Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20160719 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20160719

worst heat wave in a long time. good morning. day two of the republican national convention gets under way today with the theme, make america work again, after a very eventful day one. >> yeah, it was. >> complete with a delegate revolt and a keynote now kicking up some controversy. >> yes, it wouldn't be a convention without controversy, democrat or republican. donald trump made a grand entrance looking beyonce style here appearing in silhouette flanked by blinding white lights. he broke tradition by taking the stage on day one to introduce his wife, melania. now, she used her ten-minute speech to show her husband's softer side, but some of her remarks were strikingly similar to michelle obama's own convention speech eight years ago. we get the latest now from abc's stephanie ramos live at the convention site in cleveland. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: kendis and diane, good morning. there was so much buzz about the big headliner for night one, donald trump's wife melania. well, guess what, there still is. #melania is trending on twitter and for all the wrong reasons. day one of the republican national convention proved to be as unconventional as expected. ♪ we are the champions [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: donald trump popping up the very first day to introduce his wife melania. >> an amazing mother, an incredible woman, melania trump. >> reporter: melania taking the stage introducing herself to america and making the case for her husband. >> he's tough when he has to be, but he's also kind and fair and caring. >> reporter: her speech though sparking controversy overnight with allegations of plagiarism, some portions of the speech sounding nearly identical to first lady michelle obama's 2008 convention speech. >> we want our children and all children in this nation to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dream and your willingness to work for them. >> -- and your willingness to work for them. >> reporter: the convention got off to a chaotic start. anti-trump delegates on the convention floor trying and failing to take steps to block trump's nomination. >> in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. >> reporter: the night's theme was to make america safe again meant to focus on national security and recent violence, but the theme that took over, the case against hillary clinton. >> who would trust hillary clinton to protect them? i wouldn't. would you? >> all: no. >> reporter: but inside the clinton campaign's war room, staffers watched the rnc and fired back swiftly with videos, tweets, also from cleveland. the trump campaign defending melania trump's speech this morning saying melania's team of writers took notes on her own life inspirations and included fragments that reflected her own thinking. kendis and diane, back to you. >> all right, a lot of people talking about that one today. stephanie ramos live in cleveland. stephanie, thank you. >> okay, so as she mentioned, it did set off a flurry of comments and criticisms on social media all over the place. for a more in-depth look now we want to play the lines in question. i guess there were two of them side by side right now, the first lady's speech. take a listen. >> barack and i were raised with so many of the same values -- >> -- the values that you work hard for what you want. >> like you warrick hard for what you -- >> that your word it your bond. >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise -- >> that you treat people with respect. >> that you treat people with the dignity and respect even if you don't know them and even if you don't agree with them. and barack and i set out to build lives guided by these values -- >> and we need to pass those lessons -- >> on to the next generation -- >> -- on to the many generations. >> because we want our children and all children in this nation to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to hard for them. >> -- the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> as you can see there, two main paragraphs in the speech very similar, only two, three words different there. and aside from a statement, the trump campaign that stephanie mentioned there that the trump campaign did issue, donald trump tweeted last night that he's proud of his wife, calling her speech and her demeanor absolutely incredible and she did after the speech receive lots of praise for the message and for her poise, but then people started digging and found these similarities and now it's changed quite a bit. >> about an hour or so later that's when it all came out. "the new york daily news," no real supporter of donald trump. >> no, seizing the opportunity. >> absolutely, just saying, thanks, mrs. obama here pointing at his wife in the meantime. >> you know, it's still early obviously in the day but no explanation yet on exactly how this happened. melania had said earlier that she got just a little bit of help from writers but that she wrote a lot of the speech herself, but then trump came out saying that she did have a team of writers, so a lot of questions still left to be answered on that one. >> their pr machine needs to get into gear. >> and, of course, lots of buzz about the convention with this and other topics that dominated social media overnight. >> yeah. >> and these are the three most tweeted about moments, melania's speech, donald trump introducing melania and rudy giuliani's speech specifically when he addressed terrorism. and then the most retweeted convention tweet was actually hillary clinton's. she sent out a quote from giuliani in 2010 when he apparently said that clinton was doing a good job. clinton then added, republicans have a lot of nice things to say when it's not an election year. thanks, mayor giuliani. >> his speech was quite fiery, as well. abc's powerhouse political team is there in cleveland with exclusive reporting throughout the day and evening including a live special report to all time zones at 10:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. you can also find a livestream of the convention on abc news digital. shifting gears now, one person is dead after severe thunderstorms battered the northeast. a 26-year-old woman was killed in new jersey when downed wires fell on her car as she was trying to get out of it. the high winds also uprooted many trees knocking out power for thousands of people. there were several heavy hailstorms in new england yesterday like this one in phillips in the southern part of the state. a tornado was also reported in northern maine near the canadian border. and the central u.s. is facing dangerous heat this week. temperatures today will be in the mid to upper 90s and are heading higher later in the week creating some unsafe conditions. heat advisories and warnings have been posted in 16 states for 130 million americans. experts say it could be the worst heat wave in a few decades. well still ahead right here, some new details from baton rouge where three police officers were gunned down as police release new images from the rampage. plus, a zika virus mystery. health officials are on alert after a caregiver was infected while treating someone else that had the virus. and caught on camera, surprise for a paddleboarder after a humpback whale gets a little too close. connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. from boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds, together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. an outpouring of emotion for the police officers ambushed in baton rouge. hundreds gathered for a candlelight vigil to honor the officers. earlier police said these surveillance photos you're about to see show the gunman intentionally targeted and assassinated the officers. the shooter was carrying two rifles and a pistol. authorities said he was killed by a s.w.a.t. team sniper who fired from a hundred yards away. they believe that if he wasn't taken down, he would have caused more bloodshed. baltimore city leaders are urging patience this morning after another cop was acquitted in connection with the death of freddie gray. gray suffered a fatal spinal injury while riding in the back of a police van last year sparking riots around the city but a judge ruled that prosecutors did not prove that lieutenant brian rice willfully allowed gray to be injured. three other officers have already been acquitted in the case. a fourth cop's trial ended in a mistrial. an ax attack on board a girlen train may have been inspired by isis. german officials say a hand painted isis flag was found in the room of the attacker. a 17-year-old afghan refugee. five people were injured in the attack including a family of four from hong kong. the attacker attempted to flee but was shot and killed by police. some said the teen shouted god is great in arabic during the attack. the incident is sure to raise more debate about refugees in europe. germany has admitted nearly a million in the past year. the college student from california killed in last week's terror attack in france is being remembered today. friends of nicolas leslie gathered on the uc berkeley's campus to recall his life. they remembered him as upbeat, caring and charismatic with an infectious sense of humor. leslie was one of three americans killed in that attack. a powerful moment at the white house. president obama awarded the medal of honor to retired lieutenant colonel charles kettles, a vietnam war helicopter commander. kettles risked his own life running missions that saved more than 40 soldiers after an ambush. the president called kettles a wonderful inspiration. >> that, indeed. and when we come back,bc's one-on-one with ivanka trump. what she's saying about gop leaders skipping the convention. and a man under arrest after causing a massive pileup at a bike race. adaches. they steal moments from my life. that's why i use excedrin. it starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. and it works on sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea, all of it. it works fast, and lasts for hours. excedrin specializes in treating migraines. which is why moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. #1 neurologist recommended. 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talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. so getting a boat into the water can be a little more complicated than it seems and this driver in washington state learned that the hard way launching his truck as well as his boat. police say the man actually forgot to set his parking brake before he stepped out of the truck. the truck then rolled into the water, boat and all. >> oh, man. so drivers may be rolling through water in the entire deep south, ohio valley and up into the northern great lakes. roads will also be wet in the southern rockies. and if you're flying, expect airport delays in atlanta, charlotte and denver. well, a bit of controversy as republicans gather in cleveland today for day two of the convention. >> that's right. so melania trump praised her husband as a kind, caring family man, but she's now under fire accused of stealing two lines from michelle obama's 2008 convention speech. the theme of the night was make america safe again. former new york mayor rudy giuliani and other speakers slammed hillary clinton and insisted trump would be great for national security. and former senator bob dole is the only past gop nominee in attendance at this year's gop convention. dole now 92 sat next to trump's running mate mike pence last night, and melania actually gave him a shoutout during her speech recognizing him as a great veteran. and many key republicans are not endorsing donald trump and not even going to the convention, as you mentioned, including the bush family, mitt romney and senator john mccain. now, lara spencer got reaction on the no-shows in a one-on-one interview with donald trump's trusted adviser, his daughter, ivanka. >> that's their choice. you know, if they don't want to be part of the narrative, if they don't want to be part of the future, that is their decision, but this really is about a forward-looking moment. >> it was just over a year ago that you announced your father's presidential bid, and in just a few days you'll do it again this time though as the presidential nominee. >> it's almost impossible to describe to travel around the country to meet so many people, to hear their enthusiasm for his candidacy. he's the people's candidate. >> and coming up at 7:00, we're going to have more from the potential first daughter and how she plans to support her dad should he win the presidency. meanwhile, health officials are investigating an ominous development in the zika virus. in utah a person caring for a zika infected relative also got the virus without sexual contact or a mosquito involved, at least not suspected. the investigation is focused on how that person became infected after having contact with the deceased patient, who had a uniquely high amount of the virus in their blood. well, for those who are following, today is a rest day in the tour de france, but we still have some cycling to talk about and show you. this was the scene in china. watch as a man causes a massive crash. he walked straight through into a charging group of riders. they're about a mile from the finish and were going about 45 miles an hour. the guy who caused the crash was taken into custody. several riders, though, suffered broken bones. and then this scene back here in california, half moon bay, a paddleboarder getting an up close look at a humpback whale. wait for it. the massive animal breaches the surface. >> oh. >> as it was feeding on herring. slow motion here shows you just how close the encounter was. so, the woman on the paddleboard says she plays the flute for the whales, and they come to her. she surely, though, couldn't have expected that. >> that's a little more effective than she intended. >> yeah. her flute was really good. and a note about next season's march madness, for the first time ever, the tournament's overall number one seed will get to choose the location where it will play its first and second round games. >> that is a big one right there. so that should save on travel at least. now though some highlights including some hoops from our guys at espn. they are playing basketball now. >> good morning, america. kevin connors, john anderson. a little something happened on the way to chris sale's bid for his major league leading 15th win. >> yeah, nobody throws complete games anymore, and maybe they should. sale and the white sox taking on the mariners. he's got 14 wins, the most of the majors, going for 15, complete control. sale, 8 innings pitched, 1 hit, no runs, 100 pitches and then in the ninth, meltdown. david robertson gives up four runs including the go homer to adam lind. a three-run shot and the m's happy to go to the postgame spread, 4-3 winners. >> but, kev, it's mid-july. why do we care about a basketball game? well, the championship of the vegas summer league, bulls down three to the wolves, closing second, that's former michigan state star denzel valentine. that's a three-pointer to tie the game up, and mom and dad love it, and so we're going to ot. and in ot, tie game, who's going to win it? denzel valentine is going to win it. the bulls go undefeated in the vegas summer league. they win, and i'm still not sure that that's the craziest thing that happened in vegas on monday night. >> that doesn't make the top 30 on monday. and in the weekend it doesn't make the top 100. i believe that's all we have, is that correct? >> that's all we have. >> all right, valentine. i heart you, america. >> thank you. up next in "the pulse," one of the most talked about moments from the rnc, that dramatic entrance from donald trump now drawing some comparisons. and paul ryan under fire for posting this picture of capitol hill interns. can you spot why? >> what's wrong with it? interns. can you spot why? >> what's wrong with it? 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neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena you didn't listen to your parents. you ignored every piece of advice. you failed over, and over, and over. and look where it got you. time to shine. orbit. live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> coming up on 4:30. i am natasha zouves. >> i am matt keller here for regular at the republican national convention in cleveland. >> but, first, weather and traffic. mike, today is like yesterday? >> absolutely. you will notice this morning not so much drizzle. live doppler hd is showing it is more dry than yesterday. headed into the afternoon, we will see the sun shining quicker in the day planner. low-to-mid 50s and 57 to 71 from the coast inland, and 58 to 77. slightly warmer. sue? >> in walnut creek we watched the road work being picked up. this is the northbound 680 at north main. all lanes are cleared. southbound, the commute is good and i checked the drive time from concord to walnut creek from highway 4 to 24 is eight minutes. road work on 80, the eastbound direction at emeryville, in the lanes for half an hour. >> breaking news: a huge police presence in east bay neighborhood this morning. a reported carjacking. our reporter is at san leandro with what is happening now. amy? >> yes, they caught the three men they were looking for. they took them to the hospital to check them out. when you see the car that crashed you will understand why. they are hauling it away. three men were inside this car that crashed at east 14th in san leandro at bancroft. it was a carjacking. they stole the car. at gunpoint. in hayward. an officer spotted the car and chased it. when it crashed, the three men inside ran away. they set up a perimeter in san leandro to look for them. they found them. they found them hiding in a backyard. they took them into custody without incident. no problems taking them in and getting them backed. they want to make sure they are okay. you can see there is a clean up of the at the crash scene with a lot of shattered glass. police have the scene cleared and wrapping up the case staying with the three men to question them and find out more. i asked in there were identifying features and the officer said "they are young." >> teens? 20s? it is hard to tell. >> a person is dead and another is hurt after a

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