Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20170720 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20170720

to you, everyone, on what's turning out to be a busy thursday morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm erielle reshef in for diane macedo this morning. we begin with new reaction to the announcement senator john mccain is battling brain cancer. >> doctors found a tumor last week while they were removing a blood clot located above mccain's left eye. they have managed to remove all of the tumor that at least was visible on scans. abc's amna nawaz joins us now with more. good morning, amna. >> reporter: good morning, guys. john mccain has built a career as a fighter, as a prisoner of war on capitol hill even in past battles with skin cancer. his new fight now, a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer. >> if we're going to stay here to work, then let's get some work done. >> reporter: just one week ago a fiery mccain urged his senate colleagues to fight for their priorities. the very next day he flew home to arizona for surgery to remove a blood clot above his eye. that trip thwarted republicans' plans to vote on health care reform but led to this diagnosis from the mayo clinic in phoenix. a brain tumor, known as glioblastoma, a rare form of brain cancer. the former presidential candidate has battled cancer before including three surgeries to remove four melanomas between 1993 and 2002. this latest diagnosis for the 80-year-old republican unleashed an immediate flood of support from across the political spectrum. >> we talked about five minutes, you know. it's going to be a tough way forward but he says i've been through worth. this disease has never had a more worthy opponent. >> reporter: everyone from president trump and his senate colleagues to former presidents bush, clinton and obama, who warned, quote, cancer doesn't know what it's up against. give it hell, john. cindy mccain posted their wedding photo on instagram along with the pledge that the family will face this next hurdle together. and in her own heartfelt tribute, daughter megan confessed her fears of losing her father but echoed the conviction of others writing, quote, cancer may afflict him in many ways but it will not make him surrender. nothing ever has. now, with this type of cancer the five-year survival rate over the age of 55 is just 4%. but mccain's doctors saying his underlying health is excellent and that they're now working out a treatment plan for the senator. >> all right. well, ted kennedy and beau biden, both of them passed away as a result of this type of cancer. we wish the senator the best. thank you, amna. a top cabinet member was criticized by the president. >> the president suggesting he regrets choosing jeff sessions as attorney general and abc's emlay rah has the bombshell details. >> reporter: good morning, erielle and kendis. in "the new york times," the president takes aim at the competition of several top officials including jeff sessions. the president still fuming over the attorney general's decision to recuse himself from the russia investigation. he calls that decision very unfair to the president and says if he knew of his recusal, he would have nominated someone else for the job. >> sessions gets the job. right after he gets the job, he recuses himself. >> was that a mistake? >> well, sessions should have never recused himself, and if he would -- if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job, and i would have picked somebody else. >> reporter: the president complained that sessions' decision led to the appointment of a special counsel that should not have happened. president trump also expressed frustration with the deputy attorney general and the fbi director, the acting fbi director. he also slammed james comey, the former fbi director, who he fired in may saying comey's testimony on capitol hill was, quote, loaded with lies. now, in a lighter moment, the president also addressed that lengthy handshake with the french president emmanuel macron saying, quote, he is a great guy, smart, strong and loves holding my hand. he noted that he enjoyed the bastille day military parade in paris and would like to see something similar on pennsylvania avenue. yep. >> emily rau there in washington. the president becoming pretty known for his handshakes. firm handshakes. >> also interesting during the interview his granddaughter walked in and spoke chinese. ivanka's daughter, a pretty interesting moment there. one of the president's closest confident is heading to capitol hill as the russia probe moves forward. the president's son-in-law and adviser jared kushner is set to appear before the senate intelligence committee on monday behind closed doors. and the senate judiciary committee has asked donald trump jr. and former campaign chairman paul manafort to testify next week, but they haven't said if they'll appear. lawmakers want to know more about their meeting with the russian lawyer and any other russian contacts. republican senators gathered again last night to talk about health care but failed to resolve their differences. the late night meeting came hours after a white house lunch to discuss the same issue. president trump has repeatedly changed his position on how to move forward with health care as several republican plans were rejected. he's now turning back to his original plan to abolish obamacare. we should repeal and replace, and we shouldn't leave town until this is complete, until this bill is on my desk. >> more than 150 protesters were arrested on capitol hill as they rallied against the push to get rid of obamacare. the latest report from the congressional budget office says a repeal only bill would leave 32 million more people uninsured over the next decade, and average premiums would double. a massive wildfire in california is growing, but it is moving away from yosemite national park. thousands of residents in the central valley have been evacuated. the detwiler fire as it's called has already destroyed more than two dozen homes and threatens hundreds of others. today's dry conditions won't help firefighters. other parts of the u.s., however, will be too wet. here now is the thursday forecast. good morning. severe weather along with flooding, that's going to be the concern throughout the plains states but also into the upper midwest as we go throughout the daytime hours and, again, many of these same areas experienced and are still experiencing flooding. so big delays going to be a possibility. south and west of there, it is going to be just all out torrid in terms of the heat. look at this, it could feel like it's 115 degrees into the afternoon. i'm justin povick with your accuweather forecast. well, still ahead right here, the wait is over. the winner of a half billion dollar powerball jackpot coming forward finally. >> sadly it was neither of us. and a pistol-packing former firefighter opening fire on a utility truck. why he says he did it. plus, caught on camera, the dramatic scene as a plane lands on a highway touching down in the middle of traffic. you're looking at the lovelock correctional center in nevada. o.j. simpson has called it home for nearly a decade and today will go before a parole board. simpson will plead for his freedom after serving nearly nine years after his sentence there for robbery. the former nfl star was convicted of trying to take back some sports memorabilia that he said belonged to him. now one of the men that accused him is going to be there for him. now, simpson is now 70 years old and has been a model prisoner. legal experts say he's likely to be released. stay with abc news for live coverage of that hearing today at 1:00 p.m. eastern. the victims of the movie theater attack in aurora were remembered overnight. a dozen people were killed and 70 others injured in that attack that happened five years ago during a screening of a "batman" movie. the gunman is serving 12 life sentences in prison. a frightening incident for some drivers in south carolina. they were crossing a bridge when construction netting, tarps as well as cables on a portion of the bridge in north charleston collapsed. about a dozen vehicles were trapped for some time. everyone got out safely. one driver taking a photo of a net on top of their vehicle. the hope this morning is that the bridge will be ready for rush hour. carrier corporation is laying off about 300 workers today at its indianapolis plant. it comes after a deal praised by president trump to prevent 1,100 jobs from going to mexico in exchange for the company getting $7 million in state tax incentives. another 300 jobs will be cut just before christmas. and a southern california man has claimed last month's huge powerball jackpot. >> lucky guy. the golden ticket totaling 448 million bucks making this the tenth largest lottery jackpot in u.s. history. jeff lindsay is taking a lump sum option, just a mere $279 million. >> yes, so he bought the ticket as an afterthought and then left it on the kitchen counter for some time until he heard that a ticket purchased nearby had won. when we come back, a helicopter makes an emergency landing splashing down into the ocean. the famous face that was on board. and how experts say liking a post on facebook is making us dumber. atmore than one flavor, oruch texture, or a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. in new herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. new herbal essences. let life in. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. crazy video you have to see this morning of a road rage incident dispute that erupted into this wild scene here in new york city. the guy in the white t-shirt you see wielding a ma schett si while the guy in the tank top hurls that trash can at him. one swing and it went flying down broadway then they were standing in the middle of the street fighting each other exchanging those punches. the guy who had the machete was arrested. >> to which many new yorkers just continued along and said, a ah, wednesday. >> just another wednesday. morning road conditions and flooding likely from the southwest up to the canadian border to the great lakes. drivers are also likely to find wet roads in florida. if you're flying airport delays are most likely in detroit and miami. the minneapolis police officer who allegedly shot and killed a bride-to-be still has not spoken with investigators. >> but his partner has, and his attorney says justine damond may have startled the officers as they drove down a dark alley with the lights off. a source also tells our minneapolis station the two cops might have thought that they were being ambushed. investigators are now looking for a possible eyewitness, a young man on a bicycle who stopped at the scene after that shooting. madonna has fought to block the auction of some of her personal items. she obtained a temporary restraining order saying some of the items were too personal. among the 22 lots is a breakup letter from tupac shakur so it is indeed personal. madonna says that she had no idea the tupac letter was no longer in her possession. she describes the woman who consigned the items as a former friend. quite an unusual touchdown for a helicopter flying over new york's long island forced to make an emergency landing at sea. the pilot reported mechanical trouble then hit the water. he deployed pontoons to stay afloat until emergency responders were able to get there. the chopper was carrying the wwe executive shane mcmahon, he is the son of the ceo vince. neither mcmahon nor the pilot suffered any injuries. also the pilot of this small plane had to make an emergency landing. perfect if it was on a runway. but it was on a highway. he also had mechanical problems and left him with no other choice. police are praising his skills saying he had to fly over a highway sign then under an overpass before he managed to make that perfect landing there. no one injured. a florida man apparently took get off my lawn way too far. cell phone video shows him methodically shooting out the tires of an at&t bucket truck, several of them that were parked there on his street. he also shot at other parts of the truck such as the radiators and windows. one of the workers was up in the bucket while all of this was going on. no one was injured but the cops were called and the homeowner was arrested. he was reportedly upset about having the trucks parked in front of his house. >> oh, wow. >> he said i don't want you in front of my house. you're going to damage my grass or my driveway, something to that effect, and they said, look, we're doing it as quickly as we can, but they were on public access. >> a police spokesperson says the homeowner appears to be a quiet man, and he doesn't know what made him snap. that he did. golf's third major of the year, the british open, is now under way. the winner, of course, crowned on day four sunday. >> now some baseball highlights from espn. good morning. it's "sportscenter" from los angeles. i'm stan verrett. the hottest team in major league baseball, the los angeles dodgers. entering wednesday they had won 30 of their previous 34 games, taking on the white sox. chris taylor at bat, top of the first. leadoff home run and off to a great start once again, first career leadoff home run for taylor and the dodgers take a 1-0 lead. then in the fourth, the dodgers were up 3-1. corey seager and that's gone. seager's 44th home run as the dodgers' shortstop, that's the most in dodger history at that position already. they take a 5-1 lead. the game got called due to rain. bryce harper sitting out. nationals taking on the angels. mike trout 0 for 2 with a walk so far. talking with angels hitting coach dave hansen prior to his bat in the seventh. i don't know what he told him but it worked. one on and one gone, as trout puts the pain on the nats. second straight game with a home run. missed a bunch of time with that thumb injury but back now. his 18th of the year and the angels had plenty and win it, 7-0. that's it from here. i'm stan verrett. back to you. >> thanks, stan. up next in "the pulse," why everyone is buying the jersey of a little known nfl rookie. it's selling nearly as well as tom brady's. and what in the world is going on here. a woman's unpleasant experience on a plane now going viral. un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. and if you want, pour a little more, because this scent lasts for 12 weeks, which is longer than any relationship i've ever been in. right, freshness for weeks! unstopables by downy. for a fresh too feisty to quit. what bad back?gels work so fast you'll ask what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. wowe run marathons... ...companies. ...solve problems. how? we eat. every. single. day. we don't doubt it. we own it. ♪ ykeep you that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. your thursday "pulse" starting with the facebook feature that's parentally hurting our intelligence. >> it is. according to the new research facebook likes are dumbing down the way people are communicating. experts say giving a thumb's up to a post stops us from responding intelligently and the likes offer an easy interaction that doesn't require much thought. >> so it doesn't matter if you give the heart, thumb's up or smiley face or other stuff. >> the angry face. >> it's just not that deep. next up, one of the newest members of the pittsburgh steelers who is apparently also among the most popular, this guy right here, you see him there, he looks jacked. james conner. >> conner was drafted by the steelers in the third round of april's draft, and his jersey is now the second biggest seller in the entire league behind tom brady according to one retailer. >> so conner went to the university of pittsburgh and successfully battled hodgkin's lymphoma two years ago. his story has really connected with fans and that's credited with driving jersey sales. so you might need the fire extinguisher if you like this one. if you dare to try the blazing new hot tabasco sauce. >> so the renowned brand has debuted a piping hot scorpion sauce. even the name is kind of threatening, and this recipe is 20 times hotter than tabasco's popular original red sauce. it's made with fiery scorpion peppers from trinidad combined with guava and pineapple. >> it actually sounds delicious to me. tabasco describes the concoction as a tangy sauce with untamed heat and a touch of caribbean sweetness. >> ah. so there's a little sweetness to it. so traveling by air, seems to be getting less fun and here's the latest evidence. you see it there. a woman thought she had all three seats in her row to herself and then this happened. >> there are no words for this, folks. two feet sticking through the row from behind her seat. using the armrest as foot rests and at one point the passenger even opened the window shade with a toe, with her foot. >> the woman called over a flight attendant but, surprise, the feet were no longer there by the time the airline employee arrived. >> serious. >> but at least she took it down and got a mani or got a pedicure beforehand. >> more news after this. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. [gasp] what are those? guys... they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. yes, they have these tiny holes to let the air through, can you help me? wa wa weewoo look at those. can you feel this? 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Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , Mexico , New York , Arizona , Trinidad And Tobago , South Carolina , Phoenix , Jersey , France , United Kingdom , America , French , Trinidad , British , Dave Hansen , Bexsero , James Comey , Sox Chris Taylor , Corey Seager , Jeff Lindsay , Leandro Amy , Amna Nawaz , James Conner , Emily Rau , Tupac Shakur , Bryce Harper , Shane Mcmahon , John Cindy Mccain , John Mccain , Ted Kennedy ,

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Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20170720 :

Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20170720

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to you, everyone, on what's turning out to be a busy thursday morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm erielle reshef in for diane macedo this morning. we begin with new reaction to the announcement senator john mccain is battling brain cancer. >> doctors found a tumor last week while they were removing a blood clot located above mccain's left eye. they have managed to remove all of the tumor that at least was visible on scans. abc's amna nawaz joins us now with more. good morning, amna. >> reporter: good morning, guys. john mccain has built a career as a fighter, as a prisoner of war on capitol hill even in past battles with skin cancer. his new fight now, a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer. >> if we're going to stay here to work, then let's get some work done. >> reporter: just one week ago a fiery mccain urged his senate colleagues to fight for their priorities. the very next day he flew home to arizona for surgery to remove a blood clot above his eye. that trip thwarted republicans' plans to vote on health care reform but led to this diagnosis from the mayo clinic in phoenix. a brain tumor, known as glioblastoma, a rare form of brain cancer. the former presidential candidate has battled cancer before including three surgeries to remove four melanomas between 1993 and 2002. this latest diagnosis for the 80-year-old republican unleashed an immediate flood of support from across the political spectrum. >> we talked about five minutes, you know. it's going to be a tough way forward but he says i've been through worth. this disease has never had a more worthy opponent. >> reporter: everyone from president trump and his senate colleagues to former presidents bush, clinton and obama, who warned, quote, cancer doesn't know what it's up against. give it hell, john. cindy mccain posted their wedding photo on instagram along with the pledge that the family will face this next hurdle together. and in her own heartfelt tribute, daughter megan confessed her fears of losing her father but echoed the conviction of others writing, quote, cancer may afflict him in many ways but it will not make him surrender. nothing ever has. now, with this type of cancer the five-year survival rate over the age of 55 is just 4%. but mccain's doctors saying his underlying health is excellent and that they're now working out a treatment plan for the senator. >> all right. well, ted kennedy and beau biden, both of them passed away as a result of this type of cancer. we wish the senator the best. thank you, amna. a top cabinet member was criticized by the president. >> the president suggesting he regrets choosing jeff sessions as attorney general and abc's emlay rah has the bombshell details. >> reporter: good morning, erielle and kendis. in "the new york times," the president takes aim at the competition of several top officials including jeff sessions. the president still fuming over the attorney general's decision to recuse himself from the russia investigation. he calls that decision very unfair to the president and says if he knew of his recusal, he would have nominated someone else for the job. >> sessions gets the job. right after he gets the job, he recuses himself. >> was that a mistake? >> well, sessions should have never recused himself, and if he would -- if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job, and i would have picked somebody else. >> reporter: the president complained that sessions' decision led to the appointment of a special counsel that should not have happened. president trump also expressed frustration with the deputy attorney general and the fbi director, the acting fbi director. he also slammed james comey, the former fbi director, who he fired in may saying comey's testimony on capitol hill was, quote, loaded with lies. now, in a lighter moment, the president also addressed that lengthy handshake with the french president emmanuel macron saying, quote, he is a great guy, smart, strong and loves holding my hand. he noted that he enjoyed the bastille day military parade in paris and would like to see something similar on pennsylvania avenue. yep. >> emily rau there in washington. the president becoming pretty known for his handshakes. firm handshakes. >> also interesting during the interview his granddaughter walked in and spoke chinese. ivanka's daughter, a pretty interesting moment there. one of the president's closest confident is heading to capitol hill as the russia probe moves forward. the president's son-in-law and adviser jared kushner is set to appear before the senate intelligence committee on monday behind closed doors. and the senate judiciary committee has asked donald trump jr. and former campaign chairman paul manafort to testify next week, but they haven't said if they'll appear. lawmakers want to know more about their meeting with the russian lawyer and any other russian contacts. republican senators gathered again last night to talk about health care but failed to resolve their differences. the late night meeting came hours after a white house lunch to discuss the same issue. president trump has repeatedly changed his position on how to move forward with health care as several republican plans were rejected. he's now turning back to his original plan to abolish obamacare. we should repeal and replace, and we shouldn't leave town until this is complete, until this bill is on my desk. >> more than 150 protesters were arrested on capitol hill as they rallied against the push to get rid of obamacare. the latest report from the congressional budget office says a repeal only bill would leave 32 million more people uninsured over the next decade, and average premiums would double. a massive wildfire in california is growing, but it is moving away from yosemite national park. thousands of residents in the central valley have been evacuated. the detwiler fire as it's called has already destroyed more than two dozen homes and threatens hundreds of others. today's dry conditions won't help firefighters. other parts of the u.s., however, will be too wet. here now is the thursday forecast. good morning. severe weather along with flooding, that's going to be the concern throughout the plains states but also into the upper midwest as we go throughout the daytime hours and, again, many of these same areas experienced and are still experiencing flooding. so big delays going to be a possibility. south and west of there, it is going to be just all out torrid in terms of the heat. look at this, it could feel like it's 115 degrees into the afternoon. i'm justin povick with your accuweather forecast. well, still ahead right here, the wait is over. the winner of a half billion dollar powerball jackpot coming forward finally. >> sadly it was neither of us. and a pistol-packing former firefighter opening fire on a utility truck. why he says he did it. plus, caught on camera, the dramatic scene as a plane lands on a highway touching down in the middle of traffic. you're looking at the lovelock correctional center in nevada. o.j. simpson has called it home for nearly a decade and today will go before a parole board. simpson will plead for his freedom after serving nearly nine years after his sentence there for robbery. the former nfl star was convicted of trying to take back some sports memorabilia that he said belonged to him. now one of the men that accused him is going to be there for him. now, simpson is now 70 years old and has been a model prisoner. legal experts say he's likely to be released. stay with abc news for live coverage of that hearing today at 1:00 p.m. eastern. the victims of the movie theater attack in aurora were remembered overnight. a dozen people were killed and 70 others injured in that attack that happened five years ago during a screening of a "batman" movie. the gunman is serving 12 life sentences in prison. a frightening incident for some drivers in south carolina. they were crossing a bridge when construction netting, tarps as well as cables on a portion of the bridge in north charleston collapsed. about a dozen vehicles were trapped for some time. everyone got out safely. one driver taking a photo of a net on top of their vehicle. the hope this morning is that the bridge will be ready for rush hour. carrier corporation is laying off about 300 workers today at its indianapolis plant. it comes after a deal praised by president trump to prevent 1,100 jobs from going to mexico in exchange for the company getting $7 million in state tax incentives. another 300 jobs will be cut just before christmas. and a southern california man has claimed last month's huge powerball jackpot. >> lucky guy. the golden ticket totaling 448 million bucks making this the tenth largest lottery jackpot in u.s. history. jeff lindsay is taking a lump sum option, just a mere $279 million. >> yes, so he bought the ticket as an afterthought and then left it on the kitchen counter for some time until he heard that a ticket purchased nearby had won. when we come back, a helicopter makes an emergency landing splashing down into the ocean. the famous face that was on board. and how experts say liking a post on facebook is making us dumber. atmore than one flavor, oruch texture, or a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. in new herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. new herbal essences. let life in. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. crazy video you have to see this morning of a road rage incident dispute that erupted into this wild scene here in new york city. the guy in the white t-shirt you see wielding a ma schett si while the guy in the tank top hurls that trash can at him. one swing and it went flying down broadway then they were standing in the middle of the street fighting each other exchanging those punches. the guy who had the machete was arrested. >> to which many new yorkers just continued along and said, a ah, wednesday. >> just another wednesday. morning road conditions and flooding likely from the southwest up to the canadian border to the great lakes. drivers are also likely to find wet roads in florida. if you're flying airport delays are most likely in detroit and miami. the minneapolis police officer who allegedly shot and killed a bride-to-be still has not spoken with investigators. >> but his partner has, and his attorney says justine damond may have startled the officers as they drove down a dark alley with the lights off. a source also tells our minneapolis station the two cops might have thought that they were being ambushed. investigators are now looking for a possible eyewitness, a young man on a bicycle who stopped at the scene after that shooting. madonna has fought to block the auction of some of her personal items. she obtained a temporary restraining order saying some of the items were too personal. among the 22 lots is a breakup letter from tupac shakur so it is indeed personal. madonna says that she had no idea the tupac letter was no longer in her possession. she describes the woman who consigned the items as a former friend. quite an unusual touchdown for a helicopter flying over new york's long island forced to make an emergency landing at sea. the pilot reported mechanical trouble then hit the water. he deployed pontoons to stay afloat until emergency responders were able to get there. the chopper was carrying the wwe executive shane mcmahon, he is the son of the ceo vince. neither mcmahon nor the pilot suffered any injuries. also the pilot of this small plane had to make an emergency landing. perfect if it was on a runway. but it was on a highway. he also had mechanical problems and left him with no other choice. police are praising his skills saying he had to fly over a highway sign then under an overpass before he managed to make that perfect landing there. no one injured. a florida man apparently took get off my lawn way too far. cell phone video shows him methodically shooting out the tires of an at&t bucket truck, several of them that were parked there on his street. he also shot at other parts of the truck such as the radiators and windows. one of the workers was up in the bucket while all of this was going on. no one was injured but the cops were called and the homeowner was arrested. he was reportedly upset about having the trucks parked in front of his house. >> oh, wow. >> he said i don't want you in front of my house. you're going to damage my grass or my driveway, something to that effect, and they said, look, we're doing it as quickly as we can, but they were on public access. >> a police spokesperson says the homeowner appears to be a quiet man, and he doesn't know what made him snap. that he did. golf's third major of the year, the british open, is now under way. the winner, of course, crowned on day four sunday. >> now some baseball highlights from espn. good morning. it's "sportscenter" from los angeles. i'm stan verrett. the hottest team in major league baseball, the los angeles dodgers. entering wednesday they had won 30 of their previous 34 games, taking on the white sox. chris taylor at bat, top of the first. leadoff home run and off to a great start once again, first career leadoff home run for taylor and the dodgers take a 1-0 lead. then in the fourth, the dodgers were up 3-1. corey seager and that's gone. seager's 44th home run as the dodgers' shortstop, that's the most in dodger history at that position already. they take a 5-1 lead. the game got called due to rain. bryce harper sitting out. nationals taking on the angels. mike trout 0 for 2 with a walk so far. talking with angels hitting coach dave hansen prior to his bat in the seventh. i don't know what he told him but it worked. one on and one gone, as trout puts the pain on the nats. second straight game with a home run. missed a bunch of time with that thumb injury but back now. his 18th of the year and the angels had plenty and win it, 7-0. that's it from here. i'm stan verrett. back to you. >> thanks, stan. up next in "the pulse," why everyone is buying the jersey of a little known nfl rookie. it's selling nearly as well as tom brady's. and what in the world is going on here. a woman's unpleasant experience on a plane now going viral. un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. and if you want, pour a little more, because this scent lasts for 12 weeks, which is longer than any relationship i've ever been in. right, freshness for weeks! unstopables by downy. for a fresh too feisty to quit. what bad back?gels work so fast you'll ask what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. wowe run marathons... ...companies. ...solve problems. how? we eat. every. single. day. we don't doubt it. we own it. ♪ ykeep you that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. your thursday "pulse" starting with the facebook feature that's parentally hurting our intelligence. >> it is. according to the new research facebook likes are dumbing down the way people are communicating. experts say giving a thumb's up to a post stops us from responding intelligently and the likes offer an easy interaction that doesn't require much thought. >> so it doesn't matter if you give the heart, thumb's up or smiley face or other stuff. >> the angry face. >> it's just not that deep. next up, one of the newest members of the pittsburgh steelers who is apparently also among the most popular, this guy right here, you see him there, he looks jacked. james conner. >> conner was drafted by the steelers in the third round of april's draft, and his jersey is now the second biggest seller in the entire league behind tom brady according to one retailer. >> so conner went to the university of pittsburgh and successfully battled hodgkin's lymphoma two years ago. his story has really connected with fans and that's credited with driving jersey sales. so you might need the fire extinguisher if you like this one. if you dare to try the blazing new hot tabasco sauce. >> so the renowned brand has debuted a piping hot scorpion sauce. even the name is kind of threatening, and this recipe is 20 times hotter than tabasco's popular original red sauce. it's made with fiery scorpion peppers from trinidad combined with guava and pineapple. >> it actually sounds delicious to me. tabasco describes the concoction as a tangy sauce with untamed heat and a touch of caribbean sweetness. >> ah. so there's a little sweetness to it. so traveling by air, seems to be getting less fun and here's the latest evidence. you see it there. a woman thought she had all three seats in her row to herself and then this happened. >> there are no words for this, folks. two feet sticking through the row from behind her seat. using the armrest as foot rests and at one point the passenger even opened the window shade with a toe, with her foot. >> the woman called over a flight attendant but, surprise, the feet were no longer there by the time the airline employee arrived. >> serious. >> but at least she took it down and got a mani or got a pedicure beforehand. >> more news after this. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. [gasp] what are those? guys... they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. yes, they have these tiny holes to let the air through, can you help me? wa wa weewoo look at those. can you feel this? [blowing] turn around for me. seriously? yeah. slow...slow...slower...slower is that okay. i don't think you should get that dress. it doesn't f. stay cool with breathable underwear . amplifier and for some, two pain fighters plus an headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. now moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. yo pomeranian scoots. yopomestachits. oh! triscuit topped with yogurt, pomegranate and pistachios. yopomestachioscuit. well that rolls off the tongue. hard to say, easy to make. triscuit. make 'scuit happen. a trip back to the dthe doctor's office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home... ...with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%... ...a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you'd rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. joeyhe's got unique features that make him different than - say - a shih tzu or a yorkie and definitely different than this german shephard. hey, big guy! that's why at petsmart we carry royal canin breed health nutrition formulas. tailored nutrition and uniquely designed kibble for their specific needs. now spend $40 on royal canin and save $10 on your next purchase and when you buy any bag of dog or cat food we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. it is thursday, july 20th. good morning to you at 4:27. >> prefriday, we're here ready to party. hey, nike. >> did you bring snacks? >> we'll break it out in the commercial break. >> glad i came back to work today. we have a pretty nice pattern holding up today and tomorrow, then the heat is coming in for the weekend. let's focus in on the next 12 hours. how about that? here's a look at live doppler 7. you can see the cloud layer developing and temperatures mainly in the upper 50s to low 60s through 7:00. we'll be in the 60s around the bay to 70s at noon. 70s and 80s inland, and then 70s around the bay and 80s at 4:00. a real comfortable evening with temperatures around the 60s around the bay. 60s and 70s inland. a lot of fog out there. i'll give you a time table for when that's going to break out and sunshine returns. >> we're taking a look at overnight road work here. so southbound 680 looking better through most of walnut creek. we had a full closure overnight between north main and state route 24. if you look closer, once you get closer to 24, i am still seeing brake lights. they picked up the full closure, but i believe we still have lanes down. we'll check the area on our traffic maps as well. that was scheduled until about 5:00 this morning. you can get through, but you may encounter a little delay. we're also checking on road work in the oakland area. >> thank you. developing news in the east bay as police try and figure out who shot and killed a father pushing his baby in a stroller. >> amy hollyfield is live at the alameda county sheriff's office in san leandro. amy. >> reporter: natasha,s there's a lot of outrage over his murder. sheriff's deputies say it looks like the killer was sending quite a message with this one. the father was pushing his baby's stroller yesterday afternoon, just outside of hayward in the cherryland neighborhood when he was gunned down. he was pushing his 3-month-old son in a baby stroller. the father lived in the neighborhood. he was 30 years old. witnesses say when they saw the overturned stroller and heard what happened, they were horrified. >> as parents, that's the most innocent thing you could do on the street. >> it's disgusting. it's sad. it's sad. nobody is safe in this neighborhood. >> well, the baby is okay. child protective services is now involved. investigators are looking for surveillance video and interviewing witnesses. asking anyone who saw anything or knows anything to come forward and give them a call. they do think that the father was targeted. they have not made any arrests. reporting live in san leandro, amy hollyfield. >> thank you. o.j. simpson

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