Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170215 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170215

breaking news in san francisco, an intersection near city hall is shut down and there is a big investigation underway. >> jessica castro tracking the story. >> a murder investigation is underway there. this is new video from the corner of eddie and van ness. looks like any other crash, right, but police do think something is suspicious here. police tell our news room one person inside one of those cars had head trauma and is dead. we don't know how the other people are doing, but you see both cars have extensive damage. in fact, one of those is up on the sidewalk, looks like it crashed into a small tree as well. part of eddy street is shut down, so you do want to avoid the intersection. typically take several hours. there is a odd issue happening on the bay bridge right now. >> you can kind of see it behind us right now. let's get over to alexis smith. >> it's going to be kind of a creepy or eerie drive as you head into san francisco. most of the lights are off. still really don't have a reason for the issue. chp and caltrans are saying there's some type of an electrical problem so they are investigating that. as you can see, we have the street lamps on here at the bay bridge toll plaza. no metering lights yet. it doesn't sound like those are impacted. it's past that once you make it to the tower and start up that incline. keeping a close eye on that. not causing any delays. we do have linger weather he have related closures. we'll talk about that. we're tracking our next storm that will affect us this time tomorrow. live doppler 7 showing you it is dry over the region. the wider view over the northern california coast, eureka getting the rain and this rain will not affect us today, will affect us tomorrow morning. it will be a dry day. you'll notice, though, a lot more cloud cover today compared to yesterday, but it still will be mild out there with temperatured in the upper 60s, so mow your lawn happening today, a warning going out from coast guard about the sheer amount of debris making its way into our water. >> it's a direct result of our recent storms. amy hollyfield live at the berkeley marina this morning with the issues the debris has already caused. >> reporter: it's a huge threat for these boats. it's already damaged some of them. they're running into trash. the coast guard says it is floating down from the san pablo bay through the sacramento delta. they're also getting tangled up in plant matter, reeds and logs. it's all very dangerous. and also causing expensive problems. >> one of these boats lost most of its propellor when it hit something a week oog. all the blades got taken off. it was just the hub left. >> reporter: you can even see masses of debris from afar. look at that dark blob you can see from the richmond-san rafael bridge. now, a big cluster like that gives boaters a chance to maybe try and steer around it, but some is unavoidable. a bay ferry hit a submerged log and suffered a damaged propellor. the coast guard says this is all happening because of the rains and the high water levels. today's warning is a two-way street. they want to help boaters be aware. the coast guard is also hoping that boaters will call in and report any floating hazards in the bay. reporting live from the berkeley marina, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. developing news, evacuees are returning home after two long days out of their homes as the work continues on the oroville dam. we have new video from chp showing crews dropping 1200 tons of rocks at the lip of the emergency spillway. they're hoping to get it shored up ahead of several storms heading their way. meantime, some of the 188,000 people evacuated are starting to return to the area. this is a live look at downtown oroville this morning. still pretty quiet but some businesses have their lights on. mandatory evacuation orders were lifted yesterday, but officialed ask everyone to remain vigilant. >> i'm concerned. i'm, i'm okay with going home. however, i'm concerned with it, them not being as truthful as they should be. i think they're lifting it, you know, just so people aren't freaking out and getting upset. >> fema approved governor brown's request for federal assistance yesterday and the water level is down more than 18 feet since sunday. the goal remains to have it down 50 feet by the end of the weekend by using just the main spillway. the oroville dam emergency is raising questions about california's ageing infrastructure. the last report from the american society of civil engineers estimates it would cost the state $65 billion per year to fix and maintain dams, bridges, and old odes. it's blamed on years of neglect. in its 2013 report card, the group said the state needs to spend nearly $3 billion a year for a decade to protect state residents from floods. the group releases its report card every four years and the next card is due out next month. meteorologist drew tuma has been tracking the storm. they have one more day of dry weather before mother nature going to hamper the efforts tomorrow morning. future weather, gets you into thursday morning and they're going to see heavy rain early in the morning tomorrow. pops of yellow and orange around the oroville area and that's not it. into the morning hours on thursday, the rain continues and then another storm is going to arrive friday and bring them on and off showers throughout the entire day on friday so future tracker rainfall as we get you into early next week, they could see close to 4 inches of rain around that region so that's certainly going to slow down any efforts they have to shore up and make sure that area is safe, guys. an east bay family is coping with the sudden loss of a father and husband. the apparent victim of road rage. 45-year-old wardell taliaferro was shot and killed in front of his family over the weekend. now his family's asking the public for help in finding his killer. abc7 news reporter lisa has more. >> he was a big old teddy bear. >> reporter: this is one of the few pictures leilani millard has with her husband, wardell taliaferro. they were otherwise focused on their growing family and their son, luke. >> as for a husband and a provider and family, a brother, he was definitely it. he loed everybody. >> reporter: on sunday, the couple, their baby, and 5-year-old were driving to a friend's house when something happened between wardell and another driver. >> as they were driving, they were swerving in and out of each other's lanes, exchanging words and i guess when it came to a stop, that's when, i guess before you know it, they pulled out a gun. >> reporter: the 45-year-old was shot in the head. his wife jumped into the driver's seat and drove the car to a nearby kaiser. but wardell was already dead. >> i couldn't believe it. it was kind of surreal. >> reporter: no one can make sense of it. theirs is a family that sees one another daily and while their mother kept them all wardell kept them all smiling. >> he always laughed. he always made light of any situation. >> reporter: this situation is one no one ever expected. in san leandro, lisa amin gulezian abc7 news. president trump is going to host israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house. both men have declared their mutual support and outlined similar views on the israeli/palestinian conflict. mr. trump is eager to facilitate a peace deal. another topic on the agenda, the potential move of the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. that relocation is controversial because both iz rile raillies and palestinians claim jerusalem as their capital. that meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. on abc7. we'll stream it live on our abc7 news app and online at a small group of protesters galtered outside the federal detention center in washington last night. they are demanding the release of 23-year-old daniel ramirez. documents say he came from mexico when he was just 7 years old. as he got older, he qualified for the obama-era deferred action for childhood arrivals program, or daca. and immigration officials say ramirez is a self-admitted gang member and a risk to public safety. santa rosa junior college has approved a measure declaring its campus a save haven. the resolution protects students' personal records from authorities and it limits the college's cooperation with federal immigration agents. santa rosa jc joins several other colleges in school districts in the state that have taken similar steps to support their undocumented students after president trump promised to crack down on illegal immigration. and good morning. time now 5:10 a.m. and as you step out the door for work and school, you're going to notice it feels mild out there. nice south wind keeping temperatures in a lot of spots in the 50s. good morning, san bruno. not all that chilly out there for a morning in february. 50 in concord, good morning, san jose at 50 degrees, and hayward currently at 53. so you'll notice the next three days, today, a little bit more in the way of cloud cover compared to yesterday but still we are mild into the afternoon. these temperatres some 5 to 10 degrees above normal once again in the mid to upper # 0s and everything changes tomorrow as the wet weather returns and the cooler temperatures will settle in once again back into the 50s and a lot of spots. today, you notice, completely dry, but from then on out, the rain returns on and off showers lasting at least through tuesday, just want to talk about our storm tomorrow. a 1 on the storm impact scale. prepare yourself for the thursday morning commute to be slow and featuring brief heavy rain. all right, that's weather. let's get a check at the roads today with alexis. taking another look at the bay bridge, it is sort of a strange sight this morning. we have a power issue so it is dark. actually just saw some lights flashing on and off. it kind of looked like it was a choreographed show or something like that. tolely dark at the moment but maybe they're making a little progress on getting those lights back on. in the meantime, just use caution. right now it is not causing any delays. where we do already have a backup, though, santa cruz mountains, northbound 17 of course still blocked at vine hill road due to that mudslide. they are working on that, doing some preventative work today for the rain that is pushing back in tomorrow. in the meantime, traffic sharing one lane northbound and one lane southbound. rough day anticipated for you. we'll take a look at drive times coming up. residents in the oroville area are wurning home. officers ran into a few evacuees that they certainly won't forget. >> you can have a say about background checks on lyft and background checks on lyft and uber let 'em say we're crazy, i don't care about that ♪ baby we can make it if we're heart to heart ♪ and we can build this dream togeth♪r ♪ standing strong forever ♪ ♪ nothing's gonna stop us now ♪ ♪ and if this world runs out of lovers ♪ ♪ we'll still have each other ♪ ♪ nothing's gonna stop us now ♪ california lawmakers are considering a new bill that would close a major loophole in current rules about guns on school campuses. under california's gun-free school zones law, people are prohibited from bringing firearms on to public school campuses but school districts can approve select civilians with concealed carry permits to have guns on school grounds. a new bill would prevent weapons from being placed in the wrong hands. in today's gma first look, a dairy queen manager faces manslaughter charges. >> her bullying led a teenager to commit suicide. abc has more. >> reporter: in this morning's gma first look, just days before christmas, 17-year-old kenny sutner took his own life. now his former boss is facing manslaughter charges over his suicide. prosecutors accusing her of essentially bullying him to death. sutner worked at this dairy queen where prosecutors say his 21-year-old supervisor, harley, subjected him to constant harassment. after his death, the coroner making the rare move to call an official inquest, a public hearing with a six-person jury to determine whether criminal charges should be filed. a prosecutor charging her with second degree involuntary manslaughter. she denies bullying sutner and dan abrams will weigh in on this case coming up at 7:00. abc news new york. the california public utilities commission is going to host a public workshop in san francisco on friday about criminal background checks for uber and lyft drivers. city officials have said third party background checks used by those companies don't do enough because they only look at names and social security numbers. now, compare that to taxi cabs in the city, they have to have fingerprints and compared to the department of justice's database. friday's workshop is going to be held in the cpu golden gate room on van ness avenue. the sonoma rail transit authority just rejected san rafael's plea to delay a train extension to larkspur. according to the marin ij, san rafael wanted to wait until it built a new downtown transit center. that could take at least five years. s.m.a.r.t. nixed the delay, citing a possible loss of federal funding. the agency fears money that is unused or appears unneeded is a prime target to be redirected by congress or the new administration. larkspur extension is set to open in the summer of 2018. airlines in the u.s. certainly take a whole lot of criticism. we do have some good news to deliver. airlines canceled fewer flights and lost fewer bags in 2016. that's coming from the department of transportation. canceled flights are down to their lowest level in 22 years. as for lost or mishandled luggage, airlines hit the lowest level since 1987. doesn't feel that way when your flight is canceled. amazon hopes to trademark a way to deliver packages to your home. the online retailer has received a patent for this. it suggests amazon is considering keeping its drones high above homes and dropping packages using magnets, parachutes or spring coils to release the delivery mid flight. if a package gets off course, the drone is expected to monitor the delivery and try to move the package back to where it's supposed to go. amazon is conducting some tested right now overseas. when you look at these photos here, you might assume these officers were at a petting zoo. that wasn't the case. they found these exotic animals at a home evacuated following the oroville dam crisis. the chp says officers were checking on vacant homes and businesses when they came across this troef of exotic animals. they found, that's right, kang l radios, including an albino one, many deer, and zebras. the animals have been temporarily relocated. despite all they've been through, a uva county couple is now happily married. leota and henry's marriage has been ten years in the making. they wanted to get married this valentine's day but the oroville dam crisis of course changed everything. the couple was forced out of their home on sunday, so they put their wedding plans on hold. not for long, though. evacuees became wedding planners. officials at the shelter where they were staying did the rest of it. they put out a call to the community and just like that, donations started pouring in and happy couple got to finally say "i do." >> i know we had our ups and downs too and i will always love you. >> henry, you may kiss your bride. >> the music, the flowers, the wedding dress, the tux rental, all donated by members of the community. >> good for them. and on valentine's day too. that is very nice. something that's not so great is this background behind me. what's going on here? usually it's all lit up pretty and not today. >> i know. this is of course not going to happen while i'm on the air either but there has been quite the light show happening on the bay bridge here too. so, they're working on an electrical problem. caltrans is trying to get to the bottom of it but these that you normally see at the top of the spans here and you normally have street lamps that are on, they have been flashing on and off. if you want to follow me on twitter, i just tweeted out a video of that. it was crazy. and it looks like we have about half the right-hand side of the bridge is lit up here as you go up the incline towards treasure island tunnel so it is dark this morning. it is a little eerie, it starts at the east side, on the east side, i should say, at the tower and then goes into san francisco. so far, it has not impacted those metering lights so they should be flipping on any minute now. we will keep a close eye on that. southbound 680 okay through walnut creek into dublin, same thing southbound 101, santa rosa to san francisco, northbound 17 between highway 1 and los gatos already 1 hour 20 minutes and that's due to the slide on highway 17 near vine hill. let's check in with drew tuma and we are anticipating rain moving in. we are. we've had a nice stretch of really dry weather. today, we have cloud cover moving in. that's the first ingredient you need when you want rain. but it will be dry today. live doppler 7 showing you we do have a couple of returns on the screen. this is not going to reach the ground today. what it's doing, preparing our atmosphere for the rain that will arrive tomorrow morning. the wider view showing you it is raining to our north around eureka. this system going to be slow to sink south. so today, a fair amount of cloud cover, we're dry. you'll notice in the afternoon, another mild feeling day, despite the limited sunshine. so the storm impact scale, this coming back for tomorrow morning. your thursday morning feature showers this time tomorrow. brief heavy rain likely too so the thursday morning commute likely going to be a slow one. alexis will track any issues we have tomorrow morning on our roadways. accuweather 7 day forecast is going to show you, enjoy the dry today today, get any things you need to get done today, mowing your lawn perhaps, because thursday morning, the showers return. on and off rain in the forecast through tuesday of next week. >> drew, it's too much. >> is it too much? >> just take a couple days back. >> all right, i guess i'll change it. >> thank you, drew. next, the seven things you need to know as you start your day. and it's always good to donate unless it's this pile of clothes. why one woman quickly regretted her kind gesture. and as everyone breathes a and as everyone breathes a temporary sigh when aachoo!calls... ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals. welcome back. whether you're just joining us or heading out the door, the seven things you need to know before you go. number one, we have breaking news here at the live desk. a big investigation underway at eddy and van ness in san francisco. it is right now city hall. one person is dead. police found them with head trauma while investigating this crash. part of eddy is shut down. number two, we have a dark bay bridge this morning. it is going to be an eerie drive here into san francisco. caltrans is working on some type of an electrical issue. i've seen these lights flashing on and off but so far, it has remained mostly dark. not impacting those metering lights. so far, no backup. number three, meteorologist drew tuma, a dry and mild day on the way before the rain returns tomorrow morning. your day planner, you will notice a fair amount of cloud cover in the sky despite the limited sunshine this afternoon. it is going to be mild again with temperatures until the mid to upper evacuees are slowly returning home this morning. some are opting to wait it out a little longer in shelters. many businesses in downtown oroville expected to reopen today. number five, today the coast guard is expected to issue a debris warning for the san francisco bay and you're looking at the reason why. pieces of wood and debris from recent storms are still making their way into the bay and it's creating quite a big hazard. number six, new details emerging involving michael flynn's resignation. sources tell abc news the former national security adviser was interviewed by the fbi director in the days following the inauguration over his calls with the russian ambassador. and number seven, people are flocking to yosemite for this, mother nature's annual fire fall show. every february, the setting sun draws a narrow sliver of light on a waterfall, giving it that bright orange glow. the reflection lasts for only about ten minutes. we're coming back with more news. the vote today that could bring rail cars filled with flammable material to sonoma county. and your morning commute may not be as safe as you think. four bridges here in the bay area called out in a new report just released. i'm jonathan bloom in downtown oroville where life is slowly returning to normal. slowly returning to normal. we'll talk to good morning to you. it is 5:30 on this wednesday, february 15. >> yes, all right, you can see a little bit dark behind us. we wanted to zoom in to show you, alexis smith, tell us what's going on here. >> you know what, we've got some type of a power issue, an electrical issue on the bay bridge this morning. and that's why most of it is dark. so, we've been tracking this for you since 4:30 and just kind of an eerie drive into san francisco and i have seen these lights flashing quite a bit. it looks like they're getting closer to getting it fixed but the one place it really isn't impacting you is of course the bay bridge toll plaza. so those metering lights are on. we did confirm that with chp. a few minutes earlier than average too. flipped on about 5:25. so as these volumes fill in, we are seeing folks slow down over that dark bay bridge. it starts at the east bay tower and then goes over the incline into treasure island and then of course beyond into san francisco as well. we'll take a look at some drive times. let's check in with meteorologist drew tuma in for mike today. good morning, alexis. today, our final completely dry day we have in the next seven. live doppler 7 sew shoeing you right now it's quiet over the region but off the coast, we have green on the screen and green on live doppler 7 means rain but this system to our north will not affect us until thursday morning so today, we're dry but the clouds are increasing ahead of that storm so through the afternoon, we'll catch peeks of sunshine but we will be mild with the south wind bumping us up into the mid and upper 60s across the region. this morning, life is resuming in oroville as some of the 180,000 evacuees are waking up in their own beds again. >> there is more rain on the way and not everyone is so sure they should return or unpack if they do get back home. abc7 news reporter jonathan bloom live for us in downtown oroville. >> reporter: this morning, oroville is starting to wake up the way it does every day except for the last two days because, well, there was nobody here. this morning, we're actually starting to see trucks making deliveries, people going to the gym and yes, we even saw the very first employee come swoo into this drive through coffee shop to open it up. now, life actually started returning to normal yesterday afternoon when officials told 200,000 people they were allowed to return to their homes after they had been ordered to leave in a big hurry on sunday. business had been closed and their employees haven't been working so jacob thornton told us he was all too glad to turn on the coffee grinders and the open sign a few minutes early this morning even though he and his family chose not to evacuate. >> my parents are the ones who made the decision for me. and i feel good being at home because i was there praying for everybody. and it was good to know that we have a two-story house, i would have been up on top on the roof waiting for somebody to pick me up if something did happen but i feel for everybody who did have to evacuate. >> reporter: he knows if there's a next time, things could be different. 125 construction crews, 40 trucks per hour still working to shore up the oroville dam's crumbling emergency spillway. that dirt hillside which also has a hole in it. the lake is currently down about 22 feet from its highest point on sunday. that's nearly halfway to the state water department's goal of 50 feet before more rain arrives later tonight but for now in oroville, people are just happy to be getting a hot cup of coffee and they are lining up even at this hour of the morning. meanwhile, the permanent fix is going to be expensive and we've learned that governor brown's request to fema has been approved for federal disaster funds to speed that along. live in oroville, jonathan bloom abc7 news. california lawmakers and the white house say this crisis is oroville is highlighting the danger posed by the nation's aging infrastructure. congressman john garamendi spoke about the risk of a catastrophic failure. he asked congress to choose wisely between hot-button projects and infrastructure spending. >> choices about building a $30 billion wall rather than repairing the bridges. we know that dams are in jeopardy. we should never delay these infrastructure investments. >> there are estimates that fixing and maintaining the infrastructure in california alone would cost $65 billion. we did send out a breaking news alert when that evacuation order was lifted. for the people near oroville. you can be the first to know the news as it happens by downloading our free abc7 news app. it's available for apple and android devices. here in the bay area, so many of us drive across bridges for our morning and evening commute. >> we've been talking about infrastructure a lot recently because of the dam and you have some bad news, jess, about infrastructure in general. >> yes. i have been poring over this new report that was just released and i can tell you it says 56,000 bridges nationwide deficient, 14 of those most traveled are here in california. and you can bet i did find some here in the bay area. in fact, it calls out specifically the 680 over monument boulevard in contra costa county, 880 alameda, 280 at lawrence expressway in santa clara and highway 101 in san mateo at cordillears creek. just north of the whipple exit. the report was real estaleased moments ago. don't panic quite yet. they say bridges that they labeled deficient are not necessarily in immediate danger of collapse. two robbery suspects apparently gave police in the east bay the slip despite this intense man hunt. you can see sky7 over the search at oakland's rock ridge district last night. it started with an attempted robbery in berkeley at piedmont avenue and rustle street and turned into a police pursuit into oakland. the suspects hit another car about a block from rock ridge b.a.r.t. station. they crashed and ran into the neighborhood. police stopped b.a.r.t. service for 20 minutes while they searched and eventually called it off. san francisco police are looking for three young men accused of beating an 18-year-old with his own skateboard. this happened near the eastern entrance to golden gate park saturday afternoon. it's not clear why this attack happened. it's near haight and stanyan street. people who live and work in the area say that intersection has long been a hot bed for violence. in june, a homeless couple was charged with torturing a man and there have been several shootings and stabbings in the area over the past few years. police in concord need your help finding a missing man. he was last seen last night after he walked away from his care home. no word what the 37-year-old suffers from in toermz terms of a medical condition but police are asking the public to keep an eye out. he is 5'11", 240 pounds, last seen wearing a light blue sweatshirt and gray sweat pants. "the new york times" reports president trump's campaign had repeated contact with russian intelligence for up to a year before the election. the fbi is now going through call logs and intercepted communications. according to the times, intelligence agencies discover the contacts about the time they were uncovering evidence that russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election. officials say that so far, they've seen no evidence of collusion. the chief chef of gap will be meeting with president trump today. ceo art pack and executives from seven other large outlets are expected to make the case against a proposal to tax all imports. they claim it will raise prices and hurt their business. the ceos of autozone, best buy, target, walgreens, jcpenney, jo-ann stores as well as tractor supply company will all be on hand. if you live until the north bay, you're going to want to know this. rail tankers filled with flammable material could soon be stored where you live. sonoma and rail transit officials are scheduled to vote on a agreement to do just that. s.m.a.r.t. officials had tried to prevent 80 tankers containing 2 million gallons of liquefied petroleum from being stored on tracks in schellville. according to the press democrat, a tentative agreement with northwestern pacific railroads was reached as long as certain terms and conditions were met. the highway patrol warning that snow from the next round of storms could close roads in the sierra and look at this photo from the chp. see how high the snow is along highway 89. they warn the road could close as another storm moves in tomorrow. time now 5:37 a.m. and talking about tahoe, winter storm watch in effect late tonight. we are going to get of to 12 inches of additional snowfall over our passes so once again, hazardous driving going to be expected there. live doppler 7 along with satellite, this is our next storm system. this will not affect us until tomorrow morning. so, today, we're dry. and out there right now, we're on the mild side. 50s across the board in a lot of spots. good morning, oakland. 52 in san jose, same in san mateo. napa coming in at 53 and antioch, one of the cooler spots at 48 degrees. so today, a lot of cloud cover, we are dry, though. we are mild, though, too, with a limited sunshine, we're getting into the mid and upper 60s across the region. some spots, 10 degrees above normal for this time of the year. then tomorrow, everything changes. storms return and on the storm impact scale, this will be a 1, a light system thursday morning. however, the timing going to be very inconvenient. the heaviest of the rain will come down during the thursday morning commute so we do expect issues in terms of ponding on our roadways and winds could gust as high as 40 miles an hour so the accuweather 7 day forecast will show you today, highla mild, sunshine out there, rain returns tomorrow morning. another storm arrives friday and then the weekend does feature showers but the majority of our weekend does look dry, saturday afternoon into sunday morning. alexis, let's look at the roads. if you've been with us, you know we've had an electrical issue with the bay bridge metering lights -- not the metering lights. just the normal bay bridge lights and they've been flash quite a bit. we'll see if they do it while i have the camera pulled up. they are working on it. so far has not caused any major delays. i want to flip over to the traffic maps and prove that to you. we are in the green once you make it past the bay bridge toll plaza. those metering lights were flipped on about ten minutes ago and i just checked that drive time too, about 11 minutes into san francisco so that is still in the green. still open here this morning. we'll see how we are flowing there as we get further into the commute but definitely working to resolve that. westbound 580, tracy to dublin, up to 50 minutes, westbound 4, up to 21, and southbound 101, you are in the green at 16 minutes. not so good though through the santa cruz mountains. we'll check of that coming up. voters approved a bond to give b.a.r.t. billions of dollars. now transit officials want to ask you for even more money. crews spent the night searching for a dog that jumped into the bay. more on that dramatic rescue. it's a nice view this morning. morning. tomorrow morning going to be a right now, we want to get to that breaking news we're tracking in san francisco. >> there's a homicide investigation going on as we speak. this is right near city hall. abc7 news reporter matt keller live on the scene. this is near eddy and van ness. >> reporter: good morning. check this out. you can see where this investigation is focused right now. you've got two vehicles that were involved in this crash. one vehicle paefrz to have pushed another vehicle on to the sidewalk and a tree also damaged and leaning in on to the sidewalk. the air bags went off in the vehicle on the street right now and officers are focusing their investigation on that vehicle. it looks like they're checking out the backseat at this time. they've been going in and out of the buildings around here, trying to find out what exactly happened here. san francisco police are telling us this all happened at about 2:15 this morning. officers found a person in one of these vehicles with head trauma. that person has died. investigators are not saying what caused that head trauma at this time. but obviously, this is more than just a traffic collision. they have eddy blocked off here at van ness so if you're going in this area, you're going to be aware of that becauses the going to cause backups as people try to get around this area. we're going to try to find out more. so far, the san francisco police have said nothing at the scene. b.a.r.t. is considering asking voters for another $1.5 billion to buy more trains. according to the "san francisco chronicle," b.a.r.t. and other transit agencies want to raise tolls on all bay area bridges with the exception of the golden gate bridge and this is going to go up significantly. $1 to $3. voters just approved a $3.5 billion bond measure for b.a.r.t. in november. tonight, the contra costa transportation authority is going to try to identify projects that would be funded by a bridge toll increase. a dog is doing just fine this morning after a dramatic rescue from san francisco bay. a couple's small dog fell into the water last night. the couple was visibly shaken. sf fire quickly responded but they couldn't see the pooch from land so they launched the fire boat. firefighters spotted the dog, pulled it out and rejieted it with its owners. san francisco supervisors want sacramento to give them to power to impose a local income tax. the board wants state lawmakers to amend the tax code to enable cities to levy personal and corporate income taxes. they believe it will be crucial if republicans follow through on promises to lower taxes. >> the feds cut taxes for the richest of the rich. we're going to recapture those at the state and local level. >> supervisors said a 0.5% income tax for safrs workers earning more $1 million a year would raise $80 million. the pacifica police department is asking for homeowners and renters to be vigilant after a string of residential burglaries. four happened monday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. an al al to vista drive, manzanita drive, and escalero avenue. officers said it's important to report any suspicious activity. new data out on hiv shows while infections are dropping overall, the rate continues to climb for young gay and bi men. health officials say the decline is due to testing, anti-varl medications, the hiv prevention pill prep and needle exchange programs. diagnoses jumped up in southern states. humana is pulling out of the affordable care market. humana says that after looking at this year's enrollment numbers, the exchanges have attracted more older, sicker members who are driving up the cost. president donald trump said it was evidence of the law continuing to fail. amazon is about that online convenience and is opening a bookstore in walnut creek. a real brick and mortar location. amazon opened its first bookstore in seattle over a year ago. the only other location in california is near san diego. last february, amazon announced plans to open up 400 bookstores across the country. feathers everywhere at justin herman plaza last night even though they told people not to bring the feather pillows. >> we asked you nicely. hundreds of people took part in this massive valentine's day pillow fight. this is a san francisco tradition. some couples we spoke to say this is all part of their self-counseling ritual. >> the feeling of being with everyone and hitting. >> my husband. >> that's your husband? and you're fighting each other? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> i mean, it looks like they're having fun. so, i'm just going to go with it. >> it's a good way to work out some internal issues. >> people were asked to bring garbage bags to clean up the significant mess left behind. you can see the police like, what is this even. work crews also were helping out. the city says it generally spends about $5,000 cleaning up after the unsanctioned event. hey, drew tuma. >> hi. you didn't hit anyone, right? >> no, but i think i'm all for couples getting their frustration out. makes a stronger marriage. i didn't see you two there. >> we were sleeping. >> we were just fine. >> live doppler 7 showing you overhead right now, we are driving -- you notice we do have some rain right off the coast. this is going to be our next storm system but will not arrival until tomorrow morning so out there, right now, we're seeing mild temperatures, san rafael 52, 51 calistoga, american canyon, good morning. area-wide, not too cool. 47, san ramon, 52 cupertino, 50 in san carlos and san jose good morning you're at 50 degrees so san jose right now, no issues in terms of rain on the roadways. your day planner a lot more cloud cover compared to yesterday but still it's mild out there. afternoon hiegz into the mid and upper 60s. thursday is a 1 on the storm impact scale. however the timing is so inconvenient once again, coming through during the morning rush so hour-by-hour we go on future weather showing you 3:00 in the morning on your tuesday, the rain starting first in the north bay. by 5:00, the heavy rain. moving through the center part of the bay area and then by 7:00, the heavy rain moving through the south bay. so the rain gear getting a return use starting tomorrow morning. how are the roads looking right now? something i really am excited to show you here. check it out, the lights are back on for the bay bridge. we've been tracking this since a little bit after 4:00. it was totally dark. kind of an eerie drive into san francisco. looks like they've gotten the issue worked out. i will keep an eye on that. no major delay on the bridge. we do have the metering lights on so it is stacking up through the maze but really just 11, 12 minutes to get into san francisco. quick check of the santa cruz mountains. another brutal day for you guys. yoif got the slide blocking the northbound lanes to the vine hill, one lane getting by northbound and southbound. in those southbound lanes, 3-mile-an-hour average. we're up to almost an hour and a half already. so just not a great situation. we'll talk about mass transit talking up just before 6:00. that breaking news coming in from texas. an explosion near houston and i just found out just a few seconds ago, this was a natural gas pipeline that exploded. the pipeline is located about 45 minutes away from a small town from houston. it was caught on camera by an abc viewer who sent this to our colleagues in houston and our houston abc station was reporting that there was work being done on this pipeline when the blast happened but the good news is, there are no reports of injuries. there were other secondary fires, those are out too. this is in a very rural area. again, 45 minutes away from houston so things are under control. almost looks like a sunrise photo there but it was just a massive fire. and it could be seen from miles away. again, this viewer taking the photo, video, and sending it houston and he was about 45 miles, 35 miles away so you could see it from quite a distance. the faa is investigating a plane incident involving harrison ford. it happened monday at john wayne airport in orange county. officials are saying that the actor flew his single engine plane over and too close to a loaded passenger jet before he land on a taxiway instead of a runway. no one got hurt. authorities say ford may have violated federal flight regulations and this is not the first time the 74-year-old has had a problem landing. two years ago, this happened. ford crash landed a plane and broke his leg. in 2000, he scraped a runway and in 1999, ford crash landed a helicopter. >> yeah. >> he's so good with the millennium falcon. new at 6:00, facebook making a change many of you probably not going to like this and you'll be talking about it today. what you will soon be hearing in your feed. first, anyone who is anyone had this iconic nokia phone at the turn of the millennium. good news, it's back. >> is that good news? look up in the sky, it's a bird, look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's just this you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. nokia is hoping a blast from the past is going to be a big seller again. it plans to bring back the nokia 3310. the original phone launched in 2000 and boy does it look like it. it was a big hit at the time. it has that, you know, monotone screen. users say it was almost indestructible with a long-lasting battery. the new 3310 will sell for around $60. it will be unveiled later this month. >> i remember playing snake on that. do you remember that? here's something that might appeal to the rich and impatient. check out the world's first commercial flying car. this is the liberty. they say it complies with all air is and road safety regulations around the world but you will need a pilot's license. the price tag is $399,000. if you're in the market, deliveries will start at the end of next year. so that is my christmas gift? yes? that's pretty cheap. today, one final dry day in the next seven so enjoy it. highs today will be mild. lot of cloud cover, though, compared to yesterday. so under limited sunshine, though, you're going to get boot 60s. 64 san francisco, 68 san jose and 65 for napa. accuweather 7 day forecast going to show you the rain returns tomorrow morning for the morning commute. so expect that to be slow go on and off showers are in the forecast at least through next tuesday. so, the wet weather returns but today, how are the roads looking? we're doing okay. the bay bridge metering lights are on and that happened about 5:25 this morning and the normal lights are on as well so looks like caltrans has resolved that earlier electric issue and no ace rail service today out of the central valley. you'll have to find another way into work and that is due to track damage. a woman in orange county has 8,000 reasons to be thankful this morning. >> listen to this story. she dropped off some of her husband's old shirts in goodwill. she didn't know her husband had left a huge stash of cash in one of the pockets. he asked her one day where did his shirt go. he broke the news that was money was for a surprise trip. they rushed to the goodwill, could not find the shirt. thankfully a worker stumbled across the cash. the couple says if they didn't find the money, they hope it went to a family who needed it but what an honest worker at the goodwill. new at 6:00, a health alert for anyone who's packing a few extra pounds. the best and worse places to carry that body foot a. that breaking news we are tracking in san francisco, this crash turning into a homicide investigation overnight. investigation overnight. matt keller is live where police ♪ contrary to ancient wisdom... the sun doesn't rise, we do. yet, the more we travel, the more the world pushes back, coralling us and controlling us. so, we seek a place where we're given a choice... ...not just to get up, but to rise. ♪ now at 6:00 a.m., that breaking news we're tracking in san francisco, a homicide investigation underway after a violent crash just blocks from city hall. >> abc7 news reporter matt keller gathering new details there for us now. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, natasha and reggie. since i last saw you, this has become a more active scene. officers are speaking with someone out there. not sure if that is someone with the million examiner's office or the homicide unit out here. they're checking out vehicles and they're checking out this vehicle in particular that crashed into another vehicle and pushed it up on to the sidewalk, crashing into a tree as well. a person was found dead inside a personhat vehicle.ead inside air bags went off. they were deployed. the officers are also dealing with people coming down and getting their vehicles out from within the taped off scene so they're having to deal with the residents of this area coming out and trying to leave for work this morning. this happened at about 2:15 this morning. they arrived and found that person in the vehicle. that person died from head trauma. they are trying to figure out exactly what happened here that led to what happened here on the sidewalk. the officers say they do not have a time line for how long they're going to be out here investigating but the homicide detail is here. the medical examiner's office is here as well. they're

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Calistoga , California , United States , New York , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Oakland , Texas , San Leandro , Washington , Central Valley , Sonoma , San Pablo Bay , San Diego , Oroville Dam , Russia , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , Mexico , American Canyon , San Bruno , Yucatámx , Los Gatos , Pacifica , Sonoma County , San Francisco Bay , Santa Cruz Mountains , Houston , San Carlos , Russian , Israeli , American , Sacramento Delta , Wardell Taliaferro , Lisa Amin , Harrison Ford , Walgreens Jcpenney Jo Ann , Alexis Smith , Michael Flynn , Oroville Jonathan , Leilani Millard , Jacob Thornton , Justin Herman Plaza , Jessica Castro , Berkeley Marina Amy , Meal , Dan Abrams , Matt Keller , Daniel Ramirez , John Garamendi ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170215 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170215

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breaking news in san francisco, an intersection near city hall is shut down and there is a big investigation underway. >> jessica castro tracking the story. >> a murder investigation is underway there. this is new video from the corner of eddie and van ness. looks like any other crash, right, but police do think something is suspicious here. police tell our news room one person inside one of those cars had head trauma and is dead. we don't know how the other people are doing, but you see both cars have extensive damage. in fact, one of those is up on the sidewalk, looks like it crashed into a small tree as well. part of eddy street is shut down, so you do want to avoid the intersection. typically take several hours. there is a odd issue happening on the bay bridge right now. >> you can kind of see it behind us right now. let's get over to alexis smith. >> it's going to be kind of a creepy or eerie drive as you head into san francisco. most of the lights are off. still really don't have a reason for the issue. chp and caltrans are saying there's some type of an electrical problem so they are investigating that. as you can see, we have the street lamps on here at the bay bridge toll plaza. no metering lights yet. it doesn't sound like those are impacted. it's past that once you make it to the tower and start up that incline. keeping a close eye on that. not causing any delays. we do have linger weather he have related closures. we'll talk about that. we're tracking our next storm that will affect us this time tomorrow. live doppler 7 showing you it is dry over the region. the wider view over the northern california coast, eureka getting the rain and this rain will not affect us today, will affect us tomorrow morning. it will be a dry day. you'll notice, though, a lot more cloud cover today compared to yesterday, but it still will be mild out there with temperatured in the upper 60s, so mow your lawn happening today, a warning going out from coast guard about the sheer amount of debris making its way into our water. >> it's a direct result of our recent storms. amy hollyfield live at the berkeley marina this morning with the issues the debris has already caused. >> reporter: it's a huge threat for these boats. it's already damaged some of them. they're running into trash. the coast guard says it is floating down from the san pablo bay through the sacramento delta. they're also getting tangled up in plant matter, reeds and logs. it's all very dangerous. and also causing expensive problems. >> one of these boats lost most of its propellor when it hit something a week oog. all the blades got taken off. it was just the hub left. >> reporter: you can even see masses of debris from afar. look at that dark blob you can see from the richmond-san rafael bridge. now, a big cluster like that gives boaters a chance to maybe try and steer around it, but some is unavoidable. a bay ferry hit a submerged log and suffered a damaged propellor. the coast guard says this is all happening because of the rains and the high water levels. today's warning is a two-way street. they want to help boaters be aware. the coast guard is also hoping that boaters will call in and report any floating hazards in the bay. reporting live from the berkeley marina, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. developing news, evacuees are returning home after two long days out of their homes as the work continues on the oroville dam. we have new video from chp showing crews dropping 1200 tons of rocks at the lip of the emergency spillway. they're hoping to get it shored up ahead of several storms heading their way. meantime, some of the 188,000 people evacuated are starting to return to the area. this is a live look at downtown oroville this morning. still pretty quiet but some businesses have their lights on. mandatory evacuation orders were lifted yesterday, but officialed ask everyone to remain vigilant. >> i'm concerned. i'm, i'm okay with going home. however, i'm concerned with it, them not being as truthful as they should be. i think they're lifting it, you know, just so people aren't freaking out and getting upset. >> fema approved governor brown's request for federal assistance yesterday and the water level is down more than 18 feet since sunday. the goal remains to have it down 50 feet by the end of the weekend by using just the main spillway. the oroville dam emergency is raising questions about california's ageing infrastructure. the last report from the american society of civil engineers estimates it would cost the state $65 billion per year to fix and maintain dams, bridges, and old odes. it's blamed on years of neglect. in its 2013 report card, the group said the state needs to spend nearly $3 billion a year for a decade to protect state residents from floods. the group releases its report card every four years and the next card is due out next month. meteorologist drew tuma has been tracking the storm. they have one more day of dry weather before mother nature going to hamper the efforts tomorrow morning. future weather, gets you into thursday morning and they're going to see heavy rain early in the morning tomorrow. pops of yellow and orange around the oroville area and that's not it. into the morning hours on thursday, the rain continues and then another storm is going to arrive friday and bring them on and off showers throughout the entire day on friday so future tracker rainfall as we get you into early next week, they could see close to 4 inches of rain around that region so that's certainly going to slow down any efforts they have to shore up and make sure that area is safe, guys. an east bay family is coping with the sudden loss of a father and husband. the apparent victim of road rage. 45-year-old wardell taliaferro was shot and killed in front of his family over the weekend. now his family's asking the public for help in finding his killer. abc7 news reporter lisa has more. >> he was a big old teddy bear. >> reporter: this is one of the few pictures leilani millard has with her husband, wardell taliaferro. they were otherwise focused on their growing family and their son, luke. >> as for a husband and a provider and family, a brother, he was definitely it. he loed everybody. >> reporter: on sunday, the couple, their baby, and 5-year-old were driving to a friend's house when something happened between wardell and another driver. >> as they were driving, they were swerving in and out of each other's lanes, exchanging words and i guess when it came to a stop, that's when, i guess before you know it, they pulled out a gun. >> reporter: the 45-year-old was shot in the head. his wife jumped into the driver's seat and drove the car to a nearby kaiser. but wardell was already dead. >> i couldn't believe it. it was kind of surreal. >> reporter: no one can make sense of it. theirs is a family that sees one another daily and while their mother kept them all wardell kept them all smiling. >> he always laughed. he always made light of any situation. >> reporter: this situation is one no one ever expected. in san leandro, lisa amin gulezian abc7 news. president trump is going to host israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house. both men have declared their mutual support and outlined similar views on the israeli/palestinian conflict. mr. trump is eager to facilitate a peace deal. another topic on the agenda, the potential move of the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. that relocation is controversial because both iz rile raillies and palestinians claim jerusalem as their capital. that meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. on abc7. we'll stream it live on our abc7 news app and online at a small group of protesters galtered outside the federal detention center in washington last night. they are demanding the release of 23-year-old daniel ramirez. documents say he came from mexico when he was just 7 years old. as he got older, he qualified for the obama-era deferred action for childhood arrivals program, or daca. and immigration officials say ramirez is a self-admitted gang member and a risk to public safety. santa rosa junior college has approved a measure declaring its campus a save haven. the resolution protects students' personal records from authorities and it limits the college's cooperation with federal immigration agents. santa rosa jc joins several other colleges in school districts in the state that have taken similar steps to support their undocumented students after president trump promised to crack down on illegal immigration. and good morning. time now 5:10 a.m. and as you step out the door for work and school, you're going to notice it feels mild out there. nice south wind keeping temperatures in a lot of spots in the 50s. good morning, san bruno. not all that chilly out there for a morning in february. 50 in concord, good morning, san jose at 50 degrees, and hayward currently at 53. so you'll notice the next three days, today, a little bit more in the way of cloud cover compared to yesterday but still we are mild into the afternoon. these temperatres some 5 to 10 degrees above normal once again in the mid to upper # 0s and everything changes tomorrow as the wet weather returns and the cooler temperatures will settle in once again back into the 50s and a lot of spots. today, you notice, completely dry, but from then on out, the rain returns on and off showers lasting at least through tuesday, just want to talk about our storm tomorrow. a 1 on the storm impact scale. prepare yourself for the thursday morning commute to be slow and featuring brief heavy rain. all right, that's weather. let's get a check at the roads today with alexis. taking another look at the bay bridge, it is sort of a strange sight this morning. we have a power issue so it is dark. actually just saw some lights flashing on and off. it kind of looked like it was a choreographed show or something like that. tolely dark at the moment but maybe they're making a little progress on getting those lights back on. in the meantime, just use caution. right now it is not causing any delays. where we do already have a backup, though, santa cruz mountains, northbound 17 of course still blocked at vine hill road due to that mudslide. they are working on that, doing some preventative work today for the rain that is pushing back in tomorrow. in the meantime, traffic sharing one lane northbound and one lane southbound. rough day anticipated for you. we'll take a look at drive times coming up. residents in the oroville area are wurning home. officers ran into a few evacuees that they certainly won't forget. >> you can have a say about background checks on lyft and background checks on lyft and uber let 'em say we're crazy, i don't care about that ♪ baby we can make it if we're heart to heart ♪ and we can build this dream togeth♪r ♪ standing strong forever ♪ ♪ nothing's gonna stop us now ♪ ♪ and if this world runs out of lovers ♪ ♪ we'll still have each other ♪ ♪ nothing's gonna stop us now ♪ california lawmakers are considering a new bill that would close a major loophole in current rules about guns on school campuses. under california's gun-free school zones law, people are prohibited from bringing firearms on to public school campuses but school districts can approve select civilians with concealed carry permits to have guns on school grounds. a new bill would prevent weapons from being placed in the wrong hands. in today's gma first look, a dairy queen manager faces manslaughter charges. >> her bullying led a teenager to commit suicide. abc has more. >> reporter: in this morning's gma first look, just days before christmas, 17-year-old kenny sutner took his own life. now his former boss is facing manslaughter charges over his suicide. prosecutors accusing her of essentially bullying him to death. sutner worked at this dairy queen where prosecutors say his 21-year-old supervisor, harley, subjected him to constant harassment. after his death, the coroner making the rare move to call an official inquest, a public hearing with a six-person jury to determine whether criminal charges should be filed. a prosecutor charging her with second degree involuntary manslaughter. she denies bullying sutner and dan abrams will weigh in on this case coming up at 7:00. abc news new york. the california public utilities commission is going to host a public workshop in san francisco on friday about criminal background checks for uber and lyft drivers. city officials have said third party background checks used by those companies don't do enough because they only look at names and social security numbers. now, compare that to taxi cabs in the city, they have to have fingerprints and compared to the department of justice's database. friday's workshop is going to be held in the cpu golden gate room on van ness avenue. the sonoma rail transit authority just rejected san rafael's plea to delay a train extension to larkspur. according to the marin ij, san rafael wanted to wait until it built a new downtown transit center. that could take at least five years. s.m.a.r.t. nixed the delay, citing a possible loss of federal funding. the agency fears money that is unused or appears unneeded is a prime target to be redirected by congress or the new administration. larkspur extension is set to open in the summer of 2018. airlines in the u.s. certainly take a whole lot of criticism. we do have some good news to deliver. airlines canceled fewer flights and lost fewer bags in 2016. that's coming from the department of transportation. canceled flights are down to their lowest level in 22 years. as for lost or mishandled luggage, airlines hit the lowest level since 1987. doesn't feel that way when your flight is canceled. amazon hopes to trademark a way to deliver packages to your home. the online retailer has received a patent for this. it suggests amazon is considering keeping its drones high above homes and dropping packages using magnets, parachutes or spring coils to release the delivery mid flight. if a package gets off course, the drone is expected to monitor the delivery and try to move the package back to where it's supposed to go. amazon is conducting some tested right now overseas. when you look at these photos here, you might assume these officers were at a petting zoo. that wasn't the case. they found these exotic animals at a home evacuated following the oroville dam crisis. the chp says officers were checking on vacant homes and businesses when they came across this troef of exotic animals. they found, that's right, kang l radios, including an albino one, many deer, and zebras. the animals have been temporarily relocated. despite all they've been through, a uva county couple is now happily married. leota and henry's marriage has been ten years in the making. they wanted to get married this valentine's day but the oroville dam crisis of course changed everything. the couple was forced out of their home on sunday, so they put their wedding plans on hold. not for long, though. evacuees became wedding planners. officials at the shelter where they were staying did the rest of it. they put out a call to the community and just like that, donations started pouring in and happy couple got to finally say "i do." >> i know we had our ups and downs too and i will always love you. >> henry, you may kiss your bride. >> the music, the flowers, the wedding dress, the tux rental, all donated by members of the community. >> good for them. and on valentine's day too. that is very nice. something that's not so great is this background behind me. what's going on here? usually it's all lit up pretty and not today. >> i know. this is of course not going to happen while i'm on the air either but there has been quite the light show happening on the bay bridge here too. so, they're working on an electrical problem. caltrans is trying to get to the bottom of it but these that you normally see at the top of the spans here and you normally have street lamps that are on, they have been flashing on and off. if you want to follow me on twitter, i just tweeted out a video of that. it was crazy. and it looks like we have about half the right-hand side of the bridge is lit up here as you go up the incline towards treasure island tunnel so it is dark this morning. it is a little eerie, it starts at the east side, on the east side, i should say, at the tower and then goes into san francisco. so far, it has not impacted those metering lights so they should be flipping on any minute now. we will keep a close eye on that. southbound 680 okay through walnut creek into dublin, same thing southbound 101, santa rosa to san francisco, northbound 17 between highway 1 and los gatos already 1 hour 20 minutes and that's due to the slide on highway 17 near vine hill. let's check in with drew tuma and we are anticipating rain moving in. we are. we've had a nice stretch of really dry weather. today, we have cloud cover moving in. that's the first ingredient you need when you want rain. but it will be dry today. live doppler 7 showing you we do have a couple of returns on the screen. this is not going to reach the ground today. what it's doing, preparing our atmosphere for the rain that will arrive tomorrow morning. the wider view showing you it is raining to our north around eureka. this system going to be slow to sink south. so today, a fair amount of cloud cover, we're dry. you'll notice in the afternoon, another mild feeling day, despite the limited sunshine. so the storm impact scale, this coming back for tomorrow morning. your thursday morning feature showers this time tomorrow. brief heavy rain likely too so the thursday morning commute likely going to be a slow one. alexis will track any issues we have tomorrow morning on our roadways. accuweather 7 day forecast is going to show you, enjoy the dry today today, get any things you need to get done today, mowing your lawn perhaps, because thursday morning, the showers return. on and off rain in the forecast through tuesday of next week. >> drew, it's too much. >> is it too much? >> just take a couple days back. >> all right, i guess i'll change it. >> thank you, drew. next, the seven things you need to know as you start your day. and it's always good to donate unless it's this pile of clothes. why one woman quickly regretted her kind gesture. and as everyone breathes a and as everyone breathes a temporary sigh when aachoo!calls... ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals. welcome back. whether you're just joining us or heading out the door, the seven things you need to know before you go. number one, we have breaking news here at the live desk. a big investigation underway at eddy and van ness in san francisco. it is right now city hall. one person is dead. police found them with head trauma while investigating this crash. part of eddy is shut down. number two, we have a dark bay bridge this morning. it is going to be an eerie drive here into san francisco. caltrans is working on some type of an electrical issue. i've seen these lights flashing on and off but so far, it has remained mostly dark. not impacting those metering lights. so far, no backup. number three, meteorologist drew tuma, a dry and mild day on the way before the rain returns tomorrow morning. your day planner, you will notice a fair amount of cloud cover in the sky despite the limited sunshine this afternoon. it is going to be mild again with temperatures until the mid to upper evacuees are slowly returning home this morning. some are opting to wait it out a little longer in shelters. many businesses in downtown oroville expected to reopen today. number five, today the coast guard is expected to issue a debris warning for the san francisco bay and you're looking at the reason why. pieces of wood and debris from recent storms are still making their way into the bay and it's creating quite a big hazard. number six, new details emerging involving michael flynn's resignation. sources tell abc news the former national security adviser was interviewed by the fbi director in the days following the inauguration over his calls with the russian ambassador. and number seven, people are flocking to yosemite for this, mother nature's annual fire fall show. every february, the setting sun draws a narrow sliver of light on a waterfall, giving it that bright orange glow. the reflection lasts for only about ten minutes. we're coming back with more news. the vote today that could bring rail cars filled with flammable material to sonoma county. and your morning commute may not be as safe as you think. four bridges here in the bay area called out in a new report just released. i'm jonathan bloom in downtown oroville where life is slowly returning to normal. slowly returning to normal. we'll talk to good morning to you. it is 5:30 on this wednesday, february 15. >> yes, all right, you can see a little bit dark behind us. we wanted to zoom in to show you, alexis smith, tell us what's going on here. >> you know what, we've got some type of a power issue, an electrical issue on the bay bridge this morning. and that's why most of it is dark. so, we've been tracking this for you since 4:30 and just kind of an eerie drive into san francisco and i have seen these lights flashing quite a bit. it looks like they're getting closer to getting it fixed but the one place it really isn't impacting you is of course the bay bridge toll plaza. so those metering lights are on. we did confirm that with chp. a few minutes earlier than average too. flipped on about 5:25. so as these volumes fill in, we are seeing folks slow down over that dark bay bridge. it starts at the east bay tower and then goes over the incline into treasure island and then of course beyond into san francisco as well. we'll take a look at some drive times. let's check in with meteorologist drew tuma in for mike today. good morning, alexis. today, our final completely dry day we have in the next seven. live doppler 7 sew shoeing you right now it's quiet over the region but off the coast, we have green on the screen and green on live doppler 7 means rain but this system to our north will not affect us until thursday morning so today, we're dry but the clouds are increasing ahead of that storm so through the afternoon, we'll catch peeks of sunshine but we will be mild with the south wind bumping us up into the mid and upper 60s across the region. this morning, life is resuming in oroville as some of the 180,000 evacuees are waking up in their own beds again. >> there is more rain on the way and not everyone is so sure they should return or unpack if they do get back home. abc7 news reporter jonathan bloom live for us in downtown oroville. >> reporter: this morning, oroville is starting to wake up the way it does every day except for the last two days because, well, there was nobody here. this morning, we're actually starting to see trucks making deliveries, people going to the gym and yes, we even saw the very first employee come swoo into this drive through coffee shop to open it up. now, life actually started returning to normal yesterday afternoon when officials told 200,000 people they were allowed to return to their homes after they had been ordered to leave in a big hurry on sunday. business had been closed and their employees haven't been working so jacob thornton told us he was all too glad to turn on the coffee grinders and the open sign a few minutes early this morning even though he and his family chose not to evacuate. >> my parents are the ones who made the decision for me. and i feel good being at home because i was there praying for everybody. and it was good to know that we have a two-story house, i would have been up on top on the roof waiting for somebody to pick me up if something did happen but i feel for everybody who did have to evacuate. >> reporter: he knows if there's a next time, things could be different. 125 construction crews, 40 trucks per hour still working to shore up the oroville dam's crumbling emergency spillway. that dirt hillside which also has a hole in it. the lake is currently down about 22 feet from its highest point on sunday. that's nearly halfway to the state water department's goal of 50 feet before more rain arrives later tonight but for now in oroville, people are just happy to be getting a hot cup of coffee and they are lining up even at this hour of the morning. meanwhile, the permanent fix is going to be expensive and we've learned that governor brown's request to fema has been approved for federal disaster funds to speed that along. live in oroville, jonathan bloom abc7 news. california lawmakers and the white house say this crisis is oroville is highlighting the danger posed by the nation's aging infrastructure. congressman john garamendi spoke about the risk of a catastrophic failure. he asked congress to choose wisely between hot-button projects and infrastructure spending. >> choices about building a $30 billion wall rather than repairing the bridges. we know that dams are in jeopardy. we should never delay these infrastructure investments. >> there are estimates that fixing and maintaining the infrastructure in california alone would cost $65 billion. we did send out a breaking news alert when that evacuation order was lifted. for the people near oroville. you can be the first to know the news as it happens by downloading our free abc7 news app. it's available for apple and android devices. here in the bay area, so many of us drive across bridges for our morning and evening commute. >> we've been talking about infrastructure a lot recently because of the dam and you have some bad news, jess, about infrastructure in general. >> yes. i have been poring over this new report that was just released and i can tell you it says 56,000 bridges nationwide deficient, 14 of those most traveled are here in california. and you can bet i did find some here in the bay area. in fact, it calls out specifically the 680 over monument boulevard in contra costa county, 880 alameda, 280 at lawrence expressway in santa clara and highway 101 in san mateo at cordillears creek. just north of the whipple exit. the report was real estaleased moments ago. don't panic quite yet. they say bridges that they labeled deficient are not necessarily in immediate danger of collapse. two robbery suspects apparently gave police in the east bay the slip despite this intense man hunt. you can see sky7 over the search at oakland's rock ridge district last night. it started with an attempted robbery in berkeley at piedmont avenue and rustle street and turned into a police pursuit into oakland. the suspects hit another car about a block from rock ridge b.a.r.t. station. they crashed and ran into the neighborhood. police stopped b.a.r.t. service for 20 minutes while they searched and eventually called it off. san francisco police are looking for three young men accused of beating an 18-year-old with his own skateboard. this happened near the eastern entrance to golden gate park saturday afternoon. it's not clear why this attack happened. it's near haight and stanyan street. people who live and work in the area say that intersection has long been a hot bed for violence. in june, a homeless couple was charged with torturing a man and there have been several shootings and stabbings in the area over the past few years. police in concord need your help finding a missing man. he was last seen last night after he walked away from his care home. no word what the 37-year-old suffers from in toermz terms of a medical condition but police are asking the public to keep an eye out. he is 5'11", 240 pounds, last seen wearing a light blue sweatshirt and gray sweat pants. "the new york times" reports president trump's campaign had repeated contact with russian intelligence for up to a year before the election. the fbi is now going through call logs and intercepted communications. according to the times, intelligence agencies discover the contacts about the time they were uncovering evidence that russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election. officials say that so far, they've seen no evidence of collusion. the chief chef of gap will be meeting with president trump today. ceo art pack and executives from seven other large outlets are expected to make the case against a proposal to tax all imports. they claim it will raise prices and hurt their business. the ceos of autozone, best buy, target, walgreens, jcpenney, jo-ann stores as well as tractor supply company will all be on hand. if you live until the north bay, you're going to want to know this. rail tankers filled with flammable material could soon be stored where you live. sonoma and rail transit officials are scheduled to vote on a agreement to do just that. s.m.a.r.t. officials had tried to prevent 80 tankers containing 2 million gallons of liquefied petroleum from being stored on tracks in schellville. according to the press democrat, a tentative agreement with northwestern pacific railroads was reached as long as certain terms and conditions were met. the highway patrol warning that snow from the next round of storms could close roads in the sierra and look at this photo from the chp. see how high the snow is along highway 89. they warn the road could close as another storm moves in tomorrow. time now 5:37 a.m. and talking about tahoe, winter storm watch in effect late tonight. we are going to get of to 12 inches of additional snowfall over our passes so once again, hazardous driving going to be expected there. live doppler 7 along with satellite, this is our next storm system. this will not affect us until tomorrow morning. so, today, we're dry. and out there right now, we're on the mild side. 50s across the board in a lot of spots. good morning, oakland. 52 in san jose, same in san mateo. napa coming in at 53 and antioch, one of the cooler spots at 48 degrees. so today, a lot of cloud cover, we are dry, though. we are mild, though, too, with a limited sunshine, we're getting into the mid and upper 60s across the region. some spots, 10 degrees above normal for this time of the year. then tomorrow, everything changes. storms return and on the storm impact scale, this will be a 1, a light system thursday morning. however, the timing going to be very inconvenient. the heaviest of the rain will come down during the thursday morning commute so we do expect issues in terms of ponding on our roadways and winds could gust as high as 40 miles an hour so the accuweather 7 day forecast will show you today, highla mild, sunshine out there, rain returns tomorrow morning. another storm arrives friday and then the weekend does feature showers but the majority of our weekend does look dry, saturday afternoon into sunday morning. alexis, let's look at the roads. if you've been with us, you know we've had an electrical issue with the bay bridge metering lights -- not the metering lights. just the normal bay bridge lights and they've been flash quite a bit. we'll see if they do it while i have the camera pulled up. they are working on it. so far has not caused any major delays. i want to flip over to the traffic maps and prove that to you. we are in the green once you make it past the bay bridge toll plaza. those metering lights were flipped on about ten minutes ago and i just checked that drive time too, about 11 minutes into san francisco so that is still in the green. still open here this morning. we'll see how we are flowing there as we get further into the commute but definitely working to resolve that. westbound 580, tracy to dublin, up to 50 minutes, westbound 4, up to 21, and southbound 101, you are in the green at 16 minutes. not so good though through the santa cruz mountains. we'll check of that coming up. voters approved a bond to give b.a.r.t. billions of dollars. now transit officials want to ask you for even more money. crews spent the night searching for a dog that jumped into the bay. more on that dramatic rescue. it's a nice view this morning. morning. tomorrow morning going to be a right now, we want to get to that breaking news we're tracking in san francisco. >> there's a homicide investigation going on as we speak. this is right near city hall. abc7 news reporter matt keller live on the scene. this is near eddy and van ness. >> reporter: good morning. check this out. you can see where this investigation is focused right now. you've got two vehicles that were involved in this crash. one vehicle paefrz to have pushed another vehicle on to the sidewalk and a tree also damaged and leaning in on to the sidewalk. the air bags went off in the vehicle on the street right now and officers are focusing their investigation on that vehicle. it looks like they're checking out the backseat at this time. they've been going in and out of the buildings around here, trying to find out what exactly happened here. san francisco police are telling us this all happened at about 2:15 this morning. officers found a person in one of these vehicles with head trauma. that person has died. investigators are not saying what caused that head trauma at this time. but obviously, this is more than just a traffic collision. they have eddy blocked off here at van ness so if you're going in this area, you're going to be aware of that becauses the going to cause backups as people try to get around this area. we're going to try to find out more. so far, the san francisco police have said nothing at the scene. b.a.r.t. is considering asking voters for another $1.5 billion to buy more trains. according to the "san francisco chronicle," b.a.r.t. and other transit agencies want to raise tolls on all bay area bridges with the exception of the golden gate bridge and this is going to go up significantly. $1 to $3. voters just approved a $3.5 billion bond measure for b.a.r.t. in november. tonight, the contra costa transportation authority is going to try to identify projects that would be funded by a bridge toll increase. a dog is doing just fine this morning after a dramatic rescue from san francisco bay. a couple's small dog fell into the water last night. the couple was visibly shaken. sf fire quickly responded but they couldn't see the pooch from land so they launched the fire boat. firefighters spotted the dog, pulled it out and rejieted it with its owners. san francisco supervisors want sacramento to give them to power to impose a local income tax. the board wants state lawmakers to amend the tax code to enable cities to levy personal and corporate income taxes. they believe it will be crucial if republicans follow through on promises to lower taxes. >> the feds cut taxes for the richest of the rich. we're going to recapture those at the state and local level. >> supervisors said a 0.5% income tax for safrs workers earning more $1 million a year would raise $80 million. the pacifica police department is asking for homeowners and renters to be vigilant after a string of residential burglaries. four happened monday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. an al al to vista drive, manzanita drive, and escalero avenue. officers said it's important to report any suspicious activity. new data out on hiv shows while infections are dropping overall, the rate continues to climb for young gay and bi men. health officials say the decline is due to testing, anti-varl medications, the hiv prevention pill prep and needle exchange programs. diagnoses jumped up in southern states. humana is pulling out of the affordable care market. humana says that after looking at this year's enrollment numbers, the exchanges have attracted more older, sicker members who are driving up the cost. president donald trump said it was evidence of the law continuing to fail. amazon is about that online convenience and is opening a bookstore in walnut creek. a real brick and mortar location. amazon opened its first bookstore in seattle over a year ago. the only other location in california is near san diego. last february, amazon announced plans to open up 400 bookstores across the country. feathers everywhere at justin herman plaza last night even though they told people not to bring the feather pillows. >> we asked you nicely. hundreds of people took part in this massive valentine's day pillow fight. this is a san francisco tradition. some couples we spoke to say this is all part of their self-counseling ritual. >> the feeling of being with everyone and hitting. >> my husband. >> that's your husband? and you're fighting each other? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> i mean, it looks like they're having fun. so, i'm just going to go with it. >> it's a good way to work out some internal issues. >> people were asked to bring garbage bags to clean up the significant mess left behind. you can see the police like, what is this even. work crews also were helping out. the city says it generally spends about $5,000 cleaning up after the unsanctioned event. hey, drew tuma. >> hi. you didn't hit anyone, right? >> no, but i think i'm all for couples getting their frustration out. makes a stronger marriage. i didn't see you two there. >> we were sleeping. >> we were just fine. >> live doppler 7 showing you overhead right now, we are driving -- you notice we do have some rain right off the coast. this is going to be our next storm system but will not arrival until tomorrow morning so out there, right now, we're seeing mild temperatures, san rafael 52, 51 calistoga, american canyon, good morning. area-wide, not too cool. 47, san ramon, 52 cupertino, 50 in san carlos and san jose good morning you're at 50 degrees so san jose right now, no issues in terms of rain on the roadways. your day planner a lot more cloud cover compared to yesterday but still it's mild out there. afternoon hiegz into the mid and upper 60s. thursday is a 1 on the storm impact scale. however the timing is so inconvenient once again, coming through during the morning rush so hour-by-hour we go on future weather showing you 3:00 in the morning on your tuesday, the rain starting first in the north bay. by 5:00, the heavy rain. moving through the center part of the bay area and then by 7:00, the heavy rain moving through the south bay. so the rain gear getting a return use starting tomorrow morning. how are the roads looking right now? something i really am excited to show you here. check it out, the lights are back on for the bay bridge. we've been tracking this since a little bit after 4:00. it was totally dark. kind of an eerie drive into san francisco. looks like they've gotten the issue worked out. i will keep an eye on that. no major delay on the bridge. we do have the metering lights on so it is stacking up through the maze but really just 11, 12 minutes to get into san francisco. quick check of the santa cruz mountains. another brutal day for you guys. yoif got the slide blocking the northbound lanes to the vine hill, one lane getting by northbound and southbound. in those southbound lanes, 3-mile-an-hour average. we're up to almost an hour and a half already. so just not a great situation. we'll talk about mass transit talking up just before 6:00. that breaking news coming in from texas. an explosion near houston and i just found out just a few seconds ago, this was a natural gas pipeline that exploded. the pipeline is located about 45 minutes away from a small town from houston. it was caught on camera by an abc viewer who sent this to our colleagues in houston and our houston abc station was reporting that there was work being done on this pipeline when the blast happened but the good news is, there are no reports of injuries. there were other secondary fires, those are out too. this is in a very rural area. again, 45 minutes away from houston so things are under control. almost looks like a sunrise photo there but it was just a massive fire. and it could be seen from miles away. again, this viewer taking the photo, video, and sending it houston and he was about 45 miles, 35 miles away so you could see it from quite a distance. the faa is investigating a plane incident involving harrison ford. it happened monday at john wayne airport in orange county. officials are saying that the actor flew his single engine plane over and too close to a loaded passenger jet before he land on a taxiway instead of a runway. no one got hurt. authorities say ford may have violated federal flight regulations and this is not the first time the 74-year-old has had a problem landing. two years ago, this happened. ford crash landed a plane and broke his leg. in 2000, he scraped a runway and in 1999, ford crash landed a helicopter. >> yeah. >> he's so good with the millennium falcon. new at 6:00, facebook making a change many of you probably not going to like this and you'll be talking about it today. what you will soon be hearing in your feed. first, anyone who is anyone had this iconic nokia phone at the turn of the millennium. good news, it's back. >> is that good news? look up in the sky, it's a bird, look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's just this you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. nokia is hoping a blast from the past is going to be a big seller again. it plans to bring back the nokia 3310. the original phone launched in 2000 and boy does it look like it. it was a big hit at the time. it has that, you know, monotone screen. users say it was almost indestructible with a long-lasting battery. the new 3310 will sell for around $60. it will be unveiled later this month. >> i remember playing snake on that. do you remember that? here's something that might appeal to the rich and impatient. check out the world's first commercial flying car. this is the liberty. they say it complies with all air is and road safety regulations around the world but you will need a pilot's license. the price tag is $399,000. if you're in the market, deliveries will start at the end of next year. so that is my christmas gift? yes? that's pretty cheap. today, one final dry day in the next seven so enjoy it. highs today will be mild. lot of cloud cover, though, compared to yesterday. so under limited sunshine, though, you're going to get boot 60s. 64 san francisco, 68 san jose and 65 for napa. accuweather 7 day forecast going to show you the rain returns tomorrow morning for the morning commute. so expect that to be slow go on and off showers are in the forecast at least through next tuesday. so, the wet weather returns but today, how are the roads looking? we're doing okay. the bay bridge metering lights are on and that happened about 5:25 this morning and the normal lights are on as well so looks like caltrans has resolved that earlier electric issue and no ace rail service today out of the central valley. you'll have to find another way into work and that is due to track damage. a woman in orange county has 8,000 reasons to be thankful this morning. >> listen to this story. she dropped off some of her husband's old shirts in goodwill. she didn't know her husband had left a huge stash of cash in one of the pockets. he asked her one day where did his shirt go. he broke the news that was money was for a surprise trip. they rushed to the goodwill, could not find the shirt. thankfully a worker stumbled across the cash. the couple says if they didn't find the money, they hope it went to a family who needed it but what an honest worker at the goodwill. new at 6:00, a health alert for anyone who's packing a few extra pounds. the best and worse places to carry that body foot a. that breaking news we are tracking in san francisco, this crash turning into a homicide investigation overnight. investigation overnight. matt keller is live where police ♪ contrary to ancient wisdom... the sun doesn't rise, we do. yet, the more we travel, the more the world pushes back, coralling us and controlling us. so, we seek a place where we're given a choice... ...not just to get up, but to rise. ♪ now at 6:00 a.m., that breaking news we're tracking in san francisco, a homicide investigation underway after a violent crash just blocks from city hall. >> abc7 news reporter matt keller gathering new details there for us now. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, natasha and reggie. since i last saw you, this has become a more active scene. officers are speaking with someone out there. not sure if that is someone with the million examiner's office or the homicide unit out here. they're checking out vehicles and they're checking out this vehicle in particular that crashed into another vehicle and pushed it up on to the sidewalk, crashing into a tree as well. a person was found dead inside a personhat vehicle.ead inside air bags went off. they were deployed. the officers are also dealing with people coming down and getting their vehicles out from within the taped off scene so they're having to deal with the residents of this area coming out and trying to leave for work this morning. this happened at about 2:15 this morning. they arrived and found that person in the vehicle. that person died from head trauma. they are trying to figure out exactly what happened here that led to what happened here on the sidewalk. the officers say they do not have a time line for how long they're going to be out here investigating but the homicide detail is here. the medical examiner's office is here as well. they're

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