Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100AM 20171211 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100AM 20171211

>> reporter: during the height of the morning rush hour, police evacuating the port authority bus terminal in new york city after reports of an explosion. a crude device set nated in the passageway passageway below ground at the largest bus terminal. >> hear about a bomb in a subway station, many ways one of our worst nightmares. >> reporter: one person is in custody, pour people injured including the suspect. >> this was an attempted terrorist attack. thank god the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals. >> reporter: the suspect, according to sources, is 27-year-old man named akayed ullah from bangladesh. she he's been living in the u.s. for the past seven years and thought to be wearing the device when it went off. he was alive and seriously injured and stripped naked to make sure he wasn't carrying additional explosives. he's now in the hospital. >> a thorough background investigation is being conducted by the joint terrorist task force. >> reporter: the port authority is the major transportation hub in new york and located in the middle of manhattan. >> i was really -- make it to my job, maybe i got a chance of survival. >> reporter: authorities expect all trains to be up and running again by the evening rush. >> let's go back to work. we're not going to allow them to disrupt us. that's exactly what they want. and that is exactly what they're not going to get. >> reporter: the incident was captured on transit system video. authorities are now reviewing that tape and interviewing witnesses. linda lopez, abc news, midtown, manhattan. local authorities are working to ensure that bay area transit systems are safe and secure as possible. abc 7's jessica castro has that bart part of our coverage. >> hi, kisten, yes, here's the latest tweet on social media from the sfpd, saying san francisco police department is following the events in new york city and there are no known threats to san francisco and officers will be making extra passing calls of transit. you can see that they included muni in their tweet. meanwhile, earlier this morning, b.a.r.t. sent out this tweet, "shortly after the attacks reminding everyone to use mass transit and when you see something, say something. they are also assuring riders that b.a.r.t. police will maintain high visibility and awareness today in response to the incident in new york city. meanwhile, we were able to get ahold of ac transit. they tell us it will maintain its same level of security and law enforcement vigilance. our team also contacted cal train. so far, no response from that agency. kristen, back to you. >> jessica, thank you. abc 7 has been updating the story throughout the morning with our mobile app. we sent out this alert at 7:11 this morning. our app is a good way to stay on top of breaking news and it is free to download. this morning, hillsborough police are talking for the first time since the huge weekend development in a kidnapping that dates back more than 20 years. detectives say they captured a second man involved in the abduction of a 9-year-old girl. abc 7 news reporter matt keller is live at hillsborough town hall with the very latest. matt? >> reporter: kristen, this is an extraordinary arrest. we just talked with a captain here with the hillsborough police department. he says it was exactly 22 years ago today that this kidnapping took place. and today, they have another suspect in jail. here's video of that suspect arriving at sfo yesterday. his name is 68-year-old kevin linn. he arrived in police custody. he was arrested in southern california on friday. linn was wanted for the 1995 kidnapping of christine chu. police say the 9-year-old was walking home from south hillsborough school when linn and two other men pulled her into a van. kidnappers trying to extort mustn't from christine's father but dropped the plan when they learned her parents were in taiwan. they left her unharmed in a hotel. they got a call from the state department last week seeing a man with the same name was applying for a passport. >> fairly low tech, a conversation between me and the state department and once we asked them to send us a photo, we look at a photo we had from 1996, compared it to the today's photo, and it was very, very similar and everything else matched up on it. so that's what prompted the investigation. >> reporter: captain doug davis and another officer went to southern california last week. and arrested linn at the federal building when he was going back to pick up his passport. linn is being held on $5 million bail at the san mateo county jail in redwood city and will make his first court appearance this afternoon. he's the second of three suspects to face charges. one man was convicted of the kidnapping 20 years ago. another is still on the run. i asked if the police department talked with the chu family. captain davis said yes and the family is pleased to hear about the arrest. reporting live in hillsborough, matt keller, abc 7 news. >> matt, thank you. happening now, the preliminary hearing continues for the two suspects in the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire. it will determine whether derek elmena and max harris should stand trial. both face 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter because 36 people died in the fire last year. while taattending a party. a man who co-signed the lease for the warehouse in oaklandl y abc 7 news a crew at the hearing and bring you an update on abc 7 news at 4:00. first public meeting over a deadly police shooting in san francisco's bay view district. the shooting happened on dpes december 1st. o'neal carjack jed a van belongg to the california state lottery. he was fatally shot. now abc 7 news learned last week o'neal did not have a gun at the time and police body camera video it appears o'neal was lookilook ing away from thecruiser when he was shot. the officer who fired just graduated from the police academy days before. the oakland workers' strike continues and whether there's any end in sight, let's get to abc 7 news reporter amy hollyfield live in oakland. amy? >> reporter: hi, kristen. well, they're telling me whether they go back to work depends on how mediation goes today and right now, they're meeting with the mediator and discussing the process. the actual mediation is going to start a little later today, but meanwhile, the picket line is very active right now. they started targeting the mayor first thing this morning. as the union prepared to head into mediation with oakland mayor libby schaaf, they also chanted about her on the picket line. [ chanting ] union leaders say they won't consider ending the strike unless the city shows is will give at the mediation table today. >> the city has to show us that they're willing to bargain with us, and not just impose on us. >> reporter: this is what the mayor said yesterday heading into today's mediation. >> we want our workers back at work and we want to settle our differences because we just deeply respect our workers and really want to continue serving the public. >> reporter: the bargaining team says it will decide later today whether the strike will continue. one worker told us she is hoping to get back to work. >> i'm sick, i'm going to be broke, and, yeah, this is really hard and i feel very bad for the citizens of oakland right now. >> reporter: here's a look at the effects of the strike. piles of garbage spilling over from the homeless encampments. city workers are the ones who handle cleaning this up. these employees on strike say they are residents, too, and they also miss city services. >> i'm missing cleanup. there's more dumping, more stuff not getting cleaned up. i think that's probably the biggest thing affecting me personally right now. >> reporter: union leaders tell me they know that these employees want to go back to work, but they also feel like they have more power if they stay on strike. so they're going to be discussing what to do and they plan to make an announcement about tomorrow in the future of the strike later today. live in oakland, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> amy, thank you. a developing story we're watching out of southern california. the raging wildfires. firefighters are dealing with five major fires, the thomas fire in ventura county is the fifth largest in state history. it's burned an area larger than new york city. the fire scorched another 50,000 acres yesterday. this led to a new evacuation order forcing thousands of people to leave their homes. some literally had minutes to grab their belongings. >> the fire burned down the entire backyard. so i'm ready to go. >> my neighbor across the street pounded on my door at 3:00 in the morning, debby, get out! debby, pack your stuff, get out! >> the fires have already destroyed hundreds of homes in southern california. the bay area has sent several firefighters to help crews fighting the massive thomas fire in ventura county. the menlo park fire protection district says three teams have been in the los angeles area for several days helping fight the creek fire. with that fire nearly fully contained now, they have been redeployed to ventura county. the smoke from the southern california wildfires led to the bay area air quality management district declaring today another spare the air day. take a look, you can see why. a reminder, wood burning is not allowed during spare the air. this means you cannot build a fire in the fireplace. for a look at what's causing this unhealthy air, fires are not the only thing, let's check in with meteorologist mike nicco. mike? >> hey, kristen, hi, aeeverybod. our stagnant air mass has been sitting on top of us for several days, almost a week to a week and a half. it's not going to change much until we get toward the weekend. san rafael, looks a little hazy this morning. good news, all of our air quality stations are reporting moderate, if not better air quality. so we're not quite there to the poor air quality yet. we could be. we have a little bit of poor air quality around napa at midnight p 1:00 this morning. it's the north bay, the coast and the central bay that could develop poor air quality again as we head throughout the day. that's why that burning ban is on until midnight. but it looks like moving forward, hopefully, things will clear out. we'll take a look at some record high temperatures coming up in my accuweather seven-day forecast. kristen? >> all right, mike, thanks. today's the deadline for north bay wildfire victims to register for disaster assistance from the federal government. residents whose homes were damaged in napa, sonoma, pend se mendoci mendocino, butte, counties may be eligible for grants that do not have to be repaid and may apply for low interest disaster loans. go to for information on how to register. new this morning, a major blow to president trump and his controversial ban against transgender troops. the pentagon says it will allow transgender people to enlist in the military. despite the president's opposition. the new policy reflects growing legal pressure on the issue and difficult hurdles that the federal government would have to cross to enforce the president's ban. two federal courts have already ruled it illegal. they ruled against it. enlistment of transgender recruits start january 1st. three women are detailing accounts of sexual allegations against president trump. they held a joint news conference this morning claiming mr. trump fondled and forcibly kissed them in actions that predate his presidency. they are three 3 of 16 women demanding that congress investigate their claims. >> they've investigated other congress members, so i think it only stands fair that he be investigated as well. >> if they were willing to investigate senator franken, i think it's only fair that they do the same for trump. >> the president has denied all of the accusations and the white house says the women are all making, quote, false claims. apple is doing some holiday shopping. the company has just made a purchase of its own. the app it is buying. and we'll have a video that's going viral this morning, the touching anti-bullying message recorded by a child. firefighters rescued a dog this morning during this sunnyvale. the fire started at about 2:00 a.m. at the home on pyrus way. the family made it out oak, thankfully. most of the damage is to the garage. firefighters say the family will need to stay someplace else today. no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is under investigation. now today's morning money report. apple is in a buying mood this holiday season. the coopupertino based company confirmed it's buying shazam, a popular app that helps users identify a soeng, tv show, movi or ad by listening to a few seconds of it. no word yet on the purchase price. buying shazam expands apple's reach into the music world. it purchased beatz in 2014 paving the way for its own music streaming service. you can buy and sell bitcoin as well as other digital crrency on the u.s. exchange. the bit koin coin is on the ris morning at $16,600. yesterday it began trading on a major u.s. exchange. the chicago board options exchange. futures allow investors to essentially bet on whether something's going up in price or down. the popular virtual currency has been on a wild roller coaster ride in the past week with some financial observers saying it's headed for the $100,000 mark. while others saying it's headed for a crash. coming up, a video you need to see. the painful message from a young boy about bullying. taking off on the internet this morning. and a live look outside right now for you. meteorologist mike nicco will have your accuweather forecast coming up. mike? >> yeah, in fact, let me give you a little preview of it by show you what's going on outside as we open the weather window from sutro tower and show you just how warm temperatures are going to be today compared to average. 8 to 13, with that 69 at napa, a record high. i'll show you how much longer that's going to last coming up in the accuweather seven-day foreca now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> all right. it was a very quiet morning outside of some frost and the possibility of black ice up around santa rosa as we had fog and a temperature of 30. otherwise the drifting clouds made for a gorgeous morning. put them into motion here, see they're just kind of hanging around at 30,000 feet. just dimming the sunshine a little bit on this, you could say, early winter morning. all right. 30,000 feet. that's about where that cloud canopy is. you can see the grayness on live doppler 7. broaden it out, here's a look where the storm track is, close enough for these high clouds. not close enough to bring us a storm any time soon. so let's see where our temperatures are. mainly in the mid to upper 50s 23 you're heading out right now. warmer air, los gatos, 61. of course, your eye was probably drown to the 68 in half moon bay already thanks to the offshore breeze. little cooler up north, santa rosa at 50, 48 at ukiah. concord and hayward about 56. the east bay hills, see some of the haze hanging around right now. but our air is clean right now. but still, spare the air. be careful if you're going to be out today. no wood burning. mainly sunny today. chilly night. some fog forms again. especially up in the north bay and in the central valley. and still, no soaking storm on the way. and because of that, look at these temperatures today. 64 to 69 in most areas around the bay and inland. see 71 at san jose, 70 at u cki and half moon bay. 73 in santa cruz. impressive numbers. here's a look at the explore yum camera. off-shore breeze. 62 inland at noon. 59 around the bay. 61 to 64 at 4:00. we'll drop into the 40s and 50s at 9:00. and also at midnight. you can see the greatest amount of fog will be in the central valley. there will be a small chance around santa rosa like this morning. with a temperature of 31, we'll keep an eye on black ice once again. most of us around the bay in the low to mid 40s. upper 40s to near 50 around san francisco. to the coast. look at this. 37%. our snow pack. as we look at the accuweather seven-day forecast, there's just absolutely no rain and no snow on the way. temperatures above average here and in the mountains. all right. th the card trick jedi. >> no, no! >> next "right this minute." he's a nascar champion who's she's a world-class swimmer who's stared down the best in her sport. but for both of them, the most challenging opponent was... pe blood clots in my lung. it was really scary. a dvt in my leg. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. my doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®... to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner... ...that's proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. here's how xarelto works. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective... ...targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you've had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you've got to learn all you can... help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there's more to know. want to know what the top holiday film is in every state? we posted that fun story on our website, where you'll also find a list of golden globes nominees. remember, we're on 24/7 on the abc 7 app and if you're logging on to from your phone, download the app to get breaking news alerts then tune in for the latest news and weather right here on our next newscast, abc 7 news at 4:00. now this is a video that's touched millions of people around the world. this morning, people are using the #istandwithkeaton to suppor keaton jones, a tennessee boy who was bullied at school. his mother posted a video on facebook of her son sending words of encouragement to other victims of bullying. >> people that are different don't need to be criticized about it. because it's not their fault. but if you are made fun of, just don't -- don't let it bother you. >> that's a message of strength. more than 21 million people have watched the video. celebrities are now reaching out to keaton to offer their support. now happening tonight, meet members of the oakland raiders and help a good cause at the same time. players along with raiderettes cheerleaders will sign autographs in exchange for a donation. the silver and black teaming u with the u.s. marine corps to brighten the holidays for thousands of children through the toys for tots program. bring an unwrapped toy valued at $0 $20 or more to the southland mall in hayward. the event starts tonight at 6:00. good fun and good karma, why not, right? >> hopefully they'll get a big turnout. i know they are. the raiders fans are awesome. yesterday was a bump on the road, right? >> fortunately a bump within the division, could have taken over sole first place if they would have beat the chiefs. >> i know you watched the 49 ergs game, too, that was very positive. >> they've been playing well all year and starting to see the fruit of their labor there. they're going to be really good next year. i think they'll surprise some people. >> don't you think? should we go back to your forte, weather, now? after touching on sports. san francisco, nice but hazy. >> hazy. it's a spare the air day. be careful. >> bye-bye. >> coming to you from caesars entertainment studios, it's beginner's luck week. today, we're playing with some folks who've never been to las vegas before, and are hoping that when it comes to winning big, the first time's a charm. so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ♪ welcome to "millionaire." it's beginner's luck week here. you guys ready to play? [cheers and applause] all week long, we're playing with folks who've never been to las vegas before, so we're doing something extra special for them. every time one of our players successfully answers the $5,000 question, they not only get that money, they also get this: three tickets to see penn & teller at the rio. penn & teller have amazed and made audiences laugh for over 40 years. their award-winning live show has been a hit on broadway and around the world and, of course, right here in las vegas, where they're one of the

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