Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20161227 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20161227

a good tuesday morning. we begin with some concern from coast to coast as violence erupted at shopping malls packed post-holiday shoppers. >> wild scenes like this in ft. worth, texas, repeated in at least 15 malls. here at least in this situation, 60 officers were needed to break up the fighting between at least 100 teenagers. the violence now being linked to social media. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: overnight mall mayhem. >> they had rifles in the mall and they had batons to get people out of the mall. >> reporter: scared shoppers sent scrambling. disturbances at more than a dozen malls causing panic from colorado to ohio, north carolina to new york. the beechwood place mall near cleveland put on lockdown after a group of teens caused a disturbance. police using pepper spray to break up the crowd. the fight led to dozens of shoppers rushing to the exits. in suburban chicago several fights broke out among large groups of teenagers at the fox valley mall. police officers attempted to break things up. >> folks, the mall is closed. >> reporter: ten people were injured in the chaos at a mall in elizabeth, new jersey. a fight in the food court here led to false reports of a shooting. and this morning, police in several states confirming these incidents were organized on social media. >> the crowd began to circle our officers, and so our officers had to call for help. >> reporter: in aurora, colorado, a social media media post told people there would be a fight at the mall. not clear who was behind the post, but expect beefed up security today at malls near you. and we should point out several arrests were made overnight mostly young people accused of disorderly conduct but no serious injuries. >> the christmas spirit right out the window. >> yeah, gone. now to this morning's other big story, the severe weather on the move. the storm buried the plains and the midwest in several inches of snow. some cars you can see are barely visible beneath it all. >> those scenes are incredible. that system, though, is now on the move, moving east. take a look. stretching from the deep south all the way to new england. abc's janai norman just filed this report. she's tracking the damage. >> reporter: treacherous travel across the country. >> this is a holiday travel nightmare. >> reporter: winter weather making going home a widespread problem. in the dakotas over a foot of snow falling. >> i'm on the second story and the snow is right there. >> reporter: near whiteout conditions leading to more than 500 miles of highways getting shut down. authorities issuing a no travel advisory. in parts of north dakota, cars careening off ice covered roadways causing pileups in salt lake city. in nebraska, wind gusting up to 75 miles per hour. flipping this semi on its side. bringing traffic to a standstill backing up cars for miles. those dangerous winds putting about 3 million people in arkansas, missouri, kentucky and tennessee at risk for isolated tornadoes. in minnesota, high winds knocked out power leaving more than 19,000 customers in the dark and grounding flights. janai norman, abc news, washington. our thanks to janai. let's check in with accuweather's paul williams with the latest forecast. good morning, paul. >> reporter: good morning to you, as well, kendis, diane. we're looking for terrible conditions throughout portions of north dakota, south dakota, going into montana. we're expecting poor travel conditions. they received over 18 inches of snow and even for the dakotas that's a bit much. better travel conditions just about everywhere else. where you see green think all right, we can go right ahead and travel without seeing much of a problem. the northwest, about to become really messy because we're going to see a mix of rain, freezing rain and snow covering the entire northwest corner of the country bearing down towards salt lake city. kendis, diane. >> all right, paul, thank you. and president-elect trump is making headlines with his twitter account sounding off about the united nations, his foundation and his predecessor. >> he is reacting to president obama's assertion that he would have defeated trump had he run for a third term. we'll get more now from abc's mary bruce. >> reporter: it's current versus future president. it started with president obama saying he could have taken on trump. >> i am confident in this vision because i'm confident that if i had run again and articulated it, i think i could have mobilized a majority of the american people to rally behind it. >> reporter: but trump firing back tweeting, president obama says he thinks he would have won against me. he should say that but i say no way. jobs leaving, isis, obamacare. a different tone from that oval office meeting. >> very, very good man. >> thank you. >> reporter: trump also slamming the u.n. just days after it passed a measure condemning israel saying it has such great potential but right now it's just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. these latest critical tweets coming 25 days before the inauguration as donald trump is racing to free himself from potential conflicts. announcing on christmas eve he's shutting down the trump foundation to avoid even the appearance of any conflict. in the same statement trump insisting that 100% of the money goes to charity. but there are questions about the foundation's spending including whether trump inappropriately used foundation money to purchase this $20,000 portrait. trump has already paid a penalty to the irs after the foundation made an improper campaign contribution and now trump's plan to shut it down is facing a major snag, the new york attorney general's office is investigating the foundation and says it cannot legally dissolve until that investigation is complete. and already trump's white house is facing its first staffing shake-up. just a few days ago trump announced jason miller as his communications director, but now miller's announced he won't be joining the team after all. instead, miller says his family needs to be his top priority. mary bruce, abc news, the white house. speaking of president obama, he and japanese prime minister shinzo abe make history at pearl harbor today visiting the "uss arizona" memorial together. prime minister abe laid a wreath at a national cemetery in hawaii yesterday to recognize japan's attack. now, the white house calls the visit a demonstration of strength of the u.s. and japan alliance. it comes months after president obama became the first sitting u.s. president to visit hiroshima. and still plenty of news ahead coming up, the inmates who escaped from jail because of a leaky toilet. plus, that new video just coming in overnight, an airliner skidding off a runway completely on its belly. we'll tell you what went wrong. and later in "the pulse," george michael's acts of kindness. fans are mourning his loss and we're learning more about his overwhelming and secret generosity. stay with us. frightening moments at an airport in western india. overnight a jet airways flight that was about to take off from mumbai skidded off a runway early this morning. witnesses say panicked passengers started jumping from the plane once it stopped. 12 people were injured mostly suffering broken bones. we learned overnight that rescue crews have recovered one of the black boxes from a russian military plane that crashed on christmas. the plane went down just minutes after taking off from sochi en route to syria. it's unclear if the recorder suffered any damage. all 92 people on board that plane are believed to be dead including dozens of singers from a renowned military choir. back in this country authorities are still on the lookout for one inmate that is still on the loose after six men escaped a tennessee jail. the men made their way out of the newport jail early sunday morning after removing a toilet from the wall and going through a hole behind it. prior plumbing repairs loosened the concrete holding the toilet and leaking water had rusted the bolts holding it. five of the escapees are back behind bars. now to some good news this morning. very happy to inform you no matter what you saw on twitter britney spears is not dead. sony music's twitter account early yesterday said that the singer had died in an accident and then promised more details. bob dylan's account then echoed that but it turns out the sony account had been hacked and sony actually manages dylan's twitter account. later in the day spears posted some photos of herself on her own account verifying she is very much alive. well, we've got some new solutions for one post-holiday problem. what to do with those gift cards that you didn't want in the first place. well, there are plenty of options actually. cardpool, among them, buys and sells the cards so there is no user-to-user interaction. card cash also buys and sells the cards itself but allows swaps, and sellers can also trade in cards for credit, and raise is sort of like ebay but with less risk for cards. sellers list their cards at whatever price they want but have to verify the cards with the site. >> or wrap them up, wait for birthdays to roll around and give them back to the people that gave them to you. >> or valentine's day. problem solved. >> here you go, free gas at mobil. love you. all right, when we come back, the monday night showdown. we have highlights from dallas versus detroit ahead from espn. plus, the incredible story of survival from a mom who went for help after a family got stuck in snow. details of her 26-mile trek next. you'farewell, cookie betdough ice cream.e! what's that you're drinking? it's trop50. it's fine. it tastes delicious and has 50% fewer calories with this taste? no way. give me fifty squats. but... it can't taste this good ... read the label. ...and have 50% fewer calories? exactly, now you drop... ...and give me the 50. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection... banish the burn... with nexium 24hr. only new alka-seltzer plus justfree of artificial dyes and preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you don't. store manager: clean up, aisle 4. alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. let's take a look at morning road conditions. an icy mix in new england switches to all rain today. you'll get heavy rain in the coastal areas of washington and oregon and it'll be windy in southern oregon and northern california. if you're flying airport delays are possible in new york and chicago. a woman rescued near the grand canyon is sharing a survival story many are calling a christmas miracle. >> yeah, that's because she was stranded with her family on a snowy road in the arizona forest when they were forced to separate to find help. but after what really was a harrowing ordeal, they're all back together again. here's abc's matt gutman with who are. >> reporter: karen klein, her husband eric and 10-year-old son isaac set out on a family trip to the grand canyon, their gps serving as their guide. >> we were kind of thinking, well, this doesn't seem right but this is the way it's telling us to go. >> reporter: they were in the midst of a storm and their car got stuck. so she slogged back to the main road where she'd hoped to flag someone down or find a cell phone signal. finally after walking 30 miles for 30 hours with a pulled groin muscle, she noticed a cabin near the entrance to the park. she broke a window, crawled in and collapsed. >> i kept thinking this isn't how my life is supposed to end. >> reporter: finally emergency responders on snowmobiles were able to locate eric and isaac's car then they trekked karen to that cabin. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> matt will have more on her incredible story later this morning on "good morning america." to michigan now, where 20 families are out of their homes this morning after a sinkhole in the detroit area. the hole opened over the holiday weekend swallowing one home and putting several others at risk. it could be weeks before residents can get back to their houses. >> loud noises, cracking throughout the evening that got progressively greater like, boom, boom, boom, so that's when we got up and couldn't get out of the garage door. >> reporter: it's believed a broken sewage pipe caused the sinkhole so city officials are taking drastic action and dumping raw sewage into the nearby clinton river. and in south florida a woman was rescued after her car plunged into a canal. a passerby saw the p.t. cruiser go into the water and he jumped in. it was sinking quickly. with the help of two other good samaritans they were able to pull the woman out of the window. she's now in stable condition. police are searching for the suspects in the robbery of a high-end store in new york city. the christmas eve heist was captured on surveillance cameras as the thieves stole millions of dollars in lavish fur coats from the dennis basso boutique. the suspects threw a brick through the window and seemed to know what they were doing beelining right for the sable and chinchilla furs. they got away with at least 20 major fur pieces. time now for sports and monday night showdown in dallas. >> here's john buccigross and john anderson from espn. good morning, america. so we have an nfl football game. cowboys and the lions, a lot of blue, a lot of silver and if the lions win, what happens? they go to the playoffs? >> they would clinch a wild card. >> like you never studied. >> so they'll come out and go tumults. >> you might have missed this because you're up so early now. last night, monday night football, ezekiel elliott had another big game. 55 yards for this score. elliott and the cowboys up 14-7. this was a game for awhile. in fact, the cowboys were down, yeah, emmitt smith likes it. the old cowboy running back looking at the new cowboy running back. i mentioned cowboys down, but dak prescott was good again, hit dez bryant. watch it again. puts one mitt on it. bounces around, secures it, game tied. 21. cowboys up 7 now in the third. prescott to dez, come on. jason witten waited, very patient. didn't go out for a pass right away to sell the run. watch him right there. he's engaging then he goes out. that's an easy pitch and catch. he fires back. left-handed pass for parcells. the idea. all right, now bowl mania tuesday. and we talk bowl mania. quadruple. if you just go by nicknames these are great. black knights against mean green, owls and demon deacons, gophers and cougar, broncos and bears, noon until midnight. we'll take you through a lot of college football. >> we say good-bye and happy new year. >> all right, we thank you, guys there at espn. so a rookie in the nba is making a lot of news this morning for two throws he made. it's how he made them. here is chinanu onuaku who made them underhanded. >> some call this granny style throwing which tells you what at least some players think about shooting that way, but, hey, it works. switching to underhanded raised his free-throw percentage 12 points in college. there you see him making two in a row. doesn't matter how you look when you throw it, nothing looks better than when it goes swish. in the nba, that's all that matters. quite a debut for him. up next in "the pulse," a superstar's secrets. what we're just learning about george michael. and it looked more like a concert than a birthday party so why was this birthday girl so unhappy? due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter what path i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. eyes shouldn't show your age, they should express how you feel. new olay eyes collection treats every eye concern. lift depuff brighten smooth or ultimaltely all of it. express every emotion. without showing your age. new olay eyes. ageless ♪ i need some time off from that emotion ♪ >> "faith." >> this is my favorite. >> your zone is right here. right here. don't step outside that box. checking "the pulse" and george michael's song "faith" one of the top five songs right now at spotify. streams of his music skyrocketed more than 3100%. >> wow. he's known for his incredible music but since his death, dozens of people have also come forward with stories of george michael's incredible generosity. he apparently gave money to establish charities and even individuals that he just heard needed money. sometimes he donated directly. other times through the royalties of his recordings. the causes ranged from youth counseling to aids to hunger. he reportedly even worked at a homeless shelter anonymously. >> that's the incredible part about it. did you know that five years ago he was the first guest on "carpool karaoke" with james corden? ♪ i made you happy ♪ baby i'm your man >> i love it! >> and it was all for a sketch yet again for a british telethon. very generous over the years. >> and took off. it was so successful then, they made it into a whole segment on corden's show. >> he's a big fan of george's. taylor swift also delivered a christmas surprise to what might be her oldest fan. the singer crashed the family christmas gathering of a world war ii veteran, cyrus porter. >> cyrus has been to two of her concerts. they posed for pictures and gave an impromptu acoustic performance. one of the grandsons called it a christmas miracle. look at that smile. a family in rural mexico found out the hard way if you invite they will come. >> oh, man, rubi garcia celebrated her quinceneara with family and friends. thousands of complete strangers and she was understandably overwhelmed when her 15th birthday party turned out to look more like a rock concert. >> rubi's dad posted a video invitation promising good prizes, horse races. he said everyone was invited but her mom says they meant everybody in nearby towns, not the world. >> oh, my god, look at that. >> they got a million rsvps and thousands actually showed up. >> quinceanera. msvps and thousands showed up. full of the energy that comes with good health. full of the great foods i love. tmsvps and thousands showed up. svps and thousands showed up. i don't have to choose between weight loss and living well. i live well, while losing weight. it 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