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And remembering james garner. Hold it a minute, huh . The star of the rockford files. This is no time to be afraid, birdie boy. And leading many who charmed us with his role for half a century in hollywood has passed away. Hey, good morning, everybody. Lets get straight to our lead story. New developments in the downing of mh17. Heres what we know at this hour. In the latest outrage at the crash scene pro russian rebels have taken away 196 of the bodies recovered thus far. There seems to be no real plan a for what to do with the remains right now. Meanwhile in the netherlands, the country where many of the victims lived and from where the flight originated, Church Services were held as anger grows over the disregard for the dead. And thousands of miles away, Malaysia Airlines announced hours ago its now retiring the mh17 flight number out of respect for its crew and passengers. Our coverage beginning this morning with abcs terry moran who is at the scene. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, bianna. What is happening out here to the bodies and the evidence is in many ways shocking. 196 bodies have been recovered. 169 of them now sitting in refrigerated boxcars at a Railway Station in a village not far from here. The rebels are in control. Either they arent saying what ultimately is going to happen to them or they dont know. They suggested theyll go to russia. Other bodies are being stored in nearby hospitals. So the anguish of the families deepens. And much of this vast crime scene, crash site, remains unguarded and the evidence unexamined. No clear perimeter. No one in charge. No one taking responsibility. We have proof. We have evidence that it was planned. And it was committed with the participation of the russian federation. Reporter this crash site now arguably the worlds biggest and most disputed crime scene. We found bodies of 196 victims. Reporter most of the victims bodies have been taken away in truckloads and are now under rebel control. Rescue work is complicated because gunmen, terrorists are present there. They dont allow rescue groups there to work. Reporter armed gunmen, some of them masked, hover over the wreckage and standing in the way of a European Team of observers. Limiting their access and allowing them to stay no longer than 75 minutes. Here, a pro russian fighter seen holding up a toy found among the debris. The dutch Prime Minister furious, calling the handling of the crash site and the victims downright disgusting. While an International Squad of investigators has started to trickle in the capital city of kiev, including two fbi representatives and a dutch forensics team, the pressure is now on russias president Vladimir Putin to force the rebels to back off, and let International Investigators begin the painstaking search for answers. Our focus is on securing the site so there can be a proper International Investigation to identify the cause and the perpetrators so we can bring them to justice. Reporter in the midst of the chaos, the flights black boxes are still missing. And the blame game continues. Russia is trying today, theyre trying to not be responsible for this. And they want to blame anyone, anyone not to be responsible. Reporter so there is outrage building around the world. And there is that Investigation Team ready to get on to this site to get on to the evidence thats out here, scattered throughout the fields. But theyre waiting for a cease fire. Neither the Ukrainian Government or the rebels in control of the site have agreed on that yet. Dan . What a mess. Terry moran, thank you for your reporting this morning. So many questions. Lets bring in abc news chief anchor and host of this week. George stephanopoulos. Good morning. Hey, dan. Given the outrage about the treatment of the bodies, the chaos at the crime scene, and the fact that the rebels apparently shot the plane down in the first place, to the belief of many, does that put pressure on Vladimir Putin . To stop supporting the rebels, to calm the situation down in Eastern Ukraine at all . No question about it. Hes placing the blame on ukraine. You are absolutely right. You have evidence that u. S. Intelligence, International Intelligence point to a Russian Missile in territory held by the separatists. They couldnt have done this without the training, the support of the russian military. We know that military equipment from russia had been going across that border. What you see is the pressure building. The british Prime Minister, david cameron, and the dutch Prime Minister saying sanctions will intensify if Vladimir Putin doesnt take responsibility. And get to the bottom of this, i will talk to john kerry about that this morning. He doesnt seem to be backing down in any way. Not at all. But you have to think, is he going to take this opportunity for some kind of a deescalation in the ukraine . That conflict had not been going well for him ever since russia seized crimea several months ago. Right now, hes not backing down at all. Hes still, as i said, placing the blame on the Ukrainian Government. George has a big show this morning. With the crises brewing. In ukraine and the gaza strip. Hell go one on one with both secretary of state john kerry and the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Later this morning. This week, here on abc. Bianna, over to you. Two Huge International developments. To the latest controversy that has the new York City Police department under fire after an officer was caught on camera apparently applying an illegal choke hold to a suspect who died a short time later. The mans grieving family calling it an excessive use of force. Ron is following this story. Hey, ron. Good morning to you, bianna. The investigations are still ongoing and the cause of death of the man who died is still undetermined. New York City Police have taken disciplinary action against one of the arresting officers, placing him on what is called modified duty. That is, taking him off the street. This morning, new York Police Say Daniel Pantoleo has been stripped of his gun and badge. Hes the same officer seen here allegedly chokeholding 43yearold eric garner. Garner later died. And the videotape of the incident has gone viral, creating a firestorm of controversy. On the streets of staten island, where garner died, demonstrators blame the police for his death. Something has to be done about the racist precinct. Reporter and at a rally in harlem, anger and anguish. An unarmed man was subjected to a choke hold. And the result is he is no longer with us. Reporter as sharpton speaks, garners wife collapses by his side. At issue, whether garner was placed in a choke hold, in violation of new york Police Department policy. But also, did Police Officers pile on to him after they had him pinned to the ground . Another potential violation of nypd policy which warns against standing or sitting on a suspect. Because it can inhibit their breathing. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. Reporter Law Enforcement forces say garner had a long arrest record, mostly misdemeanor charges. For selling lucys, individual cigarettes purchased out of state. The patrolmans union issued a statement saturday saying, sometimes place v police have to employ the use of force in order to get compliance from an individual. And that out of context, Necessary Force can be interpreted as excessive. As new york mayor bill de blasio left overnight on his summer vacation, there are new calls for more disciplinary action against the officers who confronted garner, including pantaleo who is seen here waving at the camera as he is being recorded. Neither pantaleo or the other officer seen in the video with garner have been suspended. Theyre on desk duty pending the investigation. And the New York Post is reporting that preliminary autopsy results show garner did not suffer damage to his wind pipe. Or neck bones. Even if that is the case, it does not necessarily mean the officers will not face criminal charges. Still ongoing. Hard to watch, the wife and how emotional. The video is tough to watch. Another breaking story this morning. The wildfires in the west. Look at this. You can see the smoke from up in space. This picture taken from the International Space station. Almost 200 homes have been destroyed. As firefighters are now looking to the weather for some sort of break. Brandi hitt is in one of the hardest hit spots. Pateros, washington. Brandi, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. This is one of the homes destroyed by the flames. And you can see, the only thing recognizable is the familys snow blower. Once fire crews start gaining ground, they get hit by wind. Pushing the fire into new areas and putting more families on edge. Homes once spared by fierce flames are now in danger again thanks to strong, shifting winds. This is all burned now. Reporter the county sheriff frank rogers took us inside the Fire Command Center in Central Washington and says, hes concerned two large wildfires scorching 340 square miles will soon combine into one monster fire. Is this going to get worse . We have fires, but i have never seen fires where it goes to the towns. Reporter the sheriff believes close to 200 homes have likely burned. After he uncovered new areas of devastation. There was probably 20, 30 homes destroyed as were driving in. Its totally destroyed. Reporter strong winds are once again kicking up those flames. You can see the thick black smoke across the scorched earth behind me. That smoke is now being blown as far east as chicago. But help is on the way. Two military c130 airplanes seen here in prior missions are available to drop 3,000 gallons of water or retardant in just five seconds. After evacuating his neighborhood twice this week dont try this at home. Reporter greg howard says hes grateful for the tired firefighters who saved his home. Thank you. God bless every last one of you. Thank you very much. Reporter surprisingly, the sheriff says there are no serious injuries reported. And he believes that neighborhoods like this one could be without electricity for at least a month. Because so many power poles have been destroyed, dan and bianna. No electricity in the middle of summer on top of that. Not pleasant at all. Brandi, our thanks to you. We are going to turn now back to ron with the other stories developing over night. We begin in the middle east. A temporary humanitarian ceasefire has just ended. This after some of the fiercest fighting overnight. As israel expanded its military operations in the gaza strip. Alex marquardt is right there in gaza with the very latest. Alex . Reporter good morning, all night and into this morning, israel has been pummeling this eastern gaza neighborhood with tank shells. We can still hear them landing every few seconds. A river of people has been pouring out of this neighborhood. Men, women, children, young and old. You can see the looks of terror on their faces. This is as close as we can get to that front line. Were told there are dozens of bodies in the streets. Dozens more wounded. The people here not knowing where to flee to. Looking for any car to get them away from this violence. This, as ambulances carrying the wounded pour into gazas main hospital. At the same time, hamas and the other militant groups firing rockets into israel. There have been reports of Israeli Soldiers being killed this morning. Israel is stepping up the ground assault on gaza. Back to you. Thank you, alex marquardt, reporting from gaza. And back here in the u. S. , some terrifying moments in the skies over clinton, massachusetts. People recording the seemingly calm hot air balloon ride. But as the balloon tries to land, it slasms into some power lines, causing a huge explosion. Fireball. Six people riding in the gondola. Three of them suffered second and thirddegree burns. The faa is investigating that incident. Pretty amazing video there. And a tour bus erupted in flames along a busy stretch of new jersey highway. Fire Officials Say there were no passengers fortunately on board that bus. The driver was not injured. Police are investigating. And the wall street Journal Facebook page appears to have been hacked overnight. Someone posted two fake posts implying that air force one may have crashed and that Vice President biden would address the nation. The journal quickly deleted the erroneous posts. And it was 45 years ago today, a momentous day in space exploration. The first people to land on the moon. The journey made famous by these words. One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind. To celebrate, buzz aldrin, the second man to set foot on the moons surface is on a new mission. Launching the apollo45, asking people to recall where they were during the famous landing. The famous and not so famous have posted videos of how they experienced that historic day. And finally, a baseball blunder. Not by a player. By the ball girl. A line drive by the kansas player. It landed fair. She interfered with it. Look at the look on her face. She realized quickly she had done the wrong thing. She tries to drop the ball. Like thats going to make up for it. Put it down on the ground. Youre okay. It doesnt work that way. [ laughter ] pretty embarrassing, you have to admit. Fortunately, it did not matter in the end. Because boston, the red sox, beat the kansas royals, 54. Look at that face. Isnt that great . It wasnt me. That never happened. Put the ball down. I occasionally find myself wearing that face on this set. Once in awhile. Occasionally . Maybe every 30 or 40 seconds. Ron, thank you. Great newscast. It was a sleepless night for people in central florida. Their homes threatened by a huge sinkhole. Authorities warning them to pack up and leave. Michelle franzen has more. Reporter this morning, a sinkhole has residents in this florida neighborhood on alert and on the move. A gaping hole is threatening homes on this spring hill street. Very scary. Out of nowhere, the earth just went straight up in the air. Exploded straight up. Dirt and everything. Then fell down. Reporter take a look. Chunks of pavement sliced up and sliding into a hole 30 feet deep, 120 feet wide. Its the latest scare in the state where Officials Say sinkholes are a fact of life. Since 2010, nearly 300 ground depressions in the sinkholeprone zone of the state. The town of spring hill is about 50 miles away from seffner, where the ground below this home swallowed owner jeffrey bush while he slept. His body was never recovered. Back in spring hill this morning, officials are monitoring the depressions growth. As witnesses say it nearly doubled in size in just a few hours. Now police have closed that area until further notice. And engineers are assessing the damage to decide how to deal with it. So how do you deal with a sinkhole . Some of the quick fixes could be filling it up with sand an cement. Thats a long way off right now. Or moving. Or moving if you can. Thank you, michelle. Appreciate it. Thanks, michelle. Were going to stay in florida. We bring you a Health Update this morning. For the first time, mosquitos are spreading a painful viral disease that has been running rampant through the caribbean. And infecting hundreds of those who have travelled there. Now two people in florida has gotten chikungunya infections contracted here in the u. S. Dr. Richard besser joins us with more. Good morning, dr. Besser. Tell us, what is this disease . Chikungunya is a nasty disease. Its a virus spread by mosquitos. Fever, muscle aches, joint pain. The joint pain can last for many months. Thats the thing that distinguishes it. How alarmed are you that its usually acquired abroad and these are the first two cases we have seen acquired here domestically . Weve been watching for this. It arrived back in december in the caribbean. There were a few cases. There are now hundreds of thousands of cases. We expected when travelers came back here that we could see the disease here. The idea here is a mosquito from the caribbean hitched a ride to the u. S. And infected someone. Or a mosquito bit a traveler who had returned who was sick and then that mosquito infected someone else. Thats what they think happened. Youve spoken to people at the fda. How concerned are they . I had a long talk with the head of mosquitoborne disease. We may see clusters. We use a lot of air conditioning. The windows are closed. Mosquitos dont have access to peoples homes like they do in other countries. He doesnt expect it to be widespread. Quickly, preventative tips . Bug spray . Its west nile virus season. You want to avoid mosquitos. Bug spray, get rid of standing water, make sure your screens are in tact. And that will reduce your chances of getting this disease. Great tips, dr. B. Thank you. Pleasure. Thank you, dr. B. This morning, we take a moment to remember a towering hollywood figure. James garner has died at the age of 86. He may be best known for his longrunning series the rockford files. E had also starred in more than 50 films. Sara haines is here. What comes to mind, the notebook. That is one of my favorites, but his career actually spanned decades. He was one of the first actors to succeed in television and film. Social media has been blowing up with the sad news of his passing. Fans tweeting about the favorite roles he played. But alluding to the great man he was as well. Man who enjoyed an amazing career. Travis. You know, i fell for that trick once myself. Works pretty good, doesnt it . Reporter james garner had a singular talent for having a smart mouth in a tough spot from his hit tv show, the rockford files. You arent going to shoot anybody. We both know it. Put that thing away before you have an accident. Reporter to the great escape. We want to take some snapshots. Reporter to his role as brett maverick. In the 1950s tv show maverick. Lets get out of here, maverick. You dont want any trouble. Youre right, doc, not that kind. Reporter years later, the black and white western was remade into a movie costarring mel gibson. This is no time to be brave. Reporter he continued his career in such movies as support your local sheriff and his role as wyatt earp in the movie hour of the gun. He was nominated for an oscar in murphys romance. In 2005 he was presented with a Lifetime Achievement award from the screen actors guild. I dont know if i deserve this award. Please, for just tonight, youll forgive me if i act like i do. Reporter and act is what he continued to do. On the big screen in movies like space cowboys and my fellow americans, and after taking on one of the biggest roles of his career in the notebook, and entire generation might define true love as when james garner reads his diary aloud. I think i would love to do anything you wanted to. Reporter james garner was 86. I think its fitting we end on the notebook. Theres a whole generation that knows him just from that. And yet his legend and icon status was set years ago from the classic roles. At 86, he led such a full life. Theres such an interesting gender divide. Ron and i never saw the notebook. We remember him from the polaroid commercials. I remember him from maverick, actually. Those are his classics. But the notebook is such a beautiful role. Funny it came so late in his career. Showed his versatility. Great man. We welcome back julie durda from our miami station. Wplg, with a look at the national forecast. Good morning to you. Good morning. Dan, bianna and america, were finally seeing summer take full force across the midwest. They have been lucky to see temperatures more like fall over the last week. Well, not anymore. Were going to heat up today and into tomorrow. Warm in places like the midwest. Temperatures will soar to the upper 90s. 94 degrees will be the high tomorrow and into tuesday for minneapolis. Therefore there is a heat warning effect in minneapolis. Other areas dealing with heat advisories. Across the midwest. Lets look at what is going on across the northwest. We have the concern, again, about the fire danger. The only good news is, the winds will subside going into today and into the first half of the work week. We still have fire warnings and watches in effect for the northeast. A big concern for our friends out there with the low humidity in place. The southeast dealing with summer storms. All due to a stalled out frontal boundary. Bianna, back to you. Thanks. Coming up on gma, an incredible survival story. What this hiker did to stay alive while stranded with no food or water in the wilderness for six days after shattering his leg. Plus, casey kasems body is reportedly missing. The remains of the radio star removed from a funeral home. The latest in a bizarre war between his wife and children apparently. And a female man cave . I think thats an oxymoron. Well take you inside a womans huge dream closet that is bigger than most apartments. Up ahead in pop news. He paid for ya. Its a german luxury sedan. But its still an audi. The audi a4. Performance with the right attitude. Get exceptional offers on the audi a4 during the summer of audi event. Visit audioffers. Com today sfx rings sound design. Welcome to the corner of and getting major kudos. Just look at you. Youre being healthy, even in little ways. Thats worth celebrating. Thats why walgreens created the First Program that gives you rewards points just for healthy behavior. 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They happened to just say it was a hot day in arizona. And they were looking for a way to cool off. I would have had a cold glass of water. Maybe instead of that. Or stayed on land and gone on a slip and slide. That, i would have done. But we wouldnt have put you on good morning america. Telling you what i would have done. That is incredible. We extend a firm and heartfe heartfelt promise that sara haines will have lots of exotic absurdity coming up in pop news. Also coming up this half hour, a new twist and this valely change. A new twist in the casey kasem saga. His body is now reportedly missing from the funeral home. His daughter pointing fingers now in case that gets more bizarre by the hour. But first this half hour, an incredible survival story. A man who refused to give up. Badly injured in the middle of nowhere. Things were looking bleak. Abcs Marci Gonzalez with what he did to stay alive. Reporter he had no cell signal. He blew a whistle to try to call for help. He was way too far way from civilization for anyone to hear. He struggled for days. Down a mountain alone, hoping someone would find him. I entertained the idea of potentially dying a couple of times. Reporter this morning, these bandages cover the painful reminder of how close this hiker came to death. Earlier this month, greg hind was hiking alone, 13,000 feet up central californias mt. Goddard when a boulder came out of nowhere. Smashing his leg, breaking it so badly, he couldnt walk. He says his family didnt expect him home for another two days. So he had to tough it out until someone noticed he was missing. I was going to crawl my way out or someone was going to rescue me. Reporter he spent the next five days drinking melted snow. Eating crickets and moths, and carefully making his way down the mountain. Used my left foot and my right hand to maneuver over rocks the first four days. To get down to the lake, i left the splint on my leg. Reporter after six long painful days, a Helicopter Search Team finally found me. They flew almost directly over me and didnt see me. And finally, when they did see me, i kind of grabbed my foot and laid on my back for awhile. Breathed a deep sigh of relief reporter after more than a week in the hospital, hes recovering at home. With a new outlook. Having those six days of just living with complete intent and purpose is quite refreshing, really. And then, to really be thankful for what you have in your life. Reporter and hind says once he heals, he plans to hike again. Only next time, hell be more prepared. And he definitely wont go alone. Very resilient man. What was so frightening, they knew he was going to be gone for two days. Not as if they expected him that day. He knew help was not on the way. He had to take care of things on his own. Tough guy. All right, marci, thank you. Lets check the mornings headlines with mr. Ron claiborne. Good morning, again. Good morning, dan, bianna. Good morning, everyone. We begin with outrage at the crash scene of the downed malaysian airliner in ukraine. Pro russian rebels have taken away 196 of the bodies that have been recovered thus far. This as International Investigators, including two from the fbi, are arriving in kiev in ukraine. In new york city, protests after a man died allegedly after being put in a choke hold by a new york police officer. His lost his gun and badge as he is placed on desk duty. Officials investigate a man died after a choke hold. It has sparked a firestorm of controversy. Hollywood and fans around the world are mourning the death of james garner. Hes best known for the rockford files and maverick and for films like the notebook. He was 86 years of age. Let the party begin. Little Prince George who turns 1 on tuesday is showing off his walking skills, or at least his standing skills. Looks like the royals are celebrating. Check this out. The little heir to the throne has a striking resemblance to his father. Prince william. I thought it was just another picture of him. Thats his dad. Very similarlooking kids. So cute. Happy birthday, george. Happy early birthday to george. Very cute. Thanks, ron. We want to get a check of the weather one more time from meteorologist julie durda from our station in miami, wplg. Julie . Good morning, dan and bianna. Well start in the southwest. Where some monsoonal moisture has been pushing in, bringing scattered showers across southwest, rather. Denver saw scattered storms. I want to take you to this video. You can see how much rain occurred with the storms. Theres the possibility of mudslides because of the scattered storms. This is a home video received that happened yesterday. With some rain in place, mudslides are possible across colorado. As we go into the afternoon, well be seeing drier conditions. Where well see the severe storm threat, the midwest. Strong storms expected by tomorrow and into tonight. Now, as we take a look at the weather across most of that area, were going to see a warmup today. And then, temperatures drop as we go into tuesday and wednesday. Look at this. Minneapolis, remember, we talked about the heat and humidity moving in. Theyll have a high of 94 degrees tomorrow. Dropping off to temperatures in the upper 70s by wednesday. What about kansas city . A high of 94 on monday, 87 on wednesday. Chicago, highs in the upper 80s tomorrow. Dropping back down to the 70s. It may feel like summer briefly in these areas and then fall will be returning. Lets take a look at what is going on from coast to coast. Were expecting showers to develop across the northeast. Still temperatures nice and comfortable. This Weather Report is brought to you by ensure. Dan . Bianna . Thank you, julie. Coming up here on gma, gone missing. What happened to casey kasems body . His daughter is demanding answers this morning. The latest twist in a bizarre family feud. And peoples sexiest man alive is off the market. And just think, dans been married for years. Details are ahead in pop news. And were just reporting this. Mayo, corn dogs. You are so out of here ahh. The complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein. With 30 less sugars than before. Ensure, your 1 dr. Recommended brand now introduces ensure active. Muscle health. Clear protein drink and high protein. Targeted nutrition to feed your active life. Ensure. Take life in. Introducing a beauty breakthrough. So bold. The new paint studio at ace surprise. Luxurious color from Valspar Optimus and valspar aspire. Check out this drawer action. Ace is the place with the helpful hardware folks. Helpful is beautiful™ every time you take advil liqui gels youre taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. And not only faster. Stronger too. 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Welcome to americas top ten. Reporter his daughter, kerri who founded the Kasem Cares Foundation says her estranged stepmother wont tell her family where her fame fathers remains are. Theres no being rational talking to my dads wife. Reporter a longstanding feud between kasems second wife jean, and kasems children from his first marriage seems to have only grown worse since kasem died june 15th after a long battle with parkinsons and dementia. Do you know how many years i have spent crying, banging my head against the wall, hitting my bed, screaming at god . How long . My dad wouldnt want that for us. Reporter kerri kasem says she was told her fathers remaining were taken from a funeral home in washington to a funeral home in montreal. But the owner of that funeral home says they dont have his body. A Long Distance dedication from patty to roger. Reporter kasems remains legally belong to his wife, jean. She says his body is not missing. Even in death, his family is fighting so much he cant enter the final domain. Reporter the kasem controversy is the latest in a string of celebrity death family feuds. And aint i something . Reporter mickey rooney, the battle between his stepson versus his wife and biological children. No more mr. Nice guy. Reporter or the dispute after the death of sherman hemsley. Base burriel delayed weeks. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Reporter as for kasems daughter, shes not giving up hope shell learn where he is, soon. For good morning america, alex perez, abc news, los angeles. An unfortunate situation. Our thanks to alex. Coming up on gma, is this every womans dream . Yes, it is. A woman with a 500,000 closet. Well take a look in pop news. I could stare at that all day. News. I could stare at that all day. Im lisa and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. 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Nuptial news. First up this morning. The wedding thats breaking hearts everywhere. Maroon fives adam levine telling his girlfriend she will be loved. The couple tied the knot in mexico last night. And long time pal and key board player Jesse Carmichael was the best man. The couple asked guests to make a donation to a Childrens Hospital instead of gifts. So classy. Peoples sexiest man alive and victorias secret model. That is a hot gene pool. Thats all im saying. Theyre not bad looking. A big congratulations to both of them. I like when people say, in lieu of gifts, give a donation. Isnt that neat . Yeah, absolutely. And that is a hotlooking couple. Youll look just as hot at your wedding. Its setting the bar pretty high. Lets be honest. Now for the woman bianna has been waiting for this closet all morning long. A closet three times the size of my entire apartment. Teresa romer of houston, texas, calls the 3,000squarefoot base her shecave. Its three stories tall. Filled with handbags, shoes, jewelry and accessories. And of course, clothes. Forget the beer fridge. This place has a champagne bar. Classy. Shes used a space to hold fundraising events. This is not a closet. This is a show room for her clothes. All i have to say, no offense, mom and dad, next time i come to houston, im going to call her and stay there. How cool if they let you loose in there to pick things . Like shoes. It looks like a store. Her daughter says, i dont have to leave the house to shop for shoes. Ill shop in your closet. Mom, why dont you have a closet like that . Is that whats in your man cave . No. I dont want to know what is in rons man cave. A lot of sports memorabilia. Beer bottles. Dirty socks. I dont want to walk into your office. Lets be honest. What about it my office . I dont walk in there. I have seen it. From this little cram right here. Oh, really . Go on with your pop news. Check out the latest video gone viral. Justin from kentucky rocked dance moves for his daughter, molly, when he came home from work one day. His wife says he must have invented the cowboy twerk while grooving to pit bull and ke has timber. Its been a blessing to see the reaction for everyone. I mean, i have loved my daughter like that. Her whole life. Bye bye. Blow em a kiss. Shes like punch her face. Justins wife says this is why she loves him. Thats why i think we love him, too. You have to check out his moves. At one point, he holds his foot and is like, yep, there it goes. Take it home, take it home. There we go. Look at those. Look at her. She is thrilled. That video may embarrass her some day. Right now, hes the coolest look at this. Wow. Oh, so cute. Thats cute. Its like some dancing with the stars action. Yesterday, we showed you a picture of the very fashionforward brad pitt. Wearing what appears to be a tshirt created by one of his kids. We asked you to send pictures of your kids creations. And jane says her 10yearold daughter made this tshirt as a fathers day present this year. Cute. Aspen made this beautiful his and hers tshirts. And elizabeth lane soder says these tshirts were tiedyed by her granddaughters for their yearly family vacation. Remember when tie dye was big . Thanks so much for all the gems. I love the tie dye. I wish it would make a comeback. They probably will. If birkenstocks can make a comeback. Birkenstocks never left. I dont think. Really . Yeah, that is a staple. Remember jellies . Oh, jellies. Do you remember them . I have no idea what what are they . Let me check in my closet. Ill bring you a pair. Theyre shoes. Theyre sandals. They hurt your feet. They rip your feet apart. My favorite moment from this whole pop news was, you just go on with your pop news. Yeah. Were going to take a quick break. Well let these two fight it out. Hes going to clean his office. Is office. Its this new paint. Nothing stays on the wall. Not any of these things. Valspar reserve super stain resistant. And scrubbable. And this color still perfect introducing valspar® reserve™ paint primer with hydrochroma™ technology. Exclusively at lowes. It just wouldnt go away. My doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. I learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. So now, i can plan my days and accomplish more. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, im feeling better. I found answers about fibromyalgia. Then i found lyrica. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. Then i found lyrica. That new guy is like yeah but youll regret it. What about him . Healthy like this super smoothie. Yeeeeuk the perfect man and the perfect snack, dont exist. You sure . Try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. Perfect cause its healthy with 0 fat and 12 gr. Of protein and so creamy. Mmm. Could be the perfect. Oh ladies. Snack, john the perfect snack dannon oikos. Possibly the perfect snack. Dannon oh hey there laughs hmm. Youre that grumpy cat. Well i know how about some honey nut cheerios . Humans love them. Moms, dads, kidswell, all of em. Not even a smile . Huh. Maybe someone should tell your face. Ohhh that is your face. angry cat purr ah part of a good breakfast. For almost everyone hey, before we leave, we want to show you cute pictures we just got in. This is from las vegas. These are three snow white lion cubs. The newest addition to siegfried and roys las vegas habitat. Keep watching this. Youll have great day, guaranteed. Thanks for being with us this morning. Ill see you later on world news. Later. Ill see you later on world news. Announcer starting right now on a special edition of this week. Crisis point. A passenger plane shot down. 298 innocent lives lost. In the heart of the middle east, israel begins it ground assault in gaza. Civilians caught in the middle. Here at home, warnings of new terror threats. Uncertainty across the globe. Whats next . Who can we trust . How will the u. S. Respond . This morning, breaking details, insight, and analysis from our team around the world. And secretary john kerry. Plus, israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. From the Global Resources of abc news, a special edition of this week. Crisis point. Here now, chief anchor george stephanopoulos

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