Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131123 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131123

said i want to keep this professional, i want to focus on my job, a few weeks later she was fired. >> church officials have a different story saying matthews was fired because of another issue they couldn't discuss because it's a personnel matter. >> we've seen the complaint filed with the state. it's inflammatory. it's lurid. but those aren't the reasons why she was terminated. >> abc7 news learned the church filed a police report charging her with embezzlement. riviera denies her client stole from the church. the church is now launched an investigation into the allegations of sexual harassment and also fired mclaughlin today >> the rektor of the church decided these were sufficient to warnant his termination from the board. >> we tried to contact the man matthews says sexually abused her, he did not respond the spokesman for the church says all of this is regrettable but good work of the church will continue. >> vic, thank you. now to weather and wind storms so many people are still cleaning up from tonight. here is a picture tweet tweeted of a giant eucalyptus tree. this tree came down behind a bowling alley, crashing through a fence her is a picture on abc7 news facebook page of a tree that fell a yard in clear lake. tonight we are live in oakland. >> this is the eucalyptus tweeted about. this tree is huge, about five times taller than i am. people flocked to lake merit to see the downed eucalyptus for themselves. this is one of 190 downed trees. >> such a beautiful tree. it brought tears to my eyes. it's just kind of sad. >> i got one. >> reporter: people who come tt lake it was a bit of an obstacle course. winds so strong, they toppled down light polls. >> it's unbelievable. there are tree branchs knocked down there and around the lake. twigs and leaves like a tornado. >> crews had been busy all day. workers chopped down a 100 year old redwood that became unstable. >> i like that tree. >> i love this tree. but yeah. it's gone. now there is no danger from the tree falling. >> blocks away on ryo vista, the homeowner says she's been told crews are coming but they've been busy dealing with emergencies. >> it's just a long wait time. but i'm getting frustrated i want it done before anything happens >> reporter: until then, the fate of this home hangs in the balance. >> the storm hit hard in contra costa county. take a look at the video. you can see the second when the wind toppeled a large sign at world gas station on clayton road narrowly missing a car n concord high school, the score board collapsed into pieces. officials say they have no idea how to come up with money to fix it, either. check out solar panels. the wind got the best of them. >> about 67,000 pg&e customers lost electricity in the wind storms last night. most of the power has been restored. 4500 homes and businesses are still in the dark tonight. 2400 more in the north bay n a wildfire in sonoma county put two power plants in the geysers off line. cal pine evacuated personnel from plants but says it's 13 other plants there are operating normally. and take a look. this picture was sent to abc7 news shows how an audience dealt with the outage when lights went out in san ramone. and this crowd lit the stage with cell phones. with sure to get the weather app. >> a fourth san jose state student accused of bullying his black roommate in a campus hate crime. prosecutors say the white freshman used racial slurs against the african american student and put a bike lock around his neck. the fourth student charged today was a minor when the alleged bullying occured and will be investigated separately. all four face hate crime and battery charges. representatives will meet with the naacp monday to disthus and host a campus forum next month to discuss racial tolerance. >> former san jess yeah elementary schoolteacher has been sentenced to 75 years to life in prison, craig chandler convicted of five counts of lewd acts, accused of blind folding girls then sexual assaulting them the judge said he made a decision because chandler carried out each assault with planning. a lot more to bring you tonight. we're going to show you how a computer upgrade left dozens of bart riders stranded and made a mess of freeways. >> the death of a teenager triggers a new campaign to make sure toy guns do not look like the real thing. >> strong winds blowing in the bay area, where a wind advisory is still in effect and we'll take a look at weekend forecast coming up. also here a world renowned investigator looks into jfk assassination, tonight's largest union is considering legal action against bart management this, after the bart board approved the new contract agreement that ends the strike but without a family leave pro vision they claim was mistakenly included the union call that had move unprecedented. and ill legitimate. >> we worked with the district now this is just changing their mind. it's not acceptable. they're putting stress on the public and work force. >> bart management says it was due to an error by a temporary employee. unions say they will not rush into finding a solution saying there are no plans for another strike. >> we did get another taste of what happens in the event of bart workers go on strike again. sky seven shows us this monster jam at the bay bridge this morning after a computer glitch halted trains and forced commuters into their cars. abc7 news has the story. >> this system was shut down between midnight and 7:15. some people were trapped inside of the trains for two hours. like these people arriving home after 4:00 in the morning. >> i'm serious this, is ridiculous, man. this is just, i'm done. >> i'm tireed and irritated, too. >> bart says witnesses a computer problem from a software upgrade that took seven hours to figure out. >> information that wasn't happening. and that impacts the computer system used by the operation control center to monitor trains. >> the stuck trains could be moved forward but slowly. with a crank. >> every time you pass over, someone had to go out to move it to make sure it's heading into the right direction. that just takes time. >> the shut down meant horrible traffic on freeways and long waits for commuters still hoping for a train into work. >> other people are here before me. >> there are different people in the board. i can't say anything about the union. whoever is running this is off the plans. >> bart says there is no deliberate tampering but just one of those technology failures. >> the abc7 news news app got the word out today, you can down load it for free. >> in santa rosa, one month marking the day a deputy shot and killed andy lopez. abc7 news was there this morning when legislature as announced plans to outlaw those guns in california. >> what began as a crime scene has grown. like the cause. the the shooting death of 13-year-old andy lopez. >> we're all star heart broken by i a month afterwards, you can still feel the pain. >> the county supervisor just happened to stop by today on his way from this gathering of state and local politicians who say they plan to introduce legislation forcing manufacturers to make replica weapons look like toys. it's not the first attempt. >> how do you convince nra if this is a good idea? >> think trying to convince them of anything is a lost cause, it's making sure people with a vote make the right choice when looking at this legislation and assembly in the senate. >> reporter: in santa rosa today there was another protest march tonight at the memorial. 7:00 p.m another vij yim. all related to an ongoing disconnect between latino community and law enforcement. >> i think all of our law enforcement needs improvement. everything. >> i'm hopeful the city is getting it. >> they're more aware this marks the kennedy assassination. >> if we, as a nation couldn't do something after newtown, one child in sonoma county? really? >> well, politicians are really trying n santa rosa, wayne freedman abc7 news. the wife of a palo alto man detained in north korea made her first comments today. 85-year-old merrill newman was removed from a plane by a neshg official. his wife doesn't know if he received his medications which were sent to him. in a statement lee newman says, quote, the family feels there has been a dreadful misunderstanding and asks the north korean government to return this 85-year-old grandfather to his concerned family. >> well, this is a busy day at way area airports. thanksgiving holiday travel season gets underway. officials expecting as much as a 5% increase in the number of passengers over last year, today, it's also expected to be the busiest travel day of the thanksgiving season at sfo with 130 passengers coming through. >> some 8th graders have a nice gift coming their way. these students cheered and facebook says the program supports communities in need of tools to help students further their education. facebook has given away a thousand lap tops in two years of the program. >> very exciting. you saw people in tears. >> yes. winds calmed down. >> yes. winds are calmer, we've got a wind advisory in effect. it's still growing bliss fully. clear skies and calm winds and breezy conditions. let's move along and take a look at winds now. we've got gusts up to 32 miles per hour now in santa rosa. 22 in napa. look how calm winds are. you can see area where strongest winds are. we have a wind advisory until 10:00 tonight for lake county area until 4:00 in the morning. and winds gusting at 35 to 50 miles per hour. be on the lookout for downed trees. here is a calm view of the bay bridge from our south beach camera here. still 60s in redwood city. 56 in los gatos. another live view looking over san francisco from sutro tower, clear skies, temperatures upper 60s in santa rosa now. and beautiful view of downtown san francisco from our exploratorium camera. these forecast features, featuring wind gusts that will be gusting in the north bay tonight tonight. and looks rainy for thanksgiving. you can see storms having pushed into southern california and beyond. this is a system blew through the bay area center of high pressure to the south. and perfect alignment continued gusty winds. beginning our forecast at 5:00 wednesday morning of next week. like going to produce rain for us on wednesday. thanksgiving day, the day after. so there is probably going to be a wet weather picture for us mid and late week next week. overnight tonight, clear skies. windy conditions and chilly. lows from upper 30s to low 40s and tomorrow, mainly sunny skies. still breezy spots tomorrow mild again with, high temperatures into low to mid-60s. and sunny with temperatures into throw mid-60s at the beginning of the game. here is the accu-weather forecast. four more days of sunny weather coming our way. then rain arriving on wednesday, periods of rain thursday, thanksgiving day z showers lingering on friday. we're still hoping that system may fizzel go someplace else. >> thank you >> because of the wind we told but dancing in the dark minutes ago. students performing at the light of cell phones. >> this is one of the most popular stories if you do something today. and there's never been a better time because this year, devry university has $45 million dollars in need and merit-based scholarships and grants available to those who qualify. and this degree can make a difference. in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field within 6 months. now is your time. apply by january 6th and find your career success in the bay area. visit serial killer joe nayso committed murders in four counties from late 70s to early 90s and dan noyes has been covering this case from the start. he's back now with the latest on this wild report. >> reporter: joe nayso continues to claim he didn't kill anyone. he was concerned about his just two things having pictures taken in a striped jail outfit instead of suit and money he'll have to pay to victim families. before the hearing began, the 79-year-old several times flipped off the audience of former jurors, victim family members and reporter who's covered the case from the start. and when the judge gave one last chance to speak before receiving the death sentence nayso only complained about having to pay his victims families, he said he should get restitution for being charged. >> he has no remorse for what he did. and the judge did an excellent job in summarizing who he is. >> reporter: the judge called him evil, one of the people when make us worry about our kids walking to school, who make us lock our doors at night. he gave him three death sentences for three of the victims the judge also said murders of two others and one in nevada county played a role in the decision. several of the victims' children spoke in court. shane ashby. you said i hope you live to be 110. why? >> well, i kind of like mim hymn to sit interest tl and suffer as long as families suffered without having closure. >> reporter: the case broke open with a probation search of his home, officers found this bizarre collection of mannequins to which he applied make up and dressed in linker yachlt he called what prosecutors call a rape diary, and a list of ten places where he apparently dumped victims. one victim's daughter wanted a penalty. the other asked to give life in prison. >> the judge of this one, you're nodding. >> if it makes my sister feel better, go ahead. >> very emotional night for you >> nayso will be transferred within ten days under court order. victim families have to say what out of pocket expenses they have had to pay because of the murders >> so bizarre. >> yes. it is. >> dan is going to be back because you have an investigator convinced jfk assassination was part of a conspiracy? >> right. >> thank you, dan. >> abc7 news at 6:00 continues tonight. coming up the nation pauses to remember a fallen president and a moment that changed everything. >> two guys did not just accidentally decide to shoot the president at the same time and place, right? >> jfk investigator advances his conspiracy theory to the abc7 news i to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at explanation to remember a pause in american history. >> 50th anniversary of the john f kennedy assassination with the final paragraph of the speech he was supposed to give that day. >> in arlington national cemetery, tourist paused where an eternal flamed burned since he was laid to rest. >> john f kennedy university unveiled a bust made for the jfk library in boston. >> there is much disagreement about what happened that day in dallas. did lee harvey oswald act alone? or was he part of a conspiracy? >> one world class investigator claims to have answered one key question. >> reporter: the author josiah thompson's book comes to a close. lee harvey oswald was arrested in dallas. >> whae whatever he did or did not do on that friday 50 years ago, did he not kill john kennedy. >> reporter: before you dismiss thompson, consider his background. served on underwater demolition team 21, precursor to the navy s.e.a.l.s. graduated from yale with pld in philosophy. taught college. long career as a private investigator. but important to this story, life magazine hired him in 1966 to examine jfk assassination evidence for a cover story. >> i was 15 feet from the tower in the line of fire. >> reporter: thompson interviewed key witness sxdz wrote what is considered to be one of the seminal books on the assassination. six seconds in dallas. >> because i worked for life magazine i had access to they're wonderful copies of the film. >> an amateur cameraman was standing near the presidential motorcade. he says he got one important fact wrong he thought between frames 312 and 313 the president's head moved forward >> that meant to me is that what we saw was exit of the bullet. head moves forward. well? that is the bullet coming out. >> reporter: that supported the finding shots came from behind the limo. now, thompson realized the image smears from frame 312 to 313. not the head moves forward. it's a jerking camera at sound of gunfire. >> what we were seeing in 313, what he viewed as exit of the bullet is not that. that is clear. it's impact of the bullet showing it blows impact debris gown wards and rear and upwards. >> reporter: pieces of the president's skull recovered from street and grass on the fire side of the limo. thompson is now convinced the fatal shot came perfect a second gunman. >> fired from right front from 12 feet west of the corner of the stock yeahed. >> he makes another compelling argument based on what the house select committee concluded. >> they found last two shots were seven tenths seconds apart. >> reporter: he bought the same rifle use that had day. a bolt action. >> i pulled trigger. i work the bolt. notice, i have to acquire the target in the scope. so i have got to acquire the target then center the cross hairs before firing. >> reporter: there is is no way anyone could fire two shots westbound a second. thompson tells me two gunman equals conspiracy. >> there is no question any longer two. guy dz not just accidentally decide to shoot the president at the same time and place. right? if you had two locations. you had some sort of conspiracy in this case. >> reporter: thompson was a speaker in a conference marking the anniversary yesterday. his first book is out of print it's fetching up to $300 a copy online. he's talking to publishers about the second book, which should be out later next year. >> there are so many conspiracy theorys how do you sort through this? >> it's just going to keep going for years and years. if you look at the new book he goes true everything in that pains taking detail. the problem is that there are a lot of facts that suit different theorys. so you can pick and choose facts that prove your point. perhaps everyone is wrong, except maybe 1, or 2. >> yes. thank you. >> later in this newscast a story about an east bay football team ing. >> dow jones went up 54 points, nasdaq is 22 points higher. pixar confirmed reports it's laid off part of the staff in emeryville saying less than 60 people were let go. pixar is owned by disney, parent company of abc7. nearly 40,000 new jobs created in california last month putting the jobless rate at 8.7% same as september. and san mateo county has lowest rates, 5.1%. >> a bay area high school was honored today for an innovative program tackling serious head injuries north gate high school as student trainers roaming side lines to keep an eye on trainers. those with symptoms are treated and may be pulled out for a week to recover. one suffered several concussion asks says student trainers are critical for preventing serious head injuries. >> players don't want to come out of the game them want to be in there no matter what f they can't see or are dizzy. it's good we're there. to keep an eye on them. >> the efforts were recognized by national athletic trainers association. congressman miller was there as well. he's sponsoring a bill setting safety standards for concussions. good work. >> still to come at 6:00 a youth football team dream season interrupted by a many of you remember where you were the day president kennedy was assassinated but how about the day he was buried? >> here is abc7 news reporter wayne freedman with the story. sign marking not mileage but accomplishment by the most dominant football team of all time. >> i had so much love for them. i didn't want anyone to hurt them except me. >> once he was the coach of the mighty pittsburgh mallards. a group who went 9-0 in 1964, held every opponent to negative yartdage. still unequalled. >> so tough on us, our gains were easy. >> running back frank miers can look and read about the wins that led to a trip back east for a pop warner national championship game. one play in the shadow of an american moment. >> it began in dallas with the sound of gunfire. >> it's all of us will never forget in our lives. >> president kennedy has been assassinated. the president is dead. >> reporter: with that death an era of american innocence ended the mallards still had a game back east. should they go? >> the more i thought i said hey, this guy was an athlete himself. i think it would be an honor to play a game, win the football and give it to his son. >> jim and his mallards boarded a plane to washington, d.c., they had bought tickets there because they'd planned to tour the sites. president kennedy want toed meet them before the game. instead they joined mourners along the funeral route. >> why would you want kids to see that? >> to honor a man that actually made our country 100% better than what we were into. >> everything about that day when we're there for the funeral still is like a still picture in my mind. all you can hear were the sounds of the hoofs of the horses, pulling the carriage by us the sorrow and sobbing. >> i couldn't hold back. i just natural feeling. sad. >> jackie kennedy passed by 20 feet away. >> still amazes me today she made eye contact with me. i seen her. she turned her head to the side and took a will being at me and followed me. >> what did you see in her eyes? >> sorrow. a blank stare. it was emotional. >> let the record show after the funeral the mallards went and won their national championship pop warner game in a run away. they never did give the game ball to john junior. to this day, frank miers struggles to remember the score. >> but the game at this point was secondary. >> 50 years later football in pittsburgh remains as big as ever. much of that come from jim and his player who's now come coach. >> another generation. keep up tradition, history. >> reporter: it's a legacy through five decades tempered on a cold november weekend in 1963. the toughest guy they knew to put football, tragedy and life into perspective. >> i was the luckiest guy in the world when i hit these young men that played football for me. >> reporter: you had a lot of sons? >> very. very. >> he still does. in pittsburgh, wayne freedman abc7 news. >> remarkable. >> spencer is back with a look at the forecast. >> windy conditions in the hills and north bay and those winds start to wind down tomorrow. state wide, sunny and dry conditions and clouds down south. in the bay area, we'll have a sunny day. so breezy in spot. mild, low to mid 60s and afternoon and into evening, at pier 39 will be doing a tree lighting as a matter of fact i had the pleasure of mcing this event. and conditions sunny into afternoon. the sun goes down just before 5:00. so 6:00 p.m dark, cooler. clear, pleasant. here is the accu-weather forecast. we're going to have sunny, mild conditions through tuesday. rain wednesday. periods of rain thursday. thanksgiving day and showers linger, we're going to have a wet, soggy end of the week. however that could change. we'll watch movement of the storm. and this will hopefully pull away. >> give them the axe, the axe. you know that xhant. >> yes. i do. it's strange. >> it's odd. >> who gets the axe tomorrow? that is what i'm axing to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at good evening, can david shaw convince cardinals big game is a big deal? stan sfoerd an overwhelming favorite in this rivalry. stanford eight-2shgs they need to be-to-beat cal this week. also hope oregon loses one more time in order to take back control of the pack 12 north and get a shot to play new year's day the cardinals won three straight big games facing a team with only one win giving up 44 points per gym this season. stanford favored by 32. on paper this should be easy but the game isn't just another game. >> energy hanging around campus here and in berkeley before the game is pretty unique. it's a great experience. probably one of the best in the country. and it's an honor to represent stanford in that robbery. >> cal's 1 and 10 still looking for the first victory. the golden bears have lost 13 starters to injury this year in part that explains their record. their lone win came. >> that could be a way to end it on a positive note. stanford has got a great football team. our kids are excited we've got a great week to preparing well we've got to play well. to incredible institutions with great tradition. great pride. i've paid attention to this game. it's great about college football. >> tomorrow on abc7 at 12:30 oregon taking on arizona at tucson. we'll have big game highlights and everything around the country around 8:30 on after the game. other battles taking place tomorrow pits many pakiou on the left against brandonry. os. the fight in china. fighters weighed in today big stakes for packman. a145 pounds. lost last two bouts including a brutal knock out. rios, 146.5 only lost once, looking for a career defining victory. they needed a one-day extension. raiders sold out sunday against tennessee. rookie matt mcgloi will be looking a second start at quarterback. he was out a shoulder injury. 37 receptions for 569 yards. in team leading five touchdowns. 49ers rewarded quarterback with a four-year, $16 million contract extension. is guaranteed. some terrific cover skills. and it's clear niners with this contract, use him as a starter going forward. today marks one-year anniversary of one of the most infamous plays known as the butt fumble. it was a new york jets loss on thanksgiving day but the game was highlighted or low lighted by mark sanchez running into his offensive lineman's >> thanks larry. >> join me tonight at 9:00 a hackathon controversy. two men walked away with a prize y some say they should have been disqualified. >> police ripped this man from his seat but what happens next shocked passengers video tonight on abc7 news at 11:00. >> finally here tonight words about what matters. bart failed us again this morning. a computer glitch shut down service but another glitch could shut down again, this one, preventible. just when they thought it was safe we wait to see whether there will be another strike. the third one during this process. baseball three strikes you're out. clause dealing with family leave one side doesn't see and the other didn't either, it's a mess making all look bad holding hostage faithful riders. what this if he went on strike and refused to ride? what if? look. this is a major area where w.a major metropolitan transit system we're playing pro bowl here but this process is being handled bush league. what matters to all of the passengers, both sides served, is that they work this out now, and this time, dot the i's. let me know your thoughts on facebook. >> that does it for this edition of abc7 news. our coverage continues right now on twitter. >> from all of us here, see you at 9:00 and 11:00. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can this is the "jeopardy!" teachers tournament. for the deciding game, here are the three finalists -- a fourth-grade math teacher from richardson, texas... a seventh-grade social-studies teacher from martinez, georgia... and a high-school social-studies teacher from anchorage, alaska... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to what johnny just mentioned is the deciding game in this year's teachers tournament. now, i'm going to say something as a bit of encouragement to you, becky, and i've said this when the situation applies throughout the years, and that is that a player who is in a distant third position on the first day quite often comes back on day two to win it all. ladies and gentlemen, you can see the scores. we're going to get rid of them now. we will remember them and add them to today's total to determine our champion. good luck. here comes the jeopardy! round. and these are the categories. alex: and you also need a password, don't you? mary beth, start. korean war for $200, please. john. who is truman? yeah. password for $200.

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131123 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20131123

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said i want to keep this professional, i want to focus on my job, a few weeks later she was fired. >> church officials have a different story saying matthews was fired because of another issue they couldn't discuss because it's a personnel matter. >> we've seen the complaint filed with the state. it's inflammatory. it's lurid. but those aren't the reasons why she was terminated. >> abc7 news learned the church filed a police report charging her with embezzlement. riviera denies her client stole from the church. the church is now launched an investigation into the allegations of sexual harassment and also fired mclaughlin today >> the rektor of the church decided these were sufficient to warnant his termination from the board. >> we tried to contact the man matthews says sexually abused her, he did not respond the spokesman for the church says all of this is regrettable but good work of the church will continue. >> vic, thank you. now to weather and wind storms so many people are still cleaning up from tonight. here is a picture tweet tweeted of a giant eucalyptus tree. this tree came down behind a bowling alley, crashing through a fence her is a picture on abc7 news facebook page of a tree that fell a yard in clear lake. tonight we are live in oakland. >> this is the eucalyptus tweeted about. this tree is huge, about five times taller than i am. people flocked to lake merit to see the downed eucalyptus for themselves. this is one of 190 downed trees. >> such a beautiful tree. it brought tears to my eyes. it's just kind of sad. >> i got one. >> reporter: people who come tt lake it was a bit of an obstacle course. winds so strong, they toppled down light polls. >> it's unbelievable. there are tree branchs knocked down there and around the lake. twigs and leaves like a tornado. >> crews had been busy all day. workers chopped down a 100 year old redwood that became unstable. >> i like that tree. >> i love this tree. but yeah. it's gone. now there is no danger from the tree falling. >> blocks away on ryo vista, the homeowner says she's been told crews are coming but they've been busy dealing with emergencies. >> it's just a long wait time. but i'm getting frustrated i want it done before anything happens >> reporter: until then, the fate of this home hangs in the balance. >> the storm hit hard in contra costa county. take a look at the video. you can see the second when the wind toppeled a large sign at world gas station on clayton road narrowly missing a car n concord high school, the score board collapsed into pieces. officials say they have no idea how to come up with money to fix it, either. check out solar panels. the wind got the best of them. >> about 67,000 pg&e customers lost electricity in the wind storms last night. most of the power has been restored. 4500 homes and businesses are still in the dark tonight. 2400 more in the north bay n a wildfire in sonoma county put two power plants in the geysers off line. cal pine evacuated personnel from plants but says it's 13 other plants there are operating normally. and take a look. this picture was sent to abc7 news shows how an audience dealt with the outage when lights went out in san ramone. and this crowd lit the stage with cell phones. with sure to get the weather app. >> a fourth san jose state student accused of bullying his black roommate in a campus hate crime. prosecutors say the white freshman used racial slurs against the african american student and put a bike lock around his neck. the fourth student charged today was a minor when the alleged bullying occured and will be investigated separately. all four face hate crime and battery charges. representatives will meet with the naacp monday to disthus and host a campus forum next month to discuss racial tolerance. >> former san jess yeah elementary schoolteacher has been sentenced to 75 years to life in prison, craig chandler convicted of five counts of lewd acts, accused of blind folding girls then sexual assaulting them the judge said he made a decision because chandler carried out each assault with planning. a lot more to bring you tonight. we're going to show you how a computer upgrade left dozens of bart riders stranded and made a mess of freeways. >> the death of a teenager triggers a new campaign to make sure toy guns do not look like the real thing. >> strong winds blowing in the bay area, where a wind advisory is still in effect and we'll take a look at weekend forecast coming up. also here a world renowned investigator looks into jfk assassination, tonight's largest union is considering legal action against bart management this, after the bart board approved the new contract agreement that ends the strike but without a family leave pro vision they claim was mistakenly included the union call that had move unprecedented. and ill legitimate. >> we worked with the district now this is just changing their mind. it's not acceptable. they're putting stress on the public and work force. >> bart management says it was due to an error by a temporary employee. unions say they will not rush into finding a solution saying there are no plans for another strike. >> we did get another taste of what happens in the event of bart workers go on strike again. sky seven shows us this monster jam at the bay bridge this morning after a computer glitch halted trains and forced commuters into their cars. abc7 news has the story. >> this system was shut down between midnight and 7:15. some people were trapped inside of the trains for two hours. like these people arriving home after 4:00 in the morning. >> i'm serious this, is ridiculous, man. this is just, i'm done. >> i'm tireed and irritated, too. >> bart says witnesses a computer problem from a software upgrade that took seven hours to figure out. >> information that wasn't happening. and that impacts the computer system used by the operation control center to monitor trains. >> the stuck trains could be moved forward but slowly. with a crank. >> every time you pass over, someone had to go out to move it to make sure it's heading into the right direction. that just takes time. >> the shut down meant horrible traffic on freeways and long waits for commuters still hoping for a train into work. >> other people are here before me. >> there are different people in the board. i can't say anything about the union. whoever is running this is off the plans. >> bart says there is no deliberate tampering but just one of those technology failures. >> the abc7 news news app got the word out today, you can down load it for free. >> in santa rosa, one month marking the day a deputy shot and killed andy lopez. abc7 news was there this morning when legislature as announced plans to outlaw those guns in california. >> what began as a crime scene has grown. like the cause. the the shooting death of 13-year-old andy lopez. >> we're all star heart broken by i a month afterwards, you can still feel the pain. >> the county supervisor just happened to stop by today on his way from this gathering of state and local politicians who say they plan to introduce legislation forcing manufacturers to make replica weapons look like toys. it's not the first attempt. >> how do you convince nra if this is a good idea? >> think trying to convince them of anything is a lost cause, it's making sure people with a vote make the right choice when looking at this legislation and assembly in the senate. >> reporter: in santa rosa today there was another protest march tonight at the memorial. 7:00 p.m another vij yim. all related to an ongoing disconnect between latino community and law enforcement. >> i think all of our law enforcement needs improvement. everything. >> i'm hopeful the city is getting it. >> they're more aware this marks the kennedy assassination. >> if we, as a nation couldn't do something after newtown, one child in sonoma county? really? >> well, politicians are really trying n santa rosa, wayne freedman abc7 news. the wife of a palo alto man detained in north korea made her first comments today. 85-year-old merrill newman was removed from a plane by a neshg official. his wife doesn't know if he received his medications which were sent to him. in a statement lee newman says, quote, the family feels there has been a dreadful misunderstanding and asks the north korean government to return this 85-year-old grandfather to his concerned family. >> well, this is a busy day at way area airports. thanksgiving holiday travel season gets underway. officials expecting as much as a 5% increase in the number of passengers over last year, today, it's also expected to be the busiest travel day of the thanksgiving season at sfo with 130 passengers coming through. >> some 8th graders have a nice gift coming their way. these students cheered and facebook says the program supports communities in need of tools to help students further their education. facebook has given away a thousand lap tops in two years of the program. >> very exciting. you saw people in tears. >> yes. winds calmed down. >> yes. winds are calmer, we've got a wind advisory in effect. it's still growing bliss fully. clear skies and calm winds and breezy conditions. let's move along and take a look at winds now. we've got gusts up to 32 miles per hour now in santa rosa. 22 in napa. look how calm winds are. you can see area where strongest winds are. we have a wind advisory until 10:00 tonight for lake county area until 4:00 in the morning. and winds gusting at 35 to 50 miles per hour. be on the lookout for downed trees. here is a calm view of the bay bridge from our south beach camera here. still 60s in redwood city. 56 in los gatos. another live view looking over san francisco from sutro tower, clear skies, temperatures upper 60s in santa rosa now. and beautiful view of downtown san francisco from our exploratorium camera. these forecast features, featuring wind gusts that will be gusting in the north bay tonight tonight. and looks rainy for thanksgiving. you can see storms having pushed into southern california and beyond. this is a system blew through the bay area center of high pressure to the south. and perfect alignment continued gusty winds. beginning our forecast at 5:00 wednesday morning of next week. like going to produce rain for us on wednesday. thanksgiving day, the day after. so there is probably going to be a wet weather picture for us mid and late week next week. overnight tonight, clear skies. windy conditions and chilly. lows from upper 30s to low 40s and tomorrow, mainly sunny skies. still breezy spots tomorrow mild again with, high temperatures into low to mid-60s. and sunny with temperatures into throw mid-60s at the beginning of the game. here is the accu-weather forecast. four more days of sunny weather coming our way. then rain arriving on wednesday, periods of rain thursday, thanksgiving day z showers lingering on friday. we're still hoping that system may fizzel go someplace else. >> thank you >> because of the wind we told but dancing in the dark minutes ago. students performing at the light of cell phones. >> this is one of the most popular stories if you do something today. and there's never been a better time because this year, devry university has $45 million dollars in need and merit-based scholarships and grants available to those who qualify. and this degree can make a difference. in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field within 6 months. now is your time. apply by january 6th and find your career success in the bay area. visit serial killer joe nayso committed murders in four counties from late 70s to early 90s and dan noyes has been covering this case from the start. he's back now with the latest on this wild report. >> reporter: joe nayso continues to claim he didn't kill anyone. he was concerned about his just two things having pictures taken in a striped jail outfit instead of suit and money he'll have to pay to victim families. before the hearing began, the 79-year-old several times flipped off the audience of former jurors, victim family members and reporter who's covered the case from the start. and when the judge gave one last chance to speak before receiving the death sentence nayso only complained about having to pay his victims families, he said he should get restitution for being charged. >> he has no remorse for what he did. and the judge did an excellent job in summarizing who he is. >> reporter: the judge called him evil, one of the people when make us worry about our kids walking to school, who make us lock our doors at night. he gave him three death sentences for three of the victims the judge also said murders of two others and one in nevada county played a role in the decision. several of the victims' children spoke in court. shane ashby. you said i hope you live to be 110. why? >> well, i kind of like mim hymn to sit interest tl and suffer as long as families suffered without having closure. >> reporter: the case broke open with a probation search of his home, officers found this bizarre collection of mannequins to which he applied make up and dressed in linker yachlt he called what prosecutors call a rape diary, and a list of ten places where he apparently dumped victims. one victim's daughter wanted a penalty. the other asked to give life in prison. >> the judge of this one, you're nodding. >> if it makes my sister feel better, go ahead. >> very emotional night for you >> nayso will be transferred within ten days under court order. victim families have to say what out of pocket expenses they have had to pay because of the murders >> so bizarre. >> yes. it is. >> dan is going to be back because you have an investigator convinced jfk assassination was part of a conspiracy? >> right. >> thank you, dan. >> abc7 news at 6:00 continues tonight. coming up the nation pauses to remember a fallen president and a moment that changed everything. >> two guys did not just accidentally decide to shoot the president at the same time and place, right? >> jfk investigator advances his conspiracy theory to the abc7 news i to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at explanation to remember a pause in american history. >> 50th anniversary of the john f kennedy assassination with the final paragraph of the speech he was supposed to give that day. >> in arlington national cemetery, tourist paused where an eternal flamed burned since he was laid to rest. >> john f kennedy university unveiled a bust made for the jfk library in boston. >> there is much disagreement about what happened that day in dallas. did lee harvey oswald act alone? or was he part of a conspiracy? >> one world class investigator claims to have answered one key question. >> reporter: the author josiah thompson's book comes to a close. lee harvey oswald was arrested in dallas. >> whae whatever he did or did not do on that friday 50 years ago, did he not kill john kennedy. >> reporter: before you dismiss thompson, consider his background. served on underwater demolition team 21, precursor to the navy s.e.a.l.s. graduated from yale with pld in philosophy. taught college. long career as a private investigator. but important to this story, life magazine hired him in 1966 to examine jfk assassination evidence for a cover story. >> i was 15 feet from the tower in the line of fire. >> reporter: thompson interviewed key witness sxdz wrote what is considered to be one of the seminal books on the assassination. six seconds in dallas. >> because i worked for life magazine i had access to they're wonderful copies of the film. >> an amateur cameraman was standing near the presidential motorcade. he says he got one important fact wrong he thought between frames 312 and 313 the president's head moved forward >> that meant to me is that what we saw was exit of the bullet. head moves forward. well? that is the bullet coming out. >> reporter: that supported the finding shots came from behind the limo. now, thompson realized the image smears from frame 312 to 313. not the head moves forward. it's a jerking camera at sound of gunfire. >> what we were seeing in 313, what he viewed as exit of the bullet is not that. that is clear. it's impact of the bullet showing it blows impact debris gown wards and rear and upwards. >> reporter: pieces of the president's skull recovered from street and grass on the fire side of the limo. thompson is now convinced the fatal shot came perfect a second gunman. >> fired from right front from 12 feet west of the corner of the stock yeahed. >> he makes another compelling argument based on what the house select committee concluded. >> they found last two shots were seven tenths seconds apart. >> reporter: he bought the same rifle use that had day. a bolt action. >> i pulled trigger. i work the bolt. notice, i have to acquire the target in the scope. so i have got to acquire the target then center the cross hairs before firing. >> reporter: there is is no way anyone could fire two shots westbound a second. thompson tells me two gunman equals conspiracy. >> there is no question any longer two. guy dz not just accidentally decide to shoot the president at the same time and place. right? if you had two locations. you had some sort of conspiracy in this case. >> reporter: thompson was a speaker in a conference marking the anniversary yesterday. his first book is out of print it's fetching up to $300 a copy online. he's talking to publishers about the second book, which should be out later next year. >> there are so many conspiracy theorys how do you sort through this? >> it's just going to keep going for years and years. if you look at the new book he goes true everything in that pains taking detail. the problem is that there are a lot of facts that suit different theorys. so you can pick and choose facts that prove your point. perhaps everyone is wrong, except maybe 1, or 2. >> yes. thank you. >> later in this newscast a story about an east bay football team ing. >> dow jones went up 54 points, nasdaq is 22 points higher. pixar confirmed reports it's laid off part of the staff in emeryville saying less than 60 people were let go. pixar is owned by disney, parent company of abc7. nearly 40,000 new jobs created in california last month putting the jobless rate at 8.7% same as september. and san mateo county has lowest rates, 5.1%. >> a bay area high school was honored today for an innovative program tackling serious head injuries north gate high school as student trainers roaming side lines to keep an eye on trainers. those with symptoms are treated and may be pulled out for a week to recover. one suffered several concussion asks says student trainers are critical for preventing serious head injuries. >> players don't want to come out of the game them want to be in there no matter what f they can't see or are dizzy. it's good we're there. to keep an eye on them. >> the efforts were recognized by national athletic trainers association. congressman miller was there as well. he's sponsoring a bill setting safety standards for concussions. good work. >> still to come at 6:00 a youth football team dream season interrupted by a many of you remember where you were the day president kennedy was assassinated but how about the day he was buried? >> here is abc7 news reporter wayne freedman with the story. sign marking not mileage but accomplishment by the most dominant football team of all time. >> i had so much love for them. i didn't want anyone to hurt them except me. >> once he was the coach of the mighty pittsburgh mallards. a group who went 9-0 in 1964, held every opponent to negative yartdage. still unequalled. >> so tough on us, our gains were easy. >> running back frank miers can look and read about the wins that led to a trip back east for a pop warner national championship game. one play in the shadow of an american moment. >> it began in dallas with the sound of gunfire. >> it's all of us will never forget in our lives. >> president kennedy has been assassinated. the president is dead. >> reporter: with that death an era of american innocence ended the mallards still had a game back east. should they go? >> the more i thought i said hey, this guy was an athlete himself. i think it would be an honor to play a game, win the football and give it to his son. >> jim and his mallards boarded a plane to washington, d.c., they had bought tickets there because they'd planned to tour the sites. president kennedy want toed meet them before the game. instead they joined mourners along the funeral route. >> why would you want kids to see that? >> to honor a man that actually made our country 100% better than what we were into. >> everything about that day when we're there for the funeral still is like a still picture in my mind. all you can hear were the sounds of the hoofs of the horses, pulling the carriage by us the sorrow and sobbing. >> i couldn't hold back. i just natural feeling. sad. >> jackie kennedy passed by 20 feet away. >> still amazes me today she made eye contact with me. i seen her. she turned her head to the side and took a will being at me and followed me. >> what did you see in her eyes? >> sorrow. a blank stare. it was emotional. >> let the record show after the funeral the mallards went and won their national championship pop warner game in a run away. they never did give the game ball to john junior. to this day, frank miers struggles to remember the score. >> but the game at this point was secondary. >> 50 years later football in pittsburgh remains as big as ever. much of that come from jim and his player who's now come coach. >> another generation. keep up tradition, history. >> reporter: it's a legacy through five decades tempered on a cold november weekend in 1963. the toughest guy they knew to put football, tragedy and life into perspective. >> i was the luckiest guy in the world when i hit these young men that played football for me. >> reporter: you had a lot of sons? >> very. very. >> he still does. in pittsburgh, wayne freedman abc7 news. >> remarkable. >> spencer is back with a look at the forecast. >> windy conditions in the hills and north bay and those winds start to wind down tomorrow. state wide, sunny and dry conditions and clouds down south. in the bay area, we'll have a sunny day. so breezy in spot. mild, low to mid 60s and afternoon and into evening, at pier 39 will be doing a tree lighting as a matter of fact i had the pleasure of mcing this event. and conditions sunny into afternoon. the sun goes down just before 5:00. so 6:00 p.m dark, cooler. clear, pleasant. here is the accu-weather forecast. we're going to have sunny, mild conditions through tuesday. rain wednesday. periods of rain thursday. thanksgiving day and showers linger, we're going to have a wet, soggy end of the week. however that could change. we'll watch movement of the storm. and this will hopefully pull away. >> give them the axe, the axe. you know that xhant. >> yes. i do. it's strange. >> it's odd. >> who gets the axe tomorrow? that is what i'm axing to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at good evening, can david shaw convince cardinals big game is a big deal? stan sfoerd an overwhelming favorite in this rivalry. stanford eight-2shgs they need to be-to-beat cal this week. also hope oregon loses one more time in order to take back control of the pack 12 north and get a shot to play new year's day the cardinals won three straight big games facing a team with only one win giving up 44 points per gym this season. stanford favored by 32. on paper this should be easy but the game isn't just another game. >> energy hanging around campus here and in berkeley before the game is pretty unique. it's a great experience. probably one of the best in the country. and it's an honor to represent stanford in that robbery. >> cal's 1 and 10 still looking for the first victory. the golden bears have lost 13 starters to injury this year in part that explains their record. their lone win came. >> that could be a way to end it on a positive note. stanford has got a great football team. our kids are excited we've got a great week to preparing well we've got to play well. to incredible institutions with great tradition. great pride. i've paid attention to this game. it's great about college football. >> tomorrow on abc7 at 12:30 oregon taking on arizona at tucson. we'll have big game highlights and everything around the country around 8:30 on after the game. other battles taking place tomorrow pits many pakiou on the left against brandonry. os. the fight in china. fighters weighed in today big stakes for packman. a145 pounds. lost last two bouts including a brutal knock out. rios, 146.5 only lost once, looking for a career defining victory. they needed a one-day extension. raiders sold out sunday against tennessee. rookie matt mcgloi will be looking a second start at quarterback. he was out a shoulder injury. 37 receptions for 569 yards. in team leading five touchdowns. 49ers rewarded quarterback with a four-year, $16 million contract extension. is guaranteed. some terrific cover skills. and it's clear niners with this contract, use him as a starter going forward. today marks one-year anniversary of one of the most infamous plays known as the butt fumble. it was a new york jets loss on thanksgiving day but the game was highlighted or low lighted by mark sanchez running into his offensive lineman's >> thanks larry. >> join me tonight at 9:00 a hackathon controversy. two men walked away with a prize y some say they should have been disqualified. >> police ripped this man from his seat but what happens next shocked passengers video tonight on abc7 news at 11:00. >> finally here tonight words about what matters. bart failed us again this morning. a computer glitch shut down service but another glitch could shut down again, this one, preventible. just when they thought it was safe we wait to see whether there will be another strike. the third one during this process. baseball three strikes you're out. clause dealing with family leave one side doesn't see and the other didn't either, it's a mess making all look bad holding hostage faithful riders. what this if he went on strike and refused to ride? what if? look. this is a major area where w.a major metropolitan transit system we're playing pro bowl here but this process is being handled bush league. what matters to all of the passengers, both sides served, is that they work this out now, and this time, dot the i's. let me know your thoughts on facebook. >> that does it for this edition of abc7 news. our coverage continues right now on twitter. >> from all of us here, see you at 9:00 and 11:00. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can this is the "jeopardy!" teachers tournament. for the deciding game, here are the three finalists -- a fourth-grade math teacher from richardson, texas... a seventh-grade social-studies teacher from martinez, georgia... and a high-school social-studies teacher from anchorage, alaska... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to what johnny just mentioned is the deciding game in this year's teachers tournament. now, i'm going to say something as a bit of encouragement to you, becky, and i've said this when the situation applies throughout the years, and that is that a player who is in a distant third position on the first day quite often comes back on day two to win it all. ladies and gentlemen, you can see the scores. we're going to get rid of them now. we will remember them and add them to today's total to determine our champion. good luck. here comes the jeopardy! round. and these are the categories. alex: and you also need a password, don't you? mary beth, start. korean war for $200, please. john. who is truman? yeah. password for $200.

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