Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20130311 : compa

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20130311

and it has. it has been neutral to us overall. >> for employees going from $8 to $10 has made a big difference. justin is a student at san jose state. >> represent is easier -- rent is easier to make and gas prices are going up which is convenient and helpful. >> the south bay labor council is trying to use the minimum wage as a way to encourage shoppers and diner as a way to spend their dollars in san jose. point is hard to ignore, even if it means having to pay more. >> go out to eat because i enjoy it. others don't have the luxury. they can afford to pay a little more to help those people who don't have the luxury to do that. >> they need that, but $8 is nothing in this ec they need th they need that extra little wage. >> others are worried, especially those struggling to make ends meet. any price bump will hurt. >> i am on a tight budget already. we will have the gas raised and the milk raised. we will have to payoff the employees and i am not going to get ahead. >> raising the minimum wage is something the president talked about in his state of the union speech. democrats have already introduced a bill that would raise the national minimum wage by 2015. abc7 news. >> thank you, lilian. new details tonight. speedings -- speeding in a residential neighborhood may have been the cause of an accident that killed three family members. a passenger was seriously injured just west of 280. family members and friends gathered where broken glass, twisted metal and fiberglass remained as a tragic reminder. drivers routinely exceed the posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour. one witness says the impact of the crash was incredible. >> the fire trucks and i saw the red car in pieces pretty much. end.the whole front end. it is like a highway accident in the neighborhood. >> daily city police say the accident is still under investigation. traffic is flowing smoothly on i-80 in berkeley after a truck caught on fire. this is a look from our emeryville camera after they closed off all lanes around 9:20. the fire was contained in the truck's engine block is no one was injured. a man hired to help the oakland police department will report for duty tomorrow. thomas frasier is the new compliance director. he will take the on the task of reforming how they investigate themselveses and document their work. the 68-year-old is a former baltimore police commissioner who served on the san jose police force. a moment of silence for an intern killed by an african lion marked the reopening today of the annual -- of the animal sanctuary cat haven in fresno county. tours of the sanctuary were conducted for the first time since diana hanson died of a broken neck last wednesday. a statement from hanson's mother was read. >> living every mother's worst nightmare and losing a cherishedded -- cherished child, i am pleased cat haven is reopening, and i share in the sorrow and loss of the cat. it is my desire they continue their mission in support of saving my daughter's beloved creatures. >> the lion is said to have lifted the door of a partially closed feeding pen and attacked. people close to an oakland woman missing since thursday are frustrated with police efforts to find her. family and friends of erika mascalaras held a prayer vigil in the neighborhood she lived. she was last seen on surveillance camera near telegraph and 34th avenue. the missing woman's mother says the response from oakland police has been slow in the critical days after she disappeared. >> it is important. when people disappear like this, the police need to get on it right away and not think that they left on their own accord, especially with the circumstances being what they are. >> we tried to contact the oakland police department for a comment on this case. the department has yet to respond. >> lets head to leigh glaser for a first check on weather and what is happening right now. >> we have clear skies right now and live doppler 7hd and we are swooping live and showing you no returns at all. under the clear skies some cool temperatures right now. in fact, here is a look at some readings for you. san francisco is 50 degrees. we have 54 in oakland. san carlos is clear in your neighborhood. 51. we have 45 in half moon bay. right near the coast, we may see a little patchy fog overnight tonight. but get ready for nice warming as we head into the middle part of the workweek. we wille the accu-weather seven-day forecast coming up. >> thank you. in less than 48 hours, the cardinals of the roman catholic church will have cast their first ballot in the conclave to elect a new pope. now, a day of prayer and church politics. >> reporter: from the pews to the pulpit. >> the only begotten son of god -- >> reporter: on this second consecutive sunday without a pope, the weighty decision a you head for the 115 cardinals who will elect the next leader of the roman catholic church. >> let us pray that the holy spirit is with the church to choose a new pope which will confirm us in our faith. >> reporter: cardinals from around the world stepped into the role as parish priests celebrating mass at their honorary churches in rome. this is their day of rest. after six long days of speeches during the general congregation meeting, many say they have narrowed their option. >> a week ago we would have said, wow, we have a lot of work to do. now you see resignation and trust and faith. >> reporter: with the conclave two days away there is no front runner. but there are factions forming. roman inciders supporting the cardinal from so you paw low. some pushing for a candidate with a track record proving he can clean up the reported corruption in the vatican. but the cardinals preparing to solemnly promising to enter are keeping quiet on specifics sharing for now only their prayers. >> lord give us holy thoughts and indeed that is what we need. >> reporter: marcy gonzalez, abc news, rome. developing news overseas, tensions are growing between north and south korea tonight. earlier this week north korea said it will respond by p scraying the air miss it is a that ended the korean war and launch an attack on the u.s. after the drills involving 15,000 troops began, north korea cutoff a hotline with south korea today. north korea has said it would end the armistace on march 11th and has threatened surgical strikes. in japan, a moment of silence was held a half hour ago at the exact moment the devastating earth way -- earthquake struck in 2011. nearly 19,000 people were killed in the ocean surge caused by the magnitude 9.0 quake. hour than 300,000 people are still displaced including those who live near a nuclear plant where reactors melted. right now it is after 3:00 in the afternoon in japan and the memorial services have been going on all day. still to come on abc news at 11:00, a big light show in san francisco. just ahead, what is behind the fiery octopus and how it goes hand in hand with the iconic explore for yum. and want to head to outerspace? the bay area entrepreneur behind it. and the queen of eke land takes a stand -- queen of tonight in san francisco the explore for yum celebration wrapped up with a tenticled spectacle. an octopus and the shots fired as the crowds cheered on. it is something they will see when the explore for yum opens next month. we are official partners and are excited about the opening on april 17th at the embarcadero. we will bring you exclusive access to the look at the new exploratorium and more on the move at 11:30. the man behind paypal and tesla motors wants to build a space port in texas. elon-musk is head of a space travel p c. space ports are in cape canaveral and brandenburg. he says it would be perfect because it is closer to the equator. musk believes a space port could be up and running in three years. now to a closer look at an internet business that is thriving. websites are cashing in on mug shots like these and charging hefty fees to take them down. but the pictures may never go away completely even if the person is innocent. abc news reporter has this one woman's story. >> they legally download what they call booking photos from the on-line arrest regards -- arrest records and that the laws allow them to be shared with the public. >> i don't know how to express in words how devastating it has been for me. >> she says she feels like she has been violated twice, first by the husband who in divorce papers she claims repeatedly hit her, and then by the mug shot industry which legally published these booking photos from what she says was a false arrest after police were called to her home. she says she sent them proof showing her record was cleared and was still asked to pay nearly $400 to have the photos removed. >> it is not just that i take my photograph down on this side. it comes down on this side and pops up somewhere else. over and over and over again. when does it stop? >> in this instant, you did nothing wrong. >> i am not a criminal. >> we found tampa that refuse to remove photos for free even when the person accused is innocent. the people making money from sites like these are difficult to track down. but we did find this man in louisiana who asked to remain in shadow. >> is this a dirty business that you are in? >> i don't consider it dirty what i do. what i do is help people the p p -- help people. >> he says he is a middle man hired by thousands of americans each year to remove photos and repair reputations. he wouldn't explain to us how he negotiates with the mug shot websites, but he collects as much as $1300 for services. >> the police can stop this overnight. why are we posting the mug shot of someone who simply missed traffic court. why is there a need to post their photos. >> roger bruce is pushing for a new law that would make these fees illegal, but only in georgia. >> the authorities if they can't charge a fee, why put it out there? >> she thinks her mug shot kept her out of work for more than a year. and she says this business isn't right. abc news, atlanta. let's turn to leigh glaser who is checking on on our accu-weather forecast for the week ahead. >> sunset with the new time change as we sprang forward this afternoon -- actually overnight last night. sunset was at 7:13 and lots of sunshine out there once again tomorrow. live doppler 7hd right now is looking live, and no returns as we have clear skies. nice shot from the high definition rooftop cam looking down on the embarcadero. 51 san carlos and mid40s at 45 degrees. another nice shot of the bay bridge and the dancing lights. clear skies and santa rosa 40 -- 47. union city is seeing some clear overhead at 52 and gilroy right now at 52 as well. here is a look at our forecast highlights. we will go with patchy coastal fog overnight. it will be another sunny and mild day for your monday afternoon. temperatures actually come up a few degrees. look for above normal temperatures as we head into tuesday afternoon and wednesday. let's get you out the door tomorrow morning. you can see overnight some of the low cloudiness and fog willbank up near the cos -- will bank up near the coast. north and east bay locations, this is 5:00 a.m. and overnight temperatures are not as cold in the north bay and east bay because we did have the nice daytime heating. we will look for upper 30s to right near the low 40s or so. 42 san rafael and san francisco is 46 degrees. we are looking for a little fog to develop. inland 40 degrees. for at least the next three to five days we are looking at high pressure really building in. it will kick the storm track to the north of us. as it gets closer each day at least through midweek expect temperatures to climb as much as 5 degrees each day. more warming for your monday for tomorrow, and then by wednesday it looks like it will be the warmest day. temperatures close to 80 degrees in some spots. not so tomorrow though. it is starting to warm into the 70s. morgan hill 73. 71 san jose. santa cruz is only in the 60s today. near 70 tomorrow. 60 for half moon bay. afternoon sunshine in the city of san francisco. 64 degrees. in the north bay, 72 for santa rosa and novato is 71. 74 sonoma. 67 for berkeley and oakland is 70 degrees. we will look for numerous 70s breaking out in the east bay with 72 for concord. livermore as well and 70 for pittsburgh and antioch 71. here is a look at my accu-weather seven-day forecast. get out the shorts and get out the sunscreen. the temperatures will start to warm up. tuesday afternoon, warmth. wednesday feels like spring with temperatures inland near 80 degrees. thursday we are still holding on to the 70s. we will slowly bring clouds in next saturday and sunday and cool things down. mike will be here 4:30 to 7:00 on the abc morning news update. >> mike shumann is here with sports. a busy day as always. sharks can't get out of their own way to force over time. with less than a second a dagger to the heart. the sharks hit the road for a two-game trip starting in colorado. they lost two straight of the last 13 out of 17. todd mccleland still struggling to score goals. avalanche strike first. he snaps it home and it is 1-0 colorado. they make it 2-0, but the sharks roar back. patrick marlow tips the shot. mar doughs -- marlows with the goal. joe thorton and on the steal and the one timer. he ties the game at two. three seconds to play. he finds the puck in the slot. it is .40 of a second left in the game. that's a heartbreaker for san jose. 3-2 the final. women's pack 12 tournament final had ucla facing stanford. stanford was on the ropes today. a career low three points. unheard of. that's why they trailed most of the second half she ties it at 47. a great spin move with a two-point lead. can't get it to go. stanford wins their second tournament title 51-49 the title. to the pits. new york lead it 1-0 and rookie out of stanford scores his first career goal and tie itself at 1. 90th minute and red bulls call for handball and leads to a free kick. he is denied. however, new york called for encroachment. he gets another shot, and this time doesn't miss. earthquakes win in dramatic fashion 2-1 the final. we will take a brief timeout before we hit the lincs whereges domination. tiger woods making a statement. he lead the world golf challenge from wire to wire. he was 40-2 winning his 76th pga event in miami. the famed blue monster club. tiger came in with a four-shot lead. this birdie on number 2. phil mickelson made a run. his approach on eight and will leave it just short of the hole. finished one under 71 and tied for third at 14 under. tiger's playing and he had two eagles yesterday and another one here today. but he finished even par 72 and wasn't a threat and tied for third. steve stricke ray -- stricker made a run. two shots back of woods. now stricker gave woods a little putting advice and turned tiger's game around. his fewest putts ever. tiger did falter down the stretch and bogies on 16 and 18, but wins his 17th wgc event. world baseball classic and team usa facing canada. elimination game and a come from behind moving on from behind. the benches clearing brawl and team usa trailing early. michael saunders drills it down the line and a two-run shot and canadians down 2-0. two men on and adam jones doubles in the gap. bloom qis and david wright comes across. jones is one for three and three r.b.i in the game. he comes in to close against joey vato looking at strike three. usa wins it and they advance from group d to the second round in miami. colin kaepernick and oh my. check it out. cruel intentions. i think the entire arena shook on that dunk. i don't think one hand can do that much damage. 129-97. this abc7 sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. we will see you in about 25 minutes. >> thank you so much, shu. just ahead, we are following breaking news out of san francisco. a body found in an elevator shaft. we have a reporter on the scene. and the soda ban taking affect. could it happen here next? and queen elizabeth is set to make history. how it could make a we go back to the breaking news from san francisco. a body stuck in an elevator at the montgomery bart station. john alston joins us live with the latest. john? >> reporter: ama, rereturned from the concourse a few minutes ago, and there are still 20 uniformed police and fire officials standing around the elevator door with the exposed shaft trying to figure out the best way to extricate the body from the shaft. this started at about 9:30. a person in the elevator which goes from the muni level up to the concourse level. at the time the person in the elevator heard a scream and the elevator became stuck. it turns out a body apparently became wedged between the elevator car and the wall of the elevator shaft. unclear how the person got in there, but that is something they are trying to figure out. officials are down there trying to figure out how to get the body out. again, this is the elevator that runs from the bart station up to the mu knee level and up to the concourse. about 9:30 a person in the elevator heard a scream and then the elevator stopped. this will be continuing for some time. trains have been running, however one station -- one half of the station here at montgomery street was closed. the trains have been running through and another fire engine is coming by. right now live in san francisco, john alston, abc news. >> thank you for the up -- update. >> speed could have been a factor in a triple fatality. a car broadsided another, and one witness compared that to that of a highway collision. >> a $2 increase in the minimum wage goes into affect in san jose at midnight. many employees will now earn $10 an hour. employers concede they may have to raise prices. merchant associations are urging people to support the wage increase by buying and shopping in san jose. britain's queen elizabeth is set to make history taking a stand against all of her people. it includes the strongest statement she has ever made about women's rights. now a report from london. >> the queen represents tradition and continuity. she steers clear of making political decisions. but in a break with tradition, she will sign a remarkable document tomorrow. she will give a speech endorsing the new agreement among former members of the british empire which states opposition to, quote, all forms of discrimination whether rooted in gender, race, color, creed, political belief or other grounds. >> they say it is believed to be the first time she has shown her support of gay rights. that's a big step. we are not going to hear her views on these matters, but the fact she is not only signing it, but signing it in front of television cameras proves she endorses these changes. >> the queen will also show support for new laws giving equal rights to boys and girls this royal succession. the timing of this is significant. with will's and kate's baby on the way, if it is a girl, it seems she will be the next queen. a first. with a stroke of the pen tomorrow, the queen will be making an historic and symbolic pledge of billions -- of equal rights for billions of people in 54 countries around the world. >> the queen is resuming her schedule after being hospitalized last week for a stomach illness. dismie republican -- republican lawmakers are reacting with caution as president obama reaches out to mend budget issues. he will make three trips to capitol hill. paul ryan told fox news that he had a good exchanging with the president over lunch, but says the president's sincerity remains to be seen. appearing on cnn this morning, nancy pelosi says the time is right for some croppings between -- for some cooperation between parties. lawmakers need to focus on solving problems together. >> they can diffuse some of their opposition to some of the issues. bravo that we can get a job done. that is far more important than what happens in an election. >> the president is focused on tough challenges of immigration reform and gun control. just over 24 hours from now, the controversial ban on the large sugary drinks goes into affect in new york city. the ban makes it illegal to sell sugary drinks in containers larger than 16 ownsz. it is like your -- critics say it is like your mom telling you what to do. michael bloomburg says people need to be saved from themselves. >> overweight is the first time it has gone from a rich person's disease to a poor person's disease. we have to do something. all we are doing in new york is reminding you that it is not in your interest to have too many empty calories. >> many restaurants have bought smaller glasses to comply with the ban. in fact, food places are telling people to sweeten their coffee themselves. new studies find the dramatic toll stress can take on the heart. they found high rates of cardiac problems in those who have undergone serious stress for those with ptsd and hurricane victims. prolonged stress can affected -- cab affect blood pressure and cholesterol. still to come, the newest addition to the oakland zoo. we'll give you a sneak peek. and the iconic explore -- explor atorium. >> and i'm leigh glaser. we will look at your accu-weather seven-day a fiery spectacle in san francisco tonight as this octopus lit up the embarcadero and shooting fire out of its tenticles. it was a day of events looking at the new exploratorium. john alston shows us what happened. >> on the off chance you have never seen a 23-foot metal:00 tau pews spewing fire, this is the mechanical octopus. scut -- sculpture was the main feature of the new location. >> who won't want to see that? it is amazing. >> like sometimes the fire goes up and it makes everyone really hot, and it is fun. >> a grown up also having fun was the fire inspector who tested the control box who makes the propane flames shoot-out. >> what was it like to hit the buttons and make the fire come out? >> it was really neat. i felt like i was in a lot of control and a lot of power. >> he has taken his baby the past two years. >> we don't go to a lot of events. it takes a lot to move this. it takes two flat bed semis and a lot of money to run it up and down the state. >> it was the culmination of a day-long festival to get people interested in the move to this new space on pier15 along the embarcadero. they set up some popular displays in a parking lot across the street. allowing kids and adults to walk all over their favorite exhibits. there was a similar set up in the mission and here at the bay view opera house on third street where they could dive in and learn about science while having fun. jew i >> i think it was cool. >> it was part road show and part street festival. >> we wanted to represent our move from our old location to our new one. and the fact that we wanted a lot of people to join us at our new home. >> john alston, abc news. >> abc7 is the official tv partner of the exploratorium. over the next few weeks we will bring you exclusive access and the first look at the new exploratorium. the oakland zoo has debuted adorable additions. the pups' -- the pups are a month and a half old. it is not uncommon for the members to kill the pups. but so far so good the population at the zoo is now 8. isn't that a great picture of them? and now a look at our forecast. >> we had some great clearing today. lots of sunshine and live doppler 7hd. at the are still showing no moisture at all out there. but we have a nice view here from our high definition east bay cam looking to the bay bridge. i wanted to share with you some highs. santa rosa 72. san francisco managed 64. we warmed to 70 in oakland. concord 69. livermore 69. santa cruz warmed to 67 degrees. the temperatures will continue to go up as we make our way through the workweek. if you are traveling much of the country looks good. the exception you can see, there the band of rain that will move in toward the new england area, rain could be heavy. 50 degrees and a possibility of maybe even some flight delays by late in the afternoon. washington, d.c.65, atlanta 66 with moderate rain. st. louis back to denver in the 40s and even the 50s. denver with the blitz -- blizzard will be shoveling out. but expecting maybe a mixture of snow and sunshine there tomorrow. 53 salts lake city. closer to home if you are heading down to southern california look for plenty of sunshine there. los angeles 77 degrees and palm springs sunny 84 and san diego 70. 63 for monterey and 70 tour sacramento tomorrow and -- and 74 sacramento. no rain is expected in the state for the next five to seven days. the accu-weather seven-day forecast, you can see for yourself a warming trend will be with us on tuesday and wednesday. will you check out wednesday? daytime highs in land near 80 degrees. 70s around the bay and 60s at the coast. and then we cool things down as we get into saturday and sunday. by the way, folks, abc7 news has another great weather resource for you. follow it on twitter for the latest bay area weather conditions rain or shine. plus get video forecasts, spare the air alerts and power outage information and weather tweets from your favorite weather team. >> thank you, leigh. shu is here with sports. and what are the giants up to? >> they are deep in the cactus league action. there are only a few spots open. he is one of those guys on the bubble. we will chat the giants returned 21 of the 25 players from the championship team which doesn't leave a lot of room for back up. it has to be hot. he got run support from brett pilt. he is fighting for one of the final roster spots. he is doing his spot and this r.b.i single just past the glove of the second bagger. another run scores and the giants end a four-game losing streak beating them 6-1ment now, the -- 6-1. one of those players fighting for a roster spot and he was up and down last season as part of the world series champions. he told me this team will not ease up in 2013. >> the thing about these guys, not everybody is satisfied. we are hungry and there are good teams in our division. looking forward to a good spring. >> what about yourself? what are you looking for this year? >> hopefully learning to play a little more off the bench coming up to the minor leagues and playing every day. when you get in, you have to help the team winment so trying to take the selfishness out of it. just doing what i can to contribute. >> all right, and maybe a little left field this year? >> why not? >> i have been working at third, left, first. hopefully i can find a spot and help out when i can. >> good luck. a's opening day pitcher brett anderson had to leave the game with a strained muscle in his upper back. he said it was not cirrus lowry had a homerun and three r.b.i. usa and canada in an elimination game. team usa trailed early. michael saunders drills it down the line. that's a two-run shot and the canadians go up 2-0. u.s. rallies. down 3-2 and two men on and adam jones doubles into the gap. they will come around to score and jones is one of three with three r.b.i in the game. 4-3usa and then he comes in to close it and gets vato looking on strike 3. usa wins it 9-4. they and italy advance to the second round in miami. the sharks hit the road for a two-game trip starting in colorado. they lost two straight in 13 of the last 17. they really need a win. instead they lose in heartbreaking fashion. his team is still struggling to find the back of the net. avalanche strike first on the power play. he snaps it home and 1-0 colorado. they made it 2-0, and 42nds left. patrick marlow tips the shot. it is marlow's 400th career goal. now 2-1 avalanche. the steal and the one timer and he ties it at two. three seconds to play and he finds the puck in the slot. he chips it over with .40 of a second left in the game. are you kidding me? that's a heartbreaker. 3-2 is your final. let's switch gears and women pack 12 tournament had ucla facing stanford. they had stanford on the ropes. she fell to a career low three points. that's why they trailed. she tied it at 47 and 28 seconds left. a great spin move with a two-point lead. they tried to tie it with five seconds remaining. stanford hangs on to win the title 51-49 the final. tiger woods making a statement as he lead the world golf challenge. winning his 76th pga event. it is the famed blue monster. he came in with the lead and started off with four birdies. phil mickelson made a run. his approach on 8. he finished one under 71 and tied for third place at 14 under. tiger's playing partner was in the hunt and had another one here today. but he faded down the stretch. 72 and tied for third. steve stricker with a long birdie putt. he finished under -- four under 68. and he gave tiger a little putting lesson on wednesday. it turned his game around. his fewest ever. he did falter down the stretch. tiger with his 17th wgc title. earthquakes and the red bulls. 83rd minute out of stanford. his first career goal and tie itself at one. the 90th minute. it lead to a free kick, but he is denied. new york called for encroachment. he gets another shot and this time does not miss. earthquakes win in dramatic information 2-1 your final. this sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. if they are not careful they will play themselves out of the post season. we'll keep you posted on that. >> thank you, shu and thank you for joining us. that is it for this edition of abc news. th morntinues tomorrow morning at 4:30. thank you for joining us and have yourself a great night and a great week ahead. this morning on "world news now," in a little more than a day, the most powerful men in the catholic church begin the process of selecting their new leader. >> the conclave is set to begin tomorrow. and this morning, we're getting a sense of the lead contenders. it's monday, march 11. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm diana perez. welcome back. >> thank you. >> had a good little stretch of a vacation there. >> i did, eight, nine days in new orleans. i'm even a little hoarse this morning. we were hooting and hollering down there. eat, drink and be merry. i love that town. >> happy to have you back. over the weekend, we got a fascinating picture of the cardinal's different styles as they met with parishioners around rome. first, a look at other stories we're following for you this morning. a tense first meeting between the u.s. new defense secretary and afghanistan's leader. we'll tell you about the harsh and bizarre allegations leveled by hamid karzai against the u.s. and how the u.s. is responding. and also this half hour, a miraculous miss. a plane crashes right into a home, nearly hitting a young man who was playing video games in his bedroom, and that made the difference between life and death. plus this morning, a champion again. he's nearly 50 years old, but a legendary boxer took to the ring one more time to prove that age is just a number. >> he was going strong. >> looking good. first, more behind the scenes meetings today at the vatican as the cardinals prepare for tomorrow. >> yesterday they took a break,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20130311 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20130311

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and it has. it has been neutral to us overall. >> for employees going from $8 to $10 has made a big difference. justin is a student at san jose state. >> represent is easier -- rent is easier to make and gas prices are going up which is convenient and helpful. >> the south bay labor council is trying to use the minimum wage as a way to encourage shoppers and diner as a way to spend their dollars in san jose. point is hard to ignore, even if it means having to pay more. >> go out to eat because i enjoy it. others don't have the luxury. they can afford to pay a little more to help those people who don't have the luxury to do that. >> they need that, but $8 is nothing in this ec they need th they need that extra little wage. >> others are worried, especially those struggling to make ends meet. any price bump will hurt. >> i am on a tight budget already. we will have the gas raised and the milk raised. we will have to payoff the employees and i am not going to get ahead. >> raising the minimum wage is something the president talked about in his state of the union speech. democrats have already introduced a bill that would raise the national minimum wage by 2015. abc7 news. >> thank you, lilian. new details tonight. speedings -- speeding in a residential neighborhood may have been the cause of an accident that killed three family members. a passenger was seriously injured just west of 280. family members and friends gathered where broken glass, twisted metal and fiberglass remained as a tragic reminder. drivers routinely exceed the posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour. one witness says the impact of the crash was incredible. >> the fire trucks and i saw the red car in pieces pretty much. end.the whole front end. it is like a highway accident in the neighborhood. >> daily city police say the accident is still under investigation. traffic is flowing smoothly on i-80 in berkeley after a truck caught on fire. this is a look from our emeryville camera after they closed off all lanes around 9:20. the fire was contained in the truck's engine block is no one was injured. a man hired to help the oakland police department will report for duty tomorrow. thomas frasier is the new compliance director. he will take the on the task of reforming how they investigate themselveses and document their work. the 68-year-old is a former baltimore police commissioner who served on the san jose police force. a moment of silence for an intern killed by an african lion marked the reopening today of the annual -- of the animal sanctuary cat haven in fresno county. tours of the sanctuary were conducted for the first time since diana hanson died of a broken neck last wednesday. a statement from hanson's mother was read. >> living every mother's worst nightmare and losing a cherishedded -- cherished child, i am pleased cat haven is reopening, and i share in the sorrow and loss of the cat. it is my desire they continue their mission in support of saving my daughter's beloved creatures. >> the lion is said to have lifted the door of a partially closed feeding pen and attacked. people close to an oakland woman missing since thursday are frustrated with police efforts to find her. family and friends of erika mascalaras held a prayer vigil in the neighborhood she lived. she was last seen on surveillance camera near telegraph and 34th avenue. the missing woman's mother says the response from oakland police has been slow in the critical days after she disappeared. >> it is important. when people disappear like this, the police need to get on it right away and not think that they left on their own accord, especially with the circumstances being what they are. >> we tried to contact the oakland police department for a comment on this case. the department has yet to respond. >> lets head to leigh glaser for a first check on weather and what is happening right now. >> we have clear skies right now and live doppler 7hd and we are swooping live and showing you no returns at all. under the clear skies some cool temperatures right now. in fact, here is a look at some readings for you. san francisco is 50 degrees. we have 54 in oakland. san carlos is clear in your neighborhood. 51. we have 45 in half moon bay. right near the coast, we may see a little patchy fog overnight tonight. but get ready for nice warming as we head into the middle part of the workweek. we wille the accu-weather seven-day forecast coming up. >> thank you. in less than 48 hours, the cardinals of the roman catholic church will have cast their first ballot in the conclave to elect a new pope. now, a day of prayer and church politics. >> reporter: from the pews to the pulpit. >> the only begotten son of god -- >> reporter: on this second consecutive sunday without a pope, the weighty decision a you head for the 115 cardinals who will elect the next leader of the roman catholic church. >> let us pray that the holy spirit is with the church to choose a new pope which will confirm us in our faith. >> reporter: cardinals from around the world stepped into the role as parish priests celebrating mass at their honorary churches in rome. this is their day of rest. after six long days of speeches during the general congregation meeting, many say they have narrowed their option. >> a week ago we would have said, wow, we have a lot of work to do. now you see resignation and trust and faith. >> reporter: with the conclave two days away there is no front runner. but there are factions forming. roman inciders supporting the cardinal from so you paw low. some pushing for a candidate with a track record proving he can clean up the reported corruption in the vatican. but the cardinals preparing to solemnly promising to enter are keeping quiet on specifics sharing for now only their prayers. >> lord give us holy thoughts and indeed that is what we need. >> reporter: marcy gonzalez, abc news, rome. developing news overseas, tensions are growing between north and south korea tonight. earlier this week north korea said it will respond by p scraying the air miss it is a that ended the korean war and launch an attack on the u.s. after the drills involving 15,000 troops began, north korea cutoff a hotline with south korea today. north korea has said it would end the armistace on march 11th and has threatened surgical strikes. in japan, a moment of silence was held a half hour ago at the exact moment the devastating earth way -- earthquake struck in 2011. nearly 19,000 people were killed in the ocean surge caused by the magnitude 9.0 quake. hour than 300,000 people are still displaced including those who live near a nuclear plant where reactors melted. right now it is after 3:00 in the afternoon in japan and the memorial services have been going on all day. still to come on abc news at 11:00, a big light show in san francisco. just ahead, what is behind the fiery octopus and how it goes hand in hand with the iconic explore for yum. and want to head to outerspace? the bay area entrepreneur behind it. and the queen of eke land takes a stand -- queen of tonight in san francisco the explore for yum celebration wrapped up with a tenticled spectacle. an octopus and the shots fired as the crowds cheered on. it is something they will see when the explore for yum opens next month. we are official partners and are excited about the opening on april 17th at the embarcadero. we will bring you exclusive access to the look at the new exploratorium and more on the move at 11:30. the man behind paypal and tesla motors wants to build a space port in texas. elon-musk is head of a space travel p c. space ports are in cape canaveral and brandenburg. he says it would be perfect because it is closer to the equator. musk believes a space port could be up and running in three years. now to a closer look at an internet business that is thriving. websites are cashing in on mug shots like these and charging hefty fees to take them down. but the pictures may never go away completely even if the person is innocent. abc news reporter has this one woman's story. >> they legally download what they call booking photos from the on-line arrest regards -- arrest records and that the laws allow them to be shared with the public. >> i don't know how to express in words how devastating it has been for me. >> she says she feels like she has been violated twice, first by the husband who in divorce papers she claims repeatedly hit her, and then by the mug shot industry which legally published these booking photos from what she says was a false arrest after police were called to her home. she says she sent them proof showing her record was cleared and was still asked to pay nearly $400 to have the photos removed. >> it is not just that i take my photograph down on this side. it comes down on this side and pops up somewhere else. over and over and over again. when does it stop? >> in this instant, you did nothing wrong. >> i am not a criminal. >> we found tampa that refuse to remove photos for free even when the person accused is innocent. the people making money from sites like these are difficult to track down. but we did find this man in louisiana who asked to remain in shadow. >> is this a dirty business that you are in? >> i don't consider it dirty what i do. what i do is help people the p p -- help people. >> he says he is a middle man hired by thousands of americans each year to remove photos and repair reputations. he wouldn't explain to us how he negotiates with the mug shot websites, but he collects as much as $1300 for services. >> the police can stop this overnight. why are we posting the mug shot of someone who simply missed traffic court. why is there a need to post their photos. >> roger bruce is pushing for a new law that would make these fees illegal, but only in georgia. >> the authorities if they can't charge a fee, why put it out there? >> she thinks her mug shot kept her out of work for more than a year. and she says this business isn't right. abc news, atlanta. let's turn to leigh glaser who is checking on on our accu-weather forecast for the week ahead. >> sunset with the new time change as we sprang forward this afternoon -- actually overnight last night. sunset was at 7:13 and lots of sunshine out there once again tomorrow. live doppler 7hd right now is looking live, and no returns as we have clear skies. nice shot from the high definition rooftop cam looking down on the embarcadero. 51 san carlos and mid40s at 45 degrees. another nice shot of the bay bridge and the dancing lights. clear skies and santa rosa 40 -- 47. union city is seeing some clear overhead at 52 and gilroy right now at 52 as well. here is a look at our forecast highlights. we will go with patchy coastal fog overnight. it will be another sunny and mild day for your monday afternoon. temperatures actually come up a few degrees. look for above normal temperatures as we head into tuesday afternoon and wednesday. let's get you out the door tomorrow morning. you can see overnight some of the low cloudiness and fog willbank up near the cos -- will bank up near the coast. north and east bay locations, this is 5:00 a.m. and overnight temperatures are not as cold in the north bay and east bay because we did have the nice daytime heating. we will look for upper 30s to right near the low 40s or so. 42 san rafael and san francisco is 46 degrees. we are looking for a little fog to develop. inland 40 degrees. for at least the next three to five days we are looking at high pressure really building in. it will kick the storm track to the north of us. as it gets closer each day at least through midweek expect temperatures to climb as much as 5 degrees each day. more warming for your monday for tomorrow, and then by wednesday it looks like it will be the warmest day. temperatures close to 80 degrees in some spots. not so tomorrow though. it is starting to warm into the 70s. morgan hill 73. 71 san jose. santa cruz is only in the 60s today. near 70 tomorrow. 60 for half moon bay. afternoon sunshine in the city of san francisco. 64 degrees. in the north bay, 72 for santa rosa and novato is 71. 74 sonoma. 67 for berkeley and oakland is 70 degrees. we will look for numerous 70s breaking out in the east bay with 72 for concord. livermore as well and 70 for pittsburgh and antioch 71. here is a look at my accu-weather seven-day forecast. get out the shorts and get out the sunscreen. the temperatures will start to warm up. tuesday afternoon, warmth. wednesday feels like spring with temperatures inland near 80 degrees. thursday we are still holding on to the 70s. we will slowly bring clouds in next saturday and sunday and cool things down. mike will be here 4:30 to 7:00 on the abc morning news update. >> mike shumann is here with sports. a busy day as always. sharks can't get out of their own way to force over time. with less than a second a dagger to the heart. the sharks hit the road for a two-game trip starting in colorado. they lost two straight of the last 13 out of 17. todd mccleland still struggling to score goals. avalanche strike first. he snaps it home and it is 1-0 colorado. they make it 2-0, but the sharks roar back. patrick marlow tips the shot. mar doughs -- marlows with the goal. joe thorton and on the steal and the one timer. he ties the game at two. three seconds to play. he finds the puck in the slot. it is .40 of a second left in the game. that's a heartbreaker for san jose. 3-2 the final. women's pack 12 tournament final had ucla facing stanford. stanford was on the ropes today. a career low three points. unheard of. that's why they trailed most of the second half she ties it at 47. a great spin move with a two-point lead. can't get it to go. stanford wins their second tournament title 51-49 the title. to the pits. new york lead it 1-0 and rookie out of stanford scores his first career goal and tie itself at 1. 90th minute and red bulls call for handball and leads to a free kick. he is denied. however, new york called for encroachment. he gets another shot, and this time doesn't miss. earthquakes win in dramatic fashion 2-1 the final. we will take a brief timeout before we hit the lincs whereges domination. tiger woods making a statement. he lead the world golf challenge from wire to wire. he was 40-2 winning his 76th pga event in miami. the famed blue monster club. tiger came in with a four-shot lead. this birdie on number 2. phil mickelson made a run. his approach on eight and will leave it just short of the hole. finished one under 71 and tied for third at 14 under. tiger's playing and he had two eagles yesterday and another one here today. but he finished even par 72 and wasn't a threat and tied for third. steve stricke ray -- stricker made a run. two shots back of woods. now stricker gave woods a little putting advice and turned tiger's game around. his fewest putts ever. tiger did falter down the stretch and bogies on 16 and 18, but wins his 17th wgc event. world baseball classic and team usa facing canada. elimination game and a come from behind moving on from behind. the benches clearing brawl and team usa trailing early. michael saunders drills it down the line and a two-run shot and canadians down 2-0. two men on and adam jones doubles in the gap. bloom qis and david wright comes across. jones is one for three and three r.b.i in the game. he comes in to close against joey vato looking at strike three. usa wins it and they advance from group d to the second round in miami. colin kaepernick and oh my. check it out. cruel intentions. i think the entire arena shook on that dunk. i don't think one hand can do that much damage. 129-97. this abc7 sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. we will see you in about 25 minutes. >> thank you so much, shu. just ahead, we are following breaking news out of san francisco. a body found in an elevator shaft. we have a reporter on the scene. and the soda ban taking affect. could it happen here next? and queen elizabeth is set to make history. how it could make a we go back to the breaking news from san francisco. a body stuck in an elevator at the montgomery bart station. john alston joins us live with the latest. john? >> reporter: ama, rereturned from the concourse a few minutes ago, and there are still 20 uniformed police and fire officials standing around the elevator door with the exposed shaft trying to figure out the best way to extricate the body from the shaft. this started at about 9:30. a person in the elevator which goes from the muni level up to the concourse level. at the time the person in the elevator heard a scream and the elevator became stuck. it turns out a body apparently became wedged between the elevator car and the wall of the elevator shaft. unclear how the person got in there, but that is something they are trying to figure out. officials are down there trying to figure out how to get the body out. again, this is the elevator that runs from the bart station up to the mu knee level and up to the concourse. about 9:30 a person in the elevator heard a scream and then the elevator stopped. this will be continuing for some time. trains have been running, however one station -- one half of the station here at montgomery street was closed. the trains have been running through and another fire engine is coming by. right now live in san francisco, john alston, abc news. >> thank you for the up -- update. >> speed could have been a factor in a triple fatality. a car broadsided another, and one witness compared that to that of a highway collision. >> a $2 increase in the minimum wage goes into affect in san jose at midnight. many employees will now earn $10 an hour. employers concede they may have to raise prices. merchant associations are urging people to support the wage increase by buying and shopping in san jose. britain's queen elizabeth is set to make history taking a stand against all of her people. it includes the strongest statement she has ever made about women's rights. now a report from london. >> the queen represents tradition and continuity. she steers clear of making political decisions. but in a break with tradition, she will sign a remarkable document tomorrow. she will give a speech endorsing the new agreement among former members of the british empire which states opposition to, quote, all forms of discrimination whether rooted in gender, race, color, creed, political belief or other grounds. >> they say it is believed to be the first time she has shown her support of gay rights. that's a big step. we are not going to hear her views on these matters, but the fact she is not only signing it, but signing it in front of television cameras proves she endorses these changes. >> the queen will also show support for new laws giving equal rights to boys and girls this royal succession. the timing of this is significant. with will's and kate's baby on the way, if it is a girl, it seems she will be the next queen. a first. with a stroke of the pen tomorrow, the queen will be making an historic and symbolic pledge of billions -- of equal rights for billions of people in 54 countries around the world. >> the queen is resuming her schedule after being hospitalized last week for a stomach illness. dismie republican -- republican lawmakers are reacting with caution as president obama reaches out to mend budget issues. he will make three trips to capitol hill. paul ryan told fox news that he had a good exchanging with the president over lunch, but says the president's sincerity remains to be seen. appearing on cnn this morning, nancy pelosi says the time is right for some croppings between -- for some cooperation between parties. lawmakers need to focus on solving problems together. >> they can diffuse some of their opposition to some of the issues. bravo that we can get a job done. that is far more important than what happens in an election. >> the president is focused on tough challenges of immigration reform and gun control. just over 24 hours from now, the controversial ban on the large sugary drinks goes into affect in new york city. the ban makes it illegal to sell sugary drinks in containers larger than 16 ownsz. it is like your -- critics say it is like your mom telling you what to do. michael bloomburg says people need to be saved from themselves. >> overweight is the first time it has gone from a rich person's disease to a poor person's disease. we have to do something. all we are doing in new york is reminding you that it is not in your interest to have too many empty calories. >> many restaurants have bought smaller glasses to comply with the ban. in fact, food places are telling people to sweeten their coffee themselves. new studies find the dramatic toll stress can take on the heart. they found high rates of cardiac problems in those who have undergone serious stress for those with ptsd and hurricane victims. prolonged stress can affected -- cab affect blood pressure and cholesterol. still to come, the newest addition to the oakland zoo. we'll give you a sneak peek. and the iconic explore -- explor atorium. >> and i'm leigh glaser. we will look at your accu-weather seven-day a fiery spectacle in san francisco tonight as this octopus lit up the embarcadero and shooting fire out of its tenticles. it was a day of events looking at the new exploratorium. john alston shows us what happened. >> on the off chance you have never seen a 23-foot metal:00 tau pews spewing fire, this is the mechanical octopus. scut -- sculpture was the main feature of the new location. >> who won't want to see that? it is amazing. >> like sometimes the fire goes up and it makes everyone really hot, and it is fun. >> a grown up also having fun was the fire inspector who tested the control box who makes the propane flames shoot-out. >> what was it like to hit the buttons and make the fire come out? >> it was really neat. i felt like i was in a lot of control and a lot of power. >> he has taken his baby the past two years. >> we don't go to a lot of events. it takes a lot to move this. it takes two flat bed semis and a lot of money to run it up and down the state. >> it was the culmination of a day-long festival to get people interested in the move to this new space on pier15 along the embarcadero. they set up some popular displays in a parking lot across the street. allowing kids and adults to walk all over their favorite exhibits. there was a similar set up in the mission and here at the bay view opera house on third street where they could dive in and learn about science while having fun. jew i >> i think it was cool. >> it was part road show and part street festival. >> we wanted to represent our move from our old location to our new one. and the fact that we wanted a lot of people to join us at our new home. >> john alston, abc news. >> abc7 is the official tv partner of the exploratorium. over the next few weeks we will bring you exclusive access and the first look at the new exploratorium. the oakland zoo has debuted adorable additions. the pups' -- the pups are a month and a half old. it is not uncommon for the members to kill the pups. but so far so good the population at the zoo is now 8. isn't that a great picture of them? and now a look at our forecast. >> we had some great clearing today. lots of sunshine and live doppler 7hd. at the are still showing no moisture at all out there. but we have a nice view here from our high definition east bay cam looking to the bay bridge. i wanted to share with you some highs. santa rosa 72. san francisco managed 64. we warmed to 70 in oakland. concord 69. livermore 69. santa cruz warmed to 67 degrees. the temperatures will continue to go up as we make our way through the workweek. if you are traveling much of the country looks good. the exception you can see, there the band of rain that will move in toward the new england area, rain could be heavy. 50 degrees and a possibility of maybe even some flight delays by late in the afternoon. washington, d.c.65, atlanta 66 with moderate rain. st. louis back to denver in the 40s and even the 50s. denver with the blitz -- blizzard will be shoveling out. but expecting maybe a mixture of snow and sunshine there tomorrow. 53 salts lake city. closer to home if you are heading down to southern california look for plenty of sunshine there. los angeles 77 degrees and palm springs sunny 84 and san diego 70. 63 for monterey and 70 tour sacramento tomorrow and -- and 74 sacramento. no rain is expected in the state for the next five to seven days. the accu-weather seven-day forecast, you can see for yourself a warming trend will be with us on tuesday and wednesday. will you check out wednesday? daytime highs in land near 80 degrees. 70s around the bay and 60s at the coast. and then we cool things down as we get into saturday and sunday. by the way, folks, abc7 news has another great weather resource for you. follow it on twitter for the latest bay area weather conditions rain or shine. plus get video forecasts, spare the air alerts and power outage information and weather tweets from your favorite weather team. >> thank you, leigh. shu is here with sports. and what are the giants up to? >> they are deep in the cactus league action. there are only a few spots open. he is one of those guys on the bubble. we will chat the giants returned 21 of the 25 players from the championship team which doesn't leave a lot of room for back up. it has to be hot. he got run support from brett pilt. he is fighting for one of the final roster spots. he is doing his spot and this r.b.i single just past the glove of the second bagger. another run scores and the giants end a four-game losing streak beating them 6-1ment now, the -- 6-1. one of those players fighting for a roster spot and he was up and down last season as part of the world series champions. he told me this team will not ease up in 2013. >> the thing about these guys, not everybody is satisfied. we are hungry and there are good teams in our division. looking forward to a good spring. >> what about yourself? what are you looking for this year? >> hopefully learning to play a little more off the bench coming up to the minor leagues and playing every day. when you get in, you have to help the team winment so trying to take the selfishness out of it. just doing what i can to contribute. >> all right, and maybe a little left field this year? >> why not? >> i have been working at third, left, first. hopefully i can find a spot and help out when i can. >> good luck. a's opening day pitcher brett anderson had to leave the game with a strained muscle in his upper back. he said it was not cirrus lowry had a homerun and three r.b.i. usa and canada in an elimination game. team usa trailed early. michael saunders drills it down the line. that's a two-run shot and the canadians go up 2-0. u.s. rallies. down 3-2 and two men on and adam jones doubles into the gap. they will come around to score and jones is one of three with three r.b.i in the game. 4-3usa and then he comes in to close it and gets vato looking on strike 3. usa wins it 9-4. they and italy advance to the second round in miami. the sharks hit the road for a two-game trip starting in colorado. they lost two straight in 13 of the last 17. they really need a win. instead they lose in heartbreaking fashion. his team is still struggling to find the back of the net. avalanche strike first on the power play. he snaps it home and 1-0 colorado. they made it 2-0, and 42nds left. patrick marlow tips the shot. it is marlow's 400th career goal. now 2-1 avalanche. the steal and the one timer and he ties it at two. three seconds to play and he finds the puck in the slot. he chips it over with .40 of a second left in the game. are you kidding me? that's a heartbreaker. 3-2 is your final. let's switch gears and women pack 12 tournament had ucla facing stanford. they had stanford on the ropes. she fell to a career low three points. that's why they trailed. she tied it at 47 and 28 seconds left. a great spin move with a two-point lead. they tried to tie it with five seconds remaining. stanford hangs on to win the title 51-49 the final. tiger woods making a statement as he lead the world golf challenge. winning his 76th pga event. it is the famed blue monster. he came in with the lead and started off with four birdies. phil mickelson made a run. his approach on 8. he finished one under 71 and tied for third place at 14 under. tiger's playing partner was in the hunt and had another one here today. but he faded down the stretch. 72 and tied for third. steve stricker with a long birdie putt. he finished under -- four under 68. and he gave tiger a little putting lesson on wednesday. it turned his game around. his fewest ever. he did falter down the stretch. tiger with his 17th wgc title. earthquakes and the red bulls. 83rd minute out of stanford. his first career goal and tie itself at one. the 90th minute. it lead to a free kick, but he is denied. new york called for encroachment. he gets another shot and this time does not miss. earthquakes win in dramatic information 2-1 your final. this sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. if they are not careful they will play themselves out of the post season. we'll keep you posted on that. >> thank you, shu and thank you for joining us. that is it for this edition of abc news. th morntinues tomorrow morning at 4:30. thank you for joining us and have yourself a great night and a great week ahead. this morning on "world news now," in a little more than a day, the most powerful men in the catholic church begin the process of selecting their new leader. >> the conclave is set to begin tomorrow. and this morning, we're getting a sense of the lead contenders. it's monday, march 11. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm diana perez. welcome back. >> thank you. >> had a good little stretch of a vacation there. >> i did, eight, nine days in new orleans. i'm even a little hoarse this morning. we were hooting and hollering down there. eat, drink and be merry. i love that town. >> happy to have you back. over the weekend, we got a fascinating picture of the cardinal's different styles as they met with parishioners around rome. first, a look at other stories we're following for you this morning. a tense first meeting between the u.s. new defense secretary and afghanistan's leader. we'll tell you about the harsh and bizarre allegations leveled by hamid karzai against the u.s. and how the u.s. is responding. and also this half hour, a miraculous miss. a plane crashes right into a home, nearly hitting a young man who was playing video games in his bedroom, and that made the difference between life and death. plus this morning, a champion again. he's nearly 50 years old, but a legendary boxer took to the ring one more time to prove that age is just a number. >> he was going strong. >> looking good. first, more behind the scenes meetings today at the vatican as the cardinals prepare for tomorrow. >> yesterday they took a break,

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