Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20170426 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20170426

good-bye to the sun at 7:55. not looking quite as soggy as that camera by the exploratorium but you can see the mist through the bay bridge toll plaza. those waiting for the metering lights probably flipping their wipers. and tracy to dublin, 48 minutes. and tracy to dublin, 48 minutes. not terrible for that stretch. san rafael to san francisco, just 30 minutes. and ann coulter does plan to speak at uc berkeley tomorrow. there's a lot of concern over safety if she speaks outside. amy hollyfield is live on campus for us. good morning, amy. >> reporter: good morning, natasha. i have been monitoring coulter''s twitter page, and she said she is expecting uc berkeley to provide her with a room but campus officials say she's speaking here in the plaza tomorrow afternoon. uc officials asked her to postpone because of security concerns, and coulter calls that an excuse to keep her away and she plans to be here tomorrow as scheduled. they can't keep people from speaking in the plaza saying it's open to the public. berkeley police say they are preparing but they need everybody to help to keep things safe. >> community safety is a community's responsibility. we as the police department will be doing everything and more on our part to make this a safe event and for community members i would think careful about what you are doing and stay away from violence and destruction. >> reporter: this is what they are worried about. violent protests like this one that broke out in february when milo yiannopoulos was to speak on the campus. and ann coulter has not given a time for her speech just saying tomorrow afternoon and we know a protest has been set for 5:00 tomorrow afternoon. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. new details now, president trump already vowing to appeal after a federal judge in san francisco blocked an executive order that would have withheld billions of dollars from sanctuary cities. this morning president trump tweeted out, first the ninth circuit rules against the ban and the now it's on the sanctuary cities. san francisco and santa clara county filed suit. san francisco attorney said the court sided with them on every issue and restated they are not going to lock people up illegally even at the government's direction. >> construction companies in california may face serious financial repercussions if they accept contracts to build president trump's wall along the mexico border. a bill advanced through a committee yesterday would block the state from awarding future contracts to any company that helps build the wall. this would prevent such companies from bidding on giant multi-million projects. hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake here, and the bill now goes to the appropriations committee for further evaluation. vacaville police say they need your help catching vandals that committed the hate crime. vandals tagged kkk on both sides of a white myrrh saeuercedes on. the owner of the car is not black. >> it's horrible. >> we have a small town here and to see something like that happening, a hate crime, that's hideous. >> a neighbor saw similar tagging months ago near the mercedes was parked. an oakland firefighter recovering after he got hurt during a call. abc7 news was at the scene on international boulevard and miller avenue. the firefighter was on the roof of this building when he fell and hurt his ankle. this is a vacant library that has become a nuisance. they say they have found evidence of roughly 20 people sleeping inside. a special education teach teacher's aide is in critical condition after she was hit by a student on campus. a woman who only wants to be identified as lylea said she dropped her sisters off for swim class yesterday and she decided to run errands and she parked her suv in the faculty lot knowing it was not allowed, and left the keys with the sisters. and they panicked and gave the keys to the cousin that does not have a driver's license, and she hit the aide. >> she didn't mean to do it, and she went to go into reverse but doesn't know the gears and that happened, and she's really emotional right now. >> the 18-year-old is cooperating with police. here at the live desk, we have breaking sports news. marchand lynch is set to come out of retirement to play for the raiders. here's a tweet from an nfl insider, saying his sources say beast mode getting a two-year deal. lynch is supposed to be at the training facility in alameda today and undergoing a physical and if he passes that, the raiders and seahawks are expected to finalize the trade. the oakland native helped win a super bowl for the broncos, so a return home for lynch while the team is still here in the bay area. back to you. >> thank you. fallout after a shocker at the university of california. the school systems secret budget fund and now the fund to reverse a controversial tuition hike. the east bay county where you will need more reusable bags when you go shopping. this is abc7 news now, just one this is abc7 news now, just one way we are 300 foot is the ceiling and if you go above that it will be thick. 200-foot ceiling in half moon bay. you can see the mist and drizzle as we look from 80. at the coast today, the weekend will be warmer. damp this morning, and if you are on the water the breezes will get fast after 3:00. temperature, 55 to about 57 right now in san francisco. most of us in the mid to upper 50s. our destination today mainly mid to upper 60s. we'll take an hour by hour look if your neighborhood will get to your neighbor, when, next. let's go to sky 7. we have them flying in the south bay this morning where it's not too misty or drizzly. we are over 101 si inbound side. we have heavy traffic across all lanes there, no rhyme or reason, just normal delays, nothing blocking through that stretch and overall traffic has been quiet this morning and we will show you fairly light drive times coming up in less than ten. all retail stores in alameda county will soon charge 10 cents for shopping bags and that includes reusable plastic bags and paper bags. it goes into effect on monday and extends the existing reusable bag ordinance. restaurants and food trucks will be required to implement the new policy come november 1st. >> that person says, i don't need a bag. this is me. >> that is me. a key to new affordable housing. a new report shows preferences are changing when it comes to recreational substances. we are helping you have a be i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at good morning, it's 6:14. this is a little bit of color in the sky, just a little drizzle and mist hanging around in many areas, and in south san jose, this is looking towards morgan hill right now. fallout after the secret discovery, and the lieutenant governor calling for a reversal of the tuition hike. gavin newsom wants to reverse a decision to raise situation. a state auditor found the uc's office of a president failed to disclose millions in a special fund, and it says it's audit errors. the report wrongly stated the ucop holds $175 million in reserves, and the true amount is $38 million, for unexpected costs. and then turning a parking lot into affordable housing units. the city owns a neighboring parcel. and a plan was introduced to build units over fire station 13 on sampson street. millennials are more interested in bud than booze. >> but not by much. 50% of millennials prefer weed to alcohol. the reasons, safety cost and health impact. winemakers are concerned the shift will continue to grow because millennials drink a lot of wine and if they put down their glasses that could be a huge impact on the bottom line. meteorologist, mike nicco, joining us now. >> a transition to weather. >> you don't get a weed belly but you get a beer belly. >> let's turn to the misty and drizzly weather. >> i thought that's why they put that story before so we could talk about it. the mist and tkreuz drizzle over south beach but will remain 100% dry. drizzle likely today, showers possible across the north bay. breezy cannottration to the warmth thursday and friday. sneerly summer-like highs next week. and no yellows or oranges, and barely greens out there as the storm system dumps most of the wet around portland. because we have a chance of drizzle and we have already seen some and showers, and here's a look at the green at 7:00. you can see drizzle along the coast, and scattered showers across the north bay by 9:00. scattered showers for the rest of us around noon. by 4:00, it becomes very isolated. by 7:00, it's almost gone. in fact the clouds opened up just a little bit for a gorgeous sunset. my accuweather 7-day forecast, look at those 60s and 70s tomorrow, and then 60s, 70s and 80s on friday. we will flirt with 70 over the weekend at the coast and low to mid-80s for the rest of us and it keeps going through next week. the pattern will change and stay that way for a while. we are looking fairly dry and clear here, too. we have clouds in the south bay. this is state route 85 and 87, so sky 7 up flying for us this morning. volumes not too bad. we will take it. no blocking issues in the south bay or anywhere else this morning. enjoy it while it lasts. we have a problem in the cornelia area. this is a crash involving several vehicles. we need three tow trucks. it sounds like one person has injuries, so they are working on getting that cleared but we are seeing a backup from state route 12. i promised to look at drive times and we'll do that coming up next. coming up next, what you should know before tackling a fence building project with your neighborhood. the man who developed the the man who developed the iconic rainbow there is a place where heroes hspider-man.... black widow... captain america... and eddie? so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. come celebrate the all-new guardians of the galaxy-mission: breakout! during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! get to work this way, just hop in sky 7 and fly out to wherever you are going? that would be easy, wouldn't it? here's a live shot over sunnyvale. >> the traffic is still moving on this misty morning. >> we will check in with and alexis to see how traffic and weather is doing. but first a look at what is ahead with amy robach. >> coming up next here, president trump expected to unsroeul a new tax plan with sweeping cuts for businesses and individuals. we will have details just ahead. trouble for former bachelor out on bail this morning after leaving the scene of a fatal accident. a traffic driver dying after the two collided on the iowa road. what the former reality star is saying now. the end of an era for nascar, and dale earnhardt jr. talking about retiring. what will his departure mean for the racing world and that's coming up only on "gma." back to you. >> thank you. self driving cars may be getting their own traffic lane in san jose. >> the city is thinking about adding a lane dedicated to self driving cars. so interesting. the mayor says the lane would go between the san jose airport and dear adawn station. they are working and exploring the idea and we'll keep you updated. time to ask finney now. gordon has a question about fixing fences. >> he was at a ask finney event in daly city. >> i want to know what law would be handling a dispute with your neighbor if they are not willing to split the cost with you to fix the fence. >> great seeing you again. there are exceptions of small print galore, but state law requires next door neighbors to maintain a list, the cost to be split equally. this is english common law stuff, hundreds of years old, and california passed the good neighbor fence act. it was passed back in 2013. as i said, there are exceptions. let me give you the biggest one, financial hardship on one of the neighbors. if they can't afford it they don't have to do it. i will post a link to the full legislation on good luck dealing with your neighbors. >> if you have a question, record it and share it on social media with #a and then the maker on the rain dough flag. >> there's a new font named in his honor. the it comes in black and i think the one he would really like, the multicolor option, featuring all the colors from the rainbow flag. baker died last month and he was a long time san francisco resident. if you have not seen when we rise, you need to check it out because gilbert is in it. >> yeah, it's incredile. >> on our website right now, a federal fight to defund sanctuary cities or counties here in the bay area may be far from over. the warning president trump just tweeted this morning. and the surprising culprits behind an attack near san jose state. guess what? we have had measurable rain in the bay area this morning, about 0.04 from this little green dots 0.04 from this little green dots you see traveling >> announcer: live where you live, this is abc7 news. breaking news. a woman attacked near san jose state overnight. the surprising suspects police are looking for this morning. this will affect all of us. president trump's tax plan set to be revealed today. how that proposal could impact your tax bill. parenting alert. a new warning about childhood obesity. a new study shows a common practice could be leading to weight gain as your kids get older. and then a shout-out to viewers making their way to apple this morning. this is the campus known as apple park, and they are going to have thousands of employees working there, and it's really cool to see from above from the live shot courtesy of sky and there are curved class windows. >> very cool to see it from above. let's get over to meteorologist, mike nicco. >> makes me want to go play frisbee. that's cool. what can you expect? look behind me on live doppler 7. that mass of light rain left 0.01 to 0.04 in the bridges could be wet. we have a chance of drizzle over the next half hour or so a chance of scattered showers across the north bay through noon. we will see sunshine before the sun sets this evening. temperatures in the upper evenings at the coast. our last cool day. not quite as misty and drizzly as golden gate, but we are seeing some of that here at the bay bridge. we will have to flip the wipers on a few time and we have the metering lights on since 5:24 this morning. westbound 80, 4 to the maze t. 30 minutes. and then i will double-check and make sure we don't have anything blocking at the bay bridge. we have a crash in cornelia and we will head there coming up next. in san jose a woman is recovering from a brutal attack. >> this happened near the campus of san jose state university. and that's where matt keller is this morning. matt. >> reporter: so far no arrests. we are across the street from san jose state. it happened here at this jack-in-the-box. the victim was able to make her way to the corner of san carlos and fourth street. police say this happened around midnight last night. a group of females attacked another woman. she was beaten up at the jack-in-the-box. the victim was taken to the hospital. she had a pretty serious head injury. i was told she was going to be okay. police have no suspects at this time. they are calling this an assault and battery. reporting live in san jose, matt kell keller, abc7 news. this morning hayward police are investigating a shooting that left two people in critical condition. it happened just before 7:30 last night. two victims were sitting in a parked car when another car drove by and somebody inside started shooting. both victims were hit by gunfire and police are still searching for the shooter. b.a.r.t. police are not taking any chances after the flash mob takeover on one of its trains. several teens were spotted around 7:00 last night, and they entered without paying and headed for the platform, and that action triggered b.a.r.t. to order two inbound trains not to even stop at the lake merritt station and just kept going. the teens took off and the b.a.r.t. police searched for them and couldn't find them. this follows a situation on saturday night where teens swarmed the station and beat and robbed the riders. and president trump plans to appeal the decision from the court on sanctuary cities. two hours ago the president tweeted out out of our very big country with many choices does everybody notice both the ban case and now the sanctuary case is brought in the ninth circuit, which has a terrible record of being overturned, close to 80%. they used to call this judge shopping. messy system. yesterday a ninth circuit judge ruled president trump cannot withhold federal money from san khau sanctuary jurisdictions. >> i think the case is very well written. i don't think he is going to win on appeal. i think it's pretty bullet proof. >> santa clara counties say they are prepared to defend the case if the president appeals. we posted the court ruling on our website,, and sent out push alerts on the news app as soon as the story broke. to get news where you live download the app and enable push alerts. and then president trump wants to slash the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. in an analysis released last night, a cut like that could increase deficit and by law any measure that expands the deficit needs 60 votes in the senate to pass and the president wants to increase the standard tax return deduction and expand the tax break for child care expenses. let's see what is happening on wall street this morning. still over 21,000 this morning. here's a live look at the big board. happening today, attorneys representing victims of a deadly fire in oakland plan to announce the first lawsuit following the tragedy. they are filing suit against the owner and master tenants. four people died and about 100 people survived. the building was being used as transitional housing. one resident said she complained about the building's condition many times to the owner. r a man accused of killing seven people at a oakland university expected to enter a plea. and he was charged in the mass shooting and he confessed to the killings and said he wants to die for his actions and still plans to enter a not guilty plea. he has been deemed mentally competent to stand trial. we are getting a first look at a man that police say tried to kidnap a woman off a busy san francisco street. bravo was arrested on sunday. witnesses say he tried to force a woman inside his truck on saturday night on steiner street in pacific heights. a man passing by intervened and scared that attacker away. police used witness descriptions to track that suspect. there was a small chase and that ended with this crash in petaluma and that's where they arrested bravo. san francisco is demanding answers from pg&e following last friday's power outage. there are concerns about the integrity of pg&e's infrastructure and their preparedness and they want to know the status to make upgrades. they say the outage was caused by a fire at a substation and that fire affected 88,000 customers, 21 schools and more than 300 traffic lights and shut down one of b.a.r.t.'s stations. here at the live desk, watching reports coming out this morning on bay area company twitter. you and i may use it all the time but it's the same problem for the company, no profit. now for the first time since going public they are losing revenue. they reported a decline in revenue this morning even though user numbers went up by 3% to 319 million registered users. that's bittersweet news. that number of users pales in comparison to facebook which has nearly $2 billion, but before i send it back to you i want to note their stock is trading up right now, twitter trading right now at above 10%, so the use you are increase could spell out good news for them in the stock market. >> thank you. good ready, dub nation. tickets go on sale to the general public later today. golden state advanced on monday after sweeping the trail blazers in the first round. round two tickets go on sale to the general public at 2:00 this a afternoon, and golden state will face the winner between the series of the utah jazz and clippers. and came one could start on sunday in oakland, and if the jazz and clippers series goes to seven games, the game would be on tuesday. b.a.r.t. is postponing the weekend track repairs, and it would have led to a bus bridge for the dublin and warm springs lines and the work will now take place the first two weekends in may and july. we start with our driest neighborhoods in the bay area right now. no measurable rain or drizzle. temperature, 50 in los gatos. and most of us in the mid to upper 50s. very mild this morning. highs today, about the same as yesterday. mid to upper 60s except for low 60s at the coast. we will go about 63 to 68 degrees. here's a look at san rafael. the rain came through to barely wet the ground there and more measurable up around petaluma. breezy after 3:00, and mass transit, a little damp in spots this morning. walnut creek, as you head south you can't see the hills. tree pollen going to be high today. uv index will be high because we will see sunshine late this afternoon. lows tonight, cooler, mid-40s to 50s. i want to head back to sky 7 and in palo alto along northbound 101, not terrible today. looking good as far as driving conditions are concerned. on most of the peninsula right now in the south bay, if you are going to be around san francisco, golden gate bay bridge, it's misty, and it's looking good and we're not complaining. we had a multicar crash around the 680 interchange and sounds like they have most of this pushed off to the shoulder. that back up goes into fairfield as well at this point and we had injuries at that one and they needed three tow trucks to the needed three tow trucks to the scene on that call k this is the eastbound side, a scene will be cleared shortly. we will check drive times coming up next. if you have been to chipotle in the past few weeks, check your credit card and bank statements. a hack attack may have left your information exposed. information exposed. and then rewarding your kids did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. i got it. i gotcha baby. 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your personal information may have been exposed if you eat at chipotle. the company is investigating a possible hack attack. they are being reviewed right now by law enforcement and cyber security experts. chipotle has had a few rough years with a health scare and a dip in revenue. and then flying cars by 2020. uber elevate was the conference yesterday. hundreds of people are attending, including carmakers, potential investors and government regulators. experts believe small personal aircraft can slash commute times and reduce congestion. >> can you imagine what the traffic reports with alexis will look like in three years? >> are you ready, alexis? >> no. >> alexis is not ready for the future. mike nicco, how does it look over there? >> that would be fun. damp, mist, drizzle, you got it all. same thing was cross the golden gate bridge this morning. a few showers are possible today. our last storm system before the rain season ends on sunday. our best chance in the north, and significant shift begins tomorrow towards some really warm weather, above average, almost summer like next week. our best radar returns, san francisco heading down towards sfo and from oakland heading down towards hayward along the shoreline. i put an impact scale number on this, and it's impacting us even though it's bringing less than 0.1 of rain. scattered showers mainly up across the north bay from now until 9:00. showers could leak all the way down to the peninsula coast by noon, and then notice everything dries up by about 4:00. if you are going to the game this evening, mostly cloudy and breezy. 59 at 7:15 at at&t park to 57 degrees. let's look at the 7-day forecast. the transition is going to be breezy thursday and friday. upper 60s to 70 at the coast starting saturday. upper 70s to mid-80s for the rest of us and it hangs around through tuesday. let's take you to hayward with sky 7 here this morning. we have a minor issue off to the shoulder. southbound 880 around this is just that spot where we definitely tend to slow down in both directions of 880. it's just south of state route 92. no major blocking issues and we haven't all morning, just typical congestion there. and back in the cornelia area, we are improving and we had a crash around 680, and they are saying the four right lane is blocked a little bit but you are heavy through the fairfield stretch, 21 and 22 miles per hour approaching, and give it another ten or 15 minutes and we should see that clear out totally. next traffic update coming up in less than ten. less than ten. >> no flying cars this 6:54, if you are just joining us or heading out the door, here are the seven things you need to know before you go. number one, san jose police looking for a group of women wanted for beating up another woman near the campus of san jose state. the victim was attacked at a jack-in-the-box on east san carlos street. she was taken to the hospital and is expected to recover. number two, b.a.r.t. police not taking chances after a flash mob robbery at the coliseum station. a group of teens hopped the fare gates the same way the attack on saturday happened. number three, president trump denouncing a federal judge's ruling on sanctuary cities. the judge blocked the president's threat to withhold federal funding to cities that don't cooperate with immigration officials. fog, mist, drizzle and even light rain for the morning commute. emeryville, we had light rain just roll through. we could see better now than we could. get ready for drizzle this morning. cool and gray this afternoon. we have mist and drizzle for the morning commute. sky 7 up over the san mateo bridge. a few drops on the windshields there this morning, so dry once you make it up to the san mateo bridge and north of there, that's where you have to flip the wipers on. marshawn lynch set to come out of requirement and sign a two-year contract with the raiders. that's according to espn. the seahawks and raiders agreed to a trade pending a physical later today. episode nine will be released memorial day weekend 2019. people are so excited about this. next month a gold plated darth vader mask going on sale in japan for $1.9 million. of course you can buy it on "star wars" day may 6th. we'll see you in 25 minutes. "gma" is next. bye. >> you'l good morning, america. president trump set to unveil his new tax plan, calling for sweeping cuts, hoping to deliver on a big campaign promise. >> taxes are coming way down for individuals. plus, the new anti-missile system deployed on a golf course overnight. ahead of schedule as tensions rise between the white house and north korea. record rain flooding north carolina. forcing evacuations. cars abandoned in nearly a foot of water. now, new england is on alert. the south bracing for a blast of severe storms. real life drama, former "bachelor" chris soules arrested. >> will you marry me? >> absolutely. >> charges of leaving the scene of an accident. his neighbor killed on a tractor.

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