Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20131229 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20131229

hazy, sunshine this afternoon. things cool down quickly, as well this evening, as we drop into the 50s. carolyn. >> thank you, francis. we begin with breaking news out of san francisco where a woman has been fatally shot near the sundance kabooky theater. it happened on post street between fillmore and webster streets. the woman was taken to the hospital. she had at least one gunshot wound. again, she has now died. no word yet on what's going on in terms of a motive or suspects. this morning new hope for the family of an oakland girl declared brain dead by doctors. the family now says they have new option on where to move 13-year-old jaw -- jahi mcmath. they have been in talks with facilities. of new concern now, how to pay for it all. abc7 news reporter has the latest. >> reporter: jahi's family is trying to line up a facility that will keep her on life support. her mother is telling abc news she has faith her during will cover. >> she's alive to me. she's not dead. >> her family is trying to move her out of the hospital in oakland before a court order expires monday at 5:00 p.m. they released a statement that reads in part our attorney is in discussion with two facilities of that expressed preliminary approval for accepting jahi on a ventilator. one is in southern california, the other is in new york. children's hospital spokesperson said they will cooperate with moving jahi under three conditions. >> first, is the figures to perform the medical proceduresness, second the transportation and third a legitimate facility that willty her. >> but he raised serious questions about the family's act to reach those condition. >> first they said they have insurance and now they don't have insurance and crowd add crowd source funding effort. first they had a facility in the bay area and now they said that fell through. >> they said children's hospital has not received information from the family or their attorney, christopher dolan, about any facility willing to receive mcmath. abc7 news. the family has a fundraiser set for today. as you heard, they have also launched a crowd sourcing page to help raise money. they say they plan to use that to move jahi to a new facility. so far they have raised more than $6,000. san francisco police are investigating a shooting in the city's bayview district. officers found a 21-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound at evans avenue and middle point road at 7:30 last night. he was taken to san francisco general hospital for treatment. this morning more than 200,000 long-term out of work californians are finding themselves in a deeper financial hole. the emergency program that provides federal unemployment benefits after state help is exhausted has ended. all together nearly 1.5 million jobless americans are finding themselves starting the new year without that financial assistance. and the loss of unemployment benefits means the need is going to be higher, especially for nonprofits. they are already struggling this time of year. one local nonprofit expects a nearly 75% drop in donations. it also says the pool of people they help could double now that unemployment benefits for so many have ended. lisa amin gulezian has more. >> the total budget. >> reporter: lisa works hard for the contra costa food bank. this e-mail will go out for a last minute push to get donations. >> immediately after december ends, donations do start to decrease. >> at this food bank, $2 million were donated just this month but in an average month outside of the holiday season, $600,000 comes in. that's more than a 70% difference. the food bank is bracing for an additional search in clients. >> there will be more people looking for help, as well, once the unemployment benefits end. if they haven't already found us. there will be more people looking for food assistance. >> lawmakers left washington without voting on an extension. >> i'm in a panic. i don't know what i'm going to do. >> federal aid has run out for kathy, who has been unemployed for more than 26 weeks. that's the new limit for unemployment benefits. democrats are pushing for a three-month extension. >> we don't abeen done each other when times are tough. >> others argue the program is too expensive, costing $25 billion a year. and that people are simply becoming too dependent on the system. >> when you extend benefits to 73 weeks or 99 weeks, it encourages some people to stay unemployed too long. >> congress won't consider extending unemployment benefits at least until january 7th. lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. a number of new sit laws will hit the books in a number of days. teenagers will be beened from texting while driving even it they are using a hands-free voice recognition device. and california becomes the first at this time to ban lead bullets. it is to prevent wildlife from ingesting toxic metals. and 11 new gun control laws will take effect, including the ability of mentally ill people to have guns and safety checks for shotgun and rifle owners. and starting january 21st, -- january 1st openly gay kids will be able to become members of the boy scouts. a local woman is missing after suffering from early stages of alzheimer's disease. she was last seen at noon in front of her almeda home. she's 6, 5'5", wigs 110 pounds. police say she disappeared while walking her dog, a chocolate lab. so do you think you know everything about the foods you eat? consumer reports has partnered exclusively with 7 on your side for a report on what's really in some of your groceries. here's mike finish with the details. >> looks can be deceiving when it comes to food packaging. that means you might not always be eating what you think you are eating. consumer reports takes the lid off what is included and what is missing from supermarket products. expecting to find blueberries in your blueberry cerael, think there's bacon in your bacon bits? consumer reports says think again. >> some processed foods have strayed so for from the farm and the field that they are frightening long list of ingredients bears little resemblance to anything you would find in your pantry. >> consumer reports looked at some supermarket favorites to see what key ingredients gives each food it's pizzazz. taking international delight gourmet coffee creamer. the label teases you will blast off to the sweet and creamy landing but prepare for a hard landing. it's mostly sugar and palm early. the bacon pieces, surely they contain bacon? they don't contain any meat at all. mostly textured soy flour. don't want on kellog's blueberry ceral to have blueberries. there's not one in the box. and orioles, surprised to hear there's no dairy in the creamy middle? when a product looks like a duck, walks like a duck and wax like a duck, you think it's a duck, but not always. when we asked companies for explanation, most the time we either got none or a vague response. >> so don't look for butter in mrs. butter worth. look past the pictures and seek the truth in the ingredient list. another labeling pit fall, buzzwords. there's a reason snacks are called potato crisps rather than potato chips. the fda requires a chip to be a thinly sliced potato but a crisp can be mid-from driedpoty toe with cornstarch, sugar and soy. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. >> read the box i guess is the thing there. francis is here to talk about another spare the air day? >> seventh one in a row and we are starting you have with cool temperatures once again. a live look from sutro looking down at san francisco. temperatures even warmer today with a red flag work in effect. details coming up. >> thank you, francis. also ahead, a random act of kindness. we touch base with the san francisco police officer whose small gesture grittily -- greatly helped a woman in net. and withdrawal woes. the problems facing some people impact check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. . >> welcome back. 5:12 on this last sunday of 20 and 11. this is the live look from our roof cam showing you the beautiful light display on the bay bridge. high and dry today weather-wise. meaning warm temps. norine in sight. frances dinglasan will be along with your full accuweather forecast. 2013 had major political stories. from nsa to the botched website to speculation over 2016 presidential contenders. we take a look back at the year in politics with abc news reporter shannon travis. >> 2013. it began with an inaugural splash. >> so help me god. >> and continued with enough political drama mu to make your mouth water. from the state of a union response from a sipping senator to a watershed moment for gay rights. in june, two supreme court rulings both narrowly decided at 5-4. the court cleared the way for wedding bells to ring again for same-sex couples in california. a second decision allowed married similar sex couples to receive federal benefits. left undecided whether same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. and spilling secrets, edward snowden. he leaked documents revealing efforts to track phone calls and e mills in the u.s. president obama main continued it's about catching terrorists and -- >> america is not interested in spying on ordinary people. >> snowden eventually landed in russia, which granted him asylum for a year. in october, a bitter back and forth over owe bum mu care. >> this is about saving the future for our kids and our grandkids. >> this sparked a perfect shall government shut down and fears the u.s. would run out of money to pay its bills. >> this government shut down is an embers meant to our nation. >> after 16 days congress passed and congress signed a bill to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling temporarily. speaking of obama obamacare, glitches, error, brick downs, lower than expected enrollment and this. >> if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. >> after some insurers cancelled health plans on the individual market, presidential promises prompted this. >> we fumbled the roll out on this healthcare law. >> what's the next president 20 do? with new jersey governor chris christie's landslide re-election. >> maybe the folks in washington d.c. should tune in our tvs right now and see how it's done. >> could they face off for president in 2016? the very thought of it could be enough to make one potential rival's mouth dry. in washington. much more on the year in politics coming up on abc's this week. george stephanopoulos and the round double will look at one of the biggest stories of the year. edward snowden and new legal challenges to the nsa for spying on americans. don't miss abc's this week with george stephanopoulos coming up at 8:00 right here on abc7. a toll road in mexico is closed this morning after a 300-yard section collapsed following a series of small earthquakes. the road between tijuana and another city in baja, california has dropped about 100 feet. mexico's federal highway authority said the earthquakes ranked in magnitude from 1.3 to 4.3. several trucks got stuck on the collapsing highway. no one was injured. a detour is set up around the site, with i is on a known earthquake fault. a san francisco police officer says she was just doing the right thing when she bought a pair of shoes for a homeless woman and didn't have any. her son posted this photo on our facebook page, along with a remind they're giving should not end after the holidays. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard has the story you will see only on abc7. >> reporter: at bustling union square, homeless people are sometimes overlooked during the holidays but not by san francisco police officer jackie sullenger, who spot add homeless woman sitting in front of this shoe store. >> she was holding a signcying she needed shoes and i looked at her feet and saw she had flimsy slippers on. she said homeless shelters never have anything that fits her, size 12. >> i thought about my family and we have so. >> reporter: so the cop offered to by her something she desperately needed. >> she said to me i'll take anything. we can walk down -- she felt like it was a little expensive at ketchers. she said we can walk down to the by less store. i could see she was a humble lead. >> we learned about it when her son secretly took these pictures of the impromptu shopping trip at the store and posted them on our facebook page. >> she did it on her own. there was no one watching her. and i'm proud of her. >> the store manager jerome jackson said the woman chose this all-weather boot for $69. the prime gesture prompted him to help out too. >> i offered my employee discount for the officer to purchase the shoes. >> you didn't have to do that. why did you do it? >> the holiday season. dy feel bad for the lead that was in front of the store. >> i didn't really get her name. i didn't want to embarrass her. >> but the woman's reaction to the gift was all this officer needed. >> it was just her mannerisms that i could see she was really grateful. and that was better than a thank you, in my eyes. >> we attempted to find the woman with the new boots somewhere in union square, but no look. in san francisco, colonel bernard, abc7 news. the entire san francisco police department is stepping up to help the needy through the end of january. the sfpd is collecting new socks and shoes that will be donated to charities this help the homeless. you can donate by stopping by the central district police decision on vallejo street and dropping off new pairs of socks and shoes. millions of target shoppers of scrambling to get new credit cards and change their personal identification number or pin. that's after target versed directions and said data hackers did steal pins but the giant retailer still says the pin numbers are safe. abc news reporter nina talks with one target customer whose bank account got cleaned out. >> it it was a thanksgiving weed purchase at target he never expected would wipe out his entire bank account. >> my debit card will not pay for a retail purchase ever again. >> two unexpected withdrawals totaling almost $350. charges he sited he never made. he believes his card is one of the 40 million breached between november 27 and december 15th. now target acknowledging pin numbers were among the financial information stolen from their system. >> target needs to make sure that however they were able to obtain this dit two from their systems, from their servers, cannot help again. >> here's why target believes your pins are still safe. when you enter your pin the number is encrypted at the key pad. it's supposed to be highly secure. it's only decrypted by an independent payment processor. he said the key necessary to encrypt the data has never been within their system and could not be taken during the incident. but hackers could still be trying to unhack the information. >> once they get the data, that means everybody's credit card accounts and bank accounts are potentially vulnerable to being used. >> this man lives in north can i recall and said the charges were made at chicago o'hare's airport. the expert we warned with said more people may soon see fraudulent charges. >> i think this situation will get a lot worse before it gets any better. >> for the seven the day in a row it's another spare the air day across the bay area. that means burning of wood or any other solid fuels is banned. homes where wood stoves or fireplaces are the only heat source are exempt. first-time violators face a $100 fine or 500-dollar fine for a second citation. it's the 22nd spare the air alert this winter. the look of rain just as bad in southern california this year. this will be the driest year for l.a. since 1877 when official measurements began. the region even saw near record temperature highs over christmas. rainfall for the entire year in los angeles is just over 3.5 inches. it is quite the story in other parts of the country. very different. people are bracing for bitterly cold temperatures. six states from montana to minnesota are under windchill advisories. temperatures there could plummet below freezing. we will have more on this extreme weather later this hour. wow, you look at that and then here we are just really warm. >> we are really warm. we might even break some records in a couple cities today or tie them. we are also very dry, much like l.a. for example, san francisco at 24% of normal. i will give you more in some other locations as well. as we take a look at live doppler 7hd sweeping around the bay area. very quiet. not even much cloud cover out there. so we are going to see a lot of sunshine today and that's going to allow temperatures to climb up. sutro tower cam looking down at san francisco and the beautiful bay bridge once again. current temperatures right now a little built milder compared to yesterday. with some winds in the upper levels. we've got milder temperatures in oakland, 50. redwood city. still cool at 39. san jose 38 degrees. now yesterday at this time we saw some 20s. as we look toward the bay bridge from the exploratorium, you will notice winds are light at the surface but i will tell you more about the winds in the higher levels. and it's currently 29 in santa rosa. we still did make some -- or have some areas below 30. 32ein nap but and 41 in fir field. another shot from the east by hills looking toward the bay. just clear skies out there. a red flag warning is in effect right now. this is for areas above 1,000 feet. it's a spare the air alert again today. no woodburning. dry and mild weather all the way into the new year. here's a look at the dry, gusty winds. so it's in effect until 10:00 this morning for areas above 1,000 feet, mainly in the north bay and east bay hills. those are the areas highlighted in red. there's low humidity, gusts up to 35 miles an hour in the higher elevations. in fact right now gusts up to 33 miles an hour some some areas. keep this in mind if you are headed towards that area. here's a look at the satellite image. we have had this area of low pressure and an area of high pressure circumlitting clockwise here so the iso bars which shows the pressure difference creates the winds. we have high fire danger. the high pressure will stick around the pick and that will give us above normal temps all week. highs today will minutely be in the 60s. 69. you can tie this record in san jose. your high there. and san francisco 63. oakland 65 today. so very comfortable with lots of sunshine. here is a look at the percent of normal in terms of rainfall. as of yesterday, the lowest rainfall percent of normal is santa rosa and ukiah 15%, san jose at 33%. and a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. plenty of sunshine. no rain in sight. here's a look at temperatures mainly in the 60s. just a slight dip on tuesday. but still very comfortable for new year's eve into the new year's day. more clouds into next weekend, but still looking pretty dry. abc7 news has another grit weather resource for you. follow@livedoppler7hd on twitter for the latest conditions rain or shine. get video forecasts, spare the air alerts, power outage info and weather tweets from your favorite weather team. >> so no one has to worry about slick roads on new year's eve? >> no slick roads pushes it will be cool because of these clear conditions. it might get chilly. >> thank you, francis. still to come, how one man's good dead landed him $1 million richer. >> knew this morning a pair of minor earthquakes have shaken oklahoma this morning. the first quake was magnitude 4.1 just after midnight our time. that was followed by a magnitude 2 .5 quake about 3:30 our time. both of these quakes centered about 30 miles northeast of oklahoma city. the larger quake generated phone calls from people who felt it, but there are no reports of any damage or injuries. more than a year after super storm sandy's devastating impact on the eastern seaboard, one new yorker has reason to celebrate. landscaper marvin martinez found a winning scratch off lottery ticket while cleaning up debris. by new york lottery rules he had to claim a year to claim his prize and yesterday was his prize to claim the cash payout. he walked away with $779,000. if someone boughta new i-phone or ipad for christmas, you cap make that gift each grit we're the latest version of the abc7 news app. our updated app has a lot of great new features. for one, you make the text as large as you want. and i-phone users can use our new user-generated content feature, making it simple for you to send us photos and video of any news you spot. go to for download details. up next, the lost art of tinkering. the maker movement that's helping to revive it in the electronic aiming. and hold your horses, literally. the surprise some people were in for while out for ... desk... you know what? yogurt.n't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. sofa... desk... you know what? yogurt.n't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at >> welcome back. we are starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. meteorologist frances dinglasan is in for lisa argen. >> good morning. another chilly start especially in isn't rose where it's currently 29 degrees. 32 napa and novato. mildner san francisco, 48 and 47. temperatures will warm up quite a bit today. even we might break some records. here's a look from exploratorium out toward the calm waters, by bridge and the crescent moon. there is poor air quality. it is another spare 9 air day. in the in the valleys, look out for the poor air. temperatures may be climbing into the low 70s around the bay even warmer, as well, compared to yesterday. mid-60s to each upper 60s. and along the coast mild. temperatures in the 60s to near 70 degrees. there's a red flag work in effect. i'll have all the details and i'll talk about the dry week ahead. carolyn. >> francis, thank you. let's take a look at weather elsewhere. an arctic blast is sweeping through america's heartland this morning and crews are still trying to restore power to tens of thousands of customers. there are white out conditions in places like grand forks, north dakota. and forecasters say it's not getting better anytime soon with winds gusting up to 55 miles an hour and wind chills reaching minus 55 degrees in parts of maine. 5,000 homes are still without power and many residents are not expected to get their electricity until the new year. >> normal conditions are the trees fall in a hurricane, et cetera, and it gets sunny out. this was bitterly cold, 5 to 10 degrees, snow, wind. >> we want these people to have their power back and be able to heat their homes and cook meals and do all the things they do in a normal day. >> also a new storm coming up from the gulf will bring heavy rain along the eastern seaboard and up to a foot of snow into new england. new this morning, the obama administration says that following a december surge, more than 1.1 million people have now enrolled for health insurance through the federal government's improved website. nearly 1348 people signed up through the federal exchange serving 36 cities. the deadline was december 24th to enroll for coverage starting in january. today's number is only partial because the administration has not provided an update on the 14 states running their own websites. one of the hottest trends of 2013 is the maker movement. with the invention of tiny computers and 3d printers, almost anybody can make anything. san francisco's exploratorium had been at the forefront of the maker culture for years. led by a dynamic couple whose latest project is a new twist on a reallyic from the past, a book. >> the exploratorium has always been a place for in violative minds to stretch their limits. featuring artists and scientists not afraid toty chances. even get a little silly. karen wilkinson and mike wanted to give visitors the same opportunity. get create tiff. >> the feeling of tinkering and do it yourself and making. >> they have been partners in life and work for two decades. >> early on concern at this time me how to weld and i taught her how to use the computer. >> it was a match made in heaven. they passion turned into the tinkering studio at the exploratorium. >> if you can just explain something the one pest way everybody is going to learn it. we don't believe that. everybody learns in a different which and especially when they are using their hands. >> the next step is to encourage people to do more tinkering on their hand with a first of its kind book. >> it's got conduct i have i. k printed on the cover. >> you mean ink is produces electricityity. >> yes. tiny, tiny little bits of metal are in there. >> inside the books artists show off their tinkering projects with suggestions to get you started on your own creations. many using inexpensive things you can find at home. but to set the tone the artists were challenged to hack the buck itself. >> we love the fact it's all different. this has a thermal motor that lists up the book cover and two little l.e.d. eyes stare out with you. >> this is a miniature workbench with lights that really work. >> she camouflaged the battery with the stool. >> she created by anybodying bite marks and claw marks in the book itself and felted all sorts of creatures and different elements into the book to show who might be taking this thing apart. >> this flower kim from a researcher at m. i. t.. >> there's a thin piece of wire in each leaves and when you run from the through it it moves and bends into a new position. >> they created tiny stickers embedded with lights, motor and computer chips, this we believe may revolutionize the craft world. >> it looks like something karen and i shouldn't take with us through airport security. >> you are right about that. >> they instilled a simple night light. >> this is the light sensor that would be in the night light. >> then he attach a cell phone playing video of an eye. when the dark part of the pupil moves under the sensor, the light turns on. >> loot at that. i don't know how we will make an app out of that but i have to say that's not one i would have come up with. >> you and me both. [laughter] >> well, the book, called the art of tinkering, is on sale at the exploratorium right now. it costs $30. it will be available on in february. at least six people are injured in burbank after a horse bucked its rider and ran down a crowded trail near griffith park. it happened at the los angeles equestrian center yesterday before noon as people were out enjoying a saturday morning walk. the run away horse first collided with some other horse back riders. those horses also ran away, injuring several people on foot. three adults, three youths were taken to area hospitals with nonlife-threatening injuries. the equestrian workers were eventually able to corral the horses. still ahead, a breakthrough for those suffering from a deadly blood condition. the new option to treat blood clots. and here is a live look from our east bay hills cam. lights of the by bridge shimmering there in the background. could we see some record breaking temperatures this week? frances dinglasan has the answer coming up with your accuweather forecast in just a few. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. >> welcome back. it's 5:41. thank you for waking up so early on this december 29th, the last sunday of 2013. for your viewing pleasure we have a live look from our emeryville cam. no using the fireplace again today. that's right, it's another spare the air day. frances dinglasan will have more on that and all the weather coming up. a dangerous type of blood clot known as dvt or deep vein thrombosis can appear in the body, particularly the legs, putting patients at risk of death. now there's new technology giving doctors an option for removing the clots. here's abc7 news health and science reporter carolyn johnson with more. 62-year-old todd dunlap of newberry park has been battling malignant melanoma for decades. but a few weeks ago something else nearly killed him, a two-foot long blood clot. >> from the top of my heart to my groin. >> it could come from here, move through the heart and go to the lungs and if that happened, it would probably kill him. >> clot-busting drugs failed. so he went to a radiologist, and he gave john his options. open-heart surgery, which meant -- >> opening his breast bone, stopping the heart, opening the heart, removing the clots, hopefully restarting the heart. >> or a minimally invasive procedure to vacuum out the clot called the an geosack. >> eve never used it in the heart before. >> but it has one big risk. instant death in the clot bricks loose during the procedure. motivated to wanting to get back to play with his grandson, he opened for the anjio sack. the three hour procedure is done in a lab. he has a tube from the clot down to the neck. >> we attach it to a powerful suckstion. >> after removing the clots, his filtered blood is recircumlitted back into his body. after the procedure he was able to walk and went home in four days. >> he was able to deliver a mare example. >> now todd is back to being a doting grandfather. >> now since i've had my procedure, my energy is better. it's really great to be able to play with him now. >> it is estimated that one in 500 americans suffer from blood clots in the legs. the number can double in people who are over 80. symptoms include pain, swelling and redness, but sometimes deep vein thrombosis can appear without causing any symptoms. frances dinglasan is in for lisa argen. what's up? >> warm temperatures, even warmer than yesterday. well above average. clear skies. lots to do today, as you can take other look at the beautiful view of the embarcadero and the holiday lights. >> they are still up. thank you, francis. coming up, it was only one shot, but, man, was it a big one. usf stunning road win in portland. that is up next in sports. with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. >> half moon bay, look how mild it is. it is 61 degrees right now. from east bay hills, actually looking toward san francisco. notice the camera bouncing a little bit. and that's bus we have some stronger winds in the higher elevations. cooler still in santa rosa, though. only 29. novato 32 and livermore at 52. from our roof camera looking toward the bay bridge and the beautiful lights, water, that looks pretty calm. it is windy above 1,000 feet and that's where we have the red flag warning. another spare the air day today. the seventh one in a row. and dry, mild weather all the way into next year. looking toward the bay bridge and the city lights, it looks clear out there, but there will be poor air quality, especially in the santa clara valley. elsewhere medium air quality. this is actually the 22nd spare the air alert since november 1. also i just want today show you the pacific satellite image which tells the story of what's happening. we have this area of low pressure maybe east. we have high pressure. and because of the pressure difference, we are going to see the actual winds bringing us high fire danger. the high fire danger will stick around all week and that will bring us above normal temperatures into next weekend. we take a look at some of the numbers. we could tie a record in san jose today. the high 69. 63 in san francisco. we could also possibly beat a record in oakland with a high expected of 65. even some upper 160s. check out santa cruz. very mild, 70 degrees. it's actually a beach day for the the end of the year. and it's also going to possibly be, well, definitely be the driest year on track for san francisco. records have been kept since 1850. if you will notice, this year so far we've had 5.5 inches and that's going to come out to be the driest year. i also wanted to talk about state-wide temperatures. clear, as well. very mild in southern california. 78 your high in los angeles. more sunshine in tahoe. no snow, 48 degrees there and 66 in sacramento. if you are headed to the coliseum for the raiders game today, this afternoon at 1:25, temperatures in the low to mid-60s. bring your sunglasses. it will be very comfortable and mild and lot of sunshine for you as well. here's a look at the 7 day forecast. temperatures are steady in that they are all in the 60s. there's a slight dip monday and tuesday, but we will be above average into the next weekend. try for new year's eve. lots of sunshine. again, we will be waiting for the rain, but looks like we will have to wait another week. >> wow, you look what's going on back east and through the midwest. >> yeah, and you compare, we are tucking record highs and they have freezing temperatures. it's so extreme. >> it is. thank you, francis. let's check out sports. one is playing for pride, the other for potential playoff positioning. regular season finales for the raiders and 49ers today. here's collin resch with all of your sports highlights. good morning. the beginning of conference play signifying the college hoops is in full swing. the chips all stacked against santa clara last night. gonzaga 27-2 versus the broncos since 2001. the biggest little fan in spokane. freshman jared brown, catch-and-shoot three in transition. 20-17. broncos, anybody they have a chance. second half. the team high 22 points. 53-50. the zags go on a 10-0 run. gonzaga by 12. seconds later, no foul call. the bull gets teed up. the broncos were in it until the final minute. 74-60 the final. portland, rex walters. coleman using the pivot foot like kevin mchale. kevin bailey rise and fire. three goes. inbounds play. out of the time-outs. chris adams, only bucket of the game. off basketball and sends it to overtime. dons leading 80-77. the team high 22 for to have he have son. usf,ed road win 87-81, the final. jaw bury a spectator. a boot on the badly sprained ankle. bears hosting the paliden of portland. tyrone wallace, not impressed. the steal and dunk. had 18. justin cobbs had 18 and jeff powers, the redshirt senior from de la salle, he had 18 and hit six threes. cal beat them by 30. stanford's players, seventh. going to her early and often with the save part center. 16 of her 20 points couple in the first half. eight double-doubles. also ten rebounds. cardinals 12 of 29 beyond the three. she had 14. in the wing. stanford 86-54. they are now 11-1. college football, pinstripe bowl at yankee stiedup. notre dame and rutgers. tj jones, 82 all-purpose yards. takes the hand-off here. in. scarlett knights right back at you. game tied at 10. tommy reece would throw for 300 yards. he creates space. irish the winner, 29-16. in the athletic bowl. miami scored the game's first points on a safety. and teddy bridge water from louisville scored 36 straight. 26 yards for devon take parker. 427-yard takes and three tds for the junior. they crush the canes 36-9. i'll be back tonight starting at 9:00. highlights of the finale against denver and same for 49ers and cardinals. mike shumann is in arizona. his weekly interview with vernon davis tonight at 11:00. i'm collin resch. have a great day, everyone! >> still to come. why some of considering [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. >> here are the winning numbers from last night's $40 million power ball draw. 8, 35, 44, 51, 56 and the power number 18. no one correctly picked all six. wednesday's jackpot goes up to $50 million. an unusual honor for pope francis. "esquire" magazine named him the best dressed man of 2013. the magazine said the pontiff's decision to dress humbly and brick from tradition shows a humility rarely seen from previous popes. other fashion celebrities were also named. up next at 6:00, we continue to follow breaking news out of san francisco. a shooting near a theater there early this morning has left a woman dead. we will have the latest. and new hope for the family of a 13-year-old declared brain dead. what they plan to do today in another effort to keep the girl on life support. >> we start the day with a view from sutro looking toward san francisco a couple things you need to know about today. one, there's a red flag warning for the higher elevation necessary the north and east bay hills. also it's another spare the air day. temperatures will start off on the cool side this morning. anywhere from the 30s to

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20131229 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20131229

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hazy, sunshine this afternoon. things cool down quickly, as well this evening, as we drop into the 50s. carolyn. >> thank you, francis. we begin with breaking news out of san francisco where a woman has been fatally shot near the sundance kabooky theater. it happened on post street between fillmore and webster streets. the woman was taken to the hospital. she had at least one gunshot wound. again, she has now died. no word yet on what's going on in terms of a motive or suspects. this morning new hope for the family of an oakland girl declared brain dead by doctors. the family now says they have new option on where to move 13-year-old jaw -- jahi mcmath. they have been in talks with facilities. of new concern now, how to pay for it all. abc7 news reporter has the latest. >> reporter: jahi's family is trying to line up a facility that will keep her on life support. her mother is telling abc news she has faith her during will cover. >> she's alive to me. she's not dead. >> her family is trying to move her out of the hospital in oakland before a court order expires monday at 5:00 p.m. they released a statement that reads in part our attorney is in discussion with two facilities of that expressed preliminary approval for accepting jahi on a ventilator. one is in southern california, the other is in new york. children's hospital spokesperson said they will cooperate with moving jahi under three conditions. >> first, is the figures to perform the medical proceduresness, second the transportation and third a legitimate facility that willty her. >> but he raised serious questions about the family's act to reach those condition. >> first they said they have insurance and now they don't have insurance and crowd add crowd source funding effort. first they had a facility in the bay area and now they said that fell through. >> they said children's hospital has not received information from the family or their attorney, christopher dolan, about any facility willing to receive mcmath. abc7 news. the family has a fundraiser set for today. as you heard, they have also launched a crowd sourcing page to help raise money. they say they plan to use that to move jahi to a new facility. so far they have raised more than $6,000. san francisco police are investigating a shooting in the city's bayview district. officers found a 21-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound at evans avenue and middle point road at 7:30 last night. he was taken to san francisco general hospital for treatment. this morning more than 200,000 long-term out of work californians are finding themselves in a deeper financial hole. the emergency program that provides federal unemployment benefits after state help is exhausted has ended. all together nearly 1.5 million jobless americans are finding themselves starting the new year without that financial assistance. and the loss of unemployment benefits means the need is going to be higher, especially for nonprofits. they are already struggling this time of year. one local nonprofit expects a nearly 75% drop in donations. it also says the pool of people they help could double now that unemployment benefits for so many have ended. lisa amin gulezian has more. >> the total budget. >> reporter: lisa works hard for the contra costa food bank. this e-mail will go out for a last minute push to get donations. >> immediately after december ends, donations do start to decrease. >> at this food bank, $2 million were donated just this month but in an average month outside of the holiday season, $600,000 comes in. that's more than a 70% difference. the food bank is bracing for an additional search in clients. >> there will be more people looking for help, as well, once the unemployment benefits end. if they haven't already found us. there will be more people looking for food assistance. >> lawmakers left washington without voting on an extension. >> i'm in a panic. i don't know what i'm going to do. >> federal aid has run out for kathy, who has been unemployed for more than 26 weeks. that's the new limit for unemployment benefits. democrats are pushing for a three-month extension. >> we don't abeen done each other when times are tough. >> others argue the program is too expensive, costing $25 billion a year. and that people are simply becoming too dependent on the system. >> when you extend benefits to 73 weeks or 99 weeks, it encourages some people to stay unemployed too long. >> congress won't consider extending unemployment benefits at least until january 7th. lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. a number of new sit laws will hit the books in a number of days. teenagers will be beened from texting while driving even it they are using a hands-free voice recognition device. and california becomes the first at this time to ban lead bullets. it is to prevent wildlife from ingesting toxic metals. and 11 new gun control laws will take effect, including the ability of mentally ill people to have guns and safety checks for shotgun and rifle owners. and starting january 21st, -- january 1st openly gay kids will be able to become members of the boy scouts. a local woman is missing after suffering from early stages of alzheimer's disease. she was last seen at noon in front of her almeda home. she's 6, 5'5", wigs 110 pounds. police say she disappeared while walking her dog, a chocolate lab. so do you think you know everything about the foods you eat? consumer reports has partnered exclusively with 7 on your side for a report on what's really in some of your groceries. here's mike finish with the details. >> looks can be deceiving when it comes to food packaging. that means you might not always be eating what you think you are eating. consumer reports takes the lid off what is included and what is missing from supermarket products. expecting to find blueberries in your blueberry cerael, think there's bacon in your bacon bits? consumer reports says think again. >> some processed foods have strayed so for from the farm and the field that they are frightening long list of ingredients bears little resemblance to anything you would find in your pantry. >> consumer reports looked at some supermarket favorites to see what key ingredients gives each food it's pizzazz. taking international delight gourmet coffee creamer. the label teases you will blast off to the sweet and creamy landing but prepare for a hard landing. it's mostly sugar and palm early. the bacon pieces, surely they contain bacon? they don't contain any meat at all. mostly textured soy flour. don't want on kellog's blueberry ceral to have blueberries. there's not one in the box. and orioles, surprised to hear there's no dairy in the creamy middle? when a product looks like a duck, walks like a duck and wax like a duck, you think it's a duck, but not always. when we asked companies for explanation, most the time we either got none or a vague response. >> so don't look for butter in mrs. butter worth. look past the pictures and seek the truth in the ingredient list. another labeling pit fall, buzzwords. there's a reason snacks are called potato crisps rather than potato chips. the fda requires a chip to be a thinly sliced potato but a crisp can be mid-from driedpoty toe with cornstarch, sugar and soy. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. >> read the box i guess is the thing there. francis is here to talk about another spare the air day? >> seventh one in a row and we are starting you have with cool temperatures once again. a live look from sutro looking down at san francisco. temperatures even warmer today with a red flag work in effect. details coming up. >> thank you, francis. also ahead, a random act of kindness. we touch base with the san francisco police officer whose small gesture grittily -- greatly helped a woman in net. and withdrawal woes. the problems facing some people impact check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. . >> welcome back. 5:12 on this last sunday of 20 and 11. this is the live look from our roof cam showing you the beautiful light display on the bay bridge. high and dry today weather-wise. meaning warm temps. norine in sight. frances dinglasan will be along with your full accuweather forecast. 2013 had major political stories. from nsa to the botched website to speculation over 2016 presidential contenders. we take a look back at the year in politics with abc news reporter shannon travis. >> 2013. it began with an inaugural splash. >> so help me god. >> and continued with enough political drama mu to make your mouth water. from the state of a union response from a sipping senator to a watershed moment for gay rights. in june, two supreme court rulings both narrowly decided at 5-4. the court cleared the way for wedding bells to ring again for same-sex couples in california. a second decision allowed married similar sex couples to receive federal benefits. left undecided whether same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. and spilling secrets, edward snowden. he leaked documents revealing efforts to track phone calls and e mills in the u.s. president obama main continued it's about catching terrorists and -- >> america is not interested in spying on ordinary people. >> snowden eventually landed in russia, which granted him asylum for a year. in october, a bitter back and forth over owe bum mu care. >> this is about saving the future for our kids and our grandkids. >> this sparked a perfect shall government shut down and fears the u.s. would run out of money to pay its bills. >> this government shut down is an embers meant to our nation. >> after 16 days congress passed and congress signed a bill to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling temporarily. speaking of obama obamacare, glitches, error, brick downs, lower than expected enrollment and this. >> if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. >> after some insurers cancelled health plans on the individual market, presidential promises prompted this. >> we fumbled the roll out on this healthcare law. >> what's the next president 20 do? with new jersey governor chris christie's landslide re-election. >> maybe the folks in washington d.c. should tune in our tvs right now and see how it's done. >> could they face off for president in 2016? the very thought of it could be enough to make one potential rival's mouth dry. in washington. much more on the year in politics coming up on abc's this week. george stephanopoulos and the round double will look at one of the biggest stories of the year. edward snowden and new legal challenges to the nsa for spying on americans. don't miss abc's this week with george stephanopoulos coming up at 8:00 right here on abc7. a toll road in mexico is closed this morning after a 300-yard section collapsed following a series of small earthquakes. the road between tijuana and another city in baja, california has dropped about 100 feet. mexico's federal highway authority said the earthquakes ranked in magnitude from 1.3 to 4.3. several trucks got stuck on the collapsing highway. no one was injured. a detour is set up around the site, with i is on a known earthquake fault. a san francisco police officer says she was just doing the right thing when she bought a pair of shoes for a homeless woman and didn't have any. her son posted this photo on our facebook page, along with a remind they're giving should not end after the holidays. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard has the story you will see only on abc7. >> reporter: at bustling union square, homeless people are sometimes overlooked during the holidays but not by san francisco police officer jackie sullenger, who spot add homeless woman sitting in front of this shoe store. >> she was holding a signcying she needed shoes and i looked at her feet and saw she had flimsy slippers on. she said homeless shelters never have anything that fits her, size 12. >> i thought about my family and we have so. >> reporter: so the cop offered to by her something she desperately needed. >> she said to me i'll take anything. we can walk down -- she felt like it was a little expensive at ketchers. she said we can walk down to the by less store. i could see she was a humble lead. >> we learned about it when her son secretly took these pictures of the impromptu shopping trip at the store and posted them on our facebook page. >> she did it on her own. there was no one watching her. and i'm proud of her. >> the store manager jerome jackson said the woman chose this all-weather boot for $69. the prime gesture prompted him to help out too. >> i offered my employee discount for the officer to purchase the shoes. >> you didn't have to do that. why did you do it? >> the holiday season. dy feel bad for the lead that was in front of the store. >> i didn't really get her name. i didn't want to embarrass her. >> but the woman's reaction to the gift was all this officer needed. >> it was just her mannerisms that i could see she was really grateful. and that was better than a thank you, in my eyes. >> we attempted to find the woman with the new boots somewhere in union square, but no look. in san francisco, colonel bernard, abc7 news. the entire san francisco police department is stepping up to help the needy through the end of january. the sfpd is collecting new socks and shoes that will be donated to charities this help the homeless. you can donate by stopping by the central district police decision on vallejo street and dropping off new pairs of socks and shoes. millions of target shoppers of scrambling to get new credit cards and change their personal identification number or pin. that's after target versed directions and said data hackers did steal pins but the giant retailer still says the pin numbers are safe. abc news reporter nina talks with one target customer whose bank account got cleaned out. >> it it was a thanksgiving weed purchase at target he never expected would wipe out his entire bank account. >> my debit card will not pay for a retail purchase ever again. >> two unexpected withdrawals totaling almost $350. charges he sited he never made. he believes his card is one of the 40 million breached between november 27 and december 15th. now target acknowledging pin numbers were among the financial information stolen from their system. >> target needs to make sure that however they were able to obtain this dit two from their systems, from their servers, cannot help again. >> here's why target believes your pins are still safe. when you enter your pin the number is encrypted at the key pad. it's supposed to be highly secure. it's only decrypted by an independent payment processor. he said the key necessary to encrypt the data has never been within their system and could not be taken during the incident. but hackers could still be trying to unhack the information. >> once they get the data, that means everybody's credit card accounts and bank accounts are potentially vulnerable to being used. >> this man lives in north can i recall and said the charges were made at chicago o'hare's airport. the expert we warned with said more people may soon see fraudulent charges. >> i think this situation will get a lot worse before it gets any better. >> for the seven the day in a row it's another spare the air day across the bay area. that means burning of wood or any other solid fuels is banned. homes where wood stoves or fireplaces are the only heat source are exempt. first-time violators face a $100 fine or 500-dollar fine for a second citation. it's the 22nd spare the air alert this winter. the look of rain just as bad in southern california this year. this will be the driest year for l.a. since 1877 when official measurements began. the region even saw near record temperature highs over christmas. rainfall for the entire year in los angeles is just over 3.5 inches. it is quite the story in other parts of the country. very different. people are bracing for bitterly cold temperatures. six states from montana to minnesota are under windchill advisories. temperatures there could plummet below freezing. we will have more on this extreme weather later this hour. wow, you look at that and then here we are just really warm. >> we are really warm. we might even break some records in a couple cities today or tie them. we are also very dry, much like l.a. for example, san francisco at 24% of normal. i will give you more in some other locations as well. as we take a look at live doppler 7hd sweeping around the bay area. very quiet. not even much cloud cover out there. so we are going to see a lot of sunshine today and that's going to allow temperatures to climb up. sutro tower cam looking down at san francisco and the beautiful bay bridge once again. current temperatures right now a little built milder compared to yesterday. with some winds in the upper levels. we've got milder temperatures in oakland, 50. redwood city. still cool at 39. san jose 38 degrees. now yesterday at this time we saw some 20s. as we look toward the bay bridge from the exploratorium, you will notice winds are light at the surface but i will tell you more about the winds in the higher levels. and it's currently 29 in santa rosa. we still did make some -- or have some areas below 30. 32ein nap but and 41 in fir field. another shot from the east by hills looking toward the bay. just clear skies out there. a red flag warning is in effect right now. this is for areas above 1,000 feet. it's a spare the air alert again today. no woodburning. dry and mild weather all the way into the new year. here's a look at the dry, gusty winds. so it's in effect until 10:00 this morning for areas above 1,000 feet, mainly in the north bay and east bay hills. those are the areas highlighted in red. there's low humidity, gusts up to 35 miles an hour in the higher elevations. in fact right now gusts up to 33 miles an hour some some areas. keep this in mind if you are headed towards that area. here's a look at the satellite image. we have had this area of low pressure and an area of high pressure circumlitting clockwise here so the iso bars which shows the pressure difference creates the winds. we have high fire danger. the high pressure will stick around the pick and that will give us above normal temps all week. highs today will minutely be in the 60s. 69. you can tie this record in san jose. your high there. and san francisco 63. oakland 65 today. so very comfortable with lots of sunshine. here is a look at the percent of normal in terms of rainfall. as of yesterday, the lowest rainfall percent of normal is santa rosa and ukiah 15%, san jose at 33%. and a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. plenty of sunshine. no rain in sight. here's a look at temperatures mainly in the 60s. just a slight dip on tuesday. but still very comfortable for new year's eve into the new year's day. more clouds into next weekend, but still looking pretty dry. abc7 news has another grit weather resource for you. follow@livedoppler7hd on twitter for the latest conditions rain or shine. get video forecasts, spare the air alerts, power outage info and weather tweets from your favorite weather team. >> so no one has to worry about slick roads on new year's eve? >> no slick roads pushes it will be cool because of these clear conditions. it might get chilly. >> thank you, francis. still to come, how one man's good dead landed him $1 million richer. >> knew this morning a pair of minor earthquakes have shaken oklahoma this morning. the first quake was magnitude 4.1 just after midnight our time. that was followed by a magnitude 2 .5 quake about 3:30 our time. both of these quakes centered about 30 miles northeast of oklahoma city. the larger quake generated phone calls from people who felt it, but there are no reports of any damage or injuries. more than a year after super storm sandy's devastating impact on the eastern seaboard, one new yorker has reason to celebrate. landscaper marvin martinez found a winning scratch off lottery ticket while cleaning up debris. by new york lottery rules he had to claim a year to claim his prize and yesterday was his prize to claim the cash payout. he walked away with $779,000. if someone boughta new i-phone or ipad for christmas, you cap make that gift each grit we're the latest version of the abc7 news app. our updated app has a lot of great new features. for one, you make the text as large as you want. and i-phone users can use our new user-generated content feature, making it simple for you to send us photos and video of any news you spot. go to for download details. up next, the lost art of tinkering. the maker movement that's helping to revive it in the electronic aiming. and hold your horses, literally. the surprise some people were in for while out for ... desk... you know what? yogurt.n't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. sofa... desk... you know what? yogurt.n't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at >> welcome back. we are starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. meteorologist frances dinglasan is in for lisa argen. >> good morning. another chilly start especially in isn't rose where it's currently 29 degrees. 32 napa and novato. mildner san francisco, 48 and 47. temperatures will warm up quite a bit today. even we might break some records. here's a look from exploratorium out toward the calm waters, by bridge and the crescent moon. there is poor air quality. it is another spare 9 air day. in the in the valleys, look out for the poor air. temperatures may be climbing into the low 70s around the bay even warmer, as well, compared to yesterday. mid-60s to each upper 60s. and along the coast mild. temperatures in the 60s to near 70 degrees. there's a red flag work in effect. i'll have all the details and i'll talk about the dry week ahead. carolyn. >> francis, thank you. let's take a look at weather elsewhere. an arctic blast is sweeping through america's heartland this morning and crews are still trying to restore power to tens of thousands of customers. there are white out conditions in places like grand forks, north dakota. and forecasters say it's not getting better anytime soon with winds gusting up to 55 miles an hour and wind chills reaching minus 55 degrees in parts of maine. 5,000 homes are still without power and many residents are not expected to get their electricity until the new year. >> normal conditions are the trees fall in a hurricane, et cetera, and it gets sunny out. this was bitterly cold, 5 to 10 degrees, snow, wind. >> we want these people to have their power back and be able to heat their homes and cook meals and do all the things they do in a normal day. >> also a new storm coming up from the gulf will bring heavy rain along the eastern seaboard and up to a foot of snow into new england. new this morning, the obama administration says that following a december surge, more than 1.1 million people have now enrolled for health insurance through the federal government's improved website. nearly 1348 people signed up through the federal exchange serving 36 cities. the deadline was december 24th to enroll for coverage starting in january. today's number is only partial because the administration has not provided an update on the 14 states running their own websites. one of the hottest trends of 2013 is the maker movement. with the invention of tiny computers and 3d printers, almost anybody can make anything. san francisco's exploratorium had been at the forefront of the maker culture for years. led by a dynamic couple whose latest project is a new twist on a reallyic from the past, a book. >> the exploratorium has always been a place for in violative minds to stretch their limits. featuring artists and scientists not afraid toty chances. even get a little silly. karen wilkinson and mike wanted to give visitors the same opportunity. get create tiff. >> the feeling of tinkering and do it yourself and making. >> they have been partners in life and work for two decades. >> early on concern at this time me how to weld and i taught her how to use the computer. >> it was a match made in heaven. they passion turned into the tinkering studio at the exploratorium. >> if you can just explain something the one pest way everybody is going to learn it. we don't believe that. everybody learns in a different which and especially when they are using their hands. >> the next step is to encourage people to do more tinkering on their hand with a first of its kind book. >> it's got conduct i have i. k printed on the cover. >> you mean ink is produces electricityity. >> yes. tiny, tiny little bits of metal are in there. >> inside the books artists show off their tinkering projects with suggestions to get you started on your own creations. many using inexpensive things you can find at home. but to set the tone the artists were challenged to hack the buck itself. >> we love the fact it's all different. this has a thermal motor that lists up the book cover and two little l.e.d. eyes stare out with you. >> this is a miniature workbench with lights that really work. >> she camouflaged the battery with the stool. >> she created by anybodying bite marks and claw marks in the book itself and felted all sorts of creatures and different elements into the book to show who might be taking this thing apart. >> this flower kim from a researcher at m. i. t.. >> there's a thin piece of wire in each leaves and when you run from the through it it moves and bends into a new position. >> they created tiny stickers embedded with lights, motor and computer chips, this we believe may revolutionize the craft world. >> it looks like something karen and i shouldn't take with us through airport security. >> you are right about that. >> they instilled a simple night light. >> this is the light sensor that would be in the night light. >> then he attach a cell phone playing video of an eye. when the dark part of the pupil moves under the sensor, the light turns on. >> loot at that. i don't know how we will make an app out of that but i have to say that's not one i would have come up with. >> you and me both. [laughter] >> well, the book, called the art of tinkering, is on sale at the exploratorium right now. it costs $30. it will be available on in february. at least six people are injured in burbank after a horse bucked its rider and ran down a crowded trail near griffith park. it happened at the los angeles equestrian center yesterday before noon as people were out enjoying a saturday morning walk. the run away horse first collided with some other horse back riders. those horses also ran away, injuring several people on foot. three adults, three youths were taken to area hospitals with nonlife-threatening injuries. the equestrian workers were eventually able to corral the horses. still ahead, a breakthrough for those suffering from a deadly blood condition. the new option to treat blood clots. and here is a live look from our east bay hills cam. lights of the by bridge shimmering there in the background. could we see some record breaking temperatures this week? frances dinglasan has the answer coming up with your accuweather forecast in just a few. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. >> welcome back. it's 5:41. thank you for waking up so early on this december 29th, the last sunday of 2013. for your viewing pleasure we have a live look from our emeryville cam. no using the fireplace again today. that's right, it's another spare the air day. frances dinglasan will have more on that and all the weather coming up. a dangerous type of blood clot known as dvt or deep vein thrombosis can appear in the body, particularly the legs, putting patients at risk of death. now there's new technology giving doctors an option for removing the clots. here's abc7 news health and science reporter carolyn johnson with more. 62-year-old todd dunlap of newberry park has been battling malignant melanoma for decades. but a few weeks ago something else nearly killed him, a two-foot long blood clot. >> from the top of my heart to my groin. >> it could come from here, move through the heart and go to the lungs and if that happened, it would probably kill him. >> clot-busting drugs failed. so he went to a radiologist, and he gave john his options. open-heart surgery, which meant -- >> opening his breast bone, stopping the heart, opening the heart, removing the clots, hopefully restarting the heart. >> or a minimally invasive procedure to vacuum out the clot called the an geosack. >> eve never used it in the heart before. >> but it has one big risk. instant death in the clot bricks loose during the procedure. motivated to wanting to get back to play with his grandson, he opened for the anjio sack. the three hour procedure is done in a lab. he has a tube from the clot down to the neck. >> we attach it to a powerful suckstion. >> after removing the clots, his filtered blood is recircumlitted back into his body. after the procedure he was able to walk and went home in four days. >> he was able to deliver a mare example. >> now todd is back to being a doting grandfather. >> now since i've had my procedure, my energy is better. it's really great to be able to play with him now. >> it is estimated that one in 500 americans suffer from blood clots in the legs. the number can double in people who are over 80. symptoms include pain, swelling and redness, but sometimes deep vein thrombosis can appear without causing any symptoms. frances dinglasan is in for lisa argen. what's up? >> warm temperatures, even warmer than yesterday. well above average. clear skies. lots to do today, as you can take other look at the beautiful view of the embarcadero and the holiday lights. >> they are still up. thank you, francis. coming up, it was only one shot, but, man, was it a big one. usf stunning road win in portland. that is up next in sports. with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. >> half moon bay, look how mild it is. it is 61 degrees right now. from east bay hills, actually looking toward san francisco. notice the camera bouncing a little bit. and that's bus we have some stronger winds in the higher elevations. cooler still in santa rosa, though. only 29. novato 32 and livermore at 52. from our roof camera looking toward the bay bridge and the beautiful lights, water, that looks pretty calm. it is windy above 1,000 feet and that's where we have the red flag warning. another spare the air day today. the seventh one in a row. and dry, mild weather all the way into next year. looking toward the bay bridge and the city lights, it looks clear out there, but there will be poor air quality, especially in the santa clara valley. elsewhere medium air quality. this is actually the 22nd spare the air alert since november 1. also i just want today show you the pacific satellite image which tells the story of what's happening. we have this area of low pressure maybe east. we have high pressure. and because of the pressure difference, we are going to see the actual winds bringing us high fire danger. the high fire danger will stick around all week and that will bring us above normal temperatures into next weekend. we take a look at some of the numbers. we could tie a record in san jose today. the high 69. 63 in san francisco. we could also possibly beat a record in oakland with a high expected of 65. even some upper 160s. check out santa cruz. very mild, 70 degrees. it's actually a beach day for the the end of the year. and it's also going to possibly be, well, definitely be the driest year on track for san francisco. records have been kept since 1850. if you will notice, this year so far we've had 5.5 inches and that's going to come out to be the driest year. i also wanted to talk about state-wide temperatures. clear, as well. very mild in southern california. 78 your high in los angeles. more sunshine in tahoe. no snow, 48 degrees there and 66 in sacramento. if you are headed to the coliseum for the raiders game today, this afternoon at 1:25, temperatures in the low to mid-60s. bring your sunglasses. it will be very comfortable and mild and lot of sunshine for you as well. here's a look at the 7 day forecast. temperatures are steady in that they are all in the 60s. there's a slight dip monday and tuesday, but we will be above average into the next weekend. try for new year's eve. lots of sunshine. again, we will be waiting for the rain, but looks like we will have to wait another week. >> wow, you look what's going on back east and through the midwest. >> yeah, and you compare, we are tucking record highs and they have freezing temperatures. it's so extreme. >> it is. thank you, francis. let's check out sports. one is playing for pride, the other for potential playoff positioning. regular season finales for the raiders and 49ers today. here's collin resch with all of your sports highlights. good morning. the beginning of conference play signifying the college hoops is in full swing. the chips all stacked against santa clara last night. gonzaga 27-2 versus the broncos since 2001. the biggest little fan in spokane. freshman jared brown, catch-and-shoot three in transition. 20-17. broncos, anybody they have a chance. second half. the team high 22 points. 53-50. the zags go on a 10-0 run. gonzaga by 12. seconds later, no foul call. the bull gets teed up. the broncos were in it until the final minute. 74-60 the final. portland, rex walters. coleman using the pivot foot like kevin mchale. kevin bailey rise and fire. three goes. inbounds play. out of the time-outs. chris adams, only bucket of the game. off basketball and sends it to overtime. dons leading 80-77. the team high 22 for to have he have son. usf,ed road win 87-81, the final. jaw bury a spectator. a boot on the badly sprained ankle. bears hosting the paliden of portland. tyrone wallace, not impressed. the steal and dunk. had 18. justin cobbs had 18 and jeff powers, the redshirt senior from de la salle, he had 18 and hit six threes. cal beat them by 30. stanford's players, seventh. going to her early and often with the save part center. 16 of her 20 points couple in the first half. eight double-doubles. also ten rebounds. cardinals 12 of 29 beyond the three. she had 14. in the wing. stanford 86-54. they are now 11-1. college football, pinstripe bowl at yankee stiedup. notre dame and rutgers. tj jones, 82 all-purpose yards. takes the hand-off here. in. scarlett knights right back at you. game tied at 10. tommy reece would throw for 300 yards. he creates space. irish the winner, 29-16. in the athletic bowl. miami scored the game's first points on a safety. and teddy bridge water from louisville scored 36 straight. 26 yards for devon take parker. 427-yard takes and three tds for the junior. they crush the canes 36-9. i'll be back tonight starting at 9:00. highlights of the finale against denver and same for 49ers and cardinals. mike shumann is in arizona. his weekly interview with vernon davis tonight at 11:00. i'm collin resch. have a great day, everyone! >> still to come. why some of considering [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. >> here are the winning numbers from last night's $40 million power ball draw. 8, 35, 44, 51, 56 and the power number 18. no one correctly picked all six. wednesday's jackpot goes up to $50 million. an unusual honor for pope francis. "esquire" magazine named him the best dressed man of 2013. the magazine said the pontiff's decision to dress humbly and brick from tradition shows a humility rarely seen from previous popes. other fashion celebrities were also named. up next at 6:00, we continue to follow breaking news out of san francisco. a shooting near a theater there early this morning has left a woman dead. we will have the latest. and new hope for the family of a 13-year-old declared brain dead. what they plan to do today in another effort to keep the girl on life support. >> we start the day with a view from sutro looking toward san francisco a couple things you need to know about today. one, there's a red flag warning for the higher elevation necessary the north and east bay hills. also it's another spare the air day. temperatures will start off on the cool side this morning. anywhere from the 30s to

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