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President trump has a full day of meetings ahead with cabinet members as the fbi refutes his allegation that former president Obama Wiretapped him. In fact, sources say fbi director james comey is now calling on the Justice Department to publicly reject the claims as the president calls on congress to investigate them. Abcs lana zak has the latest from washington. Reporter today, the senate is expecting to hear more from the attorney general Jeff Sessions abut his meetings with the russian ambassador. Overshadowing that is the fallout from the president s twitter bomb. Terrible, he tweets, just found out that obama had my wires tapped in trump tower just before the victory. Nothing found. But the president provided no evidence to back up these claims and a senior Justice Department official told abc news the director of the fbi himself, james comey, has asked the Justice Department to publicly reject the president s five twitter statements as false. The former director of National Intelligence James Clapper is pushing back as well. For part of the National Security apparatus as i oversaw at dni there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president elect at the time or a candidate. Reporter even members of the president s own party are having difficulty defending the tweet storm. I have never heard that allegation made before by anybody. At this point i have seen no evidence of what hes alleged. Reporter senator susan collins, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee Told face the nation they would investigate the claim. It probably would be helpful if he gave more information or if he just didnt comment further and allowed us to do our work. A spokesperson for the former president said neither president obama or white house official never authorized any wiretaps on u. S. Citizens. Going on to say that any suggestion otherwise is simply false. Kendis and diane. The obamas went to the museum on sunday. The Trump Administration is expected to unveil its new travel ban today, revoking and replacing the original executive order that was blocked by a federal court. The new immigration order removes iraq from a list of countries whose citizens will face a 90day travel ban a temporary halt on all refugee r. House republicans are also expected to introduce legislation early this week to repeal and replace obamacare. Theyre hoping to push the bill through the house by the end of the month. Still some disagreement over how to pay for it. We have been following some breaking news overseas this morning from the korean peninsula, a defiant show of force. North korea firing four intermediate missiles toward the sea of japan. The Prime Minister there on the island shinzo abe is calling a clear violation of u. N. Supreme Court Council violations. American officials said todays missiles posed no threat to north america. Expect a greater show of force from the u. S. As it tries to hold back isis in syria. 500 American Special forces arrived in the Northern City over the weekend. The Washington Post reports that the pentagon is calling for more u. S. Ground troops along with helicopters and weapons supply. The buildup is a reported part of a plan to get control of the city of raqqa. Speaking of isis, some disturbing allegations out now about the reported use of chemical weapons in mosul by the terror group. Yeah, women and children are said to be among the victims. Abcs Alex Marquardt joins us now live from london with the latest. Reporter good morning. Both the United Nations and the red cross say they suspect a chemical attack was carried out by isis in the eastern part of the city of mosul, which u. S. Backed iraqi forces have taken back from isis. Theyre now fighting for the western part of the city, which isis still controls. Around a dozen of people have been treated for what could be exposion to chemical agents. Among the wounded are several children who are showing the telltale signs of a chemical attack. Isis is known to have used chemical weapons in the past, in 2015. The chemical attack hasnt been yet to confirmed. The u. N. Said if its confirmed it will constitute a war crime. Alex, the Bigger Picture here, but if isis loses mosul they lose their last foothold in iraq, right, whats the progress there . They do. Well, this is a slow and tough fight. The battle is for the western half of the city. Iraqi troops are now being backed up by american advisers and air strikes. They managed to take back some of that territory. Including the citys airport. Western mosul is this maze of old narrow streets making for very difficult street to street fighting. On top of that you have hundreds of thousands of civilians still trapped inside. American military officials acknowledge this battle is going to take quite some time. Kendis, diane. Alex, already so many concerns about those civilians and now these allegations of Chemical Warfare making it even worse. Alex, thanks. And it appears efforts by the Chicago Police Department Might actually be paying off. The city went six days without a homicide. Now, sadly that hasnt happened in four years. So far the city has also had fewer murders in 2017 than at this point last year. President trump has threatened to quote send in the feds if chicago cant control the violence. There are winter storm warnings and advisories in effect for much of the Western Mountain areas. The snow is falling in the sierra where an additional foot or two could fall by the end of the day. That heavy snow will also affect travel along highways in Northern California and oregon. But in the central plains, the danger is from wildfires with winds gusting up to 50, 60 Miles Per Hour in some parts. Several wildfires in oklahoma this weekend forcing some evacuations and road closures. Still ahead a big move in the fight against fake news going on right now on facebook. Speaking of facebook, some u. S. Marines are under investigation for what they allegedly posted in a secret facebook group. Plus, what goes up must come down sometimes. Some thrill seekers down under have trouble at an amusement park. Have trouble at an amusement park. boy grandpa, look what i got woman oh dad, wait till you see the bike we got for jake. narrator hearing loss happens gradually with age. Making it easy to ignore. Yet most Older Americans arent getting their hearing tested. Untreated hearing loss can keep your loved ones from enjoying what they cherish most. woman dad, can you hear me . narrator dont let that happen. Speak up about hearing loss. Youll be glad you did. They dont help single moms. Hi. Hi. What happened to our house last year . It flooded. And the water flooded out. Yeah. The red cross arranged the hotel for us. They gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together and. Take care of them, you know . I feel like weve come full circle. Like that this is how ill do it. Sarah there you go. Say goodbye to the old georgia archives building. It was reduced to rubble yesterday, imploded by 500 pounds of explosives. But as you can probably guess from the cheers this was done on purpose. 20 years ago it was discovered that the building was sinking. The archives had been moved to a new building. The Defense Department is investigating an alleged xra photo scandal. Looking into veterans claim that some marines distributed hundreds and possibly thousands of new photos of female colleagues on a secret facebook group. Income tax audits are at their lowest point in a decade. The irs said budget cuts have reduced the number of agents that conduct those audits. But that doesnt mean you can get away with cheating. The tax agency still audited more a million tax returns last year. You might see this disputed news tag on facebook. The social network began using the label over the weekend. The tags include links to explanations of stories that are disputed but items will still be visible. There may be several days before those stories are all labeled by disputed news. Nintendo has made a big change to its game cartridge. Aimed at stopping the people tasting the equipment. Apparently this started with one person putting the small cartridge in his mouth. He then immediately regretted it and tweeted about it. Which means, of course, others had to try it for themselves. Of course, why not. Nintendo said the cartridge coating was made to taste so bad, so that gamers and kids wouldnt put them in their mouths. Apparently its not working. It sounds like it had the opposite effect. Yeah, so much for eating the dust, theyre eating the competition and then doing that. When we come back back an alleged assilant Walking Around inside a hotel. And this scene on a highway in houston. Hang on tight, everybody, well be right back. Ck. Ive gotta hit the loo. We cant stay here why . Terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you, big daddy. Aww charmin ultra strong. Its washclothlike texture helps clean better. Its four times stronger. And you can use less. Beautiful view. wiggles butt thanks to charmin. And you, honeybear awwwww we all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin . It can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. Whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50 fewer calories. Can i stop, jane . No. Trop50. Tastes so good you wont believe it has 50 fewer calories. This raging brushfire, about 80 miles north of miami, brought traffic on interstate 95 to a standstill. Visibility was near zero because of the thick smoke. The blaze consumed about 80 acres of undeveloped woods. No buildings damaged. Fires now under control and the highway reopened after six hours. Drivers this morning should watch out for wet roads from the central gulf coast to the great lakes and into the dakotas. But west of there, heavy snow likely in the Western Mountains. Roads slippery all the way to the coast. Mother nature could cause some problems at airports in kansas city, new orleans, memphis and chicago. And the man arrested on Sexual Assault charges in omaha is now accused of other recent Sexual Assaults in three states. And police said he couldnt have caught by a surveillance tape. And the quickthinking victim. Abcs linsey davis with the story. Reporter scary moments caught on tape as this masked man creeps around the lobby of an omaha hospital. Just after 3 00 a. M. Wednesday, a female employee gets up from a back office. The alleged assailant springs into action. As the two struggle, police say, she tried to force herself into a nearby bathroom but she fights back and manages to pull the mask off his face. The man flees but comes back for the mask. Police say the suspect is 29yearold zachary lee person, this morning investigators are crediting the Brave Hotel Worker for their success in identifying person. The Douglas County sheriff says he believes he would have struck again. Linsey davis, abc news, new york. And linsey will have more on that story a little bit later on good morning america. To down under we go. We look up at a roller coaster that came to an unexpected end here in australia. Its kind of hard to make up. This video is from a park on the gold coast. Reports say six people were rescued from the high ride known as buzzsaw. Theyre okay. Officials say an auto stop sensor gauge i guess, they were supposed come right back down. They got stuck up at the top. No fun. Also caught on camera, this terrifying scene on a highway in houston. Just as this white and red tractortrailer tries to merge the driver loses control, the truck folds into itself. A full jackknife across four lanes of traffic. Luckily, no reports of injuries here. There wasnt even any damage to any other cars. Wow. Very fortunate there. So, what organizers are calling the last great race on earth officially gets under way today. The iditarod. Held in anchorage, alaska, saturday. 72 teams and about 2,000 dogs will start that trek hoping to make it all the way to nome. Now, for the first time in the races history, mushers will be allowed to carry satellite for security reasons. Its supposed to be negative 40 in some parts of the course. Have fun, guys. Lets come back inside for some basketball. Lets get highlights from espn. Good morning, america. Good morning, utica. Two basketball games to talk about. Call the i. T. Guy. Isaiah thomas and the celtics visiting the suns. Frantic finish here. 11. 9 seconds to go in the fourth quarter. After thomas makes a free throw, suns down two. Eric bledsoes going to push in up court, keeps it and lays it in. Were tied with 4 seconds left. Thinking overtime. Celtics inbounds. Thomas cant handle it. Tyler ulis throws it up and it drops with no time left on the clock. The turnover by boston. Ulis firstever gamewinning buzzerbeater. Warriors, knicks. Knicks kept it close late. Fourth quarter, knicks down by six. Ron baker, up and under. Its a game. Knicks down by four. Spikes enjoying it. Down one. Porzingis for three. But the splash brothers respond. Klay thompson with the onepoint lead, nails the three. Back up to four. The lead is seven now. Theres the dagger from steph. Steph back over carmelo. Curry with 31. The warriors beat the knicks, 112105. Thats it for us. Have a good morning, america, and a better than average day. I agree. Okay, up next in the pulse speed to burn at the nfl combine. The big prize one Player Missed out on because of the shoes he was wearing. And if you love wine and you love coffee, well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a drink for you. Stick around for the details coming up. Ock. Ever wonder why they leave . The abuse. The mistreatment. The humiliation. Its time to treat them better. Introducing tide pods plus downy. Treat all your clothes better with tide pods plus downy. If its gotta be clean, its gotta be tide. The valiant taste times of death, but once uh, excuse me, waiter. I ordered the soup. Of course, maam. My apologies. Cmon, caesar. Lets go. Caesar on a caesar salad . Surprising. Excuse me, pardon me. Whats not surprising . How much money matt saved by switching to geico. Could i get my parking validated . Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Thats why i use excedrin. N hold because of a headache. It has two pain fighters plus a booster and for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. Now moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. A delicious chew that protects for an entire month. Ask your vet for more information. Reported side effects include vomiting and itching. Nexgard. The vets 1 choice. It helps put some distance. Between you and temptation. Clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. From metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Time to check the pulse. And an nfl prospect has learned a very valuable business lesson to always read the fine print. So, it appeared as though john ross won himself an island worth 1 million. Adidas offered up the island to anyone at the nfl combine who broke the events 40yard dash record. Ross did that. But part of the condition you had to be wearing adidas. He was wearing nikes. The former university of washington player took things in stride. He said that he doesnt swim well or own a boat. He wouldnt have an appreciation for his own island. Take that adidas. The order of the day in england. Where dozens of couples huffed and puffed their way through the tenth annual wifecarrying competition. The men hauled their ladies up and around, through a 400yard obstacle course. The wife had to weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. For some that meant putting weights in their shoes. Win the coveted barrel of ale. Those guys probably could have used a drink after that and we have an a suggestion wineinfused coffee, its a thing. Its the work of the molinari cafe in california. It starts as beans that relax in a beautiful wine absorbing the wines nose and history. Thats a quote. Im not sure what half of it means. But then all of that is dried up and roasted. Tasters say its rich and full body and apparently people like it because its currently sold out, but they say theyre making more. And finally, a wild ride with a cyclist that is nothing like this. That. This one keeps a steady pace right next to a new york city bus. Pretty fast. Of course it stays right next to the bus because its drawn on the window of the bus. Its successful to make some tight squeezes between the bus and other vehicles. Its mesmerizing. Its an oddly fascinating video hitting it big online, nearly 5 Million People have already viewed it. I could watch it all day. Man, im tired, how about you . Yeah. Okay, bye. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a oncedaily pill. Ask about xeljanz xr. Quilted northern works their bathroom experience. But these birds see all and forget nothing. Except this one, who has an outlet for a face. Or is it your allergy pills . Holding you back break through your allergies. Introducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. C puppy barks you can do it duck. Hurry up duck you can do it duck. Iams. Helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. So you can always look forward to whats next. Announcer good morning, bay area. Lets get up and get going. This is abc 7 mornings. It is 4 30. This is notot the sierra youre looking at. That is south San Francisco. That is hail pounding the bay area late into the night. I know some of you were able to do that. I would have probably used a glove. We are not done with the wild weather this morning. Hope youre having a good morning so far. It is monday, march 6th. Reminds me of dip and dots, which is strange at 4 27 in the morning. Thats where my head is at. Always on food, isnt it . Thats where my head is at. Its great. Will we get more today . Barely. Nothing like yesterday. If you were following me on facebook and twitter, did a hike up of addiablo through the slet and snow. Check it out. On top of hamilton, snowing. Everybody else is green. Scattered showers. The past hour, theyre moving west to east. Theyre going to keep things looking like this. Pretty wet all the way through the morning commute. Then theyll become isolated showers by noon. Showers mainly across the north bay at 4 00. For most of us, theyre taping at 7 00. Temperatures stuck in the 50s. Cooler than it should be. How about the commute, alexis . We also had reports of a little bit of snow helena. A little closer to the San Francisco bay area, westbound 80 through the emeryville stretch, we had a solo vehicle spinout. I watched them run a traffic break here. Looks like they got it cleared in the last couple moments. No lanes blocked there. It is soggy. A look at live doppler 7. Drive for conditions. Well look at the Central Valley in less than ten. Thank you. Some of us run from the hail and the cold. Mike nicco runs to it. Absolutely. Did you see this on his twitter page . He tweeted out his hike to m. Diablo. Look at the snow coming down. It was a hot spot for cold seekers who wanted fun in the snow. They did. Including abc 7 News Reporter lillian kim. Reporter it doesnt happen very often, so when mount diablo gets snow, he heads straight to the summit with his sled. I try to sled from the top parking lot to the bottom here. You can get a 30 second ride, 20 to 30 Miles Per Hour if it is a good day. It is dumping right now. Reporter the snow came down during this familys visit. Most fell overnight, which drew a stream of visitors throughout the day. It took a while to get to the top. This was the cars waiting to get past the pay gate. Once they got past, the parking lot was closed due to the slip roads. The visitors had to walk a mile and a half to reach the winter wonderland. The Visitors Said it was worst it. Reminds me of ski boarding and sledding. It is cool. We were like, the kids have never seen snow. It is much shorter than going to tahoe. Reporter but it can be miserable without the proper gear. These High School Kids learned that the hard way. I didnt bring gloves. My hands are freezing now. It is terrible. Oh, my gosh. Reporter lillian kim, abc 7 news. Mount hamilton also got a blast of snow. Received at least two inches. The Visitor Center was closed yesterday and caltrans closed hamilton road. It is expected to be closed again today. Pretty shot. Hail is a story for many parts of the bay a area. This is the scene yesterday. Someones back porch near skyline boulevard covered in it

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