Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20140219 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20140219

counts of selling and offering to sell to an under cover officer as well as possession and all three instances involved the sale of methamphetamine. >> and the investigation continues, he faces a maximum of four years and eight months in prison >> sheriff deputies shot and killed a man last night and today, his relatives claim deputies went too far. paramedics say they had been treating david goins when he began assaulting some of them, claiming he came at them with a baseball bat hitting a sargeant. there is the bat. they say they needed to check on goins. >> we're just learning it's been a tragic few days at lake tahoe two. skiers hitting trees and dieing. a sugar bowl worker died skiing thursday and a bay area man skiing at north star hit a tree and died friday. family and friends raising money to help them get by. they're more than halfway to $20,000 goal. we have a link >> muni for the first time in recent memory. they're looking into a possibility of one ride tripling tripling in price. the pub public had a chance to weigh in on this. >> they're talking about a possible fare hike. the public has a chance. there is a second hearing march 4thth here in asking the public where some of that extra money should go. >> we're seeking feed back and right now the agents >> it's we're used to be able to see it get by. how they're going to get to school >> another possibility is to allow seniors to ride free of cost. >> this is long overdue. seniors are hurting terribly. >> with this surplus, muni admits it won't be enough for the cuts. one way to pay is triple the f line. >> f line is just an idea there is a lot of tourism on this line. >> current price is $two going up to $six like cars. but surplus or no surplus a price hike is expected. a single ride fare going up $0.25 the agency says that is based on inflation. living in san francisco is a real trial. i have no intention to move out to solve the problem >> in san francisco, abc7 news. >> contra costa county authorities say a smoky house fire killed a man today appears to be an accident the blaze broke out just after 9:00 this morning on mountain view avenue. investigators believe combustible materials left on a floor furnace started this fire. authorities did not find smoke detectors in this house. >> gas main break in san francisco forced homes and businesses to evacuate today about 9:00 this morning near third street. a construction crew accidentally dropped a pipe into the >> everybody came and closed the neighborhood. it sounded like, like a jet engine. so much smell coming out the smell, the smell was gas everywhere. i don't mind losing a day boy mind losing a building. right? as long as nobody is injured everything is fine. >> wonderful right? a view kroou had the gas capped an hour late scombrer began to work to repair the pipe. >> in the meantime classes at skyline high school after pg&e finished repairing there. a contractor hit that line yesterday while working nearby. it forced the school to be closed for today, staffers on hand to tell people who did not get the message. >> union workers getting ready for a rally tonight planning to make a point to the city council which is set to impose a contract on one of the biggest unions meaning a cut in pay and benefits. laura? >> the suns supts posed to impose the contract on one labor union. city leaders say they're just trying to kept city from going the way of places like vallejo and stockton arcs voigd bankruptcy. >> i think it's premature >> the lead jerz the move to impose a contract on them is unnecessary >> they declared impass several months ago we'd like to get back to the table and begin negotiations again. >> local 1021 accepted a cut in pay and benefits package in recent years the city council expected to impose another 5% reduction for a total of 17%. 300 workers in hayward. salaries from $50,000 per year for animal care to 78,000 for a maintenance mechanic. salary packages for workers about $106,000 per year. >> we have been working with labor groups. >> assistant manager says fdiu has been asked to help state void a fiscal crisis. >> the city has, you know a deficit we've been facing in our budget. expenses continue to riechlz we're not addressing a lot of unfunded benefit liabilities. >> leaders say if it imposes cuts some workers won't be able to live where they work. in hayward, abc7 news. >> the san francisco giants among defendants in a lawsuit by former minor league players claiming their wages were unlawfully low. oliver odel of the formerly san jose giants is among claimants here. saying teams paid less than $7500 per year. no one from the giants responded to our requests for comment but mbl could argue the player as agree to terms by signing a contract. >> mlb, i should say, major league baseball. >> violence explodes in ukraine. >> the center of the capitol on fire tonight the number of people killed is climbing. >> bay area car maker tesla jetts gets a jochlt what rumors of a merger doing tonight. >> down side of too many product choices on shelves. how to navigate the flood of options to save money. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. ♪ get 10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. one of t is that millions of peopleia will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll now at >> a devastating scene in ukraine's capitol. police clash with antigovernment pro testers. 18 people have been killed, including six this is a live picture in kiev. police say officers set fire to a camp but 20,000 antigovernment forces fought back. the u.s. embassy ordered all americans to stay indoors this is about 3:ten in the morning there. >> president obama is calling for a new round of fuel efficiency standards for medium and heavy duty vehicles in 2016 >> every mile we gain in fuel efficiency is worth thousands of dollars in savings every year. we're investing in research to get more fuel economy gained. the president this will cut emissions by 300 met trick tons the president made at announcement in maryland that made the switch to more fuel efficient vehicles >> a report says raising minimum wage could come a big price tag, the loss of half a million jobs. on the other hand finds increasing minimum wage could gift 900,000 work kwlerz out of poverty >> experts say burden of student debt threatens to block a generation from buying their first home. mortgage bank association says loan april politics down almost 20% so far this year. first time buyers are a big part of the void. saying young adults are busy i paying off student loans in ten years student loan debt tripled to $1 trillion. >> a new poll by chamber of commerce finds most people living in san francisco ranked high rent and cost of owning a home biggest concerns. according to a study, you need to take $115,000 a year to buy a hem in san francisco. mortgage experts looked at rates and home plieses in 25 cities. you need 81,000ses today buy a home in san diego. 72,000s ndz los angeles. $66,000 in new york. hsh mortgage company says new york is low because it takes into account the suburbs of new jersey and connecticut. >> an initiative to legalize marijuana in california will not be on the ballot this year. a coalition decided to wait until 2016 to qualify a measure. they don't appear to have the financial backing needed the coalition instrumental in legalizing recreational pot in washington and colorado, and medical marijuana in massachusetts in 2012 a social media campaign to let a family throw out the first pitch in an a's game is sooin gaining support now the first ditch for diego campaign logged 700 reposts on instagram and pace book created to honor 25-year-old diego garsa, killed this month by a drunk driver while jogging in pinole the campaign dreamed up to bring attention to dangers of drunk driving. >> a dear friend started this campaign. first pitch for diego in order to honor my brother. >> the a's says they'll decide on a way to honor diego >> rumors of a possible accusation of apple driving shares of tesla into record territory. the stock market broke through the $25 mark today, the first time the company close add above $200 it raises value to 40% of ford. consider this. last year tesla sold 22,000 cars and ford, 2.4 million. you can see numbers there. ford earned # combrinl last year g news for tesla, sales numbers higher than thought in its fourth quarter earnings report, tomorrow. >> we'll seechlt there are more choices than ever these days when it comes to buying food. what does that mean for your wallet? >> it's confusing. consumer reports partnered with 7 on your side to find out. here is michael finney. >> shoppers like choice. firefighters responding back in 1975, average supermarket carried around 9,000 products. now, there are 47,000. consumer reports checked in to see if it's leading to supermarket overload. buying cereal is simple. right? well, not anymore. what kind of cheeros do you want? honey nut? chocolate? multi grain? peanut butter? there 14 variations to choose from. a trip to the market can get overwhelming when many products come in mer than a dozen varieties like 15 types of thomas's english muffins. even vanilla isn't just plain vanilla. lactose free, extra creamy and more >> we found 27 versions of crest toothpaste in a store. the company makes 50. according to a survey, consumers tell us they like choice but 28% were overwhelmed dealing with that much information. >> with the selection, watch prices smchlt variations can cost a lot more. consumer reports shoppers found this turkey hill ice cream for under $three. turkey hill all natural was more than twice that price. why variations? >> new products considered life blood of the supermarket. consider this. when one company offers two products and another, ten, odds are that sales are going to go to the company that offers more. >> if this choice gives you a headache you can head for advil. but you'll have to choose caplets, tabblets or liquid gels. one survey, one out of 20 say they walk away empty-handed because it's too hard to make a decision. >> thank you very much. >> standardized testing is undergoing a makeover, next month there will be a computer based smarter balance fuel test this, is video showing how it works. the system goes on line next year. >> it was only a matter of time. 150 different careers, barbie setting up a business of her own. barbie entrepreneur. the doll come was a smart phone and tablet. hitting shelves in june. >> that is a great idea. surprised it hasn't happened before. >> let's talk about the weather forecast. >> sandhya patel looking for rain. >> i can't find any. all i can see are clouds. work harder, right? i'm not doing my job well enough. right now, you cannot see sun out here, clouds moving in. nothing falling from the skies at this point. it's not a lot. but it's a start. sheing you live doppler 7 hd, there is a weak system headed towards the bay area, hear is where energy is going. pacific northwest getting rain, snow. unfortunately not much here, we're looking at a peak of blue there across the bay. 58 san francisco. 60s in oakland. 59 san jose. 55 in half moon bay. here is a beautiful view. we're going to pan around just to give you variety here. sunset officially at 5:52 this evening. here are the temperatures. santa rosa, six #. it's 59 in napa. 61 in fairfield and also, in livermore, temperatures this afternoon, mid-50s to mid-60s. from our mount tamalpais camera, just breezy out there. not surprising. cloudy overnight. spotty drizzle is expected sunny skies and breezy for wednesday. and spring-like weather coming our way at the end of the week. i know we need rain and snow the system is lacking all of the dynamics high clouds no, rain. moisture going in one direction. dynamics into another direction. here is a weak cold front. here is what is going to happen tonight we'll see clouds. beginning at 6:00 p.m tonight, by midnight, could see a little bit of green around cloverdale. we'll call it spolty drizzle the front fizzels going through early part of the morning commute. sun is out quickly. it's nice, sunny day for wednesday. going to get breezy out there we're going to take you and fast forked from wednesday we're wr high pressure gains control. we get warm up. and then, here is what is coming up. we're going to take you into next week. next wednesday going into thursday, go have a chance of rain coming in and that is what we're going to be looking out for. we'll fine tune this. at this point we'll just keep an eye on it. tomorrow morning, upper 0s to upper 40s a little bit of green there there may be damp roadways haying to work or heading to school, just keep that too in mind make sure you bundle up. looking at temperatures upper 50s to mid-60s 61 san francisco. 64 santa rosa oakland san jose, palo alto. 66 liver moeshgs a look at the accu-weather forecast, those temperatures going to inch up. friday through sunday, we're expecting 70s around the bay area, well above why we should be at this time of the year. 60s coast siechld temperatures trending a little bit lower early next week. there aren't any storms coming through we need a couple big storms here to get rain here, high pressure is gaining control. live from the roof of the kgotv broadcast center i'm sandhya patel. i'll work hard yes, promise oochl thank you very much. >> and still ahead a wild brawl in cuba. a bat-wielding baseball player charges the mound and takes a swing at the pitcher >> ask at 6:00 a new twist on an ancient form of exercise antigravity yoega. giving you a new perspective on the world. we'll be right back here. is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ an iconic song "whip it" featured co-founder bob cassel. he died of heart failure at 61 years old. >> chevron under fire for sending out an unusual afollowing residents following when a natural gas well caught fire and exploded including a voucher for a pizza and a two liter drink. it took several days to cap the blaze. chevron says coupons are a token of appreciation for patience of those who live in the area. >> sports fans in cuba say enough is enough. a pitcher cuba national series hit two batters in the head last night. one player charged a bhound a bat. the pitcher saw what's happening through his glove at the player who swung a bat at the pitcher's head, twice. it clipped a coach and another player. that didn't stop both benches from clearing and everybody shrugging it out fans today tweeting that they're disgusted and ashamed. >> not good roll models >> best part being a kid is being able to get outside and play. >> yes. >> coming up efforts to make sure some kids are getting a chance to do that. back in a moment. nnie-o w where every tha where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought wsurprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. the besis that millions of reda is that millions of people will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll today at we'll be right back with abc7 news at 6:00. coming up east bay start up create be jobs for people that don't have access to traditional markets. >> looking into a lifetime promise broken by the people at ferry land >> and a man called architect of the stars but never allowed to live in their neighborhoods those stories and more coming up at 6:00. hope you can join us then. >> now, two playgrounds reopened today with major changes that are designed to make kids safer, today, the city held a ribbon cutting. >> 1, 2. three! nice. >> the 26-acre park now equipped with play areas that comply with americans with disabilities act. >> it includes shade structures and sand zone. and two other parks will reopen later this week, just in time for spring. >> nice job there. that is going to do it for us. world news is next. i'm cheryl jennings >> from all of us here, thanks for watching. we will see you again at 6:00. >> welcome to "world news." tonight, the investigation under way into a frightening flight. 20 seconds of terror as a united airlines plane hits wild turbulence. a flight attendant and passenger fly up to the ceiling. >> requesting medical attention at the gate. >> a mother loses her grip on her child. tonight, is there a safer way to fly with children. up in flames. a city on fire. does vladimir putin have a insurrection at his door in the olympics? a big thaw. and now, the big thud of all the potholes, 100,000 in one state alone. good evening to you on this tuesday night. we begin with those harrowing

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New York , United States , Turkey Hill , Connecticut , Cloverdale , California , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Turkey , San Diego , Wisconsin , Stockton , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , New Jersey , Massachusetts , Iowa , Colorado , Maryland , Cuba , Americans , America , David Goins , Alyson Dudek , Bob Cassel , Cheryl Jennings , Los Angeles , Santa Rosa Oakland , Vladimir Putin , Michael Finney ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20140219 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20140219

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counts of selling and offering to sell to an under cover officer as well as possession and all three instances involved the sale of methamphetamine. >> and the investigation continues, he faces a maximum of four years and eight months in prison >> sheriff deputies shot and killed a man last night and today, his relatives claim deputies went too far. paramedics say they had been treating david goins when he began assaulting some of them, claiming he came at them with a baseball bat hitting a sargeant. there is the bat. they say they needed to check on goins. >> we're just learning it's been a tragic few days at lake tahoe two. skiers hitting trees and dieing. a sugar bowl worker died skiing thursday and a bay area man skiing at north star hit a tree and died friday. family and friends raising money to help them get by. they're more than halfway to $20,000 goal. we have a link >> muni for the first time in recent memory. they're looking into a possibility of one ride tripling tripling in price. the pub public had a chance to weigh in on this. >> they're talking about a possible fare hike. the public has a chance. there is a second hearing march 4thth here in asking the public where some of that extra money should go. >> we're seeking feed back and right now the agents >> it's we're used to be able to see it get by. how they're going to get to school >> another possibility is to allow seniors to ride free of cost. >> this is long overdue. seniors are hurting terribly. >> with this surplus, muni admits it won't be enough for the cuts. one way to pay is triple the f line. >> f line is just an idea there is a lot of tourism on this line. >> current price is $two going up to $six like cars. but surplus or no surplus a price hike is expected. a single ride fare going up $0.25 the agency says that is based on inflation. living in san francisco is a real trial. i have no intention to move out to solve the problem >> in san francisco, abc7 news. >> contra costa county authorities say a smoky house fire killed a man today appears to be an accident the blaze broke out just after 9:00 this morning on mountain view avenue. investigators believe combustible materials left on a floor furnace started this fire. authorities did not find smoke detectors in this house. >> gas main break in san francisco forced homes and businesses to evacuate today about 9:00 this morning near third street. a construction crew accidentally dropped a pipe into the >> everybody came and closed the neighborhood. it sounded like, like a jet engine. so much smell coming out the smell, the smell was gas everywhere. i don't mind losing a day boy mind losing a building. right? as long as nobody is injured everything is fine. >> wonderful right? a view kroou had the gas capped an hour late scombrer began to work to repair the pipe. >> in the meantime classes at skyline high school after pg&e finished repairing there. a contractor hit that line yesterday while working nearby. it forced the school to be closed for today, staffers on hand to tell people who did not get the message. >> union workers getting ready for a rally tonight planning to make a point to the city council which is set to impose a contract on one of the biggest unions meaning a cut in pay and benefits. laura? >> the suns supts posed to impose the contract on one labor union. city leaders say they're just trying to kept city from going the way of places like vallejo and stockton arcs voigd bankruptcy. >> i think it's premature >> the lead jerz the move to impose a contract on them is unnecessary >> they declared impass several months ago we'd like to get back to the table and begin negotiations again. >> local 1021 accepted a cut in pay and benefits package in recent years the city council expected to impose another 5% reduction for a total of 17%. 300 workers in hayward. salaries from $50,000 per year for animal care to 78,000 for a maintenance mechanic. salary packages for workers about $106,000 per year. >> we have been working with labor groups. >> assistant manager says fdiu has been asked to help state void a fiscal crisis. >> the city has, you know a deficit we've been facing in our budget. expenses continue to riechlz we're not addressing a lot of unfunded benefit liabilities. >> leaders say if it imposes cuts some workers won't be able to live where they work. in hayward, abc7 news. >> the san francisco giants among defendants in a lawsuit by former minor league players claiming their wages were unlawfully low. oliver odel of the formerly san jose giants is among claimants here. saying teams paid less than $7500 per year. no one from the giants responded to our requests for comment but mbl could argue the player as agree to terms by signing a contract. >> mlb, i should say, major league baseball. >> violence explodes in ukraine. >> the center of the capitol on fire tonight the number of people killed is climbing. >> bay area car maker tesla jetts gets a jochlt what rumors of a merger doing tonight. >> down side of too many product choices on shelves. how to navigate the flood of options to save money. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. ♪ get 10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. one of t is that millions of peopleia will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll now at >> a devastating scene in ukraine's capitol. police clash with antigovernment pro testers. 18 people have been killed, including six this is a live picture in kiev. police say officers set fire to a camp but 20,000 antigovernment forces fought back. the u.s. embassy ordered all americans to stay indoors this is about 3:ten in the morning there. >> president obama is calling for a new round of fuel efficiency standards for medium and heavy duty vehicles in 2016 >> every mile we gain in fuel efficiency is worth thousands of dollars in savings every year. we're investing in research to get more fuel economy gained. the president this will cut emissions by 300 met trick tons the president made at announcement in maryland that made the switch to more fuel efficient vehicles >> a report says raising minimum wage could come a big price tag, the loss of half a million jobs. on the other hand finds increasing minimum wage could gift 900,000 work kwlerz out of poverty >> experts say burden of student debt threatens to block a generation from buying their first home. mortgage bank association says loan april politics down almost 20% so far this year. first time buyers are a big part of the void. saying young adults are busy i paying off student loans in ten years student loan debt tripled to $1 trillion. >> a new poll by chamber of commerce finds most people living in san francisco ranked high rent and cost of owning a home biggest concerns. according to a study, you need to take $115,000 a year to buy a hem in san francisco. mortgage experts looked at rates and home plieses in 25 cities. you need 81,000ses today buy a home in san diego. 72,000s ndz los angeles. $66,000 in new york. hsh mortgage company says new york is low because it takes into account the suburbs of new jersey and connecticut. >> an initiative to legalize marijuana in california will not be on the ballot this year. a coalition decided to wait until 2016 to qualify a measure. they don't appear to have the financial backing needed the coalition instrumental in legalizing recreational pot in washington and colorado, and medical marijuana in massachusetts in 2012 a social media campaign to let a family throw out the first pitch in an a's game is sooin gaining support now the first ditch for diego campaign logged 700 reposts on instagram and pace book created to honor 25-year-old diego garsa, killed this month by a drunk driver while jogging in pinole the campaign dreamed up to bring attention to dangers of drunk driving. >> a dear friend started this campaign. first pitch for diego in order to honor my brother. >> the a's says they'll decide on a way to honor diego >> rumors of a possible accusation of apple driving shares of tesla into record territory. the stock market broke through the $25 mark today, the first time the company close add above $200 it raises value to 40% of ford. consider this. last year tesla sold 22,000 cars and ford, 2.4 million. you can see numbers there. ford earned # combrinl last year g news for tesla, sales numbers higher than thought in its fourth quarter earnings report, tomorrow. >> we'll seechlt there are more choices than ever these days when it comes to buying food. what does that mean for your wallet? >> it's confusing. consumer reports partnered with 7 on your side to find out. here is michael finney. >> shoppers like choice. firefighters responding back in 1975, average supermarket carried around 9,000 products. now, there are 47,000. consumer reports checked in to see if it's leading to supermarket overload. buying cereal is simple. right? well, not anymore. what kind of cheeros do you want? honey nut? chocolate? multi grain? peanut butter? there 14 variations to choose from. a trip to the market can get overwhelming when many products come in mer than a dozen varieties like 15 types of thomas's english muffins. even vanilla isn't just plain vanilla. lactose free, extra creamy and more >> we found 27 versions of crest toothpaste in a store. the company makes 50. according to a survey, consumers tell us they like choice but 28% were overwhelmed dealing with that much information. >> with the selection, watch prices smchlt variations can cost a lot more. consumer reports shoppers found this turkey hill ice cream for under $three. turkey hill all natural was more than twice that price. why variations? >> new products considered life blood of the supermarket. consider this. when one company offers two products and another, ten, odds are that sales are going to go to the company that offers more. >> if this choice gives you a headache you can head for advil. but you'll have to choose caplets, tabblets or liquid gels. one survey, one out of 20 say they walk away empty-handed because it's too hard to make a decision. >> thank you very much. >> standardized testing is undergoing a makeover, next month there will be a computer based smarter balance fuel test this, is video showing how it works. the system goes on line next year. >> it was only a matter of time. 150 different careers, barbie setting up a business of her own. barbie entrepreneur. the doll come was a smart phone and tablet. hitting shelves in june. >> that is a great idea. surprised it hasn't happened before. >> let's talk about the weather forecast. >> sandhya patel looking for rain. >> i can't find any. all i can see are clouds. work harder, right? i'm not doing my job well enough. right now, you cannot see sun out here, clouds moving in. nothing falling from the skies at this point. it's not a lot. but it's a start. sheing you live doppler 7 hd, there is a weak system headed towards the bay area, hear is where energy is going. pacific northwest getting rain, snow. unfortunately not much here, we're looking at a peak of blue there across the bay. 58 san francisco. 60s in oakland. 59 san jose. 55 in half moon bay. here is a beautiful view. we're going to pan around just to give you variety here. sunset officially at 5:52 this evening. here are the temperatures. santa rosa, six #. it's 59 in napa. 61 in fairfield and also, in livermore, temperatures this afternoon, mid-50s to mid-60s. from our mount tamalpais camera, just breezy out there. not surprising. cloudy overnight. spotty drizzle is expected sunny skies and breezy for wednesday. and spring-like weather coming our way at the end of the week. i know we need rain and snow the system is lacking all of the dynamics high clouds no, rain. moisture going in one direction. dynamics into another direction. here is a weak cold front. here is what is going to happen tonight we'll see clouds. beginning at 6:00 p.m tonight, by midnight, could see a little bit of green around cloverdale. we'll call it spolty drizzle the front fizzels going through early part of the morning commute. sun is out quickly. it's nice, sunny day for wednesday. going to get breezy out there we're going to take you and fast forked from wednesday we're wr high pressure gains control. we get warm up. and then, here is what is coming up. we're going to take you into next week. next wednesday going into thursday, go have a chance of rain coming in and that is what we're going to be looking out for. we'll fine tune this. at this point we'll just keep an eye on it. tomorrow morning, upper 0s to upper 40s a little bit of green there there may be damp roadways haying to work or heading to school, just keep that too in mind make sure you bundle up. looking at temperatures upper 50s to mid-60s 61 san francisco. 64 santa rosa oakland san jose, palo alto. 66 liver moeshgs a look at the accu-weather forecast, those temperatures going to inch up. friday through sunday, we're expecting 70s around the bay area, well above why we should be at this time of the year. 60s coast siechld temperatures trending a little bit lower early next week. there aren't any storms coming through we need a couple big storms here to get rain here, high pressure is gaining control. live from the roof of the kgotv broadcast center i'm sandhya patel. i'll work hard yes, promise oochl thank you very much. >> and still ahead a wild brawl in cuba. a bat-wielding baseball player charges the mound and takes a swing at the pitcher >> ask at 6:00 a new twist on an ancient form of exercise antigravity yoega. giving you a new perspective on the world. we'll be right back here. is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ an iconic song "whip it" featured co-founder bob cassel. he died of heart failure at 61 years old. >> chevron under fire for sending out an unusual afollowing residents following when a natural gas well caught fire and exploded including a voucher for a pizza and a two liter drink. it took several days to cap the blaze. chevron says coupons are a token of appreciation for patience of those who live in the area. >> sports fans in cuba say enough is enough. a pitcher cuba national series hit two batters in the head last night. one player charged a bhound a bat. the pitcher saw what's happening through his glove at the player who swung a bat at the pitcher's head, twice. it clipped a coach and another player. that didn't stop both benches from clearing and everybody shrugging it out fans today tweeting that they're disgusted and ashamed. >> not good roll models >> best part being a kid is being able to get outside and play. >> yes. >> coming up efforts to make sure some kids are getting a chance to do that. back in a moment. nnie-o w where every tha where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought wsurprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. the besis that millions of reda is that millions of people will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll today at we'll be right back with abc7 news at 6:00. coming up east bay start up create be jobs for people that don't have access to traditional markets. >> looking into a lifetime promise broken by the people at ferry land >> and a man called architect of the stars but never allowed to live in their neighborhoods those stories and more coming up at 6:00. hope you can join us then. >> now, two playgrounds reopened today with major changes that are designed to make kids safer, today, the city held a ribbon cutting. >> 1, 2. three! nice. >> the 26-acre park now equipped with play areas that comply with americans with disabilities act. >> it includes shade structures and sand zone. and two other parks will reopen later this week, just in time for spring. >> nice job there. that is going to do it for us. world news is next. i'm cheryl jennings >> from all of us here, thanks for watching. we will see you again at 6:00. >> welcome to "world news." tonight, the investigation under way into a frightening flight. 20 seconds of terror as a united airlines plane hits wild turbulence. a flight attendant and passenger fly up to the ceiling. >> requesting medical attention at the gate. >> a mother loses her grip on her child. tonight, is there a safer way to fly with children. up in flames. a city on fire. does vladimir putin have a insurrection at his door in the olympics? a big thaw. and now, the big thud of all the potholes, 100,000 in one state alone. good evening to you on this tuesday night. we begin with those harrowing

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New York , United States , Turkey Hill , Connecticut , Cloverdale , California , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Turkey , San Diego , Wisconsin , Stockton , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , New Jersey , Massachusetts , Iowa , Colorado , Maryland , Cuba , Americans , America , David Goins , Alyson Dudek , Bob Cassel , Cheryl Jennings , Los Angeles , Santa Rosa Oakland , Vladimir Putin , Michael Finney ,

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