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on bart and reacte and don't just look away. >> a bart passenger jumps into action when a fight breaks out on a bart train. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm carolyn johnson. the woman who jumped in to help zaps the man with her stun gun. bart police took the man off the train at the pleasant hill bart station, and that's where our transportation reporter heather ishimaru is tonight. >> carolyn, stun guns have less voltage than police tasers, and you don't need a permit to carry them and one woman put hers to good use. the suspect, 30-year-old zachary mccab seen in a booking photo from another arrest in march was lying across two seats as the train pulled into the pleasant hill bart station just before 9:00 this morning. a 62-year-old man wanted to sit down an argument started. >> the argument turned from verbal to physical at some point and the patrons got involved to assist the victim. >> jeff dunn was in the car next door and wonder yg it wasn't moving. >> somebody got off the car where the problem was and got od on our car and i heard her say ing there are three guys holding him down. >> it appears as though the patrons assisting the victim in this case may have had mr. mccabe in a headlock. >> and they got him there with the help of one of these. a fema her used her stun gun on mccabe. >> whether you are a police officer or citizen you can use force to protect your own life. like thait sounds like the appropriate thing to do. >> it is nice to see somebodyse. >> you like that? >> i do. i so do. >> i think that is great. that is bart ridership that is people experienced on bart and they don't just look away. >> reporter: the suspect is in jail on battery charges. heather ishimaru, abc7 news. >> thanks. we have developing out of uh rine do after a man stumbled into a store with a gunshot wound. it happened after 8:00 at the safe way. the man was believed to be shot in richmond and driven to arinda to be dropped off. he is expected to survive. the safe way stayed open while emergency crews tended to the victim. and new evidence in the case of a paramedic shot to death in the oakland hills. boyer was gunned down in his car last week. today abc news learned police recovered a car connected to his death. police would not elaborate, but our media partner, the oakland tribune, said a car that was related was found near the elementary school. somebody fired at boyer and striking him at least twice before his car went off the road here and crashing into this ravine. in the east bay, a school and one of its teachers is under scrutiny. 5* videotape surfaced that appears to show a middle school teacher striking a squid. a kid. leslie brinkley is live with the story. leslie? >> well, that's right. this all started with a student who took a video on his cell phone in class. a staff member at the school told me off camera that what you are about to see is the teacher holding a foil roll of wrapping paper. >> she actually hit him. i thought she would hit the chair, but she actually hit him on the shoulder. >> parents outside oak grove middle school in concord watched the video that was posted on-line of a teacher allegedly hitting a student in class before spring break. she could also be heard using an explative. >> you don't touch a child. you don't touch anybody's child. i wouldn't want them to touch my child. >> when did this video first come to your attention? >> on monday, april 8th. >> you saw it on-line or a student brought it to you? >> a student brought it to my attention. >> your reaction? >> we want to do everything we can to make sure the students here at oak grove are safe and that we are protected and that is our priority. we are investigating the situation. >> according to the superintendent the teachers ander is on administrative leave. students were certainly talking about it. >> he was being bad. the teacher just hit him. >> parents say they were not informed of the incident. >> they should be more open to see what is going on. this is a public school. if there is something going on they should know about it. >> they must be hiding something. >> now a parent told me again off camera that this teacher has struck other students in the past, at least that's what they have heard. some students are afraid of the teacher. the investigation is on going and the teacher is on administrative leave. leslie brinkley, abc7 news. >> leslie, thank you. >> you in at 11:00, a redwood tree came crashing down severely damaging a home. a tree fell on to the roof and on to a house in sonoma county. you can see the damage it caused. no one was in the house at the time, so no injuries to report here. the tree took out a power line and the power has since been restored to the area this evening. a wind surfer had to be rescued from san francisco bay today. sky 7hd shows the response after she was brought back to land in foster city. the woman was trapped in the mud just north of the san mateo bridge. a coast guard chopper had to airlift her out because the water was too shallow for a boat . she is doing okay tonight. it felt like summer today. the temperatures were in the 80s around much of the bay area. want to check in with meteorologist sandhya patel with live doppler hd. any records today? >> no, temperatures go close, but upper 80sand low 90s are the records. the closest was livermore at 86. 86 in antioch and 74 in san francisco. santa rosa in the mid80s, 81 ukiah. you will notice san jose, 82. and even redwood city was a warm 85 degrees. as you check out live doppler 7hd, already seeing changes and not just high clouds, but seeing fog dropping the visibility in half moon bay to four miles at this hour. high definition emeryville camera looking out toward emeryville, and we do have some fog moving in. san francisco is 53 right now and san jose, 55 degrees. i will show you how mucatures ws temperatures will drop as we head into your thursday and what the weekend is looking like in a few minutes. >> new concerns about the bay bridge construction project and whether they will be able to meet the labor day deadline. the issue is the earthquake safety bolts that snapped last month. cal trans officials met to discuss the problem and they are st said they are still looking for a way to fix the broken bolts. engineers hope to have a design solution in the next few weeks, but until they have a fix they cannot say whether the bridge will be ready to open labor day weekend. there was a string of armed robberies and th the men walked in in january. one man pulled a gun. to get everyone's attention they fired shots in the store. no one was hurt, but of course it was terrifying. >> some were crying and emotional. they didn't know what to do. they froze up. customers run to their bag and to thethe emergency exit. the men are susn seven robberies in san leandro. there is a $20,000 reward to help track these guys down. bud selig will not meet with the san jose mayor chuck reid. he discussed plans to move the oakland a's to san jose. selig responded saying additional litigation is not productive. a league committee was appointed four years ago to study the a's plan for a san jose ballpark. selig suggested reid contact that committee and if they have additional information they should reconsider. chevron is moving 400 jobs out of the san ramon headquarters to houston. that's 11% of the san ramon workforce. the workers will become a part of the fast growing oil exploration and development business. chevron is still committed to california and will keep the headquarters in san ramon. cars backed up along the 101. the unusual insurance department that force -- incident that forced people to shutdown the roadway. >> and why some are criticizing the barbie. >> and will someone take home the big jackpot? >> all that have and then on "jimmy kimmle live." new at 11:00, a tense standoff forced deputy to shutdown highway 101. a man threatened a deputy with a knife in santa barbara county. deputies blocked off traffic to arrest him. they used a taser on him seven times before they managed to get him down and the handcuffs on him. the suspect was checked out at the hospital before taken to jail. mattel is taking heat for a new barbie doll. she is mexico barbie and part of the dolls of the world collection. she features a pink ruffle dress lined with bright colors, but her accessories are called into question. she has a chiuaua which some on-line call stereo typical and she has a part port that one law tina blogger says is inappropriate because of the immigration issues in the united states. mattel responded saying she is one of 100 all with regional animals and passports. and a colony of beavers has been found in downtown san jose, something that hasn't been seen in a century. it is animals have settled along the guadalupe river. david louie has a closer look. >> over the past two weeks, cameras with night vision lenses captured a mother and two yearlings as they feed along the river in the dark. you can also tell the mother is expecting. may is the typical month forgiving birth. >> they have chosen this spot. >> greg kirkus catches sound of the beefs -- beavers chatting with each other. the trunk was a sign they settled here. >> this is tremendously sig president cay. tremendously sig president cay. significant. >> that was a hundred years ago. >> the guadalupe river is used to teachers and school children about nature. ducks and geese get along with humans and the hope is so will the beavers. >> we are hoping that we can co-exist and we can use them to illustrate how healthy our water shed is becoming and use this as time as a benchmark to see what other species come back. >> the return of the beavers is a sign of a healthy ecosystem and boweds well for other species. >> they will enhance the water for trout and salmon, both of which use this river and it will further clarify the water and beaver ponds are like cafeteria for baby salmon. >> david louie, abc7 news. tonight at the mission cultural center for latino arts in san francisco, abc7 joined the community for an abc7 listens meeting. it is a chance for viewers to talk directly with us about what is on their minds. many abc7 executives attended including the president and general manager. abc7 news reporterly anne ma 11 december hosted the discussion. we heard about the arts and the need for maury sources for the community -- more resources for the community. we also heard about the strong cultural network and summer programs for children. >> they are very affordable and there is so much talent here with our youth in the mission. it is worth for them to know what is going on. >> if your group would like to team up with abc7 to host our next meeting we would be delighted. go to our community age at and click on abc7 listens meetings. abc7 news will cover the issues and the topics raised in tonight's meeting. look forward to that in the near future. and right now we want to turn our you a tension to the weather. a spectacular day today. >> feels like um iser. meteorologist sandhya patel is back with a full forecast. >> it is changing though. i hope you had a chance to get out and enjoy it. as you look from our high definition camera, this evening we are starting to see some changes with the wind plowing and a sea breeze was bringing the fog back in. as we check out live doppler 7hd, i will show you what it looks like. thefog has closed in on coastline here. we are also seeing some high clouds moving in, but no rain right now from our high definition sutro cam you -- camera. here are your temperatures. nap pu 59. sh -- napa is 59 and hayward at 55 degrees. here is a look at the wind. you will notice it is gusty right now and out of the wes. that's the sea breeze we are talking about at sfo. 35 miles an hour. we are looking at breezy conditions and with the breezy conditions to the wind econ decisions developing tomorrow, pollen forecast obviously trees are running high. if you suffer from allergies, grasses and molds are running low. the wind will be blowing the pollen around and it is not a good day for those of you suffering from allergies. here is a look at the forecast. a foggy morning at the coast and breezy and cooler tomorrow. and we are looking at windy conditions, although we are not expecting the strength of the winds we saw a few days ago. here is a look at the pacific satellite picture. this is the cold front that is going to bring in the cooler weather to the bay area tomorrow. it will bring in a cooler air mass, and the biggest changes that you will notice is not just the breezy conditions, but more cloud cover. tonight 11:00 p.m. we have high clouds and we have the fog around. as we head into tomorrow afternoon some of the cloud cover will linger well into the afternoon, so we will go with low clouds at the coast and higher clouds up above and over the bay area and the temperatures are going down. tomorrow morning it is a cooler start, better sleeping weather, mid40s to the upper 50s and the fog will be around first thing in the morning. you might want to grab an extra layer as you head out the door. it will be a cooler start to your morning and the fog could slow you down especially if your travels take you along the coast. 71 in san jose and 70 throughy for morgan hill and santa cruz at 68. mill pea disin the south bay and on the peninsula. high clouds and sunshine and a beautiful day, but not as warm as today. 68 palo alto, redwood city, 66 in san mateo. 56 in pacifica. you will need a sweater or jacket. downtown san francisco, 64, and it is going to be breezy to windy in the afternoon. in the north bay, 73 for santa rosa, up in ukiah, vallejo, novato, 72. head out toward the east bay, 69 in oakland, 66 hayward.ion c, richmond, union city, upper 60s. inland communities, you will still be mild, but like i said, not as warm as it was today. from 86 to 73 tomorrow in livermore, you will feel the difference. 72 in san ramon. here is a look at my accu-weather seven-day forecast. cooler and breezy tomorrow. we will give you mild weather inland. friday and saturday, coastal areas in the upper 50s to windy and cooler for everyone as we head into sunday. monday is when the temperatures bottom out. mid50s to mid60s and milder on tuesday and wednesday. abc7 news has a great weather resource for you to follow. live doppler 7hd for the latest bay area conditions and give spare the air alerts and weather tweets from your favorite weather team anytime of day. we are always here covering the forecast. let's talk giants baseball. >> what a game. >> the giants are doing great with barry zito who is now hitting .750. i know it is early in the season. he's hot, but brandon moss of the a's is volcanic right now. lava-like in the magical revival of barry zito continues. a couple of years ago it looked like the giants hey have to eat his huge contract. now he is money. zito has not allowed a single run this season and as i mentioned, he is sitting .750 through two games. giants had a large pre game visitor. nba star kevin durant spent time in the booth. the thunder in town to play the warriors. called first called third strie on tulo, not pleased. buster with a triple and a double in the second. it scored zito and posey 3 for 5. giants interrupt and torres likewise and drives in poe see and hunter pence. zito with his first two-hit day in the majors. base knock here scoring torres in the fifth. the giants would blank the rockies 10-0. the giants sweeping the series and have won 16 straight games that zito has started. the angels are favorites to win the al west. the a's are not impressed by those predictions. right now he is on fire. three of four tonight. five r.b.i's and triples down the right field line and 4-1a's. missed the cycle by a double tonight. in the fifth, mas moss, that means more. a's with 10 or more hits in seven straight games. i love the new celebration. running through the tunnel and bludgeoning the angels 11-5. the a's have now won seven straight games. well tomorrow the pressure begins round one of the masters. today was all about fun. it is the annual par 3 contest. it is all about family and the kids get out on the course. the son of robert gerigas and then the sand save. he hits a flush. gary player and jack nicklaus and arnold palmer on hand. two hole in ones. watney's shot is like a magnet drawing it back into the hole. and a great reaction from his playing partners here. that is not masters like behavior. no par 3 winner has ever gone on to win the masters. nba hoops and they are still dancing around. the lakers are clinging to the eighth and final spot. he is up 38. kobe bryant four blocks and will barton a victim there. 47 for kobe. blazers under manned, but they really push the lakers in the game. l.a. pull itself out 113-106. a game up on utah. the jazz hold the tiebreaker in the west. and the warriors clinched a playoff spot. today they were busy punking teammate kent basemore. they filled his car with bags and bags and bags o popcorn.jefs richard jefferson was the mastermind of the operation. nice. at last report base more was still cleaning colonels out of his ride. abc7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. before i am done here i will do that to your car. >> oh really? >> i am too cheap. you know how many bags of popcorn? >> let's hope it wasn't buts -- butters. >> i will get yours with chocolate syrup. >> it is on. >> that car needs a detail after that. wow. what a mess. california's first powerball. >> did anyone from here win the giant here is a look at your wake up weather. you will see fog near the coast. it is already there. that may slow you down. s andh clouds and temperatures mid40s to mid50s at 5:00 a.m. you might need a light jacket. 8:00 a.m. upper 40s to the mid50s. as you check out live doppler 7hd, mike niko will be tracking this and our cooling trend. 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. carolyn, dan is it. >> thanks. finally the good news is we still have a chance. the powerball will keep growing. >> nobody won the $60 million national jackpot. >> at least 123,000 californians did win something though. prizes start at $4. >> the next drawing takes place on saturday. the jackpot has already grown to $70 million tonight. >> now i'm interested. i wasn't at 60. next on "jimmy kimmle live." alice in chains and jason bait money. >> i'm carolyn johnson. >> and i'm dan ashley. thank you for watching. we appreciate your time. abc morning news continues tomorrow morning at 4:30 a.m. >> and we are always available at, on facebook and twitter at abc7 news bay area. >> see you tomorrow. ta, georgia, first round of masters could see thunderstorms for the later round here in the day. large hail, damaging wind gusts. tornados all a threat with the storms. we are also seeing more in the way of snowfall. area of low pressure. tapping into arctic air. snow continues across central minnesota on into the upper peninsula of michigan. john, marci, back to you. >> jim, thank you. what you're about to see is a side by side comparison and a pretty stunning one at that. on the left, show you is -- sebastian, born on monday. on the right is a normal sized baby. >> they were born at the same hospital in colombia. sebastian, 11 pounds at birth, 21 inches long. he was delivered by caesarean probably because he is so big. >> presumably mom was grateful for that. >> she says sebastian was a normal size all the way through her pregnancy up until the end. great news, of course, everyone is healthy. very happy to be welcoming him into the world. >> mom and dad say they're thrilled with his arrival. they say they're taking turns cuddling with the new son. congratulations. a cutie pie. a big one. >> the mom was relieved. that could have been painful. >> yeah. >> critics call the $3 million exotic car, the ugliest thing on wheels. see for yourselves. >> and he's the attorney to the stars when a hollywood celebrity is in legal trouble. meet the lawyer who is so often called in to help. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by

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