Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170316 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170316

stolen vehicle. >> as they tried to contact the driver, the driver of the car pulls off and rams a couple police vehicles. >> reporter: other vehicles r al were also hit. >> sounded like a big bomb went off and tires screeching and gunshots, pow, pow, pow, pow . p >> reporter: how ward p.d. says two detectives fired their weapons. the driver of the stolen vehicle drove out of the apartment complex and crashed at campus and oaks drive. students at student housing off campus were told to shelter in place. >> it was scary because it caught us off guard. >> reporter: hayward police say there were four people in the car, two males and two females. one male suspect got out and run. law enforcement searched for him until 1:30 in the morning. >> we have leads. >> the way they took off and damaged cars, he could careless. >> reporter: the other female and male were taken into custody. the female has since been released. the fremont police detectives injured in the initial crash were treated and released from a local hospital. the alameda county d.a.'s office is conducting a parallel investigation. in hayward, melanie woodro, abc 7 news. tonight president trump is responding to a federal judge in hawaii's decision to temporarily block key portions of president's new travel ban. >> we're going to fight this terrible ruling. we're going to take our case as far as it needs to go including all the way up to the supreme court. we're going to win. we're going to keep our citizens safe. >> that was the president addressing supporters at a rally in nashville. he calls the ruling unprecedented, judicial over reach. the new travel ban would have taken effect at midnight eastern time, the order was set to temporarily halt the refugee ban and the trump administration took over a month to rewrite the executive order after multiple federal courts blocked the implantation the first time. in part of the ruling tonight, judge derrick watson sited questionable national security evidence as part of his and did not accept statements by mr. trump about bunning muslims should be disregarded. the plainly worded statements made in the months leading up to the executive order and in many cases made by the executive himself betrayed the executive orders stated secular purpose. nancy pelosi says yet another judge found that the true unconstitutional purpose of president trump's muslim ban is revealed and the hateful rhetoric and plrejudice that dominated his campaign. >> four that committed cyber crimes against the u.s. the indictment charges two members of the fsb, successor to the kgb hired criminal hackers. it says they stole information on more than 500 million yahoo user accounts in a massive hacking attack in 2014. three of those indicted are on the run for now. >> you can try and hide in the corners of mark web but we will hunt you down. we will expose you and bring you to justice. the fbi has a long reach and a longer memory. >> the fbi that worked with yahoo says the investigation took several years because it was a complex probe and didn't know what they had until it got deeper into the investigation. yahoo suffered an even larger hack attack in 2013 where 1 billion use r accour accounts w compromised. the department of justice did not say anything about russian involvement in that incident. today's indictments have sent shock waves throughout silicon valley. we are joined from san jose where she talked to cybersecurity experts how consumers and companies are reacting. >> reporter: cheryl, some consumers say the yahoo hack was alarming and they wonder if enough is being done but we were surprised to say it didn't bother some. some yahoo users are loyal despite them offsuffering one o the largest breaches. some haven't changed their password since the hack. >> probably something i should do. >> reporter: others say no whay >> i google a lot. i use other sites. don't use the e-mail anymore. >> no. >> reporter: tech analysts with creative services says despite the breach, yahoo's customer base is loyal but the hacking case and infrastructure. >> the tech companies are highly proacti proactive. the non-tech have gotten a greater rude awakening. almost every company is aware, they have to be more aggressive. >> reporter: math geniuses and hackers work side by side, a cybersecurity firm. the ceo is hyper vigilant. >> you cannot adopt decades-old security principles in the way you design your security infrastructure, which is what companies do today. >> reporter: companies need to have the mind set breaches are inevitable so they need to make sure they are sufficiently invest inve investing information. new at 6:00, napa high school's football coach resigned as the team deals with a hazing scandal. troy mott was the winningest coach for 11 years. he's seen here in the baseball cap. currently eight football players face accusations in an alleged hazing incident first reported by the abc 7 news i-team. motts' departure coals after what he describes as varying philosophies on the program's future. >> a scare in san mateo brought the bomb squad as officers and deputies responded after a man called police saying he had a pipe bomb. this is at 25th avenue. the bomb squad determined the man had a pipe that did not contain explosives. police say he had a history, he has a history of making threats. he was taken to the hospital for mental health evaluation. in san francisco, a massage parlor that authorities say operated as a brothel was shut down. we learned that queens health center was evicted after the city attorney sued the business for prostitution. massage parlor was sited for health code violations as far back as 2010. for two days we've been tracking a stranded sea lion. today he made another appearance swilling back in the direction of the delta. it's good news for experts that thought they might have to rescue him. lonnie live with mr. leisure. >> reporter: yes, dan, this really does have all elements of a children's book. you can call it mr. leisure visits, has a couple meals, takes a long nap and heads home and last we checked, he's swimming back in the open delta. in the middle of a farm past to past tour, look who pops up. a sea lion out of his element but stealing hearts. >> let's take a longer lunch break and see if we can catch him. >> i'm so happy for him. i'm grateful that we got to be part of this history making moment. >> reporter: mr. leisure, the male was seen entering a concrete storm drain after being spotted near this spillway tuesday morning. >> it appears to be the entire night in the culvert and came out this morning and started heading back towards the ocean. >> reporter: the huge male sea lion swam with the current and onlookers followed him. animal control and marine mammal officials included only there to make sure he safely moved through the canal. >> we basically want to keep it going out towards the ocean. just in case it decided to make a turn go up the canal, we were there to kind of create a diversion to scare it the other way. >> pretty cool. it's good people care about an animal and try to get back to safety. >> reporter: the marine mammal took his time no hurry at all even stopped for a big lunch. >> they are called sea dogs and very much like dogs and playful and curious and do play with their food. >> reporter: scientists say this behavior is a good sign, and this could be a normal routine, but maybe the first time he's been seen. others speculate recent storms played a role and he chased fish up here. >> we think the water is up so high, it basically thought it was great to have all this food over here. >> it shows people care, you know. so that's a good thing. >> reporter: after a good night's rest, the famous sea lion decided it was time to leave and head back to a more familiar lonnie ra vir nie rivera, abc n next, what that man's family did today in sacramento to help prevent tragedies like that from ever happening again. i'm meteorologist drew tuma, we were some 15 to 20 degrees cooler today but i'm tracking a rapid warmup before return to wet weather comes back. the details ahead in the accuweather forecast. new at 6:00 tonight, why local scientists are taking a hard second look at declassified afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. the parents of man who died in oakland's ghost ship fire talked about their loss and what might be done to spare others the same heartache. laura anthony traveled to the state capital to hear their story. >> through his misfortune, jonathan went there. >> reporter: he's trying to turn his loss into something positive. his son 34-year-old jonathan a visual projection artist was among 36 people killed last december in the ghost ship warehouse fire. testifying before a senate committee, edwin told lawmakers though some thought it was a dangerous building artists like his son gathered at the ghost ship because they had nowhere else like it to go. >> two years before his older brother had been with one of these collectives, and they had performed at the ghost ship and they realized it was a very, very dangerous place, and they decided never to come back. but with soaring rents and costs, there are fewer and fewer places where artists can live. >> it affected me personally very much. >> reporter: state senator nancy said her grown daughter was a preschool classmate of jonathan. >> we don't want anything like to this to happen again but let's understand why. there are so many factors. we have a housing crisis in california. >> we don't want to see approaches. >> reporter: they want a measured response to the goes ship tragedy. >> we see this as a memorial honoring jonathan and, you know, his friends who died in the fire, and trying to do something for the future. >> reporter: in their son's memory, they created an organization called vital arts for safe live work spaces for bay area artists. in sacramento, lawyer ura the hearing comes after the city's embattled fire chief is retiring. he she has been on leave since january. criticism started to build after reid admitted the ghost ship warehouse had not been inspected. critics complained she was slow to hire key positions. the announcement becomes before she became fully vested. the city is looking for a new chief before she leaves in may. >> students at dublin elementary school are sick and have symp m symptoms that suggest the sickness is from norovirus. abc news is on campus as double the usual number of people scrubbed and cleaned. today nearly 50 students were absent. that number is a little lower than monday. only one student tested positive for the virus but dozens of others certainly have symptoms. the school wants parents to keep kids home if they are sick. listen, colors now show which schools are the best in california. districts and schools are rated on a color scale from blue the best to red the worst. the dashboard measures not only student performance in english and math but chronic absentee and graduation rate. you can find the link on our website tomorrow stanford is giving people a chance to chime in on a development it wants to build. here is the architects rendering of what is being called middle plaza. it includes apartments, offices, shops and under ground parking centered around a public plaza. stanford wants to make the development a place for bike and car share programs by including lockers and showers for commuters. the project will be built and vacant car lots near middle avenue half a mile from the caltrain station. tomorrow's public comment opportunity starts at 6:00 p.m. at the little house. more than six acres of land will be preserved as an open space. car ranch is not going to be a place for hikers. abc 7 news reporter leslie brinkley joins us. leslie? >> reporter: hi, cheryl. this is watershed land that's been off limits up until now. this fall it's going to be opened up this gorgeous hikers. the permit is good for a year. 600 new acres to check out. the wild flowers are in bloom. you can hear the frogs and the wild turkeys in the distance. there are cattle and horses grazing on this land near upper san leandro. this was car ranch, now it's owned by east bay mud and will be managed by the land trust in a conservation deal that cost $7 million, but is expected to pay off in many ways. >> this gift from the car family is forever. it's for us now. it's for our children. >> if the land were developed, it would have disrupted water quality. instead. >> it's a puzzle piece that fits in and surround the land on three sides basically. >> reporter: it's the biggest purchased land they have made in 20 years. they plan to open the property for public recreation this fall forquestrians and wildlife viewing. >> it connects to a number of other park district trails, redwood, so an 8,000 acres of watershed in the upper san leandro. >> this preserves high quality drinking water at its source forever. >> reporter: a big one for conservationists to preserve the watershed, protect the wildlife and create new open space access. in the hills, i'm leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. in accuweather, the clouds move in but tracking and a bright and warm finish. live doppler showing we did have a couple showers earlier today. i want to zoom into the northern half of the viewing area over the past hour, light showers pushing through, all along a boundary that brought the cooler air and also the cooler temperatures or i should say the cloud cover up above. live look outside emeryville showing you numerous layers out there, breaks in the cloud cover and catch a glimpse of the sun from time to time but the fog along the coast going to make its presence known once again overnight tonight. the big story today certainly stepped outside and it felt cooler. look at these numbers, 24-hour temperature change, 16 degrees cooler right now in concord than this time yesterday. 13 in san francisco. 19 in santa rosa and 13 degrees cooler in san jose. across the board, it was kind of a reality check in terms of numbers. 61 thnavado. 56 san francisco and 63 that current number. so the call overnight tonight will have a lot of cloud cover hanging on overnight. what that will do is help to insulate us. numbers will not fall too far from where we are now. mid to low 50s will be your starting temperatures as you go about your morning. on thursday and thursday itself on your day planner, it's really a day of transition. the reason why early on 7:00 in the morning you have a lot of cloud cover out there but the cloud will slowly break down and by the afternoon, you're going to see tons of sunshine and it will feel warmer out there than it does now thanks to the sunshine. highs on thursday go up to about 72. that number in antioch and 67, a mild 72 for san jose. 69 san rafael and san francisco up to 64. the numbers will continue to climb into friday, as well. future tracker temperature showing you this is absolutely the best day we have in the next seven. it's total sunshine. temperatures well above normal by some ten degrees. wide spread 70s making a come back and everything changes over the weekend. look at the chances for rain. they start to climb in saturday to sunday but really monday night into tuesday itself. that's our greatest chance for wide spread wet weather moving back into the region. let's time it out for you in terms of rainfall estimates. future tracker rainfall showing you as we go through saturday, the best chance in the north bay for the showers to develop. you have outdoor plans on saturday, i would not cancel them at all. similar story on sunday but everyone is fair game for isolated shower to round out the weekend. also on monday, watch what happens monday night into tuesday, these numbers jump and that's when we do expect wide spread rain coming through the region. the accuweather seven-day forecast, let's plan the next seven days. tomorrow start out with cloud cover, the sunshine comes back to round out the day, by friday, it's total sunshine and it's warm. then we do a 180 once again. saturday and sunday chance of a shower. don't cancel any plans but monday night into tuesday the rain returns. we'll track that rain on the abc 7 news app. >> thank you. all right. stay with us, rolling into history. >> a gay rights icon gets a special honor aboard one of san francisco's famous streetcars. it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. a san francisco streetcar that was pea tou movie just got a major makeover as streetcar 1051 got back into service. it got updated electrical systems and interior. it was used in the movie "milk." it was a struggle for gay rights and public transit. >> 25,000 people ride the f line every day and when riders are on this car, no matter where they come from in the world they will learn about harvey milk. >> it is renovating 26 historic streetcars as part of a $36 million fleet expansion. after helping team usa win one of the most difficult cooking competitions in the world, french laundry chef thomas keller had a much easier audience to impress last night. >> i spent four hours on this carr carrot. [ laughter ] >> beautiful. >> wow. look at how beautiful mine turned out, too. it's almost -- >> look at that. [ applause ] >> keller showed jimmy kimmel how to prepare one of the garnishes that won team usa the gold at the competition in france. you can catch jimmy abc 7 every weeknight after the news at 11:00. tonight's guest are michael perry and matthew pena. >> new rules on the books at university of california schools and these rules are not for students. >> that's right. just ahead, the university system revises the code of conduct for faculty following dozens of sexual misconduct cases. they were classified for decades but now the national lab is releasing thousands of nuclear test phillips for the public and for science. i'm jonathan bloom with that never before seen footage ahead on abc 7 news. life changing delivery for a local couple. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. filed harassment. >> when the person that harassed them no longer has the power, they feel a freedom to come forward. >> reporter: the u.c. president called for stronger steps in sexual harassment cases when it came to faculty. a task force appointed came up with recommendations on how to prevent and respond to these violations. lieutenant governor gavin n uso me was present. >> there has been a culture that persisted for sometime that is inexcusable and self-evidently is not the kind of conduct that anyone would associate or should associate with the uc system of all systems. >> reporter: today's vote comes after the university released documents showing that more than 100 employees have been disciplined throughout the u.c. system in the last three years. in san francisco, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. tomorrow the u.c. regions will consider the appointment of carol crist seen as the chancellor. if approved, she will become the first woman to head cal. wait at least another year before we wait before santa clara judge aaron persky will be recalled from the bench. he sparked outrage when he sentenced brock turner to six months to jail for sexual assaulting an unconscious woman. a vote on his fate is being pushed back to june of 2018. the main reason is to save your taxpayer dollars holding a special recall election this november would cost an estimated $6.9 million. nearly $7 million. delaying it until the primary next january puts the cost at just a few hundred thousan dollars. the group leading the recall effort tells us they will start collecting signatures this summer to put the measure on the ballot. tomorrow, a kidnapper will be sentenced for a crime that vallejo police initially and wrong recalled a hoax. it's been two years since matthew muller broke into the home of eric quinn and denise huskins. muller dragged, bound her and abducted her and held her hostage for two days before letting her go. vallejo police accused the couple of making up the story. dublin police arrested muller after a home invalsion a few months later and found evidence linking him to the vallejo case. muller pleaded guilty to a federal kidnapping charge. new at 6:00, what was highly classified can be found on youtube and this isn't a leak. abc 7 news reporter jonathan bloom explains why the lawrence livermore nationl lab is beginning to publish thousands of films of u.s. nuclear weapons tests. >> the shark wave kicking all this dirt up and the cloud and the stem that forms. >> reporter: the images are frightening and fascinating. >> the fire ball, see the shock wave again and the shock wave hits the ground. >> reporter: these are no hollywood effects but films of real u.s. nuclear tests conducted in the 1950s and '60s for science and parts of the prediction models that are still in use today. >> one frame at a time would shine it on a grid and somebody had to eyeball what the answer was or measurement was. >> reporter: that was a problem with an error of plus or minus 10%, it was farless precise so george sprigs is leading a project to reanalyze the films for data that could be critical if there is a nuclear war. >> he's not going to drop a bomb on enemies and wipe out an ally. >> reporter: getting the films into the computer required starting from this, an array of different film sizes and formats shot at different speeds. >> they were looking for every way possible to capture information from these detonations. >> reporter: james is an expert in most of them. >> this camera is the high-speed camera type three. >> reporter: shooting thousands of frames per second to capture every detail of the initial blast. clean and splice the films. >> it has an image, fire ball. >> reporter: and scan them before more fall apart. >> the data we took, that's it. we'll never test that shot again and we need to preserve these data. >> reporter: why make them public? sprigs says they are priceless for academic research but as a reminder. >> the immense energy produced as a detonation and hopefully nobody will want to use them. i don't think they want to have the retaliation of a nuclear weapon being dropped on their country. >> reporter: jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. stunning images. several high profile twitter accounts were hacked overnight. >> find out whether it's part of adispute. michael finney makes this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. stocks rose today following a positive sign from the federal reserve. the dow gained more than 100 points. the nasdaq is up to 5900 and s&p finished at 2385. well today the fed raised short-term interest rates by a quarter percent. analysts say consumers should expect a jump in credit card rates as well as increases in auto, mortgage and home equity loans. the move reflects a consistently solid u.s. economy. several high-profile twitter accounts were hijacked overnight as part of an on going despite with turkey, the neither lands and germany. several big names like forbes and justin bieber's page. it's part of a campaign of online vandalism stemming from tensions between turkey and what it calls nazi style tactics reportedly being used by european countries in political matters. moving on, we are very excited to introduce a new way to watch abc 7 news stories and videos on tv whenever you want. kristen sze explains how it works. >> reporter: it's available on amazon fire, a streaming media play there hooks directly into your television set. you can use amazon fire to connect instantly with abc 7 news, any time of the day or night. >> look at that flame shooting from an apartment building. >> reporter: check out our top stories. >> this is an active rescue operation. >> reporter: use your remote to move from video to video and find what interests you. >> completely stunning at the oscars. >> i get goose bumps just thinking about the potential of programs like this. >> the goats keep streaming down that small hillside. >> reporter: click on most recent to get abc 7 news videos as soon as they are posted. >> no place for this water to go. >> finally, it came into view and my heart just about leaped out of my chest. >> reporter: the weather tab takes you to a quick seven-day forecast or a more detailed up to the minor cast from the abc 7 weather team. >> freezing inland. >> start out bright on monday. >> reporter: if you're looking for a pick me up, click on the feel good section. videos to make you smile. suitable for all members of the househol household. >> so cute, right? all right. if you have an amazon echo, be sure you turn on flesh briefings from abc 7 news to get headlines and breaking news. alexa, what's the news? >> good samaritans rescue man from water at san francisco's pier 23. >> another way that abc 7 news is right at your fingertips. kristen sze, abc 7 temperatures dropped and clouds returned today. this is a live look from the emeryville camera. drew will be back to update the forecast in five minutes. just over a week away prom nati -- from national puppy day. hashtag your puppies to the online post just off the charts on the cute scale. >> so, so cute. freedom of movement is something most of us take for freedom of movement is something most of us take for granted. >> michael finney joins us with a story that may have you thinking twice before taking anything for granted. >> boy, i'll tell ya, this couple. what they went through after a tough 15-month journey in the hospital, a belmont man could hardly wait for the delivery that would change his life and we worked so hard to make that delivery happen. >> get there, slowly but surely. >> reporter: that's the outlook of shane muller of belmont. his wife jenny colby is supporting shane as he just had a new way of life. doctors had to amputate both legs after a 15 month long battle with flesh eating bacteria. for now, he's making the best of a rental wheelchair but it is not easy. >> at one point it was breaking down and wheels were coming off. i needed it serviced and they simply were not getting back to me. >> reporter: shane decided to pin his hopes on a new custom wheelchair he ordered from new motion in june. it was supposed to arrive in two to four weeks. >> i just waited and waited and, you know, started getting towards halloween and i thought, i better call before the end of the month because it's busy. >> reporter: but more delays followed. shane finally called 7 on your side in february. that is the sound of freedom for shane. just a few weeks after we contacted new motion, the new wheelchair arrived. shane lights up full of anticipation like a kid at christmas. the final adjustments were made, everything is all in place, and now it's time to give the new set of wheels and tryout. >> one, two, three. >> awesome. >> there we go. >> reporter: shane cautiously maneuvers the wheelchair in his apartment. then it's time to take it out. >> just a little motion. >> no, no, no. >> you got it? >> no. >> all right. >> reporter: that feeling of control is something shane hasn't felt for awhile. it's a good feeling. >> i can be independent again and get out of my home and get in the sun. >> reporter: new motion explained what caused the delay. >> this one took a little longer than normal but there is just some things that happened during the documentation process that, you know, extended the length. >> reporter: today, all those delays are forgotten. >> it's real life. it really is. it's -- yeah, it is beyond words. i can't even -- i'm usually not beyond words. >> i'm -- i'm just so happy right now. >> reporter: i'd really like to thank shane and jenny for sharing part of their lives with us. quite a journey. >> nice to see it end like this. >> so much independence for him. it's amazing. >> huge. we take this kind of thing for granted. he doesn't. thanks, michael. we shouldn't, either. all right. well drew is back with an update on fort cathe forecast, drew. >> today we had a cooler change and tomorrow into friday we'll warm back up. showing you a little action on the screen to the east of us near stockton and sacramento. a boundary that brought cooler temperatures but the cloud cover up above. out there right now 50s and 60s the name of the game. this time yesterday we had spots in the upper 50s. but with the cloud cover overhead, it acts like a blanket. what that means numbers are going to be slow to cool the next couple hours. 50s will be your starting temperatures on your thursday. into the afternoon we'll have sunshine return mainly sunny skies, 72 san jose and 70 that number in napa. accuweather seven-day forecast we'll show you warm up through friday and then the wet weather starts to return over the weekend with some isolated showers and right now monday night into tuesday it looks to be the wettest period. >> there you go. >> drying out a bit. in sports, the help wanted. >> help wanted in berkeley. months after hiring a football coach, alonzo martin gon there's a moment of truth. and now with victoza® a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn't get me to my goal. lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. the one i used to take. (jim) victoza® lowers blood sugar in three ways. and while it isn't for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. non-insulin victoza® comes in a pen and is taken once a day. (announcer vo) victoza® is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck or if you develop any allergic symptoms including itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. now's the time for a better moment of proof. ask your doctor about victoza®. good evening, the cal bears in the market for a new basketball coach. martin resigned to take over at missouri. martin just completed the third season at cal and the bears got crushed at home last night in the nit. disappointing finish. martin is a terrific recruiter. his team excelled on defense but after one of the assistants was accused in a harassment case, there was a growing sense his time in berkeley would not be long. more academic entrance requirements off the athletic department, it made the departure inevitable. the deal seven years, $21 million. if cal want a coach who will succeed and stick around, call randy bennett because he would be a fantastic hire. randy is busy. the st. mary's squad took off and will play virginia commonwealth in round one of the ncaa tournament tomorrow afternoon. games finished 28-4, now three of the loses came against gonzaga and st. marys enters as a seven-seed, none of these players have been on this kind of stage before and head coach randy bennett admitted today it's a concern. >> we just try and keep things as normal as we can and i have talked to him about it and i've talked to him about we have to be ready to compete. you can't go to the tournament just to play. if you do, you'll be going home after the first day. >> confidence every time we step on the court and this environment is no different. we're excited to compete against different teams and see what we can do. >> we weren't too concerned about the speed and gripe we wish we were sixth. we're happy to get in and ready for the challenge on thursday. >> without kevin durant, the warriors don't look anything like a team that would win. they had to overcome a 16-point deficit against the sixers. steph curry, hard to know what is going on but still struggling with the shot. draymond green won this game for the warriors last night bringing much-needed defensive intensity and also scored 20 points. the reality for the warriors right now is they got to hang on for the final 15 games of the regular season and then hope durant comes back healthy for the playoffs. head coach steve kerr really can use firepower off the bench. just isn't really there. >> i love our team. we got a lot of guys that can help us but struggled to score at times and haven't been hitting shots, so we got to take care of our defense. that's the main thing. you saw what happened last night, changed the whole game and that has to be the focus. we can't worry about who is scoring and who is not. >> you guys remember when we first got together, you know, in october, right? didn't look this pretty, still, you know, on the same page. we trying to figure out and it's what is going on, too. hopefully he's going to come back. >> the 49ers made a trade today acquiring center jeremy from the baltimore ravins. the team swapped sixth round picks as part of this transition. he made the pro bowl last year and started 41 games in the season and he would be released to play cap space. interesting to see how they use him. madison bumgarner one hit in six scoreless walk one, struck out three and caught looking and michael morris, fall out of bed and whack home runs, 2 for 2, two rbis off of the wall there, hunter pence would score and giants win 7-4 and the a's have the day off. interesting times for cal in terms of the transition and you have to wonder the star player ivan, will he go to the nba? the new coach may be standing from ground zero. >> do you think? >> his stock dropped this year but i have -- i would have a feeling that it's probably time to go. you don't want it to get any worse. >> strike while it's hot. >> and also, cal could be worse next season so might as well go. >> oh, dear, larry, thank you. join us at 9:00 on coffee tv 20. coming up, the discovery of a black hole scientists say is choking onstar dust. a district court rules against president trump's new travel ban. bay area reaction to the just released ruling and where the white house plans to go next. coming up tonight on abc 7, here is the lineup. the goldbergs followed by speechless, modern family and blackish at 10:00 p.m. watch designated survivor and stay with us for abc 7 news at 11:00. and that is is it for this edition of abc 7 news. you can look for breaking news on twitter at abc 7 news bay area. i'm cheryl jennings. >> i'm dan ashley. for all of us, appreciate your time. see you again at 111:00. this is "jeopardy!" let's meet today's contestants -- an investigator from binghamton, new york... a stay-at-home mom from winter park, florida... and our returning champion -- a software developer from ottawa, ontario, canada... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. welcome, ladies and gentlemen. as you just heard, our champion, grant, is from canada. played well yesterday, and you did not hear him even once say, "eh?" [ laughter ] elisabeth and brendon, good to have you with us. let's go to work in the first round, players. here are the categories... uh-oh. and then... each correct response will begin with a "b," and you have to give us the "b" word which replaces a word we've put in the clue. grant, start. pro teams for $200. grant. what is atlanta? that's the city. pro teams, $400. grant. who are the toronto blue jays? yes.

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Stanford , California , United States , Fremont , New York , Canada , Alameda County , Germany , Missouri , Oakland , San Leandro , Turkey , Florida , Binghamton , Virginia , Stockton , Russia , Dublin , Ireland , Toronto , Ontario , University Village , San Francisco , Ottawa , Berkeley , Emeryville , Hollywood , Sacramento , France , Hawaii , French , Russian , Michael Morris , Laura Anthony , Jimmy Kimmel , Carol Crist , Cheryl Jennings , Derrick Watson , Nancy Pelosi , Shane Muller , Kristen Sze , Santa Clara , Thomas Keller , Brock Turner , Matthew Pena , Leslie Brinkley , Justin Bieber , Matthew Muller , Jenny Colby , Eric Quinn , Alonzo Martin , Troy Mott , Randy Bennett , Steve Kerr , Madison Bumgarner , Michael Perry , Lawrence Livermore , Dan Ashley , Michael Finney ,

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