Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140121 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140121

and photo-bombing at the white house. the nba champs and the first lady bringing the heat in a brand-new push to get everyone working out. is her photo bomb making king james a slam dunk? >> ooh. and good morning, america, boy, the snow is already hitting. it is hitting hard. let's go right to the midwest right now. oh, that is east chicago, indiana, north indiana, see how hard it is coming down. the snow total predictions are going up right now and driving conditions right outside chicago right now. >> and it's heading this way. the heaviest snow expected on the coast straight up the i-95 corridor. looks good right now. won't be that way in a short amount of time. as much as 14 inches in some places. our extreme weather team led by our own ginger zee all ready to bring us the latest. >> good morning to you. we are talking right now hours from now we'll be seeing this major snowstorm take form here along the east coast. it's already in parts of indianapolis, parts of cincinnati, pittsburgh, it's snowing right now. but let me time it out for you. because through the late morning, early afternoon, it starts in d.c., up to new york city. this is at 3:00 p.m. when the winds start kicking, the other part of this. it is not just snow, it's gusting winds to and above 30 miles per hour. when does it go? after midnight tonight. we'll get snow that whole time, a big evening rush problem. all along that i-95 corridor and the numbers are going to add up. big numbers coming in the 10 to 12-inch range for major cities. i think d.c. gets a little bit on the lower end then we go to philadelphia. the highest, i think, a foot plus. new york city itself, anywhere from 8 to 10 and in some spots 12. you saw that picture earlier right along the lake, right where chicago, just south and east of chicago. that's what it looks like driving and that's where we find our alex perez. >> reporter: good morning, ginger. it has been relentless. some parts along the lakefront in northwest indiana are expecting more than a foot of snow today. this morning, chicago is waking up to heavy snow, expecting as much as 2 inches an hour and the wind chill of 22 below zero. the midwest an northeast are bracing for the return of the deep freeze. parts of indiana expecting as much as 1 to 2 feet of lake-effect snow. already under way, minnesota has windchills of nearly 50 below. ohio, indiana, and at least nine other states getting socked with another arctic chill. cities like pittsburgh seeing snow for their morning rush hour. the plunging polar temperatures two weeks ago caused water main breaks from indiana to new jersey. cars frozen right on to the street. the new blast of cold air dumping more subzero bone-chilling windchills. a dangerous ice glaze had cars sliding off roadways in minnesota during the last storm. in virginia, crews working around the clock spraying roads with a special solution to keep the ice and snow from sticking. and that will be the big challenge, keeping the snow and the ice off of the roads. some states are already dealing with a salt shortage, because there's been so much snow so early this season. ginger? >> alex, thank you. one thing i did not get to mention, the cape. plymou plymouth, um to hyannis, they're going to have warnings, too. that went up and this is what's going to stick. the snow. it will stay because it is going to be this cold. minneapolis, dropping to 12 below. that's this morning, and actual air temperature. look at what new york city does, from 27 to 9 by the time we start our thursday morning so the cold going to stick. this polar plunge we've been talking about comes in waves and we don't get rid of it until next week. >> which is a big one. okay, ginger, thanks very much. the storm hits the capital hard. the federal government government hard and jeff zeleny has more. the feds made the call early? >> reporter: good morning, george. call it a preemptive strike. overnight, the federal government decided to shut down today. the tens of thousands of workers stage off the roads. as you can see, the snow has not started to fall yet. that's expected to change and change fast later this morning. >> how about the spreading travel cancellations. >> reporter: this storm causing by travel headaches. more than 2200 flights canceled. here at reagan international, a slower tuesday than normal. travel will be gripding to a halt soon. >> jeff zeleny, thanks very much. we'll move out, george, to the terror threat at the winter olympic games and the desperate dragnet to find a suspect so-called black widow on a deadly mission getting ready to launch an attack at the games perhaps. and brian ross has the latest on this all-out hunt for her and others, we hear. >> good morning, robin. it's a race against time in sochi. new reports this morning that authorities are looking for three alleged female suicide bombers including most troubling one who's believed to have already been in the olympic city for at least a week. across the russian city police are asking for help in finding the woman who somehow made it through the ring of security surrounding sochi. in wanted posters at the airport and sent to hotels, security services identified her as 22-year-old ruzanna ibragimova from the militant stronghold of dagestan whose husband was killed in a shootout with police last year. she is described as having a four-inch facial scar, pronounced limp and left arm that will not bend at the elbow. >> the fact that she's there is a major concern because it shows that a small group of determined individuals can infiltrate the russian security apparatus and get into the heart of sochi just a few weeks ahead of the olympics. >> reporter: and given the role of young widows in past deadly terror attacks in russia security experts say the woman believed to be in sochi is likely to be part of a larger team of suicide bombers. >> when it's women, they tend to operate in teams of two and it's very unlikely that they would just send one of these women into sochi. ♪ >> reporter: as u.s. olympic athletes enter the final stages of competition and preparation for sochi, officials say they are working closely with the state department and law enforcement agencies to make sure everyone is safe. there appears to be no talk of pulling out because of the security concern. and the black widow attacks have been especially deadly in russia. more than 200 people killed in suicide attacks in the last dozen years or so, robin, inside russia. >> thanks, brian. the u.s. military taking no chances with these olympics planning to respond if disaster strikes. abc's jon karl in washington with more on that. good morning, jon. >> reporter: that's right. the u.s. military is preparing contingency plans to move two u.s. naval warships to the black sea during the olympics. they would be there to help the russians with emergency security situations and in the worst case scenario of a major terrorist attack they would be there to help evacuate u.s. athletes out of russia. u.s. officials say that no ships have been moved yet. that this is simply prudent planning but, george, make no mistake about it, u.s. officials are deeply concerned about the terror threat at these games. >> i know they've been frustrated by -- they've offered to do a lot more security cooperation with the russians but the russians say, hey, we've got this. >> reporter: the russians as you saw when you interviewed vladimir putin say they will have a ring of steel around these olympic games. but i have to say, this is one issue, the issue of the terror threat, where for all the tensions between the u.s. and russia, cooperation has been quite good. and u.s. officials say they are working with the russians there to assist them, should they need it. >> jon karl, thanks very much. amy robach in for josh who is not feeling so well. another troubling case of credit card fraud after that massive security breach. police in texas have seized nearly 100 phony credit cards from mexican citizens arrested near the border. the cards, containing account information from texas residents, were then used to buy tense of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from best buy and walmart. police initially linked the stolen cards to the target breach but federal officials have not confirmed that link. a developing story near philadelphia where a university campus was locked down overnight after a student was shot in a parking lot. the gunman is believed to still be on the loose. but authorities at widener university say the campus is safe. the victim is in critical condition. and a dramatic scene unfolding in omaha where an explosion at a factory left two workers dead, several others right now are fighting for their lives. abc's clayton sandell is learning new details about the plant's history. >> reporter: this morning, this omaha manufacturing plant is a twisted dangerously unstable wreck. [ sirens ] 50 firefighters called monday to reports of an explosion and collapse. >> just heard a crack, pop and big ball of fire. >> reporter: carrie cook's fiance sent her a message from inside as the billing came down. >> he sent it to me at 10:09 this mortgage. it said major accident. i'm hurt and trapped. love you. >> reporter: cook's fiance was rescued along with nine others. he's okay. four others critically injured. overnight they identified one of the employees killed, 53-year-old keith everett. federal records show that the plant's owner, international nutrition, was hit with half a dozen serious violations in 2012 including problems with wiring and safety equipment. overnight the company said it could not comment on those violations or monday's incident. investigators say they still don't know exactly what happened and are now trying to solve a deadly mystery. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. and our thanks to clayton for that. dry conditions helped fuel a massive fire that tore through this home in oklahoma city in just a matter of minutes. it is so dry, the lawn also caught on fire but no one was injured. and overseas a deadly bombing caught on camera in a suburb of beirut, lebanon this morning. it is the latest attack targeting a neighborhood where the militant group hezbollah has a strong presence. the violence linked to the civil war in neighboring syria. also this morning, new trouble for a vatican priest charged with smuggling nearly $30 million. monsignor nunzio scarano was rearrested and charged with using the vatican bank to transfer fake charitable donations. the pope is trying to restore its reputation. and just as super bowl heats up the nfl is considering a big change. it may eliminate the extra point scored after touchdowns. commissioner roger goodell says the extra point has become almost automatic. he says several proposals -- pfff, robin says -- are on the table. i like your commentary. finally, a couple of party crashers stole the show at a california beach. surfers in the middle of a competition when you can see this pod of dolphins decided to show them how it's really done. there they go. they put on quite a performance riding the huge waves alongside everyone else for a lot longer. dolphins, 1, surfers, 0. >> i'm glad they were dolphins. >> when you saw that fin -- >> i would have gone the other way. >> amy, thanks so much. now to new jersey governor chris christie. today's inauguration overshadowed by the latest allegations. his administration denying charges they threatened to withhold hurricane sandy relief to a badly flooded city unless its mayor backed one of the governor's pet projects. abc's jim avila is here. has the latest on all that. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the sorries to ft. lee have turned to no ways for hoboken. the governor's office fighting new charges when they hoped to be looking ahead. inauguration day, a celebration, an honor for chris christie and his running mate, lieutenant governor kim guadagno. instead another scandal. new jersey's second highest government official denies she tried to bully the small town mayor of hoboken by tying sandy relief money to a building project the governor liked. >> i deny any suggestion made by mayor zimmer that there was ever any condition placed on the release of sandy funds by me. >> reporter: a denial hoboken's mayor said she expected. overnight sticking by her story and willing to take a lie detector test to prove it. >> she said this to me. you know, and i stand by my word. >> reporter: this is not at all according to plan for the governor's brain trust. january was designed to be a month-long christie fest. the state of the state, today's inaugural, hosting the super bowl. >> the super bowl is in new jersey. >> i think chris christie really expected these to be his glory days. >> reporter: instead forced to play scandal whack-a-mole with new poll numbers falling. his unfavorables doubling. and a majority saying they just don't believe that christie was blindsided by scandal. leading the governor to make the understatement of the week in an interview with yahoo! news. i will learn things from this. and when asked because of this uncharacteristically rough patch if he was a better candidate, christie said i'm readier, if that's a word. now, governor christie's office has been aggressive in its denial. you can almost see governor christie raising his right hand and shaking his head at the same time. >> not quite what they thought today would be. >> he'll try to get back on message. he's told all these funders don't come to me for another year about the presidential race. i got to pay attention to new jersey. >> he knows he has work to do. >> okay, jim avila, thanks very much. now we've grown up with the epic battle between coke and pepsi. now there's a new food fight breaking out, one you probably would nlt expect. it's a battle of the greek yogurt titans. rebecca jarvis here with that. >> good morning. as you say it is the new coke versus pepsi of super bowl ads. and after this, you'll look at the dairy section in a whole new way. chobani, yoplait and dannon in the fight of their lives for your taste buds and your love of greek yogurt. >> introducing, the yoplait greek tasteoff. >> reporter: call it the clash of the titans, greek yogurt edition. >> yoplait greek tastes better than chobani with fruit on the bottom. >> reporter: yoplait is taking on chobani, the multibillion dollar greek yogurt industry leader. launching this ad on monday. >> i have to say yoplait. >> reporter: in their taste test of 300 people nearly two out of three preferred its blueberry greek yogurt to chobani. >> you don't normally see ads going head to head. like this. the stakes for this are incredibly high. >> reporter: last year yoplait's low cal greek yogurt line greek 100 debuted to huge numbers making $150 million in sales during its first year on the market alone. making it the best-selling new yoplait product if 20 years. but chobani launched its own low-calorie line a month ago. the competitive greek yogurt market is the biggest it's ever been, almost half of the $7.6 billion in overall yogurt sales come from the tart and thick favorite for millions of americans. hot on chobani's heels, dannon, the world's largest yogurtmaker. the company releasing this clip promoting their super bowl commercials reuniting its oikos brand spokesperson john stamos with his "full house" family. >> don't you think it's time we all get our own places? >> nah. >> a real greek yogurt battle going to be played out in the super bowl. it's the new coke and pepsi. >> reporter: so there you have it. not one but two greek yogurt ads coming up during this super bowl that will be as many as they have for candy. >> wow. for greek yogurt, no kidding. i love it. i have it every morning. no surprise there, right? >> george stephanopoulos, of course, has it every morning. kind of figured that one out. but it's great for you. >> it is. it is really good for you. tastes good too. we're adding to the ads right now. here's ginger zee with the weather. >> yes, and who doesn't love to see john stamos. let's talk about it. right into the calm before the storm. remember, just hours before new york city gets started with this snow and what a beautiful sunrise, it has been mild, it has been is a really important part of that sentence because this is what it looks like not only in new york city but also in washington, d.c., this morning. just over the capital. what a beautiful look, red sky in the morning. i believe is what they say. and we're looking at winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings all the way from parts of southern illinois, the winter weather advisories in purple. the pink is a winter storm warning means it's imminent, you're about to get big snow, some places up to a foot and more. you could get a little less in some spots also. the blizzard warning on the cape just above it in new hampshire a winter storm watch as that storm will just skirt south of most of new england. and the cold behind it. here we go. it feels like 38 below in international false this morning. 40 below in duluth. and in the southwest, it's mind. it will stay that way. >> you know who would love some of this snow? denver. 60 today and they're staying mild. >> the only oasis. we just got another new story coming in. we just learned from the white house that president obama is going to be going to rome in march and meeting with the pope. he's going to meet with pope francis on march 27th and, robin, as you know, the president has talked so much about inequality, one of the big themes of the pope's, as well. >> he gave me a head's up when i was there. they are very similar. >> that's what they'll be talking about. coming up on "gma," a new twist in this case. the former olympian about to go on trial for his girlfriend's death in negotiations with her parents right now. also ahead, seattle sea hawks star richard sherman. oh, he's speaking out about his epic post game rant. what he is saying now before the big game. and pop star kesha's mom is speaking out in a new interview. why she says her daughter's eating disorder was much worse than anybody thought. are those selfies we all take changing the way we look at beauty? what it could mean for your kid's self-esteem. mega-makeover week keeps up. we're helping you toss away all your clutter. you do not want to miss these tips from interior design stars. interior design stars. i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. here we honor the proud thaccomplishmentsss. of our students and alumni. people like, maria salazar, an executive director at american red cross. 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rejuvenated. revlon. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. good morning i'm erik thomas. oakland police are investigating a shooting involving a highway patrol officer. investigators say the chp officer opened fire on a suspect involving a short pursuit. the suspect was hit by gun fire. no officers were hurt. the suspects condition is unsnoen. ? san jose police captured a burglary suspect following an extensive search at a strip mall this morning. thar were all after a security alarm went off around 2:so. they believe that the burglar was targeting the made call marijuana store. >> right now we've got sky 7 hd live over the seen. this is westbound side of 580. thoed would be the headlines. and this is where the accident was located. all lanes are reopened. now all lanes reopened but we're still looking at hef tif good morning. we have freezing cold tech schur up north. a few areas freezing in the napa valley. 52 in san francisco. sun is almost up. ten check out this weather moving across the country right now. that's the midwest. the snow already coming down. it is coming down hard in chicago. moving east, moving east pretty fast but look at new york city right now. beautiful sunrise. gorgeous. not going to be here for long. washington, d.c., same thing. look at the capital this morn g morning, such a lovely sight. the federal government is closed. the snow is coming but right now system simply beautiful. >> ginger, checking on the schools on the phone. >> i'm the only one who didn't know snow was coming. >> your kids knew. >> i'm sure. >> school day. >> i just called home to check and my kids are like is it school? no, just me. wow. >> so hang on. >> i have driven through that so many times. >> ginger will have much more ahead. also a new twist in the oscar pistorius case, he's about to go on trial for his girlfriend's death. why he is reportedly negotiating with the parents right now and why he may be close to settling the civil case with her parents before the murder trial. >> all right, also ahead, he is the seattle -- he is the seahawks star going memorable for his postgame rant. what richard sherman is saying now. >> he's got a lot to say. >> yes, he does. >> he's not shy. and our mega-makeover week is revving up. how to get rid of your clutter and freshen up your home. tips from an interior designer to the star, people. all right, lara, thank you. we'll begin with the latest on the blade runner. oscar pistorius, due to go on trial in just a few weeks for the valentine's shooting death of his girlfriend. he may be close to a civil settlement with her family. abc's amy robach, i know you've been following this, much more on this. >> that's right. when he goes on trial in early march he will face a minimum of 25 years in prison if convicted of premeditated murder. ahead of the trial his attorneys are doing their best to settle any civil claims by the victim's family. this morning, former track star oscar pistorius charged with killing his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, is reportedly negotiating with her parents hoping to reach a deal and avert a potential civil lawsuit before the end of his criminal trial. it's been almost a year since model steenkamp was gunned down by pistorius at his home on valentine's day. the paralympian claiming it was a tragic mistake. prosecutors say it was premeditated. barry bateman covers it for south africa's eyewitness news writing a book about it. >> they want to show he is a violent person, gun-toting hot head is the portrait they'll paint of this man. >> reporter: according to reports in south africa, if a settlement is reached pistorius could reportedly end up paying steenkamp's parents $185,000 to $275,000. last year the steenkamps appeared on south african channel m-net describing the moment they got the news about their daughter. >> he said there's been an accident and she's been shot and i said all i want to know now if she's alive or if she's dead and he said, i'm sorry to tell you but she's dead. >> pistorius' spokespersoning telling abc news the dialogue with the steenkamp family can a private matter. now the man known as the blade runner seen here training rover the summer is gearing up for the fight of his life. >> the big and only focus of him still at this stage, it's the trial and the court proceedings that's lying ahead. >> reporter: he argued he fired at steenkamp through a bathroom door thinking she was an intruder. last year on "20/20" i walked defense attorney joey jackson through a replica of the crime scene asking how his defense team could argue he grabbed his gun from the side of the bed without noticing riva was no longer there. >> we're talking about the dark of night. his attention is focused on what could be ang intruder and the end of his life as well as her life. >> and pistorius has a top notch defense team that has hired a team of u.s. forensic experts to try to help clear his name. robin. >> okay, amy, for more on this we'll bring in our chief news legal affairs anchor, dan abrams. and knowing that the civil suit is possibly being settled before the trial, that's unusual. >> it is and would be a huge win for pistorius if he can put aside the civil case. remember, there are two tracks here, there's criminal, that is the state going after him. civil is a personal battle which is the family members versus pistorius. if he could end that for something like $200,000, that's a huge win for him. the question would be, why would the family, why would her family want to cut that deal now? >> why do you think? >> look, it could be financial. it could simply be that they don't want to wait years. they don't want to wait a long time to resolve. they'd like to just put this behind them. and take the money and move on with their lives. >> can the civil suit have any kind of impact on the other trial? >> well, look, it certainly could, and if they waited, it could have a bigger one, meaning that if there was a conviction in the criminal case that would become very valuable in connection with the civil case and could mean a much bigger payout. in terms of this particular settlement, no, if they settle out of court and they say, all right, you're not going to sue us, we're going to pay you x amount of dollars for that that won't come up in connection with the criminal case. another reason why he'd like to settle now. >> not a jury, just a judge. >> just a judge with two basically legal advisers but she's going to be the one to determine -- that's important in thinking about the strategy because you no longer as we would hear have the sort of emotional play that you can make to a jury because you are appealing to a jurist, a professional judge. >> a different system over there. >> absolutely. they abolished the jury system. >> all right. thanks so much, dan. we'll get the latest now on that trash talk tirade from seattle seahawks star richard sherman after the game took place, that live rant set off a firestorm on twitter and could make sherman the player everyone loves to hate on super bowl sunday. ryan has more. >> good morning. after facing backlash for his comments following the afc championship game, richard sherman is speaking out to our own espn and even penning an article to share his side of the story. it's the epic rant heard around the world. >> i'm the best corner in the game. when you try me with a star receiver like crabtree that's the result you're going to get. don't you ever talk about me. >> reporter: he made a game-saving play against michael crabtree. they shared this tense moment then the sideline rant. >> don't you open your mouth about the best or i'll shut it for you real quick. >> i'm not saying he was a thug. >> he brags on himself. i find those guys to be entertaining. >> reporter: it sparked debate on tv and social media. after the game, the war of words continued with crabtree firing back. >> he's a tv guy. i'm not a tv guy. i play ball. >> reporter: why the bad blood? in a new article for "sports illustrated", "it goes back to something he said to me this off-season in arizona." his brother tells "the seattle times" crabtree snubbed him at a charity event, even tried to start a fight. but in a raid grow interview sherman admitted in hindsight he would have played it different. >> obviously i could have worded things differently and obviously had a better reaction and done things lynchry. >> reporter: he also wrote "it was loud, it was in the moment and it was just a smart part of the person i am. i don't want to be a villain because i'm not a villainous person." >> unfortunately for him, he'll be viewed and judged as the guy that just was out of control in a postgame press conference. not a guy that had overcome a bunch of odds. >> reporter: the brash player trying to focus on making plays, not waves if his team hopes to win the super bowl. his coach pete carroll weighed in saying sherman's comments came out of the heat of the moment and that the player didn't want to take anything away from the team but his comments in the aftermath may have done just that, george, robin. >> that's a lot of material. >> we are going to be talking about it for the next couple of weeks. >> seattle is known for its defense, talented defense and part of it is the swagger that they have. so -- >> he did win the game. >> we'll see. let's go to ginger. >> it is snowing. a terrible morning commute from indianapolis to cincinnati to west virginia, somewhere i didn't mention. already light snow falling but, remember, in that area and others we're talking a solid 3 to 6 inches of snow. we wanted to show this again because it is a fine line that cuts off the heaviest snow here along the east coast and even if you're waking up and saying, wait a minute, i thought it was going to snow today, give it a couple of hours. it will get more intense through the later morning and evening, especially around suppertime. connecticut, you're in there. boston is also in that 6 to 12-inch swath and in some spot, philadelphia, parts of new jersey could see even more. in the southeast we're talking about freeze so that polar air behind is going to get pretty far south even into florida with some freeze watches popping up at least through the rest of the once again and that will last through tomorrow. >> this weather report brought to you by devry university. >> it's not snowing yet. >> not yet. >> i know you do keep hearing that. coming up, pop star ke$ha's mom speaking out, a new interview revealing just how bad her daughter's battle with an eating disorder really got. and selfie snapshots and self-esteem. are these photos changes how your kids view themselves for good? bachelor's or master's degree o 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[ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with 100% all natural ingredients, all white meat, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner. you take care of everything else. back now at 7:43 with pop star ke$ha's mom opening up about her daughter's eating struggle which she says ke$ha nearly died. abc's linzie janis has the story. ♪ it's going down i'm yelling >> reporter: her hit song "timber" may be topping the charts for another yet week but this morning ke$ha's mother is revealing her daughter hit rock bottom and nearly wound up dead. >> well, we've learned that her condition was much worse than they thought and that this actually could have killed her. >> reporter: in a new interview, she tells "people" magazine that she nearly died from anorexia and bulimia telling me the doctors told me her blood pressure and sodium levels were so low. they said it was a miracle she hasn't already dropped dead on stage. at the american music awards in november, he said friends and family believed she was bulimic but was sneaky about it. she's been battling body issues since middle school but got worse after she signed on with sonnen berg. luke and sonnen berg deny the accusations they bullied her over her weight. "it is unfortunate that at a time ke$ha is suffering immensely her mother is staging this approach with the media, i give ke$ha my utmost support and well wishes for a quick return to health, he said. seibert is also in rehab she says for posttraumatic disdisorder caused by her daughter's crisis. as for ke$ha's future, she said she doesn't care if she ever makes a record again. she just wants to be healthy and happy. for "good morning america," linzie janis, abc news, new york. ♪ i'll be the one >> so do we wishing concern that all the best. and coming up laura linney revealing she's a mom for the first time at age 49. how in the world in this day and age did that keep that pregnancy a secret. >> unbelievable. josh is a little under the weather so i'm going to attempt the "play of the day." what michelle obama did next, we're going to freeze it. >> wow. nice. well done. utting out fires. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one, i get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally someone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! for just a dollar get the crunchy, tangy, brand-new bbq ranch burger. for only two bucks, grab the new bacon cheddar mcchicken with thick-cut applewood smoked bacon. only on the dollar menu & more. ♪ what does that first only spoonful taste likok.more. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. ♪ >> announcer: right then, here's the "play of the day." >> all right. this "play of the day," a "gma" exclusive and it is filled with puns. >> oh, boy. >> i'm warning you. a real slam dunk you might say. first lady michelle obama bringing the heat in a brand-new psa to promote her let's move campaign she joins forces with the stars of the miami heat to talk healthy eating. take a look. >> hi, everyone, i'm erik spoelstra of the miami heat and member of the nba fit team. i'm here today at the white house to find out why eating healthy can help you perform like a champion. >> i eat fruits and vegetables every day and gives me the energy to keep me on top of my game. >> thanks, dwaip. what about you? >> drinking water is a routine. >> you can take it from me, eating right foods can help make you a better athlete. >> ooh. oh! >> yeah. >> that's a photo bomb for you. lebron and his teammates were competition white house last week to be recognized at the champs. i like how michelle obama rolls. >> that's pretty fun. ♪ led to the one jobhing you always wanted. at university of phoenix, we believe every education- not just ours- should be built around the career that you want. imagine that. wow...look at you. i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three... unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i've got three important reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. try our delicious new fresh mex bowls with chipotle or margarita chicken. all served with a bowl of soup, like our new southwest chicken. chili's lunch combo starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. with a smartphone from straight talk wireless. we replaced sue's smartphone she'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if she notices. you bet she did. francois!! deux! ah, o!i he's french. she saved almost 950 dollars. that's enough to hire a french pastry chef for the pta bake sale! bon appetit , sue. the world needs more straight talk. same phones. same networks. half the cost. get a samsung galaxy s3. unlimited everything, just $45 a month. only at walmart. good morning. i'm eric thomas. in san jose the red cross is helping two dozen people find a place to stay after an early morning apartment fire. it broke out near winchester boulevard. firefighters believe it started in the kitchen of a second floor yubt. no one was hurt. it may be january but it feels like ground hog day. nine consecutive day with the same temperatures in the way. 71 in napa, 71 in redwood city. slightly cooler but try. >> we have a solo injury accident, wit as spinout there. but withs as we take you back into the east bay, this sig alert has check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. i'm detecting increasing levels of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks. great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! explore more, and save up to 25% on select nights at a disneyland resort hotel. there's no end in sight. i'm going to need more time. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. time for mega-makeover madness like we've never done it before. let's chuck that clutter in the gutter. we're making over everything. the top tips that could start you clearing out your closets right now. that, plus knockout news for laura linney. a great big world bringing us their smash hit as we say -- ♪ good morning, america >> a great big world, they're singing and playing us into the morning and we cannot wait for them to play their smash single "say something" and they will right here. >> if i cry, just hold me. >> i'm crying right now when you look at this crowd outside. bless their hearts. >> it's getting colder by the minute out there. >> is it a panda? >> you're right. >> you know we love pandas on "gma." we have one outside. >> always a panda inside. also coming up this morning, a big surprise from laura linney. what a fine actress she is and also now a new mom at age of 49 able to keep the whole pregnancy a secret. three-time oscar nominee now the mother of a brand-new child and we'll talk about that coming up. >> that is great. congratulations. afrngs shouse to hear how she managed to keep that under wraps, the baby. also we've been so busy decluttering our dressing rooms at the times square studios. look at that. i mean, we were going nuts. i mean, all of us were just having at it. >> i didn't know what that was this morning. >> robin, we were just getting rid of some old things. we're making over a viewer's living room now with the help of interior designer to the stars katherine ireland that has great tips to declutter, throw it in the gutter. i like that phrase. i will adopt it. also, are selfies changing the way we perceive beauty. a new short films follows that case and we ask you to send us some of your mother/daughter selfies. do you think selfies are helping our hurting our kids' self-esteem. go to on yahoo! there are some cute ones there. >> i know. >> exactly. >> and there are big questions about sugar and your skin. the new study making headlines about what role sugar really plays when it comes to premature wrinkles. >> oh, no. >> that gives you nice laugh and smile lines. >> i like sugar. >> some news now. amy in for josh. good morning, i think we know what the big story is this morning, that winter storm ginger has been forecasting. people from virginia to new england are bracing for heavy snow. the federal government has closed offices and new york could see a foot of snow or more. people in the midwest have been hit hard, ice pack in the great lakes is the deepest it's been in 25 years. many towns running low on sand to treat the roads and it's only january, people. home heating bills could skyrocket. some states are reporting now a propane shortage. well, a developing story concerning security at the upcoming olympics in sochi, russia. russian authorities searching for three potential female suicide bombers including a 22-year-old whose husband was killed a shootout with police last year. they believe she has been in sochi for at least a week. the pentagon says two navy ships will be stationed near sochi in case of an attack. changes at several major u.s. airports could lead to more delays the next time you travel. landing and takeoff procedures are being changed at more than a dozen airports including jfk, o'hare and dallas/ft. worth. crews will stagger takeoffs and landings to reduce the threat of collisions but some say pilots could lengthen delays during peak travel times and in bad weather. and some frantic moments inside this walmart in houston after a fire broke out in the shoe aisle. investigators believe it was deliberately set but thankfully everyone got out safely. heads-up for parents about the concussion risk for young soccer players. researchers at the university of washington followed girl soccer teams and found 13% of players suffered a concussion each season. nearly 60% of them kept playing even with those concussions symptoms. a big upset in tennis. three-time defending champion novak djokovic lost to stan waugh wri wawrinka. an upset in the studio for sure. >> it is. finally, what would you do if you ran across this old cardboard box? the tattered box appears to be overflowing with wads of cash, but don't take the money and run just yet. it's not what you think. this is actually a sculpture. a talented new york artist casked it all, the box, the bill, the unner bands from a simple block of wood. i'm wondering if there's a camera attached to see if people steal the money. >> from a block of w50d? >> yeah, it's impressive. >> that is amazing. >> wow. let's get the weather now from ginger. >> and it is snowing, just a little bit of flurries in new york city. and the panda, the panda, where are you prosecutor? >> i'm from atlanta. >> we'll call you panda. is that cool? she wants to be known as that. let's get to the video. cincinnati seeing messy roads. thank you wcpo. on your facebook page. that's what it looks like in louisville, kentucky. it moves east. we've seen the little bit of a start in new york city, but from d.c. up through new jersey, parts of massachusetts, connecticut, really going to see the wind kick in and this snow is going to get heavy. let me tell all of you late morning through early afternoon and heavy and worst of it night and pulls away from tomorrow morning and start to be all through with us but it'll be cold behind. look how chilly it gets. raleigh is going to get anywhere from a trace to 2 inches of snow and it's only going to be 18 early wednesday morning is there in the carolinas. >> you know, with these flurries, come here, come here. you got a little something on you. there we go. all right, lara, let's get in to you. >> when you get a chance, right here. here's what's coming up on "gma's morning menu." first we have big news from george michaele very excited to share that with you. and sofia vergara says she will never take a nap around the rest of her cast again. we'll explain why. laura linney revealing very big news. how in the world she kept it secret for so long. and we are decluttering your life. incredible tips to help you during our mega-makeover week. that is not one of the tips. we don't recommend just chucking it and then so very excited for some live music. it's all happening on "good morning america" here in times square. "gma's morning menu" is brought to by new, fast-acting advil. nothing is faster. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. because what you don't know, can hurt you.urance. what if you didn't know that posting your travel plans online may attract burglars? [woman] off to hawaii! what if you didn't know that as the price of gold rises, so should the coverage on your jewelry? [prospector] ahh! what if you didn't know that kitty litter can help you out of a slippery situation? the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ that's my end goal, that's my end destination. when i'm on the ice and it's one of those frigid mornings, i often think about somewhere really warm that i can travel to. for me, even a quick weekend trip somewhere to kind of reset makes me a better athlete. what keeps me going through those hard days is imagining the places that i'd be able to go travel to. [ male announcer ] be a weekender like ashley wagner. take some time for yourself at hotels like hilton and hampton. book now at [ chicken caws ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ male announcer ] at some point, everyone's been at the corner of "new year's resolution" and "maybe i need a new new year's resolution." ♪ at walgreens, we know that starting healthy routines can be tough. that's why walgreens makes it easier with realistic and real simple solutions... everything from great deals on vitamins, supplements and fitness monitors to helpful online tools. at the corner of happy and healthy. ♪ coming up, "gma's" mega-makeover brought to you by truvia natural sweetener. from nature, for sweetness. oh, wow. >> yeah, check it out. >> storm troopers of "star wars" in a new video that's gone viral channeling miley cyrus' storm troopers' secrets hip-hop twerk. who do you think is inside those costumes. >> we don't really know. >> i'm not sure i need to. >> kind of weird. >> it's nice to watch, though and they're quite good. >> very good. >> yeah. ♪ >> pop it. pop it. >> was that the sprinkler he was doing? >> yeah. >> that's mine. >> classic, classic. >> shopping cart. >> the corn. >> yeah, as you can see not a lot of moves around here. but we try. "pop news," everybody. good morning to you and begin with this. all that faith finally paying off. george michael is back. ten years after the release of his last album called "patience," the singer has announced that he'll be doing a new one, "sim ton ka." it's featuring new and original songs and covers expected to hit stores march 17th. welcome back. love his music. still on the ipod. love it so much. also in "pop news," sofia vergara has learned a very important lesson and the hard way, don't try to catch a few zs with your co-stars anywhere around. this would happen here. there she is trying to take a nap. took a napkin over her face to block the light and her co-stars there they all are completely torturing her. the poor woman is tired. they were shooting an episode in vegas. that's julie bowen. i mean -- college when they write on your face. >> i agree. >> needless to say she will never take a nap around those people again. they were posted by jesse tyler -- >> that was mild compared to -- >> i can only imagine. finally everybody needs time at the spa at some point even in the wild. a photographer in japan captured these shots. this is a troupe of snow monkeys, they're relaxing in natural hot springs. >> ooh. >> look at that. >> they're in the mountains of central japan. >> wow. >> they live in this area known as hell -- it's a called hell's valley because of the steam and boiling water that bubbles up through small invest advises in the ground. it's freezing cold. giant cliffs but still a tourist destination because people go there to see these adorable -- ? wow. >> i wanted to share them with you. sort of like a stormtrooper. a little visual candy. >> you can see like ah. >> right there, right there. >> look at that one. >> oh, yeah. getting a little head massage. >> thank you, lara. >> good. that's what i'm here for. good news, the happy surprise from laura linney revealing that she gave birth to her first child earlier this month at the age of 49. remarkably her pregnant never became public. i don't think you can pull that off in our line of work. >> this is a little concentrated weight gain. when you likely have splaining to do which is right around the time linney stopped making public appearances. her down time was to get ready to deliver. for laughs and cry out loud seasons sheaf the no nonsense bomb battling terminal cancer on showtime's "the big c." >> you know the chemo is not a cure. >> reporter: and now in an unexpected plot twist right out of hollywood after nine months of keeping her latest role a secret 49-year-olds laura linney has revealed she's now a mother in real life. >> laura linney gave birth to a very healthy baby boy on the 8th of january. >> reporter: this is her first child with her husband of three years. despite their life in the limelight for the entire term of her pregnancy linney managed to keep it a secret, quite liter literally a case of mum's the word. >> not many people knew she was pregnant but we do know that she's home now resting enjoying being a mother. >> reporter: linney was last photographed at a hollywood event in june launching this figure-hiding jumper and no baby bump in sight. >> laura linney. >> reporter: in september she took home an emmy for best actress in a miniseries. >> laura couldn't be here tonight. she's such a great actress that she didn't need to show up. >> reporter: just shy of 50 she jeans a growing list of a-list moms who all sported baby bumps later in life from salma hayek to halle berry and kelly preston. >> is it possible today to get prig at 49 and to carry a pregnancy? absolutely and whether that's the rare event using your own eggs or whether that's through ivf, we're definitely seeing more and more of it today. >> dr. ashton also says biologically we're really meant to reproduce in our early 20s, not in our late 40s but that doesn't mean there can't be exceptions and certainly doesn't mean there can't be women in their late 40s who can have very healthy babies. lynn think's rep tells abc news mother and baby are happy and healthy. so we are so happy for her. >> that is good news. >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. but now i know this is a disappearing act. go away, come back, have the baby. >> no. >> don't even think of that. >> we would know. >> thank you for bringing that to us. now to a short movie making big headline. "selfie" premiered at the sundance film festival with real mothers and teen daughters revealing about how they feel about their looks. part of dove's real beauty campaign and bianna golodryga has the story. >> reporter: it's a craze that has taken over america. the selfie. with young women in particular trying to capture that picture perfect pose and inevitably sharing it on social media. now dove is delving deeper in a seven-minute documentary titled "sell if i" that debuted monday. they bring moms and daughters together to see firsthand how insecurity often lies beneath those beautiful snapshots. >> the thing that i hide when i take my picture is how big my hair looks. sometimes in the mirror i like cover one of my arms like part of it to make it look like more narrow or something. >> i would never guess you did that in the mirror. >> reporter: encouraging the moms to address their vulnerabilities. >> i don't like age or wriefkles. >> gee, i want my mom to know she's beautiful and she doesn't have to change for anyone. >> mom blogger tracy clark felt it was important to watch with her 16-year-old daughter julia. >> i want my girls to know every phase of their lives they are beautiful for who they are and it's important for me to internalize that for myself. basically when a girl thinks about herself kind of comes from how her mom feels about herself. >> dove which launched real beauty campaigns in the past says it hopes selfie causes a positive conversation between mothers and daughters and will empower women everywhere to see beyond their flaws. >> if giving my young girls the power of their own self if i and what they think and celebrating their differences. >> reporter: and for the girls in the film, this he say it worked. they displayed their selfies at a photo exhibit for everyone to critique. >> accept you're insecure, they'll look at things differently and that made them beautiful. >> they're not blond or super tall or skinny but that doesn't mean i'm not beautiful. >> i'm pretty cute. >> reporter: for "good morning america," bianna golodryga, abc news, new york. >> some of those -- all of those pictures. >> yeah. >> adorable. >> we want to know what you had to say. our "gma" flash poll. we asked do you think selfies are helping or hurting our kids' self-esteem? well, 56% say you're hurting. >> wow. >> kids' self-esteem so brought in dr. logan levkoff author of "got tines." it'll go on soon on february 11th. what is it about selfies? >> selfies represent the first time the young person has the power to control their self-image and how the world sees them. which, you know, the truth is i can't understand because the only time i got a chance to express myself was what i wore to school or for some i was quoted or seen in the school newspaper. it's a very powerful moment for them but we can't really understand. >> when you pose something you sub yourself to comment and sometimes anonymous comments and that's what i'm worried with for my daughters. >> all those things unhealthy asking for commentary and anonymity allows people to be really unfaceful at times. >> i was impressed to see so many moms getting into the ago. what is mr. for them. >> the film happens to be beautiful and does tell us that mothers often unload our own baggage on to our children and maybe teach them things about themselves that they shouldn't be learning. we shouldn't be critiquing our daughters and this is not just for mothers, it's certainly for dads too but we do often unload on to our children. >> put that same kind of label on themselves. >> they're watching, respect they? >> they're watching and listening to us so every time we comment something negative about ourselves, they're wondering the same thing about them. >> logan, what advice do you have? everybody seems to have a device and kids are loving posting these things. what do you say to moms? >> i think we need to watch how much we're posting but also i want people to post selfies in the moment of them achieving something, in the moment of something proud, something that has to do with their character, not just about what they look like. >> that's a great piece of advice. >> thanks. >> that's so pow you areful. ellie got her first phone, she's 11, a few weeks ago. first thing they want to do is put those photos up from any moment of the day. >> i think you're on to it. a sense of independence. it's the first time because, you're right, expressing yourself because you said, that's right. back in the day it's how you dressed for school, very limited and how they're using it. >> make sure that people remember intimate moments should still be intimate. >> amen to that. >> take them but you don't have to post them. >> exactly. >> we settled that. >> all right. moving on we have more to solve for all of you today because we've been talking about it, our mega-makeover week and earlier we showed how we've been tossing out our clutter in the studios. that's a slight dram economidra >> a clown? >> that was george. cleaning out some costumes. no, but honestly, everybody needs a little intervention sometimes so we brought in really a pro. kathyrn ireland, cam mathison shows us how it is done. >> reporter: it's a cluttered home nightmare. >> you must help me because this is a total mess. >> reporter: two couch, six chair, books scattered around the room and a squirrel on the wall. >> does look like a common room at college. i think it's time to look at this room and decide what stay, what goes. >> reporter: it's so cluttered, i had to climb over couches just to get outside. home owner has enlisted the help of kathyrn ireland decorator to the stars like steve martin. she has three tips to declutter your favorite space. edit down your room. >> okay, i think we'll have to pick these up and throw them away. there's no coming back. >> reporter: and throw, she did. >> oh. here we go. here we go. >> what comes out? >> toss it out. leave that go. you want him to go? go, gone. i love someone that wants to get rid of things but that's going. oh, my god. >> aaagh. >> reporter: tip number two, repurpose things you already own. >> my set of eyes will see things differently so you'll be quite surprised when you've seen what i have done with things. >> reporter: tip number three, organize your space. >> this isn't about spending money. >>er affect. >> it's about organizing. >> reporter: it was time to put her tips into action. before we left we took a bench to use and then it was time to head to a warehouse to repurpose the old items. at her warehouse designs are created, fabrics are custom-made and our bench gets reupholstered. hey, she even let me pick out the fabric. >> what do you think? >> that would actually work. >> whoo-hoo. >> you may have a day job after all. >> reporter: she headed to her studio where she found pillows and throws and items she piled into her oh, so tiny car and time to complete the makeover. five people, three hours and some last-minute touches including my bench. >> bring it. bring it a few inches. it needs some space. perfect. >> i was testing. i wanted to make sure you were paying attention to where i put it. final hi time for the reveal. >> wait for it. >> wow. >> oh, my god. it's cozy. >> isn't it great? >> i love it. >> and with that, the room that was once a cluttered mess was a little editing, repurposing and organization turned into a sophisticated retreat. for "good morning america," i'm cameron mathison, abc news, brentwood, california. >> so if you like a really clean look, one of my tips is go with solids. you saw that room had a lot of different fabrics. that will visually make you think it is more cluttered so less is more. mellow. >> a big trash bag and i just going -- >> and you did. >> i like -- >> i give thing as way. i don't throw them away. i donate them. >> when things are cluttered, you're cluttered. >> 100%. >> got to purge. >> one of the main things a lot of people hold on to is books and magazines. if you read it, if it's not beautiful, give it to somebody to enjoy >> that's my problem. >> there you go. >> once again, once again. problem solver. >> great music, great big world, live. >> "gma's" mega-makeover is brought to you by truvia natural sweetener. from nature, for sweetness. good morning. i'm eric thomas. a vote today will determine whether the private buses that shuttle high-tech worker to silicone valley can use bus stops in the city for a free. residents and city officials complain that the shuttles clog up the traffics and the city has hot benefitted economy cli. the transportation officials will vote today to require the shuttle buses to have a permit and pay a dollar for every stop they make every day. we have a couple of problems. well the first one just cleared. this is westbound on 80. it was a car that spub out and blocking a lane. all lanes have now reopened. but down to the pa anyone las in redwood city, another motorcycle accident here is blocking two lanes. we do have delays as you made good morning. still tracking some fog along the coast. the rest us are doing okay. temperatures running from about 51 in san francisco to still om freezing temperatures in the inland. 40s around the bay and 39 in san jose. look at all of the sunshine in walnut creek. enjoy the temperatures. if you're getting married why not have a dream wedding live on valentine's day on national tv and have him sing your first dance. >> you're looking at the ultimate wedding singer. >> we want to make your wedding dreams come true but hold on to get a wedding like this you and your love will have to earn it so go to to find out how to enter "gma's" epic wedding showdown. we'll make your wedding day epic. >> good morning! america. >> enter now. ♪ >> we are thrilled for our big announce many we'll share with you and thrilled everyone is having a good time outside. trying to stay warm. we're excited about "gma's" epic wedding showdown. you heard john legend. our huge event kicking off right now. we'll give four engaged couples the opportunity to come to new york, compete for the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime walk down the aisle live right here on "gma." >> i'm afraid to ask how they're going to compete. >> i just read what they put in front of me. >> well, if you guys want to find out everyone at home if you and your fiance want to eniter and say i do live in times square go to our website, on yahoo! and let those games begin. >> you've see professional wrestling, right? s>> lined up for that. >> oh, we're not allowed. >> yes. also coming up next, aaron eckhart snapping pictures. if you follow us on twitter you might have seen those so look forward and having aaron to tell us all about it, his role in "i, frankenstein." check out those tweets and i'm so excited about this. just over a year, great big world, the most beautiful voices. they're going to perform their smash hit "say something." it's got more than 27 million hits on youtube and the tissues are out. i don't think i will not -- i will cry. but in a good way, boys. it's been played 27 million times in my house by my daughter so looking forward to hearing it live. but first we have new research that points to sugar as a possible cause of wrinkles in unhealthy skin and at the same time there are some miracle foods that can fight all that damage. abc's abbie boudreau checked them all out. ♪ >> reporter: the search for flawless skin. some women go to great lengths and often break the bank, but what if the secrets were simple. some experts say cutting your sugar intake may help you prevent premature wrinkles in aging skin and now believe sugar may have some of the aging effects of other well-known causes of skin damage, like sun exposure and smoking. >> what is it that sugar can do? >> make the collagen flimsy so the skin doesn't have quite the sturdiness to it. >> reporter: dr. herold lancer says eating too much sugar can intensify an internal process called glycation. >> it's where sugar in the bloodstream goes and eats up the protein and eats up the fats that make up cells. sugar is actually eating up the useful parts of cells and causing them not to function well. >> reporter: abc news reached out to the sugar association but have not yet received comment. lancer says curbing your sweet tooth will have your skin looking more radiant in two weeks or less. >> you will see it has some of that radiance and bounce to it. >> reporter: for those of us who love our sweets, dr. lancer says there are some treats that are better than others when it comes to preserving your skin. so you would say that dark chocolate is a good alternative to other sugars that are out there. >> it's a great alternative and for people who don't want to deprive themselves of a little bit of a good time that's where you go. >> i agree. >> reporter: for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. all right, let's head out to ginger and a final check of the weather. ginger, a lot is coming our way. >> amy, you know, certain people are very excited. are you happy for the snow? >> yes. >> yes, very excited from maryland and they're also going to be right in the snow but look at new york city. remember an hour ago we had that beautiful shot. that's what it looks like now, the visibility reducing, the snow already falling and we'll see it fill this all through the mid-atlantic and northeast. parts of new england too, see maryland, parts of west virginia there in southeastern pennsylvania. some of the heftiest numbers will come up with a foot plus after this thing is through and we'll see gusty winds and cold, cold air behind. it's already feeling like 20 below in chicago this morning. >> this weather report is brought to you by walgreen's. right here on "gma." >> thank you, ginger. aaron eckhart has taken on so many different roles on the big screen from julia robert bs' biker boyfriend to batman's enemy twoface and now a new spin on a horror icon playing the frankenstein they willer "i, frankenstein." take a look. ♪ and aaron joins us now. thanks for coming in. that is a different kind of frankenstein there. >> yeah, it's sort of the next chapter after mary shelley's frankenstein, given him a completely new look. we went sans bowls and square head. i mean, we've sort of updated him. gave him a fresh look and gave him new challenges. >> he's been wandering the earth a couple hundred years and what does he jump into. >> he's sort of, you know, living in the shadows, angry at his father and confronted by two opposing forces that are very powerful that basically good and evil, gargoyles and demons and has to make a choice between two and the consequences are ultimately mankind so a man who has never thought of others because everybody has been so -- everybody's been so, you know, unkind to him now has to think about others and make a choice based on others and he's never done that before. >> what's it like going home with frankenstein every day? >> you know, it's tough. he's full of rage at his father, doesn't understand why he's a monster, why he scares everybody. he is a very sensitive soul. he is a poet and just trying to assimilate into society. you have to dwell on the dark side. >> but you -- you've played a lot of villains but have had a complicated relationship with that. at one point you want to say i don't want to play those villains anymore. >> i think i didn't want to play bad guys because there's not a lot of complexity in the bad guy and they're sort of one-dimensional. i think you can make a complicated hero and make them mul multidimensional as we are as human beings. >> you're a real good sport on the twitter mirror but you're not much of a twitter guy. >> no, i try to hide myself versus expose myself to the world. so social immediate were is a little bit difficult. i like getting my news from twitter, you know, realtime news and sports and stuff like that so there is a use for it, but i don't like to -- people to know where i am. >> thanks for playing along with it today. it premieres tonight. "i, frankenstein" opens this friday. the incredible and inspiring story right there. ♪ antoinette is the woman who saved an atlanta school from becoming another columbine. remember that. back with us this morning, has a beautiful new book called "prepared for a purpose." the inspiring woman of how one woman saved a school under siege. she'll join us live in a moment. take a look back at the day -- i know show doesn't like this word but she became a hero. a lone gunman terrorized an atlanta area elementary school. >> he just went outside and started shooting. >> reporter: firing an ak-47 in the front office carrying 500 rounds of ammunition. >> i can help you. let me talk to them and let's see if we can work it out. >> reporter: face to face with potential tragedy school bookkeeper antoinette tuff persuaded him to put down the weapon. >> it's going to be all right. >> reporter: she promised he would be okay if he surrendered. >> i told him since he didn't hurt anyone that i would stay there with him until they came and that it was going to be okay. that we were going to get out safely. >> reporter: when he put his gun down police swarmed. >> they're coming so just hold on, michael. go ahead and lay down. >> stay on the ground. >> i have never been scared in all the days of my life. >> my goodness, welcome antoinette tuff to "good morning america." wow, every time. >> thank you. >> i'm telling you, about halfway through this book, it is so beautiful how you're weaving what happened last year with your own life. why did you decide to do it like that? >> because i wanted people to get the foundation of what was actually going on, not just the story, to go right back to the beginning. >> was it difficult, though, to relive that day, what happened last august? >> yes, but i know that the story needed to be told? and you are able to tell it and did it make you emotional, though, when you were reliving it? did you have to take some breaks? >> yeah, i did. i had an excellent person who actually wrote it for me which was actually alex and alex was a great writer and so even with the emotions behind it he helped to actually get me to pull out everything that we need to have done in the book. >> you went right back to work. life could not have been business as usual, was it? >> no, it's not. >> how has it changed? >> it's changed a whole lot. i'm actually now i'm being a messenger for god and going out and do what god wants me to do. >> people, when they say you're a hero you're always like, no, how would you describe yourself? >> one of god's vessels. just going out today to make insure that i do his work and do his will. >> you said when you were confronting this young man you were having a conversation with god. >> i was. i was just sitting there, you know, because i've actually talked to god and have a communication with him every monk it was just like normally just talking with like, okay, god, what am i going to do now? what do we have, you know, to make sure he was not agitated at all. >> and the way you were able to do it, trained professional said they could not have done it any better in talking to this young man and i -- can you just explain to us again and you wrote about it so beautifully about what that moment was like and how you heard a voice that told you what to do. >> basically i said, okay, god, okay, okay, tell me what to do, how to do it because, remember now i was terrified on the inside. >> sure. >> you got this gentleman who is -- he's already telling you everybody is going to die and you see it in his -- see it in his eye, see it in his movements so when you look at it you're like, okay, make sure you don't say the wrong word many make sure you say the right word so everybody at the end can get out alive including him. >> he felt that also. you really did care about him and now people are really showering you, oh, i saw that great commercial and you even had a chance to speak and later meet with the president of the united states. >> yes, i did. >> president obama. >> awesome, awesome, awesome. wonderful man, wonderful man. >> and how is it shooting this and being labeled and being called a hero? >> it was -- you know, you look at it and you know that in all reality you're really not a hero. i don't look at myself as a hero i look at, okay, god, what do you want me to do next? >> and that is a nonprofit organization. that's what he has you to do next. tell us about that. >> i have a nonprofit which is called kids on the move for success and it actually started out with a goal, we have a board and my son is the vice president of my nonprofit so we're now actually going forth to carry out to help underprivileged students in education. >> talk about your son. he is special. >> he's awesome. that's my baby. you sit back and look at children, you know, as parents we want a perfect child and, you know, you want all this but god gives you somebody that you look back and say, that's a blessing. >> he is a brave young man like his momma. >> blessing. >> antoinette, good to see you again. we were hanging out in dallas with pat smith of the overcomers and you are definitely an overcomer. see you on "the view" a little bit later. >> thank you. coming up a great big world, right there, live. what a whirlwind year it has been for pop sensation great big world. their single "say something" went straight to number one and their debut album "is there anybody out there" is dropping today. they will perform their hit single for us in just a moment but first here's their story. 28-year-old ian axel and chad vaccarino are the singer/songwriter duo behind a great big world. and in a matter of months the pair have become a great big success with two smash singles. "this is the new year" had a cameo on "glee." ♪ the world to you ♪ say something >> reporter: and their latest is riding the charts for 11 straight weeks. >> moving on song. >> reporter: the song resonated with pop goddess christina aguilera so much she asked to collaborate with them. ♪ i want to -- >> reporter: now the chart topping duo have a new album that promises to say something even more. ♪ giving up on you >> what voices and here they are, a great big world performing their number one smash hit "say something." ♪ say something i'm giving up on you i'll be the one if you want me to ♪ ♪ anywhere i would have followed you say something i'm giving up on you ♪ ♪ and i am feeling so small it was over my head i know nothing at all ♪ ♪ and i will stumble and fall i'm still learning to love just starting to crawl ♪ ♪ say something i'm giving up on you i'm sorry that i couldn't get to you ♪ ♪ anywhere i would have followed you say something i'm giving up on you ♪ ♪ and i will swallow my pride you're the one that i love and i'm saying good-bye ♪ ♪ say something i'm giving up on you and i'm sorry that i couldn't get to you ♪ ♪ and anywhere i would have followed you oh say something i'm giving up on you ♪ ♪ say something i'm giving up on you say something ♪ [ applause ] ♪ i ♪ shining, shimmering, splendid ♪ ♪ tell me, princess, now when did ♪ ♪ you last let your heart decide ♪ ♪ a whole new world welcome to aulani. it's hawaii with a touch of disney magic. ♪ let me share this ♪ whole new world with you our thanks to a great big world. they met at nyu about eight years ago. their new album "is there anybody out there" drops today. christina wanted to work with you. how did it feel? >> mind-blowing attack. >> total panic attack. i got to sing with her, oh, god. >> well, you'd never know it. >> beautiful, beautiful. >> thank you. >> wow! . good morning i'm eric thomas. oakland police are investigating an officer involved shooting near east 15th street. investigators say a chp officer opened fire on a suspect shortly before 3:00 this morning. the suspect was hit by fun fire and died at the scene. >> good morning, everybody. nice consecutive day. napa 71, a lot of upper 60s to low 70s. tomorrow, slightly cooler as we he through monday but no rain. have a good one. recovering from an earlier problem. there's still a five to ten minute delay at the stations in the sfo direction. we have this motorcycle crash in san jose still blocking one lane along highway announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, golden globe winning actor andy samberg. and from the series, "arrow," stephen amell. plus, join us for the younger games as we continue our "kick start the new year" series. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael smith! [cheers and applause] ♪

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