Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140219 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140219

neighborhood in on a street where houses are valued in mid $800,000 we rang the bell but no one came to the door this, makes four known victims, their current ages from 10 to 20s the sheriff's office says he volunteered in a school and may have had contact with teenagers at local youth organizations the male teenager just stepped forward is 14 years old >> the most-recent victim alleged crime took place in july, 2013. >> was mr. wesman still involved in youth organizations at that time? >> i believe he was. >> he is out of jail on $300,000 bail, due in court tomorrow in santa cruz county superior court, it's believed he may have befriended victims by offering to show them snakes the sheriff's office encourages victims to reach out to detectives as they continue to work on this case. some parents may try to shield their children. deputies say they're keeping a close on eye on him to make sure there is no connect with young people. >> a veteran firefighter in court today facing three charges. he is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old boy but it's not been charged in that case the investigation continues. today, kuestas did not enter a plea on charges of possessing and selling methamphetamine. prosecutors say an officer was able to get evidence in this case. >> they went and had much discussed through the transaction. the first transaction involved the sale of one slsh eight of an ounce of met get mean. >> he was a church volunteer and director of public outreach, thousand he's in protective custody in, jail. >> in yu testers have been reaching a crisis point. coming up at 4:30 the latest and the state department's warning to americans. >> chp today honored two fallen officer who's died yesterday in the line of duty. they rang a bell in west sacramento. officers ryan law and juan gonzales started at bay area offices they were killed yesterday morning responding to a crash in fresno county. officers across the state, including los angeles police will wear black bands to honor the officers >> authorities say a smoky house fire appears accidental. crews pull aid man from a bedroom but paramedics were not able to revive him. no one else lived in the home. investigators believe materials that were on top of a floor furnace started the fire. >> a san lor yenzo man shot dead by deputies in a contron tags last night. >> his relative claims deputy dz not have to kill him. a relative identified the man shot and killed last night. a 60-year-old david goins. his nephew didn't want to show his face on camera but wanted to question why deputies killed his uncle. >> stroke victim, he had medical problems i mean, they didn't need to do that. >> nothing wrong with a taser. nothing wrong with, you know rubber bullet. or what not. >> deputy say goins came at them with a baseball bat. >> he hit the sargeant with a baseball bat the sargeant carrying a patrol rifle. it disabled the rifle. hit him in the time, he called another deputy. >> he assaulted some of the paramedic staff inside of the ambulance. and ran back into the home. >> deputies have been called there various times for domestic abuse. >> he was a good man. very good man. you know? he'd give you the shirt off his back. i mean, he was a big old sweetheart. >> certainly want to err on the side of making sure someone is okay. leave, you find out he's not okay. then you know people criticize for that. >> the family's anger is building and more relatives arrived to talk to investigators and question why their loved one was shot and killed the district attorney is handling this investigation. >> for the first time in recent memory the agency that runs muni has a surplus. >> raising the questioner fair hikes being the public had a chance to weigh in. >> this is what the agency is saying. we've got this extra money and want to help those who need it most. they're saying hold on there, tiger. come june the transportation agency will have another $22 million. $1 million the following year. the agency asking where some of that extra money should go. one idea is to extend free program to include 18-year-olds. >> so students are hit with a high adult fare. it's a huge problem. >> with the upcoming surplus, muni admits it won't be enough to pay for the programs one way through tripling the cost of the f-line street car. >> it's just an idea. there is a lot of tourism on this line but might be something we can implement a fare. >> it could go up to $six. >> they deserve to be charged more. >> a price hike is expected and a single ride fare would go up $0.05 the transit agency says that is based on inflation. >> living in san francisco is a trial. very no intention of moving out to solve the problem. >> the board has months to decide which programs to support economically. >> turning to weather now, looking outside, it looks like it wants to rain. but can't get there. >> so spencer christian is going to tell us when, or if and when. not much happening in the way of precipitation. you can see clouds gathering now. and if we get sprinkles tonight there is moisture around to the north. and that is why there is a chance of sprinkles overnight. clouds in the sky, low 60s in oakland. here is a live view looking another way from our camera looking towards western sky as well. 63 in santa rosa. low to mid 60s in fairfield. one more live view from our east bay hills camera, here is our first forecast. mostly cloudy tonight, sprinkles then clearing trend begins in morning hours. by afternoon looking at sunny, breezy and mild conditions high temperatures almost 60s at the coast to mid-60s inland. have you to hope for the next system to bring us measurable rainfall. >> thank you. >> skyline high school students givent day off. pg&e had t until a part came in to fix that break. >> still ahead on abc7 news at 4:00 an online campaign to make the first pitch in an a's game the message that could save lives. plus... real women get cover model makeover. their surprising reactions after they'd been styleed and photo shopped. >> and made in the usa. inside of a facility that makes flags for the government. >> checking on afternoon commute. it does not look very good on san francisco skyway downtown. traffic is heading to the lower deck of the bay bridge and heavy for folks headed south. back with more is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ the phase of written assessment tests are coming to an end. next month, there will be a computer based test this, is video that will show how it works, it will replace most of the core standard tests. the up coming tests are part of a pilot tlufrj check the system out before it goes online, next year >> a family is on a mission to convince oakland a's to let them throw out the first pitch. marcos garcia gathering support on insta gram and face book. was jogging when hit and killed by a drunk driver. marcos wants to throw out the first pitch in his older brother's honor. >> that will help the family a lot particularly parents to know people support me, also, to make people aware of the consequences of drinking and driving. >> the a's organization says it is aware of the campaign. >> president obama called for new officiancy standards saying that will safe $500 million barrels of oil. the president made at announcement in a distribution center that made the switch >> canneda crush saga hopes to raise $500 million from this ipo and says it has 128 million daily active users. the second highest grossing app behind "clash of clans ". there is another app maker claiming they stole his design of the game. the ipo price has yet to be released >> dairy analysts estimate store prices might go up $0.60. you can blame cheese. officials say it pushed cheese to a new peak in january. our california drought hitting cattle farmers very hard. >> did you ever wish you'd like like a flawless model on magazine covers? you're about to meet women who got that chance. >> i won't know check out reactions when they are styleed and toto shopped >> we're bombarded with images of beauties every day. are we getting the real picture? removing every flaw. isn't that the precipitation women want to see? >> you look, you know you can never attain that ideal. >> you can see models and celebrities. you don't look the same. >> then photo shopped to look like cover models. >> i feel like it doesn't look like me. why do you want to make someone look so sdmifrn >> i like my freckles. they're gone. i don't know who that is. >> people compare themselves to images in magazines. this shows those images, that ideal is not reality. >> i almost didn't recognize myself. these women were more bewildered than excited. >> this is how i always wanted to see myself. now, i see it, i am questioning why i have been wanting to look like that. >> you assume looking at a flawless photo they'd be so excited. however, women see this photo and think" where are the aspects that make me unique and beautiful?" could it be women are actually embracing the notion imperfections are part of who they are? retailers might say yes. american eagle using real women in their intimate spring collection. no air brushing. >> you have to know ideal just doesn't exist. >> perhaps the sign women are becoming more comfortable in our own, untouched and unphoto shopped skin. >> that is interesting. >> fascinating. yes. >> going up to the roof in a nondigital enhanced spencer christian. >> i can't wrap my arms around them. i like cloudy skies. there is a certain beauty about clouds in the sky. sheer will being at live around crescent city but it's moving into our direction we may get spring yelz out of that overnight. looking live down towards ocean beach and into the bay you can see clouds getting thicker, cloudy overnight, a chance of spotty drizzle in the morning hours, then turning sunny, breezy and mild we'll have warmer days at the end of the week. now what's happening in the atmosphere, harmless or rainless clouds during late night hours, a front approach buzz weakens and fizzle fizzles however, has potential to move through and diz fiz yichlt overnight tonight giving you a look ahead. moisture moving north. will it produce rain? overnight tonight, partly to mostly cloudy skies low temperatures mid to upper 40s. then, tomorrow afternoon, sunny skies and mild in the south bay. 64 santa clara. peninsula, similar range of highs from low to mid-60s. upper 50s on the coast. in and around san francisco, highs 61 downtown. up the north bay, high temperatures 64 m santa rosa. over on the east bay, that range, forecast. gets milder. by friday, highs around the bay up to 7 conditions and maybe showers by next week. >> beautiful weekend is ahead. >> yes. >> up next a diver with a whaefl a tail to tell the picture underwater, next. >> and wait until you see one guy's ingenious way of avoiding the kiss cam. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can good is in ealmond. a good that comes in 25 flavors. from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. good . get your good going. blue diamond. snack nut of u.s. snowboarding. the besis that millions of reda is that millions of people will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll today at now, what some may call a friendly moment between a curious whale and a boy in ukraine. >> a photographer was trying to get a picture of his son. >> that is when snow ball kept popping up. what about me? he began chewing on the boy's snorkle. yikes. >> international space station has one less capsule and less trash. astronauts used a robotic arm to release it. it delivered a ton and a half of supplies as a science experiment. it's now filled with garbage and will burn up over the pacific ocean tomorrow. >> chevron angered residents in pennsylvania after handing out gift certificates for free pizza following a deadly gas well explosion near their homes a neighbor posted this image good for a large free pizza ask 12-liter drink. two natural gas wells explodeed and burned five days injuring a worker and leaving another missing and presumed dead. chevron said it wanted to thank residents ask support a local business. >> still to come at 4:00, efforts to stop protestor violence in the ukraine. >> it was just instant. people were screaming. >> chaos in the air. frightening moment as a flight hits severe turbulence. >> then, a story behind this picture that launched a military investigation causing national outrage. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ >> it's a devastating scene in ukraine. police and antigovernment protestors are battling it out on the streets of kiev. long siege that has taken 18 lives including six police officers. i'll show you live pictures of what is going on in kiev. reports say government forces set fire to a large opposition camp. as many as 20,000 antigovernment forces fought back. now vice president biden called ukraine's president urging him to pull out troops and called on ukraine's government to address protestors grievances and put forward propose yalz for reform. we're seeing lots of video from people in kiev now. clashes breaking out as they were accused of dragging their feet on constitutional reforms. today's clashes dimmed hopes for a solution to this ongoing crisis so. is that crack down beyond this coming up on world news at 5:30 a live report on latest conditions in kiev. >> those pictures are very disturbing. tonight united nations says it's team will review what happened when a flight hit severe turbulence. faa investigating the rough ride that sevened several people, some were tossed from their seats passengers talk about that frightening flight. passengers describe mass confusion and terror when the flight hit turbulence in the air over montana. the 737 coming in for a landing in billings when it dropped and caught passengers off guard. >> people were flying all over the place >> the man in front of me wasn't wearing a seat belt he flew out of his seat and hit the keeling and came down landed on the lady next to him. across the aisle. >> passengers describe a baby being flung from its mother's arms but not hurt. a flight attendant was seen hitting the ceiling and cracking the roof lining. the captain declared a medical emergency. >> among 114 passengers and five crew, five were hospitalized. including three flight attendants. four patients were treated and released and one patient remains in care. >> this is what passengers are asked to keep passengers fastened. faa says turbulence injures 32 people per year, and most are flight attendants. >> san francisco international airport is back to normal now after a computer outage delayed several flights system wide this, is live picture right now from our sfo cam. 500 flights delayed, or about 23% of the flights. that started about 5:30 and lasted for about an hour. united says it was experiencing intimatent issues with the computer system. >> two members of a russian punk group are freed today after being detained in sochi. they left jail with trademark masks pull over their heads. they were questioned about a theft at the hotel they were staying in. reports say the women were beaten by police, when demanding to see their lawyers the band gained international notoriety after being convicted of hooliganism. >> a pakistani girl that shot by the tall taliban is visiting children in a camp for syrian refugees she had denounced the taliban. now, she's a global advocate for girls' education and today, touring a refugee camp in jordan and visited with syrian girls forced to flee the civil war. >> now, very seen the facts. i think it's my responsibility and our responsibility to go and tell the world, what's happening here. to they will them to help these children. >> this young lady has tremendous courage. she says her organization would start a school in the camp to help provide education for girls. >> people in japan now digging out after two major storms m a week dumped record snowfall outside toko officials say 23 people were killed, many of them in traffic accidents. several died in their cars, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning. so much snow fell the military had to fly in supplies to evacuation centers the freak storms dumped more than three feet of snow. >> members two of i'd. >> i families are recovering after a weekend drive nearly turned into a disaster. will mercle's truck became stuck there was no cell service so they spent the night bundled up in the truck. in the morning had a decision to make. >> we just decided to better get walking while we can. so we can possibly run into a person driving by or walk until we find the house. >> walk, he did, and walk and walk. 19 miles, over nine hours in near-freezing temperatures. until they found a cabin a woman fed them and let them use her phone. will says he will never go on another winter drive wout preparing for the worst. >> glad everybody is okay. >> yes. >> still to come what apple granted today that shows it's interested in getting into health industry. >> but first a kiss cam moment caught in a college hockey game. the guy was prepared, though. >> i'm spencer christian. looking at clouds, will we get rain? i'll have the accu-weather forecast coming up. >> we're hoping so. and taking a look at traffic in walnut creek. actually pretty good, almost looked like holiday lights. we'll be back ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. ♪ one of t10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. is that millions of peopleia will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll now at a hockey fan in minnesota came up with a clever way to avoid awkward moment on the kiss cam. >> the gophers posted this video shot during their game against michigan. you can see they pulled something out of a pock yichlt okay. >> then, it's time for the kiss cam. he holds up a sign that says "my sister". you know he wasn't going to kiss her, you have a prop? . >> i was going to try to do that, broermg, but i couldn't get the arrow right. >> no kiss cam here you know they say a tie is like kissing your sister. so, i don't know where we're going with this, but let's go to the roof. >> spencer save us from ourselves. >> here we are under partly to mostly cloudy skies. first a look at two beautiful pictures send sent to photo of our beautiful sky rainfall tonight. we might not get more than a spritz or a sprinkle. pripg in the northern corners. tomorrow, dry conditions, warm in palm springs. mid-60s over the remainder of the state. including the bay area. sunny skies into lovely weather. >> thank you. thank you, spencer >> what is your sport aside from arrow draw something we asked you to show us your play we have seen everything from gardening to sky-diving. >> you might end up in a new commercial >> a seweder's fun photo with a flag draped coffin sparks outrage the punment and the investigation now underway >> honoring bay area heros. police officer brought a memorable event. >> a movie rental lands a woman in jachlt and how effective child recalls have become. a national guard member is in trouble after posting a photo of soldiers goofing around in front of a casket draped with a flag. they say it was taken during training and the soldier used the caption quote we put the fun in funeral. he's been suspended from the honor guard. >> apple wants a patent that will use sensors to activity and controlling your iphone just by moving your head. >> those store displays certainly caught the attention of one utah mother she saw tee shirts she thought were offensive to women. >> the bottom of one woman is uncovered and there is a provocative pose. >> you're an adult, it's fun. it's something everyone has to go by. i don't want my kids, my grandkids to have to see that. >> the manager told her she cannot take down the display. the mom paid 600,000s sxdz bought the racy tee shirts. >> you remember bat kid. a san flan officer given a certificate by the row tarry club. he was surprised to grant a special wish for the is bshgs can we help? >> other personnel also honor today by the club that included two fire department captains who responded to the plane crash of asiana air lines. >> a 6-year-old rhode island boy battling leukemia said he'd love to be a firefighter or police officer. new, he needs a bone marrow donor. his mom set up a set asking first responders to send cards. >> she just started messaging me they're going to send tee shirts.. >> he is undergoing chemotherapy which should buy time while a search for a marrow donor continues >> a group asking lawmakers to do something about soaring rent >> this influx rents they want lawmakers to restore a tax break for renters and want to tighten up the law saying owners use this law to get rid of tenants then sell buildings at high prices. >> a lot of tenants are going through evictions at the hands the not land lords but real estate speculators. >> the apartment averages $3350 in san francisco and oakland. >> a new survey shows only 10% of children perfect ducts are returned or fixed a study shows they're being used posing a danger to children. >> thank you get in trouble with the law over a videotape? police in south carolina arrested a woman for failing to return a movie rented nine years ago the movie was "monster in law" the woman had gone to the sheriff's office and officers noticed a warrant for arrest. she was charged with a misdemeanor and released on $2000 bond. >> return your movies michael. >> wow. >> thank you >> coming up inside of the north bay facility making all-american flags. a woman who escaped sexual slavery after a decade. tonight the hero that broke the case. >> tesla gets a major jolt what. rumor was a possible merger are doing to t we're dedicating our instagram feed to honoring black culture here in the bay thaeshgs museum has exhibits and you can learn more on instagram. we started with marvel agents of shield followed by goldbergs and therng trophy wife ask killer women. >> sometimes it takes an act of congress to get something done. one flag factory helped change the law. wayne? >> this is about old glory. some fought for it. it would be natural to assume every flag was created equally, but they're not. is there an emergency flag in the doorway. takes 30 minutes from start to finish >>. it's a process repeated 350 times per day five days per week. if you wondered where the flags from va come from, this is the place. 150 people with vocational disabilities. one including sil wilson. >> gives you lots of money. i feel like $100. >> 15 years ago robert learned not all flags are created equally. those the department of defense used to cover caskets of americans often had imported cotton. >> it's a huge deal least we can do is give them $100 home processed flag. >> last year robert told the congressman passing legislation making american sourcing a requirement. for that reason, the congressman visited today you know how if something bothers you make it an act of congress? sheer man who did. thanks for joining us for abc7 news at 4:00 >> 15 years a sex slave in richmond. >> we started talking. who should pay more in san francisco? >> they sdeefsh to be charged more. >> live on the roof we have drizzle and a warm up in the forecast. detail coming up. a police officer could tell something wasn't right ask tells how he broke the case sim tloor what happened to jaycee dugard. thanks for joining us tonight. high praise for a police officer >> a police officer being honored for rescuing a young woman kept as a sex slave for 15 long years. vic lee is live with the story. >> the chief said officer went the extra mile when it's important that he showed he cared, that he listened and importantly, asked the right questions. >> thank you >> the officer received a chief commendation at the 3:00 line up. his intertuition helped safety victim. she was a close relative that lived with the family. and the victim was only 12 when abuse started and ended at age 27 the young woman came to ride a police report. >> there wasn't a lot of details something about a run away. maybe battery. >> that is when the officer met her. >> we started talking. she told me she'd runway from home and said she's 27 i said well, 27 year old can just leave home. >> she says he tried to make a joke out of i >> kind of went over her head. i started to realize that socially i don't think she was all there. >> so he talked to her for a long time and the horrific details unravelled. what did he think of the ak sole yeahed? iets nice but another day in richmond >> i'm sure that is what this officer said when receiving each of the three officer of the year stars. >> amazing. a firefighter made a connection with a drug scandal. he was a church volunteer for the san jose fire department outreach. charged with

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Crescent City , California , United States , Montana , Japan , Oakland , Ocean Beach , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Rhode Island , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Syria , Russia , Michigan , Santa Cruz County , Pakistan , Jordan , San Francisco , South Carolina , Toko , Sakha Yakutiya , Sochi , Krasnodarskiy Kray , Pennsylvania , West Sacramento , Fresno County , Utah , Americans , America , Syrian , Russian , American , Pakistani , Juan Gonzales , David Louie , David Goins , Alyson Dudek , Larry Beil , Vic Lee , Spencer Christian , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Pacific Ocean , Marcos Garcia ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140219 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140219

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neighborhood in on a street where houses are valued in mid $800,000 we rang the bell but no one came to the door this, makes four known victims, their current ages from 10 to 20s the sheriff's office says he volunteered in a school and may have had contact with teenagers at local youth organizations the male teenager just stepped forward is 14 years old >> the most-recent victim alleged crime took place in july, 2013. >> was mr. wesman still involved in youth organizations at that time? >> i believe he was. >> he is out of jail on $300,000 bail, due in court tomorrow in santa cruz county superior court, it's believed he may have befriended victims by offering to show them snakes the sheriff's office encourages victims to reach out to detectives as they continue to work on this case. some parents may try to shield their children. deputies say they're keeping a close on eye on him to make sure there is no connect with young people. >> a veteran firefighter in court today facing three charges. he is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old boy but it's not been charged in that case the investigation continues. today, kuestas did not enter a plea on charges of possessing and selling methamphetamine. prosecutors say an officer was able to get evidence in this case. >> they went and had much discussed through the transaction. the first transaction involved the sale of one slsh eight of an ounce of met get mean. >> he was a church volunteer and director of public outreach, thousand he's in protective custody in, jail. >> in yu testers have been reaching a crisis point. coming up at 4:30 the latest and the state department's warning to americans. >> chp today honored two fallen officer who's died yesterday in the line of duty. they rang a bell in west sacramento. officers ryan law and juan gonzales started at bay area offices they were killed yesterday morning responding to a crash in fresno county. officers across the state, including los angeles police will wear black bands to honor the officers >> authorities say a smoky house fire appears accidental. crews pull aid man from a bedroom but paramedics were not able to revive him. no one else lived in the home. investigators believe materials that were on top of a floor furnace started the fire. >> a san lor yenzo man shot dead by deputies in a contron tags last night. >> his relative claims deputy dz not have to kill him. a relative identified the man shot and killed last night. a 60-year-old david goins. his nephew didn't want to show his face on camera but wanted to question why deputies killed his uncle. >> stroke victim, he had medical problems i mean, they didn't need to do that. >> nothing wrong with a taser. nothing wrong with, you know rubber bullet. or what not. >> deputy say goins came at them with a baseball bat. >> he hit the sargeant with a baseball bat the sargeant carrying a patrol rifle. it disabled the rifle. hit him in the time, he called another deputy. >> he assaulted some of the paramedic staff inside of the ambulance. and ran back into the home. >> deputies have been called there various times for domestic abuse. >> he was a good man. very good man. you know? he'd give you the shirt off his back. i mean, he was a big old sweetheart. >> certainly want to err on the side of making sure someone is okay. leave, you find out he's not okay. then you know people criticize for that. >> the family's anger is building and more relatives arrived to talk to investigators and question why their loved one was shot and killed the district attorney is handling this investigation. >> for the first time in recent memory the agency that runs muni has a surplus. >> raising the questioner fair hikes being the public had a chance to weigh in. >> this is what the agency is saying. we've got this extra money and want to help those who need it most. they're saying hold on there, tiger. come june the transportation agency will have another $22 million. $1 million the following year. the agency asking where some of that extra money should go. one idea is to extend free program to include 18-year-olds. >> so students are hit with a high adult fare. it's a huge problem. >> with the upcoming surplus, muni admits it won't be enough to pay for the programs one way through tripling the cost of the f-line street car. >> it's just an idea. there is a lot of tourism on this line but might be something we can implement a fare. >> it could go up to $six. >> they deserve to be charged more. >> a price hike is expected and a single ride fare would go up $0.05 the transit agency says that is based on inflation. >> living in san francisco is a trial. very no intention of moving out to solve the problem. >> the board has months to decide which programs to support economically. >> turning to weather now, looking outside, it looks like it wants to rain. but can't get there. >> so spencer christian is going to tell us when, or if and when. not much happening in the way of precipitation. you can see clouds gathering now. and if we get sprinkles tonight there is moisture around to the north. and that is why there is a chance of sprinkles overnight. clouds in the sky, low 60s in oakland. here is a live view looking another way from our camera looking towards western sky as well. 63 in santa rosa. low to mid 60s in fairfield. one more live view from our east bay hills camera, here is our first forecast. mostly cloudy tonight, sprinkles then clearing trend begins in morning hours. by afternoon looking at sunny, breezy and mild conditions high temperatures almost 60s at the coast to mid-60s inland. have you to hope for the next system to bring us measurable rainfall. >> thank you. >> skyline high school students givent day off. pg&e had t until a part came in to fix that break. >> still ahead on abc7 news at 4:00 an online campaign to make the first pitch in an a's game the message that could save lives. plus... real women get cover model makeover. their surprising reactions after they'd been styleed and photo shopped. >> and made in the usa. inside of a facility that makes flags for the government. >> checking on afternoon commute. it does not look very good on san francisco skyway downtown. traffic is heading to the lower deck of the bay bridge and heavy for folks headed south. back with more is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ the phase of written assessment tests are coming to an end. next month, there will be a computer based test this, is video that will show how it works, it will replace most of the core standard tests. the up coming tests are part of a pilot tlufrj check the system out before it goes online, next year >> a family is on a mission to convince oakland a's to let them throw out the first pitch. marcos garcia gathering support on insta gram and face book. was jogging when hit and killed by a drunk driver. marcos wants to throw out the first pitch in his older brother's honor. >> that will help the family a lot particularly parents to know people support me, also, to make people aware of the consequences of drinking and driving. >> the a's organization says it is aware of the campaign. >> president obama called for new officiancy standards saying that will safe $500 million barrels of oil. the president made at announcement in a distribution center that made the switch >> canneda crush saga hopes to raise $500 million from this ipo and says it has 128 million daily active users. the second highest grossing app behind "clash of clans ". there is another app maker claiming they stole his design of the game. the ipo price has yet to be released >> dairy analysts estimate store prices might go up $0.60. you can blame cheese. officials say it pushed cheese to a new peak in january. our california drought hitting cattle farmers very hard. >> did you ever wish you'd like like a flawless model on magazine covers? you're about to meet women who got that chance. >> i won't know check out reactions when they are styleed and toto shopped >> we're bombarded with images of beauties every day. are we getting the real picture? removing every flaw. isn't that the precipitation women want to see? >> you look, you know you can never attain that ideal. >> you can see models and celebrities. you don't look the same. >> then photo shopped to look like cover models. >> i feel like it doesn't look like me. why do you want to make someone look so sdmifrn >> i like my freckles. they're gone. i don't know who that is. >> people compare themselves to images in magazines. this shows those images, that ideal is not reality. >> i almost didn't recognize myself. these women were more bewildered than excited. >> this is how i always wanted to see myself. now, i see it, i am questioning why i have been wanting to look like that. >> you assume looking at a flawless photo they'd be so excited. however, women see this photo and think" where are the aspects that make me unique and beautiful?" could it be women are actually embracing the notion imperfections are part of who they are? retailers might say yes. american eagle using real women in their intimate spring collection. no air brushing. >> you have to know ideal just doesn't exist. >> perhaps the sign women are becoming more comfortable in our own, untouched and unphoto shopped skin. >> that is interesting. >> fascinating. yes. >> going up to the roof in a nondigital enhanced spencer christian. >> i can't wrap my arms around them. i like cloudy skies. there is a certain beauty about clouds in the sky. sheer will being at live around crescent city but it's moving into our direction we may get spring yelz out of that overnight. looking live down towards ocean beach and into the bay you can see clouds getting thicker, cloudy overnight, a chance of spotty drizzle in the morning hours, then turning sunny, breezy and mild we'll have warmer days at the end of the week. now what's happening in the atmosphere, harmless or rainless clouds during late night hours, a front approach buzz weakens and fizzle fizzles however, has potential to move through and diz fiz yichlt overnight tonight giving you a look ahead. moisture moving north. will it produce rain? overnight tonight, partly to mostly cloudy skies low temperatures mid to upper 40s. then, tomorrow afternoon, sunny skies and mild in the south bay. 64 santa clara. peninsula, similar range of highs from low to mid-60s. upper 50s on the coast. in and around san francisco, highs 61 downtown. up the north bay, high temperatures 64 m santa rosa. over on the east bay, that range, forecast. gets milder. by friday, highs around the bay up to 7 conditions and maybe showers by next week. >> beautiful weekend is ahead. >> yes. >> up next a diver with a whaefl a tail to tell the picture underwater, next. >> and wait until you see one guy's ingenious way of avoiding the kiss cam. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can good is in ealmond. a good that comes in 25 flavors. from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. good . get your good going. blue diamond. snack nut of u.s. snowboarding. the besis that millions of reda is that millions of people will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll today at now, what some may call a friendly moment between a curious whale and a boy in ukraine. >> a photographer was trying to get a picture of his son. >> that is when snow ball kept popping up. what about me? he began chewing on the boy's snorkle. yikes. >> international space station has one less capsule and less trash. astronauts used a robotic arm to release it. it delivered a ton and a half of supplies as a science experiment. it's now filled with garbage and will burn up over the pacific ocean tomorrow. >> chevron angered residents in pennsylvania after handing out gift certificates for free pizza following a deadly gas well explosion near their homes a neighbor posted this image good for a large free pizza ask 12-liter drink. two natural gas wells explodeed and burned five days injuring a worker and leaving another missing and presumed dead. chevron said it wanted to thank residents ask support a local business. >> still to come at 4:00, efforts to stop protestor violence in the ukraine. >> it was just instant. people were screaming. >> chaos in the air. frightening moment as a flight hits severe turbulence. >> then, a story behind this picture that launched a military investigation causing national outrage. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ >> it's a devastating scene in ukraine. police and antigovernment protestors are battling it out on the streets of kiev. long siege that has taken 18 lives including six police officers. i'll show you live pictures of what is going on in kiev. reports say government forces set fire to a large opposition camp. as many as 20,000 antigovernment forces fought back. now vice president biden called ukraine's president urging him to pull out troops and called on ukraine's government to address protestors grievances and put forward propose yalz for reform. we're seeing lots of video from people in kiev now. clashes breaking out as they were accused of dragging their feet on constitutional reforms. today's clashes dimmed hopes for a solution to this ongoing crisis so. is that crack down beyond this coming up on world news at 5:30 a live report on latest conditions in kiev. >> those pictures are very disturbing. tonight united nations says it's team will review what happened when a flight hit severe turbulence. faa investigating the rough ride that sevened several people, some were tossed from their seats passengers talk about that frightening flight. passengers describe mass confusion and terror when the flight hit turbulence in the air over montana. the 737 coming in for a landing in billings when it dropped and caught passengers off guard. >> people were flying all over the place >> the man in front of me wasn't wearing a seat belt he flew out of his seat and hit the keeling and came down landed on the lady next to him. across the aisle. >> passengers describe a baby being flung from its mother's arms but not hurt. a flight attendant was seen hitting the ceiling and cracking the roof lining. the captain declared a medical emergency. >> among 114 passengers and five crew, five were hospitalized. including three flight attendants. four patients were treated and released and one patient remains in care. >> this is what passengers are asked to keep passengers fastened. faa says turbulence injures 32 people per year, and most are flight attendants. >> san francisco international airport is back to normal now after a computer outage delayed several flights system wide this, is live picture right now from our sfo cam. 500 flights delayed, or about 23% of the flights. that started about 5:30 and lasted for about an hour. united says it was experiencing intimatent issues with the computer system. >> two members of a russian punk group are freed today after being detained in sochi. they left jail with trademark masks pull over their heads. they were questioned about a theft at the hotel they were staying in. reports say the women were beaten by police, when demanding to see their lawyers the band gained international notoriety after being convicted of hooliganism. >> a pakistani girl that shot by the tall taliban is visiting children in a camp for syrian refugees she had denounced the taliban. now, she's a global advocate for girls' education and today, touring a refugee camp in jordan and visited with syrian girls forced to flee the civil war. >> now, very seen the facts. i think it's my responsibility and our responsibility to go and tell the world, what's happening here. to they will them to help these children. >> this young lady has tremendous courage. she says her organization would start a school in the camp to help provide education for girls. >> people in japan now digging out after two major storms m a week dumped record snowfall outside toko officials say 23 people were killed, many of them in traffic accidents. several died in their cars, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning. so much snow fell the military had to fly in supplies to evacuation centers the freak storms dumped more than three feet of snow. >> members two of i'd. >> i families are recovering after a weekend drive nearly turned into a disaster. will mercle's truck became stuck there was no cell service so they spent the night bundled up in the truck. in the morning had a decision to make. >> we just decided to better get walking while we can. so we can possibly run into a person driving by or walk until we find the house. >> walk, he did, and walk and walk. 19 miles, over nine hours in near-freezing temperatures. until they found a cabin a woman fed them and let them use her phone. will says he will never go on another winter drive wout preparing for the worst. >> glad everybody is okay. >> yes. >> still to come what apple granted today that shows it's interested in getting into health industry. >> but first a kiss cam moment caught in a college hockey game. the guy was prepared, though. >> i'm spencer christian. looking at clouds, will we get rain? i'll have the accu-weather forecast coming up. >> we're hoping so. and taking a look at traffic in walnut creek. actually pretty good, almost looked like holiday lights. we'll be back ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. ♪ one of t10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's. is that millions of peopleia will qualify for financial assistance. it's important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. enroll now at a hockey fan in minnesota came up with a clever way to avoid awkward moment on the kiss cam. >> the gophers posted this video shot during their game against michigan. you can see they pulled something out of a pock yichlt okay. >> then, it's time for the kiss cam. he holds up a sign that says "my sister". you know he wasn't going to kiss her, you have a prop? . >> i was going to try to do that, broermg, but i couldn't get the arrow right. >> no kiss cam here you know they say a tie is like kissing your sister. so, i don't know where we're going with this, but let's go to the roof. >> spencer save us from ourselves. >> here we are under partly to mostly cloudy skies. first a look at two beautiful pictures send sent to photo of our beautiful sky rainfall tonight. we might not get more than a spritz or a sprinkle. pripg in the northern corners. tomorrow, dry conditions, warm in palm springs. mid-60s over the remainder of the state. including the bay area. sunny skies into lovely weather. >> thank you. thank you, spencer >> what is your sport aside from arrow draw something we asked you to show us your play we have seen everything from gardening to sky-diving. >> you might end up in a new commercial >> a seweder's fun photo with a flag draped coffin sparks outrage the punment and the investigation now underway >> honoring bay area heros. police officer brought a memorable event. >> a movie rental lands a woman in jachlt and how effective child recalls have become. a national guard member is in trouble after posting a photo of soldiers goofing around in front of a casket draped with a flag. they say it was taken during training and the soldier used the caption quote we put the fun in funeral. he's been suspended from the honor guard. >> apple wants a patent that will use sensors to activity and controlling your iphone just by moving your head. >> those store displays certainly caught the attention of one utah mother she saw tee shirts she thought were offensive to women. >> the bottom of one woman is uncovered and there is a provocative pose. >> you're an adult, it's fun. it's something everyone has to go by. i don't want my kids, my grandkids to have to see that. >> the manager told her she cannot take down the display. the mom paid 600,000s sxdz bought the racy tee shirts. >> you remember bat kid. a san flan officer given a certificate by the row tarry club. he was surprised to grant a special wish for the is bshgs can we help? >> other personnel also honor today by the club that included two fire department captains who responded to the plane crash of asiana air lines. >> a 6-year-old rhode island boy battling leukemia said he'd love to be a firefighter or police officer. new, he needs a bone marrow donor. his mom set up a set asking first responders to send cards. >> she just started messaging me they're going to send tee shirts.. >> he is undergoing chemotherapy which should buy time while a search for a marrow donor continues >> a group asking lawmakers to do something about soaring rent >> this influx rents they want lawmakers to restore a tax break for renters and want to tighten up the law saying owners use this law to get rid of tenants then sell buildings at high prices. >> a lot of tenants are going through evictions at the hands the not land lords but real estate speculators. >> the apartment averages $3350 in san francisco and oakland. >> a new survey shows only 10% of children perfect ducts are returned or fixed a study shows they're being used posing a danger to children. >> thank you get in trouble with the law over a videotape? police in south carolina arrested a woman for failing to return a movie rented nine years ago the movie was "monster in law" the woman had gone to the sheriff's office and officers noticed a warrant for arrest. she was charged with a misdemeanor and released on $2000 bond. >> return your movies michael. >> wow. >> thank you >> coming up inside of the north bay facility making all-american flags. a woman who escaped sexual slavery after a decade. tonight the hero that broke the case. >> tesla gets a major jolt what. rumor was a possible merger are doing to t we're dedicating our instagram feed to honoring black culture here in the bay thaeshgs museum has exhibits and you can learn more on instagram. we started with marvel agents of shield followed by goldbergs and therng trophy wife ask killer women. >> sometimes it takes an act of congress to get something done. one flag factory helped change the law. wayne? >> this is about old glory. some fought for it. it would be natural to assume every flag was created equally, but they're not. is there an emergency flag in the doorway. takes 30 minutes from start to finish >>. it's a process repeated 350 times per day five days per week. if you wondered where the flags from va come from, this is the place. 150 people with vocational disabilities. one including sil wilson. >> gives you lots of money. i feel like $100. >> 15 years ago robert learned not all flags are created equally. those the department of defense used to cover caskets of americans often had imported cotton. >> it's a huge deal least we can do is give them $100 home processed flag. >> last year robert told the congressman passing legislation making american sourcing a requirement. for that reason, the congressman visited today you know how if something bothers you make it an act of congress? sheer man who did. thanks for joining us for abc7 news at 4:00 >> 15 years a sex slave in richmond. >> we started talking. who should pay more in san francisco? >> they sdeefsh to be charged more. >> live on the roof we have drizzle and a warm up in the forecast. detail coming up. a police officer could tell something wasn't right ask tells how he broke the case sim tloor what happened to jaycee dugard. thanks for joining us tonight. high praise for a police officer >> a police officer being honored for rescuing a young woman kept as a sex slave for 15 long years. vic lee is live with the story. >> the chief said officer went the extra mile when it's important that he showed he cared, that he listened and importantly, asked the right questions. >> thank you >> the officer received a chief commendation at the 3:00 line up. his intertuition helped safety victim. she was a close relative that lived with the family. and the victim was only 12 when abuse started and ended at age 27 the young woman came to ride a police report. >> there wasn't a lot of details something about a run away. maybe battery. >> that is when the officer met her. >> we started talking. she told me she'd runway from home and said she's 27 i said well, 27 year old can just leave home. >> she says he tried to make a joke out of i >> kind of went over her head. i started to realize that socially i don't think she was all there. >> so he talked to her for a long time and the horrific details unravelled. what did he think of the ak sole yeahed? iets nice but another day in richmond >> i'm sure that is what this officer said when receiving each of the three officer of the year stars. >> amazing. a firefighter made a connection with a drug scandal. he was a church volunteer for the san jose fire department outreach. charged with

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