Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20130913 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20130913

>> tonight new development in the mountain diablo fire. we know the cause and there is full containment that once threatened homes to the east bay. good evening everyone. >> abc 7 news reporteral than license in place near where a target shooter sparked the fire on mountain diablo. allen? >> the day it started neighbors out here suspected that it was sparked by gunfire and tonight suspicion were confirmed. cal fir not saying exactly who is responsible only that this is ongoing investigation. today cal fire confirmed that someone shooting a gun sparked the fire that raced up mount difficult ab will and burned more than 3000 acres. first 911 call came from address on morgan territory road very close to byron williams home. >> my brother was here the day it started. i was actually at my girlfriend out of town and he heard either tirtion popping or gunshots some kind of loud sound like that prior to the start of the fire. >> shooting out here is kind of common. >>reporter: neighbors here suspected it started on somebody private property but fire sparked by gun is rare. >> everybody is real safe with the firearms. never heard of anybody getting shot or no other fire starting from that. >>reporter: with the fire nearly out crew return to the stakes but a lot of work to be done. fire burned away a lot of brush and concern now is the rainy season that could setoff mud slides down the mountain. >> channel down the valley and stuff like that. >>reporter: that's one of the things that the fire suppression repair folk concentrate on. >>reporter: bulldozer cut terrace into the mountain side and other crew receding the slope. by spring it should come back. part of the state park her could reopen on monday in. clayton, abc 7 news. >> fast moving fire tore path of destruction through much of the eye could be ick jersey shore boardwalk. tonight firefighters finally have that fire under control. burning in sea side pack, new jersey same place devastate bid super storm sandy last year. we are live on the scene tonight with the very latest for us. >>reporter: the fire tore through 6 blocks of boardwalk and businesses and you can see firefighters are still out here work to go put out the flames. thick black smoke choking the air and blackout boardwalk. scorching flames tearing through the symbol of the jersey shore rebirth. one part of the sea side boardwalk that survived super storm sandy almost a year ago destroyed. >> feel like i want to throw u up. after all the effort and time and resources we put in to see this going on is just unthinkable. >>reporter: unthinkable and out of control. just block from his where the iconic roller coaster washed that the ocean last october, fire spairntly started thursday afternoon storming upward outward. high wind carrying burning ember lake these up and down the beach front nvling dozens of business ins the sea side park section. >> business rebuilt during the summer they are destroyed. and it's really sad. >>reporter: desperate effort crew use heavy machine tearing through plank of the newly rebuilt portion of the boardwalk trying to stop the flames from spreading water. time lapse video show one business firefighters couldn't save. >> there it goes. oh, no. >>reporter: flames devouring this building. leaving a skeleton with now unsettling name fun town. this is abc news, sea side park, new jerse jersey. >> in developing news tonight president obama has signed emergency declaration ordering federal agents to help local responder battle deadly floodwater in colorado. 3 cars trapped and one upside down in the water. man in the car somehow survivid with my nor injuries after spending an hour inside the vehicle. l 3 people died during the flooding. completely cut off by floodwater and forecasters say more rain is on the way. >> breaking news out of afghanistan. american security forces stopped an attack on u.s. consulate after militant used suicide truck brom tore gain access. attack happened near the city of terrace after explosion militant did breach outer gate and made the way that the compound but were told there are no americans casual. >> taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. san francisco park work whor ran over a woman with city maintenance truck is poll jaysing tonight. 35-year-old christine was killed last thursday at holly park. driver city gardener thomas better than was arrested nearby after nraeing the scene. he said in part my actions caused the death of this person and there is nothing i can do to bring her back. i'm absolutely devastated by this tragedy. now facing vehicle already manslaughter and felony hit-and-run charges. new at helpful:00. state legislature late tonight approved a bill that would let undocumented immigrant get california driver's license. the license include a special mark that indicates the holder not will ayoued to vote or 7 social services. governor brown indicated he will sign this into law. california now one step closer to raising the minimum wage. talking whopping 25% over the next few years. lisa has more on the implication and possible impact. >>reporter: today several lawmakers heard this message in vacaville to raise california minimum wage. right now it's 8 dollars an hour. it would go up to 10 dollars by 2016. >> earning an extra dollar an hour 2 dollars significant impact. >>reporter: san francisco currently has the highest minimum wage in the country at 10.50. but in hayward server at famous dave make the state stand arrested. >> 10 dollars it would be great for me. i'm all for it. >>reporter: governor brown has already said he supports the bill. but others do not. california chamber of commerce and the state restaurant association opposes the bill. they say it would unfairly raise the cost for employers. it could also mean hiring fewer employees. would you rather it stayed the same then. >> i wouldn't mind getting more money with no consequence at all. >>reporter: last time the state minimum wage went up was in 2008. this is abc 7 news. >> bacteria why that causes legionnaires disease has been found in a federal building in richmond. story only on abc 7 news. bacteria was found in the bathroom sink of this facility on l this street. we obtained a copy of memo to employee that the water tested positive for legionnaires next month and has been boiled out of the water system. nobody cohn contracted the disease. 2 years old deadly outbreak happened in the very same bein being. >> we have exclusive new information tonight about turning out to be very complicated case. firefighters apparently under the influence driving ladder truck and hit a motorcycle. p.m. dan has survillains video and new information about a corruption investigation into the san francisco fire department. >>reporter: 43-year-old firefighters michael quinn had just left station 1 in ladder truck on saturday night in june what turned out to be a fls alarm. he drove 3 block and video picked. this street heading right to left motorcycle came west on howard. quinn blew through a red light and smashed into the motorcycle sending the ride intera fire hydrant. the driver has to have control of intersection before going through that did not happen in this case. i can now identify the victim as 50-year-old jack frasier of daly city. he suffered several broken ribs, punctured lung, broken leg ankle foot leg back injuries and continues rehab to this da day. through a layer frasier declined to be interview but the attorney says he rae maynes in wheelchair. still faces one more surgery and unlikely that he will ever fully recover from his injurie injuries. mr. frasier cooperating with the district attorney office. sours sources say he began chugging water. also captured on surveillance camera. left the bar hours later quinn blood alcohol level tested at.13 over the.08 legal limit. violation of zero tolerance policy. police launch corruption investigation into the firefighters who may have tried to help him avoid arrest by chugging down water. several of them deny tl helping quinn until investigators showed them their phone record records. by phone chief sent a letter to the fire commission recommending that quinn be fired and told me that the investigation almost done and will have to decide whether other firefighters from station 1 violated the department rules as well. troopers declined on camera interview so i showed up at fire commission meeting late this afternoon. how could a firefighters drink on the job, get behind the wheel and nobody stop him. >> that's all being looked at. administrative investigation and police department who we are cooperating fully with internal investigation on that. >> quinn not charged yet with dui and lawyer told me he doesn't believe quinn will ever be charged with dui because in proof he was drunk at the time of the crash. source close to firefighters tells me quinn knows his career as firefighters is over and trying to figure out what to do next. for the i team, abc 7 news. >> about administrators calling it a learning opportunity. next on 7 news why one bay area high school cancelled a dance just day before the event. >> plus cutting prices and demonstration cam. one of the nation largest retailer big move to make cosmetic safer. >> lance armstrong making headlines tonight. his twitter post today and why some people are saying it's about time. >> here's what you are going to have to deal with in the morning. we check out the wake up weather plus change >> tough lesson tonight at san francisco high school. administrators cancelled a dance scheduled for tomorrow because of jewish holiday. district says it's a learning opportunity but respecting all religion but students are frustrated by this move. >> senior jessica white on the student body council lacking forward to fundraising dance tomorrow night. it was a chance for the senior board to raise money for prom and graduation but day before the event, the principal told them the dance was cancelled. even though it had had been on the calendar for most. >> he said above me. school district said they had few complaints from parents it was on the same day as jaw issue holiday yom kippur and they capseled the dance. >> it's rescheduled. >> we don't see the need to cancel an he convenient for observance of religious holida holiday. because about as public institution we believe that we should separate relimb us factors from anything that goes into the school. >>reporter: they are losing hundreds of dollars already spent while also missing out what they would raise. we contacted san francisco unifie unified. spokesperson regret the short notice of the postponement but principal is learning to make this an opportunity of respecting all religion. according to the web site new dates for the dance is next friday the 20th however jessica says that date is also problematic. >> one of the huge groups that attend is seniors but this is day is the day after in the morning and dance that would go natural evening until about 10:00 p.m. pishtion less money raised for teacher events. this is 7 news. >> wal-mart isn't cutting back prisons. also cutting down on chemical. part of wal-mart green initiative announce today. they have not said which chemical on the chopping block. change impact household cleaning, beauty and cosmetic products. starting at 2015 suppliers have to list ingredient with product on line and wal-mart works with the environmental defense fund. >> lance armstrong trying to clean up his act tonight. he has returned the medal back in 2000. he gave it to officials months after they asked him to give it back. armstrong tweeted his picture of the medal and came clean on using the drug in an interview over oprah. massive twin water spout spotted over a lake near wisconsin. tornadoes scientist say it was spotted along the shoreline as well. in reports of damage in the area. what a sight. >> yes. sandhya is here tonight. >> fairly common back there this time of the year. >> it is. because water is warmer over lake michigan so this is around the time they start to seawater spout and especially over water with the water spout. nothing like that in the bay area. about sun going down earlier have you noticed. look at the fog there as sunseting looking towards mountain tamalpiais. hasn't progressed far but made head way. let's check out pl live doppler 7hd where it's located and seeing some of it around the peninsula to south bay out to the east bay into oak land. visibility right now poor in half moon bay. mile of fog and watch out in the morning slow going for some spots. from until area san francisco with a little bit of a fog around. 58 in san francisco right now to 61 in oakland. 62 currently in san jose half moon bay upper 50's. emeryville camera you see the top of the bay bridge disappeared as fog is pretty low. the fog layer has compressed since yesterday. it's now shallower and that means morning fog is taking its spot. 60 in napa. 58 santa rosa. 51 degrees in concord and from our roof cam are we look towards the bay. bay bridge and morning fog dense in spots looking at sunny warm conditions for the afternoon and cooler weather for the weekend. but no major upset downturn in the temperature expected next 7 days. water vapor imagery. area of low pressure system pulling up the moisture in colorado and giving them the flooding rains. that threat continue through the weekend watches and warnings show. area of low pressure to the west and we'll watch the system as they come through here to our north. quiet pattern for the bay area. one low after another goes through and all it does is play with our marine layer deepening it and dropping our temperatures from time to time. west coast develop this is more like a fall system than summertime one. keep a close eye on it on monday. extended computer model and one model wants to bring in the possibility of some drops by friday. week from tomorrow. long time awhich so we will see what happens tomorrow morning fog around the coast near the bay and some of our valley. temperature in the upper 50's to low 60's. give yourself men of time to get to work or children off to school it's slow going in pockets. south bay 84 in los gatos. 76 in milpitas on peninsula looking at 70 for most of you. 78 mountain view. 65 at pacific kavlt downtown san francisco nice day 70 degrees warmer in the north bay. 91 santa rosa 80 san rafael and east bay inland spots upper 80's that's the 7 day forecast temperatures holding for saturday cooling on sunday then you see really not whole lot of change 80's inland and we call it slightly below to average temperatures over the next seven days. we don't have a lot to complain about. >> no we don't. >> had really nice weather. >> thanks sandhya. >> coming up in sports. are the games on sunday twitter fight on right now. forty-niner anthony taking a swipe at the shake mean [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, a super low price on breakfast. honey bunches of oats is only $1.88 a box. arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. make it a triple scoop. dreyer's ice cream is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. s. >> josh has problems all year long with his wrist. pain is gone and timing perfect and a's fight for first with texas. but today they finished 3 game set in minnesota. 18 runs last night. only 8 today but that was enough. 3rd inning trip toll center here and help from alex presley who misplaced this off the wall. 4 zip athletic. griffin steal it. allow one run. do nothing and like it. now to reddick. second game back from the disabled list. this is laser to right. l alo had a. a's win and up over 3 and a half games over the rangers heading into 3 game set in arlington. giants in l of a on bobble head night. they are cute. rally. base hit perez scores and it's 2-2. joints have the fear the beard themselves. wilson in a dodger uniform. came in in the penn ground out the interview and the win here bottom gonzalez up the middle on jeremy. charles coming home and beats the throw from angel. dodgers win final. 49ers running back dixon took a jab at the seahawks by twitter. niners play seattle on sunday and tweeted about the preparation for the about she hawk. that was deleted. grandma said stick and stone break your bone. >> you have to be ready to play when time we find the play so just a matter of being ready and we know they will be ready and always play well at home with the crowd noise and judges important for any team to win at we are saving our best game. >> thursday night football. jets patriots first series. wide open. 39 yard touch down. 7 nothing pats. heavy rape at half team. made for a low scoring second half. within field goal in the third quarter all powell from 3 yards out. down 13-10. rookie late come back 48 seconds left and interceptedñi by a the team and3 pick for gene 0then behaving as badly as they do. 6 and 7 of the america's cup and new zealand has commanding league now. kiwi took seventh race by minute.67 seconds to take the cup or up the creek without a gib at this point. >> we didn't really expect to it go this way. didn't you think it's a closer race. >> this is rather one sided. i'm sure larry is not happy. >> steak night for the roils y.this particular o it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you'd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million gas-free miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isn't "why electric?" it's "why gas?" [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ for $199 a month. >> wake up weather. need extra time for the morning commute. foggy area will be dense in spots. light wind. temperatures mid 50's to low 60's might want to bundle up in the morning. 8:00 a.m. upper 50's to mid 60's. tracking the fog in the morning. >> thanks sandhya. >> prince william and kate made first red carpet appearance sense the birth of prince george. >> duchess of cambridge joined her husband at dinner in lon didn't for the charity he's a petitions of the conservation group. >> william announced he completed final duty in the royal air force and focus more on royal duties including expanding charity work. >> and changing a few diapers. >> yes 72 we would hope. >> more than a few. >> all right. "jimmy kimmel live", mexico. jake is one of the stars of the program. for all of us here thanks for all of us here thanks for joining us everyone you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, jake gyllenhaal, dianna agron, this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from the weekend. with cleto and the cletones. and now, as you may or may not know, here is jimmy kimmel! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] thank you all for coming.

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Arlington , Texas , United States , Oakland , California , Afghanistan , Vacaville , Mountain View , Minnesota , San Francisco Park , Wisconsin , New Zealand , San Francisco , Mexico , Los Gatos , Daly City , Emeryville , New Jersey , Milpitas , Colorado , Hollywood , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Jersey , Americans , America , American , Michael Quinn , Jimmy Kimmel , Jack Frasier , Yom Kippur , Jake Gyllenhaal , Byron Williams , Alex Presley , Dianna Agron , Kaiser Permanente , Lance Armstrong ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20130913 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20130913

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>> tonight new development in the mountain diablo fire. we know the cause and there is full containment that once threatened homes to the east bay. good evening everyone. >> abc 7 news reporteral than license in place near where a target shooter sparked the fire on mountain diablo. allen? >> the day it started neighbors out here suspected that it was sparked by gunfire and tonight suspicion were confirmed. cal fir not saying exactly who is responsible only that this is ongoing investigation. today cal fire confirmed that someone shooting a gun sparked the fire that raced up mount difficult ab will and burned more than 3000 acres. first 911 call came from address on morgan territory road very close to byron williams home. >> my brother was here the day it started. i was actually at my girlfriend out of town and he heard either tirtion popping or gunshots some kind of loud sound like that prior to the start of the fire. >> shooting out here is kind of common. >>reporter: neighbors here suspected it started on somebody private property but fire sparked by gun is rare. >> everybody is real safe with the firearms. never heard of anybody getting shot or no other fire starting from that. >>reporter: with the fire nearly out crew return to the stakes but a lot of work to be done. fire burned away a lot of brush and concern now is the rainy season that could setoff mud slides down the mountain. >> channel down the valley and stuff like that. >>reporter: that's one of the things that the fire suppression repair folk concentrate on. >>reporter: bulldozer cut terrace into the mountain side and other crew receding the slope. by spring it should come back. part of the state park her could reopen on monday in. clayton, abc 7 news. >> fast moving fire tore path of destruction through much of the eye could be ick jersey shore boardwalk. tonight firefighters finally have that fire under control. burning in sea side pack, new jersey same place devastate bid super storm sandy last year. we are live on the scene tonight with the very latest for us. >>reporter: the fire tore through 6 blocks of boardwalk and businesses and you can see firefighters are still out here work to go put out the flames. thick black smoke choking the air and blackout boardwalk. scorching flames tearing through the symbol of the jersey shore rebirth. one part of the sea side boardwalk that survived super storm sandy almost a year ago destroyed. >> feel like i want to throw u up. after all the effort and time and resources we put in to see this going on is just unthinkable. >>reporter: unthinkable and out of control. just block from his where the iconic roller coaster washed that the ocean last october, fire spairntly started thursday afternoon storming upward outward. high wind carrying burning ember lake these up and down the beach front nvling dozens of business ins the sea side park section. >> business rebuilt during the summer they are destroyed. and it's really sad. >>reporter: desperate effort crew use heavy machine tearing through plank of the newly rebuilt portion of the boardwalk trying to stop the flames from spreading water. time lapse video show one business firefighters couldn't save. >> there it goes. oh, no. >>reporter: flames devouring this building. leaving a skeleton with now unsettling name fun town. this is abc news, sea side park, new jerse jersey. >> in developing news tonight president obama has signed emergency declaration ordering federal agents to help local responder battle deadly floodwater in colorado. 3 cars trapped and one upside down in the water. man in the car somehow survivid with my nor injuries after spending an hour inside the vehicle. l 3 people died during the flooding. completely cut off by floodwater and forecasters say more rain is on the way. >> breaking news out of afghanistan. american security forces stopped an attack on u.s. consulate after militant used suicide truck brom tore gain access. attack happened near the city of terrace after explosion militant did breach outer gate and made the way that the compound but were told there are no americans casual. >> taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. san francisco park work whor ran over a woman with city maintenance truck is poll jaysing tonight. 35-year-old christine was killed last thursday at holly park. driver city gardener thomas better than was arrested nearby after nraeing the scene. he said in part my actions caused the death of this person and there is nothing i can do to bring her back. i'm absolutely devastated by this tragedy. now facing vehicle already manslaughter and felony hit-and-run charges. new at helpful:00. state legislature late tonight approved a bill that would let undocumented immigrant get california driver's license. the license include a special mark that indicates the holder not will ayoued to vote or 7 social services. governor brown indicated he will sign this into law. california now one step closer to raising the minimum wage. talking whopping 25% over the next few years. lisa has more on the implication and possible impact. >>reporter: today several lawmakers heard this message in vacaville to raise california minimum wage. right now it's 8 dollars an hour. it would go up to 10 dollars by 2016. >> earning an extra dollar an hour 2 dollars significant impact. >>reporter: san francisco currently has the highest minimum wage in the country at 10.50. but in hayward server at famous dave make the state stand arrested. >> 10 dollars it would be great for me. i'm all for it. >>reporter: governor brown has already said he supports the bill. but others do not. california chamber of commerce and the state restaurant association opposes the bill. they say it would unfairly raise the cost for employers. it could also mean hiring fewer employees. would you rather it stayed the same then. >> i wouldn't mind getting more money with no consequence at all. >>reporter: last time the state minimum wage went up was in 2008. this is abc 7 news. >> bacteria why that causes legionnaires disease has been found in a federal building in richmond. story only on abc 7 news. bacteria was found in the bathroom sink of this facility on l this street. we obtained a copy of memo to employee that the water tested positive for legionnaires next month and has been boiled out of the water system. nobody cohn contracted the disease. 2 years old deadly outbreak happened in the very same bein being. >> we have exclusive new information tonight about turning out to be very complicated case. firefighters apparently under the influence driving ladder truck and hit a motorcycle. p.m. dan has survillains video and new information about a corruption investigation into the san francisco fire department. >>reporter: 43-year-old firefighters michael quinn had just left station 1 in ladder truck on saturday night in june what turned out to be a fls alarm. he drove 3 block and video picked. this street heading right to left motorcycle came west on howard. quinn blew through a red light and smashed into the motorcycle sending the ride intera fire hydrant. the driver has to have control of intersection before going through that did not happen in this case. i can now identify the victim as 50-year-old jack frasier of daly city. he suffered several broken ribs, punctured lung, broken leg ankle foot leg back injuries and continues rehab to this da day. through a layer frasier declined to be interview but the attorney says he rae maynes in wheelchair. still faces one more surgery and unlikely that he will ever fully recover from his injurie injuries. mr. frasier cooperating with the district attorney office. sours sources say he began chugging water. also captured on surveillance camera. left the bar hours later quinn blood alcohol level tested at.13 over the.08 legal limit. violation of zero tolerance policy. police launch corruption investigation into the firefighters who may have tried to help him avoid arrest by chugging down water. several of them deny tl helping quinn until investigators showed them their phone record records. by phone chief sent a letter to the fire commission recommending that quinn be fired and told me that the investigation almost done and will have to decide whether other firefighters from station 1 violated the department rules as well. troopers declined on camera interview so i showed up at fire commission meeting late this afternoon. how could a firefighters drink on the job, get behind the wheel and nobody stop him. >> that's all being looked at. administrative investigation and police department who we are cooperating fully with internal investigation on that. >> quinn not charged yet with dui and lawyer told me he doesn't believe quinn will ever be charged with dui because in proof he was drunk at the time of the crash. source close to firefighters tells me quinn knows his career as firefighters is over and trying to figure out what to do next. for the i team, abc 7 news. >> about administrators calling it a learning opportunity. next on 7 news why one bay area high school cancelled a dance just day before the event. >> plus cutting prices and demonstration cam. one of the nation largest retailer big move to make cosmetic safer. >> lance armstrong making headlines tonight. his twitter post today and why some people are saying it's about time. >> here's what you are going to have to deal with in the morning. we check out the wake up weather plus change >> tough lesson tonight at san francisco high school. administrators cancelled a dance scheduled for tomorrow because of jewish holiday. district says it's a learning opportunity but respecting all religion but students are frustrated by this move. >> senior jessica white on the student body council lacking forward to fundraising dance tomorrow night. it was a chance for the senior board to raise money for prom and graduation but day before the event, the principal told them the dance was cancelled. even though it had had been on the calendar for most. >> he said above me. school district said they had few complaints from parents it was on the same day as jaw issue holiday yom kippur and they capseled the dance. >> it's rescheduled. >> we don't see the need to cancel an he convenient for observance of religious holida holiday. because about as public institution we believe that we should separate relimb us factors from anything that goes into the school. >>reporter: they are losing hundreds of dollars already spent while also missing out what they would raise. we contacted san francisco unifie unified. spokesperson regret the short notice of the postponement but principal is learning to make this an opportunity of respecting all religion. according to the web site new dates for the dance is next friday the 20th however jessica says that date is also problematic. >> one of the huge groups that attend is seniors but this is day is the day after in the morning and dance that would go natural evening until about 10:00 p.m. pishtion less money raised for teacher events. this is 7 news. >> wal-mart isn't cutting back prisons. also cutting down on chemical. part of wal-mart green initiative announce today. they have not said which chemical on the chopping block. change impact household cleaning, beauty and cosmetic products. starting at 2015 suppliers have to list ingredient with product on line and wal-mart works with the environmental defense fund. >> lance armstrong trying to clean up his act tonight. he has returned the medal back in 2000. he gave it to officials months after they asked him to give it back. armstrong tweeted his picture of the medal and came clean on using the drug in an interview over oprah. massive twin water spout spotted over a lake near wisconsin. tornadoes scientist say it was spotted along the shoreline as well. in reports of damage in the area. what a sight. >> yes. sandhya is here tonight. >> fairly common back there this time of the year. >> it is. because water is warmer over lake michigan so this is around the time they start to seawater spout and especially over water with the water spout. nothing like that in the bay area. about sun going down earlier have you noticed. look at the fog there as sunseting looking towards mountain tamalpiais. hasn't progressed far but made head way. let's check out pl live doppler 7hd where it's located and seeing some of it around the peninsula to south bay out to the east bay into oak land. visibility right now poor in half moon bay. mile of fog and watch out in the morning slow going for some spots. from until area san francisco with a little bit of a fog around. 58 in san francisco right now to 61 in oakland. 62 currently in san jose half moon bay upper 50's. emeryville camera you see the top of the bay bridge disappeared as fog is pretty low. the fog layer has compressed since yesterday. it's now shallower and that means morning fog is taking its spot. 60 in napa. 58 santa rosa. 51 degrees in concord and from our roof cam are we look towards the bay. bay bridge and morning fog dense in spots looking at sunny warm conditions for the afternoon and cooler weather for the weekend. but no major upset downturn in the temperature expected next 7 days. water vapor imagery. area of low pressure system pulling up the moisture in colorado and giving them the flooding rains. that threat continue through the weekend watches and warnings show. area of low pressure to the west and we'll watch the system as they come through here to our north. quiet pattern for the bay area. one low after another goes through and all it does is play with our marine layer deepening it and dropping our temperatures from time to time. west coast develop this is more like a fall system than summertime one. keep a close eye on it on monday. extended computer model and one model wants to bring in the possibility of some drops by friday. week from tomorrow. long time awhich so we will see what happens tomorrow morning fog around the coast near the bay and some of our valley. temperature in the upper 50's to low 60's. give yourself men of time to get to work or children off to school it's slow going in pockets. south bay 84 in los gatos. 76 in milpitas on peninsula looking at 70 for most of you. 78 mountain view. 65 at pacific kavlt downtown san francisco nice day 70 degrees warmer in the north bay. 91 santa rosa 80 san rafael and east bay inland spots upper 80's that's the 7 day forecast temperatures holding for saturday cooling on sunday then you see really not whole lot of change 80's inland and we call it slightly below to average temperatures over the next seven days. we don't have a lot to complain about. >> no we don't. >> had really nice weather. >> thanks sandhya. >> coming up in sports. are the games on sunday twitter fight on right now. forty-niner anthony taking a swipe at the shake mean [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, a super low price on breakfast. honey bunches of oats is only $1.88 a box. arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. make it a triple scoop. dreyer's ice cream is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. s. >> josh has problems all year long with his wrist. pain is gone and timing perfect and a's fight for first with texas. but today they finished 3 game set in minnesota. 18 runs last night. only 8 today but that was enough. 3rd inning trip toll center here and help from alex presley who misplaced this off the wall. 4 zip athletic. griffin steal it. allow one run. do nothing and like it. now to reddick. second game back from the disabled list. this is laser to right. l alo had a. a's win and up over 3 and a half games over the rangers heading into 3 game set in arlington. giants in l of a on bobble head night. they are cute. rally. base hit perez scores and it's 2-2. joints have the fear the beard themselves. wilson in a dodger uniform. came in in the penn ground out the interview and the win here bottom gonzalez up the middle on jeremy. charles coming home and beats the throw from angel. dodgers win final. 49ers running back dixon took a jab at the seahawks by twitter. niners play seattle on sunday and tweeted about the preparation for the about she hawk. that was deleted. grandma said stick and stone break your bone. >> you have to be ready to play when time we find the play so just a matter of being ready and we know they will be ready and always play well at home with the crowd noise and judges important for any team to win at we are saving our best game. >> thursday night football. jets patriots first series. wide open. 39 yard touch down. 7 nothing pats. heavy rape at half team. made for a low scoring second half. within field goal in the third quarter all powell from 3 yards out. down 13-10. rookie late come back 48 seconds left and interceptedñi by a the team and3 pick for gene 0then behaving as badly as they do. 6 and 7 of the america's cup and new zealand has commanding league now. kiwi took seventh race by minute.67 seconds to take the cup or up the creek without a gib at this point. >> we didn't really expect to it go this way. didn't you think it's a closer race. >> this is rather one sided. i'm sure larry is not happy. >> steak night for the roils y.this particular o it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you'd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million gas-free miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isn't "why electric?" it's "why gas?" [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ for $199 a month. >> wake up weather. need extra time for the morning commute. foggy area will be dense in spots. light wind. temperatures mid 50's to low 60's might want to bundle up in the morning. 8:00 a.m. upper 50's to mid 60's. tracking the fog in the morning. >> thanks sandhya. >> prince william and kate made first red carpet appearance sense the birth of prince george. >> duchess of cambridge joined her husband at dinner in lon didn't for the charity he's a petitions of the conservation group. >> william announced he completed final duty in the royal air force and focus more on royal duties including expanding charity work. >> and changing a few diapers. >> yes 72 we would hope. >> more than a few. >> all right. "jimmy kimmel live", mexico. jake is one of the stars of the program. for all of us here thanks for all of us here thanks for joining us everyone you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, jake gyllenhaal, dianna agron, this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from the weekend. with cleto and the cletones. and now, as you may or may not know, here is jimmy kimmel! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] thank you all for coming.

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