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The bay area right now. You can see some heavy spots on live doppler 7hd. Tonights rain comes on the heels of last years big storm and even more on the way this week. Good evening. Im katie. We have a live look outside. The view from our exploratorium camera and we will head to abc7 news who is in for a first check of weather and live doppler 7hd. You saw the heavier weather moving in on shore. The areas of orange and yellow and we are getting widespread rainfall. It has changed within the past hour and look at the rain from San Francisco down to redwood city and heading across the bridge. We have slick road easers where. We are starting to see rain earlier this afternoon and in the north bay where we are getting rain reports in santa rosa. The rain will spread overnight. Tomorrow morning will be a very wet and possibly messy commute. The rain is heavy at times, especially during the lunchtime and afternoon hours. You can see that with the orange and red as well. It starts to taper off by tomorrow evening for the commute and then maybe a few spotty showers linger into tuesday. We will wake up dry before another system moves in on tuesday and then i have a wet forecast to show you. And people are cleaning up from last weeks storm. Lilian kim is live tonight in san anselmo with that part of the story. Reporter north bay residents know the sandbag stations are available should they need them, but fortunately this wont be anything like last weeks storm which is still causing problems. Crews are as busy as ever going from house to house dealing with one emergency to the next. The 50foot black acacia came crashing down in the backyard. The ground is very wet and thats why it is there. She discovered the tree when she had come home from dinner. It came within inches of her house. She thought she was in the clear. My neighbors have flooding. Their hot water heater doesnt work. I had no flooding and no leakage. I never in a million years thought this tree was going to fall. Across the bay in belmont people are cleaning up from last weeks storm. Flooding at the belmont Mobile Home Park has fennelly receded. Residents were able to go back and assess the damage and claim their belongings. They were told to be careful. The sewage system has left one big mess. They determined there was some contamination. Consequently they tell you to wash your shoes and clothes. Dont drink the water until they know for a fact it is clear again. Now where we are the rain started falling just after 10 00 p. M. Nothing too heavy, just moderate, steady rain. Lilian kim, abc7 news. Thank you, lilian. The recent storms are great news for the sierra ski ruey sorts. North star got nine inches of snow. Kirkwood expects 100 of the trails to be open next weekend. You can see what is going on with the abc7 news weather app. It is free on apples app store or google play and we have more information on abc7news. Com app. Developing in australia, they are working for a ninehour long hostage situation to an end. Several have been freed. This is them running out of the cafe in the downtown financial district. This is a tourist area and the u. S. Consulate is warning allamericans in the area to be vigilant. Abc News Reporter with the latest. Australian Police Believe this man was acting alone and he is holding several people hostage in a cafe in the Central Business district. We have an armed Defender Holding an undisclosed number of hostages. They have forced hostages to raise their arms and holdup several flags. The flag is not specific to any terror organization. Even though it has been used by the jihadist groups. We dont know the motivation of the perpetrator. The takeover of the cafe on monday morning spread terror through downtown sydney which is normally packed with Office Workers and the tourists. A woman just shouted out is and everyone was running around. I saw a man with a sawed off shotgun. Police pushed the bystanders to safety. He yelled at me to get out. From up side the cafe they managed to escape. It is still not known how many hostages are in the cafe. We are at this stage continues to secure and make sure we are doing all we can to bring this to a peaceful outcome. I have full confidence in the Police Commissioner and the incredible work. Abc news, new york. Uber is drawing criticism after prices spiked during the siege in sydney. They said they increased fares to encourage more drivers to pick up passengers in the area. After an outrage on online uber backed down and said it would offer the free rides out of the area. Breaking news now from the east bay, Pittsburgh Police are on the scene of a multiple shooting. Contra costa county firefighters say three people are being rushed to hospitals with gunshot wounds. It was reported near furness. No word on the motive or suspects. Community leaders in san jose want a Police Officer fired after he made threatening remarks on twitter. His tweets were aimed at people protesting Deadly Police brutality. He tweeted, if anyone feels they cant breathe or their lives matter, i will be at the movies tonight off duty carrying my gun. He later wrote, threaten me and my family and i will use my law appointed right and duty to kill you. He works in gang prevention with the San Jose Police department. He is also an assistant basketball coach at menlo college. Tonight black leaders in the south bay call him a walking threat. They want him fired and are asking to are a criminal investigation. Quite frankly it is insulting at the least, but deeply dangerous to the civilians of san jose. This guy needs to go. He is not a good officer. He does not represent you well. We are going to have problems in the future if he stays on on the force. San jose Police Released a statement saying they are aware of the issue and forward it up the chain of command for review. It appears white has deleted his twitter account. New word about newses found hanging. An artist claimed responsibility. The group says use the images of people lynched in the 20th century not out of racism, but to connect past events to present ones. It also apologized to black americans who felt attacked. Cals chancellor says the campus must stay vigilant allowing for the Free Exchange of ideas while ensuring not to frighten or intimidate people. The father of Michael Brown the unarmed ferguson teenager shot and killed by police spoke in San Francisco today. Abc7 News Reporter was at the event and at the details. Michael brown, senior and his wife were the featured guest at this threehour rally. They have a long history of the civil rights movement. Brown was invited to speak at the same podium where they addressed the congregation in 1958. Enough is enough. We have to stand strong. His comments lasted less than a minute, but the leader said his presence here is what is important. Does Michael Brown, seniors presence help in the healing process . Definitely so. There was great energy in there tonight. Organizer events say he came to sphan because he was so impressed by the intensity of demonstrations in the area over the last couple weeks. The protests included thousands of people and it has been mostly peaceful, but they included vandalism, looting and clashes with police. We was moved from protests to practical programs. Pastor brown says Bay Area Police departments need to reexamine their strategies so that they can improve their relations with the community. This appearance by Michael Brown , senior caps a day of activities within the bay area religious community. At glide Memorial Church the congregation wore black and in berkeley churches came together for a march and staged a die in, something we have scenery peteedly in the protests. Abc7 news. Video posted on youtube shows a driver trying to get through the black lives matters march in berkeley. You can see it advancing through the crowd. Protesters were yelling for the driver to stop and turn around. Some tried to keep things peaceful and the driver eventually backed up and turned from the protest. Still to come on abc7 news at 11 00, bill cosby breaks his silence. W45 he is saying about the rape accusations against him and the woman who is Still Standing by his side. And the clean up is underway after a watermain [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raleys, bel air, and nob hill. [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, the death of a man who was shot in a parked car in san leandro. Officers responded to a report of an unresponsive man in a vehicle on kennilworth avenue. He was pronounced dead at the scene and right now investigators are considering it a homicide. People in oaklands glen view district has a big mess to clean up. Water gushed into the streets around mcarthur boulevard just north of 580. Firefighters and east bay mud crews spent most of the day pumping the water out of peoples homes and filling in a big sinkhole. One home was flooded and three others had several feet of water in their basement. There is about five feet of water in my basement. I have like pets and stuff and i was worried one of my cats had drowned. Authorities are trying to figure out what caused the 16inch watermain to burst. The new connector shuttle is back in Service Tonight after a temporary closure. Air bart was shutdown for 20 minutes due to an electrical issue. Still no word whether the electrical issues were related to mechanical problems that shutdown the connector on friday. Some good news to nate for news for dozens of east bay families. Thieves broke in stealing food, clothing and toys. Others have stepped up and have replaced all of the missing items. Workshops hosted the annual kids bike give away for low income families. The organization trains the a risk youth to build and repair bikes and boats while preparing while living an active lifestyle. It may not be bike riding weather out there right now. Now, a check of the forecast. The rain is here. It survived during the last hour. We have seen a lot of changes. We are showing you some heavier rain right now moving into San Francisco and we can see a live shot and the roads are wet and the rain is coming down and it will continue thrawout the day San Francisco 53 and oakland 51. Morgan hill at 49 degrees. Here is a live view and we are looking toward the embarcadero. It is wet out there too. Expect a slick monday morning commute. The rain will be heavy at times, especially during the lunch hour and afternoon hours, thats what the latest model forecasts. More rain in the forecast tuesday, wednesday and friday. But i will show you the timing of that and when you can expect breaks. The radar satellite image shows this front coming through. But this will be storm number one. That will make its way through to monday night. Tuesday we get another storm sliding south. Number two late tuesday into wednesday. Storm number three is headed our way on fry i ad. The rainfall amounts by the end of the day on monday up to two inches in some areas. Some areas may only get a quarter of an inch. San francisco half an inch to an inch and then we add the rainfall on tuesday and wednesday again and we are going to we are talking several inches now by wednesday. The overnight lows will be in the midto upper 40s for the the most part with a few low 50s. 51 in San Francisco and 50 in oakland and 46 if san jose. It will be a very cooled day tomorrow as the cold front passes through with breezy conditions in the afternoon. Lack at this. We are only going to get into the low 50s. Through vallejo and fairfield and San Francisco, 56 as well as san jose. It will definitely feel like winter tomorrow. Here is the longterm forecast model, waking up to a fairly dry tuesday with some cloud cover. Then storm number two will be moving in tuesday afternoon. Now this one isnt as strong, but we will see consistent rainfall throughout the day tuesday and wednesday morning where there will be lingering showers left over. Then wednesday afternoon we will get a pretty good break all the way through thursday and that looks to be the most comfortable and driest day this week. Then friday the storm moves in. Late morning we can expect to see light rate to moderate rain. This one is the weakest of all. It clears out by friday night which means saturday and sunday are looking dry. Although we will see partly cloudy conditions. Here is the accuweather sevenday forecast. Monday, rain throughout the day. Up to two inches. On tuesday the Second System moves in and this one is weaker. The rain will beacon sis assistant. Be consistent. A nice break on thursday and so enjoy that. Mike can do his golfing and you can take the bikes out. We have a weaker system and it is short lived and we are expecting a quarter to half an inch. A nice break on saturday and sunday. We will see some partly sunny conditions and maybe slightly warmer weather for next weekend. I feel like my rain gear is barely dried out from last week. And even though we are not getting as much rain as we got last week because the grounds are so saturated we could see mudslides and rock slides and trees down. Be careful. Thank you, francis. To sports now and i was hoping for a 49ers win, but i guess it takes more than that. I think we were all hoping for that. The niners super bowl run ended in seattle for the second straight year, and will this also be the end of jim playoff hopes in seattle where they lost to the seahawks four times in the past three years under jim harbaugh. Score less in the second half. A problem that has plagued the niners all season. The niners got back to the run game. Second quarter on fourth down and frank goes 10 yards. 73 niners and he would lead due to a concussion in this block. Seahawks take the lead. He had 91 yards rushing. Then controversy in the fourth. Russell wilsons throw incomplete, but the niners are called for roughing the passer. This was a horrible call. Jim harbaugh cant believe it. Score less in the second half and lose three straight for the first time under harbaugh. 177 your final and 9ers are 7 h of 7 and out of the playoff 77 out of the playoffs. Players had these thoughts on harbaughs return. Not something i can wrap my mind around why that would be the situation. He has my full support no matter if he is here or somewhere else. I hope he is back here. I think he is a great coach. I dont run this team and i dont own this team, so i dont know what they are going to do. I show up to work. What happens happens, happens. He is our coach now. Hopeful leahy will be back. I dont know. I have i am not paying attention to that. We have to play football. All of the other stuff, it will handle itself. We need to focus on what we can control and what we can handle. Let everything handle itself. Stay tuned. The raiders trying to win back to back games are to the First Time Since 2012. They did that in kansas city. A chance to make it two in a row in kansas city. Cant win games when you punt it 11 times. 477 yards and only one taken back. Thomas, former duck from oregon. 81 yards. 70 chiefs. The raiders trail in the third. Three yards for the score. Carr fumbles and carr threw 56 times for 222 yards. That fumble lead to a touchdown. Havent thrown a td pass to a wide receiver this year. 246 chiefs. Smith and davis and he is gone. 18 of 30 and 297 yards and two tds. Raiders are 07 on the road and 212 overall. They fall 3113. We will take our final timeout before getting to the nba. They continue their franchise setting winning were for an opens you internet for all. Sing. Were for creating more innovation and competition. Were for Net Neutrality protection. Now, heres some news you may find even more surprising. Were comcast. The only isp legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules. Has a nice ring to it. The gold ep state warriors after a big win in dahl dallas. It was not the big easy. Family rivalry, love it. They are squaring off and a little bragging rights on the line. Slams it home and 20 off the bench. Keeping his team in it for three. Got it. He had 30. Klay thompson 29. He is good. 2. 5 seconds left in the game and tied at 111. For the win. We go to over time. Warriors and steph curry 8 of his 34 in ot. 1 tw 8 128122 your final. Bonnie samuel sen had 11 for the cardinals and 15 minutes of work. She had 20 points and four rebounds and three assists and three steels. Stanford destroy the broncos improving on the year. The Sacramento Kings hired their head etch could 1113 on the season. This abc7 sports report is brought to you by ebay. We will take a tour around the nfl later in this newscast. Thank you, shu. Still to come, bill cosby breaks his silence. What he has to satisfy about the rape accusations against him and the woman standing by his side. And the Company Helping investigate the hack at Sony Pictures and the warning from vo nourished. Rescued. Protected. Given new hope. During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Which means its timeson for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. If youre wishing for a new volkswagen this season. Just about all you need is a finely tuned. Pen. Get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on select new volkswagen models. Youve been part of this family for as long as i can remember. And you just mean so much to all of us. The holidays wouldnt be the same without your crescent rolls. We got you a little something. We got you jeans. Its about time. Pipin hot pillsbury crescent rolls. Make your holidays pop hey guys. Guys pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistable sunday morning idea. Nothing calls them to the table faster. Make breakfast pop im katie. In tonights headlines, five hostages are freed, but nearly two dozen repain trapped in a cafe in sydney, australias financial district. A gunman has been holding them inside for nearly 10 hours now. Three people have been shot in the east bay. It happened around a 10 00 tonight in pittsburgh on uh burp burp on on you burn. Community leaders are calling for a san jose Police Officer to be fired over his tweets. Officer philip white tweeted if anyone feels they cant breathe or their lives matter, i will be at the movies tonight off duty carrying my gun. The comments were directed at people protesting police brutality. And as people continue to clean up from last weeks big storm, another round of rain is moving in. The rain is falling now and it will continue into your morning commute. Bill cosby is finally addressing the rape accusations. It comes in the wake of a Sexual Assault and this time from a high profile supermodel. For the first time cosby is talking about the woman standing by him, his wife. Tonight bill cosby is breaking his silence and slamming the media. Telling the new york post, let me say this, i only expect the black media to uphold the standards of journalism and when you do that you have to go in with a neutral mind. Apparently calling on you africanamerican journalists to street him fairly. When asked how his wife is holding up, he says love and the strength of womanhood. Lead let me say it again, love and strength of womanhood. Married to the comedian for 50 years and standing by them through the death of their son ennis and a failed paternity suit and now new accusations from women who say the actor drugged, 6 looy assaulted or raped them. The latest accuser is bever looy johnson claiming the accuser beverly johnson. She said he didnt rape her, but drugged her at her home. Shea didnt come forward sooner because she lost her nerve after meeting camille cosby. I walked up to her and she knew me. She embraced me. At that moment i decided that i wasnt going to push the issue any further because of her. Abc news reached out to cosbys attorneys and have not heard back. The actor with his wife by his side standing his ground. Abc news, los angeles. New details in the cyberattack against Sony Pictures. A mill pea disbased i. T. Security company is investigating and another threat has been released today. Abcs partner obtained an email that promises new, more massive leaks of stolen files. The breech includes the top secret script of the new james bond film. A consultant said the stakes are high. Instead of 10 people you have hundreds. A new report says stolen emails show sony executives slamming leonardo do cap Capriati Dicaprio from pulling out of a pic and making fun of will smiths children and sony is not commenting. Governor brown is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at the next gen california leadership forum. The free event for invited guests will focus on strategies for continuing california climate success in 2015. Organizers say top policy makers and Technology Innovators and Energy Experts will come together to discuss their vision for the states future and how to protect the climate. More than 640 million pieces of mail are expected to be processed on monday. Thats about 30 million more than last year and significantly more than the 523 million pieces of mail seen on an average day. Wednesday is expected to be the busiest delivery day. More and more people are taking action to stop thieves from stealing deliveries. Here is that story. Tis the season for socalled porch pirates to treat peoples Home Deliveries like a grab bag, a free for all for thieves like this woman allegedly using a u haul. She skipped bail after getting caught. We assumed it was delivered to the wrong place. She decided to bait the thieves with this big box left on her porch. An easy target. Only one problem. It is empty. Someone came up to snatch it. They nabbed not only the license plate, but look inside. A pile of boxes filling the car. He looked at me and i said i snapped your picture i got your picture i am calling the cops. They have put up pictures of the alleged thieves and she is not the only one fighting back. 24 homeowner catching thieves on five separate cameras including a full face shot so Crystal Clear that the victim did his own detective work posting the video on facebook. Police made an arrest in 24 hours. In texas this pistol packing pastor was so fed up he planted bait packages, two empty boxes. He busted the alleged thief in the act. They are Christmas Gifts for kids. They dont suggest baiting the bad guy. They say get your packages shipped to the office are on leave instructions for them to be dropped off out of plain view. Anything to make this most convenient way of shopping not so easy for thieves. Abc news, mill creek, washington. San franciscos Mission District celebrated community and carnival today. Dozens of people gathered for the newly restored mural. Residents consider this 30yearold painting to be the joy of life coming to the streets. They brought most of the original artists together to restore this piece of mission history. Still to come, a breakthrough for people who suffer from Chronic Fatigue syndrome. The Bay Area Group turning their eyes to the skies. What they were looking for today. I am abc7 meteorologist in the accuweather center. We have three storms headed our way this week. And of course that means snow in the sierra. Ill let you foe what you can expect with a very its a marshmallow world in the winter. People battling an illness that some people dont even think is real. Local doctors are silencing the skeptics of Chronic Fatigue syndrome. Abc7 news anchor Cheryl Jennings brings us the story. Endurance was never a problem for anne calf vaw gnaw kramer. She competed in Long Distance runs from california to europe. And then her health suddenly changed. That was the hardest time. I couldnt get out of bed. At times i was crawling to use the bathroom. She went from doctor to doctor for months searching for the cause of her fatigue. Without a diagnosis she would undergo a battery of tests to prove she was sick enough to be placed on disability. I was called a high poe con dree yak in the early days. I was told i needed to go to physical therapy. And finally turned to dr. Dr. Jose montoya. He diagnosed her condition as Chronic Fatigue syndrome or cfs. He says unlike other diseases, there is no blood test for cfs. And while patients can experience debilitating fatigue for years some are still skeptical that it is a legitimate condition. The most important moment is when we tell them that we do believe they have a real disease. But a new breakthrough could change per perceptions and potentially give doctors a tool to identify and diagnose it. It is this one here. They use sophisticated techniques to compare the brains those in the control group. They found three ab nor mall tees including a pathway that connects different parts of the brain. And people who had worse fatigue had a higher measurement. We found that those two points of the brain that were connected by this track were abnormal. They would not have been picked up on a normal mri, and it is still unclear what caused them. With targeted imaging they hope they can eventually be used as bio markers to confirm the diagnosis. And they say the early diagnosis will help ray move the frustration. It is really only the first step for us and the doctors recognize that. We need to see how to diagnose it and when the next step is hopefully treatment. Some people had some of the most successful counts in history. They hold the annual Christmas Bird count and this morning people gathered around the oakland area. They made note of every varied thrush and pacific loom. Members spotted between 85 and 90 species this year and that is considered a good count. This is like a census basically for birds. And they are held all over the country. The the bay area traditionally has one of the largest bird counts. Good thing they got that under the wire before the rain hits. It is here now. Now a look at the forecast. Francis . Pretty busy on live doppler 7hd showing us some moderate rainfall. We will continue to see this in the over nate hours and into tomorrow morning. There was a Flash Flood Watch until monday evening. And be careful if you are heading through the central valley. A dense fog advisory has been issued effective tomorrow at 9 00. Visibility is liz than a fourth of a mile. As a cold front passes through with the rain we will see some cool numbers. Chico 47 and 38 in tahoe. 51 in sacramento and speaking of tahoe we get the rain and they get the snow. They already saw some snow this afternoon and they will continue to see it tomorrow and even into tuesday. The snow levels will be dropping to about 5,000 feet. We could get up to four inches of snow tomorrow in the higher elevations. And the gusts up to 50 miles an hour. Be careful if you are heading through the area. Tomorrow will be a cool day with temperatures struggling to get into the low 50s to even the mid50s and then of course weve got rain tomorrow. Tuesday and wednesday and friday. Look for the breaks on thursday and at least next weekend. Will do. Thanks for the burning. Thanks for the warning. Over to shu and sports. Do you have good news or bad news . You keep asking me that. We will take a tour around the nfl. Some clinch had their Division Titles and are heading to the playoffs including Peyton Manning and the broncos. Manning and the broncos. Peyton taking it on then boom. What happened . Stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what . Lets build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. Introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqâ„¢ technology. It tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. The difference . Try adjusting up or down youll know cuz sleep iqâ„¢ tells you. Give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. Find our best buy rated c2 Queen Mattress with sleepiq. Know better sleep with sleep number. Remaining other teams are trying to get in. Lets take a tour of the action. We start in san diego. Broncos and chargers. Peyton manning came down with the flu last night. He could do it all, but block. Hurt his thigh and went to the locker room after that hit. He comes back and throws for 2 through 3 yards and a td. 28 yards here to demaryius thomas. Broncos went on the road win on the road and clinch the afc west title. I think it is a tough division. It feels good and it guarantees you a spot in the playoffs, but at least you have a shot. It is satisfying. Remember when tom bradys patriots were 22 . Returning the blocked field goal. 62 yards and pats go up 70. Brady threw for 287 yards and two tds and a pick. They clinch the afc east with a 4113 victory. Indy clinches a playoff spot. It didnt look good early. He threw it to Kendrick Lewis and he will take it back for the pick six. That would be the only touchdown of the game. Luck would recover and throw two td passes. 3 yards here to duane alan. 1710 the final. The colts win the afc south. A Good Football Team will miss the playoffs because the nfc south is the Worst Division in football with the Carolina Panthers winning over the buccaneers. Cam newton sidelined after breaking two vertebrae in his back in a car accident. Two yards to cautry. Falcons were leading the division and they fell to the steelers. William gay with an interception and gets a block. Stops and goes 52 yards for the score. They are now 59. Here is a look. Panthers with a lead and with a win they will take over the division lead. Falcons in third and the bucks are out with a 2 and 12 record. Former Heisman Trophy winner with his first career nfl start. They are looking to snap out of their twogame losing streak. They were hosting the bengals. He threw for two interceptions and was sacked three times with 107 total yards. Bengals win it big 300. Tip your hat to the other team. When you get beat, you get beat and you take it like a man and move on and try to progress and get better. Nobody wants to win more than i do. It is tough. I put a lot of that on me. I dont sit here and saying i am not using the rookie excuse. It is not me. Yeah, im a rookie, but thats out the window. Welcome to the nfl. Looking to wrap up the top seed in buffalo. Green bay on the punt of the return and look at him go. He returns it 75 yards and they were up 73 and never look back. Aaron rodgers hoping to lead the come back. He did not throw a of it down throw a touchdown pass. They face the raiders next week. Sunday will be like this. We set the standard pretty high. We would like to live up to it every week. It was good preparation and good practice. Cowboys in philly. The nfl rushing leader murray 81 yards and two tds. Tony romo connected with bryant for three touchdowns and 25 yards here. Cowboys win it. Redskins and giants in new york. Eight seconds left in the first half. Up 107 and he is going for the touchdown and he is in. They review all scoring plays. They call it a touch back. Can anything go wrong . Santana moss is not happy. He gets ejected. The redskins have lost it. Washingtons bad luck got worse. He had three td catches. Thats a wrap on the nfl. This sports report is brought to you by ebay and Jim Harbaughs press conference with the 49ers should be interesting. Interesting like brutal . Yeah. Stay with us. We will have the response. Abc7 news continues tomorrow morning at 4 30. For mike shumann and francis, thanks for joining us. The news continues online, on twitter and facebook and all of your mobile devices with our news app. Stay safe out there in the rain. Have a good week. Watch me. Previously on scandal. My problems are your problems. Put your wife on a leash. Im worried for james. Yeah, i know what you mean. Tell me what you need, and i will do it. Abby and david cant be together. I cant tell you why, but they cant. Her exhusband used to beat her. You might want to use that. Consider it handled. Hospital photos of teresa dunns injuries. I didnt touch her. You look like a good guy, but youre not

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