Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131227 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131227

forces. >> ve to find him. >> he goes by will. he's a u.s. navy veteran that travels all over. >> he would give anything to you. >> his father says he hasn't been acting like himself. friends brought him to the hospital where he stayed two days. once doctors determined it's okay to release him, friends sea he checked out and disappeared >> we're checking shelters. areas we assume he may be at. and they're putting up flyers around the city. >> he's a great friend i want will home. >> i just want him to know his family loves him. and that we -- nothing else matters, except to know he is okay. >> christmas cheer turned into christmas jeers after disappointed shoppers were without gifts christmas morning. thousands of packages did not make it to their destinations in time yesterday. so apologies and boxes and bags a disappointment for customers, sure. >> reporter: this is what happened. high volume sxf course, weather. snow storms in the mid west and this latest. no word yet from fed-ex. she got flowers. >> i got a call perfect a friend who said he sent me flowers for christmas diget them? i said no. >> a nice surprise, a day late. people lined up in front of this customer service office to pick up what is supposed to be delivered. i >> spoke to someone again tuesday night. they said that present in that package. >> tori ordered a watch for her boyfriend. >> i wish i had the watch and tried to intercept it here. it didn't work. >> those companies are also blaming bad weather for back ups. customers weren't happy. one person tweeted thanks ups for ruining christmas. one truck had two employees working in one truck to speed up deliveries. some will have to wait a little longer. lance ordered wine. it arrived while he was out of town. ups shipped it back. >> i think i can make other plans now. >> some vendors are refunding shipping and giving $20 credits towards future purchases. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> if you're still waiting for a package we want to know about it. go to our facebook page to share your story. >> today a crucial day for retailers what consumers are willing to spend. traditional clearance sales may have lost their >> we know sales are supposed to be 50% off, many offering that much, and more for a week. deeper discounts dims a prospect of a retailer turning a profit. they opened early but kicked off with fewer shoppers. >> this parking is full. >> concern is whether sales lost impact. when retailers did so much discounting. some were offering 50% to 60% off earlier, how much deeper can they go? >> about 60% to 70% off. >> that is what you're filling items with? >> yes. shoes and sweaters. >> retailers found sales capitalized by a shift by online shopping. golden gate university psychologist says improving economy caused a shift in what consumers wanted. >> people have been shopping online. b, really big ticket items like furniture and automobiles are up. some of the money is siphoned off for big ticket purchases. >> retailers hoping consumers will use gift cards. the strategy is that almost two thirds spend more on the value on the cards. >> are you going to use gift cards to pay for these? >> a little bit. >> a major retailer may not be around next christmas will reduce competition but give consumers one less choice. in san jose, abc7 news. >> after those after christmas sales come returns retailers hoping they will exchange them. >> things to do on returns i end up spending money i got from returns >> we want to turn to our breaking news. family of 13-year-old jahi mcmath are making an announcement on the next step to keep her alive. let's listen in on the family now. >> that is not christopher dolan. that is amara sealy, the brother of jahi's mother. i've been in contact with him today extensively. he can confirm to us that they will, they have found a place to move jahi, who has been on life support after a tonsillectomy went wrong at childrens hospital this, is the attorney. we're having audio trouble. >> she was 13 and you know it was routine surgery. something went terribly wrong. they're struggling with what to do. >> they're announcing now is... here we gochlt we have audio. >> the time has come to let jahi. >> we've heard from viewers. >> have them have their kids change places. i said have them have their kids change places and see if they feel the way. it's easy to talk about whit it's someone else's child this family has done nothing but want the best for their child when it has gone far enough is when god makes the determination. >> what needs to happen? >> there is a small procedure something we have to discuss with childrens hospital. so that is, once that is set in stone and happens, then, we can move her. >> when do you want to move her by? >> as soon as possible. they gave us a ticking time bomb of december 30th at 5:00 p.m . well before then, if possible we need childrens hospital to work with us to get this done so we can move her before december 30th at 5:00 p.m . >> it seems odd an insurance company would be so benevolent. >> it seems hard to believe insurance company would be benevolent than to put someone on life support. >> it's someone doing the right thing. they have not put a time littit on her life. if there is treatment available the insurance company will assist if providing it until such time they deem otherwise she covered. that is what is important. >> can you describe the facility? skilled nurse something >> we're not going to get into details just yet or give out the name of i we don't want people hounding them with cameras in front just yet. but that is time will come we'll release more information. >> they have made a xhiment to you? >> yes. they said they're more than willing to accept jahi. >> did they reach out to you? >> no. we've been burning up phone lines today. yesterday was a day the rest. today at 8:00 we started making phone calls it's interesting to fight court, another fight here to get somewhere else the family and very been on the phone today trying to find a facility and i will say that a group of catholic doctors reached out ask indicated that they may have access to a facility. that is what led us here. a group of catholics inspired by the holiday to get together as a network to make phone calls and contacts, there was an opportunity but it was in new york. now this opportunity is in 50 miles whereof we stand.. >> i know it must have been hard christmas for the family. have you seen any medical changes in jahi's condition? >> we've seen her blood pressure go to normal. and be able to stay normal, there is a lot of times her blood pressure was irregular and had a hard time controlling it but she's been stable. today she had more movement in the body. she was able to move her shoulders today she's showing signs of breathing on her own. we're still very, very hopeful. >> you ask what would be needed for transport. two things, they're needed to meet guidelines of facility as well as for this care. and one of them is a trach tube. this is more permanent tube. another requested from the court, a g tube. it would provide nutrition. we've requested the hospital allow that to occur. they seem to want jahi out of here. we have a way. it's just not the way they planned dh ch is in a body bag. >> the hospital responded at all? >> that is their spokesperson. he's at the end of the row. >> have they responded snou >> the hospital attorney says he's speaking with the hospital to see what the hospital and cannot do. there are complications for any hospital. i'm sure they're concerned about accusations against them for something to go wrong or getting privileges to a doctor to do it. at this moment, people need to work together to do these simple procedures to help her get out of childrens and get on with her life. >> anyone else have to sign off on this? >> than what? >> than the hospital? just need the hospital to give you green light. is there anyone snells >> we need someone to put in a trach tube and a gas trick tube. logical people are ones in the hospital. who have ability to do that f they refuse to do that and insist on muflg towards a deadline we'll just fight in the courts, and keep our feet moving on the ground until we find a facility that will accept her to then move her to where she can have this best chance of recovery. >> you're listen together attorney for jahi mcmath's family. to the left is the brother of jahi's mother talking about major news, they've found a location here to take jahi and continue to maintain her on life support. because they're working with a deadline the court to wo allow to take her off >> they're looking for someone to do a procedure to give her a tube to be portable. instead of the tube down her throat. very difficult but that is the latest at this moment the little 13-year-old girl. >> the hospital is not speaking about this case because the family does not give them permission to talk about the case. so that is why you're not hearing from the hospital. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. city college teachers packed into supreme court today, watching two lawsuits aimed at keeping the school from closing. sergio? >> reporter: the plaintiff v plaintiff says it's a violation of student rights this, is a hearing that went on all day, wrapping up at 4:30 this afternoon the judge made no decision members showed up in force, suing to keep ccsf from closing. >> timing is critical. semester starts in a few weeks. if this continues, more students goring to leave. the accreditation yanked effective july, 2014 from accjc a private commission. plaintiffs want the hold a trial to re-examine credentials and want the judge to issue an injunction preventing the commission from pulling the school accreditation >> it's important and people are bailing out. they know there is this date. >> school leaders say it's hedge rajing students and enrollment dropped by 30%. students can't get aid and credit and degrees will be useless >> neither city attorney for teacher union have right to ask for release they're asking for. >> some say they're hope pog for a decision before enrollment closes january 8th. >> a new california law is set so-to-take affect january 1st meaning everything from reconfiguring rest rooms to sensitivity training for students and staff. the institute filed a lawsuit accusing some counties of refusing to accept valid signatures. >> spencer christian is here. we need rain. >> yes. >> i'm now going call it warm. we do have clear skies sxh h.and mild conditions there there are high clouds southwest moving up into our direction but they'll give us sheltered sunshine. again, this not all time records but for this tomorrow, air quality not so good. poor air quality in the north bay and santa clara valley. 20th since november 1st. so a series of poor days a live view now looking from our roof top camera. it's 59 degrees in san francisco. 52 oakland. another live view, can't see much except city lights now. it's low to mid-50s santa rosa and napa. 52 concord. one more live view from our camera, over east bay these features, dry mild pressure dominant feature now. high clouds moving into our direction giving us hazy skies tomorrow. during overnight hours, through. tomorrow, hazy, sunny skies high temperatures on a mild to warm range low to mid-60s near coast and bay. and here is the accu-weather forecast. milder weather saturday, through monday. high temperatures upper 60s to near 70 degrees inland. and new year's eve, mild weather again. its very, very dry. >> thank you. >> well, still to come here an athlete stepping out to help ne crews are searching for a missing surfer. they received the call at rock away beach. >> so far, they have not spotted anyone or any sign of a problem they're not sure if the car was legitimate. they do plan to look until 6:30. so a few more minutes here. the day distributing food boxes and brought food handed out today, a tradition and joined by his wife and member of the family was signed by memphis grizzlies this week. >> san francisco putting new meaning into term christmas tree lights. that is because they're turning trees into bio fuel. each provides enough from bio fuel to light up a home for a year. one thing you should never do is put knit a compost bin. >> there is too much acidity in leaves and doesn't turn into good compost. >> don't think of burning the tree, either. spart air restricks >> shocking i know. >> still to come how bad the drought could get >> also, tourism bringing in big buck buzz one check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. volkswagenwiavo: thesales event high speed inte"sis back. drive" which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends january 2nd. visit today new concerns over dry, unhealthy air. take a look at this video. it's a gorgeous sunset. it can be damaging to health. not only ashg but lack of rain that is causing problems you can see there is not a lot of snow. ski resorts are making snow in order to keep runs open the lack of snow and rain is cautioning trouble for water supply. that is just 20% of capacity. and near morgan hill, just 39 pfrs near north bay just cornell? >> the bay area needs rain. and behind me down the hill, water level is low. and the weather not helping. >> so harm this holiday, restaurants are opening patios. and shorts and tee shirts are the new dress code.. >> i wore a tank top today >> i took a motorcycle ride up the coast. this is kind of scary. >> a year later contrast is startling. in west marin, it looks like a desert. clam shells, high and dry. >> how low is water here? there is no way i can stand here because i'd be underwater. >> this year we're on pace to set a new record for >> most are at 80% of normal that could change, quickly. >> if we don't get any rainfall from now, until april we'll be at less than 40,000 feet. that could trigger a reduction campaign. >> that means restrictions not seen since 1990s. >> we've had to revert to using it where we need to put it. it's holding up great. >> but real white stuff would be better. >> soon. well, tourism is a leading industry. one group says it's not getting a fair share of the pie and now is threatedening a boycott. >> here is the crux of the dispute. 4% of the population is black the african american chamber of commerce believe it due to a lack of jobs in this city. this is san francisco travel's latest video. there are no images of blacks critics think it's symbolic of the lack of that minority from benefitting. now, the san francisco african american chamber of commerce threatening to call for a nationwide boycott of the city. >> we're going to ask our people and organizations that that we belong to spending someplace to. >> saying any issue that diminishes standing as well coming community. is a concern. >> calima palmer believes promoting black-owned businesses can help. >> people say i didn't know it was a black-owned salon. >> kevin carol says a survey shows they're diverse. >> we believe it's close to what the city's percentage would be. the chamber believes they can do more. >> we don't want to boycott we want jobs and contracts. >> he's pushing for a meeting next month. >> muni fares set to increase starting january 1st, price of 1, 3, and 7 day pass ports will increase. the ten ride book will be eliminated. muni encourages riders to load cash values on the cards. >> ac transit unionized workers will vote on a new proposal tomorrow and came to a deal on friday. union leaders say they're able to make changes asked for so we'll see what happens. the vote on an agreement that would end a conflict on bart probably won't happen until next week. >> just ahead what you need to know if you haven't signed up for a new policy. >> fighting park join's disease head on. how boxing is making a difference it's not too late to sign up for health insurance through covered california. the original deadline was this week but state insurance exchange offers a grace period after the centers were overwhelmed with last minute apply indications the site down again for several hours today for maintenance. and to investigate an irregularity. >> a group of patients in southern california is fighting parkinson's disease in part by fighting each other. it's a program that incorporates boxing. >> since dolores took up boxing she noticed changes. >> my back is straight again. and i am walking with better swing. >> she was diagnosed a yearing ao, crediting the program rock steady boxing. the symptoms include shaking and slowness of movement. twice per week they work out 90 minutes in a gym in california. >> ann brought it here from indianapolis after seeing it helped her father. >> i watched him get better and better. and dancing in class. >> showing traditional forms of exercise can help with the mobility. but ron says boxing is different from other exercises he's tried. >> the most beneficial type of thing i've found for wellness. >> pretty cool. >> still to come we want to share a new year's tradition. >> a rush to complete rose parade we're less than a week from the annual tournament of roses parade. today is the first day volunteers are loued to come and help decorate. after christmas, the trees are giving the gift of green for the rose parade. >> these are going into the bottom of the floats then putting flowers on. >> it's day one of decorating. and volunteers begin bringing these to life. >> from sea, we made roses out of sunflower seeds you know? crazy. >> i never thought about how much work it is. and time it takes. >> the floats must be covered from top to bottom weefrment talking a million flowers on floats. and whether they're people are packed with create activity. >> people are genius. >> from canines to killer whales, bears, birds, the sights and sounds will amaze, and entertain. this theme is dreams come true. it will be mazing to see the creativity. there is a lot of work to get done. abc7 news. >> and you can watch the parade here on abc7 new year's day at 8:00 a.m . >> exciting. the ball will be soon dropping but temperatures not around here. >> nochlt we want rain. >> there is none in site. clear skies over the bay area now. down south, much of southern california a red flag wash warning until 10:00 in the morning. not only dry but strong winds as well. for north ba coast swells may produce strong rip currents and sneaker waves. that could be dangerous. state wide, sunny skies and mild to warm conditions from top to bottom. another mild day and hazy but sunny skies. high temperatures into mid to upper 60s near the bay and inland low 60s on the coast. here is the accu-weather forecast. warm this weekend and monday. low to mid-60s on the coast. tomorrow is our fifth spare the air day. we still have declining air quality. wow. >> 20 spare the air days? >> yes a mazing. >> yes. >> sports second thought... >> yes. we thought this is the time and our opinion doesn't matter. nfl takes a look. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at sky seven hd is live over a search for a missing child near kennedy park. >> it's dark there. bewe don't have details yet but we're going to follow this for you on abc7 news bay area. >> this abc7 news sports report brought to you by orchard supply, hardware. >> againing good evening. 49ers safety learned it's become virtually impossible to deliver a big hit these days. he blasts jackson here, but he doesn't leave with his helmet. the 49ers played sunday in a game that will help determine the fate of both teams. >> just some bumps in the road you look at the whole scheme of things. still have an opportunity to win our division. so it's where we want to be. >> raiders finishing another disappointing season listed at 13 point under dogs against broncos. he'll be back sunday. >> one thing this team has done a good job of is focusing on the opponent and task at hand. and it's a division game. that is sort of does well, that philosophy. >> raider news, aaron rogers broke his collar bone in early november and has been itching to get back on to the field. and will be a game deciding nfl north. there are 35 college bowl games this year, everything from beef o brady's bowl to the fight hunger bowl, the only with the goal of beating >> what separates them is taking time to give back. you know? people it's special. >> cardinals spent the day at anies any land there. good one thing is certain these teams do not like each other. dramon green fined after failing to leave the field on a timely matter. and talking about what is a growing rivalry. >> there are to make noise. >> big one for us f they would have won it would have been it. we started to move into the right direction to continue to try to build on that. >> abc7 sports brought to you by orchard supply hardware. >> that is good >> join me tonight sun complaining of bite marks. then body shaming barbie. should she have a fuller figure? >> and that is it for this edition of abc7 news our coverage continues on twitter, thanks for joining us. >> from all of us here, have a good night. that put you on their gift list? well say hello to aio! at aio wireless you can get an android smartphone free with activation. free android phone?!?! yes please. plus, aio has a reliable nationwide network contracts. it's like the presents just keep coming! a wireless company that puts me at the top of their list? i'm in! stop by your neighborhood aio store or visit aio, a new way to wireless. like the enticing aroma and distinctive taste of nespresso. elegant capsules meet masterfully crafted machines, and one touch creates the perfect coffee, cappuccino, and latte. ♪ tempt all your senses with one extraordinary coffee. 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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131227 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131227

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forces. >> ve to find him. >> he goes by will. he's a u.s. navy veteran that travels all over. >> he would give anything to you. >> his father says he hasn't been acting like himself. friends brought him to the hospital where he stayed two days. once doctors determined it's okay to release him, friends sea he checked out and disappeared >> we're checking shelters. areas we assume he may be at. and they're putting up flyers around the city. >> he's a great friend i want will home. >> i just want him to know his family loves him. and that we -- nothing else matters, except to know he is okay. >> christmas cheer turned into christmas jeers after disappointed shoppers were without gifts christmas morning. thousands of packages did not make it to their destinations in time yesterday. so apologies and boxes and bags a disappointment for customers, sure. >> reporter: this is what happened. high volume sxf course, weather. snow storms in the mid west and this latest. no word yet from fed-ex. she got flowers. >> i got a call perfect a friend who said he sent me flowers for christmas diget them? i said no. >> a nice surprise, a day late. people lined up in front of this customer service office to pick up what is supposed to be delivered. i >> spoke to someone again tuesday night. they said that present in that package. >> tori ordered a watch for her boyfriend. >> i wish i had the watch and tried to intercept it here. it didn't work. >> those companies are also blaming bad weather for back ups. customers weren't happy. one person tweeted thanks ups for ruining christmas. one truck had two employees working in one truck to speed up deliveries. some will have to wait a little longer. lance ordered wine. it arrived while he was out of town. ups shipped it back. >> i think i can make other plans now. >> some vendors are refunding shipping and giving $20 credits towards future purchases. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> if you're still waiting for a package we want to know about it. go to our facebook page to share your story. >> today a crucial day for retailers what consumers are willing to spend. traditional clearance sales may have lost their >> we know sales are supposed to be 50% off, many offering that much, and more for a week. deeper discounts dims a prospect of a retailer turning a profit. they opened early but kicked off with fewer shoppers. >> this parking is full. >> concern is whether sales lost impact. when retailers did so much discounting. some were offering 50% to 60% off earlier, how much deeper can they go? >> about 60% to 70% off. >> that is what you're filling items with? >> yes. shoes and sweaters. >> retailers found sales capitalized by a shift by online shopping. golden gate university psychologist says improving economy caused a shift in what consumers wanted. >> people have been shopping online. b, really big ticket items like furniture and automobiles are up. some of the money is siphoned off for big ticket purchases. >> retailers hoping consumers will use gift cards. the strategy is that almost two thirds spend more on the value on the cards. >> are you going to use gift cards to pay for these? >> a little bit. >> a major retailer may not be around next christmas will reduce competition but give consumers one less choice. in san jose, abc7 news. >> after those after christmas sales come returns retailers hoping they will exchange them. >> things to do on returns i end up spending money i got from returns >> we want to turn to our breaking news. family of 13-year-old jahi mcmath are making an announcement on the next step to keep her alive. let's listen in on the family now. >> that is not christopher dolan. that is amara sealy, the brother of jahi's mother. i've been in contact with him today extensively. he can confirm to us that they will, they have found a place to move jahi, who has been on life support after a tonsillectomy went wrong at childrens hospital this, is the attorney. we're having audio trouble. >> she was 13 and you know it was routine surgery. something went terribly wrong. they're struggling with what to do. >> they're announcing now is... here we gochlt we have audio. >> the time has come to let jahi. >> we've heard from viewers. >> have them have their kids change places. i said have them have their kids change places and see if they feel the way. it's easy to talk about whit it's someone else's child this family has done nothing but want the best for their child when it has gone far enough is when god makes the determination. >> what needs to happen? >> there is a small procedure something we have to discuss with childrens hospital. so that is, once that is set in stone and happens, then, we can move her. >> when do you want to move her by? >> as soon as possible. they gave us a ticking time bomb of december 30th at 5:00 p.m . well before then, if possible we need childrens hospital to work with us to get this done so we can move her before december 30th at 5:00 p.m . >> it seems odd an insurance company would be so benevolent. >> it seems hard to believe insurance company would be benevolent than to put someone on life support. >> it's someone doing the right thing. they have not put a time littit on her life. if there is treatment available the insurance company will assist if providing it until such time they deem otherwise she covered. that is what is important. >> can you describe the facility? skilled nurse something >> we're not going to get into details just yet or give out the name of i we don't want people hounding them with cameras in front just yet. but that is time will come we'll release more information. >> they have made a xhiment to you? >> yes. they said they're more than willing to accept jahi. >> did they reach out to you? >> no. we've been burning up phone lines today. yesterday was a day the rest. today at 8:00 we started making phone calls it's interesting to fight court, another fight here to get somewhere else the family and very been on the phone today trying to find a facility and i will say that a group of catholic doctors reached out ask indicated that they may have access to a facility. that is what led us here. a group of catholics inspired by the holiday to get together as a network to make phone calls and contacts, there was an opportunity but it was in new york. now this opportunity is in 50 miles whereof we stand.. >> i know it must have been hard christmas for the family. have you seen any medical changes in jahi's condition? >> we've seen her blood pressure go to normal. and be able to stay normal, there is a lot of times her blood pressure was irregular and had a hard time controlling it but she's been stable. today she had more movement in the body. she was able to move her shoulders today she's showing signs of breathing on her own. we're still very, very hopeful. >> you ask what would be needed for transport. two things, they're needed to meet guidelines of facility as well as for this care. and one of them is a trach tube. this is more permanent tube. another requested from the court, a g tube. it would provide nutrition. we've requested the hospital allow that to occur. they seem to want jahi out of here. we have a way. it's just not the way they planned dh ch is in a body bag. >> the hospital responded at all? >> that is their spokesperson. he's at the end of the row. >> have they responded snou >> the hospital attorney says he's speaking with the hospital to see what the hospital and cannot do. there are complications for any hospital. i'm sure they're concerned about accusations against them for something to go wrong or getting privileges to a doctor to do it. at this moment, people need to work together to do these simple procedures to help her get out of childrens and get on with her life. >> anyone else have to sign off on this? >> than what? >> than the hospital? just need the hospital to give you green light. is there anyone snells >> we need someone to put in a trach tube and a gas trick tube. logical people are ones in the hospital. who have ability to do that f they refuse to do that and insist on muflg towards a deadline we'll just fight in the courts, and keep our feet moving on the ground until we find a facility that will accept her to then move her to where she can have this best chance of recovery. >> you're listen together attorney for jahi mcmath's family. to the left is the brother of jahi's mother talking about major news, they've found a location here to take jahi and continue to maintain her on life support. because they're working with a deadline the court to wo allow to take her off >> they're looking for someone to do a procedure to give her a tube to be portable. instead of the tube down her throat. very difficult but that is the latest at this moment the little 13-year-old girl. >> the hospital is not speaking about this case because the family does not give them permission to talk about the case. so that is why you're not hearing from the hospital. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. city college teachers packed into supreme court today, watching two lawsuits aimed at keeping the school from closing. sergio? >> reporter: the plaintiff v plaintiff says it's a violation of student rights this, is a hearing that went on all day, wrapping up at 4:30 this afternoon the judge made no decision members showed up in force, suing to keep ccsf from closing. >> timing is critical. semester starts in a few weeks. if this continues, more students goring to leave. the accreditation yanked effective july, 2014 from accjc a private commission. plaintiffs want the hold a trial to re-examine credentials and want the judge to issue an injunction preventing the commission from pulling the school accreditation >> it's important and people are bailing out. they know there is this date. >> school leaders say it's hedge rajing students and enrollment dropped by 30%. students can't get aid and credit and degrees will be useless >> neither city attorney for teacher union have right to ask for release they're asking for. >> some say they're hope pog for a decision before enrollment closes january 8th. >> a new california law is set so-to-take affect january 1st meaning everything from reconfiguring rest rooms to sensitivity training for students and staff. the institute filed a lawsuit accusing some counties of refusing to accept valid signatures. >> spencer christian is here. we need rain. >> yes. >> i'm now going call it warm. we do have clear skies sxh h.and mild conditions there there are high clouds southwest moving up into our direction but they'll give us sheltered sunshine. again, this not all time records but for this tomorrow, air quality not so good. poor air quality in the north bay and santa clara valley. 20th since november 1st. so a series of poor days a live view now looking from our roof top camera. it's 59 degrees in san francisco. 52 oakland. another live view, can't see much except city lights now. it's low to mid-50s santa rosa and napa. 52 concord. one more live view from our camera, over east bay these features, dry mild pressure dominant feature now. high clouds moving into our direction giving us hazy skies tomorrow. during overnight hours, through. tomorrow, hazy, sunny skies high temperatures on a mild to warm range low to mid-60s near coast and bay. and here is the accu-weather forecast. milder weather saturday, through monday. high temperatures upper 60s to near 70 degrees inland. and new year's eve, mild weather again. its very, very dry. >> thank you. >> well, still to come here an athlete stepping out to help ne crews are searching for a missing surfer. they received the call at rock away beach. >> so far, they have not spotted anyone or any sign of a problem they're not sure if the car was legitimate. they do plan to look until 6:30. so a few more minutes here. the day distributing food boxes and brought food handed out today, a tradition and joined by his wife and member of the family was signed by memphis grizzlies this week. >> san francisco putting new meaning into term christmas tree lights. that is because they're turning trees into bio fuel. each provides enough from bio fuel to light up a home for a year. one thing you should never do is put knit a compost bin. >> there is too much acidity in leaves and doesn't turn into good compost. >> don't think of burning the tree, either. spart air restricks >> shocking i know. >> still to come how bad the drought could get >> also, tourism bringing in big buck buzz one check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. volkswagenwiavo: thesales event high speed inte"sis back. drive" which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends january 2nd. visit today new concerns over dry, unhealthy air. take a look at this video. it's a gorgeous sunset. it can be damaging to health. not only ashg but lack of rain that is causing problems you can see there is not a lot of snow. ski resorts are making snow in order to keep runs open the lack of snow and rain is cautioning trouble for water supply. that is just 20% of capacity. and near morgan hill, just 39 pfrs near north bay just cornell? >> the bay area needs rain. and behind me down the hill, water level is low. and the weather not helping. >> so harm this holiday, restaurants are opening patios. and shorts and tee shirts are the new dress code.. >> i wore a tank top today >> i took a motorcycle ride up the coast. this is kind of scary. >> a year later contrast is startling. in west marin, it looks like a desert. clam shells, high and dry. >> how low is water here? there is no way i can stand here because i'd be underwater. >> this year we're on pace to set a new record for >> most are at 80% of normal that could change, quickly. >> if we don't get any rainfall from now, until april we'll be at less than 40,000 feet. that could trigger a reduction campaign. >> that means restrictions not seen since 1990s. >> we've had to revert to using it where we need to put it. it's holding up great. >> but real white stuff would be better. >> soon. well, tourism is a leading industry. one group says it's not getting a fair share of the pie and now is threatedening a boycott. >> here is the crux of the dispute. 4% of the population is black the african american chamber of commerce believe it due to a lack of jobs in this city. this is san francisco travel's latest video. there are no images of blacks critics think it's symbolic of the lack of that minority from benefitting. now, the san francisco african american chamber of commerce threatening to call for a nationwide boycott of the city. >> we're going to ask our people and organizations that that we belong to spending someplace to. >> saying any issue that diminishes standing as well coming community. is a concern. >> calima palmer believes promoting black-owned businesses can help. >> people say i didn't know it was a black-owned salon. >> kevin carol says a survey shows they're diverse. >> we believe it's close to what the city's percentage would be. the chamber believes they can do more. >> we don't want to boycott we want jobs and contracts. >> he's pushing for a meeting next month. >> muni fares set to increase starting january 1st, price of 1, 3, and 7 day pass ports will increase. the ten ride book will be eliminated. muni encourages riders to load cash values on the cards. >> ac transit unionized workers will vote on a new proposal tomorrow and came to a deal on friday. union leaders say they're able to make changes asked for so we'll see what happens. the vote on an agreement that would end a conflict on bart probably won't happen until next week. >> just ahead what you need to know if you haven't signed up for a new policy. >> fighting park join's disease head on. how boxing is making a difference it's not too late to sign up for health insurance through covered california. the original deadline was this week but state insurance exchange offers a grace period after the centers were overwhelmed with last minute apply indications the site down again for several hours today for maintenance. and to investigate an irregularity. >> a group of patients in southern california is fighting parkinson's disease in part by fighting each other. it's a program that incorporates boxing. >> since dolores took up boxing she noticed changes. >> my back is straight again. and i am walking with better swing. >> she was diagnosed a yearing ao, crediting the program rock steady boxing. the symptoms include shaking and slowness of movement. twice per week they work out 90 minutes in a gym in california. >> ann brought it here from indianapolis after seeing it helped her father. >> i watched him get better and better. and dancing in class. >> showing traditional forms of exercise can help with the mobility. but ron says boxing is different from other exercises he's tried. >> the most beneficial type of thing i've found for wellness. >> pretty cool. >> still to come we want to share a new year's tradition. >> a rush to complete rose parade we're less than a week from the annual tournament of roses parade. today is the first day volunteers are loued to come and help decorate. after christmas, the trees are giving the gift of green for the rose parade. >> these are going into the bottom of the floats then putting flowers on. >> it's day one of decorating. and volunteers begin bringing these to life. >> from sea, we made roses out of sunflower seeds you know? crazy. >> i never thought about how much work it is. and time it takes. >> the floats must be covered from top to bottom weefrment talking a million flowers on floats. and whether they're people are packed with create activity. >> people are genius. >> from canines to killer whales, bears, birds, the sights and sounds will amaze, and entertain. this theme is dreams come true. it will be mazing to see the creativity. there is a lot of work to get done. abc7 news. >> and you can watch the parade here on abc7 new year's day at 8:00 a.m . >> exciting. the ball will be soon dropping but temperatures not around here. >> nochlt we want rain. >> there is none in site. clear skies over the bay area now. down south, much of southern california a red flag wash warning until 10:00 in the morning. not only dry but strong winds as well. for north ba coast swells may produce strong rip currents and sneaker waves. that could be dangerous. state wide, sunny skies and mild to warm conditions from top to bottom. another mild day and hazy but sunny skies. high temperatures into mid to upper 60s near the bay and inland low 60s on the coast. here is the accu-weather forecast. warm this weekend and monday. low to mid-60s on the coast. tomorrow is our fifth spare the air day. we still have declining air quality. wow. >> 20 spare the air days? >> yes a mazing. >> yes. >> sports second thought... >> yes. we thought this is the time and our opinion doesn't matter. nfl takes a look. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at sky seven hd is live over a search for a missing child near kennedy park. >> it's dark there. bewe don't have details yet but we're going to follow this for you on abc7 news bay area. >> this abc7 news sports report brought to you by orchard supply, hardware. >> againing good evening. 49ers safety learned it's become virtually impossible to deliver a big hit these days. he blasts jackson here, but he doesn't leave with his helmet. the 49ers played sunday in a game that will help determine the fate of both teams. >> just some bumps in the road you look at the whole scheme of things. still have an opportunity to win our division. so it's where we want to be. >> raiders finishing another disappointing season listed at 13 point under dogs against broncos. he'll be back sunday. >> one thing this team has done a good job of is focusing on the opponent and task at hand. and it's a division game. that is sort of does well, that philosophy. >> raider news, aaron rogers broke his collar bone in early november and has been itching to get back on to the field. and will be a game deciding nfl north. there are 35 college bowl games this year, everything from beef o brady's bowl to the fight hunger bowl, the only with the goal of beating >> what separates them is taking time to give back. you know? people it's special. >> cardinals spent the day at anies any land there. good one thing is certain these teams do not like each other. dramon green fined after failing to leave the field on a timely matter. and talking about what is a growing rivalry. >> there are to make noise. >> big one for us f they would have won it would have been it. we started to move into the right direction to continue to try to build on that. >> abc7 sports brought to you by orchard supply hardware. >> that is good >> join me tonight sun complaining of bite marks. then body shaming barbie. should she have a fuller figure? >> and that is it for this edition of abc7 news our coverage continues on twitter, thanks for joining us. >> from all of us here, have a good night. that put you on their gift list? well say hello to aio! at aio wireless you can get an android smartphone free with activation. free android phone?!?! yes please. plus, aio has a reliable nationwide network contracts. it's like the presents just keep coming! a wireless company that puts me at the top of their list? i'm in! stop by your neighborhood aio store or visit aio, a new way to wireless. like the enticing aroma and distinctive taste of nespresso. elegant capsules meet masterfully crafted machines, and one touch creates the perfect coffee, cappuccino, and latte. ♪ tempt all your senses with one extraordinary coffee. 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