Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20151213 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20151213

slow the release. and the developed nations such as u.s. will help them grow and work with local businesses and other areas to help make it happen. abc 7 is looking at how we'll make it come to fruition. >> reporter: yes, the mayor calling it an investment for the future. but you know some others have doubts. the oakland mayor praising the landmark agreement, she says the world was listening. >> paris just showed that the rest of the world has recognized this is an urgent problem. we need to act now. >> together we've shown what is possible when the world stands as one. >> reporter: president obama says it is a turning point for the world's climate, a historic commitment for nearly every country to lower the greenhouse gas emissions and help stop the issue. and more shifting away from carbon-based fuels in the future. >> so the agreement like this with many nations could not come any faster. >> reporter: one group has warned against sea level rise which could put bay area communities at high risk of flooding during a big storm. >> even if you don't live around the bay if you enjoy things like electricity or plumbing this matters to you. and the fact that global leaders have been able to come together to put a plan together to arrest the climate change, is good. >> others say it would kill jobs. >> the president predicts a new frontier on the job commitment. >> the world is committed to a low carbon future and that has the potential to unleash investment and clean energy at a scale we have never seen before. >> reporter: but some folks are not convinced the accord will help to save the planet. >> i am so skeptical about it. >> even baby steps are important. we'll take what we can get. >> reporter: but a step forward in acknowledging that climate change is not the stuff of science fiction think more. in san francisco, cornell barnard, abc 7 news. and the governor said this is a plan to combat one of the biggest threats in the world. he went on to say that national and world leaders need to double their efforts to push for increasingly aggressive action. and dive teams are once again searching for a computer hard drive in a san bernardino lake that could contain more information on last week's shooting ñirampage. this is the third time they searched the water, yesterday they recovered two items but have not said if they were connected to the shooting. 14 people were killed by syed rizwan farook and tashfeen malik. investigators recovered a computer without a hard drive at their home and they believe that it could contain information about who they were talking to just before the attack. a suspect is in custody tonight connected to a fire set at a mosque in coachella yesterday. 23-year-old carl dial faces five felony charges, including arson and commission of a hate crime. the fire started shortly after prayer service began. several people were in the building as the flames grew in size. they all got out safely. football fans said they were nearly turned away from an nfl game last sunday because they were wearing turbans. these were denver broncos fans trying to get into the area where the chargers were. the men said at the were asked to take off the turbans. eventually they were let for. this is becoming a common problem for sikhs who are sometimes mistaken for muslims. more on the story. >> reporter: hi, reggie, you know it happened after september 11th. and now the sikh counsel on education and religion is issuing an alert, warning nations to take extra security precautions, especially for the goings on in the shootings. security guards are making extra patrols and checking all the cameras to make sure they're working. last week a sikh temple in orange county was vandalized. the graffiti made references to isis and extremists, there is worry that some communities could face backlash after the san bernardino shooting spree. >> and everybody who comes into the county, this area, stay out of here. i don't want any of those guys to come coming here. hate is not tolerated in our area here or throughout the united states. >> the largest temple in north america, 10,000 people attend services here weekly. meanwhile, nobody has been arrested for the vandalism in the park, but the white house and security has been notified. lisa, thank you, give up the guns for cash no questions asked. abc 7 news was in san francisco today for a community gun buy-back event. the group has hosted this event since 1994 with help from the sfpd and other community organizers, they get the money through donations. >> it is so important because we have to get the guns off the streets and stop the violence and we know that gun violence is one of the number one killers of humans. >> and they collected a variety of guns, 12 of which were assault rifles. and stanford developing software to prevent and predict mid-air collisions. last year one man flew so close to the helicopter the pilot had to veer to the right to avoid crashing, that man is now facing fines from the faa. abc 7 got a new look at the technology that is for drones flying under 400 feet, including automated systems on the drones that use gps or radar or cameras to detect other drones or aircraft. the goal here of course is to make the skies safer. >> they don't collide with each other and they're robust. >> the new technology will be rolled out in the next few years, it is estimated to cost the average drone owner about 100 bucks. still ahead on abc 7 at 6:00, new cell phone video will be a popular app on your phone. and how others are taking action to protect mankind f come happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin more than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don't miss a day of brilinta. . who doesn't get a little frustrated when your phone loses its signal? well, facebook is working on the solution, changing the speed on the mobile app so users will still be able to see a new post even when they're in poorly connected areas. also they can write comments which will post once they're connected. and top minds teaming up to work on a high-tech menace, talking about evil high tech problems. and the group that founded the company will pitch in a billion dollars to help ai research so scientists don't have to rely on revenue-generating resources. it will all be freely shared. the resources will cross companies and include developments on patents and codes. and two new charging stations open this week at the cupertino library. each can charge two cars at once. the sources say the demand for the charging stations has been steadily on the rise. a grant from the energy commission paid for those new stations. coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00. a swarm of santas hit the str t streets for one of the most popular events, not everybody is happy about it. and another storm is on the way, meteorologist drew tuma has more. well, the warriors and tonight in milwaukee, jason kid ok, wehere's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models. who coined the term "side bread?" because there's nothing "side" about this bread. it may look like the moon. but it's the star of the show. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. the gets to work by 8:00...ids, and always manages to give them a healthy lunch. the newlyweds seeking out wholesome meals and exciting flavors for their new cookware. the guy who finally decided to kick 35 years of bad snacking habits. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake. . santa clara, san francisco, east bay and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. it's really hard to miss this. one of the year's biggest and wildest pub crawl took over the streets of san francisco. if you were in the city you likely saw a sea of red. santa-con back for its 21st year, starting as a celebration to have fun for the holidays. some see it as a chaotic drunken party, others are banning people dressed as elves or other holiday figures. last year, a person dressed as santa robbed a bank, not all of them are bad, some donate and help children and give money to charity groups. i saw many a santa this morning as i was walking before, that was before the revelry began, they're carrying coffee cups. >> and tomorrow, there will be a lot of soaked fans out there because there are big changes coming our way. right now doppler 7 is painting a quiet picture, but to the north live doppler 7 is tracking the wet weather to rain and snow in the mountains moving from oregon to northern california. and this cold front moves in after the midnight hour in the bay area. but we have been in a rather busy pattern, the storms coming back-to-back and it has raised our surf, a high surf warning in effect until 10:00 p.m. tonight. and high swells as high as nearly 20 feet tonight meaning dangerous rip currents on our shoreline. out there tonight with the cloud cover overhead and a south wind it is mild, overthrow tonight, numbers only will fall five or ten degrees from where we are at the current hour so it will be a mild overnight period. upper 40s to about low 50s, ahead of the cold front that moves in after midnight. and a moderate storm, windy, especially for the first half of sunday. possible lightning and wind gusts near 50 miles an hour. so future weather shows you hour by hour, early tomorrow, 6:00, ahead of the front dealing with light scattered showers. the front in the north bay. by 8:00 p.m., heavy downpours knocking on the door of santa rosa, quickly diving to the south. by 9:00 on sunday you notice moving through san francisco, oakland, vallejo, you see the possibility we could have some imbedded thundershowers meaning lightning is possible along with small hail. the front moves into the so the south bay and by 11:00, in the wake of the cold front we look at scattered showers. so rainfall looks likelily a lot of locations will see a half an inch of rain, but if we do see downpours, i don't think it is out of the question we could see a spot close to an inch of rainfall. winds will be an issue. future track or wind gusts shows as the cold front moves through we'll see winds anywhere from 40 or 50 miles an hour. they could be damaging. we have a wind advisory in effect through much of sunday. winds are breezy, between 30 and 35 miles an hour. along with the rain in the bay area we're tracking snow in the sierra. a winter storm warning goes into effect in the bay area at 4:00 a.m. and you do notice some locations could see up to two feet of snow by monday morning. back here tomorrow morning we are wet the first half. it will be a chilly day with temperatures maybe in the 50s. the accuweather forecast shows you tomorrow we could have damaging winds first thing in the morning. the wind advisory is up with a potential for lightning and small hail, by monday, drier, quieter, cooler for tuesday and wednesday, increasing clouds on thursday and tracking another amount of rain possible on friday. of course we'll have an update at 11. translation, wet brunch. this abc 7 sports report brought to you by the bank of the west. >> so this long trip away is finally coming to an end. >> two weeks, seven games ending tonight on the road. the warriors trying to become the first team in history to sweep a win in milwaukee. they already have an nba record of 25 straight wins to start this season. klay thompson back after missing the game because of a bum ankle, gets the ball alone in the corner, you can count that, these teams exchanging runs. o.j. mayo with the three, got it, then greg monroe puts milwaukee up ten in the first quarter. once again the warriors battle back. steph, a pass to draymond green, milwaukee after one right now in the second. the bucs lead 40-35, we'll try to update you at 9:00 and 11:00. and call hosting st. mary's to the undefeated period. two-handed jam. jordan matthews, cal is up 11 at the half, st. mary's back in the second, emmett, and two minutes remaining, about 16 left. gail up 59-58. three of his 13, bears up two, one and one, gives him a chance to tie it. he misses the first free throw. cal and st. mary's, first loss of the year, 61-59, bears now 8 and 2, they fall to six and one. the heisman trophy, stanford running back mccaffrey one of the finalists, he is considered a long shot or a player that could pull off the upset. he is waiting to hear his name called but did he prepare a speech? >> have to prepare a speech, right? yeah, yeah, so i will. but yes, still such a surreal moment for me and very, very humbling. >> he is really special and when you watch him objectively and look at what he has done objectively you can make an argument that this is one of the if not the best single season in any position in any history of the college football. >> 116st, midshipman winning, and playing in the final army navy game, for rushing touchdowns, 136 yards rushing and two tds, he has skill. army got a big day from edgar allen poe, catches 39 yards here from chris carter, army had a three-point lead at the half tillman, 50-yard score, navy finishes 10 and 2, army 10. and back for the state junior college championship. the runningback named most valuable player, meanwhile quarterback anthony gordon rolls to the left looking to the right. first year head coach jimmy college leads city college to their seventh championship. niners hit the road to face the browns tomorrow before leaving they placed carlos hyde on injured reserve. he ran for seven yard but his foot was not healing. surgery seems to be next, i'm surprised the niners didn't do this earlier in the season so he could be ready for mini-camps in the off season. by delaying it could set him back even further. this abc 7 sports report brought to you by bank of the west. like i said, next year, we'll hear from derek coming up at 9:00. >> this is just the rehearsal. >> that is right, now he sees what to do and what it takes. still to come, the force is strong with this one. next on abc 7 news at 6:00, life. just when you think you know where it's going, it takes you someplace else. covered california is here to help californians who need health insurance get it. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. deshaun watso move on what some are calling a new low. we'll tell you about the legal battle after a ten-bedroom space is turned into a short-term rental. and then, organizers of the burning man festival are fighting a massive tax bill. how it could end up affecting next year. and a teenager from danville is using the force for good. ryan tam is not just any person, he is a 15-year survivor of leukemia who dresses like star wars every year and visits the hospital at stanford. ryan is the smaller one you see here, surviving a blood transplant at just a-year-old. he is now cancer free. his goal is to bring hope to every other kid battling cancer. of course this is a good time for that because the movie, the force is coming out this week. i am sure the kids are just thrilled about it. that will do it for us at 6:00. we'll see you back here at 9 and 11:00. have a good one until then. a paid advertisement ths for time life's video collection. (soft piano music) well, hello. i'm carol burnett and i'm here at cbs in los angeles at studio 33. come on in. (tv show announcer) from television city in hollywood... (jaunty theme music) ♪'s the carol burnett show! (carol burnett) this is the stage where it all began. we shot all 11 seasons of my variety show here. you know, we made so many great memories. but no one has seen the first five seasons of the carol burnett show since they were first aired. no reruns, no web streaming, no dvd, nothin', nowhere, zip. until now! i just got the most exciting news. time life will be releasing them for everybody to enjoy. they're here in a vault and i'm gonna look at 'em now.

Related Keywords

Stanford , California , United States , Fremont , Danville , Hollywood , San Bernardino , Los Angeles , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Californians , America , Greg Monroe , Francisco Oakland Vallejo , Anthony Gordon , Francisco Cornell Barnard , Carlos Hyde , Chris Carter , Syed Rizwan , Klay Thompson , Santa Clara , Edgar Allen Poe , Carol Burnett ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20151213 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20151213

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slow the release. and the developed nations such as u.s. will help them grow and work with local businesses and other areas to help make it happen. abc 7 is looking at how we'll make it come to fruition. >> reporter: yes, the mayor calling it an investment for the future. but you know some others have doubts. the oakland mayor praising the landmark agreement, she says the world was listening. >> paris just showed that the rest of the world has recognized this is an urgent problem. we need to act now. >> together we've shown what is possible when the world stands as one. >> reporter: president obama says it is a turning point for the world's climate, a historic commitment for nearly every country to lower the greenhouse gas emissions and help stop the issue. and more shifting away from carbon-based fuels in the future. >> so the agreement like this with many nations could not come any faster. >> reporter: one group has warned against sea level rise which could put bay area communities at high risk of flooding during a big storm. >> even if you don't live around the bay if you enjoy things like electricity or plumbing this matters to you. and the fact that global leaders have been able to come together to put a plan together to arrest the climate change, is good. >> others say it would kill jobs. >> the president predicts a new frontier on the job commitment. >> the world is committed to a low carbon future and that has the potential to unleash investment and clean energy at a scale we have never seen before. >> reporter: but some folks are not convinced the accord will help to save the planet. >> i am so skeptical about it. >> even baby steps are important. we'll take what we can get. >> reporter: but a step forward in acknowledging that climate change is not the stuff of science fiction think more. in san francisco, cornell barnard, abc 7 news. and the governor said this is a plan to combat one of the biggest threats in the world. he went on to say that national and world leaders need to double their efforts to push for increasingly aggressive action. and dive teams are once again searching for a computer hard drive in a san bernardino lake that could contain more information on last week's shooting ñirampage. this is the third time they searched the water, yesterday they recovered two items but have not said if they were connected to the shooting. 14 people were killed by syed rizwan farook and tashfeen malik. investigators recovered a computer without a hard drive at their home and they believe that it could contain information about who they were talking to just before the attack. a suspect is in custody tonight connected to a fire set at a mosque in coachella yesterday. 23-year-old carl dial faces five felony charges, including arson and commission of a hate crime. the fire started shortly after prayer service began. several people were in the building as the flames grew in size. they all got out safely. football fans said they were nearly turned away from an nfl game last sunday because they were wearing turbans. these were denver broncos fans trying to get into the area where the chargers were. the men said at the were asked to take off the turbans. eventually they were let for. this is becoming a common problem for sikhs who are sometimes mistaken for muslims. more on the story. >> reporter: hi, reggie, you know it happened after september 11th. and now the sikh counsel on education and religion is issuing an alert, warning nations to take extra security precautions, especially for the goings on in the shootings. security guards are making extra patrols and checking all the cameras to make sure they're working. last week a sikh temple in orange county was vandalized. the graffiti made references to isis and extremists, there is worry that some communities could face backlash after the san bernardino shooting spree. >> and everybody who comes into the county, this area, stay out of here. i don't want any of those guys to come coming here. hate is not tolerated in our area here or throughout the united states. >> the largest temple in north america, 10,000 people attend services here weekly. meanwhile, nobody has been arrested for the vandalism in the park, but the white house and security has been notified. lisa, thank you, give up the guns for cash no questions asked. abc 7 news was in san francisco today for a community gun buy-back event. the group has hosted this event since 1994 with help from the sfpd and other community organizers, they get the money through donations. >> it is so important because we have to get the guns off the streets and stop the violence and we know that gun violence is one of the number one killers of humans. >> and they collected a variety of guns, 12 of which were assault rifles. and stanford developing software to prevent and predict mid-air collisions. last year one man flew so close to the helicopter the pilot had to veer to the right to avoid crashing, that man is now facing fines from the faa. abc 7 got a new look at the technology that is for drones flying under 400 feet, including automated systems on the drones that use gps or radar or cameras to detect other drones or aircraft. the goal here of course is to make the skies safer. >> they don't collide with each other and they're robust. >> the new technology will be rolled out in the next few years, it is estimated to cost the average drone owner about 100 bucks. still ahead on abc 7 at 6:00, new cell phone video will be a popular app on your phone. and how others are taking action to protect mankind f come happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin more than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don't miss a day of brilinta. . who doesn't get a little frustrated when your phone loses its signal? well, facebook is working on the solution, changing the speed on the mobile app so users will still be able to see a new post even when they're in poorly connected areas. also they can write comments which will post once they're connected. and top minds teaming up to work on a high-tech menace, talking about evil high tech problems. and the group that founded the company will pitch in a billion dollars to help ai research so scientists don't have to rely on revenue-generating resources. it will all be freely shared. the resources will cross companies and include developments on patents and codes. and two new charging stations open this week at the cupertino library. each can charge two cars at once. the sources say the demand for the charging stations has been steadily on the rise. a grant from the energy commission paid for those new stations. coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00. a swarm of santas hit the str t streets for one of the most popular events, not everybody is happy about it. and another storm is on the way, meteorologist drew tuma has more. well, the warriors and tonight in milwaukee, jason kid ok, wehere's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models. who coined the term "side bread?" because there's nothing "side" about this bread. it may look like the moon. but it's the star of the show. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. the gets to work by 8:00...ids, and always manages to give them a healthy lunch. the newlyweds seeking out wholesome meals and exciting flavors for their new cookware. the guy who finally decided to kick 35 years of bad snacking habits. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake. . santa clara, san francisco, east bay and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. it's really hard to miss this. one of the year's biggest and wildest pub crawl took over the streets of san francisco. if you were in the city you likely saw a sea of red. santa-con back for its 21st year, starting as a celebration to have fun for the holidays. some see it as a chaotic drunken party, others are banning people dressed as elves or other holiday figures. last year, a person dressed as santa robbed a bank, not all of them are bad, some donate and help children and give money to charity groups. i saw many a santa this morning as i was walking before, that was before the revelry began, they're carrying coffee cups. >> and tomorrow, there will be a lot of soaked fans out there because there are big changes coming our way. right now doppler 7 is painting a quiet picture, but to the north live doppler 7 is tracking the wet weather to rain and snow in the mountains moving from oregon to northern california. and this cold front moves in after the midnight hour in the bay area. but we have been in a rather busy pattern, the storms coming back-to-back and it has raised our surf, a high surf warning in effect until 10:00 p.m. tonight. and high swells as high as nearly 20 feet tonight meaning dangerous rip currents on our shoreline. out there tonight with the cloud cover overhead and a south wind it is mild, overthrow tonight, numbers only will fall five or ten degrees from where we are at the current hour so it will be a mild overnight period. upper 40s to about low 50s, ahead of the cold front that moves in after midnight. and a moderate storm, windy, especially for the first half of sunday. possible lightning and wind gusts near 50 miles an hour. so future weather shows you hour by hour, early tomorrow, 6:00, ahead of the front dealing with light scattered showers. the front in the north bay. by 8:00 p.m., heavy downpours knocking on the door of santa rosa, quickly diving to the south. by 9:00 on sunday you notice moving through san francisco, oakland, vallejo, you see the possibility we could have some imbedded thundershowers meaning lightning is possible along with small hail. the front moves into the so the south bay and by 11:00, in the wake of the cold front we look at scattered showers. so rainfall looks likelily a lot of locations will see a half an inch of rain, but if we do see downpours, i don't think it is out of the question we could see a spot close to an inch of rainfall. winds will be an issue. future track or wind gusts shows as the cold front moves through we'll see winds anywhere from 40 or 50 miles an hour. they could be damaging. we have a wind advisory in effect through much of sunday. winds are breezy, between 30 and 35 miles an hour. along with the rain in the bay area we're tracking snow in the sierra. a winter storm warning goes into effect in the bay area at 4:00 a.m. and you do notice some locations could see up to two feet of snow by monday morning. back here tomorrow morning we are wet the first half. it will be a chilly day with temperatures maybe in the 50s. the accuweather forecast shows you tomorrow we could have damaging winds first thing in the morning. the wind advisory is up with a potential for lightning and small hail, by monday, drier, quieter, cooler for tuesday and wednesday, increasing clouds on thursday and tracking another amount of rain possible on friday. of course we'll have an update at 11. translation, wet brunch. this abc 7 sports report brought to you by the bank of the west. >> so this long trip away is finally coming to an end. >> two weeks, seven games ending tonight on the road. the warriors trying to become the first team in history to sweep a win in milwaukee. they already have an nba record of 25 straight wins to start this season. klay thompson back after missing the game because of a bum ankle, gets the ball alone in the corner, you can count that, these teams exchanging runs. o.j. mayo with the three, got it, then greg monroe puts milwaukee up ten in the first quarter. once again the warriors battle back. steph, a pass to draymond green, milwaukee after one right now in the second. the bucs lead 40-35, we'll try to update you at 9:00 and 11:00. and call hosting st. mary's to the undefeated period. two-handed jam. jordan matthews, cal is up 11 at the half, st. mary's back in the second, emmett, and two minutes remaining, about 16 left. gail up 59-58. three of his 13, bears up two, one and one, gives him a chance to tie it. he misses the first free throw. cal and st. mary's, first loss of the year, 61-59, bears now 8 and 2, they fall to six and one. the heisman trophy, stanford running back mccaffrey one of the finalists, he is considered a long shot or a player that could pull off the upset. he is waiting to hear his name called but did he prepare a speech? >> have to prepare a speech, right? yeah, yeah, so i will. but yes, still such a surreal moment for me and very, very humbling. >> he is really special and when you watch him objectively and look at what he has done objectively you can make an argument that this is one of the if not the best single season in any position in any history of the college football. >> 116st, midshipman winning, and playing in the final army navy game, for rushing touchdowns, 136 yards rushing and two tds, he has skill. army got a big day from edgar allen poe, catches 39 yards here from chris carter, army had a three-point lead at the half tillman, 50-yard score, navy finishes 10 and 2, army 10. and back for the state junior college championship. the runningback named most valuable player, meanwhile quarterback anthony gordon rolls to the left looking to the right. first year head coach jimmy college leads city college to their seventh championship. niners hit the road to face the browns tomorrow before leaving they placed carlos hyde on injured reserve. he ran for seven yard but his foot was not healing. surgery seems to be next, i'm surprised the niners didn't do this earlier in the season so he could be ready for mini-camps in the off season. by delaying it could set him back even further. this abc 7 sports report brought to you by bank of the west. like i said, next year, we'll hear from derek coming up at 9:00. >> this is just the rehearsal. >> that is right, now he sees what to do and what it takes. still to come, the force is strong with this one. next on abc 7 news at 6:00, life. just when you think you know where it's going, it takes you someplace else. covered california is here to help californians who need health insurance get it. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. deshaun watso move on what some are calling a new low. we'll tell you about the legal battle after a ten-bedroom space is turned into a short-term rental. and then, organizers of the burning man festival are fighting a massive tax bill. how it could end up affecting next year. and a teenager from danville is using the force for good. ryan tam is not just any person, he is a 15-year survivor of leukemia who dresses like star wars every year and visits the hospital at stanford. ryan is the smaller one you see here, surviving a blood transplant at just a-year-old. he is now cancer free. his goal is to bring hope to every other kid battling cancer. of course this is a good time for that because the movie, the force is coming out this week. i am sure the kids are just thrilled about it. that will do it for us at 6:00. we'll see you back here at 9 and 11:00. have a good one until then. a paid advertisement ths for time life's video collection. (soft piano music) well, hello. i'm carol burnett and i'm here at cbs in los angeles at studio 33. come on in. (tv show announcer) from television city in hollywood... (jaunty theme music) ♪'s the carol burnett show! (carol burnett) this is the stage where it all began. we shot all 11 seasons of my variety show here. you know, we made so many great memories. but no one has seen the first five seasons of the carol burnett show since they were first aired. no reruns, no web streaming, no dvd, nothin', nowhere, zip. until now! i just got the most exciting news. time life will be releasing them for everybody to enjoy. they're here in a vault and i'm gonna look at 'em now.

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Stanford , California , United States , Fremont , Danville , Hollywood , San Bernardino , Los Angeles , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Californians , America , Greg Monroe , Francisco Oakland Vallejo , Anthony Gordon , Francisco Cornell Barnard , Carlos Hyde , Chris Carter , Syed Rizwan , Klay Thompson , Santa Clara , Edgar Allen Poe , Carol Burnett ,

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