for the mom lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer. it is represented by every professional organization that dealing with moms and babies. >> that list is very comprehensive and helpful. do you think the findings are beneficial to moms who feel guilty if they choose not to breast-feed. >> this is where it gets difficult. as a doctor and mom, of course, i'm going to recommend breast-feeding but as a woman i want to be crystal clear, breast-feeding is not for everyone whether they can or cannot, whether they choose not to. the operative word in breast-feeding is feeding. so feed your baby. the infant safety comes first here. if women want to breast-feed and they're having difficulty, so many resources for them. they can talk to their pediatrician, midwife, obstetrician and consult a lactation consultant, support groups. >> formulas are pretty well done these day, right? >> it is an individual choice and it should be a judgment-free zone. >> judgment-free zone as always with dr. jen ashton. we thank you very much. >> you bet. >> important information. coming up the future of weight loss. what we learned from spending 24 hours in a metabolic chamber and by we, i mean mara schiavocampo. managing blood sugar is not a marathon it's a series of smart choices. like using glucerna to replace one meal or snack a day. glucerna products have up to 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger and carbsteady, unique blends of slow release carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. every meal every craving. it's the choices you make when managing blood sugar that are the real victories. glucerna. everyday progress. does your child need help with digestive balance? try align junior probiotic. so she can have a fraction dominating... status updating... hello-yellow-belt kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support with align junior. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, also for kids. you're not going to make it. best-selling brand? 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[ cheers and applause ] you know, lara, you can't adopt those two dogs. you already have enough. okay? i know you were eyeing them. >> it is time to go inside the metabolic chamber. it is the most personalized way to figure out your fitness profile and how you burn calories and how exercise affects your body. no tv cameras have ever been inside until that woman right there, mara schiavocampo tried it out for 24 hours and now you're back with the results. >> i survived the chamber. i've been getting so many questions about this and now we have the answers. this is called the future of weight management. it was previously only available for research and tells you precisely how your body works and i was shocked by what i learned. this tiny room is actually the most cutting edge way to measure exactly how many calories your body is burning. i spent a full day locked inside the metabolic chamber at mt. sinai st. luke's hospital. see you in 23 hours and 15 minutes. >> to test some commonly held beliefs about diet and exercise. so, we're going to try to learn a lot more about how my body works and what those lessons can teach everybody about how their bodies work. first up, a showdown between good old-fashioned cardio and high intensity interval training or one of the most popular new workout trends. to find out i did a 20-minute run at a moderate pace of six miles per hour. four hours later i did a 30-minute hiit workout. brief periods of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. hiit is commonly believed to burn more calories in less time but the chamber says for me that's wrong. the slow ruin burning 10.7 calories a minute compared to just seven for hiit, the run almost 53% more effective. >> i consider it very, very important for a lot of different processes in the body. however, when you do high intensity interval training, you also resting, right, for a long time. >> next up, measuring after burn. how many calories your body continues burning at an elevated level after you stopped exercising. though sometimes it goes on for hours that wasn't the case with either of my workouts. i burned just 34 calories after the run and 44 after the hiit workout. my body returning to normal levels within minutes. >> i want to manage the burn after the exercise is not that significant. >> last, how much time and energy does it stake my body to burn what i eat. to measure this, i spent six hours in a different much smaller chamber. >> hello. >> and ate a high carb high sugar 750-calorie breakfast of a blueberry muffin and sweetened coffee drink. my body burned through it quickly in just four hours using about 80 calories, compared to a high protein meal which would have taken an estimated six hours to burn using almost 200 calories more than double the high carb breakfast. and another interesting piece of information that i learned. i burned 600 calories over the course of that day just in day-to-day tasks, just goes to show you how important small activities can be. >> i saw you on instagram. >> right. that didn't burn quite as much as i hoped it would. >> what surprised you the most? >> i was really shocked by the high intensity interval training. i was the one who reads a lot about it and into health and wellness. i thought it would burn more because i felt like i was working so much harder. that's all about perception. just because i felt like i was working hard clearly i was not. >> that's what blew our mind. you lost so much more on the treading. treadmill running. a lot do that high interval training with something lower. it works for some. >> that's what the magic of the chamber is. it tells you what's true for you. so these are my results the so somebody else could so a completely different result but what it did do was taught me that the one was much more effective for me but i hate running. so you're better off -- you're better off doing what you love because you'll do it more often? we watch you run and, robin said i hate running even though it works. you learned a lot but is this available to everybody. >> the question is people are e-mailing me. right now it's not practical for most people. it's expensive. it's 1500 to $2,000. that's a lot for that. it takes 24 hours out of your day. who can sacrifice that amount of time and it's only available here in new york but we could be seeing is a glimpse in the future of weight management where it becomes much more affordable and go get it in your local town and find so much more about yourself. >> as long as i don't have to run, i'm in. >> thanks for sharing that with me. >> more later in the week. >> coming up, we have the booted couple from "dancing with the stars" they're here. good morning. i'm jessica castro. happening right now, crews removing the final steel truss section of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. this is a live picture of the work being done. the 300-foot long section will be taken to the port of oakland to be taken apart there. all right. let's check in with alexis smith for the roads. >> not so great right now. we have over 50 incidents. there's a serious crash clear up involving another motorcycle. southbound 880 before niles road. two lanes blocked and reopened the lanes and a rollover crash here in the two right lanes, southbound 280 before sand hill road and obviously a significant backup. that's two of very long list. back to you. >> all right. you're busy. well, the forecast i know is pretty nice. you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. you're just about to head outside, take a look at the temperatures. fremont 46. san ramon 47. 60 the antioch. the tedestination, 60s and 70s 4:00. cooler thursday and then much warmer this weekend. jessica? >> great. mike, thank you. another update from welcome back to "gma" live from times square. ♪ >> got it. >> i'm ready to go. >> oh, that looks good. >> look at you. >> look at you. >> what is that? how are you wearing yours. >> he's fashion forward. >> like all the cool people like on those city bikes. >> i have a small dog in mine. >> everybody thinks we're crazy right now. >> there is a reason why we're doing it. >> there is a reason why because it is the '90s, all right, it's not the '90s but they're having a comeback. check your closets. you may one of the coolest things that is coming back, the fanny pack. okay, yes, it is. the fanny pack is back. [ applause ] >> remember dwayne "the rock" johnson, he knows what's up because he put it in his movie "central intelligence." check this out. >> had a fanny pack. >> hell yeah. dude, you want one. >> no, it's okay. >> i got two at home. i'll hook you up. >> oh, he knows. he knows. >> and i mean that was in last summer's movie and when he said he had two at home. he wasn't joking because he's been a fan long time. check out this throwback photo. >> yeah. >> oh! >> wow. the turtleneck, chain also. >> a lot of people think it's a fad but this has been the hottest thing on the new york fashion runway. a lot of big designers, this is in their thing and everyone here -- >> i don't think the one with the polka dots is in. >> everybody here what? >> not only is it in. [ cheers and applause ] >> you make that look good. >> what do you keep in yours. >> you do. >> what do i keep in my fanny pack? let me see. i have some gum. >> what else you got in there. >> nothing else i can tell you, robin. top secret. >> wonderful. >> not to put robin on the spot, stand up. you took yours off. >> i'm going to donate mine. >> oh, oh, oh. >> that was your basketball move. >> you saw that move. you saw that? you thought you were getting it. no. >> but all of you were excited like you were oprah giving away a car. i won it. >> at "gma," fanny packs. >> you saw my basketball moves. >> i totally saw them. >> but i'm curious, you like a very hipster. >> very downtown after the show. >> a lot of celebs wear it like david muir. >> they pull it off. >> and kendall jenner wore it -- >> you wore it first. >> yeah. >> i wore it best. >> i don't know anybody who has the wild print verse but you know what -- >> no one is screaming for that. >> it goes with your dress. >> what do you keep in your fanny pack, i'm just curious. >> i'll move on to topic two. you know what, we have wonderful folks who don't want to talk about fanny packs but talk about dancing. [ cheers and applause ] >> the first stars eliminated, unfortunately, chris kattan and witney carson, come on out, please. [ cheers and applause ] like as we get them, we're going to have you take a look at what happened last night. ♪ all right ♪ here we're going to break this thing down in just a few seconds. shake it shoet shake ♪ shake it >> the first couple to be eliminated this season is -- chris and witney. >> oh. >> sad to see that. all right, come on out now, chris and witney. [ cheers and applause ] >> mwah. >> thank you. >> how are you? >> hi, how are you? >> how are you? good to see you. good to see you too. >> good to see you too. >> thank you. >> chris, you had an injury many years ago. >> yes, i did. >> you were very brave to do this. how hard was it to dance with -- you suffered a broken neck. >> yeah, it was a while ago. a long time ago and, you know, it came up because obviously doing "dancing with the stars" i was like -- they've asked twice before i did this season and i wasn't ready because i did have to undergo some surgeries and wasn't quite ready so i was ready which is ready this time around, i was like, yeah, i'm willing to do it but i still wasn't quite obviously not the best dancer you've ever seen. >> but your spirit -- >> it's like there's so many great dancer. witney is unbelievable. you can't compete with simone as well. simone who is a gold medalist. >> you're shaking it pretty well. >> that's not -- i shake it like twice. that's two shakes. >> yeah. but -- [ applause ] but it was like -- it was a while ago and it was like -- it was -- i'm happy, you know, i'm happy that -- i'm content. i had a good time. i had a blast. it was such an amazing experience, you know. most the amount of time, i want to get a fanny pack because i know you're handing them out. that's why we're here anyway. >> all right. here. >> this one. that's the one i wanted. >> it's so convenient. why don't we wear these? >> you know, you say you had a lot of fun, witney, we know you're amazing. >> thank you. >> the way you took him under your wing it was a lot of fun for us to watch and you relived a night at the >> it was a bit of like -- okay, it was -- you know, hard because we're still dancing, this part is easier than most people would think but, you know, it was great to do it. it had a lot of fun. it's a whole experience. we spent a lot of time just like -- witney is like a tremendous amount of she took so many type out to do all this -- she choreographed the whole thing and -- but it's a great experience. all of it was so much fun. >> we need to watch chris' stuff from "saturday night live." >> i had. i've heard so much about chris. obviously he's like a comedy legend so, you know, i was a little embarrassed that didn't know who he was but all those skits i'm very familiar with now and he really is just so funny. >> makes you smile. >> he really does. >> i just felt like that was our whole journey. he made me laugh all the time. and we worked really hard. we really did. >> we spent a majority of the time of the process of the show is that's the majority of the show is getting ready for these dances and we spent hours every day, you know to rehearse -- >> sense of humor play a role. >> oh, yeah, because i can't dance. >> you can dance -- >> i'm okay but i mean like it was a lot of like -- my legs never had so much work. >> everybody says, right. >> the hardest show. >> i have little cricket legs really and they're like, god, they're really like moveing. >> who should we watch for? >> you know what, i'm actually really surprised by rashad. i think he's going to do really well. yes. and i'm really happy for think simone will be in the finals and fun to see them compete against each other. yeah, very itting. >> i had a great time. >> thank you very much. >> and don't miss vegas night on "dancing with the stars" this monday at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc. coming up, michael and scarlett johansson. oh. [ cheers and applause ] back here on "good morning america," it's a big day for "star wars" fans. a "star wars" fan, yes, huge one back there. well, today "rogue one: a star wars story" is available for digital hd and itunes and our whole audience is going home with a code to download it. good morning. look at all the sunshine. temperatures already in the 50s at 9:00. 60s away from the coast at noon. in the 60s while the rest of us in the 70s at 4:00. and scarlett johansson is back on the big screen taking on the anticipated movie "ghost in the shell" and she's opening up about motherhood and her possible second act off screen. we recently sat down to talk about it all. take a look. >> this is major. >> reporter: major star, major action. scarlett johansson is major. her character in "ghost in the shell," based on the japanese animated classic about a cyberenhanced crime fighter with no human organs except the brain. >> we saved you and now you save others. >> reporter: when i watched this movie all i could think about thank goodness for you. you are always kicking butt and saving the world. >> somebody's got to. >> how much did other roles like lucy or the avengers help you. >> totally. i can pick up fight choreography with much more ease than i could ten years ago. i tried to train in self-defense on my own. >> i can tell. i'm scared of you. i saw you and i'm like don't mess with her. she'll take you out of the a lot of people when they first announced you would take this part there were some people that took offense and said, it's an asian story. should go to an asian actress. what are your thoughts. >> i think this character is living a very unique experience in that she is a human brain in an entirely machiny body. she's essentially identifiless. i wouldn't attempt to play a person of a different race obviously. hopefully any question that comes up of my casting will hopefully be answered by audiences when they see the film. >> i ask you to support all women and our fight for equality in all things. >> audiences are also seeing a passionate and empowered scarlett off screen. >> i'm not afraid to say what i feel is right just because i think that i'm going to face criticism or some people might not like me. i mean, you know, if fighting, you know, for women's rights, if that's going to, you know, mean that some people don't want to buy a ticket to see "ghost in the shell," then i'm okay with that. >> you mentioned that you would possibly one day run for office. >> i've always been interested in local politics. right now i think, you know, with my young daughter and also as my career is going right now there's just -- there's -- it's not the right time but eventually, you know, maybe if i -- if when my daughter was older and i could totally focus myself i think it would be interesting. >> having a kid is like politic, negotiates quite a bit. you'll get a lot of practice with your daughter in already i do. do you want this one or this one? these are your only choices. >> do a deep dive. >> major does the deep dive. remember the deep dive. >> oh, yes, i remember the deep dive. >> body suit. >> how would i look in a body suit by the way. >> fabulous. >> thank you. can you do a deep dive and tell me about avengers infinity -- >> i think fans will be surprised at the state of us all. the avengers are not quite as you last remembered them. if you thought that like avengers was crazy the idea of how do all these pieces fit together. it's taken to the neck level out of control. >> for you to play this character to be in this movie did you find out anything about yourself that maybe you didn't know before. >> i definitely came out of there like i was a little traumatized at the end of this film just because it was so much work and it was like kind of a dark head space to live in but i myself i actually, you know, i was kind of like, okay, i did that. like i'm hanging in. i'm resilient. i'm back to myself. i was happy to find myself at the end of "ghost in the shell." >> and "ghost in the shell" hits theaters nationwide on friday. and go see scarlett johansson in that and coming up, america's fittest truck driver is here sharing his secrets to getting in shape coming up next. we are back with everybody's got something. america's fittest truck driver. he is here to share tips from his four-minute tip plan. first mara has the story. >> yale graduate and former olympic hopeful siphiwe baleka has always been fit. until he started truck driving in 2008 and instantly started gaining weight. he's not alone. obesity in the trucking industry is twice the average rate. so he took control of his health. >> this is driver health and fitness class number 40. >> then helped transform the lives of thousands of other truckers with his breakthrough 13-week program 4-minute fit. >> get those knees up. he recently partnered with progressive's healthy truckers initiative. >> helping truck drivers with their health is what i'm good at. and it's needed. >> reporter: his mission for the long haul. [ cheers and applause ] >> the long haul and the author is here "the 4-minute fitst is here. so wonderful to meet you. >> thank you. >> everybody's got something. i love how you found something to share with others. college swimmer, you attended yale. how did you get into trucking? >> well, i was traveling the word and i wanted to keep traveling. i wanted to see america. i had a friend say, hey, you should drive a truck, it suits your nomadic lifestyle and next thing i knew i was in the truck. >> and next thing you know you were gaping weight and is this how you many came up with this. >> i gained 10.7% of my body weight in the first part of my driving career. i had to take responsibility for my health while i was out on the road and i also realized there's millions of other truck drivers who are facing the same problem. >> well, let's meet two of them. let's meet carlos and tom. carlos and tom, come on out here. come on. the before pictures. hey. come on over here. carlos. nice to see you. tom. my man. good to meet you both. all right. all right. so, tell us your story here. what was your situation, carlos? >> just i was very overweight. just trucking lifestyle is rough on us. >> how much did you lose? >> i lost over 50 pounds. >> 50 pounds. [ cheers and applause ] and this is weight you gained trucking? >> yes. right after i got out of the military i gained a lot of this weight? thank you for your years of service in the military. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. hey, tom, so, tom, hello there. so tell us about how much weight you lost and what motivated you. >> 88 pounds. >> really. yes. that much [ cheers and applause ] and you said you -- we see the pictures beforehand. you said you always had an issue with your -- >> yes, unfortunately. >> a lot of people are like that. you said you saw a picture with your wife and that's what told uh-huh to do something different. >> yes, when i saw that picture i was like, it's time -- >> picture right here. >> it's time for a change. not just for myself but for my kids, for my wife, for my family. i needed to get healthy, so that's what motivated me. >> bless you. >> to do this. >> you know what, i love it. the hat. you don't have to just be a trucker. you don't have to just be a trucker to benefit from this so you'll show us a couple of quick exercises. >> we'll show you what you can do. our drivers, they're on the road 300 days so we had to bring the gym to the truck. so carlos is going to do lunges, this is something he can do on the side of his truck but can you do this at your desk, you can do this in a hotel room, right. so, these lunges they're working all the leg muscles. o. and it's helping to build mitochondr mitochondria. that's what you need to burn fat. carlos, keep doing your lunges. tom is going to shadow box. okay. this is my favorite exercise. >> i love this one. >> it's fun. the key is, keep going. [ applause ] >> okay. fat burning and you want to do it with as much intensity as you can do. four minutes is all you need to turn your metabolism on. >> and it really lets out some frustration, doesn't it, tom? i oughta. thank you so much for sharing this. "the 4-minute fit" hits book stores tomorrow but today you all, you all -- [ cheers and applause ] are going to get it. four minutes. that's all it takes. >> four minute. >> thank you all very much. we'll be rig but do they need help making more of their own tears? if you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose™ can help... with continued use twice a day, every day, one drop at a time. restasis multidose™ helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose™ did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. your eyes. your tears. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose™. brad, ben, george, matthew, mel. life with be filled with highs and lows even if you're one of the sexiest men alive. new details and interviews and what you don't know about the incredible lives of these men tonight at 10:00 central on abc. ♪ "good morning america" is brought to you by macy's. >> i tell you what, we have some incredible men with us right now, don't we, ladies? we do. we do. [ applause ] so give us that one final tip, one final tip. >> turn your metabolism on before you start your day by moving with maximum intensity for four minutes. >> that's it. >> for four minutes, that's all. >> watch david tonight, everybody. "world news tonight." (vo)have to happen?idn't i didn't see it. (vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford. the all-new subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. good morning. i'm jessica castro. meteorologist mike nicco has a look quick at the bay area forecast. >> all right. thank you very much. hi, everybody. mid to upper 60s along the coast and san francisco. pretty breezy at the coast. not so much around the bay and inland hitting the low to mid-70s. take a look at the 7-day forecast. even warmer tomorrow. much cooler thursday. with a stray shower possible. and them it gets warmer this weekend. alexis? >> really turned into a rough cmmute, mike. we have several blocking issues right now. one of the worst is this rollover crash, still trying to clean up. southbound 280 past 84 in the woodside area, the backup to state route 92. stick to 101 instead. >> thank you. our reporting continues now on our news app and abc 7 join us for abc 7 mornings weekdays from 4:30 to 7:00. we'll >> announcer: it's "live with kelly." today the one and only kevin james, and we catch up with chelsea handler. plus, from "fresh off the boat," randall park. and busy philipps is today's cohost. all next on "live." [upbeat music] ♪ >> ♪ and do you your ♪ hair toss ♪ check my nails >> announcer: now here are kelly ripa and busy philipps. >> ♪ check my nails ♪ baby, how you feeling >> ♪ let it all hang out ♪ tonight >> ♪ hair toss, check my nails >> busy: i'm gonna pull out your chair. >> kelly: yeah, we'll pull out each other's. >> ♪ hair toss, check my nails ♪ baby, how you feeling >> ♪ feeling good as hell ♪ >> busy: oh! [speaking indistinctly] >> ♪ baby, how you feeling >> ♪ feeling good as hell

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