Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20170525 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20170525

a good thursday morning. voters in montana head to the polls in just a few hours but the leading congressional candidate is now facing charges after allegedly assaulting a reporter. >> he is republican greg gianforte who is accused this morning of grabbing the reporter by the neck and slamming him to the ground overnight. at least three newspapers pulling their endorsements. it's a closely watched election where the trump administration campaigned for a win. chaos on the eve of an election. >> you just body slammed me and broke my glasses. >> reporter: the republican candidate for montana's congressional race accused of body slamming a reporter from "the guardian" newspaper. in a recording of the alleged assault, ben jacobs can be heard asking candidate greg gianforte about health care and then a scuffle. >> the cbo score. as you know, you've been waiting to make your decision about health care until we saw the bill, and it just came out. >> we'll talk to you about that later. >> yeah, but there's not going to be time. i'm just curious -- >> speak with shane please. >> but you -- >> i'm sick and tired of you guys. the last time you came in here you did the same thing. get the hell out of here. >> jesus. >> get the hell out of here. the last guy did the same thing and are you with "the >> yes, and you just broke my glasses. >> the last guy did the same thing. >> you just body slammed me and broke my glasses. >> get the hell out of here. >> reporter: a fox news crew said gianforte grabbed jacobs with two arms around the neck before slamming him to the ground before punching him several times. in a statement gianforte's spokesperson says jacobs entered a private office, aggressively shoved a recorder in the candidate's face and then, quote, asked badgering questions. gianforte is seen as the front-runner in a seat left vacant when president trump appointed congressman ryan zinke as interior secretary. the president giving plenty of support to gianforte during the campaign, even doing a robo call to voters. >> hi, this is president donald trump, and i know what the people of montana really want and really care about. >> and donald trump jr. as well as vice president pence also showing up at rallies for the republican. the democrats wasting no time launching facebook ads overnight against gianforte over the incident. so this morning, gianforte is now facing misdemeanor assault charges. >> and in another twist, the county sheriff contributed hundreds of dollars to gianforte's campaign. in a press release the sheriff says his support for the candidate will have no effect on the investigation. we're going to move on now to the other big breaking news from overnight, britain is so angry at the u.s. over leaks to the media from the manchester bombing investigation. >> the final straw apparently was the publication of these photographs published by "the new york times." they show what was left of the bomb indicating that the suicide bomber must have had help making it. british officials have just revealed they will no longer share law enforcement information with the united states. >> let's head over to manchester right now. abc's molly hunter is live for us there. molly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, kendis. that's exactly right. and prime minister theresa may plans to talk to president trump about this at that nato meeting in brussels later this morning, but here investigators are looking for that bombmaker on the loose. >> whoa. >> reporter: overnight new raids across manchester. there are now at least eight people in custody in connection with monday's deadly attack. among those detained members of the suicide bomber's family including his father and two brothers. authorities in libya say abedi's younger brother knew his brother was going to carry out an attack and that the two were members of isis. abedi's father, however, denying in an interview that his son was a terrorist. while searching at least one address in manchester investigators carried out a controlled explosion and at abedi's home investigators say they found enough materials to build several more bombs. crime scene photos of the intricate bombing device obtained by "the new york times" and posted on its website reveals the bomb's sophisticated design. the possible detonator covered here in blood and a small circuit board soldered inside and a protruding red wire and mangled 12-volt battery more powerful than those seen in most suicide bombs. >> i think it's very clear that this is a network that we are investigating. >> reporter: all 22 of the people killed by the explosion have now been identified. among them were a couple, 17-year-old chloe rutherford and 19-year-old liam curry. in a joint statement their families said they wanted to be together forever and now they will. 47-year-old lisa lees who was waiting in the arena's foyer to pick up her daughter. it's believed the girl is not injured. and 14-year-old nell jones. her family had been searching for her for more than a day hoping to find her in the hospital. and this city is still grieving together. you can see the growing memorial behind me, people stopping by to lay flowers on the way to work, and i want to show you the front page of the local paper, there is a light that never goes out. and later this morning the whole country will hold a moment of silence to remember the victims. diane and kendis. >> yeah, that moment of silence coming around 6:00 eastern time here in the u.s. molly hunter there for us, thank you. and that new report about the sharing of information on the investigation comes as president trump attends his first nato summit today. >> the president is also meeting with european union leaders. abc's karen travers is in brussels. karen, any reaction from the white house about this pledge from the uk to stop sharing information? >> reporter: diane, no reaction yet from the white house, and president trump will likely meet with british prime minister theresa may on the sidelines of this summit here in brussels. it is not on his formal schedule, though. the other day the president did reach out to theresa may immediately after the attack and pledge the full support and cooperation of the united states and says that the united states stands strongly with the british people. now, diane, the issue of combating terrorism certainly now becomes more front and center here at this summit. president trump is expected to push the nato allies and members to step up more in fighting isis. so certainly in the wake of the attack, this has taken on a renewed urgency by the administration. >> we've seen scenes of the president with the king and queen of belgium as well as the prime minister there. what else is on his agenda today in brussels? >> reporter: kendis, the cultural religious part of this trip is now over, and now for president trump it's meetings, more meetings with some working lunches and dinners thrown in there to break things up and he begins his day meeting with european union officials at the eu headquarters and then he's actually going to sit down and have a working lunch with the newly elected french president. the president is not -- this is his first time going to a summit like this, the first time sitting down with a large group of world leaders, and, kendis and diane, it's not exactly president trump's style, so we're really paying attention to see how he reacts to this full slate of meetings and also how the other world leaders react to him. i think it is no surprise that he will certainly be the center of attention here today as other leaders try and get a couple of seconds of his time while they can. diane and kendis. >> sounds like the whole trip has been sort of a big mish-mash of things not usually his style in these unorthodox meetings and whatnot, but we will continue to be watching closely, karen. karen travers live from brussels. karen, thanks. the justice department has confirmed that attorney general jeff sessions did not disclose his contacts with a russian diplomat on his security clearance form. they say an fbi official had advised sessions not to report meetings with foreign dignitaries that were connected to his job as a senator. sessions had recused himself from the investigation into russia's election meddling after failing to reveal those meetings during his confirmation hearing. now to the west coast and new video just in of major flooding in an upscale neighborhood in southern california. officials in newport beach say a contractor damaged a critical seawall. when the tide came in, the flooding began. nearly 2 inches of water in some homes. investigators say the seawall was damaged by accident. there's also flooding in ohio this morning. at least one tornado has been confirmed and several others were reported near dayton. several businesses suffered heavy damage and some roads are now closed because of the downed trees and power lines. the flooding reported in cincinnati as well, but there are no reports of any injuries. and now for a closer look at your weather. >> diane and kendis, thanks and good morning to you. well, it's a recipe for heavy rainfall all throughout the northeast. big travel delays expected as we go throughout the day. lots and lots of moisture in place, so all along interstate 95 here, we're talking about rain with the potential for some thunderstorms as well. heading in toward the holiday weekend, notice that thunderstorm threat continuing throughout the ohio valley and into the southeast. wet weather working its way to the north and east for memorial day. diane, kendis. still ahead, a new report released overnight shows the safest and deadliest cars. plus, the analysis of the republican health care plan is in showing tens of millions would lose coverage. we're live in washington with new reaction. and see a woman's dramatic attempt to stop someone from stealing her car. woman: something's not right. woman: my first symptoms were... man: constant tingling in my toes. woman: i had double vision. man: they said, "you have multiple sclerosis." man: i kind of had to get a grasp on reality. man: i had to adapt and change very rapidly. woman: i had to lear how to drive with my hands -- yeah, that was interesting. man: a symptom may cause you not to be able to do that anymore, and at one point, i was able to do any of those. man: since i've been cycling, it's definitely helped my walking. woman: it's a fantastic opportunity to be working together with a common goal of curing ms, and sharing is the key. democrats are slamming the republican plan to replace obamacare after that new report from the congressional budget office. >> the nonpartisan cbo says the bill that passed in the house is expected to leave 23 million more americans without health insurance. abc's lana zak has the latest from washington. [ chanting "shame, shame, shame" ] >> reporter: the new estimates are in, and the nonpartisan congressional budget office is projecting millions of uninsured americans. >> the report makes clear trumpcare would be a cancer on the american health care system. >> reporter: earlier this month house republicans narrowly passed their version of the bill. >> this is a repeal and a replace of obamacare. >> reporter: moving forward without a full accounting of the likely effects of their legislation. but now the cbo report is complete, and it estimates that in its current state, the bill would reduce the federal deficit by $119 billion over the next decade but also leave 23 million more people uninsured. the likely effects even more dire for people with pre-existing conditions and senior citizens. a 64-year-old making roughly $26,000 in some states could see his or her premiums climb nearly $12,000 or more. the aarp in a statement condemned the plan for what they called the devastating impact the bill would have on older americans by imposing an age tax and hiking costs for those who can least afford them eroding seniors' ability to live independently. the head of the senate republicans says he's committed to repeal and replace regardless of what the cbo says. >> it's a technical, procedural step beyond likely reiterating things we already know. the updated report will allow the senate procedurally to move forward. >> reporter: and the white house is largely discounting the cbo's estimates, but some moderate republicans are expressing doubts like susan collins who is now calling for a bipartisan solution. kendis, diane. >> it does sound, lana, like they're going to start it all over again there in the senate. thank you. well, when we come back, more trouble for fox news. companies are pulling ads from another popular show. this as that host announces a sudden vacation. and better late than never. now the question is who claimed a $24 million lottery ticket just a day before it expired? this salad? at panera, a good salad is so much more than a bowl of something green. more than an obligation to be good. more than just something you have on the side. more than just one flavor, or texture, or color. a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. tech: when your windshield trust safelite autoglass.. our exclusive trueseal technology means a strong, reliable bond. at safelite, we stand behind our work... because the ones you love, sit behind it. (parents whisper jingle) safelite repair, safelite replace. when heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. got any ideas?ting you? not all products work the same. my owner gives me k9 advantix ii. it kills all three through contact. no biting required. so they don't have to bite? that's right. no biting required. k9 advantix ii. wise choice. when i feel my best, i am my best. that's why i'm taking the activia probiotic two week challenge and adding activia yogurt with billions of its exclusive probiotic to my healthy routine. take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. it works or it's free. two drivers must be feeling very lucky this morning. watch as that dump truck plows through an intersection near seattle slamming into a car. the truck's brakes apparently failed causing the driver to lose control. that person behind the wheel of the car only suffered minor injuries. there will be wet roads in the northwest and across the rockies this morning. wet also for part of the midwest and along most of the east coast where some flooding is possible. the mysterious murder of a democratic national committee staffer in washington, d.c. remains unsolved, but it is also the focus of a wikileaks conspiracy theory. >> fox news host sean hannity was among those pushing that theory. now he's pulled back but advertisers are pulling away. some advertisers are pulling out of sean hannity's fox news channel show. the embattled host is under fire for promoting a debunked theory about the death of a former dnc staffer. on wednesday, and exercise bikemaker peloton both indicated they will no longer advertise on his program. in a statement says they had been watching closely and made the decision to pull our advertising. and peloton states we directed our media agency to stop advertising on sean hannity's show. despite the controversy, hannity's ratings have seen a spike. >> hannity has been pursuing this theory that seth rich was actually the person who leaked dnc e-mails to wikileaks and that he was assassinated. >> reporter: investigators say there is no indication that rich's death in 2016 is corrected to his employment at the dnc. now, fox retracted that story on tuesday. in an interview hannity blamed the controversy on liberal watchdog groups. he's now on vacation from his show for the rest of the week and we'll have more on this on "good morning america." the tsa confirms that it is testing new screening procedures at ten airports across the country. those procedures include requiring passengers to remove electronic devices larger than a cell phone from their bags. the devices must then be placed in a separate bin so they can be examined a little bit more closely. the testing has been going on for more than a year. the tsa says it may be expanded though nationwide. and a new report is out about the safest and deadliest cars on the road. the insurance industry says bigger is better. two mini cars, the hyundai accent and the kia rio, had the worst driver death rates. at the other end of the spectrum there were 11 models that had no driver deaths between 2012 and 2015. mostly suvs like the jeep cherokee and the mazda cx9. a woman in wisconsin says she followed her instincts when she tried to stop a carjacking. melissa smith jumped onto her suv at a gas station in milwaukee after a thief jumped in and tried to drive away. watch this carefully. she's on the hood right there. he tries to knock her off the hood of the vehicle and then look quickly. you'll see the thief gets away and jumps in a getaway car. she jumps off of the hood and somehow was able to open her car door and get it to stop. absolutely amazing. the suspects are still at large and she's safe. >> incredible. well, the newest lottery millionaire here in new york apparently is a procrastinator of sorts. that person claimed a $24 million jackpot just two days before the winning ticket was set to expire. >> lottery officials say news coverage about the ticket prompted the winner to do some searching. the ticket was found among other old tickets. the person will be identified after security checks are done. >> well, everyone is here in the office today, so i'm guessing it's no one on our staff. >> yep, i'm hoping it's a family member. up next "the pulse," get ready, "game of thrones" fans, the new trailer has arrived. check out why this dog got its own spot in a school yearbook. i need to shave my a1c i'm always on call. an insulin that fits my schedule is key. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ (announcer) tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may 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[heartbeat] ♪ headphone for this. >> it is time to check "the pulse" and first official trailer for season seven of "game of thrones" is out. >> it runs 90 seconds and contains more than a few spoilers for those like me who haven't seen all of the previous season so take it back. >> the trailer sets the stage for the arrival of the mother of dragons and the mother of all battles. check it out. >> i was born to rule the seven kingdoms. and i will. ♪ >> season 7 of "game of thrones" begins on hbo on july 16th. >> doesn't help when it doesn't plug into anything. there are only seven episodes rather than the usual. >> maybe you can finally catch up. >> here you go. next up today is one of the better days of the year because it is national wine day. >> absolutely. and if you will be drinking some wine today you won't be alone. one estimate says u.s. wine sales last year were about $60 billion. >> so apparently we don't have expensive tastes so nearly 60% of the wine sold in the u.s. goes for under $8 a bottle. chardonnay, caber fay, pinot grigio are the most popular. >> these came from a box. just making sure. >> we stomped these ourselves. i made this for you. last scene in scooby-doo may be famous but none in a yearbook. >> it was given to a service dog for a.j. schalk and he sniffs a.j.a. breath to let him know when his blood sugar is too high or low. >> he has a school i.d. >> my blood type right now is shard day. you help ensure that children in the u.s. and around the world are safe, healthy and educated. time is running out, so swing by walgreens today and get your noses on to help end child poverty. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. atmore than one flavor, oruch texture, or a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. coppertone versus the sun. [ children laughing ] coppertone protection is water resistant and stops up to 98% of the sun's damaging uv rays. coppertone. because protection matters. and good morning, it is 4:27 on this thursday, may 25. thanks for being there today. >> we're starting dark and early, and we'rere going to sta with alexis. there's a traffic issue in san francisco. >> we've got a traffic alert right now on westbound 80, the onramp to northbound 101. if you look if the distance, you can see the flashing lights so this rollover happened a little bit after 4:00 this morning, basically blocking all of the westbound 80 connecter to northbound 101 and we've got a pretty decent back-up. looks like they may have just released traffic a moment ago so i'll check with chp and see what that is but we do have a sig alert and you can see that as you come toward that connecter. all lanes are blocked right now. hopefully that is what we are seeing there on that camera, that traffic was being released and they were able to clear lanes. i'll double check that. right now, let's check in with meteorologist mike nicco. >> hi, everybody. we'll start with live doppler 7. i overlaid the winds. gusting to 31 in fairfield, 24 in livermore, 21 at half moon bay, stout sea breeze once again, a marine layer above 3,000 feet and you can see that lifts the bottom of the cloud deck up just a little bit so not as foggy this morning from our exploratorium camera at pier 15. started off in the 50s. we stay in the mid to upper 50s at the coast, mid to upper 60s around the bay and inland by noon, barely 70s at 4:00, back in the mid 60s by 7:00. i'll have your holiday weekend forecast coming up next. developing news now. the uber driver who disappeared on mother's day is still missing. >> they're looking for a person of interest who may have left the country. abc news reporter a live at headquarters. >> reporter: they are worried he has left the country. here is a picture of the man they are looking for, 48-year-old bob tang. they are calling him a person of interest. he was supposed to meet with investigators on tuesday but never showed up. police say he may have gone to cambodia. his neighbors in san francisco say they can't imagine him being tied to a crime. >> seems like a good family man and so, yeah, totally would be shocking, you know, if he's involved in anything >> reporter: the driver disappeared almost two weeks ago. police do suspect foul play. he is a husband, father of two, and an uber driver. his car was found stripped in the bay view. investigators say the person of interest, tang, and the uber driver are acquaintances. police have reached out to the fbi to help them track down tang. reporting live in san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. a moment of silence was held this morning for the victims of the manchester concert bombing. about 90 minutes ago in honor of the 22 people killed and dozens injured in monday's attack. overnight, uk police stopped sharing information about the investigation with the u.s. the bbc reports officials became outraged when they saw these photos of debris from the scene in the "new york times." hours after the attack, the name of the suicide bomber was also leaked to u.s. media. british prime minister teresa may is expected to address concerns with president trump this morning at a nato meeting. abc news reporter molly hunter e in the investigation. >> reporter: overnight, new raids across manchester. there are now at least eight people in custody in connection with monday's deadly attack. among those detained, members of the south siuicide bomber

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