Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20161028 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20161028

up. the radar returns. the solid line of light to dark green. this is what i want to focus in on, this yellow and orange coming up. moderate rain coming your way. in san rafael, a half inch of rain. the rain is fairly light right now on highway 101 south. we are going to have steady, light to moderate rain. it's going to taper to scattered by noon, isolated by 7:00. >> mike, thank you. you know, we have been seeing that steady rain come down throughout the bay area. i think alexis said 20 cars that crashed at some point, even just by themselves spinning out. a big concern everywhere. >> yes, including the south bay getting rain. matt keller lives in the south bay. you know how much you kind of miss over the past few storms. >> reporter: yes, we know. we drove from san jose to redwood city. in the south bay it was raining. in redwood city, if you are waking up, it is still raining. the beautiful sign proclaiming we are in redwood city and a lot of people are walking, no, they are running to peet's coffee to get something to drink and stay dry. lot of people are taking public transportation. the cal trans passengers could avoid the traffic, but not the rain. getting creative to stay dry. how did you design oncoming up with this plastic sheet? >> i couldn't find my umbrella. i knew i was going to find a bag somewhere. then put it on me. >> reporter: great, so, this is going to do the job for you, right? >> yes. >> reporter: if you are hitting the roads, slow down. chp says this ford explorer lost control at 880 and the parkway overnight. it ended up in a field. chp says there were minor injuries in all the crashes overnight. don't be caught off guard by the rain. i have my abc 7 news app up to track the radar and let me know what's happening in redwood city. it's raining. go to the app store and download it to get the information for you at home. live in redwood city, matt keller. >> i like her style. thank you. in san francisco, a similar sty. this is all the rage in the bay area as people are caught off guard. this is on 19th avenue. you know, although a lot of people are embracing the rain, some people were over it. >> this is kind of a little annoyance. i mean, i guess we need to have it. i would rather it be summer and be sunny. what am i going to tell you? >> san francisco, always unpredictable. why not sometimes rain. >> what are you talking about. he said summer in san francisco. i don't know where he was. it wasn't sunny and warm here. of course other people were prepared with umbrellas. so far the rain isn't causing major proms in the loma area. authorities are concerned the scorched earth is prone to mud and rock slides. we will continue to watch that. >> of course you can track the starm with the abc 7 news app. you can get a live doppler 7 image there for you and you can track exactly where the storm is going. you can also see hour-by-hour the weather that is going to affect you where you live. you can enable push alerts and get updates as soon as alexis or mike see something change in either traffic or, of course, the weather. it will be there on your phone or tablet. very handy as everything continues to change throughout the morning. >> more weather updates in a moment. right now, emeryville police immediate your help tracking down an armed robber. the man on the left walked into a nordstrom rack, ripped security cables and took off. he left behind the backpack in the image. the suspect's picture is blurry. they hope the backpack will lead you to him. security guards chased after the man. he pulled out a gun and pointed it at them so they ran off. the suspect took off on a bike. call emeryville police if you have information. stalked, beaten and robbed. that's what freemont police say happened to a 55-year-old woman after he left a casino. police arrested barry and his girlfriend darlene in connection with the crime. heisnor faces an attempted murder charge. she was walking up to her front door at 1:00 a.m. when a man attacked her, hitting her multiple times on the back of the head and stole her purse. freemont police checked video from the casino where she was gambling. he followed her around the casino and out of the parking lot. >> who put that is much effort into hurting another human being or stalking somebody? they could have put that much effort into getting a job. >> investigators found the purse and the flashlight at the couple's home. dmv didn't have a disaster recovery system in place when a computer glitch wiped out most of the operations. dmv should have had the primary and back-up systems separated with independent power supplies. seems to make sense. the outage was triggered by hard drive failures in both systems. both were in the same hardware cabinet. only a few offices across the state remain affected including concord and san jose. bart is about to get more transparent. not the cars themselves, though. according to the examine, bart's board of directors approved a measure to improve salaries, spending and parts inventory. it is projected to cost bart $250,000. now, they are planning a user friendly website to view the data. they could introduce it by next summer. tucson police release video of a shocking shootout between police and a suspect. the fight over for the raiders. why the billionaire backing the las vegas stadium is crying foul this morning. the most urgent news this morning, what is going on on the bay bridge? you are looking live at harrison and second where our reporter, amy hollyfield is making her way over to the bay bridge where we are experiencing major delays because of a crash that could be affecting the we have a lot of crashes out there this morning. the biggest one is definitely the lower deck of the bay bridge. eastbound 80 trying to clean up this jackknifed semi. it happened just about 5:00 this morning. sit blocking all lanes except the far right lane. it is a sig alert. right now, eastbound 80 drivers are being diverted off 4th and back on at sterling. we have hefty delays there. back to the 101. amy hollyfield is trying to get there. she is being forced through the detour at the moment. nobody 280 before 4th street, a vehicle went off the roadway an hour ago. we have emergency response on the scene there blocking the two right lanes. one live pick dhur here, a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it is soggy and slow. mike you have been telling us this is going to happen all week. >> we knew this was the bigger of the storms and it was going touch the south bay. a look at 280 and 17 where we had nearly a half inch of rain so far. let's look at live doppler 7. 29, 121 all wet. it goes across the bridge, hercules to san pablo and 680, walnut creek, piedmont, oakland, berkeley, across the bay bridge to san francisco and the golden gate. everybody touched by wet weather this morning. temperatures mid to upper 60s. a few 70s tomorrow inland where it's not going to rain. it's going to be cooler and wet once again sunday. i'll have a detailed forecast hour-by-hour on that coming up next. >> mike, thank you. a popular new treatment to blast away fat without surgery. could it actually be making patients fatter? their reality tv show is called "flip or flop." fans of this couple are saying they are the flop. we'llics plain. back ups like these as people are trying to get on to the bay bridge this morning. that crash continues to be a problem and will be one for many hours. amy hollyfield and her crew are trying to mak of bad breath germs% for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerineĀ®. bring out the boldā„¢ psh psh lunch is ready! campbell's spider-man soups. made for real, real life. thanks mom so i got your test results an allergy to cat dander.w there are options, but the most effective course of action would be to remove the source of the allergens. he's got a name. it's herbert. as long as you live with herbert, you're going to have the respiratory symptoms. and i'll have the joy that only a kitty cat can bring. okay, well there are some things we can do to minimize the impact. allergy shots, a nasal steroid... does that sound doable? i'm in. at john muir health, we know how big the little things can be. john muir health. be heard. we are continuing to track that breaking news on the bay bridge leaving san francisco. >> you can see traffic leaving the city as quickly backing up. we want to get to amy hollyfield. at last check you were at 2nd ant bryant. have you moved at all? >> reporter: jessica, we are having a hard time. it's taken us 15 minutes to go around the block. my advice for you, if you are watching this and planning to go from san francisco to the east bay is to stay home. i would give up, unless you have a ton of time and a lot of patience. we are on city streets right now. we haven't made it to the bridge and we are barely moving. we did try to get on to the onramp at 3rd street. they wouldn't let us on. that was closed. when we rolled down our window to talk to the officer there, we smelled gas. we could smell the fuel spill they are dealing with on the bay bridge. as soon as we get there, we will ask questions. i think it will take us some time to get there. we are on bryant, i can see the onramp and cars are being allowed on. we are going to get there soon and get you some pictures. again, unless you have a lot of time, you may want to abort mission. if you are headed from the east bay into the city, that was no problem, we couldn't see the problem there. it was the deck below us. other drivers couldn't see it. no one was slowing down to look. we got into the city no problem from concord. it's circling back and trying to get on to the bridge where we are having our struggles. we will keep you posted. i'm tweeting. we'll get live pictures as soon as we get up there. i wanted to let you know it is slow going on the city streits of san francisco near the bridge. reporting live from san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> that was the best advice ever, give up. thank you, aimy, we appreciate your honesty. >> we will check in with her as soon as we can for an update on the situation there. police in tucson released dashcam that showed the moment officers got into a shootout there. [ gunfire ] >> wow. when you saw a man there on the ground. it started monday night when two officers tried to pull over a man on a motorized bike for traffic violations. the suspect took off and fired at the squad car. he ditched the bike and ran. he kept shooting. one bullet grazed an officer's head. the suspect is stable and faces an attempted first degree murder charge. the injured officer has been released from the hospital. a popular house flipping couple on hgtv is responding about their workshops. they host the show, "flip or flop." their names are on a semibut it's run by zurixx. some felt misled because they aren't actually there. zurixx is responding saying they don't advertise the stars will be there. gma caught up with kristina. >> i stand by the product. it's our tools and our system. i have heard minimal complaints. if i felt a lot of people felt that way, we would make a change. some celebrities have sworn by a noninvasive procedure that uses cold temperatures to reduce fat. new research shows freezing off your fat may actually backfire and produce more fat. it happened in some rare cases according to a study in 2014. a follow up study published in laser and medicine found they are likely underreported. some doctors tell "people" magazine they shied away from using cool sculpting. in some cases the fat does increase and the areas get lumpy or uneven. a rep from a casino mogul is disputing a report he would walk away from the deal. we told you yesterday about reuters that said a billionaire, sheldon adelson would say bye bye if they didn't want the deal. it came from tel-aviv. yesterday, his right hand man said it was taken out of context and everything is moving along. if you have been following along since 5:00 this morning, you probably know we have a major headache on the lower deck of the bay bridge. this has been a fluid situation. it has changed locations and the closures have changed. eastbound 80, originally we heard about a jackknifed semi around treasure island. they moved it significantly to the san francisco side. all traffic is being diverted at 4th and back on at sterling. we saw from amy hollyfield, she's being diverted on to the surface streets. that is really a slow crawl. we have the rain and other folks trying to do the same thing. northbound 880, a crash past west grand. reports of a crash on the southbound side as well around 16th. you can use 580 to avoid that. a live look outside bay bridge toll plaza, the meters lights have been on for an hour. it is just a mess out there this morning. let's check in with meteorologist mike nicco. it looks like we have heavier stuff pushing in to the north bay. >> we do. i'm going to show some of the other bridges this morning. here is a look at the richmond san rafael. you can see a light, steady rain there. .82 rain of the the last couple hours. yellows and oranges, moderate to heavy rain in francis drake and lucas valley. it's going to hit 101 and go up to petaluma, santa rosa and all neighborhoods up there. expect an increase and more ponding on 101 and secondary streets over the next hour or so. coming up from the south, look at that. more steady, light to moderate rain moving across the south bay. i'm breathing a sigh of relief while you deal with that. i kept promising you you were getting a good soaking. here is a look at the san mateo bridge where we had nearly .8 inch of rain. look how slow it is westbound right now. steady rain to steady showers today. scattered light showers tomorrow. steady rain and breezy sunday. i'm keeping the storm at a two on the impact scale. up to an inch possible. mountains more than an inch. thunder is possible to the south of us. sunday, the best chance of scattered showers. all of us are going to get wet with a steady rain sunday morning. >> mike, thank you. of course, alexis is going to have an update for you on what is happening on the bay bridge. that is the biggest issue of the morning this morning. the warriors are back on the this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. let's take a live look at the scene here. this is eastbound on the bay bridge. we have a crew on the field now. amy hollyfield along with her photographer weeded through traffic. this is what we are dealing with, a jackknifed semi along with a fuel spill. amy said she could smell it. >> what a mess. thank you so much. the regular season is under way for the warriors. we have a question about buying basketball tickets. >> seven on your side's michael finney has the answer. >> where is the best place to get warriors tickets to make sure they are not counterfeit? >> hi, alicia. it was fun talking to you. thanks for showing up. always by buy your tickets from a trusted site like ticketmaster or buying from craigslist is always a gamble. if the tickets are under priced, even just a little bit, they are probably a rip off of some sort. safe links you can use on our website, alicia, good question and enjoy the game. >> if you have a question for michael finney record it on your smartphone or tablet and use #askfinney. you might see your question answered like that on abc 7 mornings. coming up, a look at the damage of a plane carrying vice presidential candidate mike pence when it skidded off the runway in laguardia. >> more problems in laguardia. we have a major headache this morning on the bay bridge. the eastbound side. if you are traveling, we have long delays there and we have a crew live on the scene. we can see the back was mr. bonejanglesny expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price? of course not. he's a dog. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. you made it to are you going to make it to the east bay? the top story, a big rig making it tough for people to leave the city. >> we have team coverage starting the amy hollyfield. you are there on scene for us, amy. what's going on? >> reporter: hi, jessica, good morning. one lane of traffic is open. only one lane of cars eastbound from san francisco. if you need to get to the east bay -- probably good to show what people are seeing. >> reporter: you want to consider public transportation. we are dealing with a fuel spill up here, not only a jackknifed big rig, but we can smell fuel. we were advicedd vised of where we can stand because of fuel rolling downhill toward us. that is one more thing they are dealing with. they think all the lanes but one will be shut down for the next few hours. they are putting it at hours. they won't give a specific time, they just don't know. i asked what happened. they said they are not sure at this point. rain may have been a factor. they are looking at the cause and what happened. the driver is okay, but was taken to the hospital as a preindication nar measure. they are going to check him out to make sure he doesn't have major injuries. 100 gallons of fuel were on board. one tank ruptured. at least 50 gallons of fuel spilled. they don't think the other tank was compromised. you have closures that we need to tell you ant. the onramp at 1st essex and 5th street are all closed. it's a struggle to get on to the bridg bridge it took us 15 minutes to get around the block. public transportation is an option you should consider if you can skip going to the east bay all together. live from the bay bridge, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> amy, thank you. you can certainly see the huge operation there trying to remove that truck. of course, alexis has been tracking this all morning for us. alexis? >> yeah. you heard amy mention the fuel spill involved as well. they were worried about that getting into the drainage system on the lower deck. fish and wildlife are going to have to come out. i don't think it is going to clear for hours. this has been fluid here. eastbound 80, at first, we had a crash reported with a jackknifed semi. treasure island, it has been shifted closer to san francisco now. as amy mentioned, you are diverted between 4th. you can get on 80 at sterling. this is a problem on a very wet morning. mike, you have been trying to show the other bridges. it is wet everywhere out there. srk it is wet. that is the key. we need to slow down and take caution. red hill boulevard, sir francis drake, the yellows, oranges, more moderate rain, the ponding and standing water as we head through marin and sonoma county. san rafael to petaluma getting inundated right now. more rain coming back to the south bay. already had a half inch here. 101 and 880, a wet commute for all of us. it will change from rain to scattered showers by noon, isolated for the afternoon and evening hours. easily, this is going to be the toughest commute in the hardest part of the storm to deal with. >> thank you. >> a lot of our storms have been missing the south bay. this time, it is getting hit hard. you need to plan ahead. >> as we have been saying throughout the morning, if you don't want to drive, public transit is a great option. abc 7 news reporter matt keller is live. hi, matt. >> reporter: good morning, jessica. good morning, reggie. we moved to the cal trans station. a minute and a half ago, dozens and dozens of people got on cal train going northbound to san francisco. they are avoiding the roads and traffic and crashes that could be out there, potentially on the road. of course you need to remember to bring your umbrella, bring your jacket and stay dry when using public transportation. what a mess it was overnight. getting wet isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. look at highway 87. chp says she was going too fast for the conditions. the car got squirrely. she overcorrected and ended on top of the wall that separates the highway and the vta crash. there's wa way to avoid doing this. >> slow down when it's raining. before you start driving, check your air pressure on your vehicles. low tire will cause it to hydroplane much, much quicker than it would a properly inflated tire. >> reporter: slow down. now, with more cars on the road for the morning commute, it's going to get ugly out there. it already is out there. if you have the choice of taking the train, it might be your best bet. don't forget your umbrella. matt keller, abc 7 news. >> thank you, matt. a wet drive across the golden gate. southbound highway 101 coming into the city. the highway patrol urging everyone to take it easy on their morning commute. >> in marin county, you will see a lot of sandbags out there. folks poured into the goodman building supply. it was busy ahead of this storm. >> panicking a little bit. they don't want damage to be done to their house. they are coming in and protecting their homes. >> heavy duty tarp to cover the trampoline to keep it in great condition. and then we also have some other things outdoors, so i'm getting another tarp for that. >> during the last big storm, goodman's sold out of most of their rain supplies and this time around, they doubled their inventory. >> abc 7 news was in the east bay as the rain was coming down hard in newark. you can see how much was pounding the pavement. many drives were taking it slow on the road. they like what they are seeing. >> very good. we need more rain. maybe it will help the drought. that would be great. >> reporter: you have your umbrella, too. >> that's right. we cannot wait for lake tahoe. we hope there is a lot of snow there. >> no flooding issues, but it was slick. bad weather is being blamed for a small plane forced to make an emergency landing in the east bay. check this out. the cessna landed at the alameda air station. it's no longer in operation. the good news is the pilot was the only one on the plane. he was not hurt. a crew removed the plane from the abandoned runway. we want to remind you to download the abc 7 news app. it is the best way to know what's going on where you live. i want to show you the home screen. it that has jackknifed big rig for you. we have push alerts on the situation if you are traveling eastbound on the bay bridge. it's been a mess. you can get hour to hour information on the weather and when we'll get relief in sight. i can tell you, the rain is coming down all morning long. make sure you enable the push alerts. you know what is going on throughout the morning. other news, vice president joe biden's political career may not be coming to an end. he tops the short list to be the next secretary of state if hillary clinton becomes president. this, according to politico. it is siting a source familiar with the clinton transition team. apparently, no one told the v.p. now that the report is out, he already knows by now. clinton's camp is strategizing to persuade the vp to take the spot should she win. >> clinton has to win the election first. president obama is joining her in orlando today. yesterday, she brought michelle obama to a rally in north carolina. >> hillary doesn't play. she has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime. >> clinton is dealing with more wikileaks releases. some of the latest not authenticated by abc news. on the other side, donald trump has three scheduled rallies in three states today. >> we have new video today from laguardia airport. it shows republican vice president nominee mike pence's plane getting towed away from the runway overnight. the charter jet skidded off that runway after making a rough landing late yesterday. pence and everyone on board just fine. in fact, pence is back campaigning this morning. also this morning, ntsb trying to the plane was coming in too fast and overshot the runway in the rain. the only -- stopped it -- >> served their purpose tonight, we are not going to speculate on the cause of the -- >> the runway remains closed right now. >> happening today, two drifters charged with murdering a tourist in golden gate park and a hiker in fair fax are set to be arraigned. 19 yeermd lila and 24-year-old are expected to enter pleas during the hearing. they are accused in the deaths of audrey and stephen in october. the former co-defendant seen there on the very right of your screen testified for the prosecution as part of a plea deal. he said the murders were carried out while the trio was on drugs. we have been keeping track of this since 5:00 a.m. i want to step out of the way to see the clean up efforts. eastbound, the lower deck of the bay bridge, we have quite the emergency response from the jackknifed semi. we heard from amy hollyfield, this is going to be here for a while. that's the back end, the trailer, the actual cab is disconnected from that. we have all kind of response out there. firefighters, chp and they are working on closures, too. the far right lane is getting by right now. that's the only lane that is open. if you are coming in from the san francisco area, you are being diverted off 80 at 4th. ic get on at sterling. it is a slow crawl from there. yeah, we have a fuel spill involved as well. that is going to hamper the clean up efforts as well. live doppler 7 on top of the traffic maps, this is not the only blocking issue this morning. it's been so busy with this major incident on the lower deck of the bridge. northbound 280 before 4th still have the two right lanes blocked there in san jose. a quick check of drive times, high way 4 to the maze, 34 minutes. bay bridge, 25 minutes. let's check in with mike nicco. we knew it would be stuff. we have hydroplaning and standing water. >> i thought i would look at the bridges because it's where it's more prevalent. you can see on live doppler 7, just updated there, light to moderate rain there. across the richmond san rafael bridge, san mateo bridge, same thing. dunb dumbarton bridge getting wet again. if you are trying to get into or out of sfo, delays are 30 minutes. if you are commuting standing water through the morning commute. everything is wet. you may be able to get in a bike ride later on. good news, it is fairly calm. almost 3/4 inch of rain on the san mateo bridge. temperatures in the 60s the next couple days with more rain. i'll have a look at that next. >> thank you, mike. a massive scam that reached to india. plus, uber says it is ready to fly, literally. the new clues about the possibility we could one day commute in the sky. back live to the bay bridge where the big back up leaving san francisco as crews work to welcome back. we want to get to the breaking news we have been following throughout the morning. a big rig crash leaving san francisco. >> you can see the picture chp tweeted out and shows the problem there. it makes for a huge mess for people trying to leave the city. amy hollyfield in san francisco and got new information, amy. what's happening? >> reporter: reggie, we just heard what the driver said happened. he said a car cut him off. he lost control, hit a wall and then jackknifed, now blocking all these lanes. chp working to confirm that, looking for witnesses to come forward and tell them what they saw. they are going to investigate whether high speed or rain played a role in this as well. they are thinking that these lanes, all but one, eastbound into oakland are going to be closed for another two to three hours. they have to clean up this truck and its trailer, but they have to clean up the fuel spill, at least 50 gallons of fuel spilled here. the smell is strong. we understand fish and game are called out here to make sure it's kept from spilling into the bay. they have a hazmat situation along with a traffic situation. the driver is okay. they say that's a miracle. the cab is mangled. he was in a seatbelt and got out and walked away. they have taken him to the hospital to be checked out just in case to make sure he is all right. if you can take bart or avoid a trip to the east bay, that would be a good plan. amy hollyfield abc 7 news. >> public transportation is the best advice this morning. amy, thank you. meanwhile, more news to get to. the feds are looking for an oakland man charged with an elaborate scam. jerry norris and 60 others tricked 15,000 americans out of $300 million. they posed as tax and immigration agents and threatened arrest if they didn't send money for bogus, unpaid taxes. one victim hopes her nightmare will serve as a tale to others. >> just stop and think, you know, you don't -- i don't think there's a government entity out there that demands some sort of immediate action. >> the scam lasted a total of three years. according to the san francisco chronicle, at least seven people in the bay area fell victim to the scammers. a hayward resident paid the most, $136,000. there is a new clue about the health of the economy coming from a surprising source. jane king is live at the nasdaq with that story and more. >> good morning to you. key to how the economy is doing found at the cheesecake factory? they are having to pay their workers more. that's the sign of a tightening lab labor market and the pay increases passed down to customers. that means inflation. uber is working on a flyer car called uber elevate. the network of electric aircraft will be able to take off and land vertically. no the aircraft will enable rapid, reliable transportation between suburbs and cities then within cities themselves. all within ten years. starbucks bringing back the frappula frappuccino made with white chocolate, and strawberry puree to look like blood. the s&p and nasdaq just turned positive. amazon down 5% on a weak holiday forecast. life in the nasdaq market site in times square. i'm jane king. back to you. of course we are going to get back to this major issue eastbound lower deck of the bay bridge on the san francisco side. no change. we got the live report from amy hollyfield. major clean ups under way. as we pan to the right you can see the far right lane is getting by. that is it. the onramp from first and essex are closed. you are being diverted between 4th and back on at sterling. this is the jackknifed semi. you mentioned the fuel spill, a lot was leaking. fish and wildlife has been called out to make sure everything is okay. they were worried it was leaking into the drainage system, however the fire department was able to contain that at 5:30. that is good. that sounds like it is not going to be a major environmental issue this morning. eastbound 80, able to get on at sterling. 13 miles per hour and 6 miles per hour as you get closer. it is wet everywhere this morning. a ton of solo spin out crashes. the richmond side of the bridge. check out the puddles they are filling up. let's check in with mike nicco. >> we had heavier stuff earlier this morning. we talked this was going ton overnight and through the morning storm. we had 3/4 inch of rain in san francisco. storm impact still a two even though it's the tail end of the storm. there's a chance of moderate rain that could get up to an inch in storm totals. here is a look at san rafael. look how slow 101 is. more than a half inch here. heavier rain coming your way. steady rains to tapering to showers. scattered showers tomorrow, steady and breezy through sunday morning. remember the two storms that were going to squeeze us? here you go, a low to the south. the low to the south, you can see the yellow developing and move to the south bay. we are going to get light to moderate rain. that means more ponding on the roadways. the heavier stuff along the front. red stuff in marin county. the heaviest of the radar returns, the yellows and the orange right there moving through southern petaluma along 101 and 116 heading up toward magnolia avenue. now, let's put this into motion. look what happens. this is the last push. scattered by noon and isolated by 7:00 this evening. isolated showers overnight. most of saturday quiet. sunday morning, that's when we are going to get the steady rain. the totals, by the time we get to sunday evening, one to two inches. my accuweather seven day forecast, a slight chance of sprinkles monday late in the evening hours. trick or treating, a better chance tuesday. >> mike, thank you. we are back in 90 seconds with the seven things you need to know. you can see the jackknifed semi causing a mess on the bay bridge. traffic moving in one lane but it's going slow. there is a back up. the big mess, if you are heading east. we'll be right back. 6:54. whether you are just joining us or going out the door, here is what you need to know. the bay bridge leaving san francisco, a big rig driver lost control, crashed into a wall after being cut off by another driver. he wasn't hurt. >> that is causing big headaches in the san francisco area. that is spilling over on to northbound 101. eastbound 80 drivers are forced off at 4th. get back on at sterling. we have a tow company on scene trying to secure the trailer. once that do that, they should be able to have two lanes open. >> check out live doppler 7, yellows, ongs in the north bay and south bay. expect moderate to heavy rain through 9:00. it will taper to scattered showers as we head toward lunch. be careful. >> flooding is the concern for people across the bay area as the rain continues to come down. officials in concord set up a 24 hour sandbag station to help residents prepare. crews are working to clean up a runway at laguardia airport after mike pence's plane skidded off it. nobody was hurt. the board of supervisors committee holding a meeting on safety standards. the meeting was called in the wake of the sinking and tilting millennium tower. sharks officials trying to figure out why power went out at the sap center. it took 20 minutes to get the lights back on. the sharks went on to win, 3-1. >> it's been a morning. >> fast moving for us. maybe not you at home. >> best advice yet. >> amy had the best advice. if you are going eastbound on the bridge, quit. forget about it. stay at proposition 61 is a very, very important step forward. for tand i thank the people of california for putting it on pharmacepathe ballot.ry. e... so when drug companies spend $100 million dollars lying about how prop sixty-one will affect veterans... i get angry. sixty-one will help lower costs for everyone, including vets. believe me. not them. vote yes on sixty-one. good morning, america. breaking overnight, terrifying moments on the tarmac. vp nominee, mike pence's plane skidding off a new york runway after landing in a storm. the airport shutting down. emergency crews on the scene. >> it was pretty close to grave, grave danger, but i just spoke to mike pence, and he's fine. >> the safety measure that prevented disaster. governor pence joins us this morning. breaking right now, our brand-new poll shows a four-point race as hillary calls on her most powerful weapon joining michelle obama on the trail for the first time. >> she is absolutely ready to be commander in chief on day one and, yes, she happens to be a woman. the first lady dancing with the nominee with just 11 days to go.

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20161028 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20161028

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up. the radar returns. the solid line of light to dark green. this is what i want to focus in on, this yellow and orange coming up. moderate rain coming your way. in san rafael, a half inch of rain. the rain is fairly light right now on highway 101 south. we are going to have steady, light to moderate rain. it's going to taper to scattered by noon, isolated by 7:00. >> mike, thank you. you know, we have been seeing that steady rain come down throughout the bay area. i think alexis said 20 cars that crashed at some point, even just by themselves spinning out. a big concern everywhere. >> yes, including the south bay getting rain. matt keller lives in the south bay. you know how much you kind of miss over the past few storms. >> reporter: yes, we know. we drove from san jose to redwood city. in the south bay it was raining. in redwood city, if you are waking up, it is still raining. the beautiful sign proclaiming we are in redwood city and a lot of people are walking, no, they are running to peet's coffee to get something to drink and stay dry. lot of people are taking public transportation. the cal trans passengers could avoid the traffic, but not the rain. getting creative to stay dry. how did you design oncoming up with this plastic sheet? >> i couldn't find my umbrella. i knew i was going to find a bag somewhere. then put it on me. >> reporter: great, so, this is going to do the job for you, right? >> yes. >> reporter: if you are hitting the roads, slow down. chp says this ford explorer lost control at 880 and the parkway overnight. it ended up in a field. chp says there were minor injuries in all the crashes overnight. don't be caught off guard by the rain. i have my abc 7 news app up to track the radar and let me know what's happening in redwood city. it's raining. go to the app store and download it to get the information for you at home. live in redwood city, matt keller. >> i like her style. thank you. in san francisco, a similar sty. this is all the rage in the bay area as people are caught off guard. this is on 19th avenue. you know, although a lot of people are embracing the rain, some people were over it. >> this is kind of a little annoyance. i mean, i guess we need to have it. i would rather it be summer and be sunny. what am i going to tell you? >> san francisco, always unpredictable. why not sometimes rain. >> what are you talking about. he said summer in san francisco. i don't know where he was. it wasn't sunny and warm here. of course other people were prepared with umbrellas. so far the rain isn't causing major proms in the loma area. authorities are concerned the scorched earth is prone to mud and rock slides. we will continue to watch that. >> of course you can track the starm with the abc 7 news app. you can get a live doppler 7 image there for you and you can track exactly where the storm is going. you can also see hour-by-hour the weather that is going to affect you where you live. you can enable push alerts and get updates as soon as alexis or mike see something change in either traffic or, of course, the weather. it will be there on your phone or tablet. very handy as everything continues to change throughout the morning. >> more weather updates in a moment. right now, emeryville police immediate your help tracking down an armed robber. the man on the left walked into a nordstrom rack, ripped security cables and took off. he left behind the backpack in the image. the suspect's picture is blurry. they hope the backpack will lead you to him. security guards chased after the man. he pulled out a gun and pointed it at them so they ran off. the suspect took off on a bike. call emeryville police if you have information. stalked, beaten and robbed. that's what freemont police say happened to a 55-year-old woman after he left a casino. police arrested barry and his girlfriend darlene in connection with the crime. heisnor faces an attempted murder charge. she was walking up to her front door at 1:00 a.m. when a man attacked her, hitting her multiple times on the back of the head and stole her purse. freemont police checked video from the casino where she was gambling. he followed her around the casino and out of the parking lot. >> who put that is much effort into hurting another human being or stalking somebody? they could have put that much effort into getting a job. >> investigators found the purse and the flashlight at the couple's home. dmv didn't have a disaster recovery system in place when a computer glitch wiped out most of the operations. dmv should have had the primary and back-up systems separated with independent power supplies. seems to make sense. the outage was triggered by hard drive failures in both systems. both were in the same hardware cabinet. only a few offices across the state remain affected including concord and san jose. bart is about to get more transparent. not the cars themselves, though. according to the examine, bart's board of directors approved a measure to improve salaries, spending and parts inventory. it is projected to cost bart $250,000. now, they are planning a user friendly website to view the data. they could introduce it by next summer. tucson police release video of a shocking shootout between police and a suspect. the fight over for the raiders. why the billionaire backing the las vegas stadium is crying foul this morning. the most urgent news this morning, what is going on on the bay bridge? you are looking live at harrison and second where our reporter, amy hollyfield is making her way over to the bay bridge where we are experiencing major delays because of a crash that could be affecting the we have a lot of crashes out there this morning. the biggest one is definitely the lower deck of the bay bridge. eastbound 80 trying to clean up this jackknifed semi. it happened just about 5:00 this morning. sit blocking all lanes except the far right lane. it is a sig alert. right now, eastbound 80 drivers are being diverted off 4th and back on at sterling. we have hefty delays there. back to the 101. amy hollyfield is trying to get there. she is being forced through the detour at the moment. nobody 280 before 4th street, a vehicle went off the roadway an hour ago. we have emergency response on the scene there blocking the two right lanes. one live pick dhur here, a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it is soggy and slow. mike you have been telling us this is going to happen all week. >> we knew this was the bigger of the storms and it was going touch the south bay. a look at 280 and 17 where we had nearly a half inch of rain so far. let's look at live doppler 7. 29, 121 all wet. it goes across the bridge, hercules to san pablo and 680, walnut creek, piedmont, oakland, berkeley, across the bay bridge to san francisco and the golden gate. everybody touched by wet weather this morning. temperatures mid to upper 60s. a few 70s tomorrow inland where it's not going to rain. it's going to be cooler and wet once again sunday. i'll have a detailed forecast hour-by-hour on that coming up next. >> mike, thank you. a popular new treatment to blast away fat without surgery. could it actually be making patients fatter? their reality tv show is called "flip or flop." fans of this couple are saying they are the flop. we'llics plain. back ups like these as people are trying to get on to the bay bridge this morning. that crash continues to be a problem and will be one for many hours. amy hollyfield and her crew are trying to mak of bad breath germs% for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerineĀ®. bring out the boldā„¢ psh psh lunch is ready! campbell's spider-man soups. made for real, real life. thanks mom so i got your test results an allergy to cat dander.w there are options, but the most effective course of action would be to remove the source of the allergens. he's got a name. it's herbert. as long as you live with herbert, you're going to have the respiratory symptoms. and i'll have the joy that only a kitty cat can bring. okay, well there are some things we can do to minimize the impact. allergy shots, a nasal steroid... does that sound doable? i'm in. at john muir health, we know how big the little things can be. john muir health. be heard. we are continuing to track that breaking news on the bay bridge leaving san francisco. >> you can see traffic leaving the city as quickly backing up. we want to get to amy hollyfield. at last check you were at 2nd ant bryant. have you moved at all? >> reporter: jessica, we are having a hard time. it's taken us 15 minutes to go around the block. my advice for you, if you are watching this and planning to go from san francisco to the east bay is to stay home. i would give up, unless you have a ton of time and a lot of patience. we are on city streets right now. we haven't made it to the bridge and we are barely moving. we did try to get on to the onramp at 3rd street. they wouldn't let us on. that was closed. when we rolled down our window to talk to the officer there, we smelled gas. we could smell the fuel spill they are dealing with on the bay bridge. as soon as we get there, we will ask questions. i think it will take us some time to get there. we are on bryant, i can see the onramp and cars are being allowed on. we are going to get there soon and get you some pictures. again, unless you have a lot of time, you may want to abort mission. if you are headed from the east bay into the city, that was no problem, we couldn't see the problem there. it was the deck below us. other drivers couldn't see it. no one was slowing down to look. we got into the city no problem from concord. it's circling back and trying to get on to the bridge where we are having our struggles. we will keep you posted. i'm tweeting. we'll get live pictures as soon as we get up there. i wanted to let you know it is slow going on the city streits of san francisco near the bridge. reporting live from san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> that was the best advice ever, give up. thank you, aimy, we appreciate your honesty. >> we will check in with her as soon as we can for an update on the situation there. police in tucson released dashcam that showed the moment officers got into a shootout there. [ gunfire ] >> wow. when you saw a man there on the ground. it started monday night when two officers tried to pull over a man on a motorized bike for traffic violations. the suspect took off and fired at the squad car. he ditched the bike and ran. he kept shooting. one bullet grazed an officer's head. the suspect is stable and faces an attempted first degree murder charge. the injured officer has been released from the hospital. a popular house flipping couple on hgtv is responding about their workshops. they host the show, "flip or flop." their names are on a semibut it's run by zurixx. some felt misled because they aren't actually there. zurixx is responding saying they don't advertise the stars will be there. gma caught up with kristina. >> i stand by the product. it's our tools and our system. i have heard minimal complaints. if i felt a lot of people felt that way, we would make a change. some celebrities have sworn by a noninvasive procedure that uses cold temperatures to reduce fat. new research shows freezing off your fat may actually backfire and produce more fat. it happened in some rare cases according to a study in 2014. a follow up study published in laser and medicine found they are likely underreported. some doctors tell "people" magazine they shied away from using cool sculpting. in some cases the fat does increase and the areas get lumpy or uneven. a rep from a casino mogul is disputing a report he would walk away from the deal. we told you yesterday about reuters that said a billionaire, sheldon adelson would say bye bye if they didn't want the deal. it came from tel-aviv. yesterday, his right hand man said it was taken out of context and everything is moving along. if you have been following along since 5:00 this morning, you probably know we have a major headache on the lower deck of the bay bridge. this has been a fluid situation. it has changed locations and the closures have changed. eastbound 80, originally we heard about a jackknifed semi around treasure island. they moved it significantly to the san francisco side. all traffic is being diverted at 4th and back on at sterling. we saw from amy hollyfield, she's being diverted on to the surface streets. that is really a slow crawl. we have the rain and other folks trying to do the same thing. northbound 880, a crash past west grand. reports of a crash on the southbound side as well around 16th. you can use 580 to avoid that. a live look outside bay bridge toll plaza, the meters lights have been on for an hour. it is just a mess out there this morning. let's check in with meteorologist mike nicco. it looks like we have heavier stuff pushing in to the north bay. >> we do. i'm going to show some of the other bridges this morning. here is a look at the richmond san rafael. you can see a light, steady rain there. .82 rain of the the last couple hours. yellows and oranges, moderate to heavy rain in francis drake and lucas valley. it's going to hit 101 and go up to petaluma, santa rosa and all neighborhoods up there. expect an increase and more ponding on 101 and secondary streets over the next hour or so. coming up from the south, look at that. more steady, light to moderate rain moving across the south bay. i'm breathing a sigh of relief while you deal with that. i kept promising you you were getting a good soaking. here is a look at the san mateo bridge where we had nearly .8 inch of rain. look how slow it is westbound right now. steady rain to steady showers today. scattered light showers tomorrow. steady rain and breezy sunday. i'm keeping the storm at a two on the impact scale. up to an inch possible. mountains more than an inch. thunder is possible to the south of us. sunday, the best chance of scattered showers. all of us are going to get wet with a steady rain sunday morning. >> mike, thank you. of course, alexis is going to have an update for you on what is happening on the bay bridge. that is the biggest issue of the morning this morning. the warriors are back on the this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. let's take a live look at the scene here. this is eastbound on the bay bridge. we have a crew on the field now. amy hollyfield along with her photographer weeded through traffic. this is what we are dealing with, a jackknifed semi along with a fuel spill. amy said she could smell it. >> what a mess. thank you so much. the regular season is under way for the warriors. we have a question about buying basketball tickets. >> seven on your side's michael finney has the answer. >> where is the best place to get warriors tickets to make sure they are not counterfeit? >> hi, alicia. it was fun talking to you. thanks for showing up. always by buy your tickets from a trusted site like ticketmaster or buying from craigslist is always a gamble. if the tickets are under priced, even just a little bit, they are probably a rip off of some sort. safe links you can use on our website, alicia, good question and enjoy the game. >> if you have a question for michael finney record it on your smartphone or tablet and use #askfinney. you might see your question answered like that on abc 7 mornings. coming up, a look at the damage of a plane carrying vice presidential candidate mike pence when it skidded off the runway in laguardia. >> more problems in laguardia. we have a major headache this morning on the bay bridge. the eastbound side. if you are traveling, we have long delays there and we have a crew live on the scene. we can see the back was mr. bonejanglesny expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price? of course not. he's a dog. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. you made it to are you going to make it to the east bay? the top story, a big rig making it tough for people to leave the city. >> we have team coverage starting the amy hollyfield. you are there on scene for us, amy. what's going on? >> reporter: hi, jessica, good morning. one lane of traffic is open. only one lane of cars eastbound from san francisco. if you need to get to the east bay -- probably good to show what people are seeing. >> reporter: you want to consider public transportation. we are dealing with a fuel spill up here, not only a jackknifed big rig, but we can smell fuel. we were advicedd vised of where we can stand because of fuel rolling downhill toward us. that is one more thing they are dealing with. they think all the lanes but one will be shut down for the next few hours. they are putting it at hours. they won't give a specific time, they just don't know. i asked what happened. they said they are not sure at this point. rain may have been a factor. they are looking at the cause and what happened. the driver is okay, but was taken to the hospital as a preindication nar measure. they are going to check him out to make sure he doesn't have major injuries. 100 gallons of fuel were on board. one tank ruptured. at least 50 gallons of fuel spilled. they don't think the other tank was compromised. you have closures that we need to tell you ant. the onramp at 1st essex and 5th street are all closed. it's a struggle to get on to the bridg bridge it took us 15 minutes to get around the block. public transportation is an option you should consider if you can skip going to the east bay all together. live from the bay bridge, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> amy, thank you. you can certainly see the huge operation there trying to remove that truck. of course, alexis has been tracking this all morning for us. alexis? >> yeah. you heard amy mention the fuel spill involved as well. they were worried about that getting into the drainage system on the lower deck. fish and wildlife are going to have to come out. i don't think it is going to clear for hours. this has been fluid here. eastbound 80, at first, we had a crash reported with a jackknifed semi. treasure island, it has been shifted closer to san francisco now. as amy mentioned, you are diverted between 4th. you can get on 80 at sterling. this is a problem on a very wet morning. mike, you have been trying to show the other bridges. it is wet everywhere out there. srk it is wet. that is the key. we need to slow down and take caution. red hill boulevard, sir francis drake, the yellows, oranges, more moderate rain, the ponding and standing water as we head through marin and sonoma county. san rafael to petaluma getting inundated right now. more rain coming back to the south bay. already had a half inch here. 101 and 880, a wet commute for all of us. it will change from rain to scattered showers by noon, isolated for the afternoon and evening hours. easily, this is going to be the toughest commute in the hardest part of the storm to deal with. >> thank you. >> a lot of our storms have been missing the south bay. this time, it is getting hit hard. you need to plan ahead. >> as we have been saying throughout the morning, if you don't want to drive, public transit is a great option. abc 7 news reporter matt keller is live. hi, matt. >> reporter: good morning, jessica. good morning, reggie. we moved to the cal trans station. a minute and a half ago, dozens and dozens of people got on cal train going northbound to san francisco. they are avoiding the roads and traffic and crashes that could be out there, potentially on the road. of course you need to remember to bring your umbrella, bring your jacket and stay dry when using public transportation. what a mess it was overnight. getting wet isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. look at highway 87. chp says she was going too fast for the conditions. the car got squirrely. she overcorrected and ended on top of the wall that separates the highway and the vta crash. there's wa way to avoid doing this. >> slow down when it's raining. before you start driving, check your air pressure on your vehicles. low tire will cause it to hydroplane much, much quicker than it would a properly inflated tire. >> reporter: slow down. now, with more cars on the road for the morning commute, it's going to get ugly out there. it already is out there. if you have the choice of taking the train, it might be your best bet. don't forget your umbrella. matt keller, abc 7 news. >> thank you, matt. a wet drive across the golden gate. southbound highway 101 coming into the city. the highway patrol urging everyone to take it easy on their morning commute. >> in marin county, you will see a lot of sandbags out there. folks poured into the goodman building supply. it was busy ahead of this storm. >> panicking a little bit. they don't want damage to be done to their house. they are coming in and protecting their homes. >> heavy duty tarp to cover the trampoline to keep it in great condition. and then we also have some other things outdoors, so i'm getting another tarp for that. >> during the last big storm, goodman's sold out of most of their rain supplies and this time around, they doubled their inventory. >> abc 7 news was in the east bay as the rain was coming down hard in newark. you can see how much was pounding the pavement. many drives were taking it slow on the road. they like what they are seeing. >> very good. we need more rain. maybe it will help the drought. that would be great. >> reporter: you have your umbrella, too. >> that's right. we cannot wait for lake tahoe. we hope there is a lot of snow there. >> no flooding issues, but it was slick. bad weather is being blamed for a small plane forced to make an emergency landing in the east bay. check this out. the cessna landed at the alameda air station. it's no longer in operation. the good news is the pilot was the only one on the plane. he was not hurt. a crew removed the plane from the abandoned runway. we want to remind you to download the abc 7 news app. it is the best way to know what's going on where you live. i want to show you the home screen. it that has jackknifed big rig for you. we have push alerts on the situation if you are traveling eastbound on the bay bridge. it's been a mess. you can get hour to hour information on the weather and when we'll get relief in sight. i can tell you, the rain is coming down all morning long. make sure you enable the push alerts. you know what is going on throughout the morning. other news, vice president joe biden's political career may not be coming to an end. he tops the short list to be the next secretary of state if hillary clinton becomes president. this, according to politico. it is siting a source familiar with the clinton transition team. apparently, no one told the v.p. now that the report is out, he already knows by now. clinton's camp is strategizing to persuade the vp to take the spot should she win. >> clinton has to win the election first. president obama is joining her in orlando today. yesterday, she brought michelle obama to a rally in north carolina. >> hillary doesn't play. she has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime. >> clinton is dealing with more wikileaks releases. some of the latest not authenticated by abc news. on the other side, donald trump has three scheduled rallies in three states today. >> we have new video today from laguardia airport. it shows republican vice president nominee mike pence's plane getting towed away from the runway overnight. the charter jet skidded off that runway after making a rough landing late yesterday. pence and everyone on board just fine. in fact, pence is back campaigning this morning. also this morning, ntsb trying to the plane was coming in too fast and overshot the runway in the rain. the only -- stopped it -- >> served their purpose tonight, we are not going to speculate on the cause of the -- >> the runway remains closed right now. >> happening today, two drifters charged with murdering a tourist in golden gate park and a hiker in fair fax are set to be arraigned. 19 yeermd lila and 24-year-old are expected to enter pleas during the hearing. they are accused in the deaths of audrey and stephen in october. the former co-defendant seen there on the very right of your screen testified for the prosecution as part of a plea deal. he said the murders were carried out while the trio was on drugs. we have been keeping track of this since 5:00 a.m. i want to step out of the way to see the clean up efforts. eastbound, the lower deck of the bay bridge, we have quite the emergency response from the jackknifed semi. we heard from amy hollyfield, this is going to be here for a while. that's the back end, the trailer, the actual cab is disconnected from that. we have all kind of response out there. firefighters, chp and they are working on closures, too. the far right lane is getting by right now. that's the only lane that is open. if you are coming in from the san francisco area, you are being diverted off 80 at 4th. ic get on at sterling. it is a slow crawl from there. yeah, we have a fuel spill involved as well. that is going to hamper the clean up efforts as well. live doppler 7 on top of the traffic maps, this is not the only blocking issue this morning. it's been so busy with this major incident on the lower deck of the bridge. northbound 280 before 4th still have the two right lanes blocked there in san jose. a quick check of drive times, high way 4 to the maze, 34 minutes. bay bridge, 25 minutes. let's check in with mike nicco. we knew it would be stuff. we have hydroplaning and standing water. >> i thought i would look at the bridges because it's where it's more prevalent. you can see on live doppler 7, just updated there, light to moderate rain there. across the richmond san rafael bridge, san mateo bridge, same thing. dunb dumbarton bridge getting wet again. if you are trying to get into or out of sfo, delays are 30 minutes. if you are commuting standing water through the morning commute. everything is wet. you may be able to get in a bike ride later on. good news, it is fairly calm. almost 3/4 inch of rain on the san mateo bridge. temperatures in the 60s the next couple days with more rain. i'll have a look at that next. >> thank you, mike. a massive scam that reached to india. plus, uber says it is ready to fly, literally. the new clues about the possibility we could one day commute in the sky. back live to the bay bridge where the big back up leaving san francisco as crews work to welcome back. we want to get to the breaking news we have been following throughout the morning. a big rig crash leaving san francisco. >> you can see the picture chp tweeted out and shows the problem there. it makes for a huge mess for people trying to leave the city. amy hollyfield in san francisco and got new information, amy. what's happening? >> reporter: reggie, we just heard what the driver said happened. he said a car cut him off. he lost control, hit a wall and then jackknifed, now blocking all these lanes. chp working to confirm that, looking for witnesses to come forward and tell them what they saw. they are going to investigate whether high speed or rain played a role in this as well. they are thinking that these lanes, all but one, eastbound into oakland are going to be closed for another two to three hours. they have to clean up this truck and its trailer, but they have to clean up the fuel spill, at least 50 gallons of fuel spilled here. the smell is strong. we understand fish and game are called out here to make sure it's kept from spilling into the bay. they have a hazmat situation along with a traffic situation. the driver is okay. they say that's a miracle. the cab is mangled. he was in a seatbelt and got out and walked away. they have taken him to the hospital to be checked out just in case to make sure he is all right. if you can take bart or avoid a trip to the east bay, that would be a good plan. amy hollyfield abc 7 news. >> public transportation is the best advice this morning. amy, thank you. meanwhile, more news to get to. the feds are looking for an oakland man charged with an elaborate scam. jerry norris and 60 others tricked 15,000 americans out of $300 million. they posed as tax and immigration agents and threatened arrest if they didn't send money for bogus, unpaid taxes. one victim hopes her nightmare will serve as a tale to others. >> just stop and think, you know, you don't -- i don't think there's a government entity out there that demands some sort of immediate action. >> the scam lasted a total of three years. according to the san francisco chronicle, at least seven people in the bay area fell victim to the scammers. a hayward resident paid the most, $136,000. there is a new clue about the health of the economy coming from a surprising source. jane king is live at the nasdaq with that story and more. >> good morning to you. key to how the economy is doing found at the cheesecake factory? they are having to pay their workers more. that's the sign of a tightening lab labor market and the pay increases passed down to customers. that means inflation. uber is working on a flyer car called uber elevate. the network of electric aircraft will be able to take off and land vertically. no the aircraft will enable rapid, reliable transportation between suburbs and cities then within cities themselves. all within ten years. starbucks bringing back the frappula frappuccino made with white chocolate, and strawberry puree to look like blood. the s&p and nasdaq just turned positive. amazon down 5% on a weak holiday forecast. life in the nasdaq market site in times square. i'm jane king. back to you. of course we are going to get back to this major issue eastbound lower deck of the bay bridge on the san francisco side. no change. we got the live report from amy hollyfield. major clean ups under way. as we pan to the right you can see the far right lane is getting by. that is it. the onramp from first and essex are closed. you are being diverted between 4th and back on at sterling. this is the jackknifed semi. you mentioned the fuel spill, a lot was leaking. fish and wildlife has been called out to make sure everything is okay. they were worried it was leaking into the drainage system, however the fire department was able to contain that at 5:30. that is good. that sounds like it is not going to be a major environmental issue this morning. eastbound 80, able to get on at sterling. 13 miles per hour and 6 miles per hour as you get closer. it is wet everywhere this morning. a ton of solo spin out crashes. the richmond side of the bridge. check out the puddles they are filling up. let's check in with mike nicco. >> we had heavier stuff earlier this morning. we talked this was going ton overnight and through the morning storm. we had 3/4 inch of rain in san francisco. storm impact still a two even though it's the tail end of the storm. there's a chance of moderate rain that could get up to an inch in storm totals. here is a look at san rafael. look how slow 101 is. more than a half inch here. heavier rain coming your way. steady rains to tapering to showers. scattered showers tomorrow, steady and breezy through sunday morning. remember the two storms that were going to squeeze us? here you go, a low to the south. the low to the south, you can see the yellow developing and move to the south bay. we are going to get light to moderate rain. that means more ponding on the roadways. the heavier stuff along the front. red stuff in marin county. the heaviest of the radar returns, the yellows and the orange right there moving through southern petaluma along 101 and 116 heading up toward magnolia avenue. now, let's put this into motion. look what happens. this is the last push. scattered by noon and isolated by 7:00 this evening. isolated showers overnight. most of saturday quiet. sunday morning, that's when we are going to get the steady rain. the totals, by the time we get to sunday evening, one to two inches. my accuweather seven day forecast, a slight chance of sprinkles monday late in the evening hours. trick or treating, a better chance tuesday. >> mike, thank you. we are back in 90 seconds with the seven things you need to know. you can see the jackknifed semi causing a mess on the bay bridge. traffic moving in one lane but it's going slow. there is a back up. the big mess, if you are heading east. we'll be right back. 6:54. whether you are just joining us or going out the door, here is what you need to know. the bay bridge leaving san francisco, a big rig driver lost control, crashed into a wall after being cut off by another driver. he wasn't hurt. >> that is causing big headaches in the san francisco area. that is spilling over on to northbound 101. eastbound 80 drivers are forced off at 4th. get back on at sterling. we have a tow company on scene trying to secure the trailer. once that do that, they should be able to have two lanes open. >> check out live doppler 7, yellows, ongs in the north bay and south bay. expect moderate to heavy rain through 9:00. it will taper to scattered showers as we head toward lunch. be careful. >> flooding is the concern for people across the bay area as the rain continues to come down. officials in concord set up a 24 hour sandbag station to help residents prepare. crews are working to clean up a runway at laguardia airport after mike pence's plane skidded off it. nobody was hurt. the board of supervisors committee holding a meeting on safety standards. the meeting was called in the wake of the sinking and tilting millennium tower. sharks officials trying to figure out why power went out at the sap center. it took 20 minutes to get the lights back on. the sharks went on to win, 3-1. >> it's been a morning. >> fast moving for us. maybe not you at home. >> best advice yet. >> amy had the best advice. if you are going eastbound on the bridge, quit. forget about it. stay at proposition 61 is a very, very important step forward. for tand i thank the people of california for putting it on pharmacepathe ballot.ry. e... so when drug companies spend $100 million dollars lying about how prop sixty-one will affect veterans... i get angry. sixty-one will help lower costs for everyone, including vets. believe me. not them. vote yes on sixty-one. good morning, america. breaking overnight, terrifying moments on the tarmac. vp nominee, mike pence's plane skidding off a new york runway after landing in a storm. the airport shutting down. emergency crews on the scene. >> it was pretty close to grave, grave danger, but i just spoke to mike pence, and he's fine. >> the safety measure that prevented disaster. governor pence joins us this morning. breaking right now, our brand-new poll shows a four-point race as hillary calls on her most powerful weapon joining michelle obama on the trail for the first time. >> she is absolutely ready to be commander in chief on day one and, yes, she happens to be a woman. the first lady dancing with the nominee with just 11 days to go.

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