Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20160716 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20160716

livermore 58 degrees. and here's what you can expect this afternoon. we will see the clouds linger at the coast. temperatures cooler there. upper 350's. then we start to warm up inland burks we are in a cooling trend. i'll let you know what you can expect for your neighborhood. >> francis, thank you. this mornings islamic state claimed responsibility for the deadly attack in nice, france. five people are in custody. 35 people are on life support this morning. 84 people were killed by a driver, 10 of them children. molly hunter is in nice with more about the suspect and the french government's response. >> the state of emergency is back and in place across france as this city struggles back to life. the heart of this scene is coastal city. behind me the man could plowed his way through the crowd and the death toll could still rise. many of the wounded are between life and death. the investigation in full swing. police raiding the apartment. suspect and his ex-wife. they are going through divorce proceedings now, say neighbors. he didn't seem like a drift or radical islamist. he was a bit crazy, he smoke and drank and beat his wife. although he had a criminal record and two convictions, he was entirely unknown to intelligence officials. there are makeshift memorials popping up across the city. and the french president has called for three days of mourning. molly hunter, abc news. a u. c. about student remains missing. the daily beast reports a friend saw the 20-year-old run away safely from the truck. however, he never returned to student housing. three other cal students were hurt in the attack. a 21-year-old broke his leg. he remains at the hospital. a 23-year-old also broke his leg. he and 20-year-old diane, who broke her foot, had been released. cal administrator sent out an e-mail to students about the attack. many looked to social media to find out if friends were among those wounded or killed. >> i have a few friends who were there in nice right now in france. several people provided facebook updates they were doing fine, they were doing safe. >> 85 total students were in nice as part of the program. so far seven said they will return to the united states by the end of the weekend. the program finishes up july 24th. abc7 news was outside the french consul general's office in san francisco yesterday as a mourner paid respects to those who died. several flowers had been placed outside the consulate. the manager is headed to home to france sunday. he said this is a time to remain defiant. >> we cannot stop going back to france. i figure what we have to do is keep going. >> the french consul general will host a memorial to remember the lives lost later this afternoon at 3:00. you can show your support for the victims by sharing he this image from our abc7 facebook page. you see the hashtag there pray for nice. in turkey there have been several hours of are unrest and uncertainty after the military tried to stage a coup. last night we saw military forces surrendering. you saw the military walking away from a tank with their hands up. the press agency reports more than 2800 military members have been arrested for taking part in the attempt. the turkish president arrived works he addressed his supporters. he declared he will not compromise with coup forces and said military members who took place part in the event to oust him have committed treason." team people took to the street to fight off the military. in one case protesters climbed on top of a tank but there are now 1660 deaths. president obama is closely monitoring the situation and has been in contact with secretary of state john kerry. here's abc news reporter ray with more. >> reporter: the situation and istanbul and ankara has deteriorated quickly. bombs and bloodshed filling into the is streets. chaos unfold be on the streets of turkey. bombs exploding at the turkish parliament in ankara. these pictures on social media showing the aftermath of the attack. in turkey the president urging the pro government to mass in the street and fill the squares. secretary of state john kerry responded. . >> i hope there will be stability and peace and continuity within turkey. but i have nothing to add with respect to what has transpired at this moment. >> fighter jets flying low in ankara, a display of intimidation. now the u.s. embassy sending this tweet, warning americans to shelter in place and to stay indoors after martial law and a curfew was imposed. turkey is a critical ally to the u.s. in its war against isis and has a military base where 1500 military personnel are stationed. the stakes couldn't be higher in this region, as we wait to see what happens next. abc7 news. and the unrest in turkey caused scenes like this one across the country. team lined up outside atm's to get cash, following fierce banks may have to close because of the coup attempt. a plane full of passengers took out toward the uncertain bety in turkey last night. abc7 news reporter sergio quintana has details from sfo. >> for passengers waiting to board a flight to instan bull, there was uncertainty. >> i have a lot of friends on facebook and twitter and everybody is telling me you are not going to land anywhere in turkey. >> it could take a few hours until we get there and hopefully it will be open by then. >> many were monitoring their phones waiting to learn new developments. some decided this was not a good time to fly. >> they were seeing some bombings were happening and literally we didn't know what was going on. so we didn't want to send my mom back. >> his mom came for a wedding a few days ago. she will stay for a few more days until things calm down. passengers learned about the coup on the plane. >> the person next to me had a live feed on his screen, and he nudged me and pointed to it. i was just shocked. >> there is wi-fi on the plane so i started getting text messages from my friend so they knew i was in turkey and they were concerned about me as well. >> one of the first places taken over as the airport, which has now reopened. it's the same places suicide bombers attacked weeks ago. none of which is comforting to passengers. >> it's not fun. you hear all the news and you have family here and you are done a lot of planning. >> flight 80 to istanbul did take off. abc7 news in san francisco. and the head of the turkish studies program at san francisco state university is in instan bull right now. he told us that some of the country believed that the military coup would have brought turkey more in line with the interests of nato and the united states. and the coup failing to take control will increase the president's power. >> a mighty crack down against anybody, including military officers, but also down to the level of journalists, academics, et cetera, and might be a crackdown against everybody who the state, led by the president, perceives to be an enemy. that seems to be the direction in which things are going right now. >> he was safe during the clashes. ears not on a main thoroughfare so he couldn't see what was exactly going on. he did hear military choppers and jets overhead. abc melanie woodrow. >> reporter: the owner moved to san francisco 18 years ago. during that tame he says he's watched turkey change significantly from afar. >> i think -- my mom, until two years ago, she would always call me, how are you doing? because i'm here alone. now in the last two years i'm calling her. >> these images on the news don't seem real. >> i don't think it's of good for any country, the military, to take over. i think our government is kind of like a few steps behind the turkish people because we have a really young generation. >> the type of generation that's especially active on social media. for a timed to citizen journalists found it challenging to get on facebook and twitter. >> they were swaddling the traffic to make it so slow as to render the websites and the services almost completely unrusable. >> electronic frontier organization global policy analyst said it's a move used to control the narrative about what's happening on the street. though she said sensor ship is so common, many turkish fame know how to circumvent it. >> he works through his worry with no shortage of updates from his family back home. in san francisco the, abc7 news, melanie woodrow. >> download the abc7 news app to get updates as they happen. we are waking up to mild temperatures across the bay area this morning. francis is tracking the weather. good morning. >> good morning. a live shot from the roof camera lacking out guard the bay bridge. some cooler conditions expected through the weekend. currently it's 55 in san francisco. so you will need a jacket this morning. i'll have your neighborhood temperatures coming up. >> thank you. also ahead, protesters clash with police in san francisco. how the situation unfolded. plus, the rush to get a busy south bay freeing back i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at >> a crash on interstate 580 killed one person in oakland. it happened near lakeshore avenue off-ramp in the left lane. crash involved a motor cycle and what looks like at least four other cars. the chp cleared the lanes around 3:30 this morning a family of three is displaced this morning after a fire broke out outside their home in livermore. the fire started at around 5:60 last night. firefighters say the claims started outside the house but eventually moved inside and also threatened a neighboring home. crews had the fire under control in about 20 minutes burks half the house was destroyed. the family is staying at a hotel for now. no one was hurt, but a pet cat died. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. 5:13 is our time. police and dozens of protesters faced offside in the san francisco district. this video shows police holding their line near valencia. they stopped at a business across the street and suddenly rushed it. >> that's what police were then verbally running up toward the group of protesters with their batons and use the batons to push the crowd back. there was a lot of chaos. >> the demonstration was in support of teachers in mexico who are themselves protesting education reforms. occupy oakland tweeted they would join the march. there was damage left behind. a smashed indough and burn marks and graffiti in the streets. at least one person has been taken into custody. tensions flared in oakland last night between dozens of protesters and police there. sky 7hd was over interstate 9830 at 17th street as a chp officer used a baton to keep the crowd back. the protesters marched through downtown oakland as part of a national day of action in support of the black live matter movement. the scene cleared after an hour-long standoff. they had been blocking on-ramps on interstate 880 throughout the everything but everything remained peaceful >> a 19-year-old faces charges for hit a woman. it happened in golden gate park last year. police leave the driver was driving a stolen honda at high speeds when he truck the cyclist head-on. the 41-year-old woman died on the scene a sinkhole in the middle of the south bay freeway could take all weekend to fix. it's on the northbound lane of lawrence expressway in sunnyvale. crews in the county had to close three lanes to get to it. county officials say water was found at the bottom of the sink hole a park in fremont is now closed after a judge sided with neighbors in a dispute about traffic and parking. in 2008 two neighbors filed a lawsuit saying park goers caused problems on vargas road and morrison canyon road. the east bay park district made changes to the street, but the neighbors say it be didn't help enough. yesterday the judge ruled in their favor and ordered the park closed. the park district planned to appeal. >> of one day before a judge was expected to rule on a lawsuit against thena warriors arena in san francisco, opponents. the project lost their legal and public relations teams. according to the san francisco business times, sam singer's firm left on thursday due to strategic differences. the mission bay alliance filed the lawsuit, saying city officials violated environmental laws. the warriors pushed back plans to open the chase center until 2019. companies that want to advertise on the warriors jerseys starting in the 2017-18 season will have to fork out millions of dollars. our sister network espn reports golden state's asking price ranks from $15 million to $20 million. espn also reports the star power makes the high cost of doing busy working it. ♪ >> dozens of couples showed off their salsa dancing skills in san francisco last night. abc7 news was at the fillmore center for the 7th annual salsa festival on fillmore. we spotted a supervisor showing off his moves. the big dance party continues tonight. let's send it over to frances dinglasan. she's tracking live doppler 7 and the conditions where you live. hi, francis. >> hi, chris. we can start the dance party right now. we have cloudy conditions around most of the bay area, especially along the coast and around the bay. but we are already seeing clearing inland and cloudy conditions, as well. filling in all throughout the bay. san jose getting partial clearing, as well as fremont and livermore. right now temperatures are on the cool side. mainly in the 50s for the most part. 55 san francisco. oakland milder at 60, as well as hayward. mountain view and antioch. good luck to the folks in pleasanton where right now it's in the upper 50s. pleasant conditions in pleasanton. a pretty shot here from the exploratorium. looking out toward the bay bridge. you see some of the low clouds, as well, spilling in. sunny this afternoon for inland areas and around the bay. we are in a cooling trend. that's going to continue through the weekend over the next few days. here is how it plays out. today we are starting off with clouds at the coast 7:00. then you notice by this afternoon we see a variable pat everybody. sunshine inland, but staying cloudy all along the coast. and in san francisco you notice the clouds fill into the golden gate bridge. we see loud cover as well all throughout half moon bay throughout the day. they won't get much sunshine. let's check out tomorrow. drizzle toward the morning. a similar pattern but we could see more sunshine in the north bay locations. temperatures will be cool inland, though. highs for today are going to be pretty nice in san jose. 80 degrees for you there. 81 in morgan hill and 83 in gilroy. and along the peninsula we will see upper 70s in palo alto and mountain view. cloudy in pacifica at 57 degrees. also downtown san francisco warming up to 63 degrees. for the salsa festival it will be cool for the most part. upper 70s through sonoma and napa. the warmest locations will be much farther north. ukiah 93, lake part 835 and comfortable in san rafael at 74. look for 60s through berkeley and oakland. hercules 72 degrees and warmer as we head farther south into fremont. mid-70s and sunny, as well. the warmest inland locations in the inland east bay will be in antioch and brentwood. upper 80s for you. low to mid-80s through san ramon. if you are headed to the a's game today, it's going to be mild with temperatures in the upper 60s. but you will still need the sunscreen because you will be getting a lott of sunshine this afternoon. and here's a temperature trend. you will notice it will be a little cooler for sunday. monday will be the coolest day. inland we will see the low 80s. it will be breezy, as well. you notice temperatures don't change much along the coast. with he will stay in the upper 350's through low 60s all week. so the cooling continues today. we see some spotty drizzle tomorrow morning. monday will be the coolest day, below normal and still cool on tuesday before we see the 90s return on wednesday and thursday for inland areas. this years a.i.d.s. walk for san francisco is just one day away. it's tomorrow in golden gate park. to register call or visit s >> thank you. 5:21 is the time. there's a major shake-up in bart service this weekend. no service between the south hayward and fremont stations until monday morning because of repairs and maintenance. bus service is being offered between those stations. bart had a similar closer the fourth of july weekend. bart drivers will now come with air conditioning. the drivers made that request after they complained they needed better climate control. it will cost just over $5 million but the transit agency say it it will be environmentally friendly and provide a better ride for both drivers and riders. coming up, a journey to a galaxy far, far away. the next chapter . >> the competition for your lunch money is fierce. "7 on your side" michael finney tells us about a new services that promises to save you time and money. >> morgan takes a break from her law firm to pick up lunch at selma eat. the restaurant in san francisco south of market area is part of meal pass. the new service is made up of a collection of more than 100 eateries clustered in the south of market and financial district areas. >> i think it's great. it gets me out the door during the day and exploring restaurants. >> meal pass offers prepaid plans for about six dollars a takeout lunch. it gross a growing list of company, including food delivery services, uber eats and grub hub. this woman is a professor at fran state specializing in entrepreneurship. >> it caters to people who are extremely busy. >> it's also a way for the crowded restaurant field to reach san francisco's young, upwardly mobile millennials. that's exactly what she visioned when she cofounded meal passion. >> the younger generation doesn't really want to be spending a $15 for $120 a day for lunch. it's about convenience and affordability. >> plans start up to $119 for a lunch every workday. you must place your order the night before and 9:30 that morning. each participating restaurant offers meal pass customers one meal a day. >> it's a great, needed service for urban areas and i'm happy to have it here. >> it remains to be seen if online customers want the convenience of delivery or the cheaper prices of meal pass. they have expect the competition to shake itself out. >> you will see a lot of different experience over the next three years about what might work. >> enrollment in meal pass is restricted until more restaurants can be added. they eventually plan to rollout to the entire area. it also recently launched in new york, boston and miami. i'm michael finney, "7 on your side" this morning a man who flu this drone over a wildfire is in jail. cal fire had to ground it's firefighting helicopters and planes when eric flu this drone over the fire. he was trying to get video and pictures of the fair. he was booked yesterday on a charge of interfering with firefighting operations. it's the first time cal fire has made such an arrest. this morning we have a behind-the-scenes look at the newest film in the galaxy far, far away. >> the film, touching. my favorite movie of all-time. >> at a panel in london, yesterday afternoon, creators of the new "star wars" film revealed this clip. it's a stand alone sequel to the very first "star wars," a new hope. disney is the parent company of disney films and abc7. much more ahead on the news. muslim community in the bay area reacts to the terror attack in france. >> indiana's governor and donald trump's running mate mike pence is explaining why he is rallying behind trump. i'm in cleveland ohio at the new this is abc7 news. it's half past the hour on this saturday morning. i'm chris nguyen. let's start with a quick look at the accuweather forecast. here's meteorologist frances dinglasan. she's in for lisa argen. francis, you are tracking a cooling trend? >> yeah, we are in a cooling trend right now. temperatures dropping the next few days. starting off with a bit of a cloudy morning rights now. live doppler 7hd showing clouds also spilling into the bay right now but clear in some inland areas. and also temperatures on the cool side. mainly in the mid-to upper 50s to near 60 degrees. oakland currently at 60 degrees. mountain view 60. san jose 58 degrees. in san francisco you need a jacket at 55 degrees. so today is where we see the typical summer spread. temperatures in the upper 50s at the coast and the then we warm up as we head farther inland. the warmest locations will be in the upper 80s. i'll have the details in your neighborhood forecast coming up. >> francis, thank you. this morning donald trump will officially announce his pick for vice president. indiana governor mike pence. we will have a special report with george stephanopoulos at 8:00 this morning. abc news reporter stephanie ramos joins us live from cleveland with more. stephanie, good morning. >> chris, good morning to you. indiana governor and now donald trump's running mate mike pence is already taking jabs at hillary clinton and also explaining why he accepted the invitation from trump to join the ticket. >> at the press for the national republican convention continues, mike pence talks about his decision to join donald trump's campaign as his running mate. >> it's such an important time in the life of our nation, and this man is the right leader for america. >> moments after trump tweeted pence as the vice presidential pick, high-ranking republicans praised him as a steady leader in the party. >> he's experienced. i think he shores up a conservative base that is important. i think that he's a complimentary to donald trump as far as personality. >> it was just this past march when pence was at the center of the religious freedom in home state of indiana, signing the freedom restoration act. it protects the rights of a person to follow their religious quick. he called hillary clinton the most extreme pick in the nation. meanwhile clinton is still narrowing her list of potential running mates, campaigning with virginia senator tim cain and meeting with elizabeth warren and they say she is closing in on making a vp selection and is expected to make an announcement next week. >> they will take the stage here at the national republican convention. here in cleveland security is tighter than ever before. in cleveland, ohio, abc7 news. chris. >> stephanie, thank. the republican national convention starts monday in cleveland, ohio, as stephanie mentioned. we have you covered as well. we will provide live coverage on abc7. they will also be covering the democratic national convention that begins a week later. nears the news we've been following in turkey. at least 160 people were killed in a military coup attempt. the president vowed that those who carried out the coup will pay. at least two bombs hit the parliament building. at least 2800 soldiers have been arrested and hundreds surrendered on the bus. we will have continuing coverage of the coup attempt in turkey on air and online. follow us on twitter for updates anytime. back to the deadly attack in nice, france. this morning isis is claiming responsibility for the attack that killed 84 people. the paris prosecutor's office said five people related to the attack are in custody but it's unclear who is in custody. reaction has come swiftly from here in the bay area. here's vic lee with the story. >> we just cannot condone this kind of thing. >> this is exactly what he saw on television. another massacre. more incomprehensible bloodshed. it numbed him. >> every day this kind of atrocity by somebody, we, as muslims, hope it doesn't turn out to be a muslim. >> he became angry. >> that's not islam. they are far removed from islam. they are far removed from god. they are satanic and their acts are satanic. >> these people are leaders in the muslim community. they were here friday for friday prayers held after 12 noon. malik is president of the chapter. >> it means peace, submission to the will of god and the will of god is to be peaceful. >> the perpetrators have hijacked islam for their own twisted means. on the lawn of the mosque is the sculpture of the american flag with the word "loyalty" inscribed on the side. >> islam requires us to be loyal to our country. >> they launched a national campaign to spread the real truth about muslims. their message -- >> peace, universal brotherhood, tolerance and acceptance. >> a message that they say becomes even more important after each drift attack. vic lee, abc7 news. >> facebook has activated their safety check features with i allows users let their friends and family know they are safe. you can show your support for victims by sharing this image from our abc7 face look page. you see the hash tag there, pray president obama acknowledged these events can lead people struggling to make sense of it all. the president had a busy week meeting with law enforcement and trying to fix discrepancies in the law enforcement system. he said even with the shootings in dallas, louisiana and minnesota, the country is not as divided as it may seem. >> if we can worry less about which side has been wronged and worry more about joining sides to do right, as equal parts of one american family, then i'm confident that together we will lead our country to a better day. >> president obama says our country needs to have more open and candid conversations about the challenges that police and citizens face. san francisco police are calling it a tragic accident, but investigators still want to know how a seven-year-old boy died yesterday trapped between a car and a pole. police say the boy was playing inside or next to this minivan in the bayview district. that's what the vehicle somehow started rolling forward. a neighbor tells abc7 news the vehicle was already damage and parked inside the carport for the time being. police think it was unlocked >> there was an unoccupied vehicle that was parked. the child was near that vehicle. the vehicle moved and the child made contact with a pole, and the vehicle, and he was trapped between the two. >> police say some neighbors tried to rescue the boy, but he was later pronounced dead at san francisco general hospital. vandals have chopped down about two dozen drought-tolerant trees in san jose. the trees were planted by our city forest volunteers several months ago. they included some 80 different types and lined parts of meridian avenue. they said they think the vandals cut the trees down overnight or early this morning. they say they have found 23 trees so far sawed off at the bottom. good news for online shoppers. ups is starting saturday delivery, but its only happening in a few cities. they will test saturday delivery before they decide if they want to make it permanent. fed ex and ups also deliver on saturdays. the first test sites or atlanta, philadelphia and los angeles for the rest of the summer still ahead on the abc7 morning news. perhaps the weirdest twist yet to the pokemon go craze. the service being offered to keen you safe while you play. here's a live look outside fra our obc7 exploratorium camera at pier 15 pointed at the bay bridge. frances dinglasan will have your full accuweather forecast in just a few minutes. new this is abc7 news. welcome back, everyone. time right now is 5:41. we are taking a live look from our mounts tam cam raw as the sun gets ready to rise on this saturday morning. frances dinglasan will have your accuweather forecast in just a few minutes. n.a.s.a. is showing off another discovery. this photo shows what is called a star burst galaxy. normal galaxies produce only a couple new stars a year but a star burst one creates an extraordinary high amount of star formation three bear cubs have a new lease on life in lake tahoe. their mother was hit and killed in yosemite national park. the workers monitor their progress and clean and prep their food. watermelon and grapes are their currents favorites. right now they are like any a growing family. >> they are exactly like toddlers. they will sleep a lot, night and day. henderson they will get up and play. they will eat and every time, whenever you eat and you have a full belly, it's time to take a nap. >> the bears will stay here through the new year. even going into hibernation. they will grow from around 8 pounds to more than 100 pounds. and after their long sleep they will be tested to see if they are ready to be released back into the wild 5:42 is our time. weather-wise, francis, you are tracking some cooler temperatures out there this morning? >> that's right, chris. here's a live shot from emeryville looking out toward the bay bridge and the low clouds filling in from the coast. temperatures are coming down by about 5 degrees in the inland areas. i'll let you know how cool it's going to be for your neighborhood coming up. >> francis, thank you. back from the all-star break, could madison bumgarner follow up his one-hitter with at dominating did you know people can save over $500 when they switch to progressive? i got your nose! i got your nose right here. i know that's your thumb, grandpa. talent! learn about it! >> good morning. thanks for choosing abc7 news to start your day. here's a look from the east bay hills camera. a little cloudy out there. there you go, clouds out of the way. a beautiful view this saturday morning. francis is tracking the weather this weekend and returns in a little bit with the accuweather forecast the number of pokemon go downloads now almost is the same as registered voters in california. now it's sparked some side businesses. jonathan bloom found people taking advantage of the craze. >> right here at the bart station? >> oh jacques. >> he's no ordinary lyft driver. when he logs off he does another sort of driving. >> high school students so far. >> we were among his oldest drivers as a pokemon driver where he makes 27 to $50 an hour. >> during the week it's better than lyft. >> his car is equipped with all the right chargers and he knows where the pokemon are hiding. we tried to be quiet. >> librarians were getting upset because of the noise and whatnot. >> that's not the only quiet place they are hiding. cemeteries. it's not they don't want visitors, after all they are filled with history, but when they are busy doing this, it creates other problems. >> we don't want people inundating cemeteries and interrupting funerals or visitors. >> there was a meeting about it after players decided to show up all hours of the day. >> we haven't had problems with the visitors, and i'm happy about that. but we want to be careful. there are cemeteries throughout the country of that had to say no that's correct this is a nongaming area. >> they say if you must play here, be respectful and try to stay on the main paths. there are lots of other places to catch pokemons by the side of of the road. >> they realize there's a pokemon and they will stop the car, stop the car, and they will get out and burst out of the car. >> he said his business is growing but he's not counting on anything. >> a huge surge will get their fix and then i think it will be dead. >> jonathan bloom, abc7 news. got to catch them all with food. yelp has added a new pokemon stop filter to the site to help find pokemon at restaurant and shops. its destinations that allows players to catch pokaballs and other needed items. you have to just answer one question when you check in to let fellow yelpers know if it's a poka-stop. san francisco has more than 50 restaurants with the stops nearby. even the san francisco zoo are getting into it. they say layers are more than welcome to hunt pokemon with paid admission to the zoo but they ask that you yield to the real animals as opposed to the cartoon ones. francis, are you letting your kids play this game? >> not yet. they are a little bit on the young side so hopefully we can avoid it a little bit longer. we have clouds along the coast and spilling into the bay, some clearing inland. notice we have cloud cover, as well as san francisco. redwood city, fremont. but livermore is clear and we are even starting to see a little clearing through parts of san jose. here's a pretty shot from emeryville look out toward the bay bridge. temperatures right now are in the mid-50s to near 60. 55 san francisco. oakland now 60 degrees. san jose 58. half moon bay at 54 degrees. it's not going to warm up too much today because of the low clouds. in fact, here's a live shot. unfortunately we were able to see mt. diablo earlier. clouds are starting to spill in. napa 55. upper 50s in concord and livermore. from the exploratorium they are looking out toward the com-bay and the bay bridge. it will be cloudy at the coast all day. and also during the morning hours we will see clouds along the bay shore with some patchy drizzle possible. this afternoon it will be sunny inland and around the bay. then we've got a cooling trend that's started, and that will continue over the next few days. all right. here's what we've got. we've got the fog and clouds all along the coast. notice by this afternoon we will see sunny conditions inland. but right along the coast it will just stay cloudy all day. so temperatures will be pretty comfortable. in fact, you mightçó welcome the cooling trend, especially for inland areas. in san jose look for low 80s with 81 in morgan hill, gilroy 83. and also in the lower part of the peninsula it should be a nice day for menlo park summer fest today with a high of 75 this afternoon. cloudy in pacifica, 57 in daly city. downtown san francisco 63 degrees. look for upper 70s through sonoma and napa, and plenty of sunshine as well and 80 in calistoga. east bay numbers will be ranging from the mid-60s to mid-70s. so 66 in richmond, all bat i up to 735 degrees in fremont. and then some of the inland locations where we even saw 100 degrees at concord k at the airport yesterday, today will be 85 degrees. other areas are coming down from the low 90s. we will see some mid-80s, as well. livermore 86. brentwood will be one of the warmest spots at 89 degrees. heading to the game today? you will need the sunglasses but it will be on the mild side. grab a light jacket just in case. temperatures in the upper 60s for the 1:00 game, and staying at about 68 degrees by about 4:00. now overnight lows we will see the clouds push in once again. even drizzle along the coast with temperatures mainly in the low 50s to near 60 degrees. and then we've got the cooling trend. temperatures coming down a little bit more. on sunday we will see some mid-80s, as well. coolest on monday. and the accuweather seven-day forecast shows that cooling trend into monday. still on the cool side tuesday before the 90s return wednesday and thursday inland. notice along the coast temperatures hold fairly steady. chris. >> francis, thank you. in sports the 49ers defense is taking a hit as the nfl suspended linebacker aaron lynch for four games. lynch violated the league's substance abuse policy. the nfl did not say what substance he's guilty of using. the linebacker can participate in preseason practices and games. however, he will miss key regular season games against the seattle seahawks and super bowl runner-up the carolina panthers >> the first pitch today is at 5:30 p.m.. the bats were quiet at petco park in their first game back after the all-star break. here's rick quan with the highlights in this morning's sports report. >> good morning. in his last outing giants pitcher madison bumgarner was already untouchable, tossing a one-hit shutout. but it was a different story last night against the padres. we go to petco park with giant fans made their presence known. san diego got to mad bum in the first. he drives home will myers with a double to left. 1-0, pads. and conor gillispie with the base hit brings home brandon crawford. the padres score one in the third and another in the fourth on this home run by adam rosales. catch out with catch. angel pegan hit this one. padres win 4-1. bumgarner struck out 9 but suffers his fourth loss of the season. and at the coliseum, a's third baseman ryan heely made his major league debut with his parents looking on. it was 3-2 when josh reddick ties it up with a solo shot off marcus stroman. the a's pull even in the fifth on back-to-back home runs from chris davis and all-star catcher steven vote. oakland took the lead in the seventh. vote with his third hit of the game. reddick races home. he was originally called out but replay shows he was safe. a's win 8-7. there you see it. the tag. and the summer league finale against dallas. the nice pass to winston shepherd for the jam. selection out the slick ball handling of corey lucious, who lays it up and in. they still lost to the mavericks. i'm rick quan. see you again tonight at 5:00. >> coming up, a spectacular nighttime festival. where you can see the light show celebrating chinese culture. >> welcome back. here are the winning numbers from last night's $2 billion mega-millions drawing. nobody picked all six so tuesday's jackpot goes up to $20 million. don't forget tonight's powerball jackpot is $333 million happening today you are invited to the first public lighting of a new nighttime light festival at gilroy gardens family theme park. it's all illumination, and it celebrates chinese culture. it features 30 colossal silk and steel displays from the original chinese lantern festivals. separate tickets are required and rides don't run after 6:00 p.m. next, uncertainty in turkey. the sfo passengers on their way to turkey now after an attempted coup. and protesters clash with police in san francisco's mission district. what witnesses say happened. you guy's be good[ bark ] i'll [ bark 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[ dryer running ] know what your pets are up to... party's on! ...with xfinity home, connected, protected home. xfinity customers: get a great deal on xfinity home and ask about free installation. call or go online today. see the secret life of pets, in theatres july 8th. this is abc7 news. >> it's saturday, july 16th. thanks for joining us. i'm chris nguyen. let's start with a first look at the weather. here's meteorologist frances dinglasan, in for lisa argen. good morning >> good morning. good morning, everyong. we are showing you live doppler 7 to show you the fog and cloud cover around most of the bay. the sunrise is happening right now. unfortunately most of us can't see it because we are under the low clouds. unless you are in some of the farther inland areas. temperatures right now in the 50s to year 60. then by noon we will see clouds linger at the coast. we will be warming up to the low 80s by this afternoon. then w

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