Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20170409 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20170409

>> where does he cut hair? >> right over here. >> kj's. >> reporter: robert sanchez and his mother, laura, say they're shocked this happened here in broad daylight. newark police say the victim was spotted at about noon. he was shot in the head. detectives ruled out suicide pretty quickly because they did not find the gun in the car. >> the first officer arrived, checked on the person. they also initially believed that the person may have been drunk. and once they checked on the person then they realized that the victim had been shot. >> reporter: there ar businesses that have security cameras aimed at the scene of the shooting. according to our media partners at univision channel 17 police have collected surveillance video with pictures of a white or silver suv that pulled up next to the bmw and potential suspects. jimmy lee works nearby. his friend is the one who first spotted the victim slumped onto the steering wheel of the bmw. >> the windshield wiper was on and the headlight was on. that was it. >> reporter: detectives are in their initial stages of this investigation. they're hoping to find witnesses who might help them catch the shooter. in newark sergio quintana, nbc 7 news. turning to our weather tonight, a live look right now over san francisco from our sutro tower camera. it is clean and dry but many people still cleaning up from the past few days of storms. in the east bay residents are dealing with the aftermath of mudslides, downed trees, and wind damage. abc 7 news reporter cornell bernard has our story from oakland. >> very scary. very lucky to be alive. >> reporter: denan livingston shows us around what's left of his house in the oakland hills. >> it just scares me that i could have been sitting right there. >> reporter: where a giant eucalyptus tree came crashing onto his deck and living room overnight. >> that's the bathroom. >> reporter: another tree took out the bathroom and laundry room and most of the ceiling. this is what the damage looks like from the back. those giant trees narrowly missed hitting a baby. >> my little nephew was laying down with my aunt in the bed where two of the trees basically fell in between. thank god that they didn't get hit. >> kind of looks like a domino's out here. one tree hit two trees and two of those trees hit a house. >> reporter: the city says one tree on a nearby hillside was the first to fall and took out three more in less than a minute. >> you can hear the first tree falling. then the second tree. >> reporter: the root ball of this giant eucalyptus is amazing. it's as big as a car. three homes in the oakland hills were red-tagged on friday when a mudslide came down in the back yards of homes on banning drive during a storm. >> it's just been crazy. i mean, come on. it's april at this point. can we please have some of the weather we moved out to the east bay for? >> reporter: denan is glad everyone escaped unharmed. >> very close. but somebody's watching. somebody's watching over us, man. >> reporter: he hopes the house can be repaired after these giant trees are removed. in oakland, cornell bernard, abc 7 news. >> so how long will people have to clean up before the next round of rain comes through? let's check in now with meteorologist drew tuma. >> we got absolutely soaked the past couple days. a widespread one to two inches of rain across the region. tonight, though, we're getting a break. live doppler 7 was tracking early morning downpours and a couple of rumble of thunders. tonight, though, we're getting the all clear. what is left in the wake 69 storm system. chilly temperatures. futuretracker temperatures showing you especially in the north bay overnight tonight we're falling into the 30s. for that fact of frost advisory will go into effect at midnight. for the north bay where temperatures fall into the mid thoirts. live doppler 7 along with satellite tracking our next chance of -- we'll detail how long the dry pattern will half before the drops return. it will likely be several days before a sunken barge is removed from beneath the bay bridge. it safrpg early friday and began spewing oil. wildlife and coast guard experts surveyed the damage from the water and the air today. they want to make sure it won't get worse before they take the next step. >> since the vents a plugged we're going to be looking closely at the conditions of what we find underwater. then we'll make a determination as to whether we pump the product off first before raising the barge or if we just want to secure everything and then raise the barge. >> the coast guard won't know just how much oil spilled until the barge is raised and the fuel in the tank is measured. so far no reports of any affected wildlife. in napa county dozens of people dropped out of a triathlon because they weren't dressed for the cold weather this morning. just after swimming through lake berryessa they started the cycling portion and the rains hit. people had to be treated for hypothermia. >> i'd say probably maybe 25% of the people dropped out. just out of pure this is too cold, this is insane. to probably at least an hour for me to stop shivering, regain control of my hands and my feet. i came from virginia to race in sunny california weather, and it didn't really work out too well. >> cal fire took the racers to a warming center where everyone recovered. another cyclist crashed and went to the hospital. now to a warning for women at stanford after two sexual assaults within 20 minutes of each other on campus. both attacks happened on escondido road between 10:30 and 11:00 last night. one woman was walking. the other was jogging. police say the suspect approached them from behind and groped them. both say their attacker was bald. president trump is responding to reports that syria is launching warplanes again from an air base struck by u.s. missiles this week. thursday's attack destroyed up to 20 syrian aircraft but left the runway mostly intact. military experts tell abc news that dozens of tomahawk missiles don't have the firepower to take out runways. in a tweet president trump disagreed saying you don't hit runways because they're easy to fix. the strike was in retaliation for syria's chemical weapons attack that killed more than 80 people. the crisis in syria was on everyone's minds tonight at an interfaith fund-raiser in newark. a harsh critic of the president was the keynote speaker. khizr khan and his wife stayed mostly away from politics tonight and instead called for peace and understanding. abc news reporter lisa amin gulezian has our story on the. >> reporter: at tonight's silicon valley human development fund-raiser the key snoet speaker knows about courage, loss, struggles and the capacity to care. >> captain khan passed away in 2004. >> reporter: khizr khan's son humayun died in iraq during a suicide bombing. the khans spoke at the democratic convention last year denouncing then candidate trump for considering a travel ban. the republican nominee fired back in various tweets. the khans now travel the globe spreading their message of acceptance. khizr khan tried to stay neutral when asked about syria, refugees, and the recent missile attacks. >> united states always has been a humanitarian country, always have stood with those who are suffering. and we should remember our basic values. >> reporter: ghazala khan, who rarely speak publicly, had this to say about her fears as the situation in syria escalates. >> just try to love each other and you will be much better. war will never bring peace in this world. >> reporter: while the mission of tonight's event was to raise money to fight poverty in pakistan, community members worry about those in syria and about president trump's decisions. >> he's confusing. our borders are closed for syrians. yet in their name we're going to go send missiles. >> reporter: while finding peace in the region won't happen on this night, staying optimistic is still possible. >> don't focus on the ugliness. focus on the goodness of america. >> reporter: in newark lisa amin-gulesian. >> this is what america is all about. >> reporter: abc 7 news. still ahead on abc 7 news at 11:00, another mvp back in the fold. >> kevin durant! >> but to get to that warriors game fans had a little bit of trouble, and this won't be the only day. and later, taking a prom proposal to new heights. and this teen is certainly on cloud 9 tonight. but first winter showers mean april flowers. a sight to behold in southern california. but you're running out ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. tonight kevin durant returned to action and a bay area family joined the crowd as part of a special gesture from the warriors. abc 7 news was at ora arena where the team surprised the tuiasosopo family with a gift. two sons will be flown to i aplayoff game. the family has gone through a hard few years after a third son died. the mom is thankful the team continues to support her family by boosting the spirits of her son. >> they're going to have fun. they're going to be -- first time going on a jet. and we're going to have fun. >> k.d. is back. >> the tuiasosopo family watched a big win tonight. larry beil will have highlights and reaction to k.d.'s return coming up in a few minutes. getting to the game took a little more effort for bart riders. this is the first of five weekends b.a.r.t. has shut down the trains between the lake merit and fruitvale stations for yearly track repair. the entire lake merit station is also closed. there is a bus for righters between the two stations. b.a.r.t. says to expect 20 to 40-minute delays. some fans a not a big deal. >> i'm not bothered. if i show up a little late, who cares? they get heavy in the third quarter. that's what i'm looking for. >> the closure will happen again tomorrow and for the next four saturdays and sundays. in santa cruz an injured great white shark that attracted a lot of attention has died. the shark was stranded yesterday afternoon near pleasure point. brock johnson shared this video with us of the young adult sitting in shallow water right by the shore. several people tried to get back to the sea yesterday but it kept washing back onshore. scientists discovered its carcass today. researchers think it either died from a nervous system infection or got a hook caught in its mouth. state fish and wildlife will do a necropsy to determine the cause of death. firefighters rescued a tree trimmer stuck in a tree about 40 feet up in west oakland. a woman's photo shows the man perched up the tree at louise and 32nd street. he told us the too was too heavy. he had when he cut off too much his harness got stuck. after being unable to untangle it himself he called for help from firefighters. >> they just used the extended ladder. that's all i needed. the fire department and paramedics that saved my life, i appreciate it. >> firefighters considered calling in a chp chopper if they couldn't get him with a ladder p the trimmer was not hurt. volunteers helped make a san francisco neighborhood greener today. the friends of the urban forest teamed up with san francisco bicycle coalition today helped atlanta trees in the excelsior district. they rode bikes to get to the three different planting locations. in all the group planted almost 30 trees today. the non-profit will plant more trees in the lower haight and hayes valley. we have a link on our more information. >> this is the view from the bureau of land management showing the wildflower super bloom at coritzo plain national monument. it's a few hundred miles east of san luis obispo. right now there are dozens of flower species in full bloom. the photographer who took the video and pictures said he's seen nothing like this before. they've hired extra staff to deal with the extra visitors. this will last about two more weeks. i think those of white house suffer from allergies just see a nightmare right there in the middle. >> beautiful after a wet winter. now we have more chances for showers in the coming days. it's not over yet. i know. it's april. >> what? >> and everyone wants it to be over. but not this week. live doppler 7. we'll show you when you'll find these dry patterns in the coming days. tonight, though, you enjoyed a quiet night. live doppler 7 showing you after what had been a deluge of showers the past 72 hours, tonight we get a break. outside we go. live look from suit roe tower showing you the beautiful lights of the bay bridge. great visibility tonight. no issues with precipitation. but 24 hours ago this is a radically different picture. very wet. three-day rainfall impressive to say the least for april. novato over 2 1/2 inches of rain. oakland and concorde more than an inch and a half of rain. san jose close to an inch. you can see antioch and livermore more than an inch of rain. which is very impressive for april. add on more snow in the sierra the past few days. adding on to what has been an incredibly healthy snowpack. from sugar bowl to squaw valley more than two feet of fresh powder has fallen. it is chilly. in the wake of our storm system nice wind kicking in p. 46 in novato, 49 in san francisco. 47 san jose and antioch 45 degrees. overnight tonight mainly clear skies that's going to allow the cooling process to continue to happen. going to get cold in the north bay. into the mid 30s we go from santa rosa to napa a frost advisory will go into effect at midnight tonight. if you haven't a bad idea to bring the pets indoors. we'll fall into the low 40s as your starting temperature on your sunday. sunday's going to be a beautiful day. lots of sunshine from the get-go. cold morning to start but that sunshine warms us up nicely. temperatures away from the coast will warm into the 60s. about five degrees warmer than we were this afternoon. future weather, though. i want to take you into early monday morning. there is a weak ripple of energy that's going to try to cross through while many of us are sleeping early monday morning. may touch off a sprinkle by 6:00 in the morning. but you can see it's very disorthd. not even going to get a number on the storm impact scale and all indications are this will be out of here just in time for the joints home opener monday afternoon. at&t park monday. mixture of sunshine and clouds out there. first pitch temperature right around 55 degrees. but a more potent storm does linger in the forecast. wednesday night into thursday this one does get a number, a 1. a light system. nothing compared to the 2s we had earlier this week. light rain at times. those cities less than half an inch of rain. and no surprisin surprising win. the storm is preechg likely close to midnight. that's when the rain becomes widespread across the region. early thursday morning we'll still track a few showers. best way to keep up to date the abc 7 news app. accuweather seven-day forecast will show you tomorrow enjoy it's a dry day. monday there's the sprinkle before dawn. the sun gets up, chances out of here. tuesday ahead of our main stoerm wednesday night into thursday where it gets a 1. a lost clouds on friday and even saturday. we're still unsettled with a chance late in the day. >> thank you, mr. april showers. next on abc 7 news at 11:00, a bay area high school - grocery outlet is the home of 'wow' savings. - grocery outlet wow means you save 50% or more. there are three stages of wow. denial... - is this price right? - acceptance... and boooyah! wait for it. boooyah has three o's. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - right now get a bone-in spiral half ham for just $1.49 a pound. ♪ an east bay high school marching band got some national recognition today. this is foothill marching band at the national cherry blossom parade today in washington, d.c. these teens are impressive, one of the most successful marching bands in all of california. over the past 32 years this band has won nearly 1,000 sweepstakes awards and first place trophies. i'd give a pretty good trophy to mr. durant tonight for being off as long as was and coming back. >> comeback player. you ready to go there? it was solid. >> yes. >> he's back. kevin durant. that's the important thing. his first basket was a rather emphatic statement. not a doctor. don't play one on tv. but you look at this and i ♪ seriously, what is this place? it's heaven. yeah, muscle heaven. you want to take one for a test drive? (tires squealing, engine revs) the challenger and charger have the most affordable v8 engines in their classes. check them out now during the fast and furious sales event. the fate of the furious. in theaters april 14th. in dealerships now. now get 20% off msrp cash allowance on select 2017 dodge charger models in dealer stock. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. good evening. after missing 39 games with a knee injury kevin durant returned tonight for the warriors but one mvp comes back, another sits out. steph curry resting what was described as a knee contusion. warriors versus pelicans. >> kevin durant! >> kevin durant! the much anticipated return. and announcing his return with authority. reverse jam on the baseline. and his knee looking absolutely fine. final seconds first quarter, andre iguodala beats the buzzer. warriors up 23-17 after one, led by 10 at the half. now, steph was resting. anthony davis, boogie cousins, they rested as well. it was all really about durant. you could see him find his rhythm in the third quarter. dubs up by 14 off a pelicans miss. durant the rebound up to javale mcgee. seven feet tall, and you can't teach that. dubs bench had 53 points in this game. end of the third, iguodala long pass. klay thompson. he hits. and klay led the warriors with 20. 93-68 after three. durant goes for 16 points, 10 boards, six assists. the warriors win their 14th consecutive game 123-101. here is k.d. after the play. >> just leave it all out there. i missed some shots i normally make but outside of that i felt i played good defense, rebounded well, read the correct plays and just tried to play the right way. everything else fall in line after that. >> two more games in the regular season. should be ready for the playoffs next week. madison bumgarner usually the cure for whatever is ailing the giants but not tonight in san diego. the early season slump continues. a young giants fan really excited to see mad bum with some help from mom on the clapping. the padres made him play. hunter renfro doubles in. manuel margo to make it 1-0 san diego. margo tightropes right down the line. fair ball. cordoba scores. 2-0. mad bum allowed four hits the first two things, only two the rest of the way, went eight struck out five but the giants offense quiet, almost silent. finally get a run with two outs in the ninth. giants fall to 1-5. johnny cueto will try to salvage the series finale tomorrow afternoon. a's and rangers. captain the mascot this guy's got some moves. doing the worm. like jack palance, a one-arm pushup. for those of you who remember jack palance. an older demo. no-hitter until the seventh. seven npgz allowing one run on two hits. 2-0. run support, yonder alonso. hits it out, yonder. his first of the year was a two-run clout. and the a's win 2-1. tell you about the masters and sergio garcia's got a chance at his first major heading to the final round. that's still to come. >> thank you, larry. i want to know what the pitcher said when he had to cover his face with his glove. didn't look very happy. much more to come on abc 7 news at 11:00. a dad dealing with the ultimate loss after that chemical attack in syria earlier this week opens up about what he hopes will happen next. and tax day is fast approaching. we have a new warning tonig our singing challenge to this guy. >> trap queen in spanish backwards while getting your chest waxed. >> next "right this minute." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. good evening. i'm eric thomas. in tonight's headlines an oakland family has a big cleanup ahead after two trees crashed down on their montclair home. however, they're thankful tonight it missed a mother and baby who were sleeping in a room below. the eucalyptus smashed the home's deck and living room. it comes just one day after three homes in the oakland hills were red tagged after being hit by a mudslide. newark police are searching for a gunman who shot a man at a busy strip mall today. it was reported early this afternoon at the old town shopping center on newark boulevard. police found a man who'd been shot in the head inside a car that was still running and no sign of a weapon. tonight syrian warplanes are once again launching attacks from the air base the u.s. military bombed friday. 59 tomahawk missiles hit the base but only a handful of syrian jets were destroyed. today the secretary of state said he's not concerned that russia will retaliate for the attack on their allies. president trump said the air base bombing was in response to a chemical attack that killed 85 people. a syrian farmer lost his wife and nine-month-old relatives in the attack. tonight he opens up about the sudden loss and why he refuses to leave his home despite the danger. abc news reporter mikey kay has the story. and we want to warn you, the images in it are disturbing. >> reporter: it was images like that of syrian farmer abdul hameen al youssef hugging his dead 9-month-old twins that president trump said led him to take direct action against the syrian regime. the first bomb dropped 30 feet from his house. abdul hamid told his wife to take the children to safety. moments later he became overcome from the gas attack and passed out. >> they were found in a shelter, their mother holding them. i wiped the foam from their mouths. >> reporter: foaming at the mouth is one of the direct symptoms of nerve agent poisoning. "i wasn't aware they were dead. i was hugging my kids and praying they were still alive," he said, "hoping they would hug me back." firstly i want to thank president trump. but i didn't expect the strikes to stop. why one airport, one base, he asked. in fact, within 24 hours of the u.s. strikes the syrian government was using the same base to launch air strikes again, near abdul hamid's home. he does not understand why. "i've never left my home," he tells me. "there are no militants there," only free syrian army on the outskirts. with 25 members of his extended family now buried and despite his town continuing to be targeted, abdul hamid still wants to go home. "i will go back to my life. i miss my children," he said. "i want to be close to them in my land." with most of abdul hamid's family gone he's got little left to go home to. protecting his parents and hopefully one day working on the farm again. mikey kay, abc news, an takia, turkey. swedish police say a man suspected much driving a truck into a crowd killing four was not being monitored. they say he stole a beer truck that he used as a weapon. police identified him as a 30-year-old originally from uzbekistan. since the attack they went back through his social media to find possible extremist comments. they believe he also had a possible explosive in the truck. >> we have found something in the truck, in the driver's seat, a technical device which should not be there. i cannot at this stage say that there is a bomb or some sort of flammable. >> the suspect is not talking. swedish police have arrested several other people hoping to find answers. police in norway arrested a man after they found a bomb-like device. they blocked off several blocks of oslo today to safely detonate the explosive. no one was hurt. police found found it outside a subway station on a popular street. norway security put the nation on high alert because of the attack in sweden. there was lively debate on immigration at a town hall today outside of sacramento. republican u.s. congressman tom mcclintock took questions for nearly two hours and faced a lot of criticism from the audience. one man wanted to know what he would do to help dreamers, people brought to the u.s. illegally as young children. >> punishing a dreamer for a situation that they had no control over is like punishing a child for their parent drunk driving while they were in the car. >> once we have the reformed necessary tone sure the integrity of our borders i think we are going to address that issue. but in the meantime i cannot advise you to break the law. >> the strike on syria did not come up but mcclintock told reporters afterward that president trump had no right to order the attack without consulting congress. bay area democratic representatives mark desaulnier and jerry mcmurray also held a town hall in antioch today. for the 27th year santa clara county has helped residents become u.s. citizens. abc 7 news was in san jose at city college for citizenship day. it included application help setting up payment programs and free legal assistance. one attendee who's been in the u.s. almost her entire life said she's concerned about the current political climate. >> i'm a little worried. not scared. worried. about all the changes. because i have a family that depends on me and count on me. this is a good opportunity for me to change and become a u.s. citizen because i love usa. >> santa clara county estimates there are 115,000 adults living in the county who might be eligible to become citizens. tax day is fast approaching and we have a new warning tonight for anyone who may still need to file their returns. abc news reporter stephanie ramos explains what you need to know to protect your money. >> reporter: scammers, posing as irs agents, have been threatening americans on the phone for years. like this. >> before there is an arrest wrrant issues, i want you or your attorney to give us a call back. >> reporter: the irs forced to release these warnings to taxpayers. >> angry harassing calls like these are not how we do business. >> reporter: but now as part of a new program the irs is outsourcing their work. they've hired four private companies to chase down and call people with long overdue taxes that they just can't get to. this week the irs commissioner went to capitol hill to defend hiring outside companies to make calls that some lawmakers say could cause confusion and help scammers. >> i'm protecting taxpayers. we've had about sessions with private debt collectors in terms of training -- >> what's the consequence if they don't follow your direction? >> ultimately we can terminate the contract. >> reporter: here's what the irs says to remember if you get a call. the irs will contact you multiple times in writing before you're ever called by contractors of the irs. and you won't hear from a private collector unless you have multiple years of overdue taxes. the irs says these private collectors will never threaten you with law enforcement or ask for your credit card. all payments would go only to the irs. stephanie ramos, abc news, new york. when you reach for the stars, you've got a long way to fall. but that didn't deter this teenager from dropping the big question on his teammate. the latest in the trend of extreme promposals. >> temperatures are dropping quickly tonight. a frost advisory in effect for ♪ seriously, what is this place? it's heaven. yeah, muscle heaven. you want to take one for a test drive? (tires squealing, engine revs) the challenger and charger have the most affordable v8 engines in their classes. check them out now during the fast and furious sales event. the fate of the furious. in theaters april 14th. in dealerships now. now get 20% off msrp cash allowance on select 2017 dodge charger models in dealer stock. you know, asking a date to the prom or getting asked has changed a lot over the years. the trend of the extreme promposal has taken off. and tonight we have one that literally proves the sky is the limit. abc news reporter gloria riviera has our story. >> reporter: high school senior ty meyers ready to jump out of a plane had one thing on his mind. prom. >> what better way to go above and beyond than to jump out of a plane two miles above the earth? >> reporter: this is what he decided on. a so-called promposal from 12,000 feet. and look closely. that is jump suit he's wearing. it's a suit and tie. very romantic. his sign reading "i'm falling for you. prom?" ♪ over-the-top promposals reaching a fever pitch this year. this phoenix teen recreating the opening scene of "la la land" to ask emma stone to his prom. the star, busy filming in england, said no. as for ty, when he landed, katie had a different answer. >> katie, go to prom with me! >> i will definitely accept this rose ty meyers. >> he's just the type of guy that always goes above and beyond. like no matter what he does for anyone. >> reporter: tonight is the big night, ty giving his high school sweetheart her corsage. this couple giving new meaning to falling in love. gloria riviera, abc news, washington. >> what happened to just calling them on the phone or asking in person? how about a check on the forecast right now? here's drew. >> and we're tracking at least a cold night on the way, eric. so cold, in fact, a frost advisory goes into effect in a couple of minutes for portions of the region. live doppler 7 was showing you a clear picture. some welcome relief from the soaking showers we had the past couple days. numbers right now they're falling. 40s and 50s the name of the game. 45 santa rosa down to 43 novato. 43 san jose. 50 the mild spot in oakland. however, the north bay we're going to drop into the mid possibly even low 30s. frost advisory will go into effect at midnight. protect the plants if you can, bring the pets inside. a lot of sunshine, a lot of 60s 62 concord about 59 santa rosa 57 that number in san francisco. we're tracking our next potent storm, this one coming on wednesday. for april it's a light rain. light system. most cities about a tenth to a half an inch of rain. and winds thankfully not damaging. breezy, 10 to about 25 miles per hour. accuweather seven-day forecast enjoy the dry weather tomorrow, chilly start perhaps a sprinkle before monday but our best chance is wednesday to thursday for widespread showers. >> man, just can't put that umbrella away. >> can't quit. >> time for a little sports action. >> that's him. >> yes. my name's not important. you know who is important? kevin durant, who made a triumphant return after more triumphant return after more than five weeks on the triumphant return after more than five weeks on the ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. as we showed you earlier, kevin durant made a triumphant return for the warriors tonight in their 123-101 victory over new orleans. the numbers on k.d., played 31 minutes, 16 points, 6 of 15 shooting, added 10 rebounds, six assists. his touch was off a little bit at times on his jumper, but his knee looked terrific. you'd never know he's coming off any kind of injury. but washington moved them around the court. and after the game durant talked about being back. >> no matter how long you've been out that feels-g and to get some stops and a little assist. felt great. putting my jersey on, running out with the team. it felt normal again. i'm a basketball player. i love playing basketball. that's my favorite thing to do. so to feel like i'm a part of the team, feel like i'm a part of this energy that we have feels great. >> he's been anxious for a couple weeks now. just talking about trying to get back out there. and you know, he's been working extremely hard, and to come back that fast shows a lot of how hard he works and to stay in shape. he wasn't huffing and puffing or anything. >> i was happy for him. it's been five weeks, and obviously it was a huge scare. the injury at first we thought was season-ending. i was just happy for him that he was back out here. he's been getting grumpy the last week or so. so it was time for him to play. >> good to see him back. final game of the regular season for the sharks was tonight and for the first time since november of 2005 the sharks' line-up didn't feature joe thornton, joe pavelski, or logan couture. they were hosting the calgary flames, who are also in the postseason. second period yannick hansen using his body to protect the puck. bang bang play. his 11th. 1-0 sharks. later tierney with a pass to boedker. 2-0 after two. the sharks had a power-play goal in the third. daniel o'regan tipping in the shark from marc-edouard vlasic. the redirect. 3-1 the final. the sharks will face either the oilers or the ducks in honor of the playoffs. championship game. minnesota duluth and denver. pioneers forward. jared lucasavices performs the first guy to score a hat trick since 1993. the last one to do it, his coach. to the pitch we go. earthquakes hosting the sounders. late 90th minute, almost into stoppage time. quakes down 1-0. marco urena to chris wondolowski, the pride of danville. seconds of the year. this game ends in a 1-1 draw. if the cubs can win the world, sergio garcia can win the masters, right? garcia, known for melting down at big moments, co-leader after two rounds at augusta. conditions calm, beautiful. for round 3 on 15 can't do much better than p. gives a stroke back on 16. 4 under 68. rickie fowler, long in the hunt. fowler's minus 5 alone in second place. co-leader charlie hoffman were wondering -- he led in the first round, co-hold it together for four rounds? double bogey right there on 16 into the drink. still in contention, minus 4 tied with spieth. garcia 270. here he is on 17 setting up a xwrd. minus 6 tied with justin rose at final round tomorrow. phillies and nashville. guthrie, i covered him when he was at stanford. he's 38 now? i'm like 103. anyway, bottom of the first tommy joseph singles to make it 2-30. sac fly. this is hernandez with the bases full. it's 5-0. clears the bases with a triple. make it 8-0. and guthrie's birthday's not going very well. first pitcher to allow ten runs and not finish the first inning since 1893. i probably covered that game too. dusty baker's nats fall wow. abc 7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. one final note because easter is coming. matt stony from san jose set a new world record. you know the peeps? the marshmallowy things? >> sure. >> he ate 255 peeps in five minutes and lived to talk about it. >> but he'll be sorry. larry, thank you very much. that's it for tonight. i'm eric thomas. the news continues tomorrow mondaying at live-streat the airport.e sport, binge dvr'd shows, while painting your toes. on demand laughs, during long bubble baths. tv on every screen is awesome. the all-new xfinity stream app. all your tv at home. the most on demand, your entire dvr, top networks, and live sports on the go. included with xfinity tv. xfinity the future of awesome. [ camera shutter clicking ] olivia: i'm fine. jake: i don't think you are. i'm fine. it's been two days. are you talking to somebody? you need to talk about it, what happened to you, to someone. you need a...war buddy. even the biggest, baddest navy seals have war buddies. i'm not there-- at the talking stage. i'm just tired, so i'm resting.

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