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Last minute reprieve granted to the family of 13yearold jahi. Judge has given the family just over a week more to find a new home for the girl who is declared brain dead more than two weeks ago. Good evening. Jahi family calls the judges decision a victory. Nick smith is life at Childrens Hospital oakland for us tonight. Nick . Good evening. They have won the battle but not the war. The family for jahi mcmath would like to move her out of children but the hospital says no deal. Not until the family can provide a facility, name of plans service and clear upsing that the facility taking jahi knows shes on ventilator and brain dead. Well, they only have 8 days to make all of this happen. Im really sorry my daughter was on death row. Nobody should fell electric that with her 13yearold daughter. The decision today by Alameda County superior court judge to keep her daughter on ventilator is a blessing. We won today. May small victory. Only few more days but today was a real hard day for me. We want to get her away from Children Hospital and get her to facility that wants to treat her. That wants her to get better. That beliefs she can get better. Hospital says the family has not met the legal conditions to have 13yearold moved. Identifying license facility. Form of transport and clarification of the girl status. Legally brain dead. Jahi mcmath connected to eventuallytor since going in cardiac arrest on december 12. Doctors at Children Hospital oakland and independent nawr oly gist concluded the girl is brain dead following complications with what the family describes as a routine tonsillectomy. With less than an hour before mechanical support due to be pulled, todayal mead county superior court judge extended the order until january seventh forcing Children Hospital to keep jahi on the ventilator. Not sure it was the right judgment call but that was the judgment call the judge and well comply witness. The court orders rerespondent to maintain the status quo. Not add hearing to the family request to perform tracheotomy and im mr. President a feeding tube. But simply maintaining the current level of care. Family filed complaint requesting an injunction against the deadline because they say jahi is showing signs of movement. Im not trying to hold on to a corps. That is a live girl in there. This case is about jahi but more importantly about choices. And who gets to make these choices regarding the children and health care in this most intimate and fundamental choice will you live or die. Reporter the attorney for the family says that their fight is far from over. But by extending todays deadline they have cleared a major hurdle. At Children Hospital in oaklan oakland, nick smith, abc 7 new news. Thank you. She underwent surgery on december 9. Shortly afterwards she went in cardiac arrest. Medical staff did chest compression and tried different medicine to clot her blood but nothing worked apparently. The next day the ct scan revealed twothirds of her brain was swollen. Her uncle says that open thursday december 12th gentleman hi was declared medically dead. Additional testing the fix day confirmed the tragic news. Developing story out of San Francisco tonight involving high speed chase at least one crash and Police Officers opening fire. Abc 7 News Reporter joins us where the chase ended. Allen . Reporter this road has been closed to traffic with the cement blockade here to stop traffic and looks like one of the block ended the chase between police and the driver of that black dodge challenger. Red vehicle is Unmarked Police car next to it. Now police say it started in the bay have you when they suspected the driver had a weapon. Driver took off leading police through the district her where police say the driver tried to ram a patrol car. They also say he struck a civilian vehicle and injured an officer who was on foot. One officer fired shot that the car but did not hit the suspect. Chase finally ended here in the haight intergolden gate park. No weapon was found. Police say there are a lot of separate crime scenes along the way so it may take them awhile to wrap all this up. Reporting live in the haight ash bury district of San Francisco, im allen wong abc 7 news. Thanks. State fire officials today place burn ban on several bay area counties because it has been so dry. Fir danger has increased because of the look of written and low humidity and Santa Cruz County alone more than 30 vegetation fires have sparked this winter. Cal fire has also banned alameda, cocoa, santa clara and San Mateo County from open burning like back yard first. Some of the worst wildfires have happened as a result of back yard fires that got away from their owners. Now spencer is in for sandy who has details on the warm dry weather that persists. Spence spencer. It does. Not only been amazingly dry but amazingly warm and dray. Lets look at live doppler 7hd its dry as we speak with mainly clear skies across the bay area right now. Few thin high clouds manufacturing through the area and will continue to do so overnight but lets backtrack jaws few hours and look at couple of todays High Pressure that were record high for this day. 64 grew east in oakland. Record high for the date and 66 in san jose tie existing record high for san jose and tomorrow is another spare the air day. Air quality declining as dry warm spell continue. Look what lies ahead and change in the forecast a little bit later. All right spencer thank you. State water official will conduct season first snow survey on friday. Sierra snow pack is a key source of california water. Received justin percent of the average snow fall this month. Compared that to this timeless year when the snow pack water content registered 150 percent of normal. Department of Water Resources says it is bracing for a possible third cop executive dry year in california. New at 11 00 exploratorium police lacking for the person or persons who tried to set 2 cars on fire this weekend. The cars located at valencia and 25th and dollar east and chavez and victims found the gas cap removed and either crumb pel piece of paper or rag stuffed inside. Miss say the car here had burn mark underneath as the person trade to start it on fire from below. Police believe the 2 may connected but they have not yet confirmed that. New at 11 00 exploratorium Marin Food Bank says it needs nearly 3000 volunteers in the coming weeks. A lot of People Volunteered around thanksgiving and christmas but the food bank says there has been a sharp drop and now 2800 volunteer option in january and february. Especially need people who can help out on weekdays. Fad bank has distributed more than 46 Million Pounds of food this year. Well just a little more than 24 hours now before ringing in the new year and San Francisco has account down celebration for just about everyone. Take party people to the take the party to the Asian Art Museum and turns ringing a 16th Century Bronze bell from japan. Thats unique experience. Take in a few laugh at comedy club or go for fancy feast at the Fairmount Hotel where tony bennett daughter scheduled to perform then fireworks reflecting off the San Francisco bay and the weather should cooperate. You should be able to see the fireworks just fine. Of course if you dont want to leave home tune in to dick clark new years rocking eve host by Ryan Seacrest tomorrow 11 30 p. M. Rate here on abc 7 after we bring you the late news. Expect to see increase Police Presence on bay area roadways in effort to crook down on drunk driving during the new year holiday. Dui check points in place starting tonight in some city and continuing through new years day. As usually the case local trans it agency are making it easier to not drive on new years eve. Muni offering free rides from 8 00 p. M. Tomorrow nature to 5 00 a. M. Wednesday morning. Free rides include all muni routes even cable car. Cal train extending its hours with the final new year train departing from the king street station at 2 15 am on january 1st and bart will provide Additional Service until approximately 3 00 a. M. So there are a lot of options. Growing mystery next on 7 news. Crop circle discovered near the bay area. Elaborate prank or alien message . Plus socalled fit mom returns. How she is bring her controversial brand of motivation to the masses on a monthly basis. Duck dynasty back in the cross hair. Bay area wine maker is now taking aim at the controversial family. Thats when 7 news g so was it a Close Encounter or just the perfect prank . This is the elaborate crop circle found in a field south of salinas. Nobody knows where it came from. And mysterious Security Firm out of san jose has been hired now to protect the site. Representative from that company eschelon security said he could not rae veal when they were haired or who is paying the bills. This is video from the Monterey Herald showing what the circle looks like from the ground. Local police chp and Salinas Municipal Airport dont know anything about the circle or who created it. Wild isnt it. United states one step closer now to regular lited drone flight. Federal Aviation Administration has picked 6 sites to help test and map out the best way to safely bring Unmanned Aircraft into heavily used national airspace. Nevad nevada, new york, texas, north dakota, virginia and alaska rapidly changing Technology Open the door to privately operated drone use lick amazon proposed 30 minute Package Delivery system. Also raising privacy concerns with expanding domestic drone use as well. Apple less than stellar Stock Performance cost ceo cook 4 Million Dollars. He wanted to show commit tomorrow shareholders by allowing them to veingt annually based on the Stock Performance. The stock fell 26 percent between august 2012 and august of 2013. Cook still collected 1. 4 Million Dollar salary. 2. 8 Million Dollar cash bonus. And another 36. 4 million in stock grants this year. Shes back. This time fit mom says she wants to motivate you every month. Sacramento mom maria king has released her 2014 no excuse fit mom calendar and in the only see pictures of king and her kids but other seemingly every day moms who have transformed themselves through fit needs. King initially got attention for a controversial Facebook Post that include add picture of her and 3 children caption what is your excuse . Some thought the post was body shaming women who didnt bounce back after child birth. King says she was just trying to motivate women to get fit. The duck dynasty family has found itself in another controversy that you probably didnt see coming. Wine war. Member of the reality tv family was suspended this month for comments he made about guys and african americans. He has since been reinstated. But now the family is being sued for attempting to make wine. They teamed up with this family estate out of saint helena to create the Duck Commander wine series. Duck horn vineyard in saint helena sued saying the brand is too similar and injury the reputation. Duck horn cost 50 dollars a bottle. Duck commander sell at wall mort for 10 dollars. Last minute prepare rigs under way rate now in Southern California for the 125 annual rose parade. Just a little more than a day to go hundreds of people busy putting the finishing touches on the elaborate floats. Alex has the story. More than 1 million flowers now cut. On average it takes 5000 hours to deck writ each float. Year worth of work coming down to the last if you hours. Gives you whole new appreciation for all the work that goes into it. Claudia has been on gluing duty for 5 hours straight. A lot of this. A lot of glue. Reporter thats 5 hours of glue fume. I hope i dont hit a dui checkpoint. Reporter float average 55 feet long each. Thousands of People Volunteer to cover every inch including 12yearold elizabeth gar situation 8. Think its so easy to do but when it comes and once you actually do it its really hard. Reporter first float in the parade is 5 different floats from wells fargo. Celebrating American Dreams come true. This is sunrise at the oasis. Dole entry last 3 years they won the top award in the entire parade. Canine for cops tribute to service dog. Actual indicate neighbor officers will walk alongside the float. Losesy pet Foundation Show cases live acrobatic and jump roping dog all of them rescued. L harlem globe trotters show case the talent walking next to the city of torrence float. Do you feel pressure about mess up the trick. Sometimes we d. Its motel vision and always excited to show our trick. Is. Reporter no matter what happens it will not be as bad as what i just did. Hopefully not hopefully not. Reporter this is abc 7 new news. Ill give ate shot. Watch the 125 rose parade on wednesday at 8 00 a. M. Right here on abc 7. Rose bowl can be seen at 2 in the afternoon over on espn featuring stanford and Michigan State. Larry heading to pasadena covering all the action at the rose bowl as stanford faces Michigan State. Get all the play by play just follow larry on twitter at larry biel abc 7. Writ now lets turn our attention to our forecast. Yes. We are in the high 60s as we enter the new year. Spencer is in for sandhya tonight. Proving you dont have to go to pasadena to find mild weather this time of the year. We have it right here in the bay area. Live doppler 7hd mainly clear sky with few thin high cloud moving overhead. Looking back at a portion of the sky line of San Francisco. Temperatures mainly in the 40s on this panel of cities from San Francisco to Oakland Redwood city, los gatos half moon bay. Mid 40s and live from emeryville across the bay and mostly clear skies. Readings in the 30s and north bay. Santa rosa, napa no have the 0mid upper 30s. Low 40s at fairfield concord livermore and one more live view of San Francisco enter until airport. These are forecast feature. Partly cloudy tonight. Chilly in the inland valley. Spare the air again tomorrow and no rain in sight in the immediate forecast future im sorry to say. Heres satellite image High Pressure controlling factor in the weather and the high clouds spread around the cloud not producing any rainfall but we see few passing by tonight and tomorrow. And no rape fall come our way for awhile because the jet stream flowing far to the north and disturbance mit produce rainfall moving up to Pacific Northwest or western canada not here in the bay area. Dry weather continues into and through the first week in january overnight few high clouds pass through. Giving way to mainly sunny sky tomorrow afternoon and once again mild conditions overnight temperatures in the low mid 30s in the north bay valley. Some location in the 30s as i just showed you moment ago. Already over in the inland valley east bay also see low in the mid 30s but low 40s i should say and upper 30s right around the bay. Tomorrow. High pressure. Back in the mid 60s. In the south bay 64. San jose 64 at cupertino as well. Peninsula. High in the mid 60s from l redd with city down to mount have you and coast. Low mid 60s at pacifica half machine bay do you want San Francisco 63 tomorrow. North bay 64. Santa rosa 64. Sonoma 63. At napa east bay high 65 oakland Castro Valley and fremont and 64 and 65 at livermore and 62 at cop cord. Heres accuweather 7 day forecast. It will be again another spare the air day tomorrow but pleasant new years eve with clear skies for fireworks viewing tomorrow night then sunny mild every day of the forecast period through the weekend with High Pressure in the upper 60s on thursday and friday. This is some crazy january weather but feels nice. Just weird. Thanks spencer. Big changes coming to the nfl. A lot of them to the end of the year this is what happens. Larry is here. When you dont make the play off. For a lot of teams. 5 nfl head coaches fired in the last 24 hours. Dennis allen, avoided the ax so what is the plan for the future . Good evening. Its going to be freezing open sunday when the 49ers play the packers in the wild card play off game as harbaugh sees it mind over matter. If you dont mind it the its 12 degrees it wont matter. I hear its a dry 12. So it will feel much warmer. Also doesnt matter that the niners beaten the packers 3 straight including the soap opener. 13 catches here. Niners have a plan to contain rogers. Former cal star but no stopping mother nature. I think once the body running around. Whether playing in zero degree weather game an didnt feel any different than 30 or 40 degree weather game. Winning on the road is tough but it has been done. It has been done so withins at home water an advantage. Take advantage of that. 5 coaches fired sense the season ended. Dennis allen not among them vl raiders head coach will survive consecutive 4 and 12 campaign but the quarterback may not. Im not sure that we have the quarterback of the future in the building right now. But again i think well go through the off season evaluation process. I think well go back through all the tapes. Well comb through everything. I do think that we have a better idea of what we have at the quarterback position. David shaw spend thanksgiving week in pasadena getting stanford ready to play Michigan State in the rose bowl andrea repeating he has no interest in coaching in the nfl. Continue to shed light on the program dont mine it weapons happening and turn eye to stanford that is cool. I told the players to be honest its testament to what they have accomplished. Test nont what our seniors have helped build. Rose bowl stanford Michigan State kicks off wed at 2 00 p. M. On espn. Ill be there live at 6 00 p. M. Newscast. Tweeting me all day long. L i may crash the rose parade as well. Just look for me. Oregon and texas in theal month bowl. Duck known for the offense but this game actually was more about the defense. Texas quarterback mccoy picked off 20s and both were returned for touch downs. Patterson 37 yard return here. 307 ducks. As mack brown 16 year tenure with texasen. College hoop. Without head coach bennett serving 5 game suspension. The acting head coach for west coast conference opener become in the league. Steven holt with 35 at 15 points. 18 points here. Knock it down. Gales back on track 8880. 7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. Have fun. Thanks. Cute puppy and kitten in macy wonder 0in San Francisco union square sure get a lot of attention. Are they getting new home. Update on the effort and heres jimmy kimmel live, what is coming up. Take a gander what is up with us after the news. Lets do it here we go. 5, 4, 3, 2, do it here we go. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Happy commercial to those whove encountered welcome to covered california. New, Affordable Health plans so you can be ready for whatever comes your way. Enroll today at coveredca. Com. Heres the weather tomorrow morning. High clouds providing us a colorful sunrise which occurs at 7 25. A little chilly in some spots especially in our inland valley and near the coast and bay. Temperatures at 5 00 p. M. 32 to 42 degrees. Thanks spencer. Puppy and kitten proof to be a pop already holiday gift this year. Spca tells us a total of 300 cats and dogs have been adopted from the window display in San Francisco. That beat last year total of 2 87. And these holiday window will be up and running until january 5th. Spca says it is hopeful to beat the 2011 record of 3 32 adoptions. Well on their way. Yes. Coming up on jimmy kimmel live, tv host Ryan Seacrest. Thanks for joining us everyone. For all of us here thanks for watching. Follow us on twitter and face back and all the mobile did he advises. The mobile did he advises. Good isnt it time you discovered the sleep number bed . The only bed clinically proven to relieve back pain and improve sleep quality. And right now, its our lowest prices of the season. Save 300 to 800 on our newest innovations. Plus, for one week only, special financing until january 2016. Only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just 699. 99. Sleep number. Comfort individualized. Dicky from hollywood, its jimmy kimmel live. Tonight, Ryan Seacrest. From saving mr. Banks, bradley whitford. And music from mac miller. With cleto and the cletones. And now, whiles im at it, heres jimmy kimmel. Jimmy hi, everybody. I am jimmy. Glad you are here tonight. If you came to shop, you are out of luck

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