Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170227 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170227

is also another sad side bar. good morning, everyone. let's talk about what's going on. here's a look at showers around morgan hill. snow showers around mount hamilton and the santa cruz mountains. this is the cold front pushing through. a few isolated showers later today. you can see slick streets leftover from the rain. 38 to 48. dress warmly. back in the 40s by 7:00. that's your 12-hour day planner. we'll take a deeper look in a few minutes. >> i think everybody stayed up past their bedtimes, maybe sleeping in a bit. we don't have too many foelks o the road and no issues. san jose 280, looking good. a few scattered showers and also dense fog in the north bay. if you're traveling between santa rosa and novato, i'm seeing several reports of low visibility from wayz users. drive for conditions. drive times in less than ten. pricewaterhousecoopers, the people who handle the envelopes at the oscars, are taking the fall for the biggest blunder. >> many of you saw it live as it happened. the wrong film announced as the winner of best picture. a very eventful evening. >> this is truly a stunning development at the oscars. the academy says never before have they announced the wrong winner. even by hollywood standards, what happened here is a true shocker. >> the academy award -- >> reporter: the confusion was >> reporter: the confusion was evident the moment at the envelope. speeches are made, and a plot twist. >> there is a mistake. "moonlight," you guys won best picture. this is not a joke. this is not a joke. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> reporter: beatty said his envelope said, emma stone, "la la land." she'd just won best actress. after the biggest surprise ending for hollywood, there was graciousness all the way around. >> the last 20 minutes of my life have been insane. i don't think my life could be changed any more dramatically than what happened in the last 20 or 30 minutes. >> god, i love "moonlight" so much. >> reporter: emma stone talked about the mixup after the show. >> i think everyone is in a state of confusion. >> reporter: best actor went to casey. ali got best supporting actor. >> it threw me a bit. it threw me more than a bit but, you know, i just didn't -- i didn't want to go up there and take anything from somebody, you know. it is very hard to feel joy in a moment like that. >> reporter: best supporting actress went to viola davis for "fences." she expressed gratitude. >> i became an artist. >> reporter: throughout the show, first time host jimmy kimmel created funny moments that were light hearted. even in the end, after the best picture mixup. >> we hate to see people disappointed. the good news is we got to see some extra speeches. we have some great movies. i knew i would screw this show up. i really did. >> reporter: backstage, emma stone said she took her best actress card with her. what she may not know is there are two identical cards. somehow, the second emma stone best actress card was accidentally given to warren batey. how that happened, pricewaterhousecoopers has investigating and explaining to do, including what normally happens to the second card. what a stunning end to what was a fun, frivolous, drama-free evening until the very last award. back to you. >> thanks. the two employees who carry the briefcases, brian cullinan and martha talked a few weeks ago about the extra steps taken to ensure there are no mistakes. the producers decide what the order of the awards will be. we stand on opposite sides of the stage, right off screen, for the entire evening, and we hand the respective envelope to the presenter. doesn't sound complicated but you have to be sure you're giving the presenter the right envelope. >> jordan horowitz, one of the producer of la"la la land" who corrected the error, spoke about what happened. >> i'm a little in a daze but, you know, it's what happened. i'm glad that i got to stand up there. i'm glad i got to invite my friends from "moonlight" up there. i was just saying, you know, it's become an incredible community of people. i've become particularly close with a lot of the people in that cast and on the crew. and it was, you know, things happen. >> a picture of graciousness last night. >> truly. >> yeah. >> at the governor's ball, horowitz hugged, chatted it up with "moonlight" director jenkins. jenkins said it was bittersweet because of how close the crews have become. social media blowing up at the oscars. >> jessica is tracking the most talked about moments. the mistake will be up there. >> the most talked about moment is "moonlight" taking the best picture award, despite the big mistake. the other moments people are talking about. number two, the moment jimmy kimmel tweeted president trump during the show. number three, the same as number one, "la la land" incorrectly being announced. number four, when viola davis won best actress in a supporting role for "fences" and her emotional acceptance speech. number five, emma stone's win for best actress in "la la land." all of this information coming down from the twitter data account. they're getting cheeky with this one, as well. in their tweet, they said in parenthesis, we checked the data. "moonlight" really did take this one. back to you. >> i can't believe the moment where the people from the bus, going into the -- >> i know. >> -- auditorium wasn't one of the top moments. >> also, during a performance, getting hit in the head by a flag. >> kept going, like beyonce. for a list of what went wrong, download our abc 7 news app. we have a oscars section. >> you'll find the photos, videos, fashion, connections to the bay area. that includes ali from the east bay. we'll have more on his win. >> procedure proud we're proud . dozens of people looking for a new place to stay. amy hollyfield is live in hayward. amy? >> looks like we are not getting amy right now. we'll check in with her when we have the technical mistake solved. the san jose high school served as red cross shelters for flood victims will be open as students go back to class today. >> assistance has been set up. residents can get help with housing and insurance and get some food. the shelter is open 8:00 to week weekdays. one fundraising effort to help flood victims raised $40,000 thanks to several generous donors. the community contributed nearly $15,000. the oakland a's contributed $10,000. all the money will be given to the non-profit, silicon valley community foundation. >> announcer: now, your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> we have cold temperatures in the east bay. 35 in san ramon. danville, 36. we have pleasant hill at 38. lafayette at 39. walnut creek, dublin, 40. liver momor livermore, 41. the hills, cooler. san francisco, heading out to oakland, dress for 43. look at this, santa rosa, 32 degrees. concerned because we have thick fog. means we have moisture hanging in the air, just waiting to become ice on elevated surfaces. black ice is going to be possible. petaluma down to santa rosa through at least 9:00. alexis and i will keep an eye on it for you. it'll fade once the sun comes up. temperatures around 54 to 57 degrees. cooler than average. 50 at the coast. there are a few stray showers during the afternoon hours. pollen an issue. a ashe, elm, juniper. may need to take your medicine. barely 40s around richmond, oakland, san francisco and half moon bay. another chance of rain but back in the seven-day forecast. here's alexis. so far, so good for the monday morning commute. really quiet. no mass transit issues so far today. just starting to see a few of the normal spots fill in. taking you out to the central valley commute. westbound 205 to 580, 19 minutes westbound 205 to 580, 19 minutes an hour out of tracys highway 4 to the maze on 80, 18 minutes. 11 minutes agro s across the ba bridge. 101 southbound, san francisco to sfo, in the green at 8 minutes. three young teens somehow escaped from the car that ended up in a river. the lesson everyone is learning this morning. plus -- >> i want to thank my teachers. so many wonderful teachers. >> we spent oscars night with one of those teachers who helped ali get his career started in an east bay theater. we are the only place where during the commercial break, you during the commercial break, you can look >> announcer: the storm impact scale, today's storm is level 1. that means light rain. keep an umbrella handy and drive safety. track the storm any time on the abc 7 news app. download it now. 5:13. let's get back now to abc 7 news reporter amy hollyfield. >> following the breaking news at a fire at an apartment complex in hayward. amy? >> good morning. we have a situation here. we've got people standing outside in the cold trying to find a place to go. this is five hours after the fire happened. here at this apartment complex in hayward. the gas and the electricity has been turned off. 31 people are not being allowed back inside. they tell us when the red cross got on the scene, they couldn't put that many people in a hotel. now, they're scrambling to set up a shelter. fire victims, including young children, are out in the cold waiting. >> i'm confusing. i tried to protect the kids. i don't know what they're doing. they tell us, wait, wait, wait. just tell me, we can do nothing, and i can figure out what i have to do. i do not know when i can get back to my apartment. maybe tomorrow, maybe after tomorrow, whenever. >> the fire captain here said he even got involved and called the red cross' supervisors to try and help solve the problem out here. while the red cross is working on the situation, kids are trying to stay warm inside their cars. this fire was held to one unit here at the apartments on lund street in hayward. there's water and smoke damage throughout the building. again, gas and electricity is off. fire had to make eight rescues. people were hanging out of the balconies, looking for a way out, including a man in a wheelchair. they got everyone else safely. they're trying to get everyone a place to go. amy holly mooelfield, abc 7 new >> scary morning for them. glad they're okay. president trump will meet with insurance representatives as republicans look to replace the affordable care act. president trump expected to lay out his plan tomorrow before a joint session of congress. republicans have yet to agree on a single detail policy to replace obamacare. they have to work out the future of medicaid and how the new health care law is going to be funded. in the gma first look, looking ahead to president trump's address to the joint session of congress tomorrow. >> jonathan karl has more. >> reporter: in this morning's first look, president trump and the first lady honored the nation's governors at a white house gala. >> i wanted to salute and toast the great governors. >> reporter: the president influence in the campaign. including contact between his associates and washington intelligence. as the fbi investigates, a prominent republican wants an independent, special prosecutor to review the case. meanwhile, democrats are regrouping for a fight. former obama labor secretary tom perez edged out minnesota congressman ellison to become the new chair of the democratic national committee. that's not the only committee news. >> not as liberals or conservatives. >> reporter: at 7:00 a.m., we'll look how hollywood took on trump at the oscars. with your gma first look, i'm jonathan karl, abc news, washington. napa police and firefighters fished out a car in the napa river. a teenager took the parents car, drove through a roadblock and into the river, not knowing the street ended. two other teens were in the car when it crashed. officers say all of them escaped through a scattered window and are expected to recover. the car was found 40 feet from shore and 20 feet deep in the water. >> thank goodness they're okay. pacifica police reassuring rez debsidents after a crime wa. this month, there were 12 residential burglaries. there have been an armed robbery and carjackings. the chief said suspects are certainly from outside san mateo county and there may soon be arrests. so many proud people, especially in the east bay this morning. oakland born and hayward raised mahershala ali took home the oscar for best supporting actor in "moonlight." >> what a moment. abc reporting spent the night watching with one of his teachers. >> making me cry. >> reporter: the moment her former student's name was read as a best supporting actor nominee, rebecca engle was already emotional. then it happened. >> the oscar goes to mahershala ali. >> wins an award! >> reporter: she marked the oscar scorecard and celebrated the win as he celebrated people like her. >> i want to thank my professors, teachers. so many wonderful teachers. >> reporter: his win is the latest step in a journey that started at the theater department at state marryy's college. he didn't arrive hoping to be an actor. >> it wasn't on his radar. he came on a basketball scholarship. >> reporter: at some point, ali met engle and she invited him to work with her on stage. >> i invited him to work with me on a small production. a small role that required somebody with a lot of physicality and poise. >> reporter: in ali's senior year, engle said she cast him in the campus' first play with an entirely black cast. on the oscar stage, he saluted the lessons of his teachers. >> it is not about you. it is about these characters. >> reporter: it's been a full weekend for ali. along with winning the oscar, his first child, a little girl, was born on friday. abc 7 news. >> love that story. >> so great. a lot of people, you know, know him from netflix. >> right. "house of cards." >> that's how he came to their radar. if you haven't seen "moonlight," i urge you -- >> now is the time. >> for mahershala, if nothing else. let's see what the weather will be like. mike is standing by. >> not as powerful as that film was. we have showers out there. good morning. near morgan hill, cochran road, up to the mountains, that's where we have snow, down to 2,500 feet this morning. this is about the only game in town. it is moving south and moving away from us. we still have a chance that we may regenerate a stray shower or two heading into the afternoon hours. now, it is quiet in downtown san franc francisco. extended drive period tomorrow with warmer highs. the storm tries to sneak in sunday. the storm is a 1 because most of us won't see much out of this. a spotty, light shower. watch how everythng falls apart as we head through the rest of the morning, up until 1:00 or noon. you see green spots across the north bay and the coast. those slide south. once we lose the sunshine, we lose the chance. the best chance during the overnight hours of anything developing will be over the ocean. cold showers, snow level of 3,000 and hail possible today. here's a look at my accuweather seven-day forecast. what you're going to see are temperatures that get back to average in the 60s wednesday, thursday and friday. we're going to have chilly nights in the 30s and 40s until we get the warmer weather in here. alexis? sounds good, mike. a check of the commute. we are still really quiet. in fact, i don't have any incidents to report. i haven't since we started at 4:30. we're looking at dense, foggy conditions here in the north bay. if you're traveling between santa rosa and novato, you could be dealing with the refused visibility. use caution there. live look at the bay bridge stoll plaza. no metering lights yet but it'll usually happen around 5:30. mass transit. normal service for ace rail. no issues there. bart, 40 trains in service. san francisco bay ferry, no issues to report. >> we want to hold on to you. "when we rise" premieres tonight on abc 7. >> you talked to the academy award winning director and screen writer. >> that's right. it covers a 50-year history of the gay rights movement. based in san francisco and follows the lives of real-life heros. black was born in san francisco and considers it a second home. >> i'm so proud to bring their stories, their struggle and their bravery. the struggle of san francisco. the great progress san francisco made to the rest of the nation. i think it is a real guide for our country right now. >> he was great to interview. very interesting guy. if you want to check out the full interview, we have that posted for you on our website, of course, the four-night series kicks off tonight here at 9:00 p.m. on a bc 7. reggie, you got a sneak preview. high reviews from you. >> it is great. i watched most of it. i would say that the beginning two parts are my favorite. i hope that if you're interested at all, you'll get in tonight. because that's when we learn about all the people when they were young kids coming to san francisco and starting the movement. it is good stuff. >> yeah. looking forward toi it. next, the seven things to know before you start your day. if you're getting a passport, plan way ahead. you're looking live at people lined up in the south bay. we're investigating this huge rush for a passport. the cleanup process just getting started in san jose. getting started in san jose. we're going yet some cards limit whereuldn't you earncomplicated. bonus cash back to a few places. and then, change those places every few months. enough with that! (echo) with quicksilver from capital one you've always earned unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. welcome to unlimited. what's in your wallet? shouldn't be whateverfleas and ticks. home... no, no no no no... seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months - for effective protection in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar. 8-month seresto®. from bayer. does your child need help with digestive balance? try align junior probiotic. so she can have a fraction dominating... status updating... hello-yellow-belt kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support with align junior. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, now for kids. 5:25. here are the seven things you need to know today. number one, everyone is buzzing about the big oops at the oscars. presenters mistakingly announce "la la land" as the best picture when "moonlight" was the real winner. the first time it happened in the 89-year history. san jose is expected to release a price tag on the damage from last week's devastating flood. three buildings in the williams street park neighborhood remain red tagged. an assistance center is open for residents who need help with housing or insurance. a cold front brought us showers so watch out for wet streets. wait until you see all the dry weather and warmer temperatures on the way. definitely looking forward to that, mike. number four, pretty quiet weather means a quiet start to the commute. our slowest spot, as usual, westbound 205 to 580 out of the tracy area. 13, 14 miles per hour approaching altamont pass. no major issues for the drive. from the live desk, five north korean senior official have beenest cu have been executed. a south korean spy agency says it is because they gave false reports to kim jong-un. it comes after his half brother was murdered at a malaysian airport earlier this month. number six. in the south bay, people have been lining up at this san jose post office since 2:00 this morning to get passports. we're seeing a similar scene across california with people lining up early amid controversy over president trump's immigration ban. number seven, water flowing over a damaged spillway at the oroville dam will be shut off today so crews can remove a debris pile. the pile is keeping the hydroelectric plant from running. just getting started. another 90-minute of news up next, including how the oakland police department will make history today. an investigation after thieves make off with an atm machine. everyone talking about the big mistake at the end of the osca oscars. a lot of people comparing it to steve harvey's mistake at miss universe. universe. he's talking this ♪ >> announcer: good morning, east bay. let's get up and get going. >> announcer: this is abc 7 mornings. >> there is a mistake. "moonlight, reques "moonlight," you guys won best picture. this is not a joke. come up here. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> never before have we seen the wrong winner announced at the oscars until now. this morning, someone is taking the blame for the biggest blunder in the oscars 89-year history. >> the night packed with memorable moments, including a local winner. oscars record and the award show, of course, wouldn't be complete without a prank by jimiji jimmy kimmel. we have your full coverage on this monday, february 27th. who stayed up late? yeah. of course, alexis never stays up late. i was tweeting her last night and wasn't getting back to me. >> i got it this morning. sorry. >> all of this is news to her and perhaps you. it is 5:30. thanks for joining us today. >> absolutely. let's get to mike nicco. we have fog to start. >> little bit of fog, little bit of rain, also. focus on the rain now and i'll talk about the fog in about five or six minutes. you see the cold front roll through. most of the showers down to our south moving around the monterey bay and down into the valley. a little around morgan hill but that is falling apart. quiet but you can see on 101 and 880 in san jose, many of the streets and highways and interstates are a little bit wet. for our day planner, we have 39 to 42, cool this morning. we'll hang out in the low to mid 50s under a partly cloudy sky. showers possible in the north bay and near the coast. for the most part, it'll be a quiet day weather wise. how about traffic? doing really well, mike. we don't have any major issues, though i am just getting reports of a new problem right as you leave the 101 area here from 237. around mountain view. sounds like we have possibly a multi-car collision near the shoreline amphitheater. working to determine how many lanes are blocked if any. not seeing a backup. i'll make a call to chp and hopefully i'll have more details. the metering lights should be on any second on the bay bridge. what in the world happened to the oscars? everyone asking that this morning after the wrong winner for best picture was announced. >> it happened here on abc 7. let's sort it out with kristin zee, live for us in hollywood. >> hey, natasha and reggie, good morning. it was the talk of the town. everybody was talking about it at the parties. how could the presenters been given the wrong envelopeenvelop. >> "la la land." >> reporter: a gau drjaw droppi ending for hollywood's biggest night. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight" won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> reporter: drama after a star-studded night that started with some zings. >> i want to say thank you to president trump. i mean, remember last year when it seemed like the oscars were racist? >> reporter: host jimmy kimmel. >> nice is that an ivanka? >> reporter: the first to turn it political. then a surprise visit. >> this is the home of the academy awards. >> reporter: unsuspecting tourists. >> who is your favorite actor? >> that man right there. >> denzel? >> reporter: the 89th annual oscars kept the attention on the stars. >> reporter: mahershala ali winning best supporting actor for his performance in "moonlight." the award for best supporting actress going to viola davis for "fences." "la la land" taking home 6 of the record-tying 14 oscars for which it was nominated. >> emma stone, "la la land." >> reporter: including best actre actress. >> i realize a moment like this is a huge confluence of luck and opportunity. >> casey affleck, "manchester by the sea." >> reporter: the real winner of best picture. in hollywood, kristin zee, abc 7 news. >> overnight, price waterhouse coopers issued a statement in the form of a tweet. the presenters have been mistakingly given the wrong category envelope. when discovered, it was immediately corrected. we are currently investigating how this could have happened and deeply regret that this occurred. meantime, you can see the breakdown is quick. the red carpet has been rolled up. the giant oscars statues removed. 1,500 people partied here upstairs at the governors ball. 1,400 bottles of champagne consumed. all in all, you can say the 89th oscars is still a winner, despite the mixup that stole some of the spotlight. >> i mean, i think we can agree, it was super fun to watch. >> yeah. >> even up until the last second. i am curious about what happened here. emma stone had the card that said her name. then warren bette on stage also had the same card. i don't think any of us knew there could have been two. >> that's right. a lot of people don't know there are two identical cards for every category. she is given the one that had her name after she accepts her award. she goes off stage with it. the big question everybody wants to know is what normally happens to the second one? is it kept in a file? is it destroyed? what happens? obviously, it is not supposed to end up in warren batey's hands. what a night. >> that person had one job and it didn't go well. thank you for that report. >> we appreciate it. >> great to see you guys. as you'd expect, twitter has been burning up about the big mistake. >> jessica tracking what the stars are saying this morning. oh, boy. >> look at this tweet that's new this morning. steve harvey tweeting. pretty funny, as usual. he says, good morning, everybody. went to sleep early last night. so what i miss? #oscars. of course, the oscars gaffe compared to steve harvey's mistake during the miss universe contest. i want to show you this meme. says, i figured out what happened. #oscars. it was ryan gosling. you had the meme of one of the tourists that came through. then the caption, i swapped the envelopes. ryan gosling whispering into her ear. who knows? maybe the comedian margaret cho figured it out. >> that's a good one. jimmy kimmel did a great job last night, and he is weighing in on the mistake. he said, quote, somebody screwed up and, for once, it wasn't me. kimmel said a famous face in the audience helped him get things back on track. >> i didn't know what to do. denzel washington starts pointing at me and pointing at barry, the director of "moonlight," and like going like this. i was like, what do you want me to do? he was thelling me, tell barry o make a speech. i put him in front of the microphone and he made a speech. >> after the oscar, kimmel attended the governor's ball with his wife, expecting their fourth child. many celebs stopped by to celebrate and raved about kimmel's hosting debut. at 5:00, reaction to the big win by the east bay's own mahershala ali. we also have the highlights and fashions from the red carpet on the abc 7 app. in hayward, 31 people are looking for a place to stay after a two alarm fire broke out around 1:00 this morning in apartments. this is from lund avenue and soto road. the fire was contained to one apartment. because the flames compromised electricity and gas in the building, the 31 residents are not allowed back in. firefighters rescued eight people, including one person in a wheelchair. no one got hurt. interesting situation now as people are standing in line at post offices in the south bay. >> they are not there to send mail. they're there to apply for passports. abc 7's kate larson is live in san jose to explain why they're there so early. kate? >> well, natasha, reggie, there are a dozen or so people at the post office in san jose on branham. not all the people are just here for their passport. some are trying to renew or get passports for their entire family. the problem, the passport offices, as this note on the door explains, can only accommodate about 30 passports a day. already, we're at more than 20. it is 5:30 in the morning. the office doesn't open until 9:00. there have been reports of these busy, busy passport offices here in california and around the country since the beginning of the year. many of the people we've spoken to in line have been to passports all over san jose multiple times. they got up at 1:00, 2:00 this morning to be here to ensure that they got their passport. there are many reasons this is happening. part of it may be anxiety after president trump enacted his immigration order on january 27th, making people want to ensure that they have a renewed passport. some of the folks i spoke to are just trying to go on regular trips and getting caught up in a lot of long lines that were unexpected. >> one line was ridiculously long. the lady was telling me the one on meridiameridian, 150 people there on saturday. this is the third time i've come here. i always miss it. either 30, 65. this morning, i came at 2:00 in the morning. i've been waiting. so i'm here now, and i'm number one. >> it does seem ridiculous, to be here since 2:00 a.m. just for your passport. it seems a lot of people are coming to get their passport because of that. you know, he has scared a lot of people. >> so there is the potential president trump effect, but there is also another reason that so many people might be trying to renew their passports. that is that ten years ago, after a 9/11 commission, there was a new law enacted back in 2007 that passports were necessary to travel to canada and mexico and the caribbean. now, ten years later, passports need to be renewed. that's why there might also be a surge right now. if you are trying to get your passport renewed, remember that you need at least six weeks to do that. months to have it valid before you can travel to a foreign country. best to get in line early like these folks. live in san jose, kate larson, abc 7 news. back to you. >> thank you. the city of san jose is expected to announce a price tag on the damage from a devastating flood that hit the city almost a week ago. 1,300 homes are in need of repair. just three were red tagged in the williams street park area. the mayor spent yesterday with volunteers in the rock springs neighborhood. he said landlords are responsible for making sure their spots are safe for tenants to move back? >> they have to make improvements and we'll be on them with code enforcement to make sure they fix what needs to be fixed. it is going to be a lot of work and we're preparing for that in the days ahead. >> the city plans to ask for state and federal aid tomorrow. >> if you want to help the flood victims, donate $10 automatically by texting the words "red cross" to 90999. the charge will show up on your phone bill. >> announcer: now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> here's some of the fog i was talking about. visibility has increased. up to 1 in santa rosa, the charles m. schultz airport. that means there is a lot of moisture in the air. toward petaluma, less than 1/4 mile. there may be pockets around that could be near freezing. petaluma, 37. we're getting safe there. then we get down to 43 in san rafael. 36 in napa. other neighborhoods, upper 30s in lafayette and san ramon. low to mid 40s around the bay shore. couupertino cupertino, 39 degrees. a brisk day along the coast. breezy and 50 at half moon bay. the rest of us, partly cloudy, 54 to 57. a stray shower possible in the afternoon hours. the san mateo bridge is wet from the overnight showers. we'll have a few but they are fading quickly. i'm going good with mass transit and on the water because it is mainly dry and not too pleabree. tonight, frost inland. barely 40 and oakland. quiet for the morning commute. here's a look at the traffic maps. mostly green. not the green on the radar, just green on the traffic flows. we definitely like that. northbound 101, ramp to shoreline, i'll update the location. sounds like that's where we have a multi-car crash. if you're coming north off the peninsula and heading to san francisco. doesn't sound like it is a major issue. i definitely don't have major delays due to that so far. live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights flipped an arou -- on around 5:30. could have slick conditions or road spray. 101 south, santa rosa to petalu petaluma, 15. no issues on 580, castro valley to the maze. i-2080/680 split to highway 85, no issues there. the grieving father of a fallen navy s.e.a.l. is demanding answers. he is addressing president trump directly. directly. the price of gas is going (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: the abc 7 storm impact scale. today's storm is level 1. meaning light rain. keep an umbrella handy and drive safety. track today's storm on the abc 7 news app. download it now. 5:46 now. happening today, oakland's first female police chief will be sworn in. ann kirkpatrick comes from spokane, washington. she started as a police officer in memphis 34 years ago. he has a history of leading reform efforts. oakland has not had a permanent chief since sean year because of a sex scandal. the chief month. the showers came through last night at midnight to 2:30. now they're gone. let's focus on the flood warning that continues for clear lake, especially near lakeport. flood stage, 9. we're above it at 10.25. hopefully dry weather the next few days will alleviate that. 680 is wet, though it is not raining right now. you're going to run into wet streets through the morning commute. we'll dry things out. a stray shower is possible. cooler an average temperatures this afternoon. by far, the best chance of rain is in the rear-view mirror. dry, cooler nights and warmer afternoons on the way. a chance of rain returns on sunday. we'll keep the storm impact scale at 1 for today though the showers are spotty and most of us will see nothing. there is a possible of a few flurries on the highest peaks. you can see along the coast and in the north bay, as we head from now until noon, our best chance there. one or two may stray to the peninsula, maybe the santa cruz mountains into the afternoon and early evening hours. overnight, the best chances will be along the coast once again. wake up tomorrow, mainly clear. you're going to have to dress a little warmer. may have to scrape ice off the windshie windshield. we'll get closer wednesday. low to mid 60s thursday and friday. slightly cooler saturday with an increase in clouds. the storm potential returns sunday. alexis? i like thursday. picture perfect. that is a nice detail there. this morning, we are looking at some of the fog as mike has been telling us, as well. if you're traveling through the north bay, between santa rosa and san rafael, looks like it has spread a bit there. i'm seeing reports of fog from wayz users this morning. i haven't gotten reports of icy conditions but it is possible. drive with caution. we're seeing delays southbound 101 through petaluma. i saw a report of a minor fender bender there. hopefully i'll have an updated condition. we'll see if we have lanes blocked around 6:00 a.m., just before 6:00. westbound 80 filling in toward the maze. took folks a while to get moving but they're out now. 580, tracy to dublin, 55 minutes. antioch to concord, 21. southbound 101, san rafael to san francisco, in the yellow at 18 minutes. new this morning, at least 20 people are hurt after a float crashed during the world famous carnival parade in rio de janeiro, brazil. three women are said to be in serious condition. this is new video of the crash. a lot of other people remain hospitalized this morning. there are some journalists among those hurt. the float crashed into a fence that separated the main area of the samba to where the party goers are located. the driver is being investigated. the pavement was wet because of drizzle so it may have been a factor. back to you. >> jessica, thank you. sorry, drivers. get ready to pay more at the pump. energy experts predict prices are expected to go up by 80 cents between now and memorial day. experts say production has decreased leading to the higher prices. according to aaa, the national average price of a gallon of regular gas is $2.28. it is up 56 cents from a year ago. in oakland, $2.91. san francisco, $3.04. a lot of memorable moments from last night's oscars. >> got to look at your screen. did you catch this as it happened? the performance was hit in the head by a flag during her performance of "how far i'll go." she keeps singing, like a pro. poise and professionalism and she's just 16 years old. >> i swear she was like a young natasha zouves. she was gorgeous and sound eed great. >> oh. she did sound great. there is what happened at the end of the show that we have on our news app. we just post ted this other sto of another problem during the memory segment. a kos sum designer, janet patterson, died in 2013. but that isn't janet. it is another australian, name ed jan chapman, who is still alive. she said she lost a great friend in janet but she herself is alive and well. and still actively producing. just a really unfortunate mistake. so far, no word from the academy on this one. new at 6:00, the makeover on the way for the bay area's most iconic bridge. first, interested in a golden state warriors golden sneaker? sneaker? how about sneaker? how about it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. new this morning, a bold smash and grab operation in san rafael. somebody demolished the front of this business on anderson drive to get to an atm. there are reports the thieves literally ripped the machine out of the ground and made off with it. police are looking at surveillance video for any clues that could lead them to the thieves. a mudslide preventing crews from repairing a damaged pipeline that cut water service to 90 people. abc 7 news was on morgan territory road where the slide happened saturday. crews can't get into work until the hill stops sliding. the road is closed, leaving 250 residents with only one road out of the area. bottled water has been trucked in. there are two water stations set up 24 hours a day until the problem gets fixed. one of the stations is on leon drive south of the slide. the other is on the north side, about a mile past marsh creek road. starting today, students throughout alameda county will have the chance to win a golden state warrior sneaker by helping the environment. the golden sneaker contest challenges students to get to school but using a green mode of transportation. car pooling, walking, biking or taking the busme. students with the biggest increase wins a golden sneaker donated by the warriors. the contest ends march 10th. let's see what's going on. look how quiet it is outside. we had some showers roll through earlier. you're going to -- the earliest commuters will deal with slick streets. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. this afternoon, partly cloudy. six to nine degrees cooler than average, in the mid 50s instead of mid-60s. we have snow in the sierra. rain in the southern parts of the valley. if you're heading to tahoe, snow showers today and look at the gorgeous days for skiing until some more snow showers on sunday. alexis? good morning. i'll take you live to sky 7. up and flying this morning. there you go. there is the bay bridge toll plaza. always looks worse from sky 7, doesn't it? we are definitely filling in and slowing down through the maze and the bay bridge metering lights flipped on just a tick before 5:30 this morning. really, this is your average drive. we're seeing it from the sky, which does not look like a lot of fun. if you drive that every day, you already know that. want to take you down to the south bay. we do have one new problem. south bou southbound 85, the 101 merge, reports of a crash. on the southbound side, i don't think it'll cause delays. i will keep an eye on that one. up to an hour, tracy to dublin on 580. dublin to mission boulevard south on 680, 22, in the yellow. northbound 85, highway 101 to cupertino, in the green at 17 minutes. next traffic update at 6:00. new at 6:00, how a lock of sleep could lead to legal trouble for your kids later in life. our continuing coverage of the oscars. the reaction from the stars on the award mishap. we're live in hollywood with the unforgettable moments. everyone talking about that moment this morning. but you also have information on but you also have information on who the most talked about person >> announcer: good morning, bay area. let's get up and get going. >> announcer: this is abc 7 mornings. >> i think everybody is in a state of confusion still. >> it is very hard to feel joy in a moment like that. >> i'm a little bit in a daze. >> it is the plot twist as dramatic as so many of the movies nominated for the oscars. "la la land" named best picture. as they all took the stage to receive the award, a mistake. "moonlight" was the winner. >> yikes. this morning, we're learning who is to blame exactly for the surprise ending no one saw coming. good morning to you on this monday, if he c febru natasha z >> i'm reggie aqui. the producers of giving lessons on graciousness. >> what are your guys' names? all kidding aside, we have a little serious issue i want to touch upon. because we have 3/4 mile visibility in santa rosa and a temperature of 32 degrees. alexis and i have been monitoring this non-stop all morning. so far, no reports of freezing fog or black ice. it is possible. thickest

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San Jose Post Office , California , United States , Australia , Alameda County , Pleasant Hill , Brazil , Mountain View , Minnesota , Mount Hamilton , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , Mexico , Napa River , Rio De Janeiro , Estado Do Rio , Castro Valley , Pacifica , San Francisco Bay , Hollywood , Monterey Bay , South Korea , San Mateo County , Morgan Hill , Petaluma , Altamont Pass , Canada , Malaysia , Oakland , Central Valley , Oroville Dam , Bay Shore , Danville , Rock Springs , Santa Cruz Mountains , North Korea , Australian , North Korean , Malaysian , South Korean , Tom Perez , Kate Larson , Kristin Zee , Charles M Schultz , Stoll Plaza , Jimmy Kimmel , Casey Affleck , Steve Harvey , Brian Cullinan , Rebecca Engle , Warren Bette , Janet Patterson , Amy Holly , Margaret Cho , Warren Batey , Jan Chapman , Jonathan Karl , Ann Kirkpatrick , Kim Jong , Denzel Washington , Ryan Gosling ,

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