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The protestors, mayor kwan says have nothing to fear. We havent had an officer involved shooting for 17 months we cant find a time where weve got over a year, before. In august, four separate mars converged into a rally. Hundreds took to the streets to stand with protestors in missouri. The large gathering was peaceful. Well have extra police mobilized. Mayor kwan believes when the grand jury decision comes down, the police force will be able to keep protests peaceful. Unlike what happened during the occupy demonstration. Were determined to let people speak as well as to keep the peace in the city. Protestors say the time is right to blossom into a national movement. They want the message to be forceful and unrelenting. Though mayor kwan is not anticipating anything, she did issue a list of precautions. Park in a secure location, double check locks and cameras and reinforce your doors with steel plates. We have breaking news in the east bay. A multi car crash shut down southbound 680 four. Chp is blocking all southbound traffic. You can see the red where traffic doesnt moving. Traffic is gridlocked at the moment. One Person Injured in an altercation in san jose the report of a gunman triggered a lock down. Students were allowed to leave with their parents. Two suspects drove off. Police were able to locate them later and after a standoff in a home they surrendered and now being booked into jail. The man accused of killing ivan cruz went before a judge. Sony anderson is a convicted felon and now faces murder charges. Laura anthony has the latest tonight from hayward. With his head bowed, the 34yearold entered a courtroom charged with a hit and run murder of a 14yearold ivan cruz. Anderson stood against a wall and did not speak except to tell the judge he would like a public defender. He has a rap sheet going back to 1999, charged with slashing and killing animals at kennedy park petting zoo. The care taker then is well aware of the charges against anderson now. First thing is the name sounded familiar. Called people in management and found out its the same person at kennedy. After that, just snow balling here and memories of everything had just like it happened yesterday. 2009 anderson was convicted for several felonies related to burglary and beating of a 74yearold woman. Hes angry, violent and acts out. Hes amoral. When you attack animals to the magnitude he did, committing that cruelty, i mean that is shocking to me. He was on felony probation when investigators say he hit and killed ivan while the boy roet rode in a crosswalk. The District Attorney is going to work tirelessly to ensure justice is done. For this 14yearold boy who lost his life and for his family. The judge held him without bail, expected back in Court Wednesday morning. Weather now, there is rain on the way the bay area, its only a matter of hours. That is right. Here is sandhya patel. Yes. Were expecting rain. Let me show you live doppler 7 right now. Make sure you have umbrellas close by. Looking at our radar here, we do have some moisture showing the real moisture is about 75 miles away. Were expecting rain to move in but not immediately. A lot of cloud cover, maybe sprinkles. 5 00 a. M tomorrow, well see moisture in the north bay for the start of the commute. It takes a few hours by 9 00 a. M before we start to see scattered showers across other parts of the bay area. Ill be back to tell you about two more systems and how much rain coming up. Thank you. Economic recovery has boosted hiring but put a squeeze on housing. Rents are rising and that is creating a hardship for families. Abc7 news has the details. Nonprofit groups rallied to show support for a plan many have been working on two years to generate millions of dollars for Affordable Housing by charging a fee to builders demand estimated to be 30,000 in a city where two bedroom apartments can rent for 2500. We have a crisis. Teachers and nurses are working hard with nowhere to live in the city. So were going to need tools. One of the tools is a 17 per square foot fee generating 24 million per year in facing what the agency is into beneficiaries are people like anthony king, living in an affordable unit in midtown. Having Housing Needs secure im able to look toward trying to find gainful employment, and and the process of trying to get custody of my son back, trying to go to school. The plan will ease overcrowding. There is doubling up and couch surfing for individuals and families. And that is contributing to our homelessness issue. This counsel member worries it could lead to higher rent to cover the fee. The new fee will not be imposed until mid 2016. It can face a legal challenge the council began hearing public testimony but will continue into the evening. In san jose, david louie, abc7 news. Big changes are coming to one of San Franciscos busiest corridors. Lawmakers approved a bus Rapid Transit project along van ness avenue. New busonly lanes will be created the goal to reduce travel times by 30 . Excited to see San Francisco is stepping up their game with regard to transportation i think its needed. The lanes will be in the middle of the street. Once in, there will no longer be less curves along the twomile stretch the plan will eliminate 100 parking spaces. Construction on the project gets underway next year. Tonight in oakland, the city council will consider a controversial plan to expand the oakland zoo. The zoo wants to develop new exhibits. And environmentalists and neighbors have been fighting this project for years saying it would lead to a loss of critical habitat. Abc7 news is live at city hall with more on the plan and the debate. Wayne . Some people proteste behind me. The plans have been an issue for 17 years in the city. Tonight, perhaps a final vote. It is peaceful. If word could rip a place award, words could be one of them. Its wild. Its a matter of what is best for the community. This demonstration to be followed by a vote tonight to expand into a nolan park ridge. It has counsel approval, and 60 million at the ready. It has opposition from friends of nolan park. They willeda king regards the plan as open space robbery. This is a crown jewel of the park. Why should we destroy it . To hear the zoo ceo tell it, the word destroy should be replaced with enhance. People who oppose it just are not willing to share. You know . Not willing to share the open ridge view experience. Including a gondola, going 1800 feet up two ridges to New California trails exhibit. 45 fencedoff acres. Animals that arent here anymore. So that is a grizzly bear, jaguar and american bison. Everything they want can be expanded an used on the road block. Tonight, council will vote for or against an easement arcs nowsing the ro jekt to continue. There is to talk about it. Theyre talking and no matter the outcome, its likely to continue. Well evaluate options and not give this up. In oakland, Wayne Freedman abc7 news. Still to come here on abc7 news at 6 00 another city with an alarming increase in bicycle thefts. Tonight an Old School Solution just might help. Bus drivers want better treatment. Tonight theyre hoping facebook will step up to meet demands. A sport that represents history. The return of lawn bowling to Golden Gate Park. Here is sky 7 hd on the way to an accident blocking southbound 680. Several cars insolved. No word on injuries you can see its caused a real traffic mess in that area. Back in a moment. At kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Okay, a little easier. Become a member of kaiser permanente. Because together, we thrive. Sky 7 hd over what is now a fatal crash. You can see the emergency vehicles we have confirmation, one person died. That is about all theyre telling us now. Take a look at what this is doing to traffic. Traffic is gridlocked at the moment on both 680 4. Sky 7 hd will keep you updated. Bike thefts are way up in walnut creek. Police say they think theyve found a way to discourage future thefts. Brad porter had two bicycles stolen in four years. I know the serial number of the bikes but i dont know if that does good to the police. The number of bikes on city streets has gone up. The increase means more stolen bikes. Police say theft is up 63 so far this year. Seems like seems any time youre not cautious about it, seems like its an easy item to get money quickly. Theyre issued a sticker. If recovered would be matched with information on file. Say that could deter people from stealing them. Youre going to give the bike back and find out who is responsible. The license costs ten few buy one. Now the city council wants to repeal fees meaning anyone will be able to get a license free. I think its economic thing. Some people, its a large amount. Just giving a boost to encouraging people. Once approved, free license s will be given out beginning next month. Theyre both on olympic boulevard. One cycle is dedicated to pedestrians only. To graphic helps explain it. Hidden presure in Golden Gate Park is now seeing greener days Officials Say the reopening of the San Francisco Lawn Bowling Club the course build 113 years ago. Underwent months of putting in hours of work. Everything from landscaping to maintenance. Theyre offering free lessons to the public. If youd like to learn. And they say that is like comparing chess to checkers. Spencer christian is out on assignment today. Helping raise awareness and food for food banks. And we need umbrellas starting tomorrow. Which is great news, moisture beginning to approach. Its not reaching the ground. And a lightning bolt off shore here. We do have a lightning chance due here south winds ahead of the system. Cloud cover over the final district. Temperatures mid to upper 50s from santa rosa to livermore. Here is a look at highlights. Showers during morning commute. Thursday its looking wet saturday. This is a cold front. Atmosphere is still dry so well have to wait before that rain comes in. A wetter system saturday. We take a look at showers, light tomorrow morning at 5 00 a. M. Towards 9 00 a. M more areas are starting to see rain. And ends by evening hours. Some behind it, its going to move through quickly. Tomorrow, not a lot. But most of the elevations there is a tenth to third of an inch. And with that second system, six tenths to an inch of rain. The snow levels are going to be high. 6500 to 7500 feet. Tomorrow morning, upper 40s to mid50s. Afternoon, a cooler day. Make sure you have rain gear with you. Temperatures into 50s and 60s. Accuweather forecast, thunder chance thursday. More rain saturday, drying out next week. Thank you very much. Later tonight, where theyre coming up with a better battery for your car. Stay with us. Dear scan, ive been a scan member for almost two years and have been very satisfied with the plan. I would like to thank you and your organization from top to bottom. I recently called into scan regarding a claims problem. I had been going round and round with a problem with a Prescription Drug order. It is nice to know that one phone call to you, and you take care of it right away. Your kindness and helpfulness has been appreciated more than you will ever know. I could not have done it without your help. Ill never be able to thank them enough. Uh. And its the truth. Thank you so much. Sincerely, donna markow. Sincerely, shirley ramgren. Sincerely, shirley ramgren. Thats what really sets scan apart from everybody else. Scan cares. I dont know a better way to say it than, the heart of scan. Scan, for your health and independence. Abc 7 is asking to you give where you live this abc7 news is there live tonight. Hi, spencer. Lots of volunteers have been getting ready for distribution. Earlier i introduced to the executive director. We presented earlier its going to translate into 30,000 meals to 180 nonprofit organizations. Now, loaves and Fishes Community kitchen how important has that been . Each, every day, loaves and fishes helping me find housing to do. Glad to help. Youre helping as well. Giving back your time. And your energy. Now, let me show you how you can help. Next the word feed for a ten donation. You cant imagine how much that will help. True. Thank you. Still ahead, updating the accident on interstate 680 in concord. Outrage over an attack in jerusalem in a synagogue a fifth person died and israel is retaliating. And what is it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. Because they went to sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event. Choose from a huge selection of tempurpedic models, including the new tempurchoice, with headtotoe customization. Plus, get 36 months interestfree financing, two free pillows, and free sameday delivery. Are you next . But dont wait sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic is ending soon. Your ticket to a better nights sleep First Impressions are important. Youve got to make every second count. Banking designed for the way you live your life. So you can welcome your family home. For the first time. Chase. So you can. Lets update the breaking news situation. The latest on this crash since the top of the newscast. A fatal crash that shut down all southbound lanes in martinez. The chp says it will not open until at least another 30, maybe 45 minutes. The chp confirmed one person died in that accident. Arnl your road is where traffic has to exit. Its also backing up traffic on highway four. Just a big mess. Headlights showing how badly this back up is after a fatal crash. Someone lost their live. You can see just an enormous back up for miles. You can follow the latest on twitter on abc7 news bay area. There are expensions of outrage after a deadly attack in jerusalem. In response, Prime Minister netanyahu ordered to tear down homes of the attackers. Part of the investigation is leading to us believe two terrorists worked on their own, planned ahead of time. Hamas says the attack is in retaliation for the death of a palestinian bus driver who was found hanged. Too many have tied and i think its important for both to try to Work Together to lower tensions and to reject violence four victims relayed to us today just hours after their deaths per jewish tradition. Police and protestors squared off today at facebook headquarters. Teamsters and supporters collected nearly 5,000 signatures in a petition demanding facebook respect the rights of bus drivers to organize a union. They should be able to get paid for time working and have health care. One complaint is working split shifts. Drivers often leave six hours between picking up and dropping off without being paid. Facebook contracts for buses and the company says it company says it pays a hourly wage with full medical benefits, holiday, sick days. In San Francisco, native americans are demanding the federal government intervene to save what they say are sacred sites. Caltrans is building a bypass in mendocino county. The group marched in front of the army corps of engineers today. Caltrans found evidence of 30 more potential sites in the area. The roadway because its going to be caltrans is in talk was other native americans in the area. There has been no agreement. Baby wipes, kitchen wipes, handy wipes are easy and effective cleaning tools but theyre clogging our sewer systems. Store shelves are packed with disposable wipes these days. Wipes to clean your baby, face, and bottom. Some wipes are made to be flushed. Most are not. If you want to know where wipes go theyre creating a huge mess. The question is how many do you get . Well, this will get changed out sometimes in 20 minutes. The superintendent of San Francisco largest Sewage Treatment plant reminding people most markets marketed as disposable are not flushable. They end up here. These wipes have not broken down so now we have to treat them as trash. Wipes are just floating here in San Francisco and around the bay area and youre paying the bill. In san jose, officials tell us it takes up to 1 million in ratepayer money to keep systems clean. In oakland, east bay mud workers showed why. Anything people flush comes here. Debris that doesnt get sorted out ends up stuck. Most of what they pull out is disposable wipes its not degradable like norm toilet paper. They are thicker and more abrasive on the system. When getting caught there is a back up. Take a look at this video from a sewer in london. Workers discovered a massive blockage created when wipes mixed with grease, grime, hair, and garbage. Insiders call this clog a fat bird or a turkey. This was the size of a bus this, shows what is left after workers melted grease from a turkey. Its mostly wipes. This is what we saw, on average. It showed paper towels and Feminine Hygiene Products but admits the wipes makeup 40 of what they found. With wipes, its a problem. His group is encouraging manufacturers to adopt a do not flush logo. People downstream say there is a simpler solution. Think before you flush. Toilet paper should be the only thing youre putting down there. Yeah. Coming up next, toyota taking aim at gas guzzling vehicles people drive. With a car that doesnt pollute. If you can find a place which means its time for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. If youre wishing for a new volkswagen this season. Just about all you need is a finely tuned. Pen. Hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on select new volkswagen models. Check this out. This is the car of the future. Its a fuel cell car capable of going 400 miles own a charge of compressed hydrogen gas. And 57,000 each. The push is on to put more electric cars on the road one of the worlds leading laboratories is helping develop them. A Government Lab run by stanford helps find a missing piece of the big bang it was written 2230 years ago. Now, that same x ray is helping scientists learn about anything else, batteries. Watching as they charge is a game changer. Almost guessing and it worked or didnt. That is why companies are now teeming up in a project called cal chart. Giving access to government tools of scientists. Iphone battery at the end of the day. Computer chips doubled in density, batteries inched along. Only 5 better per year. There is another way this serves the American Public the goal is to build batteries in america. We dont make batteries in the u. S. So we think one of the opportunities is that we can bring back the manufacturing. Thanks to x rays they wont be poking out in the dark. Abc news. Stay here, spencer returns in just a moment. Live from concord how easy to give where you live. And youre eligible for san medicare, area Anthem Blue Cross can help you get a great plan at a great rate our new Medicare Advantage plans pay for many of the costs original medicare doesnt. So you can focus on other important decisions. Anthem plans help protect you from high medical costs. And, weve built stronger partnerships with trusted local doctors and hospitals, to bring you special benefits like. Dental and vision, Prescription Drug coverage, plus free memberships at participating gyms. Nows the time to switch if you live in San Francisco county, there are new plans with zerodollar monthly premiums available this year. Plans also include zerodollar preventive care. The medicare enrollment deadline for San Francisco is december 7th. So call anthem today at 18443317996 to learn more or to schedule an inperson meeting. Last update on breaking news, you can see crews are starting to clear the scene. Traffic is still having to exit at arthur road you can see headlines. Traffic is just backed up for miles. Well keep you updated of course. Follow us on twitter. And one out of every six people in the bay area is forced to go hungry once per month. Tonight were asking you to join abc7 thanksgiving food drive. Tonight Spencer Christian is live at the food bank in concord. Hi, spencer. This food bank works with Missionary Baptist Church tell me how many people you serve. About 150 biweekly. And 3,000 people from january 1st of the year. 12,000 individuals. And one of the people who benefits is deborah anderson. Its been very important i have no family here. And my church doesnt help me. Its very important. Very good food. Continue the good work. And you can donate by texting word feed to the number for a ten donation. Outstanding. San francisco has one ticket you might not have to pay for. What the deal is with tickets like this. Sandhya patel is handling weather duties. Yes. Were watching moisture into the clouds. There is moisture, check out temperatures into teens around cleveland, detroit, 26 degrees in st. Louis, new york and around tahoe, its going to mix in with rain. Down south into the 70s and just cloud cover. Make sure you have rain gear with you. Temperatures lower than today, 50s and 60s for wednesday. Accuweather forecast, rain, maybe thunder, maybe wet weather saturday. Saturday system may be a soaker. Stay tuned. Thank you very much. Sports is coming up yeah, enough for two. Gosh. Try four, buddy. Hmm, ill take a dark roast. Chai tea, please. Honey, text the man what you want. French vanilla, make it strong the all new keurig 2. 0 is here. Brew for one, brew for all. Good evening, pursuit of the panneda. There is a report indicating giants have made a fiveyear, 90 million offer to keep pablo sandoval. Sources say they prefer something shorter in terms of the deal, maybe were continuing to talk to him its a dynamic were familiar with, happens to every team. So were going to keep going after him and fans want to bring them back, we want to bring them back. As signed billy butler to a three year, 30 million deal. Butler, whose nickname is country breakfast. Short week for raiders playing thursday night at home against alex smith and chiefs. No doubt remember running wild through silver and black last year. Chiefs not looking forward to becoming raiders first victims. This is a vision game we know how tough these guys are. These guys have too much pride. 49ers hien backer scheduled to practice for the First Time Since that horrific knee injury. Niners have three weeks now to decide whether to activate or put him on injured reserve. There is all kinds of comments where it sounds like he was blaming teammates for redskins. Niners had plenty of drama and know they cant look ahead to the game in two weeks. You know im sure they feel like they have to win this, is just a very good team. Its a big game. And so im sure he the have the thoughts. You know, with that urgency. This is the end of sharks 7 game road trip. What a way to end it with know. 23 degrees and snowing at this hour is my forecast. Sharks buffalo off the far side post. And look who is number one again. Alabama knocked off mississippi. Vaulting them, jumping oregon and after barely escaping miami saturday night, Florida State into the number three spot. Abc7 sports brought to you by Orchard Supply hardware. Interesting. Yes. Thank you. Join us tonight. Were just hours on a vote for another tuition mike the heated debate, what it means for students at 9 00. Then at 11 00 who can legally give you a parking citation . Why you may be able to toss some tickets. Our coverage continues on abc7 news bay area. From all of us here, we appreciate your time. And well see you again at 9 00 and 11 00. Have a good evening. Youll connect withnte, your doctor any time, anywhere. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Become a member of kaiser permanente. Because together, we thrive. This is the jeopardy tournament of champions. Now lets meet todays semifinalists an officesupply Sales Assistant from queens, new york. A graduate student in Public Affairs from madison, wisconsin. And a compliance analyst, voiceover artist, and blogger from broadview heights, ohio. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny gilbert. And thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Getting to play in the finals later this week is quite an accomplishment, but the moneys important, also. Whoever wins todays game and any of the semifinals is guaranteed a 50,000 prize later in the week. Of course, 250,000 for our champion. Rebecca, mark, and arthur, you each have a shot at that. So, good luck. Here we go into the jeopardy round and into these categories. Arthur, you get to pick first. Because i is the only vowel that will come up in each correct response. Arthur. Emmys, 800. Arthur. What is coven . Thats it. Battle creek, 600. Arthur. What is shiloh . Good. For your is, 800

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