Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20150908 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20150908

>> france decided it would let in 24,000 people and united kingdom, 20,000 as well. the u.s. says 4 million syrian migrants will likely enter europe. an iraqi woman recently made their journey to the bay area, tonight, they're waiting their father. it's been tough. it's a hard breaking story. david? >> reporter: it s we're talking about a father with three teenagers that are in santa clara now. but the father is isis-controlled mosul in iraq. now, the family agreed to share with us on one condition. that we mask their identities. they're fortunate. relatives live in silicon valley and asylum has been granted, but they're missing the father. their mother's husband. >> i take responsibility on myself. >> the father is waiting for clearance to be reunited with his family. he's in isis-controlled mosul in iraq. it worries his daughter. >> it's not safe anymore. >> reporter: it's not safe anymore, she said. that is why they decided not to return to iraq after coming here to attend a relative's wedding. this 14-year-old says he's feared being killed. >> maybe one day it will come, i will get out of my home, and someone will shoot me. nobody knows. nobody knows. >> reporter: that is the fear of refugees, whether seeking a new home in europe, taking risks to get there. >> that is the only way to survive. they're not able to live that life anymore. if they were, i just don't think they'd escape in the way that they're escaping. there is no other option. >> reporter: an attorney helping this family hopes the u.s. will help as well. >> they can make changes to allow immigrants to find safety, if they didn't allow it in a temporary basis. san francisco police are investigating a hate crime in the portolla neighborhood. racist graffiti that says "no more chinese" has been spray painted across the neighborhood. officers are asking people with surveillance cameras to check the footage and see if it catches the culprits. if you information, please post them with #abc7 now. >> it's been a beautiful labor day across the bay area. here is a live look from our mount tam camera. >> spencer christian has the affect. >> let's take a look back at how hot it has been. today, highs at 100 degrees. the high in antioch, 98 in livermore, 99 gilroy. numerous low to mid-70s around the bay. a southwest facing beaches, we have declining air quality. folks are still enjoying the beach. we'll have poor air quality tomorrow, and for the remainder of the week as well. so as the temperatures continue to rise, it's likely our air quality will continue to decline. an and ama? >> spencer, thank you so much. residents in the east bay are facing triple digit heat. it's been dangerous for many, dangerous for firefighters. laura? >> reporter: hot temperatures are expected. that is when the drought rears it's ugly head. it's tough on firefighters. also tough on kids here at the park because the flow of water has been cutoff. it may be labor day, but that doesn't mean summer is over. far from it. something weary firefighters could do without. >> fuels are very dry. moisture level and fuels are considered extreme, and critical. so we expect and have seen that spread and heat releases above normal. >> reporter: this will be a good week to stay hydrated, with temperatures expected in the triple digits for several days in a row. love it or hate it, residents are getting ready, anyway they can. >> i want ice cream. just stayed in the shade. i didn't want to be in the sun. >> reporter: it's supposed to be 100 around here in the next few days. what do you think? >> it's ridiculous. i can't handle that. 80s are fine. 90s are just like, okay. >> yes. >> reporter: heat can make people thirsty for lemonade, too. that is what these kids are hoping. >> we decided to do it now because it's warmer now. >> reporter: this water park won't be running any time soon thanks to the drought. this crew finished a ten day stint at the fire areas. two separate fires are the cause of a millbrae restaurant to be without power for a week. investigators say the fire sparked in the buildings electrical unit. a second fire broke out today, also in the electrical unit. pg and e is looking to repair boxes and cables. the owner and neighbor were treated for smoke inhalation but we're glad to say they're okay. >> i tried to put out the fire but the fire just went out of control, white smoke was everywhere. >> the owner says it may take up two to weeks to get everything repaired once again. the roomy and friend of a cyclist arrested saturday night are shocked. that cyclist is accused of striking a car with a bicycle u-lock. those who know him say he's not a violent person. vic lee is live with the latest. vic? >> reporter: abc7 news learned he has a felony warrant out of washington state on drug charges. we have also learned that the female driver of the car, the victim in this case, met with investigators late this afternoon, she told them that she got a good look at the man who was wielding that u-lock. she identified him in a photo spread. he was riding his bicycle saturday night during a billy joel concert. he was arrested without incident. officers recognized him because of his distinct handle bar mustache. the violent you tube video posted by another cyclist has gone viral. during critical mass a group of bicyclists rode on the wrong side of the road. 20 seconds into the video, the cyclisted moved into opposing traffic. one stares down the driver. the vehicle inches closer, appearing to hit a bike. temperatures flare and bicyclists yell at the female driver as the car tries to bypass the group. you can see a cyclist swing his u lock, striking the car several times, smashing the side window. the 39-year-old suspect works at macy's and said to be active in his union. his roommate told abc7 news she was shocked to hear of the arrest. >> i've known him to have a lot of integrity and respect. i can't imagine he'd go as far as being violent. >> reporter: she lives on this three-unit apartment. others tell us they were surprised. >> well mannered and a nice guy. >> he's a good neighbor. i'm shocked that that would be him. >> reporter: investigators interviewed the female victim today. vic lee, abc7 news. in alameda, a man died after being hit by a truck while crossing a busy street. the shopping cart and groceries covered part of constitution way near the exit of the webster tube. police believe the victim was in a crosswalk when the truck hit him. his name has not been released and investigators are trying to determine who was at fault. by the time you head back to work tomorrow, bart trains should be running again. crews have been rebuilding all weekend at the tube as we've been reporting to you. the transit agency as 77 buses, shuffling riders across the bridge. ridership was down 48% sunday compared to last year. the trance bay tube is expected to reopen at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. now, down load our free abc7 news app to get the information on the closure of the transbay tube. enable push alerts for the moment the tube reopens. priced out of housing. new plan to keep oakland teachers living in oakland. fighting the largest wildfire in california this year. we're live in fresno where rough fire, as it is called closed most of the camp grounds in a national park. a $100 car mmm yoplait! it's snack time! oh, look! yoplait original now has 25% less sugar. time to taste it. how is it? it tastes good! congratulations yoplait! you did it! yoplait! because at&t and directv are offering yesterday's technology, today. tv from space. [whispered] space as long as it's not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isn't a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. now, the search for a missing man on angel island. this is a live look from sky 7 hd. >> we're seeing crews gathering on the northwest side of the island closer to tiburon. they're looking for 42-year-old from san francisco, last seen about 1:00 a.m. on board a leased boat anchored in ayala cove. >> his wife thought he'd gone for a hike and didn't report him missing for several hours until 6:00 a.m. and do stay with us for more information as we get it. you can get breaking news on twitter on abc7 news bay area, and on our website, the oakland unified school district is working on a plan to create more affordable housing for teachers. 2500 teachers moved to other cities because of the high cost of living. abc7 news is live from the proposed site along lake merit in oakland tonight with more. lyanne? >> reporter: lovely lake merit, dan. a private developer wanted to build a 300 unit luxury tower here behind me. but this community put enough pressure on city hall. that plan was axed. now, the school district has the opportunity to do something for their teachers. many oakland teachers feel the high rental and real estate markets pushed them out of the city. >> we don't live in the neighborhoods where we teach. and i would love to live in the neighborhood where i teach but the houses there are too expensive. >> reporter: oakland unified school district wants to see more affordable housing on this plot of land across from lake merit. a builder proposed a 300 unit tower but the community protested and the plan was axed. >> the association has taken a stand last year that this land has to remain public land for the public good. no private profits error report city hall invited district to throw their names into the hat. >> we have to give full and fair consideration to everything. but we recognize there is an affordability crisis in oakland. >> oakland unified as 90 days to submit a plan. board members say the district has no funds for this kind of development. >> we don't have the funds ourselves. our bonds haven't included employee housing. we're going to have to work and come up with financing deals. that is what developers are good at. >> reporter: many developers been competing for this land. a boat off the mexican coast spotted that massive blue whale entangled in hundreds of feet of fishing line. rescuers have been searching for the mammal since first spotting it on friday near los angeles. u.s. national oceanic administration says the whale was spotted around 10:30 a.m. off tijuana's trailing line and a red buoy. u.s. rescuers can't work waters but have contacted their mexican counter parts. the state's biggest fire of the year has been burning over a month now. >> yes. caused by lightning, consuming over 95,000 acres, threatening some of the oldest giant sequoias in california. >> it's called the rough fire. >> reporter: after a smoky holiday weekend, labor day travellers had a smoky ride home. >> pretty thick. looks like it's snowing. all of the ashes falling down. >> reporter: smoke from the blaze is covering the mountains and filling the valleys. >> the smoke is the worst it's been today in the foothills and camps since i've been here two weeks. >> reporter: josh hall is a climate analyst and says the plume is spreading as far as sacramento. >> each evening, we're expecting smoke to drain into the valley and lift air qualities should improve each afternoon. >> reporter: but that doesn't mean the air will be good. >> unfortunately for the near term, any with near the fire, air quality is going to be unhealthy. >> reporter: most folks were heading out of the mountains this labor day monday, that didn't stop others from head together hills and trying to make the most of it. >> we're just enjoying the day. >> well, it is scorching here in the bay area. >> that is right. >> oh, my gosh. temperatures almost up to 100 degrees today, we'll have numerous triple digits across inland valleys. >> sheesh. >> you work hard over there. >> you're my biggest fans. >> here is live doppler 7 hd. sunny skies. check out this view from our camera looking toward the west northwest. it's 80 degrees in san francisco. highs 91 in san francisco today. 81 now in oakland. 93 in morgan hill. blue skies over the bay. we can see here from abc7, it's 90 in santa rosa. napa, 88. 94 in concord. 97 in livermore. and we have blue skies over the golden gate as well. spare the air day tomorrow. we'll see triple digit heat through friday. heat will ease a bit over the weekend. there is a massive ridge of high pressure bringing us hot days into the weekend and weekend. we'll use livermore, 86 degrees. 103 next four days. then, down to a mere 97 on saturday. that is the trend we'll see for the week. overnight, clear skies. a bit of low clouds to approach the coastline, tomorrow's highs in the south bay, ranging from mid-90s to about 101 in morgan hill, 100 in los gatos. 103 in gilroy. on the peninsula, 96 degrees tomorrow in redwood city, and mountain view. low 80s on the coast at pacifica and half moon bay. 78 in the sunset district. upper 70s to mid-80s on the coast. and upper 90s inland. east bay, high temperatures reaching 90 in berkeley. 97 in castro valley and fremont. east bay, all triple digits. here is the accu-weather forecast. spare the air, tomorrow, once again, a reminder. we'll likely have spare the air days wednesday, thursday, and friday as well. triple digits inland. over the weekend, temperatures dropping off just a few degrees near mid and upper 90s but will feel better. >> interesting. we haven't had that many days this week. >> that is true. it's true. this may be the hottest week of weather all summer long. >> thank you. >> well, labor day soccer in berkeley. >> the fashion statement the kids wer i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose.. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me. one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california. hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! ♪ introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. some of america's top cyclists are in the bay area for the metro men's here to san francisco cycling race. the bicyclists raced by and man, they are fast. the course went through levis plaza. the final race, or the full race took off at 3:00 today, riders hope it will inspire others to start riding for fun, or even competitively. >> we're talking about inspiring. these young soccer players are doing more than just scoring goals today. you can see many were wearing gold shoe laces. why? it is part of a fund-raiser that will help pay for psychological services for cancer patients and families. >> it's important to maintain emotional health during the course of treatment. and so lfss are limited because they're not covered by insurance. >> the tournament raised $2,000. they will tinseling gold laces. well, nearly 130 professional and amateur tennis players are competing this labor day weekend in the 114th annual city open tennis tournament. this san francisco rec keyation and parks say it's one of the longest standing tournaments in the country. >> legacy. >> yes. >> a warning for beach goers tonight. >> if you're a good swimmer, i won't do that, and i swim. >> and it's not just about the waves. dangers you won't see before you jump in, next. more than just a labor day picnic. unionizing in silicon valley. and the push to get young workers interested in the union label, coming up. focus on changes that would get us the government that can work again. a harvard professor jumps into the campaign. his unconventional message. why his ♪ ♪ yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. and we'll begin the half hour of abc7 news at 6:00 with new information with that breaking news. a search for a missing man on angel island. >> yes. this is a where personnel have been shuttling over angel island for the past few hours to look for a san francisco man that disappeared early this morning. you can see those crews are starting to search now. we do have a picture of the man, now. >> the 32-year-old from san francisco. he was last seen about 1:00 a.m. on board a leased boat anchored in ayala cove. >> his wife didn't report him missing for several hours, until 6:00 a.m. do stay with us for more information as we get it. and on our website, it is a beautiful day to be on the beach this labor day weekend but a warning for beach goers from sonoma to monterey county. >> let's take a look at our sutro tower camera. there is a high surf advisory in effect until this evening. >> janet oh has the story from ocean beach. >> reporter: the situation was dangerous enough to have a high surf advisory in effect this holiday weekend. >> the waves are high today, for sure, it's not okay to swim. >> perfect conditions for surfers, but for them, and everyone, they're taking precautions. >> i got out there i realized it's a little stronger today, feels like it's switching from summer to fall. a year ago this month, a father and son were swept out and died as a result. shawn skalen has witnessed this happen one too many times. >> it can happen really fast here along the coast of california. especially when we have these long swells that build and creep up out of nowhere. >> ocean beach has been called the most-dangerous city beach for strong currents. signs are posted and lifeguards catch people testing the waters and have a message for them. >> knee deep, keep it knee deep. going past your knees, run back towards shore. >> reporter: a message they will keep repeating as many times as it takes to keep everyone safe. union members got together for a picnic. the big labor picnics with governors and senators are a thing of the past in the bay area. that may not be a surprise in silicon valley. most workers haven't pressed for unions but that may be changing. >> reporter: this picnic is in its third year. >> holiday. sick pay. all of these things were initially a product of the labor union. we enjoy them now. we forget there had been a struggle. >> reporter: following the recession in 2009, unions saw a major drop in membership and strength. since then, the change means a growth and lots of part time jobs. >> despite this decline in terms of private sector unionization, there is nothing to prevent the emerging economy to become more unionized. >> companies have not resisted efforts to unionize. bus drivers decided to join a teacher's union. others are resistant. >> workers for companies like uber are treated as they're not inemploy inemployees. >> i worry they don't get involved and go to meetings to find out what is going on. >> reporter: members like elizabeth martinez say they hope more young people join unions saying organized labor fights to benefit all workers. in san jose, abc7 news. 50 years ago this week, cesar chavez would help launch a nationwide battle for farm worker rights. chavez learned the craft at this meeting hall in san jose. now, the building stands a step closer to being a national landmark. it is on east san antonio street, obtaining status as a california historic landmark. >> president obama signed an executive order that will guarantee paid sick leave for people working for federal government contractors. union leaders cheered for the president when he took the stage in boston. the president's order will take affect in 2017, giving workers up to seven paid workdays per year. he challenged republican hopefuls for the white house and g.o.p. leaders on capitol hill. >> find a way to make paid family and medical leave a reality for all americans. that is something we should be doing. >> business groups argued rez obama's order will make it harder for small businesses to keep federal contracts. now to the campaign trail. hillary clinton is facing concerns in iowa and new hampshire. >> yes. she spent the day in illinois and iowa. here she is in cedar rapids. >> the latest poll shows bernie sanders pulling nine points ahead of clinton in the first primary state, new hampshire. the same poll shows sanders down 11 points in iowa. clinton, sanders and other democratic candidates have a new challenger tonight. harvard professor larry lessig. >> we have to find a way to elevate the debate to focus on the changes that would get us a government that can work again that is not captured by the tiniest fraction of the 1% that fund campaigns. >> lessig was a stanford law professor says he will step down as far as passing reforms he's talking about and his vice president will take over. his campaign website is running a vote for who he should choose for vice president. some suggestions, cheryl sandbe sandberg. joe biden worked a crowd like a candidate along a parade route in pittsburgh today, they were cheering "run, joe, run". the vice president said he'd taken too much time and didn't want to lose your vote and cut himself off and said lose your friendship instead. markets were closed today, on this labor day. >> rent prices are rising in the bay area's largest cities. the median price for a one bedroom house in san francisco is $3530 per month. the highest in the country by nearly $400 per month and up 14% from last year. san jose's rent is the fourth highest, oakland is number six. amazon is jumping into the restaurant business. the massive online retailer is creating amazon restaurants to bolster the meal delivery service. a company is giving gamblers a chance to bet money on which beach will disappear first because of climate change. an incredible show in the desert. burning man's conclusion and a sudden spill by a pop star attending . it is harvest time in wine country. that means vitners will be expecting quality, but not quantity. for some growers labor day marks the beginning of the harvest but this year, a dry summer sped up the process. growers are working to get grapes off those vines. >> we're going to be picking like crazy. because we have a light crop, berries are really tiny. there is not a lot of moisture in the berries. the berries never sized up. >> the good news, smaller grapes make high quality wine. bad news, a smaller harvest means prices had been higher. nearly 70,000 people who spent the last week in the northern nevada desert are heading home from burning man tonight. this was the scene last night. fire works went off to celebrate the end of the festival. this is video taken from katy perry. the singer struggled to steer a segway during a dust storm. that didn't go well. she posted this video with a caption obvious first time burner alert. this is a picture from the desert. >> wow. people coming back from burning man are spending a pretty penny to get the grime off their cars. the burning man special was $100 extra to scrub off the vehicle. >> extra time to get the grime off of the dash, the seats, and such. we do that on every car wash but takes three times through to have on burning man car wash. >> a lot of the cars in line were rental cars. they had to be wiped clean to erase evidence they were taken to the desert, which in cases would violate their rental agreement. >> oh. >> yes. finding relief and happiness through dancing. the inspirational story of a 24-year-old one-legged artist who is not willing to give u because at&t and directv are offering yesterday's technology, today. tv from space. [whispered] space as long as it's not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isn't a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. are stacked with bacon, sweet these 100bourbon sauce,, and apparently my mom's fave, spicy sriracha sauce. eat it, don't tweet it mom. denny's big burger bash, with burgers starting at $6.99 amid vineyards of jake london state historic park is some of the finest talent in musical theater. 124-year-old may have been saved by his trade. below the can yopy of this oak tree is a stage home to the transcending theater. evan ruchero is helping this weekend. his passion for tap started when he was just six. >> the sound. being able to use my feet to create rhythm. >> you may not realize the old oak they have a lot in common. >> i was studying at montclair university. i had a pain in my leg. i thought it was hurt through dancing. >> a biopsy revealed bone cancer. >> my cancer came back. and i had to have my right leg amputate add above the knee. there is one thing i said to the doctor before the surgery. i said i promise you i will tap again. he said i'll promise to be there in the tap row. i told him about a one-leg tap dancer. i said if he can do it. why can't i do it? i recreated the tap language for myself. i step, hop, step. >> he's so unique in what he does. it's inspirational for everybody that gets to watch him. >> for tickets to the final performances go to our website, abc7 news. >> that is terrific. >> yes. >> let's talk about the weather forecast. >> heating up outside. heat is on. we'll have sunny skies and this is the view at santa cruz oakland, a high of 92. other locations were below highs for this date. in the tropical pacific, we have hurricane linda towards the west coast of mexico. and will kick some muggy air into the direction of the bay area. here is the accu-weather forecast. four more days of triple digit weather and tomorrow is a spare the air day. >> we'll need that. >> yes. we've got a lot to talk about. >> that is right. we're not the only ones working today. we, and athletes. ricky ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. the drought is affecting at pg&e we've definitely put a focus on helping our agricultural customers through the drought. when they do an energy efficiency project and save that money they feel it right in their pocket book. it's exciting to help a customer with an energy efficiency project because not only are they saving energy but they are saving water. we have a lot of projects at pg&e that can help them with that and that's extremely important while we're in a drought. it's a win for the customer and it's a win for california. together, we're building a better california. [extracurricular activitiessands help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team... getting help with math... going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal... ...when you can't do the normal things. [announceto help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that for most kids are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. giants facing the d backs. every season is important now. post season chances are fading fast. this is how all fans feel right now. two men on for phil gosselind. then, bases loaded in the fourth, patrick corvase singles left. there is a solo bomb to end his day. a's fans, tied two in the sixth. danny valencia scores, putting oakland up eight-#. houston, we have a curve ball, parks into left field deep and they'd need all ten runs. hays still holding a lead. good to see shawn doolittle back on the hill as he closes the door on carlos gomez, ending a five-game slide for oakland. >> pga playoffs continue turned into match play. fowler down 2 and 5 to play on hendrick stentson. lead cut to one stroke, then, tee shot. didn't get it all. unlucky bounce. going back to the drop zone, double bogey. to 18, not even close. tapped into par for the win. this season he is moved to number five in the world. >> being in those positions before, i felt calm out there and knew what i had to do. it was -- i was ready to do it. >> u.s. open for the men, andy murray taking frustrations out on his racket. because kevin anderson taking the first two here. there is a forehand close court winner. a's wide on to the fourth set. this time, anderson moves into a grand slam quarter final. >> donald young taking on fans, young clips the net and varenka reply was a body shot. young was a rising star in american tennis but has been inconsistent. and young on the defense, too much today. he moves in with a four-set victory. >> a doubles match today is going to jump back into the sand. this abc7 sports report is brought to you by bank of the west. >> well, join us tonight at 9:00 a new space craft designed to take astronauts into space. >> james franco returning to his hometown to take on a new role and high school students are thrilled. breaking news at the top of the newscast. a search for a missing man on angel island. >> that is right. we've seen crews gathered on the island as well as others on boats and jet skis. >> they're looking for this 42-year-old last seen in ayala cove with his wife and friends. >> that is it for now. we'll see you at 9:00 and 11:00. thanks for joining us. >> we appreciate your time as always, good night. this is the "jeopardy!" teachers tournament. here is our first group of semi-finalists -- a fifth-grade teacher from queens, new york... a high-school history teacher from redwood city, california... and a middle-school math teacher from saint louis, missouri... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. hi, folks, and welcome to the first of these semi-final games in the teachers tournament. adam, lydia, and erin, very impressive in the quarter-final matches. let's see if they can keep it going today. good luck. here comes the jeopardy! round. and now the categories. first one is... but be careful on that one. ...which is an acronym for "science, technology, engineering, and math." all of them coming up. alex: adam, start. stem for $200. adam. what is mechanics? yes. stem for $400. lydia. what is civil engineering? yes. roots for $200, please. lydia. what is cheeseheads? cheesehead. that's right. roots for $400.

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Fremont , California , United States , Nevada , Fresno , Redwood City , Stanford , Illinois , Mountain View , Sonoma , China , Cedar Rapids , Iowa , Syria , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Santa Cruz Beach , Mexico , Berkeley , Castro Valley , Pacifica , Sacramento , Tiburon , Morgan Hill , New York , New Hampshire , Germany , Missouri , Oakland , Ocean Beach , Boston , Massachusetts , United Kingdom , Los Gatos , Iraq , Hungary , Montclair , Ayala Cove , Angel Island , Houston , Texas , Capitol Hill , France , Americans , America , Chinese , Mexican , Iraqi , Syrian , American , Kevin Anderson , Cesar Chavez , Larry Lessig , James Franco , Spencer Christian , Katy Perry , Joe Biden , Levis Plaza , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Cheryl Sandberg , Carlos Gomez , Serena Williams , Vic Lee , Josh Hall , Billy Joel , Shawn Doolittle , Elizabeth Martinez , Clinton Sanders , Andy Murray , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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