Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20170513 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20170513

fierce. they were intense. they could be seen for miles, we are told the smoke moved down to the south bay to the san jose area. we are told at this hour, atf has been called to the scene, ba thus fire is highly suspicious. arson is suspected. again the second time this fire has burned. a lot of witnesses to this fire, a lot of neighborhoods close to this construction project. we talked to one man who insists to people, get out of the homes. >> did the neighbors get out of their homes? >> not necessarily, a disabled lady i assisted getting in the car, they were informing of covering their mouths. >> what do you think about this happening for the second time? >> not only the second time hang, i also think it's important, it makes you scratch your time it's the second time in this building. in the context, all of the fires in oakland raise many questions. >> so, so many questions on this fire on alameda county officials, by the way, we are already at the emeryville camera. again it is on the oakland out oakland-emeryville border. they say embers from the fire lit spot fires on to homes two or three blocks away. none of these homes burn, the words extinguish at a quick pace, which is very good news, on the back side of this home, on the back side of this neighborhood on the east side are out of this home as a pre indication. now as you said the atf is en route to the scene because the fire again is very suspicious in nature. this is the second time this condo complex has erupted in flames. it happened back in july. we talked earlier to a man who is working on the construction projects. he was in tears because he said, this is his livelihood. this is how he makes money. this is how he supports himself and his family? and he was scratching his head how, indeed, could this happen a second time? he would not speculate on how the fire may have started, but he was definitely, definitely questioning how this might have happened a second time. we counted at least 12 to 15 fire trucks here on scene which are now dousing the flames, putting as much water as they can on to this condo complex. all you can see right now, really, scaffolding and insulation on the back side. we are here at san pablo and adeleine street. it also borders parts of market street and down into oakland. we are also told embers from the fire were burning on to 580 and traffic had to be halted for a while, because chp was just concerned that, you know, there were injuries on the 580 because cars could have been damaged, but 580 i can see is back opened, but there are evacuations in several neighborhoods surrounding this fire. we will gather some more information. there will be a briefing in the next 30 minutes. reporting live on the oakland-emeryville border, abc 7 news. >> this portion of san pablo avenue is still block as off to drivers, do you have any eta on the reopening? >> oh, gosh, probably all day, last year i was on scene for the fire, this whole intersection elein down to san pablo, so if you are in the area, if you live in the area, you might want to consider well, not taking your car anywhere, but consider side streets a. lot of detours are set up right now. >> corn em, thank you so much for that live report. we appreciate it. we did this video earlier this morning, you can see the smoke here and and up close look at the fire and the intensity of the flames as crews did their initial response. now, here's what the fire looked like from the freeway. wow, an abc 7 news engineer took this photo over as those flames were raging. as kornell mentioned, track came to a complete stand still for about 10 to 15 minutes as a precaution by the chp. now the building that burned is the same build tag caught fire last july. >> that fire went to six alarms. we covered that fire last year for us. 20 people were displaced. fire caused an estimated $23 million in damages to the building for town homes and an auto repair shop, including 12 vehicles. a giant crane was also dismantled in the heat of the flames and the building was a total loss. from fire departments we have been seeing a lot of free activity on social media, as always, when you see breaking news, share it with us using the #abc7now. thankfully the winds haven't been too active, which is good news for fire crews. meteorologist lisa argen is tracking it all. hi, lisa. >> good morning, chris, a live doppler 7 in the sky, we will be looking at increased wind throughout the day today. here's a look at the golden gate bridge, winds aren't too much of a factor now. we have had them breezy at times, 51 in gilroy, oakland is 55. mount tam, yes, it is breezy, it will remain that way, guesting gusty at the shore line. you are in the 30s earlier, 54 in nevada, from our east bay hills club, expect 40s and 50s through the the next hour and two hours. we look at numbers into the 50s and 60s with brisk winds. noontime gusting to 35 miles an hour at times. 50s at the coast. 60s around the bay. perhaps about 70 in santa rosa. we have changes for mother's day and the next seven days. i have them for you coming up in the accuweather forecast. >> thank you. now to breaking news in the eastway, contra costa fire officials say around arrest has been made in a string of car fires. this comes after two more cars were lit on fire after 2:00. then just 11 minutes later, a toyota suv was torched in lafayette, no one was hurt in either case. >> that makes seven suspicious car fires this week alone. investigators are reexamining other arson cases going back to the beginning of that year to see if there is a connection. >> a child is recovering after being trapped in a home that caught fire. the one-alarm started at 2:00 on lockwood near 73rd avenue. fire crews rescued the child and were able to quickly put the flames out t. child is in serious condition but no one was was hurt. investigators were determining the cause of that fire. in the south bay, one person is dead after being run over by a vehicle in san jose. it happened just after 9:00 last night on south bascom fear scott. you c near scott. police said the driver took off but came back a short time later one person has been taken into custody. >> on a lighter note the mother's day forecast is looking lighter for us. >> it is good. a little breeze building throughout the day. we are 51 in san francisco, 49 in fremont. so we're going to stay in this cooler than normal weather pattern. in fact the coolest weather of the week can offer up some showers t. details coming up. >> lisa, thank you. >> that home, we are how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 50,000 bonus 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james comey better hope that there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press. comey has declined and eni havetation to appear before congress. >> what we are face sthag obstruction of justice. >> that wasn't the only thing that seemed to make it worse for the white house. president trump argued he is very active, so it's not possible for the staff to answer questions with perfect accuracy and president trump suggesting he may can sell all future press briefings. he disputed accounts over dinner, but he doesn't find the question inappropriate. >> did you say that? >> no, i didn't. i don't think it would be a bad question to have. >> reporter: the white house formerly requested or provide tapes as a part of the ongoing inquiry. if any types do exist or if the president was just bluffing in that tweet. >> happening today, following that fire with former fbi james comey, a protest is planned against president trump and his organization. they have it the people's trial of donald trump. it starts at 12:30 at telegraph and bancroft in berkeley. >> it is out of here! >> they september him home happy after a walkoff in the 17th inning, leading cincinnati 3-2. it was posey's fourth home run. the game lasted five-and-a-half hours, ending at 12:43 this morning. the warriors take on san antonio's game one of the western conference finals right here on abc 7. fans are definitely excited a object this matchup. they say the warriors will continue their post-season dominance. the players say they're expecting a challenge. >> we have to come out there and be who we are, which i dictate the tempo. i know they will try to dictate it. that's how both teams are, we are. >> warriors in how many games? >> i have to be safe. >> it's best to go all the way and lebron. >> the warriors have had nearly a week's rest after sweeping the jazz monday night. abc 7 is your home for game one tomorrow. coverage starts another noon. that's followed after the game. >> good morning to you. here's a look at sfo. we have delays of one hour and 23 minutes. this is due to the construction ongoing here. but you can see the sunny skies, we will be looking at breezy winds developing once again today. mowbray . >> many people will be looking forward that the temperature. >> i think so. >> just ahead, a famous actor addresses the class of 2017 whitney houston style. we'll have more on that, the honor between asian pacific american heritage month. belly danceing is an an gent art form from asia minor and the middle east. it will be showcased at the carity show happening next saturday at the bravo theater. it benefits the alzheimer's association. can you learn more how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. >> the time is 8:22. we continue to follow breaking news out of the east bay while a five alarm fire has destroyed a building under construction. this is a live look on san pablo avenue. abc reporter quinn el bernard returns in the next half hour with a live report. turning now to consumer news, if an appliance breaks down, do you pay for a repair or a new one? an east bay couple said they made the long choice. 7 on your side michael finney has more. >> they are frozen ice carrots. >> reporter: they never wanted frozen carrots. >> there is breezeen bacon. >> or frozen bacon either. they wanted the kitchen aid ice cinco de mayo to start making ice. >> it would take up to a month to get a full container of ice. >> they hardly got any ice cubes, but they did have an extended warranty through kitchen aid. a technician came out and put in a new ice cinco de mayo. however that caused a bigger problem. >> i phoned them up. i informed them i ahood no ice and everything in my refriger e refrigerator was frozen. >> reporter: the ice cinco de mayo didn't make ice but everything else did t. temperature plunged to nearly 30 degree, ruining the food. >> eggs, for instance, i went to crack him and they were frozen. >> the rest of the fridge kept making ice, too. >> we couldn't put anything in it. >> i never seen a frozen egg before. >> they were living out of a cooler. >> let's say it will be fun sense we are now ought a refrigerator. >> after then weeks, i figured it was time for me to phone 7 on your side. >> reporter: we contacted whirlpool, which makes kitchen aid refridge traitors t. company offered to give them a brand-new fridge for $700 telling us our service specialist has worked with the family and come to an agreeable solution at a pro rated price. >> i regret the fact i didn't phone you guys earlier. >> ul all i can say is a job well done. it's a $4,000 whirlpool for $700 bucks. they are happy to report it makes ice and only in the ice cinco de mayo. >> after will ferrell belted out a commencement speech to grads yesterday, it sent tassels spinning ♪ i will always love you >> how can you not love this guy? the comedian serenaded 60,000 people on campus. he also earned an he said be kind, have empathy, don't worry if you don't have it all figured out. cruise battle a five alarm fire in east bay. we'll have more from the scene and a live report. president trump in a commencement address to how far should pure alpine spring water have to travel from its source to the bottle? ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. jack vo: things get a lot more jack vo: vampires wake up. jack vo: werewolves come out. jack vo: the boogie man gets his boogie on. jack vo: and my hashbrowns turn into my new munchie mashups. jack vo:they come with crispy hashbrowns and tasty white cheese mashed up with your choice of savory egg and bacon, buffalo chicken and ranch, or jalapeños and bacon. jack vo: so you can keep going until the sun comes up. jack vo: ouch, that's gotta hurt. jack vo: introducing my new munchie mashups. only at jack in the box. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. it's great to have you with us. i'm chris nguyen. we are starting this half hour the first look at the forecast. li, his sa. >> hey, chris, it's beautiful, yes, mother nature not understanding we're in mid-may here. we got low 50s right now, which seems typical. 53 as well as san jose and gilroy, as you look at this shot, they are brisk, low 50s. 54 in concord, so overnight lows range from the 30s to the 50. >> that has brought us anywhere from two to four degrees this time yesterday. they will be cooler at the beach, numbers will be in the 60s with the northwest wind. gusts can get to 30 miles per hour around the beach or the bay. bay. >> breaking news along the emeryville-oakland border the red cross is forcing them to evacuate their homes early this morning. we have been at the scene, quinnel is live with this investigation. >> reporter: chris, i can tell you that the atf is now headed to the scene of this fire, which has been contained but fought fully under control yet. take a look at our van tage point t. scaffolding side of this condo complex is pretty many up the only thing that left. fire crews spraying all the water they can on hot spots from crooked ladders to every side of this construction site expands at least a half a city incredible flames are jumping high into the air. the smoke and flames could be seen from miles away. in fact, we are told that smoke moved as far south as san fire officials confirm this is the same construction site which burned last july, displacing 20 neighbors nearby. now this latest fire september embers into neighborhoods walks away, causing several spot fires which were extinguished on several homes we are told. a lot of people out of their homes as a precaution. moments ago, we talked to a man that worked construction on this same sight two times now. >> at this time if you l l l l l >> it's unbelievable. >> somebody is against us, i don't know? >> why? >> because of the economy, jobs. where are we going? it's a lot of feelings. >> there was a disabled lady i assisted getting in the car. they informed them to cover their mouths. >> what do you think this happened for the second time? >> not only the second time, i think it's important, scratch your head it's happening for thing is time, but in a contest, all of the fires are happening in oakland. it's definitely something that raised many questions. >> alameda fire says there are a lot of questions definitely. there is no cause to the fire. it is considered suspicious. the information officer i spoke to moments ago, the red cross now on scene, assisting folks who are out of their homes on the east side of this construction site. which as you can see is pretty much a total loss the scaffolding, we see insulation, the wide van tage point have been involved, those have been shattered. remnants of shadow. it is a total loss. the first fire which burned in july caused as much as $23 billion in damage, it's unknown how much damage was caused in this. 580 had to be closed for a time early this morning because embers from this fire were actually burning onto the freeway. the chp concerned that somebody would get hurt. so traffic was halted, because the smoke, the flames, the embers were just that intense. it's been a fairly long morning for firefighters. a lot of relief crews coming in to assist firefighters who have been on the scene for hours now battling this very, very tough place, it's under control, but not completely fully contained. there is no cause to the fire. although, it is considered to be suspicious. the atf is en route to investigate as they did back in july. i am told, i covered the fire. >> that, indeed, was another intense fire as well, which had this intersection, this neighborhood, cordoned off for several days. it's unclear how long adelein street, market street, the street surrounding this fire will be closed as well. if you live in the area, you might want to consider detours. lots of detours have been set up around this fire. there are several construction workers who have been on the job for at least a year. a lot of people said neighbors understandably upset, scratching their head, how, indeed, could this happen a second time. firefighters are investigating this. hopefully, we have more information. for now, live on the oakland-emeryville bureau border. abc 7 news. >> they tweeted this video of the scene from early this morning. this gives us and up close look at the fire. you can see how intense the names were at one point t. heavy smoke there, just a dangerous situation for all the residents nearby as well as the fire crews battling the flames. for fire departments, to viewers at home, we have been seeing a lot of activity on social media this morning. as always, when you see breaking news where you live, share with us using the #abc7 now. noumplts. now, contra costa county fire officials are expected to release more details about a suspect in car fires. the fire department confirms an arrest has been made. this comes after two more cars were lit on fire early yesterday morning. follow abc 7 news bay area on twitter on updates on our breaking news. president trump will deliver the key note address at liberty university's commencement in virginia. in his weekly address the president said he will bring a message of hope and optimism to graduates about the country's future. he says he is committed to technical and vocational education. >> business optimism is soaring and employment is rising. these are great signs for america's future, the future that our new graduates will play with such a critical role in shaping our world and our country. i want every young citizen, regardless of education or geography to be able live out their american dreams. >> president trump will also give the commencement address to graduates of the u.s. coast guard academy on wednesday. if your travel today could include bart, expect delays. on work track work will go all day today. there will be no train between downtown oakland. a bus bridge will be set up to shuttle riders between the expected stations. bart will be set up to accommodate warrior's fans. out of sfo, be sure to check your flight status. the airport closed the second longest runway. here's a live look at sfo right now where runway 28l is not operating this weekend. airport officials say work should be done by june 5th. it is expected to be opened tomorrow at noon. if you fly to los angeles this weekend, plan on delays and major confusion. 21 airlines are switching terminals. delta is the reason for the big switch. the airline is moving its operations so it can upgrade and modernize its terminals over the next several years. passengers are told to check in online and board ahead of time and get to the airport extra early. they're recommending get here early. check with your airlines. >> you have to pitch a tent overnight here to get here to make your flight. >> it is the biggest airline relocation in lax history t. move is expected to be finished by wednesday morning. the time now is 8:38. here's a live look again from our emeryville camera, where we are tracking that breaking news along the emeryville-oakland border, a massive five-alarm fire on san pablo avenue that crews had been working to contain. we'll have more on this story and other top stories of the day coming up when the how far should pure alpine spring water have to travel from its source to the bottle? ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. ♪ look into the sky for a momentary high, ♪ ♪ everybody fights for a little bit of light, ♪ ♪ i believe. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. stay safe when riding your motorcycle. make sure your helmet fits properly. not too tight and not too loose. and always fasten the helmet strap. protect yourself with motorcycle insurance from geico. visit for more safety tips, and to get a free rate quote. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. >> good morning, everyone, we are following breaking news out of emeryville. this is a live look where fire crews are getting a handle on a massive fire there. a five alarm fire that started at 5:00 this morning in the 3800 block of san pablo avenue and interstate 580 t. fire department was concerned about the building collapsing, the probability of that happening. this is a building under construction. we learned that a fear watch will remain in effect for the next 24 hours because they do believe this fire to be suspicious. the cause of the fire to be suspicious in nature. so we'll have more details obviously on as well as the abc news app as soon as we get them. it has been much calmer in the weather department. >> yes, this morning the winds from the upper elevations right here at mount tam, we had wind gusts from 25 to 35 miles per hour. 42 right here, though, we look at comfortably cool numbers today, it will be gusty, i'm explain where. it's all in your accuweather forecast strait ahead. the giants and reds marathon finally ended early this morning, both teams went scoreless for 12 innings. the giants thrilling victory. how far should pure alpine spring water have to travel from its source to the bottle? ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. well it's a perfect nespresso hold on a second.orge. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. >> good morning, everyone, the time right now is 8:45. we have been gathering more information on this breaking news out of emeryville. our live crew is at the scene of a five alarm fire. you can see, the rode here is blocked off. this along the oakland emeryville border near san pablo and interstate 580. they are putting out hot spots. they will be out there the next 24 hours at least. on a lighter note, they are holding the annual junior giants club drive. fans attending this afternoon game are using a $10 donation within they enter the ballpark t. drive hems them ensure playing junior giants games have their own baseball glove. fans can also donate through junior giants online. now, there was a late night last night t. game ended in thrilling fashion. buster posey hit a walkoff home run in the bottom of the 17th inning to lift the giants to a 3-2 victory over the reds. it ended a 28 minute marathon. it's the latest walkoff home runner in history topping willie pays shot against them in 1962. the two teams will be back at it again this afternoon. matt moore starts for the giants. first pitch is at 1:05 a.m.. first pitch there at globe life park in arlington is at 5:o 5:00 p.m.. -- 5:05 p.m.. the as won three walkoffs. it was the circle of life. as fans deep in the heart of texas, as and rangers tied 1-1 in the 7th. waved all the way around. he is prompt. trying to close, gave up the tieing run. then joey galo, off the pole. 5-2 texas the rangers second walkoff win in a row. we are about to get the long awaited showdown, game one tomorrow at 12:30. head-to-head meetings in the season. san antonio 29 in the season open opener. then he rested his stars in the second meeting. won by the spurs. in the third meeting the top seed in the west on the line the acting head coach, ready for anything. >> he's like 70. >> no no he's done a lot for me in my personal life, too. a really close friend of mine there so get warriors-spurs 12:30 abc 7. spend mother's day with us. the game 6 in d.c. look they're financial to the washington wizards funeral. not so fast. tied at 89. ale who ford goes glass, did he call that? celts by 2. john wall, no fear, pulling it up for 3. wizards up 92-91. the last chance for boston, isaiah thomas for the win. no, wizards hold on 92-91. that's a wrap on morning sports. have a great win. >> this saturday morning waking up to clear conditions, for a time being, we had breezy winds at the coast. we will be back as well as the upper elevations. the roof camera, you can see a sunshine and a light breeze going on out there. it is 51 in the city, 55 in oakland, 53 mountain view san jose and gilroy with 52 in half moon bay. as we look from a greater perspective, it looks nice out there. boy, have we been running cool we should see 71 in mountain view. 52 in santa rosa, 51 by the deltas, 50 in livermore. we are looking at the wind, gusting to 20 miles an hour at half moon bay. elsewhere, nine to 15 miles around the bay. >> that will increase and perhaps even some white caps at times. so bright skies again for mother's day, breezy, below normal. for the weekend, a chance of showers arise on tuesday the coolest day of the week. 67 today, should be about 74. little change as we go through the rest of the weekend. by tuesday perhaps for some of you rebound, the high pressure in here, warm it back up just in time for next weekend. so by tomorrow, you will notice extra cloud cover in the form of a marine layer, mid-level clouds, wanting to bring maybe a couple sprinkles here and there, but it's just a slight chance. 10 to 20% chance. then as we go into tuesday. we have a greater chance of rain. the forecast models are bringing rain, perhaps into the you can right through tuesday night. so we'll keep you posted on that, today, look for your 58 and breezy to brisk half moon bay, san francisco, 63 san mateo, palo alto 67. so we look for just about the same weather tomorrow for the mothers out there to enjoy and looking at monday, once again, we will be on the cool side and tuesday bringing a chance of showers, milder for wednesday and a warming trend thursday into next weekend. so it's sort of on the way. >> we will call it di sent french weather. the time is 8:51. if you have been hearing sighs of relief from berkeley's campus, that's because yesterday was the last day of finals. for one group of students, studying for one of their most fearsome finals was actually fun. jonathan bloom explains. >> i'm going to explain contamination. >> it's not often you see college students playing a board game at the library during finals week. it's fast paced. it's organic chemistry. >> when i first tackled organic chemistry, i was actually one of the few people that enjoyed my time in the class. wow, i thought it was like a game. >> he decided it should be a game to create and react. >> alcohols, key tones, you have to figure out how to get there you will be doing organic chemistry. >> it's a kind of a bromine. >> reporter: it's a new way to tackal topic that's notoriously tough. >> there is no calculator, flo numbers most of the time. >> reporter: for premed and bioeng fearing students, it can feel like a mountain too steep to climb. >> i have known a couple people that have changed their program because they didn't want to retake this class again. >> it has been play testing from graduate down to high school. so far, they're getting pretty great reactions. >> i think it's really fun. >> reporter: she changed her mind about a course her nemesis. now even the professors are playing. >> i played this game with one ofpy colleagues, we had so much fun. >> reporter: they think even high schoolers could get the hang of it. after they won the start-up competition, they are trying to get it to high schools. uc berkeley, how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. as women, we need to take time to be active. that's what's so amazing about poise® impressa. it's so easy and it's so comfortable. it helps you stop bladder leaks, pad-free. i can wear this nice dress and i don't have to wear a pad now. try impressa® today, and start living comfortably pad-free. try impressa® today, you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. >> as to our top story this morning, this is a live story in emory victim. fire officials say it is now contained. fire watch will remain in the next 24 hours. this is what it looked leak earlier at 5:00 at the height of the flals. the aff is on the scene investigating the cause of the fire. nobody is hurt t. red cross is there helping dozens of people who are evacuated. we'll get a final weather check with our meteorologist. >> it's sunny the breeze the se coast, today, we see 60s out there 64 for oakland. 67 san jose at livermore, 69 in the warmer locations up in santa rosa and the accuweather mo7-da forecast. looking at a better chance of rain tuesday. notice the temperatures get cooler, they rebound mid-week and thursday and friday they continue to climb into the 70s and '80s. so it's a slow warm-up. it's on the way at some point. thanks to you. >> and thanks, to you for joining us. i'm chris nguyen, news continues online, on terwillegar, facebook and instagram. we appreciate your time, we will leave with you a live look from our emeryville camera. we will bring you the latest on the fire investigation that is now under way in emeryville. until then, make it a great day, everybody. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx announcer: "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. jack: hi, everybody, i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." what's the one thing that every animal has in common? we all have moms. look at that. look at her licking her baby off. today, we're counting down 6 of the most amazing animal mothers we know. sue: aw, she sure loves her mom. jack: from the big and bold-- see her ears out? she's telling us, "don't bother the babies, don't bother the herd." to the furry and fierce-- sue: do you know what i love is the beautiful interaction between the mom and the cubs. jack: and later, don't miss my blooper of the week. so

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