Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20141224 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20141224

excessive force and targeted him because he's muslim. >> he's questioned yoef use of police power in part because of his reasonable and because of their aassumption about the connection between that religion and terrorism. >> santa clara police say the use of force was appropriate and walid being muslim is irrelevant vent >> this is within our procedures. in this case being a law enforcement officer. and theft in this case is serious. >> he is facing an internal investigation and his gun has been taken away. and he has been. >> the council of islamic relations is suing this man, denied permission to grow a beard. he claims he was then subject o to. >> police are looking for the people that guned down an oakland english teacher four weeks ago. he was on a walk two days before thanksgiving and he was shot and killed. police added to incentive for someone to turn in the killers. >> we're increasing the reward for information that leads to arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this homicide. >> family friends joined police and say the past month has just been awful. >> i'm devastated. and it just gets worse. >> police continue to search for two men they say are persons of interest in this case >> the fda revised a policy on blood donations from gay men the ban will be month more. not everyone is happy with the policy. >> today just announcement, it won't happen overnight, and now, is it enough? many don't think so. for decades, gay and bisexual men have been banned in donating blood it asks from 1977 to the present have you had sexual contact with another male? even once? the fda agreed it was unnecessary. but instead of lifting the ban, the policy states that gay or bisexual men must wait a year from the time they've had sex with another man before they can donate blood. >> there are plenty of straight people that are at his being as well. >> he means that the testing is so advanced that there isn't a need for a waiting period >> now, we can tell within 10-14 days they're infected. >> first, fda will present a draft, then allow the blood banks to comment before the recommendations are put oit. >> it will take over six months or about six months. before they can allow a permanent referral. >> they hope it will bring in more donors. right now, they rely on blood from other states to meet the demands in the bay area. >> you know only a few days ago we're talking about rains in the bay area and tonight we have record high temperatures. 71 degrees. abc7 news is live and today's readings over the bay area. >> you're right but what another weather here is a and records for the day. richmond, 65. san francisco, 68. 70 in livermore. 68 sfo. 68 san jose. hawaiis on the second full day of winter. here is what we expect to happen overnight going to bring change. forecast starting at 10:00 in the morning, clouds thickening during hours into afternoon, we'll see rain developing then moving down farther south. so rain coming our way from until 8:00 p.m driver maze have thought they're driving through a lake today this is what it looked like on highway one the flooding caused by a king tide. and next king tide is in mid january. >> a popular hiking trail with spectacular views of the golden gate bridge will be partially closed over the next few days. this is the reason the rains caused this section of the land and hillside to collapse. the trail is closed this morning, then, the park service decided to close off access for a few hundred feet around the slide. >> this is a situation we're going to see from time to time. >> it determines the collapse appears to have taken place within a older mudslide. >> tony pictures decided it will authorize a release of the controversial movie "the interview." abc7 news is live in san rafael this, is not the big release sony planned. >> the new park way in oakland and maybe here, they're trying to work out details. sony says it never gave up about releasing the film the comedy was pulled from major chains after threats of violence from a group believed associated with north korea. but the owners started a campaign encouraging sony to allow them to screen the film rather than giving in to intimidation. >> if they called and said you can't show that film, you know that, would be just to us who work so hard as cure raters to try to get these issues and films to the fore front of the audiences. >> he says he got calls wanting the theater to show the controversial comedy. people said they'd go just to make a statement. >> now, probably i'd go see it. >> president obama criticized sony and today released a statement applauding the company. we're a country believing in free speech and rights of artistic expression. weeks before, it had a reement year at the castro theater. >> this would not normally may, but these small theaters are actually going to have a chance to play this film. so it's kind of a victory for little guys. >> still ahead here at 7:00 cameras going inside a fire station that has been abandoned how dangerous is it? >> what some criminal dz to several of the holiday figures. >> what you don't know about gift cards that you should know. >> and later tonight northern california kids who have become firefighters in san jose station 16 aren't in their stations this evening. they're waiting for tests to determine if there is a potentially dangerous mold problem. a crew was allowed inside of the fire house the problem was discovered about nine months ago. and believes rain may have caused it to spread into living spaces. >> concerns were raised there might be mold in the station. current currently there has been no confirmation of that. >> the fire department says other crews will patrol the station 16 district during peak hours. and said it will be closed until completing renovations. >> police are searching for a group of people that did he cap tated a large angel in el cerrito hills. an indian immigrant created the display, featuring 150 folk art rations volunteers have kept the tradition alive. and we'll have video at 11:00. >> police are asking for your help in catching a bank robber. a man 18-22 his face he took off nervously the fbi says robberies have been more frequent during the holiday season. so oo he's called the clown, under cover officer as rested him. they say he robbed this pharmacy. >> he's actually responsible for 15 incidents. some of them are here in san francisco as well as some in san mateo county. >> the other was caught after he left this bag on irving street. he kaz dubbed chuck taylor bandit. police say he robbed ten banks. there has been a huge number of robberies in the past month. 19 to be contact. there seems to be an upswing during the holidays. >> this year we're down from last year. within the month, november was a big month. >> they may be smitten with holiday spirit. >> they might be motivated by trying to care for loved ones. police are looking for this one the holiday pub crawl. i told the teller he nieded money. to pay rent. you may wonder of the $38 million stolen, how much was recovered? answer, only about 20%. >> firefighters are doing what they can to help struggling sab fran families put something special under the tree. dozens of families lined up to pick up gifts for their kids. and relies on doughingations. the program runs all year long because the need is all year long. >> yes. it is. time to take a look at holiday forecast. >> yes. do you notice how packed everything is? >> yes. yes. we've got gridlock. >> coming and going. >> weather is you can see most major airports are not reporting delays now. boston, jfk, no keel yeahs but almost up to an hour and a half in la to a live view from our camera, a portion of the skyline, these highlights. cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers on christmas eve. sunny, cool christmas day. the dry pattern continues into the new year. high pressure holding on, this brought us record warmth today. behind me is a system bringing us a sharp change. and cooler weather, clouds increase and by morning to noon we'll see by late sweeping into the south bay and breezy. behind the frontal system. front carries rain witness and will be drying out. and a tenth to a quarter ivenlg and maybe from 1/100ths to 1/10th of an inch. low temperatures upper 50s to around 40s. and up on the peninsula, similar range of highs, up to 60 with a chance of showers. coastal highs into upper 50 san francisco. 57 in santa rosa. highs upper 50s to 60s and inland highs mid to upper 50s here is the accu-weather forecast. dry, and cool and we can use a little drying out. >> before the next storm with sure to down load abc7 weather app. go to abc7 news or apple app store or google play. >> coming up next a fund raising tradition that has fallen on hard times. >> mour months ago tomorrow a magnitude 6 earthquake struck napa. >> tonight, nick smith tells us a charity depending on a holiday tradition is hurting for donations the red kettle program operated each season for 124 years. this year with fewer sites serving the community with a need as great as ever. >> it's been a tough year. >> donations to the red kettles are down more than $30,000. still, demands have grown. >> we do 110 meals every day. >> contributions are off more than 18%. major kevin hanson is there to meet the folks that benefit most. few people know that better than dallas vincent. this single another has nowhere else to turn. >> every drop in the bucket, or kettle can help make that happen. >> we need your support. ke can't do it without individual donors. >> in napa, nick smith, abc7 news >> how the people of new york are remembering officers. >> and some young central american refugees have had a taste of christmas in the usa. >> demonstrators are marching just hours after a moment of silence in honor two of officers guned down in the line of duty. the mayor asked protestors to hold off on demonstrations until after the funerals before this march the city paused to remember the officers. they were shot and killed in an ambush attack on saturday. >> we need to protect and respect our police just as our police protect and respect our communities. we can strike that balance we must. >> the mayor and his wife visited the shooting site. people continue to pay resnekts a growing memorial. >> we came here to make sure we let them know we're thankful they know these officers are still -- they turned their back on us it will be over. >> the white house says the vice president will attend. the delegation of san francisco pd will be there. >> part of an east bay freeway blocked in honor of four fallen police officers in oakland. you can sigh the trucks, they took up a couple lanes a freeway sign was vabd vandalized last week. >> the family of a santa cruz county woman is suing safeway for selling tainted carmel apples the 81-year-old died from a listeria infection. there have been deaths and tonight they have now removed all carmel apples from the store. >> five men under arrest charged in a gun smuggling scheme. a new york district attorney says the former delta airlines employee took 150 guns on 17 passenger flights between atlanta and new york this year. prosecutors say eugene harvey, a baggage handler would pass the guns in backpacks he says he had a lifetime of free companion flights and used those to make all of the trips back and forth. >> two flights in la guardia airport got off to a bumpy start today a tee parting southwest airlines plane clipped the tail of an incoming american airlines flight. the collision is now under investigation. >> the internet went down again in north korea. out for nine hours yesterday but still a mystery as to what, or who caused it. noshgin television broadcast without a hitch but in cyber space, the country went dark. >> north korean internet had been erased from the map. >> what do you mean? >> the tube connecting him to the rest of the world what's been cut >> the president promised the u.s. would respond to the sony attack. >> we will respond pro portionally and in a place and time and matter that we choose. >> given the rising tensions between the countries dprk watchers doubt the u.s. would bother. could north korea have cut the cord? regimes like egypt and syria have switched off the internet. it could it be system failure? pefrments say that is unlikely. anñi outage for hours and upon hours even for north korea >> what? >> that says one editor, points to a rogue hacker. >> any 14-year-old kid in this country can pull it off and any toddler in germany. >> the hacking and security community are suspicious of anyone claiming credit will likely never know who did this, adding to the list of things we don't know about north korea. >> wall street reaches a major milestone. the dow jones average closed today in more than 18,000 and the consumers are more optimistic than any time in eight years the average in california is $2.72 per gallon. >> coca-cola plans to cut 1,000 to 2,000 jobs during the next week. the hardest hit may be the atlanta headquarters. and here is a view of apple's new headquarters. apple insider sent up a stone showing a huge building taking shape. >> two central american kids got their first taste of christmas in the united states. a 5-year-old and his 3-year-old sister got stuffed bears and $100 gift card from the group hispanics in philanthropy they arrived with their father, who was deported to honduras they were able to stay with their aunt who is now seeking guardianship for them. >> she has the legal power them to doctor appointments. >> the judge ruled they can apply for immigrant legal status. >> giving gift cards for the holidays? meet the gift card girlfriend. right here in san francisco. whether it's helping local businesses like the fruitguys grow and prosper, supporting nonprofits like juma ventures as they fulfill their mission or helping neighborhoods like the tenderloin become vibrant communities. if there's a way to help the people of san francisco thrive and succeed, we'll find it. that's the power of local connections. that's bank of america. female announcer: even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. the year end clearance sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ american consumers expected to spend $32 combrinl on gift cards this holiday season. >> the average consumer will plunk down $170 but do they know what they're buying? >> it seems simple you give a store $25, then they give you a card for $25 and you can get a gift. gift cards can be played like a fiddle. shelly bills herself as gift card girlfriend. and represents gift she says look for discounted gift cards if you buy a card during this time of the year you'll receive a bonus gift card, then, don't think of gift cards as the actual gift. >> gift cards are not just forgiving so whether it's our cards or the buy one, get one, you're looking at the places you already shop. and get some savings for yourself. so get a discount gift card to toys are us. >> she says remember, they play by their own rules even stores with liberal return policies often exclude gift card returns. >> there is no law that dictates they can or must be returned so it's up to the merchant to decide. so hob honest with you, there could be gift card fraud. >> if you get one you don't like, sell it online to giflt or competitors. so always assume a store offers gift cards. shelly and i are talking to a high end jeweller off of union square. if you're feeling guilty of giving a gift card, don't. you're giving the gift of shopping as well as the physical item. . you two are smirking. >> then, you can get what you really want. >> yes. >> just ahead, famous young toy testers. how >> great time of the year, christmas morning, kids will rip open new toys but do you know there are kids that open toys for a living? an unlikely family business that may give you a tip or two. ready, action. >> let's open this thing. >> those words are the music to the ears of millions of kids. it's the catch phrase of you tube's hottest new toy reviewers their production company is mom and dad. and it started by accident. . >> i was following my kids around with my camera. so i uploaded some on you tube. and the views just exploded. >> the ad money came rolling in and their dad took a leap of faith. . >> i was concerned because he told me he was going to quit and do this full time. >> they've made well over a half million dollars. just just making videos of the kids being themselves. >> if they work as a chocolate worker, it's fun. you get paid for doing it. >> kids have a special thing for power wheels and a garage full of them. >> this is our vault. >> companies hoping for a review. >> there are kids in need so we give van loads of toys away. >> when christmas morning rolls around kids won't be reviewing anything they'll unbox their own toys but there is a good chance dad will be nearby with a camera. the kids are looking forward to next year's reviews. >> what do they get? besides cool toy that's money is letting them see the world. they've started home schooling and travelling to places like yosemite. >> it was cool. we saw a lot of deer. >> and snow. >> it's part of a plan whchlt getting too old to make toy videos don't be surprised to see them out for more adventures. >> that is a living. >> we're getting fog getting thick and dense. state wide tomorrow look for rainy conditions and by afternoon, rainfall sweeping into parts of the bay area. high temperatures tomorrow much cooler than today. record highs today, upper 50s to low 60s and here is the accu-weather forecast. we'll get a dry pattern continuing into next week. >> wow. >> thank you. >> we invite you to give where you live this holiday season. >> find out how to help through a link on our web site. >> and it's time for sports good evening, university of michigan is doing all it can to entice june jim harbaugh, turning 51 years old today. and niners says alden smith was there, breaking what would be a violation of his >> i have nothing else to say. >> niners get set for the game sunday against arizona could be the last game for frank gore in red and gold the rusher has an expiring contract. there is a question as to whether he's going to be back. he's 31 years old. >> he's a huge asset and i'm hoping he's back here. and so broncos a pattern pointed out by a rapper known as mad >> to western kentucky thundering return for marshal, they're very, very good. as northern illinois found out tonight, new bowl games this year. and 93 yards. one of the best quarterbacks on the money to his childhood buddy with a put down by half an inch there. san diego state and may havy just kicked off and in the hawaii bowl. long horns in overtime. and this fifth year to the rack. stops with 22. ten seconds for a chance and no. stanford with a road win in austin. keeping the broncos up at leafy center and a wonderful moment last night's game. what a surprise. that is a great present. abc7 sports brought to you by orchard supply hardware. >> join us tonight >> and we're learning about a local woman accused of a dangerous melt down. >> that is this edition of abc7 news. >> if you happen to get a new mobile device we have another gift for you. go to abc7 and down load it. >> we appreciate your time which means it's timeson for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants -- a high-school teacher from urbana, illinois... a rabbinical student originally from sharon, massachusetts... and our returning champion, a stay-at-home mom from alexandria, virginia... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! alex: thank you, johnny gilbert, and thank you, ladies and gentlemen. you can't do much better than allison, averaging over $20,000 for each of her two games so far. avishai and melissa, though, are here to put an end to her winning ways. let's see how it works out. here we go, the jeopardy! round. and now the categories. first off... each correct response will have four l's. allison, start. i'll take famous pairs, $200, please. in 2014, this pair launched a brand-new "up in smoke" tour. allison. who are cheech and chong? right. famous pairs, $400. allison. who are masters and johnson? yes. famous pairs, $600. in the original illustration, they're the pair seen here. avishai. who are tweedledee and tweedledum?

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Honduras , Germany , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Oakland , Kentucky , Boston , Massachusetts , Illinois , San Diego , Virginia , Syria , Michigan , Urbana , Santa Cruz County , Richmond , San Francisco , Arizona , La Guardia Airport , North Korea , Dallas , Texas , San Mateo County , Hawaii , America , North Korean , American , June Jim Harbaugh , Kevin Hanson , Malden Smith , Eugene Harvey , Frank Gore , Johnny Gilbert , Santa Clara , Chuck Taylor , Nick Smith , Napa Nick Smith ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20141224 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20141224

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excessive force and targeted him because he's muslim. >> he's questioned yoef use of police power in part because of his reasonable and because of their aassumption about the connection between that religion and terrorism. >> santa clara police say the use of force was appropriate and walid being muslim is irrelevant vent >> this is within our procedures. in this case being a law enforcement officer. and theft in this case is serious. >> he is facing an internal investigation and his gun has been taken away. and he has been. >> the council of islamic relations is suing this man, denied permission to grow a beard. he claims he was then subject o to. >> police are looking for the people that guned down an oakland english teacher four weeks ago. he was on a walk two days before thanksgiving and he was shot and killed. police added to incentive for someone to turn in the killers. >> we're increasing the reward for information that leads to arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this homicide. >> family friends joined police and say the past month has just been awful. >> i'm devastated. and it just gets worse. >> police continue to search for two men they say are persons of interest in this case >> the fda revised a policy on blood donations from gay men the ban will be month more. not everyone is happy with the policy. >> today just announcement, it won't happen overnight, and now, is it enough? many don't think so. for decades, gay and bisexual men have been banned in donating blood it asks from 1977 to the present have you had sexual contact with another male? even once? the fda agreed it was unnecessary. but instead of lifting the ban, the policy states that gay or bisexual men must wait a year from the time they've had sex with another man before they can donate blood. >> there are plenty of straight people that are at his being as well. >> he means that the testing is so advanced that there isn't a need for a waiting period >> now, we can tell within 10-14 days they're infected. >> first, fda will present a draft, then allow the blood banks to comment before the recommendations are put oit. >> it will take over six months or about six months. before they can allow a permanent referral. >> they hope it will bring in more donors. right now, they rely on blood from other states to meet the demands in the bay area. >> you know only a few days ago we're talking about rains in the bay area and tonight we have record high temperatures. 71 degrees. abc7 news is live and today's readings over the bay area. >> you're right but what another weather here is a and records for the day. richmond, 65. san francisco, 68. 70 in livermore. 68 sfo. 68 san jose. hawaiis on the second full day of winter. here is what we expect to happen overnight going to bring change. forecast starting at 10:00 in the morning, clouds thickening during hours into afternoon, we'll see rain developing then moving down farther south. so rain coming our way from until 8:00 p.m driver maze have thought they're driving through a lake today this is what it looked like on highway one the flooding caused by a king tide. and next king tide is in mid january. >> a popular hiking trail with spectacular views of the golden gate bridge will be partially closed over the next few days. this is the reason the rains caused this section of the land and hillside to collapse. the trail is closed this morning, then, the park service decided to close off access for a few hundred feet around the slide. >> this is a situation we're going to see from time to time. >> it determines the collapse appears to have taken place within a older mudslide. >> tony pictures decided it will authorize a release of the controversial movie "the interview." abc7 news is live in san rafael this, is not the big release sony planned. >> the new park way in oakland and maybe here, they're trying to work out details. sony says it never gave up about releasing the film the comedy was pulled from major chains after threats of violence from a group believed associated with north korea. but the owners started a campaign encouraging sony to allow them to screen the film rather than giving in to intimidation. >> if they called and said you can't show that film, you know that, would be just to us who work so hard as cure raters to try to get these issues and films to the fore front of the audiences. >> he says he got calls wanting the theater to show the controversial comedy. people said they'd go just to make a statement. >> now, probably i'd go see it. >> president obama criticized sony and today released a statement applauding the company. we're a country believing in free speech and rights of artistic expression. weeks before, it had a reement year at the castro theater. >> this would not normally may, but these small theaters are actually going to have a chance to play this film. so it's kind of a victory for little guys. >> still ahead here at 7:00 cameras going inside a fire station that has been abandoned how dangerous is it? >> what some criminal dz to several of the holiday figures. >> what you don't know about gift cards that you should know. >> and later tonight northern california kids who have become firefighters in san jose station 16 aren't in their stations this evening. they're waiting for tests to determine if there is a potentially dangerous mold problem. a crew was allowed inside of the fire house the problem was discovered about nine months ago. and believes rain may have caused it to spread into living spaces. >> concerns were raised there might be mold in the station. current currently there has been no confirmation of that. >> the fire department says other crews will patrol the station 16 district during peak hours. and said it will be closed until completing renovations. >> police are searching for a group of people that did he cap tated a large angel in el cerrito hills. an indian immigrant created the display, featuring 150 folk art rations volunteers have kept the tradition alive. and we'll have video at 11:00. >> police are asking for your help in catching a bank robber. a man 18-22 his face he took off nervously the fbi says robberies have been more frequent during the holiday season. so oo he's called the clown, under cover officer as rested him. they say he robbed this pharmacy. >> he's actually responsible for 15 incidents. some of them are here in san francisco as well as some in san mateo county. >> the other was caught after he left this bag on irving street. he kaz dubbed chuck taylor bandit. police say he robbed ten banks. there has been a huge number of robberies in the past month. 19 to be contact. there seems to be an upswing during the holidays. >> this year we're down from last year. within the month, november was a big month. >> they may be smitten with holiday spirit. >> they might be motivated by trying to care for loved ones. police are looking for this one the holiday pub crawl. i told the teller he nieded money. to pay rent. you may wonder of the $38 million stolen, how much was recovered? answer, only about 20%. >> firefighters are doing what they can to help struggling sab fran families put something special under the tree. dozens of families lined up to pick up gifts for their kids. and relies on doughingations. the program runs all year long because the need is all year long. >> yes. it is. time to take a look at holiday forecast. >> yes. do you notice how packed everything is? >> yes. yes. we've got gridlock. >> coming and going. >> weather is you can see most major airports are not reporting delays now. boston, jfk, no keel yeahs but almost up to an hour and a half in la to a live view from our camera, a portion of the skyline, these highlights. cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers on christmas eve. sunny, cool christmas day. the dry pattern continues into the new year. high pressure holding on, this brought us record warmth today. behind me is a system bringing us a sharp change. and cooler weather, clouds increase and by morning to noon we'll see by late sweeping into the south bay and breezy. behind the frontal system. front carries rain witness and will be drying out. and a tenth to a quarter ivenlg and maybe from 1/100ths to 1/10th of an inch. low temperatures upper 50s to around 40s. and up on the peninsula, similar range of highs, up to 60 with a chance of showers. coastal highs into upper 50 san francisco. 57 in santa rosa. highs upper 50s to 60s and inland highs mid to upper 50s here is the accu-weather forecast. dry, and cool and we can use a little drying out. >> before the next storm with sure to down load abc7 weather app. go to abc7 news or apple app store or google play. >> coming up next a fund raising tradition that has fallen on hard times. >> mour months ago tomorrow a magnitude 6 earthquake struck napa. >> tonight, nick smith tells us a charity depending on a holiday tradition is hurting for donations the red kettle program operated each season for 124 years. this year with fewer sites serving the community with a need as great as ever. >> it's been a tough year. >> donations to the red kettles are down more than $30,000. still, demands have grown. >> we do 110 meals every day. >> contributions are off more than 18%. major kevin hanson is there to meet the folks that benefit most. few people know that better than dallas vincent. this single another has nowhere else to turn. >> every drop in the bucket, or kettle can help make that happen. >> we need your support. ke can't do it without individual donors. >> in napa, nick smith, abc7 news >> how the people of new york are remembering officers. >> and some young central american refugees have had a taste of christmas in the usa. >> demonstrators are marching just hours after a moment of silence in honor two of officers guned down in the line of duty. the mayor asked protestors to hold off on demonstrations until after the funerals before this march the city paused to remember the officers. they were shot and killed in an ambush attack on saturday. >> we need to protect and respect our police just as our police protect and respect our communities. we can strike that balance we must. >> the mayor and his wife visited the shooting site. people continue to pay resnekts a growing memorial. >> we came here to make sure we let them know we're thankful they know these officers are still -- they turned their back on us it will be over. >> the white house says the vice president will attend. the delegation of san francisco pd will be there. >> part of an east bay freeway blocked in honor of four fallen police officers in oakland. you can sigh the trucks, they took up a couple lanes a freeway sign was vabd vandalized last week. >> the family of a santa cruz county woman is suing safeway for selling tainted carmel apples the 81-year-old died from a listeria infection. there have been deaths and tonight they have now removed all carmel apples from the store. >> five men under arrest charged in a gun smuggling scheme. a new york district attorney says the former delta airlines employee took 150 guns on 17 passenger flights between atlanta and new york this year. prosecutors say eugene harvey, a baggage handler would pass the guns in backpacks he says he had a lifetime of free companion flights and used those to make all of the trips back and forth. >> two flights in la guardia airport got off to a bumpy start today a tee parting southwest airlines plane clipped the tail of an incoming american airlines flight. the collision is now under investigation. >> the internet went down again in north korea. out for nine hours yesterday but still a mystery as to what, or who caused it. noshgin television broadcast without a hitch but in cyber space, the country went dark. >> north korean internet had been erased from the map. >> what do you mean? >> the tube connecting him to the rest of the world what's been cut >> the president promised the u.s. would respond to the sony attack. >> we will respond pro portionally and in a place and time and matter that we choose. >> given the rising tensions between the countries dprk watchers doubt the u.s. would bother. could north korea have cut the cord? regimes like egypt and syria have switched off the internet. it could it be system failure? pefrments say that is unlikely. anñi outage for hours and upon hours even for north korea >> what? >> that says one editor, points to a rogue hacker. >> any 14-year-old kid in this country can pull it off and any toddler in germany. >> the hacking and security community are suspicious of anyone claiming credit will likely never know who did this, adding to the list of things we don't know about north korea. >> wall street reaches a major milestone. the dow jones average closed today in more than 18,000 and the consumers are more optimistic than any time in eight years the average in california is $2.72 per gallon. >> coca-cola plans to cut 1,000 to 2,000 jobs during the next week. the hardest hit may be the atlanta headquarters. and here is a view of apple's new headquarters. apple insider sent up a stone showing a huge building taking shape. >> two central american kids got their first taste of christmas in the united states. a 5-year-old and his 3-year-old sister got stuffed bears and $100 gift card from the group hispanics in philanthropy they arrived with their father, who was deported to honduras they were able to stay with their aunt who is now seeking guardianship for them. >> she has the legal power them to doctor appointments. >> the judge ruled they can apply for immigrant legal status. >> giving gift cards for the holidays? meet the gift card girlfriend. right here in san francisco. whether it's helping local businesses like the fruitguys grow and prosper, supporting nonprofits like juma ventures as they fulfill their mission or helping neighborhoods like the tenderloin become vibrant communities. if there's a way to help the people of san francisco thrive and succeed, we'll find it. that's the power of local connections. that's bank of america. female announcer: even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. the year end clearance sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ american consumers expected to spend $32 combrinl on gift cards this holiday season. >> the average consumer will plunk down $170 but do they know what they're buying? >> it seems simple you give a store $25, then they give you a card for $25 and you can get a gift. gift cards can be played like a fiddle. shelly bills herself as gift card girlfriend. and represents gift she says look for discounted gift cards if you buy a card during this time of the year you'll receive a bonus gift card, then, don't think of gift cards as the actual gift. >> gift cards are not just forgiving so whether it's our cards or the buy one, get one, you're looking at the places you already shop. and get some savings for yourself. so get a discount gift card to toys are us. >> she says remember, they play by their own rules even stores with liberal return policies often exclude gift card returns. >> there is no law that dictates they can or must be returned so it's up to the merchant to decide. so hob honest with you, there could be gift card fraud. >> if you get one you don't like, sell it online to giflt or competitors. so always assume a store offers gift cards. shelly and i are talking to a high end jeweller off of union square. if you're feeling guilty of giving a gift card, don't. you're giving the gift of shopping as well as the physical item. . you two are smirking. >> then, you can get what you really want. >> yes. >> just ahead, famous young toy testers. how >> great time of the year, christmas morning, kids will rip open new toys but do you know there are kids that open toys for a living? an unlikely family business that may give you a tip or two. ready, action. >> let's open this thing. >> those words are the music to the ears of millions of kids. it's the catch phrase of you tube's hottest new toy reviewers their production company is mom and dad. and it started by accident. . >> i was following my kids around with my camera. so i uploaded some on you tube. and the views just exploded. >> the ad money came rolling in and their dad took a leap of faith. . >> i was concerned because he told me he was going to quit and do this full time. >> they've made well over a half million dollars. just just making videos of the kids being themselves. >> if they work as a chocolate worker, it's fun. you get paid for doing it. >> kids have a special thing for power wheels and a garage full of them. >> this is our vault. >> companies hoping for a review. >> there are kids in need so we give van loads of toys away. >> when christmas morning rolls around kids won't be reviewing anything they'll unbox their own toys but there is a good chance dad will be nearby with a camera. the kids are looking forward to next year's reviews. >> what do they get? besides cool toy that's money is letting them see the world. they've started home schooling and travelling to places like yosemite. >> it was cool. we saw a lot of deer. >> and snow. >> it's part of a plan whchlt getting too old to make toy videos don't be surprised to see them out for more adventures. >> that is a living. >> we're getting fog getting thick and dense. state wide tomorrow look for rainy conditions and by afternoon, rainfall sweeping into parts of the bay area. high temperatures tomorrow much cooler than today. record highs today, upper 50s to low 60s and here is the accu-weather forecast. we'll get a dry pattern continuing into next week. >> wow. >> thank you. >> we invite you to give where you live this holiday season. >> find out how to help through a link on our web site. >> and it's time for sports good evening, university of michigan is doing all it can to entice june jim harbaugh, turning 51 years old today. and niners says alden smith was there, breaking what would be a violation of his >> i have nothing else to say. >> niners get set for the game sunday against arizona could be the last game for frank gore in red and gold the rusher has an expiring contract. there is a question as to whether he's going to be back. he's 31 years old. >> he's a huge asset and i'm hoping he's back here. and so broncos a pattern pointed out by a rapper known as mad >> to western kentucky thundering return for marshal, they're very, very good. as northern illinois found out tonight, new bowl games this year. and 93 yards. one of the best quarterbacks on the money to his childhood buddy with a put down by half an inch there. san diego state and may havy just kicked off and in the hawaii bowl. long horns in overtime. and this fifth year to the rack. stops with 22. ten seconds for a chance and no. stanford with a road win in austin. keeping the broncos up at leafy center and a wonderful moment last night's game. what a surprise. that is a great present. abc7 sports brought to you by orchard supply hardware. >> join us tonight >> and we're learning about a local woman accused of a dangerous melt down. >> that is this edition of abc7 news. >> if you happen to get a new mobile device we have another gift for you. go to abc7 and down load it. >> we appreciate your time which means it's timeson for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants -- a high-school teacher from urbana, illinois... a rabbinical student originally from sharon, massachusetts... and our returning champion, a stay-at-home mom from alexandria, virginia... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! alex: thank you, johnny gilbert, and thank you, ladies and gentlemen. you can't do much better than allison, averaging over $20,000 for each of her two games so far. avishai and melissa, though, are here to put an end to her winning ways. let's see how it works out. here we go, the jeopardy! round. and now the categories. first off... each correct response will have four l's. allison, start. i'll take famous pairs, $200, please. in 2014, this pair launched a brand-new "up in smoke" tour. allison. who are cheech and chong? right. famous pairs, $400. allison. who are masters and johnson? yes. famous pairs, $600. in the original illustration, they're the pair seen here. avishai. who are tweedledee and tweedledum?

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