Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170216 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170216

nearby buildings. most buildings in this area are businesses that have been evacuated. we just received an update from the fire department and they believe there is no imminent danger. the crane and concrete slabs are secure. building inspectors took a look at it and do not believe they are at risk of falling. let's hear what the fire captain had to say. >> at this time, again, our job as the fire department is to ensure the safety of our public. we have shared the statement that's come out from the contractors and i know there is terms in there that are stating safe and no imminent danger. weto err on the other side and we have to make sure everybody is safe. >> reporter: it's unclear how long this situation will remain. the surrounding area is blocked off. the company's area is flying in from washington state to look at the situation. there will be another update at 7:00 p.m. live in san francisco, lillian kim, abc 7 news. >> okay. thanks very much. we are joined on the phone by structural engineer mason walters. thank you so much for joining us tonight. what can you explain to us, your understanding of what is happening on top of this building? >> it looks as though -- it looks as though there is a pet house construction -- penalthou construction. it's a relatively smaller structure that was being constructed and also it looks like the crane on top of that structure is actually being supported by the same system, and that one corner of that may have been compromised. looks like the northeast corner is actually, you know, sunk and correspondingly, the structure is leaned and twisted towards the north. but it isn't hanging over the street. it looks like it's -- you know, it looks like it's fairly stable at the moment, but there is no telling what would happen, you know, if the winds came up or something else. >> mason, i think you're right from what our understanding is that crane is attached to the actual slab that is -- has shifted. two quick questions. what would have caused this to happen in your experience, and what do you do about it? >> well, it could have been a failed element in the crane support. cranes are, you know, big dynamic structures that tend to weigh a lot. this crane looks like it was a concrete pumping boom and it put a lot of stress on the systems that support them. so if one -- you know, one small connection failed, it can mean a big shift in a platform like this. >> and how do they go about getting this situation fixed? are they doing? tell us that. >> i would think the general contractor is bringing in a team to brace the parts of the structure that appear to be unstable. as well as working with the engineers to get an opinion yn of where to apply the bracing to most quickly stabilize the structure. >> and mason, very quickly, one last question, i don't know if you can do a scale of one to ten, but how dangerous do you think it is to -- the buildings below and nearby, what is the likelihood this could turn -- get worse? >> you know, i can't comment on that. i really am looking at the same information everyone else is. i'm just k llooking through the eyes of an engineer. >> it's not hanging through the edge of the building. >> there is a setback that's apparently given it a buffer space or margin of safety from falling. >> okay. great. >> all right. structural engineer mason walters, thank you so much for talking to us and giving us perspective on what is happening there. appreciate it. >> great information. the developer for that building on tehama street, the 2,000-pound slab of concrete of fall something false. a statement from heinz real estate says an interior forming system had a partial hydraulic failure but that interior forming system and the concrete placement arm have been secured and are being evaluated by engineers to bring it back to level. >> this shows what the finished project at 33 tehama should look like. it's a project of the heinz real estate development and investment firm based in houston with an office here in san francisco. construction began in 2015. when complete, it will be 278,000 square feet and include retail and art space. it's 35 stories high with 403 apartment units. >> for a closer look at the trouble spot of the building. let's children to christian. >> it takes us to the 30th floor where this is happening. you can see engineers looking at the concrete slab that's become loose. i'm going to pause it as we look at this wider view because what you see here, this right there, that is the crane we're talking about. it's the one that's part of the hydraulic lift system that this whole thing is a part of where a strut holding up this crane failed and that caused it to push down on this concrete structure right there causing it to become loose from the pressure. all right. so now that we have a better sense for that, let's go ahead and continue to see the sloped angle that this whole top floor is now as a result. also want to pause it here for you. there is a secondary crane there, the outside crane. that we should point out is fine, not in danger. you see this whole thing, a buffer zone you heard the engineer talk about. i do want you to imagine this. should anything fall, we're absolutely talking about a 30-story drop. so they don't want to take any chances and again, so much going on in that area and here is another great view of the crane right there. so they are going to be cautious. in the meantime, ama, you will talk about streets that are closed right now as a result. >> yeah. definitely impacting traffic. christian, thank you. we can take a wider view of the impact. the red parts you see there, that is your slowest traffic. hardly moving at all and that is approaching the bay bridge and also on the bay bridge and this is going to be like this for sometime tonight. >> oh, boy, it sure is. live team coverage continues with cornell bernard who has been talking with people who had to evacuate buildings, cornell? >> dan and ama, a lot of folks definitely wishing they had stayed home tonight. still a lot of frustration, confusion and, you know, a little bit of fear, too, among those who work in the shadow of 33 tehama. this is a live shot from howard street. this is as far as you can go near the building. 16 buildings surrounding 33 tehama have been evacuate diseaseed as a precaution. those went smoothly but not everybody got the information they needed to get out and stay out. some still wondering what is going on. many are definitely wondering when they can go back in. listen to this. >> we were trying to get in a building literally right across the street, and i guess the whole building got evacuated. >> it was definitely a little jarring at first but we're happy that they are being safe and evacuating people. like i said, it's a nuisance but at the same time, everybody is being safe and that's important. >> the concrete slab is right now is going sideways so that -- they tried to figure out how they way to fix the problem. >> now, that man you just heard from is a construction worker. he works on the chantransbay terminal building. he says the is tsituation looks much worse than it looks but firefighters say that's not the case and for now all is safe. let's come back live here to the financial district where it is carmegdon. so many cars trying to get out of the financial district. if you're anywhere near considering coming down here tonight, don't do it. stay away. take public transportation because it is a royal mess. coming off the bay bridge, the fremont street exit is also closed. so just getting here will be a very, very big challenge and when this area will be opened up again, it's anybody's guess. we're live in san francisco tonight, cornell bernard, abc 7 news. >> thank you cornell. definitely a tough situation. debra shared this picture that she tweeted after she was evacuated from the nasdaq center. when you see news where you live and can safely take a picture or video share it with us. well, more rain is not going to help the construction workers on top of 33 tehama. another series of storms begins tonight. here is a live look outside. spencer christian is tracking the first one, which will get here in a couple hours? >> few hours away. here is live doppler 7. nice and calm and quiet and dry but cloudier and the storm coming in overnight ranks one on the storm impact scale. it will produce periods of heavy rain. minor flooding is possible because of the heavy downpours in a short span of time and winds gusting 30 to 40 miles per hour. notice right after midnight, the wave of moderate to heavy rain starts starts to sweep through the north bay and it's going to be covering virtually all of the bay area. generally moderate to heavy with the downpours and a slow morning commute but the storm will move rather quickly and by midday, it will be breaking up into just scattered showers. i'll give you a closer look at the storm and those to follow in a few minutes. dan and ama. >> thank you. there is a problem in the san francisco bay and we can blame it on our recent storms. >> see what danger this debris floating in the water is causing and how it's affecting commuters. how long do you wait on hold? complaints are flooding social media. i'm michael finney. coming up 7 on your side reveals we'your most extraordinarybut withmoments happenses when you feel small. when you're completely outnumbered, overshadowed, and outshined. so what if you dared to explore this great big beautiful pond. what if you dared to feel small. celebrate our princess anniversary sale with award winning itineraries. 7 day fares from $799. visit your travel agent or princess cruises. come back new. sky 7 is live over the scene of a high rise construction problem. the developer heinz released a statement saying unstable concrete slabs have been secured. the fire department says a crane on top of the structure is no longer at risk of falling. street closures and evacuations are still in effect right now. well, are your medical records at risk from cyber criminals? hackers are going from stealing financial data to stealing medical records. they are more profitable for longer periods of time on the black market. tonight the abc 7 news i-team has details of an investigation done by a cybersecurity firm to alert patients and health care providers. investigators at san mateo trap x detected malware at major health care providers across the world and plan to make the report public tomorrow. trap x found hackers planted malware on devices including x ray printer and mri scanner and one like this used during surgery. >> those devices are in the operating room. they could be in a hospital bed. lives could be depending on them and if they disrupted with malware or attacker tool kits, they may not be able to do what they are meant to do. >> one instance, trap x says an operating room had to be shut down for six hours to remove that malware. a massive really surprising amount of debris in san francisco bay is creating problems for ferry boats and vessels all because of the recent storms. cleanup has been underway but the reality is, crews can't work fast enough to remove all of this stuff left by the storms and more rain is coming. abc 7 news reporter leeayanne melendez is live in san francisco with remarkable pictures. >> reporter: that's right. we do. all over the bay, dan. now of course, all of the debris has had serious impact on the ferry service with regard to the service between alameda, oakland and san francisco, we are told that there have been a number of delays, cancelled trips and they have had to change vessels because two of their boats were damaged. this wall of debris has caused damage to at least two ferry boats, this is one of them. the gemeni being repaired today removing big trees from the bay. >> extremely difficult for the ferries to see at night and it's floating just below the surface of the water and add on that some top and you can't see it. >> reporter: it's an invasive non-native aqua weed from the sacramento delta. >> it's neutrally boy yenuoyanb >> you can feel it. >> and get water moving understand you are beneath your thumb. >> reporter: you can see a carpet of debris and the berkeley marina. not since el nino of 1997 have people seen this much litter in the bay. even the sea lions were having a hard time. >> i'm sure they are having to work harder to fish because this kind of thing is changing and some of the fish they would feed on closer to here are probably going a little further a field. >> reporter: people swimming today confronted several obstacles, the beach at aqua park was covered with twigs and larger pieces of wood. >> debris is mostly vegetation. so, you know, i think it's part of nature. just kind of swim around it, you know. >> reporter: most of the big trees will be hauled away and eventually reused. in san francisco, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. ace train service between stockton and san jose will resume tomorrow for the first time all week. recent weather damaged the tracks. capturing crews clearing a falling tree is what you're looking at here. one westbound train and eastbound train will run. usually four in each direction are scheduled. now you're accuweather forecast with spencer christian. >> we have quite a bit of wet weather. here is a live look at the doppler 7. it's just to the north and it's only hours away, so enjoy the dry weather while you can if you have outdoor plans for this evening, squeeze them in now. so i should also mention i have rough surf in effect from 9:00 tonight. you can see the wave height growing already. 13 to 15 feet and may generate breakers up to 20 feet high and rip currents are possible, as well. let's talk about current conditions. this is the view from the rooftop camera. 61 here at san francisco, 62 across the bay upper 60s at san jose and 61 gilroy and 55 at half moon bay. you can see skies are at least partly cloudy. 60 right now in santa rosa and upper 50s napa and concord and fairfield, 61 at livermore and here is one more live view from the east bay hills camera looking over the bay and look at the clouds. beautiful sky tonight. now maybe not so much later. these are the forecast features, the next storm arrives later tonight overnight. brief downpours for the morning commute but heavy at times and we'll have wet and unsettles weather all the way into next p but it will produce heavy downpours once again from the morning commute and wind gusts 30 to 40. starting at 11:00 tonight after midnight, we'll see that wave of moderate to heavy rain. not only hitting the north bay but sweeping down to the south bay, peninsula and east bay through san francisco and going to be wet through the entire morning commute. the storm probably won't start to break up until after k8:00 o 9:00 and trailing showers into the early evening before it's gone. we project rainfall totals will range from four-tenths of an inch in the south bay and increased that to just over half an inch at san jose to nearly an inch in the north bay and over in the sierra, a winter weather advisory will be in effect from 4:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. chain controls are likely. low visibility is expected and a risk of mudslides and a winter storm watch is in effect, as well from late thursday night into saturday morning lots of snow will fall there. overnight it's going to be mild here and raining but temperatures in the mid 50s and tomorrow's highs will reach into the low 60s and here is the accuweather seven-day forecast and you see the series of ones there. chance of rain more than a chance, very strong likelihood every single day through the seven-day period and every day ranking the storm a one on the impact scale. >> wow. thank you. all right. the presidency of donald trump prompts changes here in the bay area. why some people say it's time to take action after years of waiting. >> that's coming up. abc 7 sports director is heading to new orleans for the nba all-star game this weekend. warriors star steph curry, kevin durant, klay thompson and draymond green are part of the western conference team. larry reports from new orleans . new at 6:00 a family was awakened by a gang member. 12-year-old katy olivia said the agents pointed guns and flashlights at her although she is a u.s. citizen. >> seeing my mom and my family go being deported back to h honduras. >> the person they were looking for did not live there. they said it was part of a bigger operation. it's been a surge in the numbers of citizen ships since donald trump became president. >> vic lee is live at san jose international airport. vic? >> reporter: those workshops are held here at the airport administration building and all of those who attended were green card holders, permanent residents and everyone we spoke with said now is the time to become a citizen. today was the beginning of a new partnership among san jose, the airport and the national immigration forum. they will help immigrant airport workers and families become u.s. citizens. san jose mayor sam rickaardo sa now is the time. >> this is the greatest time against any political errors swung from washington d.c. >> cortez had a green card for eight years. >> i want to make sure if i go and travel, i'll be able to come back. you know, you've been hearing stories on the news. so i just want to make sure i'm okay. >> reporter: cortez is not the only one who wants to become a citizen. immigration attorney gabriel jack. >> since the day after the elections, yeah, i'd say we have been getting surge of calls of people who have been permanent residents often for numerous years. >> reporter: then president trump issued a 90-day executive order barring people in seven countries from entering the u.s. it resulted in chaos at san francisco international and other airports where some non-u.s. citizens including those with green cards were detained. >> since the travel ban, it spiked more. these are more citizen ship applications i've done in my career. >> everything that is happening now, it make me think it will be a good opportunity to become a citizen. >> reporter: jack has been receiving two to three calls per day, the same number he would get in a month. he used to tell clients they were safe with a green card. jack no longer feels comfortable saying that. vic lee, abc 7 news. well, if the rain keeps coming, we could see something we haven't seen in a generation at one northern california reservoir. we'll show you what is going on at comanche. i was on hold and i'm not exaggerating for 43 minutes. >> she's not the only one with an on hold horror story. mig michael finney looks what you can learn when you add them together. and an update on the dangerous concrete slab and crane causing evacuations in san francisco. more to come. anything with a screen is a tv. stream 130 live channels, plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. you can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. download the xfinity tv app today. a breaking news update now a high raise scare in san francisco is secure. but evacuations and road closures continue at one point the concrete slab and a crane that you see on top of the structure were compromised and at risk of falling to the ground. just about a half hour ago, the fire department said everything was secure. >> the next course again is going to be moving forward on a timeline of when we can state this is completely secure and safe, at which point we'll be able to allow building owners to allow their tenants to come back in. >> this is happening at tehama and first street under construction. here is a look at the impact that's causing serious traffic delays. howard street and tehama are closed between second and first. the fremont street exit ramp is shut down and the buildings highlighted in red remain evacuated. we're expecting a live update in 30 minutes. we'll stream it live on a brks krrc 7 and have it live on the d 2 channel 7.2 and comcast channel 715. all right. stay tuned for more on that but now there are more than 1300 dams and reservoirs throughout the state of california and engineers are performing extra tests to ensure the safety of dams during heavy winter storms. >> people had to evacuate earlier this week because emergency spillway was at risk of collapsing. >> today abc news kate larson took a trip to comanche reservoir. part of a water system that provides drinking water to the east bay and engineers are making sure it stays safe. >> tom and his team from east bay municip nicipal drove out t inspect the dam and reservoir. >> this is an earth and dam roughly 130 feet of water behind it and what we're concerned about is the water will drain through the dam, seep through the dam or drain underneath the dam and bubble up underneath our feet here. >> and while there is plenty of saturated soil at the toe of the reservoir from recent rainfall, he says their test and observations today like this light trickle of water in the drainage tunnel indicate the dam is holding up well. >> you can see the water is relatively clear. it's not cloudy. if it was chocolate milk dirty, that would mean parts of the dam are starting to pipe. the dam is starting to erode and we're not seeing that here. >> reporter: about a year and a half ago during the drought, the reservoir was about 60 feet lower than today. right now it is more than 90% full and as a result the reservoir is releasing the maximum allowed amount of water into the river but if the water continues to rise to the brim of the reservoir, that's when comanches one concrete spillway, which hasn't spilled water in 20 years would come into play. lake oroville has two both have been damaged by erosion. >> what could go wrong and comfortable, we wanted to come out and make sure everything is okay. >> east bay mud will be back for another inspection next week. kate larson, abc 7 news. water officials are making progress and repairs to the damaged spillways of oroville dam as they continue to lower the level of the reservoir behind it. take a look at how the water level changed over the past week. it peaked on sunday at 902 feet. two feet higher than the maximum capacity. today it dropped more than 20 feet. the sonoma marin area approved an agreement with the north coast rail authority to deal with safety issues but not everybody is happy about this s. >> freight cars are being stored. melanie woodro has the story. >> from sky 7, you can see the questionable freight cars in shellville carrying liquid petroleum gas. >> it is destructive to a tourism economy and businesses that operate there and to agricultural folks. >> these cars are proven to be safe when any accidents that have happened with them have happened because of high speed derailments. >> reporter: that different of opinion came to ahead today during a public hearing with standing room only as the area rail transit district prepared to vote on a new agreement with the north coast rail authority. >> i think you should think very carefully what you are doing. >> reporter: smart owns the rail but the freight company has areas to allow to operate over the system. several months ago the excitement surfaced from down san rafael to sonoma came to a stretching halt when the rail transit district became aware of an unwanted guest on the tracks. >> it was an issue because we hadn't been notified that they were going to show up. >> reporter: per the agreement that passed unanimously today, smart along with local responding agencies like the fire department will be notified about the freight car's location. the north coast rail road authority will assume the risk and liability for transporting and storing. melanie woodro, abc 7 news. let's turn to politics now on the eve of his confirmation hearing, one of president trump's nominees withdrawn suddenly from consideration. sources tell cnn there were four firm republican no votes and possibly up to 12 no votes for andrew, the fast food executive faced numerous kand sascandals e including his ex-wife accusing him of abuse. >> there is good news for workers and women and families in america. >> president trump did not mention the labor sec tretary nominee. the president asked netanyahu to hold back ons settlements and te president said he would live with a one state or two state option for israelis and palestinians. netanyahu calls president trump a great supporter of the jewish people. well, it is about to rain for seven straight days. this live look from the emeryville camera is going to change in just hours. >> oh, yes it will. spencer is back to explain how long thi ♪ ♪ the hydrogen fueled mirai. its only emission is water. toyota. let's go places. tonight crews are working to sure up the area on a mud slight. 17 in the scotts valley area is open to traffic tonight but one lane in each direction. contractors are working on an eight-foot high birm to prevent falling debris from crashing on to vehicles in the two active lanes. this is where a mudslide damaged a news van and another truck in two separate incidents. commuters are getting fed up. >> where are you going to go? you have to stay on 17. you can't go down 156. you have to go to 129, which they are a building down there and limp back in through watsonville and up. >> the daily drive over 17 can be as long as two hours because of that mudslide and as that man mentioned, back roads are no longer an option because of similar storm damage. >> in the sierra, highway 50 reopened completely. it closed a week ago as we reported of a series of rock slides east. interstate 80 however remains closed to westbound traffic because of last week's landslide at baxter. cars are detoured at highway 20 and can take highway 49 to auburn to get back on to i-80. the eastbound side of 80 is completely open. hold on, we'll be right back and michael finney will have the story of the worst offenders pwhen it comes to putting their customers on hold. >> oh gosh. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. how about funny side on jimmy kimmel live at 11:35. jimmy kimmel will host the os considers for the first time ever this year. the awards are just 11 days away. you can watch the oscars live on abc sunday, february 26th. coverage begins at 2:0 p.m. you call a company, on comes the music. you're on hold and the time just keeps on adding up. >> doesn't it? so frustrating. a new study claims that over a lifetime, we will spend a total of 43 days on hold. >> goodness. michael finney joins us now with how we can really speed things up. >> you have to listen to music from the '70s, too. that's the other problem. look, i get so many calls from viewers who can't solve a problem because they were stuck on hold transferred or even got disconnected. now complaints are flooding social media and a telecom company collected millions of them. here is the question, which companies had the most complaints. >> i was on hold and i'm not exaggerating for 43 minutes. >> for a $60 ticket, it was horrible. >> they brought us stories of sheer aggravation. >> listening to an automated, we will take our call soon. i feel like i'm going crazy. >> you may recall mimi murphy. we reported how she was on hold with her bank watching on her iphone as a thieve with drew all the money from her bank account and derrick reid was on hold with fast track for an hour and a half when an agent finally picked up, he lost it. >> i got so nasty on the phone. i'm embarrassed. >> it's interesting because until twitter came along, there was no way to see that anger. >> shy burger found people venting on twitter while they were waiting on hold. he started capturing the tweets on his website. >> we see thousand a day and in fact, it can be entertaining. >> like this fellow saying on hold for four hours, only to be told to walk to the store and two hours on hold and cut off. >> we put out reports regularly sort of naming and shaming the worst offenders. >> burger warns the list is not scientific. >> one company might have more complaints because they are more popular. >> he says the company with the most twitter complaints is apple. second, verizon. and the third, bank of america. >> they transferred me, put me on hold and then i'm on hold for another ten, 15 minutes. >> she came to us saying she can't get through. >> i actually cried. >> the bank was charging interest on her zero interest credit card. >> i really wanted to resolve this issue was stressful for me. >> so we were there and she tried again. >> asking me to hold for my call to be transferred. >> she waits. >> i'm still on hold. >> seven minutes past. >> after 17 minutes, the agent comes on, however, he says sarah has to call a different number. >> good-bye. >> bank of america declined comment about its on hold track record. apple got back saying wait times are usually zero. if someone is on hold at all, it's under five minutes on average. verizon says it usually answers calls in 30 seconds or less. however, it recommends using online chat service instead. and sar rarks she weah went to person. >> i said i contacted 7 on your side because i had enough. >> and her bank has now promised to reverse those interest charges. now, we continue the conversation on facebook and, find out why some are saying waiting on hold may soon be an irritant of the past. i want to hear from you monday through friday 10:00 to 2:00. 415-954-8915 and >> thanks, michael. all right. well even though rain returns tonight, we retreated to a beautiful sunrise this morning. >> we were. abc 7 news viewers captured in san mateo, foster city and sonoma county using the #abc 7 nn now. >> spencer? >> well, ama, we won't see sunrises or sunsets like that for awhile. dry at the moment but rain up to the north, well to the northwest and the storm on its way. the approaching storm ranks one on the storm impact scale. light intensity and overall picture won't mr. deuce some brief heavy downpours for the morning commute. if i were a morning commuter, i would give extra time tomorrow and minor flooding is possible. here is the forecast animation starting at 11:00 tonight. notice around midnight the storm moves into the north bay between midnight and 4:00 a.m. most of the area will be blanketed, mainly moderate sweeping across the area and all the way through the morning rush just going to be very, very wet with the storm beginning to weaken and taper off midday tomorrow to just showers. in the afternoon hours, high temperatures under showery conditions in the low 60s and the accuweather seven-day forecast shows one after the other after the other we'll have a series of rainy days for the next seven days, each day ranking the storm systems one on the storm impact scale. >> okay. all right. thank you. on to sports. >> yeah. larry is here. >> yes, you've got a one on the storm impact scale. >> right. >> warriors have a one. one game left before the all-star break looking for pay back tonight. looking to boogie with boogie cousins and the kings, n afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. good evening. the warriors getting set for sacramento. the kings used to be like a guaranteed win on the schedule. no more. the kings knocked off the warriors a week and a half ago and the dubs are coming off a loss and did not sit. >> since we lost last game and going to the break on a good note we'll be ready to play. we understand they beat us last game and playing well right now so at home we got to take care of the home floor. whenever you beat us, you know, you have -- you feel like another level of confidence i feel. you know, especially when you beat the best team, the best record in the league and feeling great about themselves. they came with them and got all star player on the team playing extremely well right now. >> boogie cousins. do you like money? forbes released the franchise values and the warriors came in third overall at $2.6 billion. the knicks number one at 3.3 and lakers were second, they are worth $3 billion. $2.6 billion is good. return on investment considering owners bought the franchise seven years ago for $450 million. my math is not fantastic but i believe that is a roughly 600% increase. if you're interested in being a billionaire. last september and october the giants bullpen was frightening to watch because there was no confidence in that group getting the job done melt down after melt down which is why the new closer is important. the 31-year-old had a 1.64 era and 47 saves last year splitting time between the nationals and pirates. in seven seasons, he never had more than five loan saves in any year. santiago casilla had nine last year. looking forward to working with catcher buster posey. >> i'm excited to learn from him and, you know, just get better together. i feel like we're going to be able to help each other out a lot and i already know his work ethic and, you know, the thought that he puts in each game and those things really excite me because i'm on the same page. >> a's pitchers and catchers took to the field for the first time today in mesa. if there was one bright spot last year, they got contributions late in the season from some of the younger players. catcher bruce maxwell 14 rbis, a monster. 13 homers and 72 games and hit .305. the catcher believes this team has potential to get back to the play-offs. >> we want to get back to the winning mind set and i think the biggest thing for us is to stay healthy. we got plagued bad. a lot of times it's who is the hottest and healthiest down the stretch and with our talent and depth that we have, you never know. i think that there is -- we're definitely going to surprise some people but i think that is something that we take pride in. >> for the first time ever each nhl team has a five-day buy week. five full days off. sharks begin monday but got three games before starting tonight in the tank against the florida panthers. sharks hoping to extend their pacific division lead to five points over anaheim who will likely be without one of the top scorers. a ten-game suspension for abusing an official. see the video last night vermette took a swipe at linesman al ffonzo. that will get you the ejection from the game. yeah, you can't be -- >> no. >> hitting the officials. >> no. >> they seem to frown on that. >> it's extremely frowned upon. yeah. >> thank you, larry. >> join us tonight at 9:00 on coffee tv 20, and right here for abc 7 news at 11:00. the high raise scare in san francis francisco. the place is secure. the threat at the top of this building. join us for abc 7 news at 9:00 and 11:00. >> we're standing by for an update on the news we've been following since 3:00. compromised construction site forcing the evacuation of thousands. >> they are expected to provide the update at 7:00. we'll continue coverage right now and bring you the update on 7.2 and 715 and news app and websited. this is the "jeopardy!" college championship. here are today's contestants -- a senior at northeastern university from ellicott city, maryland... [ cheers and applause ] a junior at stetson university from lighthouse point, florida... [ cheers and applause ] and a junior at caltech from potomac, maryland... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. ladies and gentlemen. the good news is if you keep winning in this tournament, you have a shot at picking up $100,000 in cash. the bad news is, if you lose in the quarter-final matches and don't make it to the semi-finals, you go home with $5,000. if you do make it to the semi-finals and lose, you go home with $10,000. not too bad when you think about it. clarissa, mari, and alex, welcome. good luck. here we go. categories for this first round of play are... oh, gosh. next... good subject. hey... [ chuckles ] i'm afraid of... "ev" in quotation marks. alex, start. let's start with american history for $200. -clarissa. -what is prohibition? -yes. -american history for $400. alex. -who is lee harvey oswald? -yes. let's go with shakespearean yard sale for $200. calendars can always be reused.

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Honduras , Ellicott City , Maryland , United States , Oakland , California , Washington , Stetson University , Florida , Oroville Dam , Stockton , Scotts Valley , San Francisco , Emeryville , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , Israel , Anaheim , Sonoma County , San Francisco Bay , Watsonville , Houston , Texas , Tehama , Berkeley Marina , America , Israelis , American , Sacramento Delta , Mason Walters , Kate Larson , Lee Harvey Oswald , Francisco , Bruce Maxwell , Jimmy Kimmel , Cornell Bernard , Spencer Christian , Lillian Kim , Klay Thompson , Katy Olivia , Vic Lee , Mimi Murphy , El Nino , Sonoma Marin , Derrick Reid , Gabriel Jack , Michael Finney ,

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