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Now. Come on sing with me and a superstar kickoff to the world cup. J. Lo and pitbull in the middle of it all. While host nation, brazil, showed the world its the one to beat. The biggest sporting event on the planet getting off on the right foot. And good morning, america. What a start to the world cup. We have a great start to your weekend right here. Look at the park right now. Paramore getting ready to rock the crowd. Who cares about the rain here in new york . Not those fans. Theyve been lining up and down fifth avenue all night long. And your little girl, harper, doesnt mind either. Not at all. I was going to talk to you she was right off camera. She was doing this to george, to try to get his attention. Trying to rattle me. I know. But it all worked out. Yes. There. She is not shy. I know. Shes got ali written all over her. Mommys girl, right there. Were going to have a fun morning. We have a lot to get to first of all. Beginning with the breaking news overnight, Bowe Bergdahl, back on american soil at a Military Hospital in san antonio, texas. And abcs alex perez is there. Good morning, alex. Good morning, robin. Hes been on the ground here at the medical for a few hours now. His arrival here is an important step forward to come out of the five years of captivitcaptivity. Arriving in the middle of the night, bergdahl landed in san antonio, and was brought directly to brook Army Medical Center. At this facility, bergdahl will undergo more medical tests. And officials will work to get critical information from him. Hes now in the middle of a threestage reintegration process. The first, his initial recovery. Stage two, decompression. And the final stage, home base. When readied, bergdahl would begin the process of returning to his family and normal life. Im proud. Reporter Officials Say bergdahl still hasnt spoken with his family. He spent the last 11 days at a Military Hospital in germany, where he told staff his captors kept him in a cage in the dark for weeks at a time. The daily beast publishing two letters, with several words spelled incorrectly, that bergdahl reportedly wrote to his parents while in captivity. Saying bergdahl seemed to blame the military. Have you ever seen reporter defense secretary, chuck hagel, taking heat for not bringing him home sooner. That was to be questioned by investigators. This isnt just about a physical situation, congressman. This guy was held for almost five years in god knows what kind of conditions. Reporter and Officials Say now that bergdahl is free, he will not be getting a promotion later this month as he was expected to get if he was still in captivity. As for his time here at the medical center, Officials Say there is no timeline. He will stay here, continuing his recovery, as long as it takes. George . Alex, thanks. Now, to iraq. A country under siege as islamic ill talent militants swept the. Two years after americans left iraq, president obama is considering new military options. Chief Global Affairs martha raddatz, live from washington. The president says all options are on the table. But not all options. Reporter he says all options are on the table. But at the same time, the white house has made clear there will be no u. S. Boots on the ground. The iraqis have asked for air strikes. And the u. S. Is looking at that option. Using manned war planes or drones. That would be a huge step, putting the u. S. Right back into a direct combat role in iraq. And it could potentially make the problem worse. We have been sending rockets and hellfire missiles and other equipment to iraqi forces for many months. And there will undoubtedly be more. But that doesnt do much good, george, if the iraqi forces just run. It sure doesnt. And this conflict poses a triple threat. Civil war in iraq. Breeding ground for terrorists that could attack america. And a spreading war throughout the middle east. Reporter these militants call themselves the Islamic State in iraq and syria. And thats their goal, to form a radical muslim state throughout syria and iraq. The region is already divided along ethnic and religious lines. This conflict will increase that. And the refugee flow is changing the region dramatically because of the mass exodus from syria. For example, there are more syrian children than lebanese in le baa non. And right now, you have a massive number of iraqi refugees to take care of, as well, george. More are coming. Martha, thanks very much. Now, to a health alert and a warning for travelers this morning. A debilitating virus, carried by mosquitos, now in the u. S. North carolina has reported its first case of the virus. Some doctors are worried it could spread like the west nile virus did. Abcs Steve Osunsami has the that story for us. Reporter this morning, a mosquitotransmitted virus with no known cure or fever, called chikungunya fever has been brought into the united states, brought into the country by affected recent travelers to the caribbean. Its been picking its way around the world. And finally landed in the caribbean. Reporter the symptoms begin three to seven days after the mosquito bite and usually last about a week. And include fever, headache, muscle pain, rash, severe joint pain in hands and feet. Rarely is this tropical disease fatal. Theres no vaccine for it. Theres nothing else you can really do but avoid mosquito bites. Reporter the cdc says theres usually only 28 cases of this virus in the u. S. Each year. But so far this year, the u. S. Has already confirmed 38 imported cases. The latest, a patient in north carolina. They do carry multiple infections that are acquirable in the united states. Even if there isnt talk of chikungunya, or malaria going on, its important to protect yourself against mosquito bites. Reporter the number of cases is now growing, due to travel to the caribbean islands, where more than 100,000 people have come down with the painful fever after a bite from an infected mosquito. Every year, 9 million americans travel to the caribbean. Theyre telling travelers to look out. Use bug spray and be vigilant in the hours as the sun is setting. State and federal Health Authorities here are downplaying the threat of this disease spreading among the mosquito population in the u. S. But say mosquito prevention is still very important because of so many other mosquitoborne illnesses. Robin . Something to keep in mind, steve. Thank you. Were going to get the rest of this mornings top stories from cecilia vega, in for amy. Good morning. Good morning to everyone. We begin with the extreme weather slamming Central Texas overnight. At least one tornado reported. And hail larger than baseballs damaging homes and cars. Major flooding is also being reported around waco. One teenager is missing in the floodwaters. His car, swept away. Well have more on those storms and the forecast in just a few moments. Also breaking overnight, word that police have foiled an attack at a tennessee high school. Two boys are under arrest, charged with plotting a mass shooting. Police arent yet saying how the plot was uncovered. Theyre holding a News Conference this morning. And a dramatic rescue overnight near washington, d. C. A construction worker, trapped up to his chest in dirt and mud for eight hours, was pulled finally to safety. He was replacing a water line when he fell into the 15foot trench, which collapsed a second time, as rescuers tried to remove the dirt. But thankfully, hes okay this morning. And ford now admits it overstated the gas mileage on some of its most popular cars. They include some fiesta, cmax, fusion and lincoln models. Ford will reimburse owners, paying out as much as 1,000 per car. Look at this. In atlanta, news came crashing through the front door at the headquarters of cnn, when this mercedes came plowing through the lobby. The man in the car was taken away by police, trying to figure out if the crash was deliberate. Thankfully, no one was injured. And broadway theaters will dim their lights tonight in memory of the legendary actress and civil rights activist ruby dee. Dee not only starred on stage, screen and tv, she devoted her life to fighting injustice. President and mrs. Obama say dee is an inspiration for all africanamerican women. And they say theyll never forget their first date, seeing her perform in the movie, do the right thing. Dee was 91 years old. Beautiful face there. And finally, the san antonio spurs, theyre just one win away from becoming world champions. They crushed lebron james and the heat, 10786, in game four of the nba finals. Game five is sunday night, right here on abc. What can you say about that . They are just i mean, to take two games at miami like that. Its unheard of. No one would have bet. The spurs nation would have bet on that. Only because of the miami thing. Its a big deal. Yeah, it is. Youre right about that. Were going to turn to a controversy inside the mormon church. Officials threatening to expel two activists. One who is pushing for women priests. The other targeted for questioning church doctrine. Mara schiavocampo has the story. Sfwlr its a shock ing move by the church of jesus christ of latterday states. Trying to make itself more open and inclusive. Including an Advertising Campaign highlighting its diverse membership. A husband and a mormon. Reporter within the past week, the church sent two letters, threatening disciplinary action on consecutive days. The first to john dehlin, known for his podcast and who creates forums for those questioning their faith. The second to kate kelly, founder of ordain women. A yearold organization dedicated to shining a spotlight on gender inequality within the mormon faith. Thank you so much for being here today. Reporter kellys letter comes nearly two months after she led hundreds of women in a march demonstration in salt lake city, asking to be admitted to a meeting reserved for members of the priesthood. Which includes most male members of the church 12 and older. She says the threat of excommunication is devastating. They are trying to force me out of my faith. And its excruciatingly painful. Reporter dehlin believes the church is sending a terrible message to followers. You cant say were a broad, diverse church. Were a 21st century, and be excommunicating people like it was the 1800s. Reporter in a statement to abc news, the church says, quote, when some members attempt to change clear Church Teachings to fit their personal preferences and encourage others to follow them, doctrine needs to be clarified so that others are not misled. Experts say the churchs actions show where they will draw the line. The church has its limits about how far theyre willing to go towards liberalization. Reporter dehlin and kellys hearings are next week. Dehlin says if he is excommunicated, he will continue doing the same work. And excommunication is not a permanent ban. And members can return, if they choose to repent. Some story, mara. Thank you. Thanks, guys. A lot of people watching. Now, for the world cup. Good start for the host nation, brazil. The team giving the country something to cheer about after a troubled runup to the biggest sporting event on the planet. Abcs paula faris has the latest from rio. Reporter pandemonium in the streets of rio. Thousands of fans cheering for brazil in the opening game against croatia. Tensions running high with the Brazilian Team starting off by accidently scoring on their own goal. But not all hope was lost. Brazils 22yearold star, neymar da silva santos, scoring two goals. Helping clinch the clubs first victory. 31, for the home team. Inside, there was cheering. But on the streets, violence in the city of sao paulo. Several injuries, police using tear gas and stun grenade the against 300 antiworld cup protesters. The billions that brazil has used to host the cup instead of on education. Brazil has been preparing for this for seven years. Are you ready . Yeah. We are prepared. The military police get a lot of new people working on the streets. Reporter police doubling their presence for the tournament. But inside the opening ceremony, a celebration of color, full of dramatic dances and acrobats. Even a video message of hope from pope francis. J. Lo and pitbull, stealing the show. Lopez, even giving fans a sneak preview, showing off her moves on instagram. All leading up to this. Kicking off the world cup for the 60,000 in the stadium and more than 1 billion watching around the globe. And in just a few hours, the u. S. Team will leave their Training Base in sao paulo and fly to natal for mondays game against ghana. This is about a four hour flight, 1400 miles. And a common theme, the u. S. Is the most traveled team in the first round, flying 9,000 miles. Robin . We cannot wait for monday. But we cant wait. Oh you know, just rub it in. Rub in that shot. Where you are. Time for a morning swim. Ouch. Thanks. As its raining here in times square. Thats okay. Espn and espn2 will have three world cup games on tap today, starting at 11 30 a. M. Eastern time. And the u. S. Coming up on monday. We turn to a spectacular show from the sun. Three powerful flares over the last few days have disrupted satellite communications, scrambled gps Navigation Systems on earth. It is the mostread story on our website right now. And abcs gio benitez has the latest from our social square. Good morning, gio. Reporter if you are superstition, you want to grab the garlic for this one. A solar flare sending a shock wave to the earths surface. And the full moonrising on friday the 13th. And a lot of you are worried on goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo look at these pictures right now of this solar flare. Basically, its a burst of radiation, were told, coming from the suns surface. It could disrupt some of your cell phones and things like that. See whats happening on twitter right now. The solar flare is hitting earth tomorrow. And possibly cutting our cell gps signals. And all i can think of is, will this get me out of work . Lets see. And how about this from jason . The panic about friday the 13th coupled with solar flare fears, equals serious twitter comedy. Chickenlittle. Theskyisnotfalling. Its not falling because this does not pose any threat to you, people. Lets underline that three times. Thank you, gio. Any wood we can knock on . Another surprising story. I do. Yeah. This really surprised me hearing this. Where is chewbacca when you need him . Harrison ford finds himself in the hospital this morning after an accident involving the ship that first made him a household name. What a piece of junk. She may not look like much. But shes got it where it counts, kid. Reporter he is revered as the cantankerous captain of the millennium falcon from the star wars series. But this morning, Harrison Ford is in a london hospital. While shooting a scene for the star wars trilogy, a hydraulic door from the famous ship he piloted fell on the actor. Kid, ive flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. Ive seen a lot of strange stuff. Harrison ford is 71 now. When you bring that actor that age on to an action movie set, theres going to be dangerous situations. It sounds pretty serious. Reporter ford reportedly sustained ankle injuries and had to be air lifted from the pinecredit sound stage to a nearby hospital. Ford, who is no stranger to action roles, has jedi nights wonder a disturbance in the force. If this was a plot by the galactic empire to delay the release date of the film. This star wars is on a very tight deadline because the film had to come out next christmas. Any delay in the production thats caused by the injury could have an effect on the release date. Reporter disney, the producer of the film and abcs Parent Company says, shooting will continue as planned while ford recuperates. I like that graphic. Harrisons doing just fine. No word on whether or not Lando Calrissian will step in to make things okay while he heals. But hes doing fine. We wish him the best. We sure do. A lot of people are checking that story out. Thanks so much. Now, to the severe storms in texas and a look at who is at risk this friday. Meteorologist adam joseph from our philadelphia station wpvi in for ginger. Good morning. Good to see you today. We start with incredible Surveillance Video just outside of houston, texas, yesterday, of a lightning strike. Heres weather trivia for you. Each lightning strike, fivetimes hotter than the surface of the sun. As we take a look weather trivia for you. We have a couple of areas that were watching. The Northern Plains and western texas. Large hail, strong winds and tornadoes. A greater risk in the nations heartland for large hail and the possibility of isolated tornadoes. That is the weather across the nation. Your local forecast in just 30 seconds. But first, the uv indks brought you by copper tony. Dks brought you by copper tony. Edks brought you by copper tony. Xdks brought you by copper tony. Bro you by copper tony. Tone. And coming up on gma, the husband accused of trying to pay a hit man to murder his model wife, back in court this morning. Expected to decide on a plea deal. The dramatic rescue of a teen hiker caught on camera. How her mother helped save her when she was thousands of miles away. And the frightening truth about what may be in your shampoo and your soap. David muir investigates the big business of big makeup. And we have a big party in the park. Paramore, getting ready to thrill all those fans. Thrill all those fans. I found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. My doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. I learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. And with less pain, i can do more of what matters to me. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. 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When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums youll figure it out. [ male announcer ] tim and Richard Smucker grew up knowing that if you want jam to taste irresistible it has to be packed with lots of delicious fruit. With a name like smuckers, it has to be good. One lane blocked and a little delay. San jose, we have this accident northbound along the 280 coming into cupertino. Slow and go traffic there. Thank you, leyla. Up next, well have your bay area forecast. Dad, a treat in store for fathers day weekend. From our east bay hill camera, that thin cloud layer continues to push east. Well be seeing totally sunny skies for today. San francisco, current temperatures, 54 degrees, 58 in oakland. Were looking at mid50s for the south bay right now. And our highs for today, well reach about the upper 70s to lower 80s for much of the bay area under sunny skies. Our lows going to be in the mid to lower 50s. My accuweather sevenday forecast, nice and dry for the rest of the week. Look at all those fans into paramore. Back in central park this morning. Not done yet. A lot of people coming. The party bus in central park. There they are. Who cares about the rain. Were going to have some fun with paramore, coming up in a little bit. Rain . Rain . What rain . Also ahead, the dramatic rescue caught on tape. The teen hiker who fell from a cliff while on the phone with her mother. How her mom helped save her life when she was 1,000 miles away. And the frightening truth about what may be in your shampoo and your soap. David muir, out to make a fake makeup bust. Also, robins feelgood friday. Yeah. Bringing the remarkable story of two homeless teens that overcame incredible odds to rise to the head of their classes. Well share that with you in a little bit. First, the los angeles man accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill his model wife. Back in court this morning. Hes expected to decide if hes going to accept a plea agreement or go to trial. Cecilia, i know youve been following this for us. The big question today. Will he take the deal or not . We should find out that answer, later today. It is decision day for business tycoon dino guglielmelli, charged in a murderforhire plot against his model wife. Today, guglielmelli is expected to tell a California Court if hes taking a plea agreement. The most damming evidence against him, these audiotapes, where the 33yearold offered 80,000 to carry out his plan. Youre positive . That what . You want her dead . Oh, im 100 . Why wouldnt i . With an audiotape, which is such powerful evidence in a case like this, it is hard to imagine how the defense attorney and the defendant wouldnt accept the plea deal that could mean a lot less years in prison. Reporter the romance between olsen and guglielmelli appearing like a fairy tale. But prosecutors say the relationship went sour. And olsen filed for divorce. And last year, guglielmelli pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and solicitation of murder. According to court documents, guglielmelli asked his friend to kill olsen. And he recorded the conversation and went to police. He was manipulated by somebody who was trying to help himself. He does all the talking. Hes the one that is, in my view, soliciting. Reporter a spokesperson for the model says, she has been living scared for a long time and just wants this nightmare to end. The exact terms of the plea deal have not been made public. But if guglielmelli does not accept the deal today, its off the table. And he also faces a possible sentence of life in prison, robin, if convicted. A tough story here. Well find out what happens today. Were going to move to the teenager who took a terrifying plunge down an alaska mountainside, all on the phone with her mom. She held on for life. Her mom called for help. Abcs Clayton Sandell has the story. Reporter take a look at this video. 18yearold sharel lareau, bringing to a cliff 90 feet in the air. Waiting for rescue, after falling 30 feet down a Rocky Mountain ridge. She set out tuesday afternoon for what she thought would be a short hike to a waterfall, on Denali National park. But not long into her walk, she took a frightening turn. Everything started getting slippery. Reporter she reached out for help. I do when things get sketchy. I called my mom. Reporter her mom, 1,500 miles away in washington state, answers the call. She is listening as the terrifying ordeal unfolds over the phone. I hear this scream. And sudden hysteria. It was all surreal. Reporter cherelle tried to keep calm. But the Slightest Movement could have sent her sliding down. She kept telling me, my feet are slipping. I had to say goodbye to my parents. It was awful. Reporter shelly stayed on the phone with cherelle the entire time. They alerted alaska state troopers. The rescue taking 45 minutes, captured by National Geographic channels alaska state troopers. Thank you. Big hug. Reporter this morning, she is safe. And so thankful. Theres no doubt in my mind, i would not be here right now, if i would not have been on the phone with my mom at that time. Reporter for good morning america, Clayton Sandell, abc news, denver. Extraordinary video. It was brought to us by the National Geographic show, alaska state troopers. Its time again for the weather. And adam joseph from our philadelphia station, wpvi. You and cicely, helpingous ut this week. Lets look at the Benjamin Franklin bridge, from wpvi. The fog is lifting. A little eerie looking on this friday the 13th. And also, a fool moon. 83 degrees in philadelphia this afternoon. A little on the humid side. The same for all of the northeast, and the midatlantic. Watching for possible flooding, downpours in excess of three inches of rain. And Better Weather for everyone all of that weather was brought to you by choice hotels. Thank you. Coming up, the alarming truth about what may really be in your soap, and your shampoo. David muir is going to be along, with the feds. As they try to bust the fake makeup. And the new risk for your kids online. How identity thieves are hijacking their profiles. What you can do to protect your family, right now. Whatever happened to good . Good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it. Good is maxwell house. Good to the last drop jims hair is perfect. Sos his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieuxieu, hou chiu but like up to 90 of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. Making jim more like us. Add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. Happy fathers day thanks yeah what . Were shop your way members so i get more get a bigger fathers day at kmart. And members who spend 75 or more get 10 back in points. Kmart. Where members always get more. You can either haveon highend or lowprice. Quality or quantity. Designer or disposable. Or you can go to t. J. Maxx and you can have it all. Get up to 50 off Department Store prices. T. J. Maxx. And were back, live. We are back live. And david muir is with us, with an inside look as federal investigators hunt down fake everyday products that you might have that are not the real thing. They could be putting your family at risk. Shampoos, creams, cosmetics. David muir, with alarming test results. Great to be with you on a friday. This is not what you want to think about. But counterfeits. We think of the watches, the fake handbags. This is something else. Youre about to see in our 20 20 investigation, its more than that. Every corner of your home, the shampoo, the medicine, the makeup. And we ask, what are you really putting on your face . Youre about to see what happens when that real deal isnt the real thing. Were with the elite teams, out to bust the fakes. Are we rolling . Reporter do you think americans would be shocked to know how much of what theyre buying is actually fake . I think most americans have no idea. Reporter its a dirty, little business. A very lucrative business. Reporter the feds show us the fake shampoo, the fake soap. What are you putting in your hair . Heavy contaminants. Reporter we test the products ours. And we start at this Discount Store in new york city. Our team buying mac cosmetics. We want to know whats in the rain poe of colors. We also test the real thing. No metals detected. But three weeks later, a dermatologist, inside, waiting for me. About to pore through the results on that great deal we found. And we start with the lead they discovered. The lead was fivetimes higher than allowed . It was an order magnitude higher than we should be. Reporter and the copper. And keep in mind this number. The fdas limit, 100 parts per million. In the parts we tested, 2,000 parts per million. Theres copper flowing through the bloodstream if youre use this product. Theres copper flowing through the bloodstream, hurting kidneys and hurting the liver. Reporter people have no idea, theyre putting real copper on their face. Its not just a copper color. Reporter and the most frightening discovery, the lab found ba barillium. Reporter is this a wakeup call . And back to where our shopping began. Back with the results of the lab tests, we want answers. Is this supposed to be real . I dont know. Reporter are you selling fake makeup . I have no idea. Reporter look at the test results. Lead, copper, barillium. These are cancercausing agents. Oh. Estee lauder, the company that owns mac, confirmed that the product we bought was counterfeit. Thats the beginning tonight. A lot of the products, you think youre getting a deal. But everything from the extension cord youll see ignite tonight, to the counterfeit viagra pills on the market. Whats really in the little, blue pill. All right. Really scary. You can catch more of davids special report, to catch a fake, on 20 20, 10 00, 9 00 central, right here on abc. Coming up, shapewear under fire. Some women say the promises to lose weight are too good to lose weight. Its feelgood friday. Were going to teach you to two children, who beat the odds. Never stopped until they got to the top of their class. Amen. Come on back. They put the hash browns on the inside . Who needs a onehanded breakfast have you tried one of these things [ male announcer ] the next generation of breakfast is here. The new a. M. Crunchwrap. Eggs, bacon, cheese, and a hash brown inside. Eggs, bacon, cheese, your life is a game of chance. Chronic migraine, but what if the odds could be in your favor . Botox® is an fdaapproved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. Its proven to actually prevent headache days. And its injected by a doctor once every 3 months. The effects of botox® onabotulinumtoxina may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont take botox® if you have a skin infection. Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. The dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. Put the odds on your side. Visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com and talk to a headache specialist. Into these starburst minis . They built a factory in miniminneapolis. Theyre experts at shrinking regular starburst. Everythings mini there. Wait, what . [ beeping, whirring ] [ female announcer ] starburst minis. Unexplainably juicy. They can see the light of a single candle. Look after them with centrum silver. Multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. Centrum silver. For the most amazing parts of you. We are on top of the world. Its friday. And were feeling good. Especially with this story. Its graduation season. And a lot of moving speeches from valedictorians all across the country, finishing at the top of your class is tough enough. But imagine doing that while being homeless. Rashima nelson. Reporter it is something few achieve. Im a pretty big deal right now. Reporter graduating valedictorian. But for two incredible students, the road to excellence was an uncertain one. I didnt have anything to eat. And i had school. And i knew there was something i could do about it. Reporter 18yearold griffin furlong has been homeless for much of his life. But now, his struggle, becoming a Guiding Light for others. I never gave up, no matter how badly i wanted to. Reporter its a sentiment shared by rashima nelson. She lives with her family at this washington, d. C. Homeless shelter. God was telling me to show others how to be resilient. Reporter both acing the test of life. It shows what you can do with life, when you have mode vags, ambition and a purpose. We are so happy to have with us class of 2014 valedictorian, rashema nelson and griffin furlong. How are you . Come on. Have a seat over here. Oh. This was the pomp and circumstance. Still. I dont care how old you are, or how young you are, it feels good. I have been wanting to meet you. We have been wanting to meet you both. Congratulations. Finishing at the top of your class. It was on wednesday that you graduated, rashema. And you talked about going for your dreams. How did you keep going . My family inspired me to do better. When youre in a situation, the best way to get out of it is to go through it. I couldnt avoid it. I couldnt act like it wasnt there. I just pushed and pushed. You sure did. You really inspired a lot of people. You did, too, griffin. In your speech, you talked about purpose. Whats your purpose now . I want to live a happy life. I face many obstacles. And now, i just want to focus everything on the future and just, you know, have a positive look after this. The future is very bright. And i love how were continuing to play the music like that. You all did not ask for this. We sought you out. A lot of people in your school had no idea. Had no idea of your circumstances, rashema . Not that i know of. I told a couple of my friends, a couple coaches. And my principal knew. And i got a phone call, you want to go on this interview . Sure, i guess. Same with me. Only a few select friends knew about it. But its good reaching out, you know . And letting everyone know because they understand now. And we understand that you all are going on to college. Georgetown. What are you going to study . Biology. And youre going to florida state. Engineering. Okay. And you have a full scholarship. Youre still working out the financial package you will receive. We know you can use a little help. Our sponsors are kohls. And they have given you each a 500 Gift Certificate to kind of help you. I know you said you wanted to get your yes. Maybe kohls has that for you. Just wanted to say, congratulations. And thank you for just being you. And showing us the way. Thank you for having me. Yeah, thank you. I hope youll keep in touch with us. Definitely. The future is bright with these two. Coming up, we have to go to the park. Paramore. Theyre going to be live. Our big party in the park. Lets go, guys. Fousugar. Only six . Ns. Six grams of sugar . Thats really good. Excellent, delicious. And yummy honey bunches of oats. Tasty yummy thats why we reimagined the range using a triring burner. From the lowest simmer to the hottest sear, perfection is yours. Almost. Ge. Reimagining home. So say hello to ocean spray 100 juice. And goodbye to added sugar. I thought we werent adding any sugar. Oh. Okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. Now what if i told youok a hotel you can save up to 60 ,me first. But you couldnt know the name until after you book . Did i say never . I didnt mean it. Would you consider a 4star hotel thats up to 60 off, you just cant know the name . Just no name . Until you book. Um. Yeah, id do that [ male announcer ] get 20 off charbroil commercial series truinfrared gas grills at lowes. I think im getting the hang of it. [ jay ] okay, now pick up the specially cured bacon hit it with the brown sugar now roll that beautiful bean footage yes [ jay ] bushs baked beans are slowcooked according to our secret family recipe for a big flavor. High score you get to put your name on the wall of fame [ beeping ] whoa game over. Aww, youre no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bushs baked beans. Still made from our secret family recipe. Good morning. Im matt keller. Contract talks between muni and its worker have broken off. Both sides have not been able to Reach Agreement over a pay increase and pension contributions. A threeday sickout last week crippled Public Transit in San Francisco. Muni says theres no new deal by the end of the month, the current contract will stay in place for a year and workers will not get pay hikes. All right. Time to check in with leyla gulen with your weather forecast. Hi, leyla. Hi there, matt. The marine layer is fimterring out making way for sunshine, a little breezy around the coast and small craft advisory. Temperatures will be in the lower 70s along the peninsula, starting to reach the mid80s inland and a look at our accuweather sevenday forecast, it is going to be warm and dry. Lets take a look at traffic. Talking about our roadways and whats happening out here. We have one accident that is blocking a lane. This is in the east bay along this is in the east bay along southbound 13 at tands you got to make every dollar count these days. Thats why they have lots of ou to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. This week, sweet and juicy prima peaches are just . 99 a pound. Tender ranchers reserve ribeye steak is only 6. 99 a pound. And arrowhead water is just 3. 33 a case. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. Good morning, america. Tgif. And are your children atrisk online right now. How identity thieves could steal their profiles and masquerade as your kid. And the shapewear under fire for not living up to its promises. And how to lose weight without really trying. The slackers guide to getting a healthy summer body, starting this morning. All that and get ready for jimmy kimmel mean tweets, gma edition. As we say hey, gma. We are so into you. Good morning, america. There they are right there. Paramore, riding into central park, on their bmx specials. How cool is that . Thats pretty cool. We never had an entrance like that. A gma first. Theyre so much fun. So full of spark. And to say, this is a big day in our house. Harper got up at 3 18 this morning and made sure she is here for paramore. She is ready to go. It was well worth the wait. So many cheering fans waiting in the rain all night long. Look at those people. Look at that. And theyre just about to make the stage there. Paramore, great band to start your weekend, with a positive feel. We are very excited. We got a hash tag for you. Paramoreongma. Cant wait for paramore. Have to get some news first. We begin with the return of Bowe Bergdahl to american soil after five years in taliban captivity. He checked into an Army Medical Center where he will reunite with his family. The daily beast published two letters that bergdahl reportedly wrote to his parents, saying leadership in the army was lacking. And president obama says american Ground Troops will not be returning to iraq, even though fighters linked to al qaeda have advanced within 60 miles of baghdad. Instead, the president is considering the use of drones or air strikes against the terror group, i. S. I. S. , which has captured several cities and sent the iraqi army running. A new indication, i. S. I. S. Claims to have killed half of the 4,000 iraqi soldiers captured in saddam husseins hometown. And here at home, the crisis in iraq is spiking a fuel crisis. Some drivers could see a 5 cent to 10 cent increase in gas prices in the coming days. Extreme weather slamming parts of texas. One recorded tornado. And massive hail, bigger than baseballs, damaging homes and cars. One teenager is missing after being swept away in floodwaters near waco. And look at this. A luxury home at the edge of this cliff in texas is being burned to the ground today. The owner has decided to destroy the house and clean up the debris before the entire property falls into that lake right there. He paid 700,000 for that home just two years ago. And talk about a close call. Look at this one. The driver of a horsedrawn carriage was nearly thrown off this bridge over the ohio river when she was hit from behind. You can see her dangling off that concrete barrier right there. She managed to hang on, thankfully, until police came to her rescue. And finally, so, say youre walking through the woods. You happen to come facetoface with an elephant. What do you do . Well, watch what this tourist did in thailand when the elephant charges right at him. The tourist doesnt flinch. The elephant turns around. The tourist, carrying the camera. Wasnt going to let that one go. Im guessing this is like the only creature in the entire world who didnt want to take a selfie. I know. A bunch from my home state of mississippi, staking selfies, as this was going on. Thats the most easily spooked elephant ive ever seen. Thank goodness. Think of the video that tourist got to take home. Not bad. Pop news coming up. Now, we have to get weather, from meteorologist adam joseph our philadelphia station, wpvi, in for ginger this morning. Ill tell you, george, the rain, the drizzle, not dampening the spirits of the crowd here for paramore. And we have the army with us today. Celebrating their 239th birthday. Thank you for your service. I would sing happy birthday. But they would kick me out of the park here this morning. We have a little drizzle. Where they can use some rain is the desert southwest. Low pressure bringing strong winds. Now pushing, fire watches and warnings all the way to new mexico, with temperatures in the triple digits. In the northeast and the Northern Plains, beautiful weekend is on the way for new york city, with temperatures in the 70s and 80s. That heavy rain away. Back to you, lara. Please, please, keep the rain away. We look at whats coming up of our gma morning menu. In pop news, why billy joel is moving out. And secrets to your best body ever. The slackers guide on how to lose weight without trying. And paramore is rockin the park. Look at that crowd, coming up live, on good morning america, here in a still dry times square in central park. Is timeless. Its there for your first breath. And your second wind. Love carries you through smiles. And tears. And never leaves your side. So neither. Will we. Like in our sinks. In our hands. Excuse me. Sorry . On our tables. Oh . And in here. And since we expect our phones to be with us wherever we go, shouldnt they be water resistant . I am so sorry. Its totally fine, see. 424. Uh, 216. Yeah, we think so too. Introducing the Samsung Galaxy s5. Available at verizon. To you. Theyre more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll its Broad Spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. K9 advantix ll for the love of dog iwas thathe biggest vit gave me. Ar. Confidence to buy my very first car. And to walk out of that dealership. And know that i got a good deal. Save time, save money, and never overpay. Visit truecar. Com all by myself anymore well, he may not be by himself anymore. You remember this video . Richard dunn, there at the las vegas airport, making a movie all by himself, to celine dion, hit song. That video got to celine. She sent out her own message to dunn. Here it is. Hi, richard. I have to say, that the video was hilarious. And very touching. I loved it. But next time, you know, youre stuck all by yourself at las vegas airport, for hours and hours, please be my guest at my show. And by the way, richard, youre more than welcome to use my bathroom. Hey, richard, you better take her up on it. Get back to las vegas. Take her up on that offer. Hopefully, her heart will go on for you. That was good. Wow, its as if wait until you hear pop news today. We are won, lara. Im never by myself, when youre by my side. Lets begin pop news. Billy joel is moving out. The superstar singer feeling the pressure. Keep going. No one said i love you just the way you are. So, its back on the market for a third time, with a 3. 5 million discount. If you have a friend looking for a celebrity beach house, worth almost 20 million, you should tell her about it. Thank you very much. Nice. Once owned by the late Roy Schneider of jaws fame. Joel isnt moving to allentown anytime soon. You are other properties in the hamptons, hes still very much in a new york state of mind. We bow. Well, if you like that, then, youll love this. Who doesnt love a big hunk of meat . By the way, happy National Jerky day. Thats why i was off yesterday. The people of new york city love jerky day. And more than 20 artists are proving that. They put 1,400 hours of work into this masterpiece, meat rushmore, out of beef pork and turkey jerky, to celebrate the meat stuff we love. What does this have to do with the song were playing right now . You can play barry white, you got me. Our producer decided that meat rushmore and barry white somehow had a connection. On that note, i continue with this final story. Remember this . People who think Julia Roberts is hot. Her gigantic mouth it will devour an elephant in one bite. Thank you chemotherapy 7 and good luck. Seems like a guy who wasnt supposed to be a movie star. But he slipped through the cracks and everyone was just like, okay. Jimmy kimmel gives stars a chance to see what people say about them on twitter. Now, hes back with a special mean tweets nba edition. Its airing this sunday. Heres a sneak peek. Dwight howard wears panties with leg warmers. Jeremy lin need to get the weight room. You need to get the spellcheck. You tell them, jeremy. I love it. You can catch the whole thing, sunday during Jimmy Kimmels game night after the finals game on the west coast. And that is a friday edition of pop news. Well done, lara. We move on to the heat index. Now. First up, imagine an imposter pretending to be your child online, Cyber Bullying your childs schoolmates and the law cant do anything about it. Linzie janis has the story. Reporter brooke barr was looking at her Instagram Account one evening, when she saw that her 12yearold daughter had liked one of her photos. But brooke had banned her daughter from using the social Network Months ago. I called her dad and asked if he let her back on instagram. Let her open an account. He said no. Reporter thats when brooke realized someone was prevending to be revee. The impersonator used photos from brookes account. Then, came the phone calls from reves friends, claiming they were sent nasty messages. I was in shock. Reporter one of the posts, full of profanity. The reason i said a 10 because you are such a brat, [ bleep ], [ bleep ], and you think youre popular but youre not. So, stop acting like one and you will never be one cause youre such a [ bleep ]. Reporter her mom spoke with one of the girls who were targeted. She had tears in her eyes. Reporter brooke had the fake Instagram Account taken down. But the company told her if she wanted to find out who was behind it, she needed a southbousubpoena or a search warrant. Police say this young girl is not the victim of a crime. How can that be . Arizona is not one of the states that has a specific law that makes it a crime to impersonate someone online. The ones with the real power here would be the people who got the messages, who could say, Profane Language was used. This is harassment. This would fall under arizonas Cyber Bullying law. And as a result, then, the police could get involved. Reporter brooke says she hopes the kids that were bullied will go to the police. I want to find out who this is. Its great to welcome Ericka Souter and lara. A lot of parents aware of this . A lot of parents think of Cyber Bullying. Theyre imagining someone sending nasty tweets. They are not thinking that someone is impersonating them. The usual defense is to take your kid off social media. Not allow them to have twitter accounts. But in this instance, it wont work. How common is this . Its more common than people think. Actually following a case in minnesota, of a sixth grader, who a friend or a friendemy created an account and is sending nasty messages under that persons name. The messages got threatening and the police got involved. More and more states make impersonation a crime, like texas, new york, hawaii. More states havent jumped on that bandwagon yet. What can the parents do if the law is not in their corn center. The first thing you need to do is talk to your kid. Find it how they feel. Also, if they have an idea of who is doing this. The second thing is, go to the school. Its likely that theyre not the only child thats being affected. So, talk to administration. And see if somethings going on. And third, check and see if the laws in your area. And if something can be done legally. If not, get the parents together and change the laws. That sounds good. We appreciate it very much. In the heat index, the makers of sof some type of shapewear, are being sued for fraud. The products dont meet the promises of transforming their body. The quest that everyone is on for the perfect shape. It sounds too good to be true. And according to customers in new jersey, massachusetts and florida, it just might be. What if there were an undergarment packed full of such special ingreed yenlts that wearing them could help destroy fat . Even reduce the appearance of cellulite. Thats what two shapewear lines have claimed. I thought it would slender down my thighs. Reporter but this morning, underwe underwearmakers, are named in a classaction lawsuit that says hope on a hanger is too good to be true. In their suit, plaintiffs cited claims that the company said their products contained caffeine capsules to help destroy fat, vitamin e. , and other minerals and nutrients to increase skin firmness and smooth out the lumps. In their lawsuit, the women say the federal trade commission called claims like those made by these companies, as credible as a note from the tooth fairy. And they accused the makers of preying on womens insecurities about body image. One of the women who started this undergarment lawsuit says the underwear comes with unrealistic instructions in the fine print. It said i would have to wear it for a certain amount of time every day. Reporter that was a serious commitment she wasnt expecting. Who is going to wear the same underwear every day for 30 days . So, i found it to be ridiculous. Reporter hanes, which owns maidenform, tells abc news, the intimate apparel is no longer for sale. And is offering refunds in the interest of total customer satisfaction. Wacoal, which sells a version of the undergarment, declined to comment on the lawsuit, but insists, we stand behind our products. Doctors we spoke with said theres no such thing as a quick fix. It sounds great. But its not going to lead to instant results nor permanent ones. It changes your shape by come pressing, and if you put clothes over it, you can look better. We could not find any shapewear that continues to make those claims. But the a lot of the women claiming say the underwear they thought would be the cureall, did not continue. Next, secrets to your best body ever. And no worries if youre a little lazy to getting to the gym and cook the right foods. Sara haines is here with the slackers guide to losing weight without trying. Sara, what does this mean . Somebody said slacker. So, im here. So many secrets to losing weight, like cooking your own meals, rather than eating out. Counting calories. And dont forget about the gym. There may be an easier way to drop those lbs. Getting that perfect summer body is hard work. Especially since my couch is so comfy. But health. Com got me thinking with their slackers guide to loading weight without trying. Easy tips to lose weight, with minimal effort. Lets do it. First up, breakfast. Skip the eggs and bacon. Grab some yogurt or cottage cheese instead. Theyre easy nocook meals that give your body calcium and 20 grams of protein. Which according to a new study, will make you feel fuller longer and eat less for other meals. Protein helps to preserve lean muscle mass. And the more muscle we have, the mast faster our metabolism. Put the good thats better for you, closer. When it comes to eating the veggies, try a quick dab, instead of drowning your food in dips. Next, say no to diet soda. And yes to more water. Research at the university of texas at austin that followed 474 people for a decade, found that the people who drank diet soda tended to have larger waists. Because artificial sweeteners are so sweet, theyre hundreds of times sweeter than regular sugar, this can promote a feeling of cravings for sweet foods, as well. Reporter next up, video games. Playing video games distracts cravings. It triggers the same area of the brain. Reporter saying no to sugary doughnuts and yes to a little candy crush on your phone. When it comes to alcohol and desserts, choose one, never both. And last, relax. According to a study from the university of california at San Francisco, a lowstress lifestyle means less stress eating, which can keep belly fat away. Theres a bunch of tips. One of them is save your salad until second, so you dont get seconds on the real food. And let your body catch up with your mind. Another tip, always keep the good food for you closer. Like this tables going to stop me from the doughnuts. Its not going to happen. But thats the tip. All in your brain. How is that working for you, sara . Delicious. It didnt stop lara from the cookies. Its friday. Were going to move on to oprahs allstar master class series. No surprise that our friend, robin, is set to give her master class. Lets look at this sneak peek. The point is, my life went on better than i ever could have imagined. And yours can, too. Thats the point. Optimism is a muscle that gets stronger with use. When you want to build a muscle, you have to keep using it. Thats how you have to be. Im an eternal optimist. I can find the silver linings, the moral victories. God had three answers to prayer. Yes. Not yet. And i have something even better in mind. And thats what i always i like the third one. I always feel there is Something Better in mind. And i feel that for others, too, that the best is yet to come. And it takes courage to believe that the best is yet to come. Well said, robin. I have to say, i have watched the series over the years, with oprah. And to be asked is so humbling. And we do have, lessons that weve learned. And it was a privilege to be part of this series. Thanks for sharing with us today. Coming up, party in the park. Paramore is going to perform live. [ cheers and applause ] central park right now. And thanks to the magic of television, i took my jet pack. I made it all the way from times square. How about that crowd . Love you, guys. Theyre happy. Thats amazing. I have to tell you, these guys, you can hear it right now. They are so dedicated. Harper and i drove in around 3 30. We were driving down fifth avenue. Everybody was camping out. Last night. This is so great. Thank you, guys. Paramore fans here. That must give you so much energy to have a crowd like that. Its amazing. It makes all the difference. On shows and our lives. Especially when its this early. You arent used to performing this early, huh . No. Were usually going to bed about now. [ cheers ] and you have a big summer ahead. Youre going to be touring with fallout boy . Yes. Are you guys coming . Its we start next thursday in connecticut. Whats your little road traditions . Is there anything you do before a show every night . Before a show, i dont think theres a show we played in ten years where we didnt pray. Huddle and pray before every show. It centers us. And after every show, its all about just were so lucky that we grew up together and were friends. We just hang out every night and eat junk food and watch movies. Yeah. That sounds like a lot of fun on the road. We cant wait to have you playing in just a little bit. Were going to take a quick break. Well be back with paramore and this amazing crowd here in central park. Good morning. Im matt keller. Investigators are on the scene of a fatal fire in hayward. About 3 00 a. M. , firefighters found a mans body inside a mobile home on fire in a trailer park on fuchsia court. Firefighters forced their way into the home and found the victim just inside the front door. He died at the scene. No word on a possible cause of the fire or how the man died. Lets get an update on your morning commute with leyla gulen. We have an accident involving an overturned vehicle. Its on its side along the peninsula west bound on 92. Tow trucks are headed out to the scene. It is causing delays through san mateo in the eastbound direction as well. We are on the brakes. Over milpitas, southbound 880 at 237 another accident causing a slowdown as you head south of 237. You are good to go. Matt . Thanks, leyla. The news continues with good morning america. Plenty of sunshine, looks like that marine layer is melting away. Current temperatures, lows starring to reach 60 degrees in San Francisco just about oakland, 58 degrees, in the upper to mid50s in the south bay. For our highs today, well start to see that sunshine. It is going to warm things up considerably, inland 85 in fairfield, 57 in pal lo alto. Overnight lows cooler, onshore breeze, lower to mid50s. My accuweather sevenday forecast, dry. [ cheers and applause ] we dont have to wait much longer now. This crowd here in central park. Getting ready for paramore. So fun. Theres the sign. Thats the song. They want to hear it. Its their biggest hit to date. Number two on the pop chart. Paramore will sing right now for you, aint it fun. [ cheers and applause ] i dont mind letting you down easy but just give it time if it dont hurt now then just wait just wait a while youre not the big fish in the pond no more you are what theyre feeding on so what are you gonna do when the world dont orbit around you so what are you gonna do when the world dont orbit around you aint it fun living in the real world aint it good being all alone where youre from you might be the one whos running things well you can ring anybodys bell to get what you want see its easy to ignore trouble when youre living in a bubble so what are you gonna do when the world dont orbit around you so what are you gonna do when nobody wants to fool with you aint it fun living in the real world aint it good being all alone aint it good to be on your own aint it fun you cant count on no one aint it good to be on your own aint it fun you cant count on no one aint it fun living in the real world dont go crying to your momma cause youre on your own in the real world dont go crying to your momma cause youre on your own in the real world dont go crying to your momma cause youre on your own in the real world dont go crying to your momma cause youre on your own in the real world aint it fun aint it fun baby, now youre one of us aint it fun aint it fun aint it fun being all alone aint it good to be on your own aint it fun you cant count on no one aint it good to be on your own aint it fun you cant count on no one aint it fun living in the real world dont go crying to your momma cause youre on your own in the real world [ cheers and applause ] aint it fun paramore. This crowd is enjoying it. You want a selfie, right . Yes. Were going to take a selfie while we take a look at the weather across the country. Ready . Smile. Make it pretty good. Fathers day, this weekend. June 15th. Father mountain, oregon. 62, partlysunny. Dads creek, montana, 55 and a little rain. And beautiful for dadsville, ohio. Violent storms in the midsection of the country, for kansas and parts of nebraska. Comfortable here over the all that weather was brought to you by macys. George . Thank you, adam. 22 jump street, opens nationwide today. Channing tatum and jonah hill went out with rachel smith to take a little highspeed ride to celebrate. Whats up . Whats up . Reporter they crack the jokes and the case, as they hit high school in 21 jump street. Put em down. Put em down. Reporter and this friday, jonah hill and Channing Tatum are gearing up for college, to take down the bad guys in their highlyanticipated sequel, 22 jump street. You never know. Reporter before they race into theaters, the guys like a pit stop at the pocono international raceway. Gentlemen, start your engines. Reporter as grand marshals at the nascar sprint cup series. Lets see if these guys have what it takes to handle the action on a real racetrack. With the help of defending champ, jimmie johnson, we suit up. Want to make you real members. Thank you so much. Reporter it is the queen of speed, danica patrick, who gets the two well acquainted with the sport. How fast are we going right now . Right now . 112. Yes. Im pretty sure youre hanging on to your seat belt for dear life. Youre like this. Yeah. I was i was going to be like first of all, did not realize there were cameras in the car. I do not like driving. Reporter next, we have the comedic cops faceoff, in a friendly round of interrogation. Who is the better driver . Really . I would have said you since youre a scaredycat. Scaredycat . Were throwing words around. Reporter who would be the frat boy . Really. I would say both. Reporter who would be the cleaner roommate . Cleaner . You got it. Reporter yeah. Youre messy . Yeah. Come on. Messy pants. Reporter not messy pants. He has to change pants three times a day. I had to change pants after that drive around the track. Reporter im pretty sure you probably did. For good morning america, rachel smith, abc news, long pine, pennsylvania. That seemed like a fun day. We have a lot more from paramore, coming right up. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back, everybody. It is a rainy day here in central park. But thats not going to get us down. We are with paramore, celebrating their latest album, which debuted at, oh, number one, on the billboard 200 chart. Entertainment weekly i love this, called you guys the best rock album. Thats big. And here they are. Hayley, jeremy, and taylor, paramore. Before we get to your song, i want to talk to you about something i thought was so refreshing. Youve been together ten years. And youre all so grateful for what you call this second chance. Absolutely. Our bands been through a lot. These guys know. Most of them have been hanging out with us for a really long time. We made this last album. And it felt like a second chance. We lost two band members. Were a threepiece now. And its very liberating that these people support what we do. I couldnt believe that one of my personal favorites, still into you, almost didnt get released. We didnt think a love song would work as a paramore hit. But we always loved it. And we did have faith in it. It was just, like, really . Thats going to work . Thats going to do it . It really works. And that will be one of the songs youll hear if you check these guys out. Youre about to do a massive tour with fallout boy . Yes. Were starting a coheadline tour in connecticut. Did i hear Madison Square garden . We played Madison Square garden in november by ourselves. Your second chance, as you call it, is working. Should we sing one more . Or two more . How about misery business. By paramore. Thank you. You ready . One, two, three, four. Im in the business of misery lets take it from the top shes got a body like an hourglass its ticking like a clock its a matter of time before we all run out when i thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth i waited eight long months she finally set him free i told him i couldnt lie he was the only one for me two weeks we caught on fire shes got it out for me but i wear the biggest smile whoa, i never meant to brag but i got him where i want him now whoa, it was never my intention to brag to steal it all away from you now but god does it feel so good cause i got him where i want him now and if you could then you know you would cause god it just feels so it just feels so good Second Chances they dont ever matter people never change once a whore youre nothing more im sorry thatll never change and about forgiveness were both supposed to have exchanged im sorry new york but i passed it up now look this way well, theres a million other girls who do it just like you looking as innocent as possible to get to who they want and what they like its easy if you do it right well i refuse i refuse, i refuse whoa, i never meant to brag but i got him where i want him now whoa, it was never my intention to brag to steal it all away from you now but god does it feel so good cause i got him where i want him right now and if you could then you know you would cause god it just feels so it just feels so good new york city, were going to do something special. Were going to do something we do at our own shows. Were going to bring up a good friend. His name is Christian Brown. Hes one of you. All right. Are you ready to hear christian sing . All right. Christian is going to need a mic. And when christian has this mic in his hand, this is his stage. Are you ready . I present to you. Okay. Im going to count you off. And the world is yours. All right . On one. Two. One, two, three, four. I watched his wildest dreams come true not one of them involving you just watch my wildest dreams come true not one of them involving whoa, i never meant to brag but i got him where i want him now whoa, i never meant to brag but i got him where i want him now whoa, it was never my intention to brag to steal it all away from you now but god does it feel so good cause i got him where i want him now and if you could then you know you would cause god it just feels so christian. It just feels so good thank you. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] how about that Christian Brown . He was so great. We are ready, now, for one more song. Huge hit, still into you. Cant count the years on one hand that weve been together i need the other one to hold you make you feel make you feel better its not a walk in the park to love each other but when our fingers interlock cant deny cant deny youre worth it cause after all this time im still into you all right. I should be over all the butterflies but im into you im into you and, baby, even on our worst nights im into you, im into you let em wonder how we got this far cause i dont really need to wonder at all yeah, after all this time im still into you recount the night that i first met your mother and on the drive back to my house i told you that i told you that i loved ya you felt the weight of the world fall off your shoulder and to your Favorite Song we sang along to the start of forever and after all this time im still into you i should be over all the butterflies but im into you im into you and, baby, even on our worst nights im into you, im into you let em wonder how we got this far cause i dont really need to wonder at all yeah, after all this time im still into you i should be over all the butterflies but im into you im into you thanks for staying in the rain. Not a day goes by that im not into you i should be over all the butterflies but im into you im into you and, baby, even on our worst nights im into you, im into you let em wonder how we got this far cause i dont really need to wonder at all yeah, after all this time im still into you im still into you im still into you [ cheers and applause ] you can either have highend or lowprice. Is split in two. Or you can go to t. J. Maxx and you can have it all for up to 50 off Department Store prices. T. J. Maxx. We have had so much fun today. Paramore, thank you so much. Have a great weekend, everyone. We actually got it. Announcer this is an abc news special report. Good morning from abc news headquarters in new york. Im david muir and we come on the air because the president is expected to make comments shortly on the deteriorating situation in iraq as you well know in recent days weve been reporting on the group wreaking havoc throughout iraq taking over cities that have once been secured by so Many American troops during the nineyear military mission over there. Were seeing iraqi families caught in the traffic storm. Stories of civilians killed in the streets. So many iraqis trying to escape the brutality of this group at odds with the Iraqi Government the i want to bring in terry moran who joins us from northern iraq. Terry, it was you in the last 24 hours reporting this group so brutal that even al qaeda now disavowing itself from the group. Reporter thats right, david. Unprecedented event that al qaeda formally cut off a Jihadist Group that had sworn loyalty to it and thats because they were out of control. They were attacking pretty much everyone. Syria and iraq, other jihadist, innocent civilians. They were too much even for al qaeda and they strike terror into the hearts of people right across iraq, although in some places they have actually been greeted and liberators, because the government here in iraq has been so unrepresentative of the interests of sunnis and others that some people have actually welcomed this group but they are a ferocious Jihadist Group. Terry, as you report and looking at the pictures of the highways packed with people. You see some of the armed militias in the truck and the president expected to come into the picture momentarily. He and the first lady will board marine one headed to north dakota for a flag day event in honor of native american vete n veterans then off to california and having met with members of his National Security team as part of his normal course of meetings in the morning and, again, presumably talking about iraq. We were told a short time ago he would aggress the deteriorating situation in iraq and heres the president on friday morning. Good morning, everybody. I want to take some time to give you a quick update about the situation in iraq. Yesterday i convened a meeting with my National Security council to discuss the situation there and this morning i received an update from my team. Over the last several days, weve seen significant gains made by isil, terrorist organization that operates in both iraq and in syria. In the face of a terrorist offensive Iraqi Security forces have proven unable to defend a number of cities which has allowed the terrorists to overrun the part of iraqs territory and this poses a danger to iraq and its people and given the nature of these terrorists, it could pose a threat eventually to american interests, as well. This threat is not brand new. Over the last year, weve been steadily ramping up our Security Assistance to the Iraqi Government with increased training, equipping and intelligence. Now iraq needs Additional Support to break the momentum of extremist groups and bolster the capabilities of Iraqi Security forces. We will not be sending u. S. Troops back into combat in iraq, but i have asked my National Security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support iraqs Security Forces and ill be reviewing those options in the days ahead. I do want to be clear, though. This is not solely or even primarily a military challenge. Over the past decade, american troops have made extraordinary sacrifices to give iraqis an opportunity to claim their own future, unfortunately, iraqis leaders have been unable to overcome too often the mistrust in sectarian differences that has long been simmering there and thats created vulnerabilities within the Iraqi Government as well as their

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