Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20170429 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20170429

now from abc 7 live breaking news. >> in that breaking news is on the peninsula right now one of the busiest portions of the bay area freeway remains closed hours after a traffic stop turned deadly. good evening and thank you for joining us. >> right now all northbound lanes of 101 in san mateo are still closed hours after this deadly confrontation between highway patrol officers and an armed man. >> it happened just after 5:30 this afternoon just north of highway 2. we are live there with the breaking details. cornell. >> reporter: police say it could be another several hours before northbound 101 reopens to traffic. the investigation into this officer-involved shooting happening right now as you can see. police still don't know what prompted the man to point his gun at officers. >> this is a confrontation with an armed suspect with a firearm. >> reporter: sky 7 overhead moments after the shooting. a gun lying on the side of 101. the same gun he say he confront three chp officers with. >> the suspect was fatally wounded in the officer involved shooting. the officer are all okay. >> a witness shared this cell phone video seconds before the shooting and a picture of officers raising their weapons at the suspect. authorities can't say what prompted the noon pint his gun at officers but chp logs indicate there may have been a collision on the freeway involving the suspect's black toyota pickup truck and another vehicle. sean ferry saw the truck near the hillsdale boulevard exit while he was struck in traffic. >> a pickup truck drove by about 40 milds an hour, they were even on the side far enough to kick up a lot of dust. >> but near the exit the man stopped on the shoulder and got out of his truck. police not far behind. it brought the afternoon commute on highway 101 northbound to eye screeching halt. the freeway shut down for hours. >> we have more breaking news, a big rig trailer burning on 680 in martinez was put out just moments ago but it's still blocking to soulk bound lanes. officers say flames shot out of the trail berry the truck pulled u pulled over. firefighters kept it from spreading. they had a hard time of getting to the source of the flames deep inside that destroyed trailer. >> for the first time tonight, we're get a look at the woman who was shot and kill in a walnut creek park. colleagues identified the vekt as roselyn par carpco poe and the man suspected of killing her is still in custody. abc 7 news reporter is live in martinez tonight with our developing story. katy. >> reporter: tonight we're learning more about the victim who former coworkers describe as having a gentle and quiet spirit. and the stand off with police it finally ended after they shot teargas rounds into the suspect's vehicle and we have the video >> teargas ends a 19-hour standoff in martinez. here's where the shooting happened and walnut creek around 1:30 in the afternoon. >> i heard what sournded to me like a backfire because we're around a park and church. >> 38-year-old man cut through an empty lot trying to get home. >> i guess a neighbor asked hey, what's going on. >> he said oh hi i'm trying to get to safety from my crazy ex-wife. >>the victim is 47-year-old roselyn. >> we believe they had a dating relationship and i'm not sure it was actively going on now or a past dating relationship. >> her linked in profile appears to be altered as it calls her a cheating who are. a representative from mcafee say they recall her gentle and mild spirit. they say he was armed with a gun and knives before they arrested him. >> we're here to preserve everybody's life no matter ha they do and we want to get him in custody with no one injured or hurt. >> she was taken to a hospital for treatment before being booked in jail. new at 11:00 apolice are investigate a spit attack at a school in menda low park. it happened at alto international school on pope street. they say that a shirtless man ran into a classroom, confronted a teacher and spat at her. an officer responded and ended up tasing this guy. he is said to be a transyentd. >> bart police have issued arrest warrants in connection with that takeover problemry of a train at the coliseum station. they've arrested a male juvenile thanks to sbans surveillance video. on saturday 40 to 60 teenagers rushed on to a train, stole phones and purss and assaulted passengers if the they are trying to figure out why a fuse blew on the four car train today. it was undergoing overnight testing at the station when it failed. >> air traffic delays cruise are working to fix the second longest run way. we're told some arrival delays are averaging 2.5 hours right now. laeft weekend pat passengers were caught off guard by hundreds of delays and cancellations. work will continue every weekend through june. a huge landslide in men de seen know county. take a look at what was caught on camera tuesday. it started with just a few rocks following and then suddenly the whole hill goes. it is about halfway between ukiah and eureka. 101 is of course a critical artery in this part of menda seen know county. >> we have new details on anne call the ter's political appearance. >> she spoke in mo definite toe. both supporters and protesters were there to greet her. >> reporter: she really wasn't that extreme. >> this is cell phone video of anne call thor speak at a fundraiser in modesto. >> a lot of immigration, a lot about ha our military's doing overseas when we should be worrying more about our own countritry. >> he said colter showed no love for california. >> she doesn't like our immigration policies very much here or our positions are nor does she like our governor or senators. >> throughout event supporters and protesters stood side by side outside the>> nobody's yel other or anything, but that in there, uh-uh. uh-uh. she's just stirring up a bunch of mess. >> i believe that unless we stand up, conservative voice is not going to have a voice any longer. >> both sides agreed on one thing, their right to free speech. >> we're all about preserving the first amendment and it's one of the beautiful things about being in america. >> i respect and support her right to say what she wants to say. >> but the gop invited her to speak and paid her $2,500. she shed was not deterred by the situation in berkeley. >> berkeley has nothing do with us. this is a private fund raiser that we've been planning since november of 2016. >> she believes it was the kroes that spurred people here in modesto. oakland's proposed new budget is out tonight and it could bring major changes if approved. to help make up for $32.5 million deficit. 12 more than 1100 blocks of dabbing to these streets would be fixed. to see the full 530 sfern page proposal go to our abc news app or abc 7 women are being lured to the mountains outside of the bay area to work only to be sexually assaulted in the marijuana fields. >> we have tonight's special investigation. >> well, in some cases these women are being kidnapped and held against their will the the simple job and big money that's luring these women and why law enforcement is having so much trouble cracking down. >> netflix held for ransom what hackers are threatening to do if they don't pay up. >> get ready for a taste of summer, i'll have your weekend temperatures coming up. only on abc 7 news now that marijuana's becoming more mainstream with california voters approving its recreational use, the industry has to deal way dark secret. we're talk about the sexual assault of female pot farm workers. >> we're back from days spent in the triangle with a special report. >> just three counties account for the vast majority of marijuana grown in the state, menda seen know, hum bolt and trinity. it was difficult but i got people there with firsthand knowledge of this issue to speak out. >> these hum bolt county res dnts don't want to show their faces or use their names because of the work they do as trimmers preparing marijuana for sale by clipping leaves from the buds. >> we just dleen up, process, get it ready for sale and make it look pretty. >> they say they earn 5 to $600 a day from legal pot farms. but they agreed to talk to me about problems they face especially on the illegal groves how undeign work can turn sexual. >> it's like i'll give you an extra 20 bucks a pound if you turn topless. >> they toll me they have seen an increase in vent years of trimmers sexually assaulted by grorz and pot farm workers. >> there's stories every single year about really, really terrible kidnapping stories or people being held against their will or girls coming out of the hills totally dazed and confused and really they're lost. >> it is so pervasive that the north coast rape crisis team put out this flyer sexual exploitation in the trim and grow scene. i agreed not to show the center's location in eureka it's confident. trimmers have come here for help dealing with rape. >> sometimes by one perpetrator, sometimes by many perpetrators. >> the client services coordinator tells me female trimmers are sometimes driven to the pot farms deep in the mountains with no marked roads and no way out. they live and work there for weeks, sometimes months. >> there are many areas in this community where there is no cell service so they can't. >> they're isolated. >> they're really isolated. >> it sounds terrifying to me. >> it can be really scary. >> i would say something they didn't want me to move. >> this girl tells me a 25-year-old grower raped her when she was 14 add the trimmers orch don't report sexual assault because they work in an illegal business they're afraid of losing such a good income and retaliation. >> they want gob to the cops but they're so traumatized but they don't because they fear for their life. >> lea runs a group home for teens, some runaways, others on the verge of falling out of the foster care system. >> at least eight girls that i have served have been abused and raped and taken advantage of being taken up to the mountains and i see the aftermath of that. >> she says some growers recruit teen trimmers by throwing parties in local hotels and promising big money and that they sometimes insist the girls wear blindfolds as they head to the groves. >> they're so trauma tides that they get taken off and more truma advertised and nobody's looking for them. >> and they zis appear up the mountain. >> there's three girls i still want know where they. >> a lot of place dollars where there's no law enforcement coverage at all it's the wild west. >> this man heads the hum bolt shafer riff's office poot when he identified more than 20,000 separate grow operations in the county. he says working sexual assault on the mountains is very difficult and it's made tougher by the flood of what are called trimma grants, people coming from around the korld during the september and october harvest, they're looking for work and are easily exploited. >> they're in the middle of no where are any have little resources as far as outside help. it becomes a dangerous situation. >> you're saying there's no way we have a clear picture the full extent of the number of women being sexually assaulted on mountains. >> i have no clear picture. >> we do know that hum bolt has one of the highest rate of missing persons in the state. the sexual assault issue may eventually go away with the trimmers jobs. machines are getting better at trimming buds and the trentd toward khanna bus concentrates doesn't call for the leaves to be taken offer and so those jobs might just go away. >> all right. thank you, dan. >> interesting report. new at 11:00 a hacker is holding netflix ransom. the dark overlord as he calls himself, claims 0 have stolen the new season of orange is the new black. new episodes of the hit show are set to be released on june 9 willing. . hacker is threatening to release the entire season if netflix doesn't pay up. netflix says a small production vendtor that works is with several tv shows has suffered a breach. the fbi is investigating. >> it's time to find out how warm it will get this weekend. >> meteorologist sandy patel knows the answer. >> that's right. we're going to be seeing some mid 80s for our warm spots this weekend. right now i want to show you a time lapse from our east bay hills camera. it was a stunning sunset with not a cloud in sight, no rain to speak uh and in the accuweather forecast we have no rain. actually we'll be seeing more sun sets like this and check out the temperatures. they will be heading up 'the so it was a little warmer today, santa rosa's average high 71 degrees. this weekend at least 12 degrees above average. next week you're looking at close to 90 degrees inland. so well above normal for this time of year. it's not going last very long, though, just a stretch of it and then we're going to see the cooling later on next week. life -- right now before we get to life do lar 7 i do want to show you the weather's going to be so nice that you'll want to hit the beach. santa cruz 79 degrees, sunshine bodega bay, 67. ocean beach pacifica 69 had the half moon bay up to 70 degrees. if you've been waiting for weather like that you don't have would wait much longer. showing you clear conditions in the bay area as you take a look at those temperatures, they're in the 50s and 60s still hold tong some of the warmth from earlier. day and the temperatures will not be falling a whole lot overfight. we are looking clearly across the bay, visibility is good. mild to warm this weekend, summer like heat inland midweek and cooler pattern returns next thursday and friendship if the tomorrow morning temperatures in the mid-40s to low 50s so great morning to take a run or walk out with the dogs and as you take a look at the high temperatures for tomorrow afternoon it's going to be on the warm side, 80 in the south fwha san jose, set of 9 be in red wood str r along the coach line beach weather for you. 78 san francisco. north bay up to the low 80s east bay make sure you have the sunscreen and shatsds a.m. plenty of water to kiep high great. inland spots 82, 80 in livermore. when you check out what the weather's going to be like for the giants padre's game, 63 degrees at first pitch. gopsing to abe breezy but clear. 10:00 p.m. temperature down to 58. good idea to take a sweatshirt for later on at night. you can also download the accuweather app to help you track these temperatures and help you plan your day. we will have mid-60s soeft side, mid '80s inland above normal as we head into next week with those temperatures in the low 70s to low 90s by wednesdays almost 20 degrees above normal for this time year. thurts r thursday the cool down begins and by friday it's a sharp drop in temperatures, mid 70s inland, upper 50s pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. the explosion and fire killed eight people. pg&e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u.s. pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. pg&e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. we are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno. while an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg&e safer. and that's why we've replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new leak detection technology that is one-thousand times more sensitive, and built a state-of-the-art gas operations center. we can never forget what happened in san bruno. that's why we're working every day to make pg&e the safest energy company in the nation. i got it. i gotcha baby. (vo) it's being there when you're needed most. love is knowing... he's the one. (vo) was meant to be. and love always keeps you safe. we're fine. (vo) love is why we built a car you can trust. now and for a long time to come. the all-new subaru impreza sedan and five-door. a car you can love no matter what road you're on. the subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. people would paid thousands of dollars to go to a luxury music festival in the bahamas this weekend. that fire festival, they were put into disaster relief tents with know electricity and no water. organizers cancelled because of circumstance r circumstances beyond their control. they say everyone will get a refund. >> it looked so good on paper, right. >> not so. >> all right. time for sports. with all due respect to steph curry, looks like there's a new baby faced assassin around these parts these dyes days. christian arroyo making his presence felt in a big way for the giants. next in sports. kwnchts action 7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. >> good evening matted son bumgarner might be back around the all-star break in july. he as a tear in his ac joint but no surgery needed following that dirt bike accident. the hack man on orange friday, can he still pinch-hit? bruce boek which i juggling his lineup. 2-0 in the first. two runs early on boech who's smiling. jeff had a no no into the fourth and ryan shrimp gets his first homer in his many games out in the veggie garden in center field. it's a 3-3 game in the eighth. the kid, christian arroyo, the new baby face assassin in these parts tlaez gone and that's your game winner. the giants win 4-3. "a"s and astros, keep an eye on orbit got that slide of hand working there. top of the two on for khris davis. call him crush this is his eighth of the year the '"a" he's up 3-0 in the first. two on for rile healey, spiderman, former "a" josh reddic makes the catch to end the inning, "a's" lose nine four. the nfl draft continued to. davis web taken by the new york giants late in round three. webb will get a chance to learn behind eli manning. that's a nice touch you can see right there. it will be interesting it see how he fairs in cold conditions. usc's juju smith schuster picked by the steelers watching in newport beach deciding he's going to take the plunge and dive into the pacific ocean safrg the moment. the warriors are waiting on the winner the clippers jazz see trees see who they're going to play in round two of the playoffs and they're going to have to wait a couple of days longer bays the clips are still alive. the game tonight in salt lake city fourth quarter chris paul cp 3 with the drive had 29 points, clips led by as many as 14 in the fourth but you know clips gonna clip, they almost folded. gored an hayward for tleef his 31 final seconds, squlaz are jazz are down three, isojoe for the tie? no. free throws add to the clipper lead and win doc rivers gets a game seven at home, 98-93 and steve balmer is a happy billionaire tonight. i wish i could say that about myself. >> right. >> i'm just happy. >> abc seven sports brought to you by river rock ka seena. >> i'm a little sort of the cash but it was funny. we all thought that the clippers were going to lose, that foregone conclusion jazz are going to win. draymond green said today after the warriors practice, clips gonna win that game, there's going to be a day seven. he knows his hoops. >> abc 7 news continues online, twitter, facebook and with your mobile devices all right

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