Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20160608 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20160608

abc7 news reporter in. >> it was the last time an incumbent was not running and the turnout was 65%. the head of elections does not believe that will happen this time. california secretary of state an sis pats a surge in turnout today and city hall had a steady stream this afternoon. john arnst is the director of elections. >> we're seeing 47% worth of voters. today is going to be a day that determines if we go beyond that or not. >> california is the biggest prize today. bernie sanders wrapped up this morning. the butler at the chef near at & t park. >> how are you feeling? >> great. >> this after a count of delegates and super delegates indicates hillary clinton clinched the nomination. that did not seem to impact those who showed up to vote. >> i let it burn. i'm not in a presidential family ruling this country. and i want someone new. >> i voted for hillary clinton. >> why? >> i think she is going to be great for the party. >> we ran into a house divided. spouses teresa and alia. >> i feel like bernie is and has been for gay rights. >> i voted for hillary. i think she's the most qualified for the job. period. >> polls have shown a tight race in california. francisco morales waited until the last minute to decide. >> bernie. i think i have thoughts about hillary. >> and so far things here are running well. you have nearly two hours to get here if you're waiting at 8:00 you'll be able to vote. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> thank you. and democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton is in brooklyn tonight but there are five official clinton patch parties. we're live outside audio nightclub where supporters are gathered. katie? >> 14 watch parties total and this is one of them. i've been inside audio. it is a nightclub on the and there are two disco balls hanging from the ceiling. the manager said the space can hold more than 6,000 people. for the hillary clinton camp, they won't reveal details other than the fact it starts at 8:00. >> 10% of the voting machines failed this morning for two hours, polls were open owe and voters had to use paper ballots. 140 broken machines were repaired by 9:00 a.m. volunteers staffed a drive by ballot drop off. if you have a ballot you have to hand it in to your election office by 8:00 p.m. as you well know, the race on the republican side has been subtle for weeks with donald trump as the presumptive nominee but he has battles to fight. trump claimed a judge hearing a lawsuit about trump university is biassed because of his mexican heritage. >> claiming a person cannot do their job because of a race is the textbook definition of a racist comment. it's unacceptable. >> last week, violent fights broke out in san jose. today, police identified four suspects arrested last week and say they're close to making more arrests. abc7 news reporter chris nguyen is live with allegations that professional protestors, chris, were used in the fights. >> professional protestors aren't anything new on the national stage, but locally it's a different story and supporters of trump aren't amused. this afternoon, san jose police released these pictures and identified four men arrested at the san jose convention center. the district attorney filed charges against one of them who allegedly threw a metal barricade at a police officer. >> it means he'll be supervised without bail being set. >> the mayor says there is no room for violence in this city. >> these are great challenges at the police department. >> one high profile supporter claimed professional protestors may have something to do with the violence. this add tiesor believes some people are paid to cause a ruckus. >> one was seen outside trump tower in new york. it's a mobile protest. this woman on the right has been photographed at multiple protests. >> it makes national news and their message resonates in that would discredit his candidacy. >> the san jose police department says more arrests are possible. donald trump is speaking now in new york state. let's listen in. >> tonight we close a chapter in history and begin another. our campaign received more primary votes than any g.o.p. campaign in history. no matter who it is. no matter who they are. we received more votes. that is a great feeling. this is not a testament to me, but all of the people who believe real change is possible. the honor to lead the republican party to victory this fall. we're going to do it folks, we're going to do it. >> i understand responsibility of carrying medals and i will never let you down. too much work. too many people, blood, sweat, and tears. never going to let you down. i will make you proud of your party and our movement. that is what it is, is a movement. polls have shown i'm beating hillary clinton and with all of her problems and mistakes she's made, we expect our league to continue to grow, and grow substantially. to everyone who voted for me throughout this campaign, i want to thank you. i want to thank you very much. to those who voted for someone else, in either party, i'll work hard to earn your support. to those bernie sanders voters left out of the comb we welcome you with open arms. and by the way, the terrible -- >> donald trump speaking to his supporters from his golf course in new york, trump national, on a night where he seals his fate as republican nominee. >> hillary clinton is there at the navy yard. we're hoping to hear from her shortly. you can see clouds there are cheering and waving american flags in the background. just now, abc news called new jersey for hillary clinton with 59% of the vote over bernie sanders 41% so we're expecting her to speak here shortly. and we'll let you listen to her speak in just a moment. >> we will, let's for the moment continue to talk about the election here in california. the only statewide proposition is proposition 50, allowing state lawmakers to suspend colleagues without pay. the measure after senators seen here were served with felony charges. supporters say passing a proposition can restore trust in lawmakers. political experts predict it will pass, easily. >> the body needs to have some sort of way to remove those members are from acting on behalf aof the public and their own interests. that is the dilemma we found. >> taking a picture of your ballot is currently illegal in california because of a ban on cameras but an assemblyman wants to make ballot selfies legal. his bill will have a hearing tomorrow, levine used a vote by mail ballot for this election. san francisco based twitter created emojis for election season twitter has the option available in eight languages. twitter showing the use of the hash tag across california. use the hash tag and just remember, ballot selfies are currently illegal in california. do not post those. >> woshd to the wise. a growing effort to recall a palo alto judge. the judge is running unopposed. find out what it would take for him to lose the election. >> there are a few drizzly drops right now. i'll have the accu-weather forecast coming up. a warranty in a furniture a warranty in a furniture store is put to the test. wear waiting for hillary clinton to speak. here is a live look at her event in new york. abc news called new jersey just minutes ago. >> and donald trump is speaking now, you can see him there from his golf course in new york. he's been talking about real change coming our way, he says. more politics coming up, but let's move on. a manhunt is underway to find a gunman that killed a vallejo teenager outside of a bottle shop liquor store. witnesses saw what happened. >> imagine finding yourself front and center, next to a murder. >> take a look. >> i couldn't get a look. and and i heard, bam. there wasn't an argument. >> court any describes what has become a common site. police tape, shell casings and a 19-year-old man, shot, dead. >> he had a wound to the head. >> was he move something. >> i didn't see him moving but they say he was still breathing. >> the suspect left the scene and led them on a hour-long chase throughout the neighborhood. they describe the suspect as a hispanic male adult with dark, puffy hair, about five feet, five inches tall with a thin build, last seen in blue jeans. sandy says he heard more than he saw. >> i was shook >> that is all evidence of what may have been just another day at a body shop until it wasn't anymore. a recall has been launched to oust the judge who sentenced a former stanford student for six months assault. why the judge could be the first in two decades to lose his job. >> numbers are stored and people overseas react to the lenient sentence for brock turner, the former stanford swimmer convicted of sexual assault. now, the judge is the focus of a new recall campaign. a friend of the assault victim says the judge should be held accountable like any other elected official. >> there is supposed to be a role for voters to engage. any other elected official, this judge is subject to the will of the people. >> abc7 news legal analyst. >> we haven't seen a recall, in 20 years, the planets maybe aligned on this one. >> to go through offense and trauma, in the experience and then, to go through court and have that happen is like a second rape. >> stanford says the victim was given counselling and a swift investigation into the sexual assault but a co-founder of a swaelt group prevention group says stanford should do more. at stanford, david louie, abc7 news. >> the judge is currently up for reelection and unopposed. his name doesn't appear on ballots today. the registrar says the person would need to have a petition with 600 signatures turned in by august 17th. >> we're waiting for hillary clinton to speak to her supporters. here is a live look inside of her event in new york. abc news called new jersey for clinton just minutes ago. she'll win that state. clinton tweeted to every little girl who dreams big, yes, you can be anything you want. even president. tonight is for you. the polls don't close in california for nearly two hours. some chose to vote only in presidential primary. the fastest way to get results tonight is to down load abc7 news app and >> here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. there is spotty drizzle, low clouds hovering there. a cooling trend continues through friday. and tonight, fog inland and once again, spotty drizzle will persist by 5:00 in the morning. by mid afternoon, the sun will pull back to the coast. and here is the accu-weather forecast. a big weekend warm up continues our way and inland temperatures back up to 90 degrees. back up to 90 degrees. >> the greatest, ♪ ♪ (laughing) there's nothing like making their day. except making sure their tomorrow is taken care of too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. while you're mastering life. igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. was he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. we're waiting for hillary clinton to speak. we'll bring her speech to you live. she's predicted to have won the state of new jersey's primary tonight. >> making shus tonight, preparations being made for mohammed ali's funeral. >> the boxing great reportedly picked two religious leaders to speak at his service. >> reporter: berkeley rabbi michael learner got a surprise call from the champ's family on sunday. ali personally left a recall that he speak at his funeral. ali supported the social justice publication financially. both were indicted for refusing to fight in the vietnam war. >> as he said to me when i could beat up somebody else in the ring, in order to make a living. but i wasn't going to go kill anybody. >> final preparations are being made in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. the city is sponsoring a festival to celebrate the boxer's live, on thursday there is a traditional muslim funeral and friday, the interfaith service. actor will smith will be a paul bearer and former president bill clinton is among those delivering eulogies. >> want everybody to be happy and celebrate his life. >> that was his son, assad, speaking today, we learned a muslim scholar will play a key role, leading the islamic service on thursday. thank you, kristin. we're in the middle of a final super tuesday of the primary season. california has the most delegates out of any state voting today. >> updates on results coming in from across the country. >> we're going to look ahead to the november election and see what to expect in the likely match up between hillary clinton and donald trump. >> nfl commissioner roger gadell is live and we you may be too tired to walk back to your hotel. that's why we have public transportation. ♪ p?p?o?gv therbut, you don't have tongs youdo any of them.on. ♪ we're keeping an eye on the brooklyn navy yard in new york where hillary clinton is expected to speak any moment to her supporters, having been declared the winner of the new jersey primary today. >> california could make history tonight, the golden state has 475 delegates to award to the democratic presidential candidates, the most of any state voting today. >> yes. we want to bring you the latest numbers on this primary tuesday. in new jersey, hillary clinton is the projected winner with 59% of the vote. bernie sanders, 41%. >> clinton has a lead in south dakota. >> a close race now in new mexico. clinton has 52% of the vote, sanders, 48%, with just over half of the vote counted at this point. here in california there is a very full ballot of candidates running to replace barbara boxer, it's expected to be a showdown between two democrats. abc7 news is live outside of the delancey street. >> 34 candidates on the ballot for the first open senate seat in california in 20 years. but this is the race that will likely come down to two democratic rivals. attorney general kamela harris will hold her election night event in san francisco. she cast her vote today, in los angeles before catching a plane to sacramento for an event at democratic party headquarters there. orange county congressman loretta sanchez also in southern california, she will be in anaheim at her headquarters watching the returns. harris and sanchez are considered the favorites. well ahead of republicans, top two candidates from today's primary will move on to november. we're told she'll likely not speak publicly and. >> thank you very much. we can see a possible congressional rematch in the south bay between two democrats. fremont attorney is challenging seven term congressman mike honda for his seat representing silicon valley. honda visited three polling stations before heading back to washington for general voting tomorrow morning. the two are strong front runners in the race. >> san francisco republicans are competing for their watch party tonight. cornell, what is the mood out there? >> reporter: twitter has no affiliation, g.o.p. faithful will be watching race as cross the state tonight. no chance of violence here tonight, with trump protestors and security down stairs. we'll keep you posted throughout the >> new jersey, two wins, those were expected. and now, coming to california, we saw donald trump just a few minutes ago going into full attack mode on hillary clinton. that is what we can look ahead to. >> let's take a look at the match up that could be an epic showdown. >> absolutely. i mean, right now, we're looking at a she down where both of these candidates have some of the highest negatives in history. we're talking about hillary clinton and donald trump and some legal issues to deal with. hillary, an e-mail problem. donald trump, trump university. you can see hillary clinton the first woman to nab a nomination. and this is going to be a fight into november. >> this is something political scientists are going to study. would you expect this campaign will continue to be negative? >> i think you hit right on it. right now, no. and we saw with trump's speeches he's going to deliver a major address on hillary clinton on monday, and talking about some of the negatives. i don't think either are going to waste time battering another. we're going to see how that plays out. we know in california about 47% of californians are voting tonight. half mailed in ballots. in california some exit polls are showing absentee voter that's hillary clinton leads among those male voters, by male voters by 10% to points. right now, it's looking interesting. by the time this is over, hillary clinton is already the nominee, but has to go forward and battle donald trump. >> thank you. >> one of the most confusing elements is crossover voting which is allow forward voters that are nonpartisan on independent. that is not the same as being registered independent. >> some voters think when they register as american independent, which is a party, you're not independent unless you check no party preference. >> the republican green and peace and freedom parties do not allow crossover voting. we will post updated election results to a special section of our website. look for material there. the fastest way is to down load the abc7 news app and enable push alerts. >> the commissioner of the nfl was pronounced dead on twitter today, but he's alive. >> taking a look into the hack to find out what happened and how. plus... >> oh, my. >> it was very frustrating. >> that is a woman at her limit. she called for help with furniture before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. let's take a look at the brookly navy yard. crowds are now whipped up into a frenzy, suggesting the candidate may be speaking soon. >> yes. we'll bring it to you as soon as that happens. for brief moments this morning nfl fans thought the league commissioner had died. >> this tweet turned out to be a hoax, just the latest in a grossing list of hack attacks on social media. >> it's money, fame, people are going to want to mess with you. and looking great here. mark zuckerberg had his twitter accounts taken over. now, this, that roger gadell was dead. it was a hack. >> do you ever share the same pass word between different accounts? >> yes. >> have you been hacked? experts say the number of user names and pass words grows every year, and this has plenty of memory to spare, this doesn't. >> this is an epidemic. there is information overload. >> security software, including this pass ware manager, you create an entry. >> and creates random pass words for everyone of them. >> they study big breeches. >> for a bit coin, you might acquire billions of user names and pass words. >> that is blamed for the hacks on mark zuckerberg. >> most celebrities are just like any other consumer. and they struggle to come up with new complex pass words. >> many sites offer two factor auj thent yi indication. a code sent to your phone. it's a step users say they're waiting for something better. >> some company comes up with a good way to do it, that i don't have to think about at all. >> what it takes for something to look good and be comfortable. >> expecting to hear her speak very soon. taking a look in new york in brooklyn, we're expecting to hear from hillary clinton who should be speaking shortly, we believe. >> she's won the state of new jersey and we'll let you hear some of what she says when she comes out. >> a set of chairs so comfortable on the showroom floor didn't quite measure up. >> she contacted michael finney for help. michael? >> like many of us it was not oem important to look good, but they had to feel good, too. >> i'm old and have a bad back. >> it didn't work out the way she'd hoped. this is the sample in san jose. >> so you can see how this has no wrinkles. >> this is what is delivered to her. >> you can see it's all puckered. >> it wasn't how they looked but how they felt that bothered her. >> there is no support. >> the delivery person from la-z-boy told her to take up the issue with customer service. she says there is no improvement. >> oh, my. it was very frustrating. >> she had difficulty reaching anyone until she called 7 on your side. >> only when i talked about 7 on your side i got results. >> she was refunded the cost under a one-year warranty. la-z-boy told us our dealer did take steps to address concerns, however, upon realize sheing was not satisfied they did authorize a return. >> i love you guys. >> thank you to la-z-boy. if you want to check out reports online go to right there. in the corner. see? >> thank you. >> this just in. abc news is reporting that bernie sanders wins the democratic presidential caucuses in north dakota. polls here close at 8:00. >> spencer is back. we want to update the forecast. >> good to have you going to the polls. >> it is. right now, drizzle is moving in. low clouds and fog with good moisture content. so that means drizzle is likely. but tomorrow afternoon, look for hazy sunshine. next several days, we'll see temperatures dropping into a cooling trend but a warm up is coming our way. temperatures bouncing back. >> thank you for that, spencer. >> the bay area is all about basketball now. and abc7 is your home for the nba finals tomorrow, join us for abc7 news at 4:00, then world news tonight at 4:30 and a special warriors pregame edition of abc7 news at 5:00 p.m. then, game three coverage begins here on abc7 in cleveland. tip off at 6:00 p.m. if you're in the planning to travel to ohio, abc7 is the only base mrais to see game three. >> join abc7 news director larry beil and mike shumann for after the game. >> and so far, so good. >> we'll check in on your golden state warriors as they face what is now a desperate squad. and temper, temper. oh, my. throw down in baltimore. next in sports. good evening, through two games, the warriors are feeling good and cleveland is desperate but cavs are 7-0 and cavs don't know if kevin love will be able to play tomorrow night. as of 6:00 p.m. here on abc 7, he's questionable after getting hit in the head on game two. they had not shot the ball well, and had been worse defensively. lebron james calling for maximum effort. >> i'm the leader of the team. we have other guys ready to step up. this is a do or die game for so it's a do or die game for us. we understand that. so we're going to give it all we've got. >> by know this will be a sense of urgency. we need to have that same mentality. for what is at stake if you're able to go up 3-0, that is a great position to be in. >> sharks are not in a great position in history, not on their side. the most startling stat in this series, sharks have not led for a single second in regulation. the only victory in over time, in game three. despite the road record, san jess yeah won two of the last eight road playoff games. >> 1 and 1 period. we've got to go there and do our job and we've played well in the road. should have found ways and right now, it's more finding a way more than ever. >> niners began mini camp today. collin kaepernick drilled for individual drills and he's out there, working out. these days are critical. it's the last time they'll practice before training camp. chip kelly says guys are in good shape. >> they have a an idea for what our training sessions are like. they understand it's time away from us in terms of what we're allowed to do and interaction. it's not time off. they know zach davis looks like he's 12. no hitter with a two-run homer in the 7th. orioles and royals, look out. rosano ventura drills many monsato in the back. two players ejected from the game. and he buries it. and they're going to have two more goals and usa leading right now, 3-0, late in the second half. >> thank you, larry. >> join us tonight at 9:00 right here for abc7 news at 11:00. >> we will bring you election results as they come in from national to local races. join us at 9:00 and 11:00. >> we'll continue to have coverage of hillary clinton speaking in new jersey. that is it for this edition of abc7 news. for breaking news on twitter, i'm dan ashley. there is a live picture now. >> yes. from all of us, thanks for joining us. we'll see you later tonight. iin 25 feet turn right.. turn right now. recalculating... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ of bad breath germs% for a 100% fresh mouth. with breath so fresh, it's no wonder listerine® users feel ready enough to be in a magician's act. kill 99% of bad breath germs. feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™ this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants -- a teacher originally from twentynine palms, california... a marketing writer from seattle, washington... and our returning champion, a navy pilot originally from rye, new york... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. lieutenant latwin doing the navy proud. he's our champion. today he faces malavika and robert. i like saying your name. malavika. sounds exotic. all right, good luck. here we go. now the categories. first off... we're talking about baseball. next... we deal with... you have to identify the u.s. state for us. then... followed by... quotation marks. and... stew. let's start with a state of war for $200. malavika. what is pennsylvania? correct. state of war, $400. stew. what is tennessee? yes. state of war, $600. malavika. what is new york? correct. state of war, $800. stew. what is virginia? good. state of war, $1,000.

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Fremont , California , United States , New York , Portland , Oregon , Brooklyn , Kentucky , Cleveland , Ohio , Virginia , New Mexico , Washington , Seattle , San Francisco , Mexico , Berkeley , Tennessee , New Jersey , South Dakota , Anaheim , Sacramento , Pennsylvania , North Dakota , Californians , America , Mexican , American , Mohammed Ali , Zach Davis , Larry Beil , Chris Nguyen , Loretta Sanchez , Lebron James , Los Angeles , Francisco Morales , Stanford David Louie , Brock Turner , Michael Finney , Dan Ashley , Hillary Clinton , Mike Honda , Bernie Sanders ,

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