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Bay. Clouds open up, hang out low to mid60s through the afternoon, isolated shower possible. Fade into the evening sky. Drizzle and fog at the coast this morning, drier, run in the low 60s with a slight chan of a shower there. I think really our best chance will be north bay mountains and east bay, if we see anything develop this afternoon. How about that morning commute. Hi, sue. Good morning, not a good one if youre traveling east shore freeway. A new accident for you, westbound 80 right before emeryville exit, mcarthur maze. Lets take a live shot outside. Three lanes blocked. You can see flares out. Chp on the scene. Multicars blocking the left lane, shoulder, right lane, on the shoulder up here you can see another car. Lanes are squeezing down from five to three. Traffic is now backing towards gillman and golden gate field. Chp looking for three flatbed tow trucks. Earlier stall on the bay bridge. Thats cleared. Thats good news. Metering lights not on. This will jam up east shore commute. No good alternate. Perhaps b. A. R. T. A major road closed following a deadly pedestrian accident. Reporter nick smith live at expressway. Nick. Reporter an adult male found unconscious feet from where im standing now. This is what we know now. Take a look at some of the video we not last night. San jose police tell us the man was killed when he was hit by a car around 9 00 p. M. Police received a call from 911. When they got here they found a male unconscious on the ground. The victim pronounced dead at the scene a short time later. Police say the driver who struck the man did stay at the scene and is cooperating with investigators and has not been cited. They are not releasing the name until they contact next of kin. They do believe the victim might have under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is still or alcohol. This should not impact the morning commute. Nick smithish abc 7 news. Thank you, nick. More developing news, a 7th Grade Student under arrest accused of sexually abusing students. Ronald guinto arrested at Mira Vista School. An Ongoing Investigation in the molestation allegations began in november while he was teaching at making Waves Academy. Police say a background check found nothing to prevent him from working with children. Abc News Reporter Amy Hollyfield will be live with the latest in the next half hour. The Sheriffs Department asking for help trying to find a missing man. Tyrone carter vanished two weeks ago. He didnt show up to work february 21st and has not contacted his family, kids, or friends every since. Last seen driving 1994 van, 3jrl 928 license plate. May have been heading to palmdale or lancaster in los angeles county, possibly to meet up with an unknown woman. A california woman in the hospital after spending 15 hours stranded in a deflated dinghy in the monterey bay. Now were hearing from the fisherman who helped rescue here. Katie marzullo live in the newsroom with the story. Katie. The 45yearold woman is being treated for hypothermia. Coast guard Officials Say her lifejacket really did save her life. When you hear the details youll understand how dire it could have been for her. Take a look at the map. Coast guard said she left from monterey wharf and was discovered a mile and a half off lovers point in pacific grove. The coast guard said the woman from san diego went out in a motorized inflatable boat to watch the sun set tuesday. At some point the boat started to lose air, motor fell off and it got dark and foggy. She shot off emergency flares that couldnt be seen in the fog. A crab boat spotted her and got her out of the water. That was the problem. The fog came in on her last night. She didnt know where she was or where to go or anything. Rickets said he always keeps an eye out for anything suspicious. Ultimately the coast guard got her out of the water and monterey firefighters got her to shore. No one reported her missing. The full story of her ordeal fuzzy this morning because of her condition. Live in the newsroom Katie Marzullo, abc 7 news. Thanks. Happening now, the first day of the conservative Political Action conference or cpac under way outside washington, d. C. Youre looking at a live picture from national harbor, maryland where top gop leaders are gathering for the annual meeting. You can see texas senator ted cruz on the stage speaking right now. The cpac brings in prospective president ial candidates. Speakers may be eyeing a run in 2016. Among speakers as we mentioned texas senator ted cruz, pennsylvania senator pat toomey, wisconsin congressman and former Vice President ial candidate paul ryan, new jersey governor chris christie, louisiana governor bobby jindal and florida senator marco rubio. Former Vice President ial candidate sarah palin is also expected to speak. New this morning as republicans gather at cpac, abc News Washington post poll shows strong support for Hillary Clinton and her possible president ial bid. The poll finds twothirds of americans would consider supporting clinton for president. A quarter of americans say they would definitely support the former first lady, senator, and secretary of state. Also new this morning, lawmakers in the embattled crimea region of ukraine will hold a vote 10 days from now to decide whether crimea should become part of russia. The new leader of the region said pro Russian Forces control all access to the strategic peninsula and blockaded all Ukrainian Military base that is have not yesterday surrendered. Meanwhile diplomatic efforts continue. Meanwhile yesterdays talks in paris went nowhere. Secretary of state john kerry is expected to sit down again today with russias foreign minister. Oakland mayor delivers her third state of the city address at the Oakland City Council chambers. Shes expected to call for building more than 7,000 Housing Units across the city, take advantage of the regions booming housing market. According to chronicle announce a companion plan to jerry browns successful proposal to bring new residents to the uptown area. The mayor says fast action needed as people leave San Francisco and other expensive cities in search of lower rent. Starting to dry off. This time we will be able to put aside umbrella for a while. Sure hope so. Other than stray shower possible this afternoon, definitely things are much quieter. Still a little drizzle possible for the morning commute. Take a look at rainfall amount. San jose. Hey, the 6 00 ferry leaving at 6 08. A little behind,. 15 sfo,. 25 downtown, a third napa,. 2, threequarters santa rosa. Moisture, visibility in santa rosa and mile and a half, mile quarter, dropped down in san jose. Thats where were finding worst visibilities. As far as forecast, beautiful, clouds around east bay hills this morning nestled in there, nice calm and cozy. By friday, saturday, a lot of sunshine, heat index, temperatures near 70, coast low to mid70s. Chance of rain in the afternoon hours sunday, for the rest of us monday morning. Be careful out there. Here is sue. Please do. A couple of things happening, first danville where weve got this accident northbound 680 before diablo. A truck blocking. See green watches. That is where weather affecting the roadways. Not necessarily rain right now but slick roads. Please use extra caution. Live shot, this accident in emeryville. It is just before mcarthur maze. Left lanes blocked, seven vehicles involved. Major backup, right shoulder, another car up here. All cars have damage. They called for three flatbed tow trucks. Youre looking at a 25minute drive from richmond to mcarthur maze. Once again, there really is no good alternate. Major delays this morning. B. A. R. T. Running on time. That might be a good one if youre an east bay commuter, matt, kristen. Thank you, sue. Time now, coming up daredevil landing bay area activist in jail. Well show you what they did. Coming up first, is safe way close to a sale . A company that could finalize a deal this week and whats holding up the purchase. Get this. A man takes photos of womens skirts and judges say its okay. The legal loophole behind the controversy. And the first thing that came to mind is, can i afford to go to the hospital . Now that ive got covered california, i know that if something happens to me that im covered. Im in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. Are you in . Visit coveredca. Com and get covered today. Time at 6 13, new details this morning on the sale of pleasanton gosh giant safe way. The deal could be finalized this week. Wall street journal server Capital Management is hoping to lock up a deal to buy the chain. The sale has been complicated by krogers bid to buy safe way. Kroger is the largest chain. Experts say they will probably win the battle because kroger safe way battle could cause antitrust concerns. A lot of talk this morning after a judge ruled its okay for a man to take photos up womens skirts. Massachusetts highest court said a man who took photos did not violate law. They say they were legal because they were not nude or partially nude. The court added while Upskirt Photos should be legal the state law is not written that way. Three california men out on bond after taking part in daredevil stunt to protest Large Consumer products companies. They are accused of using a zip line to unfurl this outside Procter Gamble in ohio. The protesters in greenpeace calling attention to palm oil in products. They say Palm Oil Comes to a supplier tied to tropical force destruction. In cincinnati, three Northern California men are identified as 34yearold charles long of oakland, 22yearold shawn obrien also of oakland and 28yearold Tyler Sanville of santa cruz. Weve got some big problems out there for commuters especially westbound 80. Lets check in with sue hall on the very latest on the huge accident. The very latest is, it is cleared from lanes. That is good news. Well get to that live shot in a second. We do have an accident in danville area. This is past diablo, a truck blocking right lane of traffic. Right on that curve, difficult to see. See the sensors. Green on the map means slick Road Conditions out there. Not necessarily rain but bad driving conditions, use extra caution. Lets go back to 80 emeryville, a live shot. The accident, multicars left lane just east of powell. Thats been cleared. Your backup now all the way to richmond, el cerrito. I just checked drive time, 35 minutes to get into the mcarthur maze. No delays once you get to toll plaza. Metering lights just turned on. That will change shortly. Good news is all lanes cleared emeryville. That hopefully will lighten things for east bay commute. Mike up on the roof with a look at the weather. A damp look, too. Thank you very much. Still pretty damp out here, a lot of residual moisture on the ground. A little trying to fall from the sky. Skies getting thinner. We can see a few breaks behind me in the cloud cover. I think for the most part going to stay cloudy with drizzle through 9 00. Where are those thunderstorms from last night . Over in the southern sierra creating thunderstorms and thundersnow. Heavy, fast falling snow around yosemite village, mammoth lake and lone pines. Thicker clouds across the north bay and a break behind that. Once we get that sun to come out, thats when were going to see atmosphere get dicey, a chance of stray shower develop towards the lunch hour and into the afternoon. Taking b. A. R. T. Low to mid50s, no matter what station youre going to or heading from or leaving from or wherever youre going. Its all mild this morning. Here is a look, see pretty clear over San Francisco. Clouds in the distance, brighter with isolated showers possible. Sunday night into monday mainly across north bay. Sunny and warmer next week. Not too bad, temperatures mid to upper 60s, upper 50s to low 60s. During the overnight hours going to be cooler by 5 to 10 degrees. Low 40s north bay mid to upper 40s through the bayshore out to the coast. San francisco about 50 degrees. Here is what happened during the last 12 hours. See the front going through. Not completely clear behind. Westerly flow that will keep the moisture in place through the early afternoon hours. Well get drier, the air will, as we head through the afternoon. Energy created from the sun in the natural lift by the wind hitting our mountains is why you see frequent he would nature of showers across north bay by noon. Then for the rest of us noon once the sun sets threat is over. Clearing skies and fog will wait for us more so tomorrow than this morning. Jumping ahead to 10 00 sunday morning rain around mendocino, lake counties. It will take until afternoon and evening hours to dip down into the north bay. Drizzle monday morning for all of us. Monday afternoon, its gone. A very light chance. In between, friday and saturday, heat index and sunshine, spring warmth 70, coast low to mid60s. Lose that hour, saturday night into sunday. Even warmer with more sunshine tuesday, wednesday of next week. A lot of snowfall in the sierra last 48 hours. Lets get that ski report from sue. Toyota tahoe report for you now. Yes, the snow has been falling. The base at squaw valley, 3 feet. Threehour drive, no chains required on 80 or 50 this hour. Alpine up to 6 foot base and heavenly has a little over 5 feet for their base as well. A pretty good ride up there. Lets take a look at other resorts, sierra at tahoe, just over 7 feet. A nice snow base there. About 10 new inches in the last 72 hours. No chains required here. Homewood just there last weekend, skiing really good. A little over 4 1 2 feet at the base. The summit looking at 4 foot base as well and a nice threehour drive. Theres a look at tahoe toyota report. Here is matt and kristen. Thank you, sue. Your smartphone is a target as a certain type of attack is up 400 in just over a year. New at 6 30, how this attack works and how you can protect Sensitive Information on your phone. Coming up, a security loophole with playstation 4. How children acting with inap and i know there are many myths out there about a reverse mortgage, so i want you to know the facts. There are currently no credit score or income requirements to qualify. You can get taxfree money from the equity in your home. You can use the money to pay off your current mortgage if you have one. The remaining money can be used for anything. Theres no monthly mortgage payments. And you still own your home call today to get your free guide and dvd. It explains how a governmentinsured reverse mortgage works. Theres no obligation. One reverse mortgage is a quicken loans company. Their licensed experts can answer all your questions. Call to find out what a great solution this can be. Dont wait, call now sue hall live, looking at 80s westbound east shore freeway, earlier accident just before the maze. Look at the damage its done. 40 minutes richland, el cerrito, metering lights have been turned on. New playstation a hit with gamers, young and old. Loophole could expose children to inappropriate content. Partnered exclusively with 7 on your side to reveal what parents can do to protect your kids. Here is Michael Finney. Reporter hey, good morning. The Sony Playstation 4 is one of the hottest selling gaming systems. Its Parental Controls can restrict content you might not want your children to see like violent games or adult content. But Consumer Report says you could be surprised by what the pl 4 Parental Controls do allow. Playstation 4s nba game is a favorite among these teams. Some playstation 4 games are strictly off limits. I make sure they are playing games i think are not too violent. You can block kids from playing games with Parental Controls. In Consumer Reports lab testers discovered theres other content you cant easily restrict. Playstation 4 lets them live stream any game they are playing, including adult games or mature rated games. Kids can view those live streams and comment on them and see here peoples comments even if you have Parental Controls on. Also potentially disturbing, preloaded on ps 4. Users who own playstation 4 camera can use it to capture video in their own living rooms and share it across playstation network. Anything goes. Those are available to view even if Parental Controls are cranked up to the maximum limit. You may feel safe if you have disabled internet browser in Parental Controls. Testers found that didnt block live screen video either. Sonys website does provide instructions for blocking the live stream or user generated content. It involves setting up what sony calls a subaccount for your child. We found it wasnt a very intuitive process. Consumer report says there are multiple steps and it isnt very clear. That was 7 on your sides Michael Finney reporting. We contacted sony and a playstation spokesperson told Us Playstation 4 is designed to help gamers share game play through popular social channels. Its unfortunate individuals may abuse this and share inappropriate content. Experienced in monitoring and violating terms of service. Were working in full cooperation to minnize instance. Ps 4 allows owners to block zubrus accounts from social media. If you have playstation 4 you can get step by step how to block live content on abc7news. Com. The news continues at 6 30 with todays top stories. Including soaker sweeping through the bay area late last night bringing heavy downpours. Well show you the hardesthit areas. A suspected child molester was fired from one Richmond School and hired by another. That story coming up. A look at live doppler 7. Thunderstorms from last night gone. Drizzle for the morning commute. Well talk about warm weather before another chance of rain this weekend in accuweather sevenday forecast. Slick roads out there. Youre looking at the metering lights on at the bay bridge. Looks like fasttrack and commuter lanes are getting by pretty nicely. Earlier accidents in emeryville resulted in this backup, backed up to el cerrito to richmond, about a 40minute drive there to th n philadelphia you can access a philly cheesesteak anytime, day or night. Just like you can acce anytime, day or night. There is only one way to celebrate this unique similarity. Witness the cheesesteak shuffle. Cheesesteak, cheesesteak its the cheesesteak shuffle huh every day, all day, cheesesteak, cheesesteak every night, all night cheesesteak, cheesesteak 9 a. M. Cheesesteak 2 p. M. Cheesesteak 4 a. M. Cheesesteak any time ruh geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Good thursday morning. Its 6 29. Lets take a live picture. You can see off in the distance mount diablo. See some clouds sitting over the mountain and over the region right now. Thats what we have. Getting through some soaking rain overnight. Thanks for joining us. Im kristen sze. Im matt keller. We saw heavy downpours, then showers and drizzle, some places might be dry. Lets get more from meteorologist mike nicco. Lets take a look behind, a few breaks in cloud cover but mostly overcast. Might be a sight for sore eyes if tired of driving through the wet weather you can see green stuff is moving away. Thats whats left of last nights rain. Day planner, cloudy, mild, 50s, patchy drizzle, fog, up in the north bay and along the coast. Clouds will open up by noon. High clouds and sunshine upper 50s, low 60s, chance of shower. Low to mid60s for the rest of us. Once the sun sets, the chance of that shower will fade mid to upper 50s. I dont know what that is. I dont know if you heard it or not. Thanks, mike. Were going back now to the danville area. We had an earlier accident northbound 680 right at diablo. Thats been cleared. Green patches, thats meaning dangerous Road Conditions. Not necessarily raining now but looking at slick roads. Here is a look at drive times antioch to hercules 40 minutes. This is a real ground east shore, an earlier accident in emeryville, 45minute drive to san jose. Not bad from 85 to san jose airport and quick look at 80 berkeley, residual backup from the earlier accident. There it is, bumper to bumper accident gone. Youre looking at that long drive from el cerrito into mcarthur. Bell will ring at Mira Vista School in two hours. Students are returning to campus after finding out one of their teachers is accused of sexual abuse. Abc reporter Amy Hollyfield live with the reason this investigation spans two campuses. Amy. Reporter kristen, parents at making Waves Academy say it was widely known the teacher was being investigated for possibly molesting children. All parents got a letter. The question is why didnt anyone at mira vista elementary know. Mira vista hired 32yearold Ronald Guinto, even this he was being investigated for child molestation at another school. Guinto was fired from making Waves Academy in november when police opened an investigation but he managed to get a job at mira vista. The principal said the background check came back clean and no history of crime. Two months mr. Gint okay was here, there were obviously no red flags. Obviously we would have acted on it at that point. He interacted well with the students. Again, its early in the process. Reporter guinto is now charged with 14 counts of child molestation. His bail has been set at 1. 4 million. Now people are wondering if there are any victims here at mira vista. There have been no complaints but the investigation continues. Reporting live in richmond, Amy Hollyfield, abc 7 news. Thank you, amy. New this morning a major road in san jose is back open after police wrapped up their investigation of a fatal accident. A man was hit and killed as he walked near the intersection of almedan and fox worthy. One lane was shut down most of the night. Police say the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with them. The victims name has not been released. Set to unveil plans to boost Pedestrian Safety in the city. A near record 21 pedestrians lost their lives in collisions last year. Five have been killed so far this year. Mayor lee is expected to implement recommendations from a partnership of city agencies raymond at reducing accidents. Its seeking improvements first in the downtown, tenderloin and south market areas where 60 of severe and fatal pedestrian accidents occur. Now to our stormwatch coverage. The bay area is mopping up this morning after the soaker last night. It produced serious downpours for a short time. Take a look at the rain coming down hard in the embarcadero in San Francisco. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled in east bay. This was shot last night in martinez looking towards pleasant hill. Fastmoving front brought much needed rain to the north bay. Rivers and streams running higher, Sonoma County reservoirs are still below normal. More rain needed so livestock can feed into the summer months. Petaluma mayor glass says north bay will take every drop. Were dependent on agriculture. We need at this point the fields to be irrigated so the grazing can be restored. Residents in Sonoma County are being asked to conserve water by 20 . You can track the rain in the bay area using live doppler 7 hd using weather app, download on the website, abc7news. Com app. Drought was a topic during meeting with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Mountain View. The two at the Computer History Museum to sign a memorial of understanding emphasizing joint interest in water conservation, energy and cyber security. Israel is a leader in construction of plants that converts saltwater to drinkable water. Prime minister netanyahu said the countrys technology can be used to help eliminate californias drought. Embarcadero marking a year since the bay lights display was first illuminated on the western span of the bridge. All 20,000 of the led bulbs will be turned off. Organizers say the bridge will be dark corner of market street, doors open at 9 00 this morning. If youre hard core shopper, get there an hour early and could win a 1,000 gift card. The store is giving 30 100 gift cards. Its known for designer brands at discount prices. Its serving breakfast and other treats to celebrate todays grand opening. The new San Francisco location is one of 11 racks opening in the u. S. This year. I know a lot of you like to go to the one around 10th and brannon. That will still be there. Maybe shorter lines at both because theres two now. Yes. Time, 6 37. A story of survival. Hear from a man who helped rescue a woman who spent 15 hourings in a deflated dinghy. A petition under way to get oregon an nfl team. The question everyone is asking, will it be the raiders. A look outside at the san mateo bridge, see some red lights out there, damp roads around there. Mike nicco will let you know if were going to see showers move on out. Traffic and weather together next as the abc 7 morning news continues. [ male announcer ] this is smooth and precise onroad handling. This is easytouse offroad capability when you need it. This is seventy and counting safety and security features. This is total confidence and comfort. In the middle of crowds or in the middle of nowhere. This is the freedom to keep chasing all the horizons you want. Introducing the allnew 2014 jeep cherokee. Good thursday morning from the roof where its kind of damp, leftover moisture from last nights rain and thunderstorms. Just drizzle falling now. None of it here in the immediate sideline in berkeley, oregon. Lets go to piedmont, guess who is putting in overtime today. Going over to elementary to talk to fifth graders. Drizzle, 56, heading home, students, about 64. Were going to have some fun. Get ready. Have some Great Questions and well learn a lot about weather. Speaking of oakland, lets look at next week. Look at this roller coaster. Today 56, still above average, 70s over the weekend. Chance of rain monday morning, back into the 70s next week. Temperatures well above average. Traveling around the state, southern sierra, thats where the showers and snow showers are. Those are going to fall apart. A few showers around tahoe today, in fact rain right now, 45 at lake level. Up to 47, mid50s through chico and sacramento, 73 in los angeles. Thankfully things are starting to calm down a little bit if youre traveling. Staying here at home, here is sue. Thanks, mike. Fyi, if youre headed to tahoe, no chains required there. Weve got an accident well, actually the accident is gone but residual backup from the earlier accident in emeryville, a live look outside. Those headlights backed all the way up to mcarthur maze. From el cerrito, looking at a 47minute drive, make it almost 50 minutes from san pablo to mcarthur maze. Accident gone, earlier stall now gone. But as you can see, the backup remains. Here is what the toll plaza looks like. Metering lights on, fasttrack getting through okay. Commuter lanes, thats the best way to go. Back into the mcarthur maze here, stretch for east bay commuters this morning. Kristen, matt. 6 42. Major retailer announces its closing hundreds of stores. Well bring you the details. Are you putting your smartphone at risk. The common mistake people are making. Coming up first, a 15 hour ordeal for a woman stranded in chilly water. This morning were hearing from the captain who helped pull the woman to safety in monterey bay. [ male announcer ] spring is calling. Save 25 when you buy two scotts fertilizers one to use now and one for later. New details this morning on the woman pulled from the water of the monterey bay after being stranded for 15 hours. Shes still in the hospital. The crews is telling their story. Abc News Reporter Katie Marzullo joins us live. Katie. A captain of a crab boat helped pull the woman from the water. Not a hero, just someone who keeps an eye out for something suspicious. In this case, that something suspicious was a 45yearold woman from san diego clinging to a deflated dinghy. Coast guard said she left from monterey wharf. Coast guard said the woman went out in the motorized inflatable boat to watch sunset tuesday. At some point the boat started to lose air, the motor fell off and it got very foggy, not to mention dark and cold. She apparently shot off a few flares, but no one saw them. Some 15 hours later, they spotted her, called 911, tried to get her out of the water themselves. They say it was hard. She was soaking wet. Like i said, from the looks of her skin, she still had some red in her and stuff, so she must have been swimming. Ultimately the coast guard got her out of the water and monterey firefighters brought her to shore. This was just before can the 9 30. Rescuers say the lifejacket she was wearing likely saved her life. The details of her ordeal still a little fuzzy because of her condition. Shes treated for hypothermia. Live in the newsroom, Katie Marzullo. Abc 7 news. Thank you, katie. A new study on computer viruses says pornography is no longer leading source of malware on mobile devices. According to Online Security form blue coat hackers are more likely to use mobile ads to affect your smartphone than poor. The report said malicious ads made up 20 of attacks on smart phones from a whopping 20 in 2012. Poor porn is responsible for 16 . The best thing to do is avoid vehicling on ads. Oakland raiders appear to be on the short list, usa sports report Oakland Raiders with o. Co lease ends after 2014 season and the season of portland is waiting to just pounce on it as an opportunity. Fans are petitioning the governor, who are on change. Org to pursue the possibility. No specific team is named in the petition but it does ask the question, the oregon raiders . That doesnt sound right. Portland raiders. So far 2,000 people signed it. They can stay here. Trading under way on wall street. Lets take a live look at the big board. You can see the dow up 61 points so far. Staples says it will close 225 stores by the end of next year as part of a plan to cut costs by 500 million. Staples says half the sales generated online. Store closing will make it more efficient. Affected stores in north america and amount to 10 of its 2200 stores worldwide. Playing with barbie could limit how girls view their career choices. Thats according to an experiment conducted by Oregon State University researcher. A group of 4 to 7yearold girls were assigned to play with a barbie doll or mrs. Potato head. After a few minutes the girls were asked about careers. The researcher reports that girl who played with barbie thought they could do fewer jobs than boys could do. The girls with mrs. Potato head thought they could do about the same. The smell of bacon helps you drag your tired self out of bed, this might just be the ticket for you. Oscar mayer came up with a device that plugs into the bottom of your iphone. You set the alarm. When it goes off it releases the smell of frying bacon into the room. Oscar mayer posting a contest to win the device. We posted it on abc7news. Com. It sounds too good to be true. If you win, let us know. I think its a big tease, wake up to the smell of bacon with no bacon. That technology out there now . Im sure someone is working on it. Im sure theres some company doing that. Pretty nice out there, mike . Definitely take some of the sting out of the air. Good morning. Top of the abc 7 Broadcast Center trying to find sunshine. See thickness in the cloud cover, drizzle a possibility through 9 00, then clouds continue. Look at rainfall amounts in san jose. 200 to a tenth of a quarter of an inch, half moon, third inch in concord, half in napa and threequarters in santa rosa, the big winner. Here is whats been happening this morning. You can see high clouds rolling through, radar few and far between, not much rain. East bills, hills, hiking 48 degrees. Everybody else low to mid50s. Up in the north bay we had some clearing. Santa rosa and nafovato. Everybody in the mid50s, oakland, san jose, san carlos, heyward 54 and Mountain View the warm shot 57. The way it looks. Doesnt it look cool . The fog in the valleys, sun coming up over the other clouds in the background. San jose, a little wet down there, residual moisture, pretty dry. Isolated shower possible. Sunday night into monday, sunny and warmer next week. Todays temperatures not too bad. They are above average, mid to upper 50s. Upper 50s to low 60s at the coast. Tonight 5 to 10 degrees cooler. Look at the patchy fog thats going to develop for tomorrow mornings commute. That will be the big challenge. Low to mid40s, mid to upper 40s elsewhere. San francisco at 50. Here is what happened overnight. Cold front came through kind of angrily. Maybe woke you up. I heard a couple of collapse of thunder. Ears are tuned to that for some reason. Not completely dry behind the front. When the sun comes out and a chunk of energy isolated chance of shower, from now to noon in the north bay. Then the rest of us through 5 00 and dissipates as it heads to the evening and overnight hours. Thats what allows the fog to form. As far as whats going to happen this weekend, wait until sunday for a chance of light rain. The better chance overnight through monday morning and then its gone and it wont leave very much behind. Accuweather sevenday forecast. Were going to make a run at 70 tomorrow and saturday, low to mid60s. Daylight saving, lose the hour of sleep saturday night. Warmer weather and brighter skies tuesday and wednesday of next week. Hope you have a great day. Put the umbrella away for now until possible sunday. Sue. Thanks, mike. Go to heyward, southbound 880 before a street, multivehicle accident blocking middle lanes. You can see very slow traffic past highway 92 and on into union city. A live look outside 80 berkeley. The result of an earlier accident at emeryville starting to loosen up a little bit. Still a 45minute drive from san Pablo Mcarthur maze. Metering lights on. San mateo bridge where we have an accident before the toll plaza. Off to the shoulder, a pickup truck and car. You can see traffic going pretty nicely, a few brake lights as you make your way towards the highrise, which is in a little bit of fog right now. If youre headed to santa cruz mountains, reports of a stalled big rig southbound. A reason for slow traffic blocking the slow lane. Kristen, matt. That will cause problems. Thank you, sue. Time is 6 53. Ahead seven things to know before you go. Abc 7 news returns in 60 seconds so stay with us. 6 54 as we get ready to hand things off to good morning america. Seven things to know before you go. Number one Richmond Middle School teacher facing charges of sexually abusing students. 32yearold Ronald Guinto arrested at mira vista for allegations stemming from another school where he taught last year. Number two, Police Investigating a fatal accident, walked near fox worthy avenue near 9 00 last night. Number three, oakland mayor set to deliver her third state of the city address at the oakland city chambers. Shes going to call for building 7,000 Housing Units across oakland to take advantage of the bay areas booming housing market. Number four, a group of third graders smoking marijuana in the school bathroom. They will soon learn if they would be expelled. Third graders at Sonora Elementary School in stockton. Number five, strong support for Hillary Clinton and her possible president ial bid. The poll finds twothirds of americans would consider supporting clinton for president. Seeing fog up in the north bay. Number six, foggy and drizzly start, fog and visibility there. Look at temperatures, hang out mainly in mid to upper 60s at the coast, right around 60. A stray shower is possible. And number seven, were looking at a big backup in the east shore freeway due to an earlier accident at emeryville. 50 minutes now from el a back up in the lanes. Twitter, facebook and all your mobile devices. Back in 25 minutes with news, weather and traffic during good morning america. Have a great day and well see you back here tomorrow morning. Good morning, america. Breaking for our viewers in the west. The president raises the stakes in the showdown with russia over the ukraine. New sanctions authorized this morning as the pentagon launches more fighter jets over the region. Breaking overnight, this man and his wife and daughter behind bars charged with shoplifting 7 million from the American Girl doll to steak knives and selling it all on ebay. How the feds say they allegedly got away with it for so long. Shes like having psychosis or something. A startling 911 call from a woman hours before a mother drove her mini van into the ocean at Daytona Beach with her three children at her side. Well hear from the rescuers this morning. Ive got the eye of the tiger ready to roar, the crocodile huntersda

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