Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20160705 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20160705

the solar system's largest planet for the first time ever. a mission five years and 1.7 billion miles in the making now set to unlock some of the biggest mysteries of the universe. ♪ good morning, america. we hope you had a great fourth. boy, did they have a good fourth at nasa. take a look at this. the biggest fourth of july celebration of all when that juno spacecraft made history. let's take a look at this image. this is the last one you see far away. captured by juno's probe before it launched into orbit. we're going to see much, much more when it emerges from the darkness of jupiter. we're going to have more on that coming up. >> it is actually rocket science. as it turns out. lots of fireworks as you can imagine overnight, even though there was bad weather. these are the images you saw if you watched d.c.'s celebration on tv but there were some problems with what you saw. we're going to tell you about that coming up. take a look at this picture from south dakota. wow, that storm moving in during the fireworks, combining with lightning. now heavy rain is moving east. ginger is here with the latest. good morning, ginger. >> good morning. you can feel that stickiness out here as the warm front approaches and that same storm system that created more than 140 severe storm reports in the last 24 hours is going to be moving off the east coast and bringing us some more rounds of showers but look at that. that's the damage from eastern kentucky. they'll do the damage surveys today to see what did all that in a walmart in eastern kentucky. could and probably will be a tornado. the tornado and damaging wind and hail threat today is in the plains. it's in minneapolis and western wisconsin, it's in northern iowa so those are the areas later this afternoon and evening to look out for. then anyone from dallas up through kansas city right through wilmington, north carolina, heat advisories, some of the hottest air we have felt all season moving in this week. we're talking feels like heat indices well into the 100s for millions of folks. i'll have a whole lot more coming up in a couple of minutes. george? >> it's going to feel like july, thanks very much, ginger. the race for the white house and both hillary clinton and donald trump in full swing after july 4th. clinton hitting the trail with president obama for the first time today as trump takes one of his vice presidential prospects out for a public spin and cecilia vega has the latest. >> reporter: good morning to you. a big week for both sides as clinton's campaign hopes president obama's strong approval ratings give her a boost against donald trump. bring on the reinforcements. hillary clinton calling in the heaviest of heavy hitters today. president obama. a tag team duo against donald trump, and the president is clearly ready for a fight. >> that's nativism or xenophobia or worse. >> reporter: two former rivals turned allies turned travel buddies, this afternoon they head to the swing state of north carolina together on air force one. and the man they're teaming up against is waging a war of his own on twitter, trump tweeting, why is president obama allowed to use air force one on the campaign trail? who pays? the answer, the dnc and clinton campaign pick up the tab but taxpayers do end up footing some of the bill. >> she's crooked. that's why we call her crooked hillary. >> reporter: both sides hoping for a better week ahead after a bad weekend. for clinton, her weekend interview with the fbi over her e-mails still looming large. for trump, a controversy over this tweet about hillary clinton, showing what appears to be the jewish star of david over a back drop of money. the image previously posted on a white supremacist message board. the clinton campaign calling the image blatantly anti-semitic. trump firing back calling clinton's statement ridiculous, saying the star is often used by sheriffs who deal with criminals and criminal behavior. he later changed the star to a circle. and now the hunt for a vp pick is on. we now know housing secretary julian castro is being vetted by clinton's team and trump is fueling speculation with some recent meetings with iowa senator joni ernst and indiana governor mike pence, all of this, of course, comes as the lead-up to the convention is a couple weeks away. >> and trump will be campaigning with senator bob corker today. let's talk about this with kristen soltis anderson, thanks for joining us. let's look at some of these choices for donald trump. you have joni ernst and mike pence, the governor the indiana, senator bob corker out there today. a much more public vetting at this point. who on the list stands out to you? >> i think you still got to think about mike pence as a big player here. you know, donald trump loves to use twitter to telegraph his campaign strategy and was tweeting nice things about mike pence pretty recently. indiana a key state for donald trump during the primaries and then also a key state if he wants to pull off a strategy of winning this election by winning kind of rust belt states, winning in the midwest. >> he could. mike pence could shore him up with conservatives right there. meantime, you've got hillary clinton out on the campaign trail with president obama. could be her biggest asset in a lot of states but also carries some liabilities. >> certainly. president obama right now is seeing really high approval ratings compared to where he's been over the last couple of years. still very popular within the democratic party. if there are any questions about hillary clinton's ability to unite the party having barack obama out on the campaign trail will certainly put some of that to rest. >> okay, kristen soltis anderson, thanks very much. >> we move on to that huge fourth of july celebration overnight that was out of this world. nasa cheering as the juno spacecraft made history rocketing into jupiter's orbit now set to unlock mysteries about the planet and the universe and gio benitez has this exciting news. good morning, gio. sglsh hey, robin. good morning to you. >> reporter: a truly exciting and historic mission to figure out the secrets of one of the most mysterious planets in the universe and now nasa is right there in jupiter's orbit. listen to this one little pop. [ pop ] [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: a sound astronauts at nasa have waited years to hear. >> juno, welcome to jupiter. >> reporter: overnight, nasa's juno spacecraft successfully entering the orbit around jupiter. >> nasa did it again. >> reporter: this is the true from juno's approach to the largest planet in our solar system. >> we prepared a contingency communications procedure and guess what, we don't need that anymore. >> reporter: nasa releasing this trailer in honor of the patriotic july 4th mission. >> it's a monster. it's unforgiving. >> reporter: the $1.1 billion mission optimistically named joi for jupiter orbit insertion took five years. >> liftoff. >> reporter: traveling more than a billion miles, landing a spot in orbit, now looping around jupiter at 130,000 miles an hour, gathering data scientists believe is critical to understanding the beginnings of our solar system. mere mortals back here on earth freaking out on social media. bill nye posting this photo of himself with a juno model declaring it's rocket science, happy 4th. at the center of this mission, nasa hopes to figure out exactly what jupiter is made of. it is considered a gas giant and in some ways like a star. juno will help figure out if it has a solid core. its camera will be turned back on in a couple of days and will soon start seeing those images. >> after the batteries are revved up again. gio, thanks very much. now to those terrorist attacks overseas. three major assaults in the past week have killed more than 200 and in saudi arabia three suicide attacks in just 24 hours. abc's chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz tracking this dangerous development. martha, it appears isis under military pressure in iraq and syria is lashing out wherever they can. >> reporter: that's the fear, george. this morning in saudi arabia, investigators have arrested a suspect in one of the bombings that rocked three cities in the kingdom. the man in custody suspected of helping carry out the attack near the u.s. consulate in jeddah. these bombings follow that deadly week with massive loss of life and coordinated attacks showing the increasingly global reach of isis in bangladesh where an attack on a popular cafe killed 20, including a young american college student, in baghdad where isis carried out its deadliest attack ever against civilians in that country. more than 170 people and, of course, that horrific attack on the istanbul airport, officials worry that we are entering a new phase with isis. instead of concentrating on claiming territory, they are now more than ever going after soft targets and civilians around the world, george. >> to spread fear everywhere. martha, thanks very much. now to breaking new details in the death of a young american in italy. a suspect now in custody after a college student's body was found in the river. abc's lama hasan has the latest. joins us this morning from rome. good morning, lama. >> reporter: and good morning to you, robin. dramatic new developments in rome this morning. italian police detaining and questioning a 40-year-old italian homeless man accused of murdering beau solomon. italian media are reporting witnesses seeing a brawl taking place followed by a man being pushed into the river right here behind me. overnight, italian police arresting a 40-year-old homeless man suspected of what they call aggravated murder in the mysterious death of 19-year-old american, beau solomon. no motive has been identified yet. the university of wisconsin student's body was found monday morning in rome's tiber river near the marconi bridge less than three miles from popular tourist destinations like the coliseum. the teen was studying abroad at john cabot university, last seen early friday morning. when his friends decided to leave, they couldn't find him. his roommate alerting the school when he didn't show up for orientation hours later. solomon apparently found with a large head wound and was missing his wallet and cell phone. his credit card company saying $1,500 had recently been charged on it. police now checking surveillance cameras in the area and speaking with people who were at the bar that night, trying to track solomon's last movements. >> just from being an older brother, i've always tried to do what i can to take care of him. >> reporter: his parents traveling to rome hoping to help with the investigation. back home in wisconsin, solomon's friends are reeling from the news. >> it was so hard to hear about that. i mean, to hear about your best friend, you know, you really didn't even get a chance to say good-bye to him. >> reporter: the high school quarterback's childhood bedroom sits empty. >> everyone knew beau. i know that everyone will come together and support each other through this tough time. >> reporter: an autopsy and toxicology tests will be carried out on beau solomon's body possibly later today and that, of course, will help determine the exact cause of death. george. >> lama, thanks very much. now to a state of emergency in florida. an invasion of toxic green algae has closed beaches and marinas. residents wearing masks to avoid the smell as protesters demand action and answers. abc's eva pilgrim is in jensen beach, florida, with the latest. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, george. this algae sitting right here on top of the water, it is incredibly thick. i just picked up a little bit. it doesn't even strain out of this net. it smells terrible. and the residents here just want it gone. marine is closed. beaches empty. toxic algae turning normally bustling south florida destinations into ghost towns, and this morning no time line on when this massive mess will be cleaned up. >> i think it's kind of an experiment at work right now. >> reporter: florida's governor declaring a state of emergency in four counties temporarily closing several beaches along the treasure coast, lifeguards having to keep families out of the water because of encroaching pools of algae. you can see in this video the algae not only covers the surface of the water but the thick green globs go several inches deep. >> got a car full of snorkeling gear. can't get in the water. it's terrible. >> reporter: the problem started in lake okeechobee. more than two weeks ago authorities releasing water from the lake into canals hoping to prevent flooding but inside those waters a large algae bloom, the beginning of this disaster. frustrated residents forced to put up with the putrid green slime. >> it smells definitely like a toilet. >> dead, rotten fish. >> smells like death. >> reporter: but it's not just the smell. authorities now investigating reports of serious infections as the blooms can contain dangerous bacteria. some people blaming the algae for headaches, respiratory issues and even rashes. >> red eyes, scratchy throat. it can be bad. >> reporter: and we are expecting more testing on the water and waiting to see if beaches are closed again today. george and robin. >> get out of that water. >> really. >> okay, thanks, eva. to amy with today's other top stories. you got some breaking news. an air scare. a flight escorted by fighter jet. >> a jet from new york has landed safely in israel after a bomb threat there. swiss and french fighter jets scrambled to escort the el al 747 as it crossed the border between the two countries. the airline received an anonymous tip but no suspicious device was found on board. there was another airline security scare in chicago overnight. american airlines received a threat regarding the flight from london as it landed at o'hare. everyone was quickly evacuated. police boarded that plane, did a security sweep and american says it was a noncredible threat. well, two barges being used for a fireworks display exploded and burst into flames off plymouth, massachusetts. witnesses say at least ten minutes into the show there was a large boom followed a by burst of flames. thankfully no one injured. the annual "a capitol fourth" independence day celebration was less than picture perfect due to bad weather, so pbs decided to mix in clear fireworks footage from previous years and viewers slammed the show as fake calling it the milli vanilli of fireworks but producers say and claim it was the patriotic thing to do. all right. finally -- that's one way to put it. president obama proving he is just like any other dad, not at all shy about embarrassing his kids. the president wrapped up the fourth of july festivities at the white house by serenading his eldest daughter. take a listen. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you >> a big hug for dad from malia who is now 18, officially an adult. he said it was his last job. his last chance of embarrassing his daughter. >> you can see from that look in his eye he knew he was embarrassing her. >> as all dads do. thank you, amy. so the fourth of july celebration continued overseas as american tennis players scored big victories at wimbledon. serena williams and sam querrey making it to the quarterfinals. abc's t.j. holmes is here with the latest. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: good morning to you, lara. i'm with you on the serena williams part and then the sam who some people might be asking. he's the guy who just pulled off the biggest tennis upset of the year and could give the u.s. its first grand slam winner in 13 years. serena williams was all business this independence day, showing no mercy over her russian rival. >> she's in the zone, period. >> reporter: the defending champ's toughest opponent was possibly the court itself. serena took a couple of spills on the rain-soaked grass. >> serena slips. >> reporter: otherwise the 21-time grand slam champion looked unstoppable. >> this is ridiculous play. >> reporter: now through to the final four is big sister venus. >> no the semifinals! >> reporter: with the win, at 36 years she's the five-time champ is back in the quarterfinals. at 36, she's the oldest player in the women's draw, but on this day she proved once again that age ain't nothing but a number. >> reporter: it's american sam querrey who's really got wimbledon abuzz. querrey ranked 41 in the world best known not for his tennis but for his stint on bravo's "millionaire matchmaker" -- >> i've actually never dated anyone who plays tennis. >> reporter: and his dancing vine videos. ♪ i still get jealous >> reporter: he's on a roll after his epic win over top ranked novak djokovic this week. >> novak djokovic is out of wimbledon. >> reporter: yesterday steamrolling over nicolas mahut. >> that star-spangled banner is sure waving. >> reporter: into his first ever grand slam quarterfinals. >> it's really exciting any time you get to make a quarterfinals great and for mine to be at wimbledon is really exciting, really special. >> 2003 andy roddick was the last time we had an american man win a major. >> he's right there. >> he's there but he's got a little more work to do. >> come on. >> they call him smiling sam. he's just having a great time. >> we'll get a couple of vines out of it. >> made me smile. >> that sure did. hey, some high surf out west. right. you got to see the video from over the weekend in carlsbad, california. kids sitting there and all of a sudden, whoa. big one comes. thankfully the kids there are okay. isn't that frightening? i know. then check this out. much cooler at the beaches along the coast and up in the northwest. wanted to get that to you. good morning. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist mikenicco. highlights today, clouds and sunshine except at the coast where it will remain cloudy. cool to mild highs. more drizzle for tomorrow's morning commute and cool through at least saturday. temperatures today, 50s along the coast, 60s and 70s around the bay. a few 80s but mainly inland east bay. temperatures in the 50s tonight. my accuweather seven-day forecast, slightly cooler through saturday and then summer, warmth returns at least on an averag and coming up, that mysterious blast in central park that injured a young tourist. investigators racing to find out what caused it and who was behind the explosion. and golden state landing one of the biggest nba free agents ever. kevin durant with the warriors now joining superstar steph curry and company. is the team about to be unstoppable? now joining superstar steph curry and company. is the team about to be unstoppable? and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and 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return on sunday and monday but nothing too extreme then. >> welcome back. thank you so much. the latest on the wimbledon champ that took down some giants. that's next on "gma." another update in 30 minutes and always on our news app at abc 7 join us weekdays the disneyland resort diamond celebration. it's been 60 years in the making. don't miss your chance to see it all dazzle. come celebrate new beginnings like hyperspace mountain... and premiering this summer, frozen, a musical spectacular... plus an all new soarin'. so come to the place where summer dazzles. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. back here on "gma," prince william making headlines this morning. he's out with a passionate new plea to fight bullying. following in his mom's footsteps and we'll have much more on that in our next hour. >> doing a lot of good work. also right now president obama set to make his first appearance on the campaign trail, joining hillary clinton in north carolina. donald trump is going to be campaigning as well. lottery fever is back. tonight's mega million jackpot now up to $449 million. >> ah. >> time to buy. one of the biggest in history. >> not even half a billion. >> waiting for half a billion. >> she doesn't buy unless it hits 5000. take a look at this. steph curry having the best time surprising a bunch of kids at camp. wait till you see their expression. oh, and then passed out. guess what. a lot of fans are having a similar reaction to that little guy. the news that the golden state warriors steph curry has a new the teammate, and we're going to have a lot more on that. >> it is exciting. >> a lot of people falling over. >> that was priceless. >> that was good. >> all right, but in this half hour we'll talk about that mysterious in new york central park and the race to find out who and what caused a blast. investigators are testing the explosive material found at the scene that cost a young tourist part of his leg. abc's mara schiavocampo has more and joins us this morning from central park. good morning, mara. >> reporter: robin, good morning. officials say that explosive material was left inside a plastic bag, and they do not think that it was left here to intentionally hurt someone, though there are still a lot more questions than answers. this as we learn more about that teenage victim. this morning, new details on the explosion in new york's central park that seriously injured an 18-year-old tourist. police insisting the blast not an act of terrorism. >> what seems likely at this point is that we have -- i'd refer to them as an explosive hobbyist or an experimenter, i believe we have somebody that made this material and then he wanted to test it. if somebody lives in that vicinity their backyard is central park. sort of an ideal location conducive to conducting that kind of experiment. >> reporter: the victim now identified as connor golden, a florida college student and avid skateboarder. his friends say he was simply walking on some rocks in the park sunday morning planning a hike later that day when the unthinkable happened. >> we don't know what happened. there was a small explosion and then -- >> dust. >> then dust. >> beyond the caliber of fireworks just based on what he heard. we think he stepped on something. >> reporter: the moment of the blast caught on camera. nypd officers rushing to the scene. horrified witnesses looking on. >> saw his friends standing there panicking, ran up the hill and found the young man laying on the rocks. >> had a very, very severe leg injury. >> reporter: his family telling abc news golden has now had his left foot amputated. >> his life will never be the same, and i am very sad. >> reporter: now, golden's family says he is in serious but stable condition with his parents by his side. officials stress that he and his two friends are not considered suspects and add that the lab results for that explosive material are due back tomorrow. george. >> so scary, okay, thanks very much. more on this from abc's news consultant steve ganyard and former new york city police commissioner ray kelly. commissioner kelly, you're right here with me. they're pretty sure whoever did this didn't mean to harm. how can they be sure? >> if you look at the device, it's a bag full of explosives. it had no shrapnel in it. it wasn't tamped. wasn't in a container. they can't be absolutely certain but the investigative premise you might say is this was perhaps a chemistry student, something along those lines, trying to make fireworks for the events on july 4th. >> steve, you worked on de-mining when you were at the state department. you're a little more skeptical. >> i think it needs to be an open question, george. we have lots of premeditation, somebody who calls themselves a hobbyist with an interesting in chemistry. this is somebody who went to lengths to create a dangerous explosive material. fourth of july, public place. i think we need to keep it as an open question as to what the motive and intent was. >> ray, one of the big open questions is what this explosive material was. that could tell you a lot. >> absolutely, and that's -- supposedly the results are coming back tomorrow. mark tory, who is an experienced investigator, says it's chemicals that he doesn't particularly recognize. they'll be obviously continuing to check the cameras. they'll want to talk to this person if possible, and they'll do a lot of checking on the internet. see if there's groupings of people that perhaps, you know, talk about making fireworks, that sort of thing so the investigation is far from over. >> and, steve, this explosive created a pretty big blast. >> it did, george. that's partially what's concerning here. the u.s. military has been dealing with these so-called homemade explosives in iraq and afghanistan for over a decade where they see jihadists or insurgents doing this home brew, home slurry of these very unstable chemicals that they turn into explosives for ieds, and so the ability to make a small batch could lead to a big batch and so this is not something that's as benign, i think, as the police are making it out to be but something we need to consider as a domestic terror incident. >> commissioner kelly, it comes at such a dangerous time. everyone on the highest alert because of the spate of bombings all over the world. >> orlando, istanbul, we have baghdad, we have saudi arabia. so it's understandable that people are on edge and i think, you know, they'll be getting to the bottom of this fairly soon once they determine what's in the bag. >> okay, commissioner kelly, steve ganyard, thanks very much. over to robin. >> all right, george, coming up on our big board much to discuss. nasa's groundbreaking mission to jupiter. the major mysteries they're hoping to uncover. plus the giant jackpot that has millions dreaming of mega millions. "shark tank's" kevin o'leary is going to break down one of the largest lottery prizes in history. and kevin durant's free agent move shaking up the nba getting backlash from fans. we'll be back with all that and a whole bunch more, two minutes. kevin durant's free agent move shaking up the nba getting backlash from fans. we'll be back with all that and a whole bunch more, two minutes. just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make summer magic. chex party mix. it's what summer is made of. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ♪ look up at a new day... hey guys! now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. in our house, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. like country crock's recipe made with real simple ingredients. and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. welcome to crock country. welcome back. time for the big board, and our team of insiders are here to take on today's top stories. there's nothing bigger than this. nasa pulling off an epic maneuver to get its juno spacecraft into orbit around jupiter. joining us is mike massimino, former nasa astronaut and professor of engineering at columbia university. oh, look at that big smile. everybody is smiling, anybody involved with nasa and loving rocket science. let me tell you this, five years, five years it took. talk about the difficulty and what this really means today, what we're seeing. >> yeah, thanks. i think there's a lot of smiles around nasa. five years, two of those years the first two years, the spacecraft was around the inner solar system, came back to earth to use earth as a slingshot to propel it toward jupiter and now it slowed down and was captured by jupiter's gravity and can do its science. >> so what are we going to find out from the science? it will spend 20 months out there before it destroys itself. what is everyone hoping to find out from the mission? >> well, i hope it will answer big questions here. now the science begins. before the science could begin we had to have the engineering miracles. those occurred, so now the spacecraft is in position to make its discoveries and big questions they're looking at by studying jupiter, jupiter was the first to form in our solar system, by understanding its composition and atmosphere we can understand how the solar system formed and how we got here so science answers a lot of questions, it's answered a lot of questions but the really big ones like where did we come from, how did we get here, how did life form here can be answered by studying jupiter. that's what they're hoping to find out. >> i love this. we can feel your excitement, mike. so but also talk about the ultimate -- >> it's big. >> i know it's big but the ultimate fate here. if my science class serves me right, something like 60 moons around jupiter and is there concern about it may damage one of the moons, may contaminate one of them? >> yeah, jupiter's gigantic, biggest planet in our solar system. that's why the spacecraft has to go so fast to be able to stay in orbit and not get pull in by its gravity but what they want to do is they want to have it enter the atmosphere and burn up. space junk is not a good thing. if you look at our planet we've been polluting the space around it with lots of stuff and that can stay there for a long time and cause a hazard for other spacecraft, but around jupiter they don't want to damage that environment. it's pristine and don't want to damage anything or being where we don't want it so the best course of action is when it's done with its mission it won't return any more science, have it enter the atmosphere and burn it up and get it out of the way. >> responsible exploration. mike, thanks very much. >> now to lottery fever sweeping the nation. mega millions and jackpot, $449 million. probably could climb by the end of the day. let's talk to kevin o'leary of "shark tank" about all that. kevin, i know you say the best advice is usually to take a lump sum payout. but under what circumstances would it make sense for someone to take the annuity year by year payouts. >> it never makes sense because you're taking on the risk of a state going bankrupt. this is a multi-state lottery but you just have to look at the situation with puerto rico to realize could it happen somewhere else and the answer is yes. it's not a federal guarantee but a state guarantee. always better to take that risk out of the equation and take all the cash up front. what's wrong with cash? nothing. >> i don't think so, yeah, right. >> we asked barbara and you know barbara corcoran. we asked your fellow "shark". she said plunk it all down in a checking account and put everything in a checking account because you got to have some time to kind of get your feet underneath you. i don't know if you totally agree with that. what should you do if you have that lump sum? >> i never agree with anything barbara says, ever and here's again another situation. what -- you should take this amount and split it into three and put it across three different financial institutions. we also learn that the financial crisis '07/'08 some banks went away, went bankrupt, lehman, bear stearns, et cetera. i would recommend splitting it into three and putting it three institutions. today for cash you make about 0.04% or 4 basis points. not a lot, we're at historic lows. but at least you get some kind of interest in a margin account in a money center bank. that would generate about $600,000 after tax, not a lot but it's better than nothing. >> it is better than nothing. you got that right, kevin. always good to see you. >> thinking this through, sort of the definition of a high class problem. >> #highclassproblem. you got that right. you know who won the lottery, golden state. in the nba free agency they picked up none other than kevin durant setting off his own fireworks on july 4th, announcing he's leaving oklahoma city and signing with the warriors. the former mvp joining the current one, joining us for more. bruce, where is the bow tie? you're usually sporting a tie. you got stubble and black shirt. >> please don't judge me. i'm out here in san francisco enjoying myself. i hear the stuff about the spacecraft and jupiter. i hear about the mega millions and now we have kevin durant in the bay area. that is fantastic. robin, you know people are wondering, well, is this the best team ever put together now? well, slow your roll now, robin. we got the '86 lakers and '96 bulls. you have to deal with them. they won championships. until you win a championship you can't be considered as one of the greatest teams assembled. >> i'm with you. >> everyone happy out there in the bay area, bruce. not so much in oklahoma city. of course, kevin has been with the thunder his entire career. facing any kind of a backlash? >> well, you know what, we've seen this with lebron james when he chose to leave and go to south beach but you know what, we got to come up with something new and creative. when karl malone left utah after playing 19 seasons no one said a of word. then lebron james leaves, people want to burn jerseys. stop burning those jerseys. you're burning up money. what you need to do is put out a heartfelt thank you because we have one of the guys as one of the best in the game, four-time scoring champ and spent nine wonderful seasons and now he's looking to do what's best for himself. you can't look back in yesteryears and say, you know what, i wonder if i would have went there and seen what would have happened because he's in his prime right now and he wants to get himself what lebron has as far as championships. >> all right, bruce bowen. tell it like it is. he's a great guy. he really is and so is steph so two really great guys on and off the court joining forces. we'll see. there are no guarantees in life and in basketball. >> none at all. you know that, robin. >> no guarantee we would make it to jupiter but we did, mike. there's no guarantees about the lottery. who knows what's going to happen. kevin, bringing it all together, gentlemen. thank you three for being with us. coming up, the hottest player at wimbledon, the american who took down the best player in the world, our hot shot is joining us live next. n the world, our hot shot is joining us live next. ♪ snoof with great july 4th dealsy still happening right now at lowe's. like up to 35% off appliances $396 or more. plus get $10 to $40 off select paint & primer, stain & sealants and resurfacers via rebate right now at lowe's. herhere's how it feels tove amerget fifty percent offwork. most national carrier rates too. so, imagine how it feels to switch to sprint and buy an iphone 6s and get another one free when you add a second line. you're probably wondering why thai've just carvedng! a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. come here to buy a car. dr. whiskers won't pounce. nobody will. ♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are used... ...enough to fill the empire state building...twice. toss the tube for good with scott tube-free. ♪ we call it the hot shot and there is the hot shot seen around the world. you're about to see it. american sam querrey with his amazing upset of number one seed novak djokovic at wimbledon and his fairytale story still going strong. that is why sam the man is our hot shot this morning and kind enough to join us live from london. hey, good morning, sam. >> good morning, guys. >> listen, you did something that no other player has been able to do in a very long time. you beat djokovic. you broke his streak. what was your strategy going into that match and how did you pull it off? >> well, going into it i lost to him eight types so i was just going in hoping to keep it close but as the match went on i gained more belief and in that last forehand, when it sailed long, i was probably the most excited guy in that stadium. >> i'm sure you enjoyed watching the replays on "sportscenter." >> i was, yeah. it's hard to avoid it. you don't get these moments too often so i wanted to watch it as many times as i could. >> absolutely. i heard you were concerned about your next match, you did it, though, but that had to be a lot of pressure for you. you said you did not want to look like a one-hit wonder. you did it though, you beat mahut, and now you've made your first quarterfinals. congratulations, man. >> thank you. yeah, it was tough. i had actually lost to mahut three weeks ago on a grass court tournament so good to get him back here and to be in the quarterfinals of my first wimbledon is really exciti. >> we're wondering maybe it's the love that you're feeling because you seem very cool under pressure. hard to believe that you ever needed to go into "millionaire matchmaker" getting to know you but we understand that didn't work out. however, love is in the air at wimbledon for you. is it nice having your girlfriend there? is that keeping you calm? >> it's been great, yeah, having her here the last few weeks has been really nice. my family was also here and my friends were here. so there's a big group of us here the last few weeks which has made the tournament so much nicer for me. >> i'm glad to hear that. so up next, milos raonic. do you have a strategy to get him? >> he's, you know, arguably got the biggest serve in the game so i'll have to do my best to get the return in play and hold my own serve and see what happens. i'm taking it one match at a time. >> i love that, smiling sam. we need you to get him because if you get him and federer wins his match it's you versus fed in the semifinals. i don't want to put the cart before the horse but you know all of us here are rooting for you, smiling sam. >> thanks so much. hopefully i get that opportunity to play him on friday but i got to worry about the match tomorrow first. >> i know, focus. focus, sam. all right. well, listen, we are rooting for you. you can see all of that action at wimbledon on espn and streaming live on watch espn and the espn app. >> all right, we'll be right back. >> all right, we'll be right back. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't play anything less than my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'm going for it. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both... that's what i wanted to hear. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't play quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? 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"good morning america" is brought to you by panera bread. food as it should be. it is 7:56. i'm reggie aqui from the abc 7 morning news. so many people are going back to work. >> good morning, everybody. traveling through a little drizzle. it dried up a bit. low 50s to 60 rite now. temperatures will top out at 60s and 70s. few 80s in the inland. 70s will be the average through saturday. warmer on sunday and monday. hi, sue. back to work drive times this morning. tracey to dublin 30 minutes. that's westbound 4. antioch to concord under 20 minutes and san rafeal, no delays, but some fog. over an hour from hercules in to the city. another update in 30 minutes and always on our news app at abc 7 hope you join us every weekday ♪ ♪ stain for your deck... that not only looked as handsome as charles stephens' barrel on his farewell voyage over niagara falls... but stood up to any kind of weather... matter if the forecast is this... ...or this... ...or this. if a stain can make your deck beautiful and survive any amount of torture... it still stain? arborcoat from benjamin moore ranks highest in customer satisfaction by jd power. . >> announcer: this is an abc news special report. now reporting george stephanopoulos. and we are coming on the air right now because the fbi director james comey is giving a statement in washington, d.c. coming just three days after hillary clinton spent three and a half hours with the fbi answering questions about whether she mishandled classified information on her private e-mail server in the state department. a hot issue in the center of the presidential campaign. the big question, will hillary clinton be indicted for mishandling classified information or after the month long investigation by the fbi will she will cleared of any charges? i want to go straight to our senior justice correspondent pierre thomas. pretty unusual, no one seems to know what's going on here. >> reporter: we don't know about what this is about officially. the fbi director does not hold impromptu press conferences very often if at all and clearly they wanted to keep this a secret because no leaks have come out about this. extraordinarily we usually note about terrorism and get guidance in this case nothing. >> loretta lynch after the meeting with bill clinton has said she will accept any recommendation from the fbi director as we see someone coming through the door expected to be mr. comey. the fbi director james comey. >> good morning. i'm here to give you an update on the fbi's investigation of secretary clinton's use of personal e-mail system during her time as secretary of state. after a tremendous amount of work over the last year, the fbi is completing its investigation and referring the matter to the department of justice for a prospective cuetive decision. i want to tell you what we did, what we found and i want to tell you what we're recommending to the department of justice. this is going to be an unusual statement in a couple of ways. i'm going to include more detail about our process than i ordinarily would because i think the american people deserve those details in a case of intense public interest. and second, i have not coordinated this statement or reviewed it in any way with the department of justice or any other part of the government. they do not know what i'm about to say. but i want to start by thanking the fbi employees who did remarkable work in this case. once you have a better sense of how much we have done you will understand why i am so grateful and so proud of their work. so first what we have done. this investigation began as a referral from the intelligence community inspector general in connection with secretary clinton's use of a personal e-mail server during her time as secretary of state. the referral focused on whether classified information was transmitted on that personal system. our investigation looked at whether there is evidence that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system in violation of a federal statute that makes it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities. and consistent with our counter intelligence responsibilities we have determined if there is evidence of computer intrusion by nation states or hostile actors of any kind. now i have so far used the sing gu lar term e-mail server in describing our investigation. it had been more complicated than that. secretary clinton used several different servers and adm administrators of those servers during her four years at the state department and also used numerous mobile devices to send and read e-mail on that personal domain. as new servers and equipment were employed older servers were taken out of service stored and decommissioned in various ways. piecing that back together to gain an understanding of the ways in which personal e-mail was used for government work has been a painstaking undertaking requiring thousands of hours of effort. for example, when one of secretary clinton's serve earns was decommissioned in 2013, the e-mail software was removed. that didn't remove the e-mail content. but it was like removing the frame from a huge unfinished jigsaw puzzle and dumping all the pieces on the floor. the effect was that millions fragments ended up in the server's unused or slack space. we searched through all of it to understand what was there and what parts of the puzzle we could put back together again. fbi investigators also read all of the approximately 30,000 e-mails that secretary clinton provided to the state department in 2014. where an e-mail was assessed as possibly containing classified information, the fbi referred that e-mail to any government agency that might be an owner of that information. so that agency could make a determination as to whether the e-mail contained classified information at the time it was sent or received or whether there was reason to classify it now even if the content had not been classified when it was first sent or received and that's referred to as upclassifying. from the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the state department in 2014, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. eight of those chains contained information that was top secret at the time they were sent. 36 of those chains contained secret information at the time and 8 contained confidential information at the time. that's the lowest level of classificatio classification. separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were upclassified to make them confidential. those e-mails had not been classified at the time that they were sent or received. the fbi also discovered several thousand work related e-mails not among the group of 30,000 e-mails returned by secretary clinton to state in 2014. we found those e-mails in a variety of ways. some had been deleted over the years and we found traces of them on servers or devices keblgted to the private e-mail domain. others we reviewed the archive government accounts of people who had been employees at the same time as clinton including high ranking officials folks with whom secretary of state might correspond. this helped us recover work related e-mails not among the 30,000 produced to state. still others we recovered from that painstaking review of the millions of e-mail fragments dumped into the slack space of the server decommissioned in 2013. with respect to the thousands of e-mails not among those produced to the state department agencies concluded that three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received, one at the secret level and two at the confidential level. no additional top secret e-mails found. and finally, none have since been upclassified. i should adhere that we found no evidence that any of the additional work related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them in some way. our assessment is that like many e-mail users, secretary clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from her system when devices were changed. because she was not using a government account or even a commercial account like g-mail no archiving at all of her e-mails. so it's not surprising we discovered e-mails not on secretary clinton's system in 2014 when she produced 30,000-some e-mails to state. it could also be that some of the additional work related e-mails that we recovered were among those deleted as personal by her lawyers when they reviewed and sorted them for production in late 2014. the lawyers doing the sorting for secretary clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails as we did for those available to us. instead they relied on header information and used search terms to find all work related e-mails among the 60,000 remaining on her system at the end of 2014. it's highly likely that their search missed some work related e-mails and that we later found them in the mailboxes of other officials or in the slack space of a server. it's also likely that there are other work related e-mails that they did not produce to state and that we did not find elsewhere and that are now gone. because they deleted all e-mails they did not produce to state and the lawyers then cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude forensic recovery. we have conducted interviews and done technical examination to attempt to understand exactly how that sorting was done by her attorneys. although we don't have complete visibility because we're not able to fully reconstruct the electronic record. we believe our investigation has been sufficient to give us reasonable confidence there was no intentional misconduct in connect with that sorting effort. of course, in addition to our technical work we interviewed many people from those involved in setting up the personal e-mail system and maintaining the various iterations of secretary clinton's server to staff members whom she corresponded to those involved in e-mail production to state and finally secretary clinton herself. last, we have done extensive work to try to understand what indications there might be of compromise by hostile actors in connection with that personal e-mail system. so that's what we have done. now let me tell you what we found. although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information. for example, 7 e-mail chains concerned matters classified at the top secret, special access program at the time they were sent and received. those chains involved secretary clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails about those same matters. there is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in secretary clinton's position or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters should have known an unclassified system was not place for that conversation. in addition to this highly sensitive information we also found information properly classified as secret by the u.s. intelligence community at the time it was discussed on e-mail. that is excluding any later upclassified e-mails. none of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system. but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full time security staff like those found at agencies and departments of the united states government or with a e-mail service like g-mail. i think it's important to say something about the marking of classified information. only a very small number of e-mails here containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of has identified information. even if information is not marked classified in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it. and while not the focus of our investigation we developed evidence that the security culture of the state department in general and with respect to the use of unclassified system in particular was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information that's found elsewhere in the u.s. government. with respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find director evidence that secretary clinton's personal e-mail domain in its various configurations since 2009 was hacked successfully. given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved we assessed we would be unlikely to see such director evidence. we do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom secretary clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. we also assess that secretary clinton's use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. she also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the united states including sending and receiving work related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. given those factors we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clinton's personal e-mail account. so that's what we found. finally with respect to our recommendation to the department of justice, in our system the prosecutors make the decisions about whether charges are appropriate babsed on evidence that the fbi helps collect. although we don't make public or recommendations to the prosecutors we frequently make them and engage in productive conversations with prosecutors about what resolution may be appropriate given the evidence. in this case, given the importance of the matter i think unusual transparency is in order. although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges. there are obvious consideration like the strength of the evidence regarding intent. responsible decisions also consider the context of a person's actions. and how similar situations have been handled in the past. in looking back at our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. all the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information or vast quantities of information exposed in such a way to support an inference of intentional misconduct or indications of disloyalty to the united states or earfforts to obstruct justice. this is not to suggest in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. to the contrary, those individuals are subject to security or administrative sanctions but that's not what we're deciding now. as a result, although the department of justice makes final decisions on matters like this we are expressing to justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case. i know there will be intense public debate in the wake of thisnvestigation. this investigation was done honestly, competently and independently, no outside influence of any kind was brought to bear. i know there were many opinions expressed by people not part of the investigation including people in government but none of that mattered to us. opinions are irrelevant and they were all uninformed by insight into our investigation because we did our investigation the right way. only facts matter. and the fbi found them here in an entirely a political and professional way. i couldn't be prouder to be part of this organization. thank you very much. >> and there you have it from the fbi director james comey recommending to the justice department no charges be brought in thele matter of hillary clinton whether or not she mishandled classified information on that serve earn. he says that he can not find a case where this would be appropriate. believes no reasonable prosecutor would do that in this case. he also tells the american people saying he's been very transparent in this decision making in order to help convince people this was done honestly, competently and independently. straight to our justice correspondent pierre thomas. huge decision. >> reporter: extraordinary decision. the fbi director making clear no charges should be found but he went a long way in making the case the clinton administration in terms of the state department was lax in how they handled the classified information, there were in fact certain classified and top secret information that was sent and received an also, that the officials involved in it should have known that this information was classified and therefore not be sending it. the bottom line is they looked at precedent and found no case like it where prosecutors would have went for it and did not believe the justice department would have gone for it and the fbi director again was extraordinary in terms of making clear the process. he wanted people to know exactly what they did so that people would know it would be independent but acknowledged great debate about whether this was the appropriate decision. >> certainly will be a lot of debate. jonathan karl, this kind finding of the fbi that in many cases secretary clinton and her team were extremely careless in handling e-mails, found several thousand e-mails had been deleted work related and he said that was not intentionally done, that will provide a lot of fouter for secretary clinton's critics and several e-mails, 110 were considered classified, contained classified information at the time they were sent. >> yeah and eight of those george were at the top secret classification. look, the big headline is there is no indictment here of hillary clinton. no indictment of any of her top aides. no indictment of anybody in this case. but this is quite irreprimand of her and the way she has handled this by the fbi director, to hear the fbi director use a phrase like extremely careless, saying this was extremely careless to handle information like this in such a -- in a way that could be accessed by hostile actors. he says it is possible that hostile actors gained access to hillary clinton's server and they uncovered no evidence that had directly happened but he said that any reasonable person should have known that the information being exchanged was extremely sensitive, classified and should not have been handled in this way. that is quite not an indictment but a reprimand from the fbi director. >> a lot of criticism as we see secretary clinton in front of a live rally in washington, d.c. have not heard from donald trump but i want to go to tom llamas. donald trump predicted this, said there would not be an indictment but as jonathan karl indicated this report from the fbi director gives donald trump a lot to criticize. >> that's right, george. you can expect the trump campaign to be right now working on an attack of hillary clinton or that news conference where the director said she was extremely careless. i'm sure donald trump will pull from this news conference as well. it also goes on of his argument that the system is rigged. she was not going to be prosecuted. there were sections of that news conference damaging to secretary clinton and no doubt donald trump is going to seize on those to make the argument that listen, you can criticize my temperament but look what the director of the fbi said about your handling and work ethic in the government. >> i think that's right. let's go to our political analyst for more on this. bottom line, matt, how damaging? >> i think it's damaging. i mean it's interesting. simultaneously damaging. this is going to be dropped in the midst where democrats and supporters of hillary will celebrate this thing but republicans and trump supporters will say she did a bunch wrong and that's going to be is conversation. i think this is a mow mental does day. you have these in the course of the presidential races. this is one of those days. each side has some amount of evidence to make their conclusions accurate. >> cokie roberts? >> i think this is a hard day for hillary clinton. it was one of the most extraordinary things i have seen in my many years in washington. the fbi director coming out and reading this basically charges even though he doesn't think there should be a criminal charge and saying at the beginning no one in government knows what i am about to say. that is extremely extraordinary. her judgment has been called into doubt. the idea she was in hostile territory and using her private e-mail server and of course, republicans won't believe ever that loretta leverage wynch was involved in this decision even though she said she wasn't. i think it's a hard day for hillary clinton. >> even though the bottom line something she wanted. here with brian ross. brian, to see the fbi director go through in such painstaking detail the work they did on this investigation was extraordinary. >> a year-long effort he called it. was a noncriminal indictment, everything but a charge no such case paralleled these set of facts that no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges. at this point this recommendation will carry the great weight. but the fact they went through so many e-mails, found millions of fragments and servers scattered across and found also this lax security culture at the state department which led to these issues with -- they found hostile actors likely gained access. >> that was in some ways one of the most chilling parts of the press conference. talking about how she was using her mobile devices in areas it would be easy to compromise the system. >> we certainly know that in russia and other places they work hard to compromise the communications of americans and again and again he said they knew or should have known. seemed to have ignored it. it is an indictment without a criminal charge. >> pierre thomas, you have been covering james comey for a long time. you can almost see him pained towards the end. by the idea that he would not be seen as an honest broker in this matter. >> reporter: well, clearly the fbi director was super concerned about the integrity of the building behind me, fbi headquarters. he wanted people to know this was done the right way to the point. one thing that's interesting about this, george, the situation has been a cultural war between the intelligence community and state department. the intelligence community believed people at the state department were lacks and state department officials thought that fbi and other officials were too dra cone you know in the way they looked at these matters. the fbi director is saying how you have within conducting business is not good enough and you're going to have to improve. >> jon, you covered the white house, president obama campaigning with hillary clinton later today in north carolina and one level even though this report is kind of damning, the announcement of no indictment before that first joint campaign stop kind of clears the decks for him as well. >> and the timing is so extraordinary here. air force 1 on the tarmac ready to take them down to this first campaign appearance together. but this whole process has been a cloud hanging over the head of hillary clinton and her campaign. so that cloud is lifted but as we pointed out -- there's so much bad here for hillary clinton. but ultimately when they get beyond this they no longer have to have the possibility of an indictment. however remote that possibility may have been it was a possibility, it was always there and now you know, you don't have any more concerns about possible conflicts of interest, of course, the president can be free to weigh in on this campaign with her. so certainly a big cloud lifted but wow, i mean, what a statement there from the -- i liked the way brian put it, an indictment without an actual criminal indictment. this was a tough statement. >> very tough from the fbi director. but the bottom line, he said no reasonable prosecutor would do this case. there will not be an indictment of hillary clinton by the fbi. that one is going to the justice department rights now. a huge day in this presidential campaign. get the latest on for now back to our regular programming and if many of you that's good morning. 8:27. i'm reggie aqui from the abc 7 morning news. the cal student killed after taken hostage in bangladesh capital city will be remembered on campus. she was visiting family and interning at uc berkeley center for bangladesh studies. jane was one of 20 hostages kill on friday. the vigil will start at noon on uc berkeley campus. an update on the morning commute now. gradual ease back to the workweek after the long holiday weekend. light as you make your way past the northgate mall. they wrap up the marin county fair. 20 minute drive that is good morning from the roof where i have sun at my back and drizzle on my face. how about that for a microclimate. look at the current conditions. most of us in the 50s to near 660 degrees. the clouds will peel back by 10:00 in the 50s. sunshine and 70s just about everywhere else. 80s in the east bay neighborhood. but they will be few and far between until the weekend. another update in 30 minutes and always on our news app. join us weekdays from ♪oin us weekdays from ♪ no problem you know him, kenny chesney's huge hit "no shoes, no shirt, no problem." love that. he'll be here friday. i don't know if he's going to wear a shirt or not but he'll be in central park. >> no problem either way. >> you know what, we have a celebrity stylist here helping with daddydos showing dads like our own t.j. with sabine helping dads to get their kids to have those perfect hairstyles. so much fun. t.j. is learning so much right now, i can tell. they're in deep conversation. >> they are beautiful and speaking of that, i was at an event this weekend, and you all know petula. my longtime hairstylist from n eechlt -- nevis. she's on the left with the booty shorts. the deandre with the booty shorts and alyana. we didn't pan down. the women loved it. but it was the first ever women's empowerment conference in nevis. #beautiful and it was really a great, great experience. >> the smiles show it all. >> congratulations to petula. petula did it. >> she's the star. >> so her nickname is petty. she could run for mayor, president, prime minister, whatever it is, i'm nobody but petty. it was a wonderful, wonderful event. >> that's awesome. i want to turn to the athletes making headlines off the field. some of the best in the world baring all stepping out of their comfort zone to appear in espn the magazine's body issue. jesse here with a sneak peek. hey, jess. >> hey, lara, that's right. these athletes spent their whole lives in the spotlight but never quite like this, and now ten men, nine women are going to grace the pages of the eighth annual body issue showing off what they've worked their whole lives to achieve. ♪ it's daring, it bares it all. it's espn's the body issue, a celebration of confidence in bodies of all shapes and sizes. for the eighth year it's highlighting the strongest, fittest, toughest athletes fully exposed including three-time nba champ dwyane wade confident on the court but terrified to take it all off. also stripping down, olympic swimmer nathan adrian, surfer courtney conlogue, soccer star christen press and for the first time ever this year, a transgender athlete, chris mosier. while the magazine is filled with rock-hard abs, football legend vince wilfork who weighs in at over 320 pounds is the cover saying confidence in your body and dedication to your dreams is what it's really about. >> i'm 120% confident in myself. i am who i am. when it was time to get down to business, it was no different than me getting ready to play a football game, but i was there to do a job and i attacked it that way. >> reporter: also uncovered on the cover, chicago cubs pitcher jake arietta revealing it all on the mound saying his strong stance is his most important feature. >> your balance or direction doesn't alter or teeter horizontally. basically in a direct line from myself to my target. hear that glove pop at the bottom of the strike zone down and away, it's just a perfect transfer of energy at an intense high velocity. >> reporter: a magazine filled with confidence, insecurities, honesty and lots of muscle making this issue a must see. and you can see it all tomorrow when espn's the magazine's body issue hits newsstands, robin. >> i'm so happy right now because i'm here with 50 cent and omari hardwick. they star -- have you all seen this, the hit crime drama called "power." you need to see it focusing on new york's nightclub scene and omari plays drug dealer james ghost st. patrick who in season three gives up his lucrative business to become a nightclub owner. take a look. ♪ >> i wish i could stay right here with you, baby, but i got to get to work. >> oh, good. go on. go make me some money. ♪ feeling love ♪ someone to lean on >> all right. give a proper "good morning america" welcome to these two gentlemen right here. [ cheers and applause ] i'm telling you, my team, my glam squad best show on tv, "power." >> wow. >> best show on tv. >> super humble. >> oh, omari. >> say that again, robin. >> the best show on tv. super humble. say it some more. say it some more. >> best show on tv. >> your character, you know, you're trying to do the right thing. >> yes, he's trying. >> yeah, but you just -- >> just can't quite -- >> i think it's the reason, you know, when courtney kemp, the show's creator and curtis, curtis, a two-hour conversation. i was in atlanta where you and i connected originally. >> yes. >> the world didn't know i was a dreaming kid trying to figure it out when incredible robin was on v103. >> v103. >> in the morning. >> yeah. >> and curtis called me. i was in atlanta and he called me and he talked to me for about two hours about the show and about the character and how many colors the guy had, and so i signed on, so he's trying to do right, and i guess that's why people are empathetic, but they forgive ghost but i don't think we would have a show if he wasn't ghost. there's a ghost in everybody. >> thank you. everybody has a little bit of a ghost in them. >> you know that, absolutely. >> and, boy, the way you all ended last season. >> that's why it's so compassionate. >> the bloody confrontation. we were wondering -- >> no stunts. >> no -- >> we had shoutouts to the three stunt guys that showed up, but they -- but we felt bad. they put food on the table by doing all the stunts, but me and 5 are doing all the stunts. you see how physical curtis is. >> we were a little bit surprised that you emerge from the flames, so to speak. >> i showed up. i showed up. >> you did show up. >> i did show up. >> showed up. showed out. >> very well written. the project for me like and the way it did, the suspense they captured in that actual episode is what kept people on the edge of their seat and anticipating his season. >> how is it having curtis for a boss? come on, omari. >> all of the people are laughing. it's amazing. >> yeah. >> some days i want to beat him up and other days i want to like -- >> oh, i know. see, you are so appreciative. i love this about you. >> he's a good brother. >> yes, yes, because for you to be the co-creator, the e.p. starring in it. i loved you in "spy" too, by the way, too. you're really emerging in that aspect because we know that you can rap and all that. omari, the cover of "essence" magazine, when i see that, i tear up a little bit because i do know your story, and i do know you living in a car for awhile. people see you as an overnight success but you worked really hard. tell them about the two people that helped you when you needed it most. >> well, there was segments of two. so there was mom and pops always. >> yeah. >> you know, and ironically there is a family reunion today in savannah, and i brought my family, of course here, the one that i made. hey. >> oh, look. >> so cute. you got to show them. >> there was -- >> say, hey, daddy. >> hey, baby. >> she's almost running up here. >> she's a big fan of uncle 50. so there was that, you know, robin, and then there was mom and pops were huge and my siblings and then there was a moment where pauletta washington and denzel washington really, really gave their time, their love, they gave me their son to mentor, and, you know, you got to -- mentorship is so funny because if you don't have anybody to pour back into what's been poured into you, then it's null and void as to what you're receiving. you got to give back what you're receiving, so it was pretty amazing to have them and then the next chapter were different incredible directors, spike lee included all the way to a lot of female directors because i love working with women. i think they're strong and led me to courtney and courtney and curtis was the second pair or the third pairing of the mom and pops and pauletta and denzel, and courtney and curtis have me here now. >> you've had a lot of -- >> a lot of angels. a lot of angels. >> you have a lot of fans too. there's somebody from the bronx, i forgot. somebody from the bronx that wants to ask a question. >> holla at your boy. >> dominique. >> hi. >> good morning, america and dominique. >> hi. >> how are you doing? >> what's your question? >> well, since you guys have really great chemistry, how did you meet? >> the first time we met, actually i was hunting him down like i knew he had options. he had like other projects offered at the same time and i had to talk to him into it. so i spent, like i said, the two hours that i was telling him about the project. i was like, this is the coolest thing, i'm telling you, it's going to work. you need to do this project, i was selling it. >> two hours. >> and then when he kind of got into it, and i felt like it was let me hang up before i go too far. when you're right there you feel like the person is into it, you need to stop. you don't keep going. >> you sat down with curtis before so you know. >> yeah. >> eloquent, engaging, powerful, charming, a nut. when you -- the amalgamation of that will lead to somebody going, okay, i guess i got to do it, and that was absolutely how we met. it was that. he feels like the brother that i've added to my two brothers that i haven't been around but i've had for a long time. >> i got a chance to see things he's worked in prior to, a lot of different projects and next day air, a harder edge character so i knew that he could actually be what i needed for the actual show. >> we're just -- you're on the cusp. we're just -- i mean, you're already doing some great things, oh, from both of you. >> thank you, "essence." thank you, "essence" magazine, for donning me on the cover. >> it was late but we appreciate it. >> season three of "power." ooh. drop the mike. premieres july 17th on starz. >> was that drop the mike? >> sexual chocolate, curtis -- >> and robin roberts. >> ginger. >> thank you, robin. so good. you know what, signs catch my eye all the time. i don't know how i didn't miss this one from where in wisconsin? >> medford, wisconsin. >> this one, happy 16th, alice. you're in bed at the hotel. happy birthday anyway even though you didn't join us. maybe tomorrow morning you can come. let's check the forecast for the south. oh, my goodness, heat advisories in place again so kansas city, parts of iowa, down into parts of texas. look at the numbers. 100, san antonio, 101 even the high today. little rock staying close to 100 by the time we end the week. then that severe weather threat sticks around with the damaging wind and hail. minneapolis, you're in it today. good morning. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. clouds return to the coast between 10:00 and 11:00 and the drizzle will dry by then. temperatures well below average in the 70s and 80s. my accuweather seven-day forecast, summer w >> all that weather brought to you by starbucks, and stick around. this is cool. coming up, it's the mother/daughter authors and those daddy hairdos. you guy's be good[ bark ] i'll [ bark ]later. bye. see ya pal. xfinity home provides 24/7 professional monitoring for 24/7 peace of mind. aw. aw. aw. aw. [ dryer running ] know what your pets are up to... party's on! ...with xfinity home, connected, protected home. xfinity customers: get a great deal on xfinity home and ask about free installation. call or go online today. see the secret life of pets, in theatres july 8th. ♪ cool for the summer now to the mother/daughter writing duo making chick wit a literary phenomenon. single mom and best-selling crime novelist lisa scottoline and her daughter francesca serritella are out with a great new summer read, and abc's deborah roberts sat down with them to hear all about it. >> reporter: what do you get when you combine an english major turned lawyer turned single mom with her harvard educated daughter? >> come on. can you do it? >> reporter: a successful, laugh out loud funny writing team. meet lisa scottoline, the best-selling crime novelist and francesca serritella. together this close-knit duo has written seven books largely inspired by their chick wit columns in "the philadelphia inquirer," and just in time for beach reading their newest, "i've got sand in all the wrong places," a collection of the humorous, sometimes poignant moments in their lives. what's the secret between the two of you? i mean, you're mother and daughter but you do really seem to get long in a nice way, maybe just for a few minutes. >> love, love is the answer. the secret. >> i'm an only child. she's a single mother. for much of my upbringing, so that comes naturally and doesn't mean it's always smooth sailing. >> reporter: but it looks smooth maybe because they've weathered tough times together. lisa divorced soon after francesca's birth but longing to stay home with her baby decided to put her english major to work. you started off as a lawyer. what led you to even think you could write books? >> i just started to try and after five years of rejection, really horrible broke times, i got published. >> and not just published, you took off. were you shocked? >> shocked? i'm shocked every day. i feel lucky every day. no joke really. blessed, lucky, amazed. >> reporter: the two are a mutual admiration society. francesca grateful for life lessons her mom offered. >> she built it slowly, and i got to see that perseverance and her work ethic and see her push through like she said initial struggling with getting published and to see that, you know, failure is an event, not a definition, to keep on moving forward. >> reporter: the human family includes only mom and daughter but -- >> why do you think we have so many dogs? we're just trying to fill in all the blanks. >> reporter: and chickens and horses. lisa loves and nurtures them all but first and foremost comes the writing, which the two do every day. lisa on her farm just outside philadelphia and francesca at her home in new york city. you don't have the luxury of -- >> i never understood how writers actually sold that to people as a thing. if you're a waitress, here's why you're single. i don't want to come into work today and i don't even really know why. >> reporter: in fact, lisa's life is all about writing and reading, the books, oh, the books. >> this is amazing, though. i feel so lucky how life books, i feel like i'm in a book sometimes and i kind of am. it doesn't get better than that. >> reporter: for "good morning america," deborah roberts, abc news, malvern, pennsylvania. >> from moms and daughters to dads and daughters, daddydos, a celebrity stylist here showing dads how to style their kid's hair. this should be good, t.j. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i love to see you smile ♪ i love to see you smile oh, i love this back with celebrity hairstylist dean banowetz. i met him with "dancing with the stars" and he literally wrote a book helping dads do their kids' hair. he wrote "the dean's list of daddydos." thanks for being here, dean. >> thanks for having me. >> when i saw this book i thought about the years of my dad putting my hair on the back of a stool and pulling it so tight i had a free face-lift. this is so important. >> it's really important. >> you don't have kids but why did you write it? >> i don't have kids but i'm the 13th of 15 children. i have 77 nieces and nephews and i do hair constantly when i'm home. >> did you say you have 77 nieces and nephews? >> 77. some are great. some are the regular nieces and nephews. you know how it goes. everybody struggles, especially dads because they're not familiar and they go, well, i've got big hands. i have gorilla hands and i do hair. >> apparently t.j. is not one of these that struggle but we brought in t.j. and sabine. >> it's still a struggle. >> you are the primary hair care in the household. >> yes, i am but our struggle is that her hair is curly and a lot of work. i'm looking for a solution. he said it's just work, man. >> the thing is when -- basic you want to learn how to part the hair. you don't need to have a comb. all you need is something that's not going to cut her scalp. but all you want to do is you just take and put that pen through and then you separate it out and makes it much easier than dealing with the teeth of the comb because it catches on everything, right? do you want to try it? >> sabine, can i ask you a question while daddy is doing your hair? who does your hair better, mommy or daddy? >> mommy. >> oh, busted. >> she said daddy earlier. but she is a politician in the making. good answer, sabine. >> but you can also use a chopstick or do a lot of different things. if you want to get really creative, you can take and you can actually like you're writing a little zigzag letter and you can just pull that hair through and you can see this really great zigzag part that's happening right there. >> awesome. >> we'll work on this. >> perfect. >> thanks, teej. shall we move on? you stick with that t.j. ava is here. you'll teach dad how to braid. >> the best thing to learn, i always like to use cables on the back of the tv. take a hold of that. they're three. color coated. red, yellow and white, you take the yellow and cross the red and you're starting to learn how to braid. this is great to use when your daughter is not around. because you don't want to mess up the first time you do her hair. there's also some yarn there that can help you practice, a little softer textile. it matches the texture of the hair. >> you want to go for it? >> sure. >> let's split this in three sections. and i always talk to people right over left then left to the center. right to the center. >> how often do you do her hair? i'm going to make you talk and braid. >> not often. not often. >> not often, but he's getting the practice in now. >> that's great. >> we'll look at the end product in a moment. >> and you've got it. now when you're doing a ballerina bun, you just twist the hair like it's rope and then you start to wrap it around itself. >> okay. >> just like this. you can keep twisting, keep twisting and a lot of dads don't know the difference between a hairpin, a hairpin and a bobby pin and just take this. >> nice. >> and you just anchor it through and crisscross it underneath that ponytail and knock it out. >> easy enough, brad. daddies can do this, right? >> yes. >> he totally can. all right. thank you, guys. thank you so much, dean. >> you got a braid over here, too. >> of course. >> it is looking great. >> we'll be right back. >> look. so good. >> good job. i just picked us up 2 breakfast croissants for $4, when this bear attacked. with one swipe, it devoured one of the croissants. then jack showed up, and took care of the beast, so i could escape. and that's what happened to your breakfast croissant. and yours? it survived. enjoy freshly cracked egg with ham and bacon. or sausage. two tasty croissants at an even tastier $4 price. it's a deal you'll devour. what if we made a paint that was so special that was such a jewel among paints that you had to seek it out. nope, even easier than that. more like taking a left on that street where you usually take a right that wasn't so hard. and if finding that paint made you and your walls beam with pride, is it still paint? benjamin moore. paint like no other. find one of our 5,000 authorized retailers near you. jaycee dugard, kidnapped at age 11 locked away in a backyard for 18 years. now after being free from captivity, what jaycee reveals about her life and her daughters. ♪ i want to see you smile "good morning america" is brought to you by listerine. bring out the bold. ♪ >> thanks to all our wonderful dads and daughters. t.j. and sabine. is she going to be on the payroll? >> she needs to be. she got more calls on "gma" than i have. the last couple of weeks. >> he's still stinging because she said mommy does hair better. have a great day, everyone. she said mommy does hair better. have a great day, everyone. good morning. i'm reggie aqui with the abc 7 morning news. mike nicco is joining us with the forecast. >> hi, everybody. still a little misty on the roof and downtown san francisco. towards the coast a little drizzly the next hour or so. we will see a little sunshine 50s and 60s as we come up on the 9:00 hour. 50s at the coast. few 80s in the inland neighborhoods. cooler through saturday. still a little sticky drive out there as far as those commuting. we have a car fire in san jose south 101 after story. fully engulfed and blocking two right lanes. >> i will be back with the abc seven midday news. our reporting continues on our news app at abc 7 join us every >> it's "live! with kelly." today, actor, writer, and producer denis leary. and from "power," omari hardwick. plus, a performance from a great big world. plus, "big bang theory" star jim parsons takes a seat at the co-host desk. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] [cheers and applause] >> and now, here are kelly ripa and jim parsons! [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly: hi.

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