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Download the xfinity tv app today. Now from abc 7, live breaking news. And that breaking news is in oakland. Two band members with the iconic tower of power hit by an amtrak train right outside the venue where they were set to take the stage. This all happened in oakland. The train hit the musicians on embarcadero west on washington street. Abc 7 News Reporter is live with breaking details. Lisa. Reporter dan, the men were walking in this direction. They were heading to the back door of yoshis for a show that started in 8 00 and they were in the street when theyerer were hit by the train. This is the train that hit the two musicians. According to an amtrak spokesperson, Dave Garibaldi and mark were not in the and bassist was filling in tonight. Im shook up like all of the people in our industry that are hearing about it. I just i hope the injuries arent i dont know what they are. Both were rushed to highland hospital. Meantime at yoshis shows were cancelled and words spread about the tragedy on the train tracks. To stead study with him, to get to know him was a dream, a dream come true. I thought i will never, ever stud aye with the best drummer in the world, and i got to. Good guy. Fantastic drummer. I cant believe that he crossed in front of the train. Not like him at all. Reporter Train Service resumed quickly tonight through this corridor. Local wellknown Musician Sheila e send out this tweet tonight saying, please pray for my friends, bassist mark van van and drummer Dave Garibaldi for tower of power hit by a train in front of yoshis in oakland. Tonight was supposed to be the final show here. Lisa gulezian with breaking new. After polite attendants on board a plane got sick. A miss tear you substance is to blame. Abc reporter Katie Marzullo is live with what is being said. Reporter we believe this is the plane. It was towed from gate 26, and that is where Alaska Airlines passengers got off the plain after about a 30minute delay on the ground. The Fire Department tells us the plane has been taken out of service. From sky 7 you can see the large Emergency Response that met alaska fleet 322 from seattle. The san jose Fire Department got the call about an inbound plane with a problem just before 6 30. We believed it to be a Hazardous Materials incident because there were flight crew members feeling ill on board the aircraft. Reporter three flight attendants had symptoms in flight, one taken to the hospital. Passenger dean bettis took this picture and describes what he witnessed on board. One was talking about for ten minutes he felt like something was wrong for him for ten minutes, he felt woosie or Something Like that. Reporter the Fire Department, Alaska Airlines and the airport are working together to determine what made him and the others sick. At this moment we dont know what the material was that the flight crew was exposed to, but apparently the exposure took place before passengers got on board. Reporter the official cause may be under investigation, but passengers told us the pilot made an announcement on board, offering an explanation. The deicing fluid they put on in seattle created some kind of powder that got in the air system and they were checking it out. Talking about the gas, theres some gas, the ice the desizi deicing agent came into the oxygen system. None of the 181 passengers on board reported getting sim. Alaska airlines has let us know late tonight they do believe the substance was leftover residue from the deicing process and that the deicing materials are not toxic. Live at San Jose International airport, abc 7 news. Thank you. We sent out alerts of both of the breaking news stories with the app. Download the app for free and enable push alerts. Lets turn to weather. The bay area finally drying out tonight after days of rain. Here is a live picture now from the abc 7 roof camera. The rain may be gone for the moment but the cold is making a comeback. Here is meteorologist sandhya patel. We have a chill. In the 30s and los gatos, fairfield area, antioch. You know tomorrow will be a cold one. Theres potential for black ice. We have dense fog out there. If you are driving, your morning commute planner, it will be bad. Allow extra time. Light chop doing a ferry ride. If you are walking to work expect the winter chill. Live doppler seven showing the rain is long gone, a few clouds and fog but still seeing flooding on lower Mark West Creek in central sonoma being. The Flood Warning is extended until 10 30 tomorrow mork. Solano county, at least parts under a flood worng until tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know when the rain will be back again. Thanks very much. Abc reporter is live in gern vil where the recrieding river is allowing people to start the cleanup process in guerneville. Would you believe flooding what was up to my neck . Now it is almost gone. See what we have left, what messes we have to clean up. Reporter Jackie Pritchard is checking out the mess, flooding left behind in her rv park in guerneville, some still under water. These plants which floated out of their pots are the only thing she recognizes. I try to look at the hard things and try the good thing. California needed this water. Right where im standing, down here about 5 feet. Reporter coowner says the water got pretty high, but at long last it is going down. Nicole cook is hosing down a muddy mess at her apartment complex on mill street. Check out how high the water got, only 24 hours ago. Up to the door knob of the utility shed. Inside, a lot to clean up. When it showed it was going to go over flood stage, we pulled out and went to a campground and stayed there a while. Reporter the Russian River receding below flood stage. Seven homes are red tagged and remain off limit it after a mud slide came close. Authorities fear it may topple red woods. Life in guerneville slowly returning to normal. It receded. I live on vacation beach side and weve been trapped five days now. Couldnt get out. Once the water goes down, we can get back to our homes and come into town and do what we have to do. Reporter many know winter flooding is a tradeoff for a quiet life on the river. Seems like you have a good attitude about it. Got to have it. Better than crying yourself to sleep. Reporter would you believe this rv park was under water just two hours ago . Tomorrows storm debris dropoff sites will be set up across sonoma being. We have a list on where to find those on our website, abc7news. Com. And sandy mentioned with the weather, black high could be a problem. Count on abc 7 mornings. Will be tracking any potential traffic spots at 4 00 a. M. Tune in. Coming up on abc 7 news at 11 00. He is not an animal. He is a person about a mental condition. Family outrage after police shoot a man with several mental disorders. Tonight the victims mother is demanding changes. And in and out of a job in just hours. Tonight sources tell abc 7 news what happened between former San Jose Police chief greg sur and the golden state warriors. And the surprise no one saw coming. Here Vice President joe biden in his own words seconds after he was awarded the with sleep number, theres an adjustment for that. Tilt your tormentor and put those snores to sleep. Does your bed do that . Come into a sleep number store and save 600 on our best selling mattress. Its a no brainer. Spending the day with my niece. E that me me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. New at 11 00, family and Community Outrage after last weeks Police Shooting in San Francisco. You shot another black man in San Francisco. Hes not an animal. Hes a person with a mental condition. Abc 7 news was at a town hall meeting where the mother and brother of sean moore spoke directly to interim police chief tony chaplain. They say Police Officers shot him two times at his home after he kicked and punched officers. They were called after he violated a restraining order. The subject kicked one officer and punched the other officer in the face and that officer fell down the stairs and the subject was coming down the stairs toward the second officer when the discharge occurred. They believe they could have helped deescalate that situation. Moore is in intensive care, conscious and talking. He is charged with felony assault on a Police Officer causing injury. New details tonight on the warriors mutually parting ways with former San Francisco police chief greg suhr. Abc 7 news is told there was public backlash against hiring. They announced they retained him as security for the ground breaking. Hours after the news got out the Team Announced his departure. He resigned from sfpd resigned after a series of fatal Police Shootings. Are paying Police Officers more money, the city and Police Officers association agreed on a new contract to increase officers wages more than 16 over the next threeandahalf years. Surveys show San Jose Police officers make less than other bay area Law Enforcement officers which is why they leave. The city council would have to approve the contract. The house of representatives is expected to give final approval tomorrow on a measure that would allow republicans to gut the Affordable Care act. Republicans will neat the democrats to work with them on a replacement plan and it is not clear what type of plan the president elect is willing to support. Donald trump will be inaugurated as our nations 45th president next friday, january 20th. Ill be in washington d. C. For the inauguration to provide you with live reports. There was an incredibly emotional moment at the white house. President obama had perhaps the surprise of a lifetime for the man he calls his brother. The best Vice President america has ever had, mr. Joe biden. The Vice President walked into the state room thinking he was there to meet the first family and toast to the past eight years to go. This also gives the internet one last chance to talk about our bromance. Laughs quickly turned into tears. For the final time as president , i am pleased to award our nations highest civilian honor, the president ial medal of freedom. That applause continued for more than a minute before another shocker. For the first and only time in my presidency i will bestow this medal with an additional level of venn ration. I am prowled to award the president ial medal of freedom with distinction to my brother, joseph biden jr. The president himself put the medal on the Vice President , leaving biden understandably overwhelmed. I had i had no inkling. And for one final time publicly, biden offered heart felt words to his dear friend. And, mr. Indebted to you. I am indebted to your friendship. President obama called biden as good a man as god ever created. What wonderful moments today. Absolutely. So powerful. Lets turn our attention to for a change a quiet forecast. Meteorologist sandhya patel is here to tell us whether theres more rain. There will be but not immediately. Were going from the soaking to the chilling tonight and tomorrow night as well. Then we will bring in more rain next week. Here is a look at what all of the rain that we have gotten in the last cup you will of months have done. The drought in the bay area, gone. I mean its much better obviously. Still dry though for parts of the south bay and the east bay. As you take a look here, much of central and Southern California still in the drought. It is extreme to exceptional. So california is not done with the drought, but at least 35 of Northern California is drought free, which is encouraging. Live doppler 7 right now, a quiet picture, a few patches of fog out there. It is dense in santa rosa so do watch out during the morning commute. A quarter mile visibility, eight miles in concord and reporting some fog in the sierra. All of the snow they received is winding down. If you are traveling to the mountains, you want to enjoy the fresh powder, go ahead and do it. A chance of Early Morning showers, nothing to shut down the roadways. The rest of the Holiday Weekend is dry. Temperatures in the teens friday through sunday, in the 30s in that time period. For Martin Luther king jr. Day it will be a milder day morning and afternoon. This is our version of the snow. This was tweeted to me earlier today by one of my followers, and this is from mount kanuttay. We also had snow over mount hamilton, so definitely a colder system. That is why it will be cold tonight. From our exploratory camera, a waning. You see the clouds, thats the only thing protecting you tonight from dropping too low. As we head into tomorrow night, saturday morning waking up to 20s. From our emoriville camera, watching the patchy frog. 42 in okay laend, 47 san jose. Half moon bay in mid 40s. San francisco, good visibility right now. 40 in napa, 42 in santa rosa. Down in low 40s around liver more. One live picture from the eeb camera, the vantage, the point is just beautiful. A possibility of black ice so be careful out there. Dry tomorrow through Martin Luther king j. Day. We are looking at more storms the middle of next week. First thing tomorrow morning, the coldest inland valleys near frfreezing so you need your winr coats for the afternoon hours. You will see that the sun is out and you can pretty much lose that layer. Temperatures in the 50s for your friday. Chances of rain do increase next week between tuesday and thursday. We bring in our storm impact scale toous day, wednesday a one. The following system is a little stronger. It is a one, a light system between tuesday night and wednesday. It is a warm storm so we are looking at high snow levels, moderate rain at times, and gusterly sorely winds. Here is the hourbyhour going into january 17th, next tuesday. It is a rough idea. Tuesday night into wednesday looking at some rain, briefly heavy around thursday morning. More showers are expected even beyond that. In terms of the rainfall totals into friday, that adds up, a couple of inches expected between tuesday and friday. Accuweather forecast, morning fog, look out for that. Freezing Cold Saturday morning. Dry conditions through the Holiday Weekend, and the chances of rain one for tuesday and wednesday, gusty and wet. Thursday looking at a rainy and breezy pattern, two on the impact scale. You can download the heavy, labored breathing heavy, labored breathing coughing breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask covered california. Its more than just health care. Its life care. Tadirectv now. Stream all your entertainment anywhere anytime can we lose the all. Theres no cbs and we dont have a ton of sports. Anywhere, any. Lets lose the anywhere, anytime too. You cant download onthego, theres no dvr, yada yada yada. Stream some stuff somewhere sometimes you totally nailed that buddy. Simple. Dont let directv now limit your entertainment. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. With toothpaste or plain water. An their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. New video from drone 7 is showing the enormity of the damage from this weeks powerful weather it it flew over Alhambra Valley road today giving you a look at the massive hole caused by storm erosion under the pavement. The breach measures 70 feet wide, 30 feet deep. Watch as drone seven flies into the gap. The fast moving river of water at the base washed away a lot of earth as you can see. The road is closed indefinitely. The east bay Sports Community dishd out big money tonight to the ghost ship fire relief effort. Representatives from the warriors, the raiders and the as presented a 750,000 check tonight to the American Red Cross and the city of oakland. The money was part from the teams and more than 3600 individuals that donated to the crowd funding site, you caring. Com in the days after the fire. Thats a lot of money they raised. It is. More to talk about with larry. All kinds of sports tonight. Can we play with drone seven . Fly around. I was thinking your house. Hi, dad, were here. Come out and wave. Watching you. The warriors have a huge game coming up on monday. Will they overlook their last place oppon abc 7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. Good evening. The warriors played the last placed pistons and have three days off before facing lebron and the cabs. Warriors sluggish in the first half but not curry. The catch and three shoot right there. The other mvp, kevin durant. Across court pass. Knocks it down. He had 25. Steph, more aggressive in the last couple of weeks, takes it to the rack. Warriors by two at the half. They out scored detroit 4119 in third. Clay tom son, came in the third. Now 346. Come get some lebron. College hoops, number 21 st. Marys taking on portland and the pilots crashed early and often. Her manson a lefty, raining. The forecast in portland, rain in threes. Her manson, gals up 37 1 2. Cal hosting washington, first half. Charlie moore. Got a drive and dish to ivan rabb. For the gem, 20 points, 14 boards, cal a winner 6959. Stanford hosting wasu. This is how dan usually prepares for a show, bang out a hundred burpees and get loose. This is how doran prepares to dunk. Cartwright, 21 points. 8454. Cal is expected to hire Justin Wilcox as new head football coach. Wilcox worked on staff in berkley. Should help the bears in a desperate area of need, that would be defense. Cal was 125th out of 128 teams in the country on d. Now, wilcox has been defensive coordinator at washington, usc and most recently wisconsin. Son of hall of fame linebacker dave wilcox. Reportedly working out contract details. The chargers made their move to l. A. Official today and released a logo of new look. The bolts made a bold graphic statement. They took a dodgers logo and added a lightning bolt. They usually finish in l. A. Last place. Got us thinking, maybe change our abc 7 logo. It does have an electric feel to it, dont you think . Kind of a superhero. Abc 7 sports brought to i by river rock casino. If it pumps up like this, maybe you should do it. Want to do it again . Thats my animation . Thats the way

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