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On hollywoods biggest night and epic host to get the alist treatment. Was he really the best actor of the night . Good morning, america. Everyone wants to know what it feels like to win an oscar. This guy decided to find out. That was fun. It was fun. They didnt know. No one embarrassed him so they let him in. Well share that with you later and but well begin, though, with that suspected serial shooter in custody this morning. A man who is believed to have opened fire on an nsa building, highways and several other locations in washington over the past two weeks. Abcs david kerley is in washington and has the latest. Good morning, david. Good morning, robin. This all came to a head in the past couple of hours. That shooting at the countrys Top Spy Agency actually happened yesterday afternoon. It is a building on the nsa campus which sits along a highway that was apparently hit by two bullets. It was just hours earlier on that highway that shots were fired at a truck traveling down the road. Two men inside that treetrimming truck, two bullets smashed through the windshield, a fragment hit one man in the shoulder. Glass hit the other man. Their injuries not lifethreatening. The fbi arrested a male suspect late last night and believe he is responsible for both of those shootings and that may not be all. The fbi says it believes the man is responsible for a series of shootings between washington and baltimore over the past two weeks. Now, the bureau took on this case when the shots were fired at the National Security agency, its a federal installation where officers collect, decode and translate spy data from around the world. There is no word of what the alleged shooters motive may have been. We dont even know if he was actually targeting the nsa. George. Many more questions to answer. Thanks very much. We turn to the Boston Marathon bombing trial. Opening arguments set for this morning and now there are new questions about what role the suspects widowed sisterinlaw played in the bombing. Abcs brian ross is in boston with the latest. Good morning, brian. Reporter well, good morning, george. Under tight security, a panel of ten women and eight men will hear the case beginning here this morning and while the focus has been on dzhokhar tsarnaev, Law Enforcement authorities tell abc news the fbi has been quietly investigating his his sisterinlaw, the wid doef his dead brother who they say could Face Criminal Charges herself. The daughter of a welltodo family Katherine Russell changed her name to karima to marry tamerlan, the mastermind of the boston bombing, but after the bombs went off, and her husband was killed in a shootout, russell told the fbi she knew nothing about the terror attack before it happened. As a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife, katie deeply mourns the pain and loss to innocent victims. Reporter but now Law Enforcement Authorities Say they believe russell accompanied her husband to this macys store in boston two months before the attacks and bought five pressure cookers, two of which they say were used to make the deadly bomb. Since the bombing russell moved to new jersey. Shes the one in black to live near the sisters of her dead husband where our boston station wcvb caught up with them. Authorities say the fbi put russell under surveillance during last years marathon and they continue to track her to this day and despite what she might know she is not expected to be a witness at her brotherinlaws trial. One would think that she would have an incredible amount of knowledge. The fact shes not being called as a witness suggests at least on one very important level that she continues to be an object, a person of interest. Reporter neither russells lawyers nor the fbi nor federal prosecutors had any official comment on her status and authorities tell abc news no decision will be made on whether to prosecute her until after the trial is over and that might not be, robin, until midsummer. Could take some time. All right, brian, thank you. Now to this brutal winter weather. More snow falling in boston last night as that city closes in on a record and another storm is on the way. Abcs rob marciano has the latest. Reporter this morning, millions of americans waking up to another day of deceptively dangerous icy conditions. I just completely turned all the way around and slid off the road. Reporter in chicago, watch as this suv slips and slides across the highway nearly slamming into another driver. People were sliding all over the place. Reporter across the midwest, roads littered with wreckage. In minnesota traffic backed up for hours on interstate 94. More than two dozen crashes throughout the day. I got off the highway to calm my nerves. Reporter near st. Paul, an officer investigating a wreck became part of it as his cruiser was slammed into. This tractortrailer flipping over and ending up on its side. In boston more wicked weather overnight. Over 310,000 miles of boston streets plowed. Thats farther than here to the moon with just 2 inches to go until that alltime record topples, some residents finally embracing the idea that today could be a historic snow day. Im ready to set a record. Reporter other bostonians less worried about snow totals and just want the winter to end. I dont care what the record is for the snowiest winter of all time in boston. This is ridiculous. Were going out of our minds. Reporter ridiculous is certainly a word you could use to describe this winter. Youre looking at one of the areas where theyre stockpiling the snow. Several stories high and come to you live from Boston Harbor parts of which were frozen over the past couple of weeks. Today theyll hit 40 for the First Time Since january 19th. That will feel good but it will be shortlived, though. More snow and cold coming tonight. You know it all too well. Thank you very much. More so and ice. Warnings from texas all the way to new jersey and ginger will track it all. Philadelphia back to dallas and a winter storm warning. Anywhere you see in pink, this is a big deal especially this late in the season. Im most concerned about memphis to louisville as we go into the overnight hours and im going to show you why. It develops and snowing in parts of the plains but the snow and ice really at drive time tonight from memphis up to louisville is heavy. Some of southern ohio up into West Virginia and then youre driving tomorrow morning from washington, d. C. , where the sleet will start to mix in some freezing rain back to memphis and dallas and then snow, heavy snow on top of that. So this is a big deal not just for the midatlantic but anyone there going to get the ice and then, again, some of those snow totals could top a half foot. I will detail all of this coming up in your nations weather. Half foot in march. Thanks very much. Were going to turn now to new questions this morning about Hillary Clinton and her use of private email as secretary of state. At a public event last night clinton did not address the controversy but her team insists she did nothing wrong amid pressure for more disclosure. Jon karl has all the latest. Reporter clintons spokesperson says there is nothing nefarious here, that she saved all of her emails and turned them all over to the state department. That is not going to end this controversy. House republicans say they are now investigating saying, mrs. Clinton used multiple private emails as secretary of state and they are vowing to subpoena if necessary and the white houses defense of her email practices has been lukewarm at best. Yesterday, White House Press secretary josh earnest refused to say directly whether or not she violated the law. In fact, george, he couldnt name a single other official in the Obama Administration who behaved, who acted in this way as mrs. Clinton. Thats right. Previous secretaries of state colin powell also said he used personal email but had a government account, as well. Reporter thats right. Only two previous secretaries of state used email at all. Condoleezza rice and colin powell. They both had official accounts, colin powell did have a personal email that he used but his spokesperson points out it was a rather primitive operation back then at the state department. Many employees didnt even have computers on their desks when he first came to the state department. Okay, jon karl, thanks very much. All right, there, george. Now to david petraeus, the former cia director and one of the most revered generals of a generation stunned the country when he admitted to having an affair and now he has agreed to plead guilty to mishandling top secret material. Sharing them with his mistress. Abcs Martha Raddatz has the latest on all this and joins us. Good morning, martha. Reporter good morning, robin. This is a man who was once thought of as a possible president ial candidate, making his fall and the charge he is pleading guilty to all the more stunning. This morning, this retired fourstar general who led the war effort in two of our nations pose important conflicts and as cia director held the nations most important secrets is preparing for sentencing after sharing highly classified information with his lover and lying to the fbi about it. I have traveled with petraeus from iraq to afghanistan where he was revered by his troops on and off the battlefield. I also watched him take careful notes in black notebooks like the one here in a briefing in afghanistan i attended with him. Prosecutors say eight of petraeus black books which contained classified information, identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and even notes from discussions with the president of the United States were given to his lover Paula Broadwell who was writing petraeus biography. His romantic desires potentially put people at risk, operations at risk and maybe more importantly could tell the enemy how we do our business. Reporter but despite the seriousness of the charge against him, prosecutors are not recommending any prison time, only probation and a 40,000 fine. George. Okay, martha, thanks. Now to that scathing report from the Justice Department charging the ferguson, missouri, Police Department with civil rights violations. It finds a clear pattern of bias against africanamericans, sets the stage for major changes and our chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas has the details. Hands up, dont shoot. Reporter we all recall the protests and emotional accusations of rampant racism by the ferguson Police Department in the wake of the Fatal Shooting of a young black man by a white Police Officer. We have been harassed so much that were tire of the of it. And this is our breaking point. Reporter today the Justice Department is expected to release a damning assessment of Ferguson Police alleged a pattern and practice of discrimination. According to details obtained by abc news, the Justice Departments investigation offers these searing numbers to make the case. Blacks make up 67 of fergusons population but were accused in 95 of jaywalking cases, 93 of all arrests and 85 of all traffic stops, and the civil rights probe found numerous examples of police and Municipal Court officials demonstrating bias, if not outright racism. Derogatory remarks even made about the president. In november 2008 one city official wrote, obama would not be in office very long because what black man holds a steady job for four years . The findings come as the attorney general is expected to announce there is not enough evidence to charge officer Darren Wilson with violating Michael Browns civil rights. Officer wilson told our George Stephanopoulos this was not about race. If Michael Brown were white, this would have gone down in exactly the same way . Yes. Ferguson officials will get a chance to say whether they agree with the Justice Departments findings and make changes in enforcement. If they do not, Justice Department officials will sue them. George . Okay, pierre, thanks very much. Want to go to amy with todays other top stories. Very big day at the Supreme Court. Thats right, george. It is, indeed. Good morning, today the Supreme Court justices will hear arguments in a case that has the potential to unravel president obamas health care law. At issue is whether its legal to give out subsidies in states where the federal government runs the insurance exchanges. Also this morning, a new twist in the battle over gay marriage. In alabama the state Supreme Court has ordered probate judges to stop issuing samesex emergency licenses defying a recent order by a federal judge. The u. S. Supreme court is expected to rule on the issue in june. And troubling report about the nations heroin epidemic. The cdc says the number of fatal heroin overdoses has tripled since 2010. Prescription drugs are often the gateway to addiction. And authorities now say the homeless man shot and killed by Los Angeles Police was wanted for probation violation stemming from a bank robbery conviction. The lapd says the man tried to grab an officers gun. The victim has been identified as charlie robinet, but he is accused of stealing that identity from a french citizen. In houston, a mother and her young son survived this violent crash, their truck slamming into a van before flipping over. Part of a tree that was also sent flying. Rescuers had to use the jaws of life to open the roof and pull them out. Somehow despite that video they suffered only minor injuries. And overseas, a dramatic scene as passengers rushed to evacuate this turkish airliner that skidded off a runway in nepal in heavy fog. The front landing gear had collapsed. Passengers jumped down the emergency slides, all 238 people are okay. And a shocking discovery at new yorks jfk airport. Agents arrested a man after finding 770,000 in cash hidden inside these boxes of soap, bandaids and alkaseltzer in his luggage. The suspect says he was just trying to buy a building in yemen. Finally, almost everyone is sick of winter. Im going to say everyone, not almost everyone. Everyone is sick of winter. The snow, the sleet and frigid cold so police in a small town in New Hampshire came up with a cure for the winter blues. Free pizza and french fries. Theyre handing out gift cards to reward Good Behavior in town and in this case it means driving carefully in the snow, police were going to pay for the pizza and fries themselves but when local businesses heard about the plan they decided to donate to encourage safe driving. And i got to say i think they hit this right on the money. Because two things that cheer me up in almost any circumstance pizza and french fries. Good old comfort food. When the snow melts everyone will have to go running. Work that off. Yep. Thats true. Throw in a cupcake and all is well. All right, thanks, amy. We want to move on to the investigation into a brazen gold heist in north carolina. Armed robbers reportedly held up a truck and got away with more than 4 million in gold. Leaving two security guards tied up in the woods. And were hearing the 911 calls from the drivers who found them on the side of the road this morning. Abcs linzie janis has the story. 114 northbound. Possible armed robbery. Reporter this morning, the alarming 911 calls made by drivers along this highway outside raleigh late sunday. The night two security guards carrying a payload of gold and other Precious Metals in this semi say they were robbed at gunpoint. Theres a couple guys that look like they got their hands zip tied behind their backs. Reporter the two guards traveling from miami to massachusetts telling police they stopped because of engine trouble. Thats when they say three armed men in a white van held them up, ordering them to the ground. Police say the suspects tied the victims hands behind their backs and led them into the woods before fleeing the scene with nearly 5 million in gold. According to the 911 calls, the two security guards then ran back to the highway. Its dark and theyre walking in the middle of the road. Reporter one driver even pulling over. Hey, where are you guys from . What happened . Gold and silver. He says theyre hauling highvalue stuff. Reporter transvaal transvalue incorporated. The guards employer says its guards were armed. They were the guards that were robbed . Apparently. Reporter a manhunt now under way and that Security Company offering a 50,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest in this highway heist. For good morning america, linzie janis, abc news, new york. Wow. Brazen. Brazen. To say the least. Thanks for bringing that to us. Now to snow in minnesota yesterday. One of the many places and now this arctic air coming in from that. Right behind it. And thats the other thing. Well be talking about record lows potentially in the mid and deep south after this moves through so not everybody hates winter. Not everyone because some places where theyre used to a lot of snow in march. That is a ground blizzard in minnesota. Western see, thats the attitude you have to have. Can be dangerous, of course, because visibilities are quickly reduced. And thats the whole thing. Blizzard doesnt mean a ton of snow but blowing snow on top of all that and then that dangerous cold we were talking about. Look at the wind chills this morning. Des moines only feels like 1. Minneapolis, 15 below. Windchill advisories and everybody is turning colder. Look at chicago overnight low, 1 below friday morning. Good morning, i am abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. A lot of sun shine. Slightly warmer today. Three to five togethers warmerthanaverage. It will be clear. And cool overnight because of the dry air and there is no clouds or wind. Daylight savings this wreck and it will be warm. Lowtomid 60s along the coast and midtoupper 60s for the rest of us. The 70s return to my sevenday forecast tomorrow and they last through all right, so much more coming up in theres warm weather. You guys are wondering about that. Are you just saying that . Somewhere. Itll happen. Itll happen. Thank you, ginger. Coming up, the latest on the jodi arias Death Penalty retrial. Why the jury says theyre having big problems deciding her fate. Also ahead, the new warning about a popular treatment for men. Why testosterone may not be safe. How one man faked out hollywood with a knockoff statue. And get ready for shania. Totally crazy forget im a lady you sleep. Hd 5. Hd 5. And your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. Ohh. Maybe thats whats preventing me from getting the sleep i need talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. 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Com or call a hep c educator to help prepare you for a conversation with your hep c specialist. Whoa when i wake up in the morning to the Clear Blue Sky turn up the music when i hop in the ride im the bomb and about to blow up. The new work collection. Perfected. By white house black market. I never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. He told me to use pronamel. Its going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and it was a real easy switch to make. One of the best things about vacation, is that you get to be your best self. So at hilton, we say be deliciously outside your comfort zone. Be there when onceinalifetime appears. Be promoted to the senior vp of splash. Or be the one to make her feel weak in the knees all over again. Hilton. Ready and waiting for you at 12 distinct brands in over 2,000 cities. Explore now at hiltongetaways. Com. Just ahead on gma, the top female executive making an apology to all the moms she worked with. Why shes saying sorry now. And those weird Matthew Mcconaughey commercials. Dzhokhar tsarnaev good morning. Im kristen sze. The School Board Meets tonight. In attendance will be an 11yearold boy and his parents. Nathan was knocked unconscious in january. His attacker another 11yearold served a fiveday suspension and now back in class. Nathans parents say they were told the boy would be expelled. Boy, driving to work can be a tough process. Carlos is driving our 360 cam right through the maze. 880. Hes headed in the southbound direction. You can see traffic is lightheadedlight haedead ed towards the coliseum. Also southbound an accident here as well just past 92. Meteorolo ah come on lets hide in the attic. No. In the basement. Why cant we just get in the running car . Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Be quiet. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Its what you do. Head for the cemetery . Good morning. Were eerre off to a school start once again. San francisco at 49. Temperatures today about three to five degrees warmer than average before that sun sets at 6 06. Heres my accuweather sevenday forecast light offshore breeze dry air and almost total sunshine means above average temperatures all seven you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. Nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. My names flo, you want to go out with me . No. Uhhuhhuh good morning, america. Again, right now, a suspected serial shooter who allegedly opened fire on the nsa building and highways in the Washington Area is in custody this morning. Also right now, the jury in the jodi arias Death Penalty retrial says theyre at an impasse. And a new warning about those popular mens testosterone drugs. The fda saying they may not be as safe as you think they are. Pay attention to that this morning as we say good morning, america. A lot to get to, including a guy we had some fun with at the top trying to convince people he won an oscar and he made it pretty far. Had a lot of fun getting lots of selfies. Well tell you more about it. Is that why lara had turns out one might be better than an invite to anywhere. Invited anywhere. This may be all you need. Well explain what that means coming up. We will. But we begin this halfhour, the latest on the jodi arias Death Penalty retrial. The jurors will be back to work this morning deliberating for a fifth day after telling the judge they were at an impasse on tuesday. Abcs ryan owens has the story. Were you crying when you were stabbing him . I dont remember. Reporter she may be this countrys most infamous femme fatale and convicted murderer jodi arias may be about to escape arizonas death row again. This morning, the second jury trying to decide whether arias lives or dies for the brutal stabbing and shooting of her exboyfriend Travis Alexander will begin their fifth day of deliberations. Tuesday, the judge told them to keep working after they claimed they were deadlocked. Its exactly what happened to the first jury almost two years ago. I have received your note indicating that you are unable to come to a unanimous decision. Reporter this new jury of eight women and four men has already deliberated more than 20 hours. Thats six hours longer than the first jury. If they too cant come up with a decision, thats it. Jodi arias lives. The judge will pick either life in prison or she could get out in 25 years, something we discussed in a jailhouse interview just after her murder conviction. So you think people should feel safe if jodi arias is out of these four walls at some point . Well, i think so, yes. If youre not abusing me and attacking me and threatening to kill my life theres no reason to fear. Reporter so, you are sticking with that story. Its not a story. Its the reality. Reporter if it feels like this case has gone on forever, it has. Its been almost seven years since arias slaughtered Travis Alexander in his mesa, arizona, home. Her fourmonth murder trial including 18 days of her on the stand ended in may of 2013 with that hung jury. It hasnt been cheap either. Arizona taxpayers have shelled out 3. 1 million for her defense. Prosecutors have refused to say how much theyve spent trying to kill jodi arias not once, but twice. So deliberations will resume this morning with hour number 21 and counting. A little hard to believe somebody that stuck to their guns in the jury room at this point will suddenly change their mind but we will certainly watch what at least for now looks like a very bad case of deja vu, robin. We know that youll be there. All right, thanks very much. Abcs dan abrams is here with more on this. So lets pick up on this and why do you think the jury is having such a difficult time coming to a decision . Because this is kind of a squishy legal standard. The question here is its not did she do it but should we execute her for what she did and the legal question becomes do the aggravating circumstances outweigh the mitigating ones . And theres a long list of aggravating ones and mitigating ones and in this case actually the defense has stronger arguments on the mitigating circumstances, meaning theres some factors that the jury wasnt asked to consider last time like remorse, posttraumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder. These are all things that helped jodi arias avoid the Death Penalty. They dont because the process that its in, this jury does not hear all the evidence about guilt or innocence. Thats right. This is just the penalty phase and that you could argue might lead the jurors to take longer, as well, because in the first case they knew everything. Theyd heard everything about the case. Theyd heard all of the facts, all of the debates. Here, theyre just getting a limited amount of information that says youre assuming that she did it. You know she did it and you get a little sort of encapsulized version and now decide. There could be questions about exactly what happened and how it happened that didnt exist in the first case. Like ryan owens, you have been on this from the beginning and when it got to this point you were throwing your hands up. So, what happens if its another hung jury . I always said i dont think they should just retry the penalty phase. Under the law of arizona there will not be another trial. They cant. If theres a hung jury she gets life in prison. Thats it, case over. Well see. All right, thanks so much, dan. Okay, guys, were going to switch gears and we know winning an oscar can open up all kinds of doors for an actor and one wannabe found out how powerful that could be. It shows you what you can get away with by showing off that statue. Its gone viral and abcs brandi hitt has the story. Great job. I watched your movie. Reporter winning an oscar feels fantastic. Reporter it certainly did for Mark David Christenson sunday night, but heres the catch. Christenson didnt win anything. The actor fooling hundreds of people across l. A. Making them believe this fake oscar was real. Its an oscar. Reporter are you surprised people thought that was real . Yes, look at this. He has hair. Oscar does not have hair. Its like a smooth baldness. Hes holding a wreath. Reporter christenson was given the alist treatment from free food and drinks to access to oscar afterparties. I lost my ticket. Reporter even picking up a car from a valet without a ticket. He has an oscar. Reporter that wasnt his. Why would you let someone do this . Reporter christenson returned the car. Im letting you go through. Youre an award winner. Reporter and perhaps, most shocking, making it past two levels of Academy Award security. You guys ever arrest an oscar winner before . We could right now. Reporter before being stopped at the dolby theatre entrance. All joking aside you got through heavy security. Yes, very heavy security just by flashing a statue and a tux. Reporter even when out with us passersby still tricked by that fake statue. Did you think it was real . Maybe. Reporter christensons video going viral this morning with more than a million views in just four days. For good morning america, brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. I dont mind if he goes to some parties but he got somebodys car that isnt his . Come on. Ginger is irate. Thats true. Its really amazing, though, that he was able to get past security a little eye opening. Its a golden ticket. I didnt know why he didnt go for a nicer car, i dont know. Why he picked that one. Yeah. Ginger, what is that behind you . Well, lets look. Oh, its beautiful, george. It is beautiful. Its beautiful for utah, because in the mountains up to two feet fell in Salt Lake City had their warmest winter on record and their least snowy winter on record so out in the mountain west, any snow is super welcome. Its the complete opposite of whats happening east of the rockies. Today, though, drying out. Temperatures are pretty mild. Las vegas going to 60. 52 for reno. Look at seattle at 55 and portland, 60. Those numbers that theyve seen all winter or winterless is what they keep saying and i promised you its warm somewhere. It is, south of that front look at charleston, South Carolina today, almost 80. Tallahassee is 80. 82 for tampa. But you know that wont last long. Good morning, i an meteorologist mike nicco total sunshine a light offshore breeze so 62 to 65 at cost and knife to 69 for the rest of us. Sevenday forecast shows temperatures remaining above average all the way throug all that weather brought to you by quaker. Might be my last day in lubbock, it was 63 yesterday in lubbock, texas. Oh. Hes still hanging in there. You were talking about utah, we have some students from utah. Yes. Hey, guys. Very warm, hasnt it . A really warm winter. So happy for you. Not so bad there but appreciate you all come every year. Coming up, the parents that are under fire for allowing their children, Young Children, to walk home alone. Dan and nancy are going to be here to weigh in. And the new warning about testosterone drugs popular with men, why they may not work for many. 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Lease the wellequipped volvo s60 today. Visit your local volvo showroom for details. Back now at 7 43 with a new warning this morning for men who use low testosterone drugs. Prescriptions have nearly doubled in the last five years, but now the fda says the popular drugs are being overused and may not be safe. Abcs Neal Karlinsky has the details. With less energy, moodiness and a low sex drive i had to do something. Reporter youve seen the ads. In a clinical study, over 80 had their t levels reporter the t in low t stands for testosterone said to reinvigorate everything from a mans libidos to a mans muscles fueled by 2 million men like chris running, hoping to look a little less middle age and a little more magic mike. I get out of the shower and look in the mirror, im impressed because i look awesome. Reporter theyre being handed out too often and might be dangerous, include drugmakers to include additional warnings that this he may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. I went from being in extremely strong shape, olympictype shape to slowly deteriorating. Reporter bob cripe says he suffered a spinal stroke after taking androgel and is suing. The drugs manufacturer telling abc news it is not discussing ongoing litigation. If i would have known of the side effects of this drug that included strokes or heart attacks or any other type of complications such as that, i would have never taken it. Reporter the fda also says drugmakers need to make clear that low t treatment should only be for men with certain medical conditions and it hasnt been approved to combat normal aging. The vast majority of men taking testosterone dont have a condition for which its indicated and the fda is very worried about that. Reporter two low t manufacturers spoke with abc news, one telling us, weve heard from the fda and well continue to work closely with the agency in the best interests of men who use testosterone therapy and the other saying, it is committed to our patients and we continue to work with the fda. For good morning america, Neal Karlinsky, abc news, seattle. You got to do your homework, all right, thank you, neal,. The new crackdown on moms coming to the u. S. To have babies. And youll never guess who is having fun with one those Matthew Mcconaughey car commercials now. It is going viral. Come back now. You know, i think about money kind of a lot. Money is freedom. Moneys always on my mind. Car insurance. Credit cards. Preschool. Debt. Cell phone bills. Its complicated. Its not easy. I am not a good budgeter. Unfortunately, im a spender. I would love to learn more about finances. Savings. Investments. Retirement. Man the more educated i am, the better decisions i can make in the future. 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The latest incarnation, Sergeant Larry wise of the cedar hill texas Police Departments arresting version of the ad done to celebrate the fact that the Police Department got 3,000 likes on its facebook page. Take a look. You dont get into police work as it makes sense, you do it cause you thought it really looked cool on tv or because med school was just out of the question. Thats pretty good. And theyre already at 600,000 views this morning. But you know dover police you remember this taylor swift rendition rendition, that was a classic. They got 31 million views, so hey, cedar hills, texas, Police Department i believe in you. You can reach 31 million. Tell us what is in your feed. I love these funny Police Officers. Remember the Police Officer came here and hey, amy, thank you so much. Coming up get ready to go totally crazy because she is still the one. That woman right there, shania twain here live for a big announcement that youll hear only on gma. So youre a rocket scientist. 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With a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. Dont miss yoplaits exciting new flavors creamy caramel and cookies n cream. Good morning america is brought to you by chickfila. Wake up to a whole new world of taste. Try chicken for breakfast. And still ahead on good morning america, socalled free range parents under fire. Dan and nancy here to weigh in and then sara haines showing off the hottest trend in workout gear. How you can pull it off. Go sara. Go, sara. Good morning. Im kristen sze. It feels like its warming up. Mike nicco has your bay area microclimate forecast. For the most part fog has been pretty much nonexistent this morning thanks to the drier air. Mid to upper 60s except for the coast low to mid 60s. Your accuweather sevenday forecast, temperatures above average. Hopefully next week well get some rain in the forecast. 580 passing the oakland zoo. Slowing here towards mills college. Traffic is moving at a little bit of a snails with Kaiser Permanente youll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Become a member of Kaiser Permanente. Because together, we thrive. Yoplait greek 100. For when you just cant make it without a proteinpacked, thick and creamy, powermeupwithsomething filling tastebudloving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity dinner feels a million years away grab and go, lets take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. There are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. At grocery outlet, they sell the brands you love. The brands you love. The brands you know and love. Even namebrand Natural Foods and organics. At prices up to 60 less than you would spend. At those big name grocery stores. Right now at grocery outlet, one pound of challenge butter is just 2. 49. Save up to 4. Things that i know. And love. Grocery outlet. Bargain market that dont impress me much good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. , and are you ready to be impressed . Shania twain is still the one. The superstar rocking times square with a huge announcement only on gma this morning. Also am i wrong and should the government be telling you how to raise your kids . The socalled freerange parents under fire for allowing their kids to walk a mile home all alone. Leave me hanging and catch this if you can. Guess which hollywood hunk is renting out his highend crash pad in one of the most luxurious locations in the u. S. Just dance and lets get loud. Are these wild and crazy patterned leggings for you . How you can rock the latest fashion trend. Man i feel like a woman so, are you ready for shania . Good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] how excited are we . Yes. How excited is everybody here in times square . Look, the flashes are going off. That is shania twain and shes here live this morning. Big announcement. Bestselling female Country Music artist of all time and cannot wait to hear what shes going to tell us. And since shes here lets turn back the clock a little bit and show everybody we cant yes, we can. Last year, there you are on stage singing with shania twain. Come on over, thats what we were singing. She was a good sport but she was in vegas for two years and before that we havent seen her for awhile. Yeah. And who knows whats going to be happening now with her. Well find out. Always Something Big. Always Something Big with her. Im so happy she that dont impress me also coming up, the new way women can whip their husbands to be into shape for the big day, well have that story, and then the hot, new fashion trend for some. These rather colorful leggings you may have seen out and about, now were going to tell you how you can make them work for you should you want to. Should i say i saw i conquered first news with amy. All right, guys, we begin with Opening Statements getting under way today in the trial of Boston Marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev. The 21yearold faces 30 federal charges, more than half of which could lead to the Death Penalty. The widow of tsarnaevs older brother is also under scrutiny. Authorities say she was there when the pressure cookers used in the bombings were purchased. Breaking overnight, a suspected serial shooter in the washington, d. C. , area is now in custody. The fbi believes he fired shots at a building on the campus of the National Security agency and also fired at a truck on a maryland highway injuring two men. Agents believe he is also responsible for a string of other shootings in the area. The Justice Department is releasing a blistering report today on the ferguson, missouri, Police Department saying it routinely violated the Constitutional Rights of africanamericans. After widespread protests triggered by the Police Shooting of Michael Brown, investigators say they found a clear pattern of discrimination with officials even using government email to circulate racist jokes. Its being called an unprecedented sting operation. Federal agents have swarmed nearly two dozen locations in Southern California shutting down what they call maternity hotels. Abcs reena ninan has the details. Reporter this morning, a major crackdown on a booming and potentially illegal industry, socalled maternity tourism. Federal agents raided buildings across Southern California tuesday where they suspect foreign women come specifically to give birth on u. S. Soil. People who come from china to the United States for the sole purpose of having their children born as american citizens. Reporter Officials Say some companies promote the service online, one even using this cartoon to attract Chinese Women to come to the u. S. Pregnant and leave with an american baby. Last year abcs Gloria Riviera went undercover to visit a birth Tourism Agency in beijing, china, advertising packages for expectant mothers looking to have americanborn babies. Happy clients, right . Reporter according to court affidavits, one Company Charges women 40,000 to 80,000 for housing, trips to go shopping, fraudulently obtain visas for the momstobe and an american passport and Social Security card for the baby. The alleged ringleaders could face criminal tax fraud, Money Laundering and conspiracy charges. The motherstobe are now considered material witnesses. For good morning america, reena ninan, abc news, new york. And thank you, reena. Big changes at target. The retailer plans to cut thousands of jobs, most of them at its headquarters. It is slashing 2 billion in spending to become more competitive. And finally, a big apology from a female executive who says she spent years looking down on working moms. Katharine zaleski admits now that shes a mom herself, shes embarrassed by her actions like scheduling lastminute meetings and getting upset when mothers couldnt go out for drinks after work. She told fortune magazine, for mothers in the workplace its death by a thousand cuts and sometimes its other Women Holding the knives. I didnt realize this or how horrible i had been until five years later when i gave birth to a daughter of my own. Zaleski is now specifically looking for moms to join her new tech company which allows moms to work from home. I love one of the things she said she learned from working with other moms and being a mom when you want something done, ask another busy person also known as a mom. For her to be so honest. Honest about how she once felt and how shes evolved. Thats right. Thanks, amy. Pop news and weather coming up. Lets go to lara now in the social square. Thank you so much, george, and heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. In pop news, catch this if you can. Guess which Hollywood Star is renting out his luxurious digs. Well tell you how much and where. And then socalled freerange parents are under fire and what it could mean for mops and dads everywhere. Plus, oscar winner Cate Blanchett is opening up about why its so good to be bad. And do you feel like a woman . I hope so because this woman, shania twain, is with us live on gma. So happy to see you. Are you guys happy . Shania twain is here to see you in a moment on gma. Good to see you. Its great to see you. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by advil, the pain reliever that is built to be as fast as it is strong. Feel the attraction color my hair do what i dare sh in the car. Off to grandmas house they go. The trip is rather long. But mother quickly sets the tone. With a classic disco song. They start a game of license plates and quickly find kentucky. Then brother spots alaska hes never felt so lucky. And no ones counting minutes, theyre counting cows instead. And are we there yet . Is a phrase thats happily unsaid. Goldfish crackers. The snack that smiles back. Coming up on gma, the loud leggings making a big statement. How you can sport the hottest workout wear of the season. Should i be concerned my dress looks like your pair . We have a pair for you. You can do this, amy. Come on, amy. Harder. I came i saw i conquered i could be like the cool came i saw i conquered when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and im checking to see if i packaged it. He says it has a certain code thats my line, this is the date. If the last 3 letters were p22, thats me. Lowes presents how to make a friend speak when shes speechless wow kim, im speechless your new bathroom looks so beautiful i cant even talk right now. I literally cant even open my mouth to talk. Now get the Moen Caldwell faucet for 79 at lowes. Introducing light fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away. With 12 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 0 fat. New light fit protein shakes. Taste the power of satisfaction. Whoa when i wake up in the morning to the Clear Blue Sky turn up the music when i hop in the ride im the bomb and about to blow up. The new work collection. Perfected. By white house black market. I could be like the cool look at this great crowd. They dont care about a little raindrops, snow, wintry mix, should we call it, ginger . Perfect. Its wednesday, hump day, and weve got pop news to warm us up. Yes, indeed. We are halfway there, america. Lets do it. And this morning im lost in the crowd and im hungry we are hungry like the wolf of wall street. A titanic rental opportunity has just come up to rent Leonardo Dicaprios plush pad in palm springs. Do you like how i weaseled my way to using that song, which i love, just tried to find a way. I think we managed to make it work. Listen, there are two catches, though. Leo bought this just over a year ago. He may have never stayed there even a single night, but if you want to stay there for a single night, it will cost you 4500. Thats the second catch. But you can split it with friends, it has 6 bedrooms, 7 1 2 bathrooms, look at this place, you guys. It has a gorgeous pool area. The estate was once owned by the late dinah shore and is considered one of the best examples of midcentury architecture in all of palm springs. Thats saying a lot. Yes. With modern bathrooms. Really. Just done to the nines. Lara, how much with him in it per night . I will work on a price for you for that. Thank you. Wow. Thats got me thinking there. And on that note its raining men hallelujah that was a great transition. Its raining men, all right. Now its raining especially wellbehaved men, thanks to the Groom Academy turning hapless husbandstobe into perfect gentlemen. We hope. George, youre shaking your head but this is a new exclusive oneday course being offered at ten Hotels Across the uk. Its become a hot item on bridal registries, grooming men in the arts of things like bedmaking, ironing, cleaning and cocktail recipes guaranteed to get things cooking. And if the drinks dont work, a chef is also on the staff to teach men basic culinary tricks of the trade. Their mantra, happy wife, happy life. Thats true. I missed the ironing class. You did . Okay. Do you help out around . Do you help out around the house . Are you really putting him on the spot . I just saw how his reaction was during that. I thought maybe he was saying oh, i always i want to do that. I help out in myriad ways. Yes, you do. Ironing not one of them. And then finally, guys, in pop news this morning, when it comes to the bedroom, it turns out side does matter, i said side with a d. A special, yes, pop news investigation. We have determined that if you feel like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, you were probably sleeping on the left. Its a survey actually carried out by a Mattress Company and they found that more than half of americans prefer the right side of the bed, so this is if youre looking at the bed and youre looking at the headboard, which shied do you sleep on . On the right. On the left. Especially men like the right like george and the study says that men that sleep on the right side of the bed are generally more relaxed than men who sleep on the left side of the bed. Also interesting, it turns out that 75 of americans choose which side they sleep on based on which side is closer to not the bathroom but electrical outlets because as we all know you must be plugged in at all times. Got to have that device. Yeah, well, there was one other study. Can i just say, that moreover more women than men, 72 need their space and prefer they face away from their partners. Bad breath, all im saying. Two words, bad breath. And that is pop news, George Stephanopoulos. Thank you, lara spencer. The heat index is coming up. Lets go to ginger. I like facing away too. I thought that was supposed to be good. Hey, i saw these ladies from a mile away. They look like a bucket of fun. Where are yall from . South carolina. And thats what youre here for fun. Fun. I love the accents. Theyre awesome. Lets check a place thats feeling kind of mild this morning. At least relatively despite that ice on the delaware river, you can see philadelphia right there. And how about we look quickly at the ice and snow forecast. The snow coming in at least for the midatlantic and northeast overnight tonight into tomorrow morning so, if you are still around, itll be fun in some snow especially if you go south, all right . Good morning, i am abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. A lot of sun shine. Slightly warmer today. Three to five togethers warmerthanaverage. It will be clear. And cool overnight because of the dry air and there is no clouds or wind. Daylight savings this wreck and it will be warm. Lowtomid 60s along the coast and midtoupper 60s for the rest of us. The 70s return to my sevenday forecast tomorrow and they last and happy birthday to wendy behind me. Shes from boston. What did you say earlier . I said this is beautiful. It is beautiful out here because its not snow. Lets get back inside. Thank you, ginger. Were going to kick off our heat index with a parenting story touched off a pretty fierce debate. You may remember that maryland couple investigated for letting their Young Children walk home from the park by themselves. Well, officials now say they neglected their children. Dan and nancy are here to argue it out after this from abcs bazi kanani. Reporter this morning, the parents who made headlines for letting their 10 and 6yearolds walk a mile home from a park without adult supervision are found responsible by Child Protective Services for unsubstantiated child neglect. Its shocking, its hurtful, its traumatic. It never would have occurred to me that i could get caught up in Something Like this. Reporter danielle and Alexander Meitiv say they knew their style of parenting, known as freerange parenting, giving children more space and more responsibility was Old Fashioned but they never thought it would come under investigation. Which is just the way most of the adults watching were raised. You know, a parent says, go play outside. Come back before dinner. Not any radical idea. Reporter Child Protective Services says marylands state law states that children under the age of 8 must be under the care of a person who is at least 13. The case now closed but the meitivs are fighting back hiring lawyers to file an appeal. Were on file for five years. That black mark is on our records here. Reporter the Maryland Department of Human Resources tells abc news it cannot comment on specific cases because of confidentiality requirements. We spoke with the meitivs childrens rafi and dvora in january when the investigation was under way. Do you think its okay for you and your sister to walk places by yourself . Yeah. Reporter the meitivs say while theyre worried about being investigated in the future, they will still let their children walk by themselves. I cant let it change my parenting because i know what im doing is right. Reporter for good morning america, bazi kanani, abc news, washington. Thanks to bazi for that. Dan abrams is back joined by nancy grace of hlns nancy grace. Welcome back to both of you. Ill begin with you, dan. Ill let you guys debate. I look at this finding, unsubstantiated child neglect, i dont know what it means. Its a little bit misleading but it means that they found evidence of it but they dont necessarily think they can prove it. But the reality is this is not nuts in my view. The idea that two children walking in a neighborhood, 10 and 6, that their parents are now being found responsible for child neglect. The question isnt should a 10yearold and a 6yearold be walking alone, thats not the question. The question is, should the authorities be stepping in and getting involved and bringing in the government to make these sorts of decisions for parents . I know how much a lot of parents want to be the Parent Police here. But thats not the question. It is crazy that the authorities are involved. What do you think, nancy . Well, actually, those are not exactly the facts. This was not just in your hometown neighborhood. This was a mile away, and i have actually traced the route and they go through some major, major thoroughfares with red lights, lots of traffic, lots of stores, lots of people. I would just direct everyone to a video that i refreshed myself with this morning. Its of carlie brucia. Shes about 10 years old, she had about eight blocks to walk home in her neighborhood from her little sleepover home and she was abducted and killed. Now, does that happen every time . No, but does it happen, yes. I dont think these parents are bad parents. I think theyre very loving, but this is not the same world we grew up in, dan, where we could ride our bikes all day and that was fine. Ill tell you its not like that anymore. In fact, this area has the highest crime rate in all of that county you cant draw legal lines by doing, retracing their steps and saying, how many crosswalks are there . Thats just you just said it was a neighborhood. Its not just a neighborhood like next door to theyre walking through a Business District for petes sake. Nancy, when i was 10 years old in manhattan, i rode the bus to school by myself. Now, maybe that wasnt the right decision. And look what happened . Exactly. Its true. [ laughter ] listen to me. Listen, this is not anything to get crazy about, but what im saying is, dfax wild protective services got a phone call and they investigated it. And when you dont know a horse, dan abrams, look at its track record. Cps never continues its investigations, the parents will never hear from them again. Dan, im afraid thats going to have to be the last word. I cant believe you served it up for her like that. Right, right. I try to help. Lets go back to robin. That was amazing. It was. Also burning up the heat index, the new fashion trend that is sweeping gyms across america. We just saw you working out there a little bit, amy. Lets call them colorful pattern tights. Abcs sara haines has the story. Reporter leopards, tigers, and snakes, oh, my. Fitness fanatics, beware, yoga pants now entering unchartered territory, an out of this world place where kale, yes, kale is the new black. Meet the loud print yoga pant. At akt in motion, trainer to the stars, anna kaiser, says she rarely sees black yoga pants in her classes. How many people in the room are wearing the crazy pants . I would say 80 . Reporter so, the black sheep in the room are the ones with the black leggings. With the black leggings. Reporter i see a lot of fun things. I think these are blueberries. These are blueberries. One leg is a different pattern than the other leg. Reporter and theyre flying off shelves. Here at bandier in new york city, theyve been selling crazy pants like hotcakes since last summer. People didnt want to wear the same thing every Single Person was wearing and they started to experiment with color and patterns. Reporter experts say these designs can actually be more flattering than simple black pants. Drawing attention to the pattern instead of the shape of the leg. And dont be afraid to strut down the street. You can wear them with boots and sweaters. Reporter back at class, im sporting my new dreamcatcher pants. Theres no denying these hot pants give me some extra punch. All right, so do your thing. Well, youve seen us in all the fitness wear but took these day to night and you can do other things with them. We added a jacket, booties and a little scarf and see these ladies. Not that you want to leave in your sweaty gym clothes but it means when you wear them, you can get other uses and hang out in them. What do you do in these . Go to dinner, ginger. Or the club. Yeah. But theyre having a lot of people commenting. Its one thing to wear them in a gym but should you really be wearing them other places . I dont know if id go out for a night on the town but i would go out with friends shopping to lunch, things like that. Mine look like i was told like minecraft. Yours are like a party. Definitely a party going on in there. All right, lara, take it away. Thats it. That is a party. And finally on the heat index, Cate Blanchett, she got her first oscar nod for playing Queen Elizabeth and her latest movie, cinderella, cate is playing the queen of mean as the wicked stepmother and abcs nick watt sat down with the twotime oscar winner. Ooh, it seems too much to expect you to prepare breakfast, serve it and still sit with us. Wouldnt you prefer to eat when all the work is done, ella, or should i say cinderella . Reporter Cate Blanchett is a deliciously, deliciously wicked stepmother. You auditioned to play cinderella, of course . Of course, of course, and im a little bit cross. You know, they were doing cgi and could do a little bit no, i had friends say to me when i told them what i was doing, they were looking at me with sort of slightly concerned how do they ask me the question, arent you slightly too old . Reporter cinderella is 25yearold lily james of Downton Abbey fame and her prince, Richard Madden from game of thrones. You cannot cgi chemistry and they had the most extraordinary chemistry and watching them dance did they have an affair i cant reveal that. You know, but theres oh, youre that kind of journalist. No, but it was extraordinary. I thought breakfast was ready. It is, madam. Im only mending the fire. The breakfast scene where you were being horrible to her. My character is being horrible, yes. In the future could we not be called until the work is done . As you wish. When i was approached to be in this, it wasnt a fairy tale that i actually gravitated towards. Why not . Because i found the central female character really passive. Reporter in this retelling of an ancient tale, cinderella is loving and kind but also smart and in control of her own destiny. Cate blanchett could have played her. She could play anyone but what on earth have you been doing . Dreaming. Thats all. Well, then wake up. Its wonderful to be offered the villain, you know. Is it . Yes. You like being the villain . Its great, its fantastic. Why . Because im so lovely in real life. No, we get socialized out of all these mean, cruel things so you kind of have this vicarious experience through the villain. Reporter and villains get some of the best costumes. And trying to get in and out of the portaloos was slightly challenging. May i introduce my daughters anastasia and drizella . Reporter for good morning america, nick watt, abc news, los angeles. Cinderella opens friday, march 13th. And coming up here, shania twain, feels like a woman. Twain, feels like a woman. Good morning. Im kristen sze. Right now the Supreme Court is hearing arguments on president obamas healthcare overhaul. Or if the law limits tax credits only to people who live in states that created their own Health Insurance like california. 8 Million People could lose their Insurance Coverage if states trump federal. Our 360 cam on top of the van is stuck in the bay bridge back up. This is the 880 over crossing and traffic is just stopped up. The back up is stopped at this hour all the way back into the maze. A lot of slow traffic couple of areas still in the 30s fairfield. 52 here in san francisco. 48 in san jose. You can see a few clouds out there because the moisture is all crammed into the lower layer of the atmosphere. But that will quickly go away. Warmer than totally crazy crazy forget im a lady mens shirts short skirts you know the megahit, so does our audience. Shania twain, man i feel like a woman. How do i pull that off . Shes owning it. As she should. Only minutes away from another big announcement. To be able to sing with shania out there. And that was im telling you when you saw her in las vegas, her show it was and we have even more star power this morning. Felicity huffman and Timothy Hutton are here there they are. We want to get a look at felicity hosting this picture on instagram earlier saying she picked the yellow dress to help wake her up and excited to meet you, george. She calls you george stopandtalktous. And we have an unbelievable chance for you to get rihanna to come to your hometown. You can win a special premiere of her new movie called home in your community. Take a look. How would you like to have a big hollywoodstyle movie premiere in your hometown . This is going to be huge. No wait it gets better. Rihanna and jim parsons may even be there too. I cant wait. Were looking to honor a Hometown Hero with their very own movie premiere for the release of home. So go now to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo to find out how to enter. Wake up, america. Only on good morning america. You heard it. Go to goodmorningamerica. Com at yahoo send us a short video to enter the contest. Tell us what youve done to help your town and you could shine bright like a diamond on the red carpet. Oh, are you guys ready for this . The queen of country pop, shania twain, is here with us this morning. The fivetime grammy winner has a huge announcement to make. Were going to find out what it is in just a moment. I promise itll be my first question but first a look back at how far shes come. That dont impress me much reporter shes the impressive megastar with a megavoice, shania twain. Oh oh reporter the confident queen of country pop selling more than 75 million records worldwide. Earning endless accolades including nine Billboard Music award, five American Music awards and five grammys. From this moment reporter her hits crossing genres climbing country. Your boots reporter and pop charts. Oh oh oh give me the action come on over reporter her 1997 album come on over one of the alltime bestselling album by a female artist. This is as good as it gets reporter and the bestselling country album of all time. Still going strong reporter shania is here with a big announcement reminding us why shes still the one. Youre still the one i run to the one that i belong to youre still the one yes, the woman has had a lot of hits and as weve been saying all morning shes still the one. Shania twain [ cheers and applause ] whoo. Beautiful. Wonderful to see you again. Okay, i said it would be my first question. What is the big announcement . Whats the big announcement . Well im finally after 11 years im going back on tour. Whoo its been a long time. Its been 11 years. 11 years so finally going back on the road. Yes, you are. Anything more . Well this is a very very important time in my life on the road. This is going to be a big, big tour for me because its going to be my last. No its not. Were not going you feel this is going to be the last this is my last tour so yeah, im going to make the most of it. Lets put it that way. Its a celebration tour for me. You know so i really feel that you know las vegas, the show the still the one show was a huge mountain to climb for me. I took that challenge on. I not only got through it i enjoyed it. It was a huge reward and i see the upcoming tour as a celebration of that and i just feel like im ready to hang my hat up in that regard and, you know i just really want to go out with a bang and the concert tour on the road is going to be completely different. A totally different show. How is it going to be different . Well youre still the one in vegas was a show really designed for that stage, for Caesars Palace for the coliseum. And i didnt want to take part of the show on the road. I want to take an entirely new show that is custommade for traveling and for touring so its going to be a kick rocking show. Las vegas, so it starts june in seattle. Is that where you kick it off. Yes. Going to 50 cities. 48 cities. Okay. And i should do 50 because im 50 this year. I should just do 50 shows. No way. Yeah but you said it is about a celebration and i and many of the crew we had a good time seeing you there on the stage. The horse coming in your sister on stage with you and theres a connection that you have with your fans and so many of them when we said you were coming so many of them said she better be saying shes going on tour and that theyre already going im calling this sort of the unofficially rock this country tour but its the afterparty tour. How i see it. The afterparty to all of these years of you know i mean i have been off the road for awhile but las vegas was felt you know two years consecutive, it was a lot of just a lot of stage, a lot of work so this is the afterparty tour and celebration tour yeah. We saw you recently had an abc special that was kind of like going behind the scenes in las vegas and you said something about how being in las vegas and going back was kind of like therapy for you in many ways. How so . Well first of all, hi to get the courage to get back up on stage again because i hadnt been up on stage in a decade. So that was a bit scary, a bit overwhelming and, of course the stage at the coliseum is giant. It is. So the whole thing was just bigger than id ever done before. So a big challenge and i had some vocal challenges to overcome as well. Didnt Gladys Knight and Lionel Richie help you with ha. They did. They were so encouraging and basically told me to get over it. Get back on the microphone. You can do. And you did. And they were right. They were right. I just needed courage is what i really needed and that helped moo he work through the whole thing. Two questions because you have so many followers on social media that they absolutely love you and one lisa wants to know any new music that you have coming out . Im working on the new record as we speak. So im on the microphone every day recording stuff and so thats going to be coming up after the tour so ive got you know i got to get back on the road sort of i dont want to getsay get the tour out system but enjoy ha Celebration Party and then ill get back to the record. Ill be you know i want it to come out when im 50 so it will happen. Im going to make it happen. You are going to make it happen. This last one is a good one. Despite all the obstacles you have had to face throughout your life you always overcome them with grace and poise. Who or what was your source of strength through it all . Gosh, you know i look to others for my strength. I mean i know that strength is within and all of that but i draw inspiration from the people around me from others suffering, frustrating, my mother was a big sufferer in her own life. Died young. She you know i just i look for the courage in others and then i find mine. So i just have to say that the inspiration comes from everybody around me. I think thats why i just i love being with the fans and i love getting out into the audience, i like hearing their stories and i like talking to them during the show. This is where i draw it from. Really. That is a connection you have so its going to be a celebration tour and afterparty starring in seattle in june. Thank you so much. You keep so when is your 50th . You keep referring to it. August thats the end of the tour. Its all going to come together. Itll be ill be an emotional wreck. No you wont. You give us strength. You give us such inspiration, shania thank you, thank you for being who you are. Shania still the one live from las vegas. Cd and dvd on sale now only at walmart and the tickets for the rock the country tour go on sale for her fans next tuesday, march 10th and for the public on friday march 13th. Be there or be square. And next time you come back here youll be singing, all right. Youll be singing. Thats a guarantee. Hey, iing booed her. I already booked her, monica. Okay got it. Another final check of the weather with ginger. Love you. It is spring break out here. At least for these ladies. From pittsburgh area. Raining here raining there. We have flood watches, advisories warnings all throughout parts of the ohio river valley. Look louisville already Northern Kentucky has seen 1 1 2 to 2 1 2 inches of rain and flood warnings in western virginia and look at that and the snow and ice. Thats right. Weve got that coming up next 24 hours. That is the big picture, though. Good morning, i an meteorologist mike nicco total sunshine a light offshore breeze so 62 to 65 at cost and knife to 69 for the rest of us. Sevenday forecast shows temperatures remaining above average all the way through spring break from where. Duquesne university. Go duquesneians dukes. We dont need music. Coming up the hit rod designer rachel roy is empowering women everywhere just like this woman. Welcome back. On this mornings girl power a designer to the star launching this sunday on International Womens day, a message to empower women everywhere. She says you can live the life you were destined to live with what she calls selfrule. Her designs have graced some of the most famous women of the world and now rachel roy is turning her professional success into a personal mission empowering everyday women. You rule your own life. You make your own choices and you stand by that. Selfrule is the idea that we can take charge of our life that we are actually responsible for our life but taking that step to say every single day the choys that i make are mine and im going to take that power back. Thats what im really trying to give to young people and to women in particular. Reporter she asked 30 women from Ballerina Misty Copeland to u. S. Olympian lindsey vonn to write down what selfrule means to them and with each message she hopes to inspire women everywhere. I think that the idea that youre speaking to your younger self. Woo he all have that younger self we wished we could have helped. You are the daughter of an immigrant from india, from a very low caste system in india. How has that pushed you and your work ethic . You know i remember hearing growing up you live in america. You have an opportunity to be an entrepreneur. You have an opportunity to start a business and when i started my business it was with no Business Plan or any other motive other than really choosing what i loved and trying to make a career out of it reporter you have quite the celebrity fan base from Gwyneth Paltrow to kate hudson to first Lady Michelle obama. What is it like to see your dresses on all of those gorgeous ladys . To know that someone trusts you and the way that you will make them look and therefore hopefully feel is it just puts you over the moon and perhaps in the right direction of what im trying to do and how im trying to make women feel. I know your daughters are huge inspiration to you. What kind of world do you want to see them growing up in . I would love for my daughters to live in a world where they are not judged by how they look but rather by how they treat people. Welcome and happy International Womens day. Reporter as International Womens day approaches sunday rachel will celebrate by launching her selfrule passion project. The happiest people the most evolved people that i have in my life are the ones that have that inner peace, that happiness and thats what i want to pass on to my children to my friends children and to my customers, what is that saying from the wizard of oz it was within you all along. There is a purpose within all of us. Dont you just get chills when you hear her talk . Rachel roy will post those quotations on her Instagram Page starting this sunday so we wanted to ask you, our viewers how will you celebrate International Womens day. Rhon rhona said by skyping and chatting with my beautiful daughter and granddaughter. We wish you a happy International Womens day. All of you, right . You too, george. Yeah. George. You have a lot of women in your life. You heard the declaration earlier in the show. Youre serious about girl power. Learning so much from it. Coming up Felicity Huffman and Timothy Hutton here live. Stay why do we do it . Why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people . Why are we so committed to keeping you connected . Why combine performance with a conscience . Why innovate for a future without accidents . Why do any of it . Why do all of it . Because if it matters to you its everything to us. The s60 sedan. From volvo. Lease the wellequipped volvo s60 today. Visit your local volvo showroom for details. It well lets see who is at the twitter mirror. Timothy hutton and Felicity Huffman. Of course, she won an emmy on desperate housewives and he for ordinary people. Their son has been murdered during a Home Invasion on their show. You stole so you could gamble some more. You were off in vegas. It was an illness, an addiction and i got myself help and now i am recovered. Raising those boys by myself in public housing. A white and her two white kids. Do you know what those people did to us day after day. Im here trying to do what i can for matt and your feelings are over hurt over what i say to reporters. Stop saying my name. Wow. I think we ought to take a break. Felicity huffman, tim hutton you guys got a lot to go through. Sorry i yelled at you, darling. Thank you. You know we hear that those people those people those people a lot of people will say, boy, a lot of prejudice there. Well, yes, i mean i think if you asked barbara if she was a racist shed say no. She would say im a realist, im a pragmatist but i was talking to tim about it earlier and i think because its not so obvious, i think that is sort of the new face of racism and racial prejudice. Its the most charged subject in america. The creator john ridley wanted to have a whole new look at race in america and how crime touches all of us. I think he wanted to show the effect that it has on families inside their homes, not just you know what we read about in the headlines and he wanted to do a show that really examined this one central crime and how it affects all the people on both sides of the crime, the victims, as well as the suspects families and how, you know we dont treat each other we base a lot of our encounters on assumptions and our perceptions are immediate and quick and we jump to conclusions. I think the show deals with that. We could see in that scene how raw this is. I read somewhere that when you were first going through the descriptions you couldnt believe this would actually get made. Oh no remember we had bets. We were doing the pilot and i said i love working with you, ill never see you again. Its true. So i was forsure it wasnt going to get picked up. Network television has never done anything like this so take my hat off to abc and paul lee because its gutsy and cool. What do you hope people get out of it. Me felicity. I think that they will connect with the characters. I think theyll see a bit of themselves in all of the characters and i think that you know hopefully theyll be invested in these the story, how deeply affected these people are because of this terrible tragedy and how it turns their life around forever. I think theyll want to come back and, you know follow these characters because what you think youre watching is radically different than what happens to the characters. Youre actually going to get some resolution at the end. There is resolution. As well. You know were calling this way back wednesday. I dont know if you were prepped for this. I think we found your first appearances on television. Both of you. Really . Take a look. Hey, i thought you two guys just had dinner. Yeah that was an hour ago. Hey, tomato. All right. Next time a maid wants sunday off mom has to say no. This is the second sunday this month shes had off and wouldnt you know wed be full last night . Mom, sams gone somewhere. If he thinks im going to clean these three rooms by myself, i youre always upset on television. Youre a jerk. You recall that. I was hold on. I have something of yours. No, im kidding. I was that was scary. There we go. That was some powerful acting there. I was 15. I think i was 14 or 15. Great to go back with both of you. Cannot wait to see american crime. It airs tomorrow at this is an allen family production. And heres why we love chex. One, we love choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. Two, we dont love artificial colors or flavors. Does anybody . And three. Its gluten free. Chex. Full of what you love. Free of what you dont. Have you tried gluten free chex oatmeal and new chex granola mix . Two more delicious reasons to love chex. Good morning america is brought to you by white house black market. Visit whbm. Com to see the new work collection. I have to say this was a lively morning. It was a lively wednesday morning. Tomorrow will be the same. Deals steals and hugh jackman. All right. Cant wait for that. Have a great day, everyone. Good morning. Im kristen sze. March is shaping up to be one warm month. Lets take a look at the pollen. Its very high today. Lets talk temperatures which will run about three to five degrees warmer. 66 in san francisco. Everybody else 67 to 68 degrees. 30s and 40s overnight. My accuweather sevenday forecast warmer and then average and dry. This is 101 heading into san francisco. You could see traffic is bumper to bumper. Slammed getting off of 80 as you make your way on 101. Its pretty slow elsewhere too. Now announcer its live with kelly michael. Today, from the new series, american crime, Felicity Huffman. And the long island medium theresa caputo. Plus, a better burger, courtesy of dr. Joe furman as we continue our healthy, hearty cooking week. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] now, here are kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause] kelly hi

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