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[ barks ] whoo mmm oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. Start exploring at followyournola. Com. [ woman ] and i love new orleans im dan ashley. Im carolyn johnson. Breaking news, an explosion in san leandro. It happened near the corner of hisperion boulevard. Lisa amin gulezian is there live with the latest for us. Lisa . Carolyn you can see it it is closed. Chp is directing traffic away from this area. Hazmat is also on the scene. The Sheriffs Department from Alameda County and the Fire Department there is currently in the area, andinvestigating ae investigating down the Railroad Tracks you can see behind me. There was an explosion and a fire under highway 238. It happened around 9 30 tonight. The fire is currently out, but investigators are talking to some people who may have been involved in the fire or seen the fire or have witnessed how it all started. But this is something that is still under investigation. It is still in its early stages. Two people did suffer critical burns. They were rushed to an area hospital, but in the meantime investigators will be on the scene for quite some time. Sources tell abc7 that this may have all started near a homeless encampment. We will bring you more as we find out more about this explosion and fire tonight. Reporting live from san leandro, lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. Lisa, thanks. Our reporting continues now on twitter at abc7 news bay area. Now to our other top story. Back on the court after the nba lays down a severe penalty. I am banning mr. Sterling for life from any association with the Clippers Organization or the nba. Had the commissioner not acted, both teams planned to walk off the floor once the ball was in the air. I hope every bigot in this country sees what happened to mr. Sterling and recognizes that if he can fall, so can you. And abc7 news is live in los angeles right now outside the Staples Center where the warriors faced the clippers tonight. Laura . Hi, carolyn, that game just wrapped up behind me. It was not in the warriors favor. It was pretty clear that the nba commissioner was going take some kind of Decisive Action and not only to avoid the threatened boycott by the fans and the players, but also to keep peace in los angeles especially here at the Staples Center. This last three or four days have been very difficult for everybody involved. Before the game two head coaches spoke of their satisfaction and their relief that the saga is at least partly resolved. I thought adam silver was fantastic. He made a decision that was really the right one that had to be made. I thought he was outstanding. I thought he was absolutely incredible. I thought he hit it out of the park with the way he took control of the moment. Sterling was banned for life and may be forced to sell his team. Whatever happens his hateful words sparked a conversation that many believe needs to happen. I definitely think it has united the fans together. It is a big thing for Civil Rights Movement and for the game and for our country. Many let the words on their tshirts do the talking. This one proclaimed clipper fans love for the team on one side. And vulgar disdain for the owner on the other. A pretty strong statement. I hope so. Others opted for a message of unity. A space in every race, no color linesrase racism. This is a defining moment in our history. Though some proclaim this as a turning point in the history of the nba and the country, others say the penalty is handed down to a man embodied bigotry missed the mark. There wasall of johnson and all of them saying it is okay for that man to pay 2 million. He is a billionaire. That aint doing nothing, and he is still the owner. We showed you the tshirts and some of the signs. Some i cannot repeat for you on television. I saw one quote, silver is gold and history. Abc7 news. You. Tonight the clippers let a show lead a show of solidarity to say as you see here we are one. The miami heat and several other teams followed suit. The warriors issued a statement applauding the decision. In it the coowner said, quote, we cannot tolerate such feelings and beliefs, but in society in general. What does ban for life mean . Sterling cannot attend any nba games. He cannot be involved in any business or personnel decisions concerning the clippers or any other team. He is bared from nba board of governors meetings and he is banned from all league activities. We talked with Leigh Steinburg and how the commissioners power could lead to sterlings removal. One buys a franchise like you buy a corner drugstore. It is a purchase that comes with all sorts of restriction. They agreed to submit themselves to his jurisdiction. The commissioner silver asked to force the sale that requires approval by three of quarters of team owners. If sterling is forced out, the team would go to auction. There are already reports of interested buyers including the record mogul and Magic Johnson and larry ellis son. We will follow this and air and online. If you want to watch todays press conference with adam silver in its entirety, we have it posted on our website. Go to abc7news. Com and our reporting continues on twitter at abc7 news bay area. Racist comments and a threatening work environment. Thats what seven current and former employees at the lexus dealership in concord said they had to endure because of an abusive Sales Manager. They also say he was stealing from them. Now, details on a 21 million federal lawsuit they filed. The lawsuit was filed by and sales people and managers. One alarming claim is abuse by a Sales Manager. Patrick would call me in his office on a daily basis and say his job was to torture me. The inappropriate language was aimed at employees and customers. The nword against africanamericans, for example. They would call women the bword and the cword. Former finance director says he was fired for trying to blow the whistle on a scheme to cheat employees out of sales bonuses. The sales men gets 225 cash and pays tax on 1225 and patrick keeps the money in his pocket. He was threatened after he september an email to others. He came back and found out the email was sent. He threatened me he would kill me and kill my family. I paid the dealership a visit and they referred me to the general manager who left for the day. They did say the Sales Manager who is accused of a lot of inappropriate behavior no longer works here. The general manager is accused in a suit and employees say he did nothing to stop miliano. C7 news. Abc7 news. It is going to be hot tomorrow. Nearing triple digits. You can see it as clear out and still warm tonight in San Francisco. Meteorologist sandhya patel has details on the heat coming our way. Sandhya . It will feel like summer around here as we head to the next couple days. Let me show you live doppler 7hd. Main aly Clear Conditions. Check out the highs for today. San rafael tied the record at 89. It was 92 in santa roughy saw. 87 livermore and 86 san jose, oakland, 81 in San Francisco. Half moon bay 75 degrees. Down in santa cruz it was 85. If you think it was warm today, just wait until tomorrow. We will be seeing temperatures going up even more. I will be back with i will at those numbers and i will let you know when relief will be coming. Dan . Sandhya, thanks very much. A once respected youth golf coach facing charges of child molestation is now accused of plotting to kill off his alleged victims. Investigators say he plotted from his jail cell to have a hitman kill the boys. But a tip from an informant stopped that plan. He is accused of molesting three of his students ages 12 to 17. The fuselage of a plane that crasher the richmondsan rafael bridge has been located and tomorrow a salvage operator is scheduled to retrieve it from the bay. Alan wang has the latest on the operation. We cover recrews believe they are recovery crews believe they are one step closer to finding the unidentifiedrashed crashed into san pablo bay. Three of the robotic cameras helped locate the fuselage. They believe body is inside. The divers are working in just 13 feet of water off the richmond shoreline, but the harbor master says it is tricky out there. It is hard to determine what is what under the water. It is murky. The boats mnchor becausecant je you may hook on to a wreckage. The National Transportation safety board will take the wreckage and piece together the cause of the crash. I would have thought i would have seen smoke, flames, just something. Bonnie dunn who is an says says the vintagewitness korean war era plane came up from behind the cessna at a high rate of speed and quickly banked right. It seemed that is a possibility and the air disturbance could have caused the cessna to lose control. Part of the ntsb investigation will also focus on whether one plane was taking photos of the other. In richmond, alan wang, abc7 news. Next on abc7 news, watching a wild child grow up. Thats tahoe, the abandoned bear packing on the pounds. She is learning to walk and jump, but there are still hurdles. I will check in on the cub that is cuter than ever. First here is jimmy kimmle. Here is a sample of what we have in store for tonight. Individually i dont have this,. Arent you cute, jimmy . Ill just press this, and youll save on both. Ding ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, llllets get ready to bundlllllle. [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry lets get ready to bundle and save. Now, thats progressive. Oh, i think i broke my spleen Home Insurance provided and serviced by third party insurers. 15yearold stowaway reunited with his son in hawaii tonight. He wants to bring him back to santa clara. He has been in hawaii since april 20th when he sneaked on to the tarmac in san joses airport and climb need wheel well of the plane. Child he has been he has been hospitalized with breathing trouble and it is unknown if he will be released to his father. A tiny bear in tahoe has been causing a sensation since she was fo abandoned. A rescuer filled in part of her mysterious story over the weekend, and now it may be hard to believe, but we think she is getting cuter. Judge for yourself as you can see what it takes to care for a baby bear. Ready or not here comes tahoe. Tahoe just learned to jump and she likes to practice. Bear cubs lorn fast. This is tahoe on april 17th. She was so young she could barely walk. Tahoe was discovered in a dog kennel left outside a bear league. People working to help bears coexist. There was no note or explanation until an anonymous man called to find out how that cub was doing. I told him she was fine a and then blew me away by saying i am the one who dropped her off. He claimed he found her in the woods next to her dead mother and knew enough details to make the story believable. He drove her 400 miles from humboldt redwood state park to the bear league in lake tahoe. I think he is a hero. Next the bear was whisked away to lake tahoe wildlife care. We came to visit the cub a week after she got here. The Animal Rescue center is run by tom and cheryl. When tahoe arrived she was about five pounds and 10 weeks old. Now she is gaining weight. It is a very special formula for baby bears. It has lots of fat in it. And settling into a carefully choreographed routine. It is time for to her to get down and be a bear. She gets the run of the clinic with supervision so she doesnt get hurt as she checks out everything she sees. The cline clinic is caring for other infant and orphaned animals. While cheryl was busy with a baby squirrel tahoe wanted to eat again. After an a hour she is with a blanket. That sound means she is happy. Finally it is nap time again. Tahoe sleeps for three hours and thenl again. It all again. She gets to play as much as she wants, but interaction with people is kept to a minimum. There is no talking to the bear, oh you are so sweet. None of that. They are the only bury hyble station facility in bear rehabilitation facility. The goal is to keep her wild so she can be released. A day after we were here a volunteer came up with this crazy innovation. Now the bear is getting her milk from a stuffed duck. Great news because it means left contact with people. All bears here would have died without the care here. Thats not acceptable. They deserve a Second Chance of life. They sure do. Tahoe has gained two pounds in two weeks. Thats a healthy increase. As you can imagine it costs a lot of money to care forbear cubs like that. Wildlife care and the bear league get their money from donations. We have links at abc7news. Com and more cute video of tahoe playing around. Plenty of video on the site. Isnt it interesting how they dont even talk to the bear . How can they stand it . My goodness, that bear is just too cute. Cute now and ferocious and scary when full grown. Lets check in now on the forecast. Sandhya patel is back. That bear was adorable. Dan and carolyn, as we look at live doppler 7hd we do have more heat coming our way and mostly Clear Conditions and a few high clouds passing through the bay area right now. As we look at the temperatures, they are running way ahead of where they were just 24 hours ago. It is 10 Degrees Higher in concord and 12 warmer in san jose. From the east bay hills, looking back across the bay here, and look at the numbers. 61 in San Francisco. 66 oakland. Look at san jose. That looks like a high for today. 70 degrees54 in half moon bay. Looking out toward Richardson Bay and back toward San Francisco. Santa rosa and nap pho. Napa. Secretary 7 right now 67 right now. From our tower camera it is sparkling and mainly clear. We are going with a mild and clear morning. Near record highs possible the next two days. And a cooler pattern is setting up through the weekend. There is relief coming, but not immediately. From the exploratorium camera, the financial district of San Francisco is looking good. And here are the highs for tomorrow. A sampling compared to records. Napa will get close at 91 tomorrow. The record is 93. San rafael getting close as well. San francisco is way behind. As far as coming into record territory, richmond may make it to record levels at 90. The previous record was 86. Expecting temperatures in the low 90s for livermore, san jose and we will be getting close to the midnineties there. So warm to hot the next few days. The High Pressure is in charge. Offshore flow allowing for the warmth to reach the coast as well. But as you look at the week ahead, the temperature trend low 90s and well above the average of 72 and then the numbers really plunge over the weekend and coming back down to normal for this time of year. Tomorrow morning, dont worry about a jacket or sweater. Look at these numbers. Really mild. Low 50s to low 60s across the bay area. And then tomorrow afternoon we are looking at 91 in san jose and 95 in gilroy. 90s for redwood city and Mountain View and 79 in pacifica. A beautiful day, but warm for downtown San Francisco. 84. 79 in daly city. And in the north bay you will see 93 in santa rosa and 91 san rafael and 85 sausalito. Upper 80s oakland and newark and 90 in castro valley. Inland spots you will be baking in the low 90s. Concord, pleasanton, livermore. If you are going to the giants game, they will be taking on the padres with some mild weather again. Low 70s at 7 15. Dropping to the low 60s. A look at the accuweather sevenday forecast. Speaking of dropping, not as hot on friday. Upper 80s. Over the weekend, sea breeze, low clouds, knocking the temperatures down. 60s coast sides and 70s ainland. Lets talk playoff basketball. A strange night in los angeles for this game. And this was there for the taking. A winnable game for the warriors, but they couldnt cash in. A rough night for steph curry. Now game six is a must win situation. Sports next. Continue verse see, the warriors and the clippers had a game to play, a critical one. Game five of the playoff series in l. A. The clipper fans are bringing signs to the Staples Center voicing their feelings about donald sterling. Emotions are clearly on l. A. s side early on. Steph curry with eight turnovers. Way too many. Chris paul and Blake Griffen with a one handed monster. 2w0 5 points and 18 boards. Steph only took 10 shots all game. Fourpoint play there, but after 33 points curry held to 17. The warriors down five at the half. Every time they got close, they would make a big play and jordan with the dunk. Look at the lone stride. 18 for andre. And then curry pulled up three. Warriors take the lead 7069. It lasted a matter ofseconds. Blake griffin a nonfactor until late a in the game. Smothered by jordan and chris paul at the other end. Clippers win it they can close it out at oracle. The positives i look at is if we tighten up the mistakes we made and we like the clippers are one game away and one win away from forcing game seven. I thought they had great mental toughness. Really wanted to will this game. I thought tonight they did that. I was really proud of them. Memphis also on the verge of closing out their series with oklahoma city. The put back and at the buzzer. It goes, but it is called off late by one boy by. 10 of a second. The griz beat the thunder. They are up three games to two. Baseball next. Please keep matt cain out of the kitchen, will you . The giants pitcher with a cooking mishap. Thats next. When la quield the ready for you alerield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. You know what he brings . Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . Yes three as he brings his agame the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com texas in oakland last week and trying to return the favor in arling arlington. He is fogs adrian bell tray and gets him on the foul tip strikeout. One of five innings, but he does improve to 40. Two hits and three r. B. Is. A drive to left center. He miss played it. As roll to a 93 victory and they will go for the threegame series sweep. The giantspadres game and matt cain dropped the knife and caught the tip of his index finger and bad enough he couldnt go tonight. Unfortunately for him he was a spectator as angel pagan lead it off with ahomerun. Cain usually gets no run support and would have had a lot of runs to work with here. 20. The beneficiary, six scoreless. The giants shut out san diego 60. We will get ready for a game six on thursday night at oracle arena. Thanks, larry. Oh, ohoh, oh, oh, lets go, oh, oh, oh ohoh, oh, oh, la, lala, lala, lala nanana, nanananana some things just go together, like auto and Home Insurance. Bundle them together at progressive, and you save big on both. Oh, ohoh, oh, oh hey, its me [ whistles ] and theres my dog [gasps] theres my steps i should stop talking. Perfectly paired savings. Now, thats progressive. Wake up weather. A mild morning awaits. Temperatures in the 50s and 60s. Light breeze and mike will be tracking the heat 4 30 to 7 00. Thanks. That is our report. Thank you for watching. Im dan ashley. Im carolyn johnson. Tonight on scwim me kimmel on jimmy jimmy kimmle,s and app] [cheers and applause] hey whats up, homes . Whats up, baby . Whats up . What up, what up, what up . Whats happening . Hey [cheers and applause] good. Well, hello, and welcome to millionaire. With all of her lifelines intact, and just 4 questions away from being out of round 1, todays returning contestant couldnt be more ready to get things going. From sunnyside, new york, yall give it up for Amy Stephenson whats up . Amy [cheers and applause] thank you. Exciting. You been playing a great game, and i know the last time we were here, i was understanding that you like to do knitting and drinking some beer. You got a little group you belong to. Thats right, thats right. What is it ywhat is it called . Booze n yarn. Booze n yarn. Thats right. And i know you started out you started out, at the time, making me a little tie. Wasnt quite finished at the time. Wasnt quite finished. It was a lot more booze goin on than yarn at time. [laughter] maybe so. But youve had a little time to work on it, and so lets see what we got. Thats right. Ive had a little more time a little less booze and a little more yarn. And here you go. Look at that. That is quality. Quality neckwear. Classy. But thank you. All right. It look good. Now you can do a whole sweater, or we can do an outfit to go with this. Absolutely. Just getting started. All right, well, good. Were excited for you. Like i say, just to recap things, you are still in round 1. Youve banked 37,600 so far. 8 questions away from a million dollars, and you got all of your lifelines remaining. Thats crazy, amy. [cheers and applause] are you ready . I am ready. Audience, are you ready . [cheers and applause] lets play millionaire. [dramatic musical flourish] amy regardless of gender, a member of the u. S. Navy rated j below petty officer is called a what . Uh, i happen to know this. This is d, seaman. Final answer. Amy, you got it right. Off the top. Here you go. She gettin it started for the day. Lets show her some money. Lets go. 5,000. [cheers and applause] great, great, great start. 42,600 in the bank. This is your next question. Dorm days. Once his roommate at the university of texas, who helped write the script for Wes Andersons first movie before going on to star in it . Im a big fan of wes anderson movies. Ive seen a lot of them, and im confident that this is c, owen wilson. Final answer. You are confident. And that you are truly correct. [cheers and applause] c, owen wilson. The movie was called bottle rocket

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