Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100AM 20160704 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100AM 20160704

me, it seems like one of the weakest moves i have ever seen by a super star. >> steven smith is critical of the decision to leave the oklahoma city thunder for the golden state warriors. the free agent deal comes after a public courting process by several nba teams. durant made the announcement just about 9:00 this morning. he emphasized the importance of growing as a basketball player but said this decision was more than that. durant wrote, i am also at a point in my life where it's of equal importance to find an opportunity that encouraged my evolution as a man, moving out of my comfort zone to a new city and community which offers the greatest potential for my contribution and personal growth. his signing means the warriors will not be able to sign others. they will look to trade bogut. analysts feel adding another mvp to the lineup was a no brainer. >> i love the decision. this team is incredible. kevin fits in so smoothly, because he's unselfish. >> most warriors fans are thrilled about the news. even though their team lost the nba finals, they got the big prize in free agency. >> let's go to jessica. she has been talking to fans all morning long. i bet a lot were excited. >> reporter: yes, they were. what a gift for fourth of july for sports fans here in the bay area. we came out to at&t park, the giants are set to play this afternoon. we decided to talk to local sports fans. let me tell you, everyone we spoke to was excited. the people we spoke to say kevin durant's size and talent will really stack the warriors' lineup. despite the loss in the championship, the golden state warriors are at the top of their game. this will make them a powerhouse. will he gel perfectly? sports fans seem to think so. >> i think it's fantastic. i think that it's going to send waves through the entire nba. >> i'm mixed emotions, because i hated him in the playoffs. now since he's a warrior, i'm all on board. >> it makes the warriors the number one enemy in the nba right now. they are the biggest bully. this is bigger than lebron going to miami. >> he's a real tall, big man which we need. he's a great rebounder. he has great assists, which we need as well. >> of course, now the big question, will kevin durant affect a trade or how it will affect team die name iynamics. one of the biggest names in basketball. a lot of folks excited. >> no question. it's a huge day. team coverage of durant's decision on abc 7 news at 4:00. our reporting continues right now on twitter. follow us at abc7newsbayarea. fourth of july celebrations are under way. the gun control debate has become a focus for some. >> reporter: good morning. this parade is still going strong. it started an hour ago. still has a ways to go. look at the people here this morning to enjoy the floats. there's quite a variety of floats. one of our favorites, we will start off with, an '80s. i'm a child of the '80s. i like that one. there are 250 horses walking in the parade. hogs, too. referring to motorcycles, of course. organizers tell me they estimate 60,000 people who line the streets to see the parade. in addition to bands and cheerleaders, there's a political statement floating by. a college student entered a pro gun control float. she line ad a truck listing locations of mass shooting in the country. she's hoping to motivate people to take action. >> our goal is not to convince people that don't believe in gun control. our goal is to convince people that aren't using their voices to stand up for themselves and realize that gun control is doable and shootings are completely preventable. >> reporter: she did in response to an nra float that shows up every year. it's not here this year, however. the parade organizer tells me the nra rep had a heart attack and is in the hospital. this is the 40th year to hold this fourth of july parade. it's a 3.2 mile long route. organizers tell me, that's the longest parade route in the country. live from a lively alameda, happy fourth of july, everyone, amy holyfield. gun control advocates will mark the fourth of july in a few minutes with a sit-in. it's helping in redwood city. it happens what happened on the floor of congress last month. democrats who said they were fed up with the refusal to pass gun control legislation made a stand by sitting down. speer displayed one of the five bullets taken from her body. that will be in front of the fox theater. it begins at 11:30. illegal fireworks are a problem in many bay area cities, including the south bay. they will look for people breaking the law. fines range from $500 to $1,000. abc 7 news crews captured plenty of illegal fireworks over the weekend. even though labeled safe and sane fireworks are banned in san jose and most of santa clara county. >> i have seen a 3-year-old child who took a bottle rocket to the chest. it penetrated to her heart. every year, even the safe and sane fireworks which really aren't safe create injuries. >> if you see anything, grab your phone. for the first time, you can report illegal firework activity online through the city's website. ♪ we were in danville this morning for the fourth of july parade there. people lined up their chairs at 6:00 last night and camped out until the parade stepped off to get a good spot. it goes back to 1958. >> preparations are under way for tonight's fireworks show along the san francisco waterfront. fireworks will come up from pier 39. the big show begins at 9:30 sharp. it will last 23 minutes. organizers say it will have 10,000 lighted affects. if you are going, keep in mind there are tow away signs. a reminder for anyone coming into san francisco, bart will run longer trains to get people to and from the celebration. the agency is running on a sunday schedule today. but it will operate extra event trains in the evening. let's run down some of the other fireworks shows. the big question for many, will the weather cooperate with tonight's fireworks show? our meteorologist is up on the roof with a look at the forecast. >> hi. happy independence day. let me start by saying the cloud deck is still here. it's higher than yesterday. if we do shoot fireworks off into it, at least it won't be covering up as much. you will see it better. i believe it will be around. you can see the southerly surge breaking up the cloud cover a little bit. it's going to return in ernest once we get toward the 7:00 and 8:00 hour. here is the planner for today. we look at the cloud deck waiting to come in. temperatures at 3:00, upper 50s at the coast. a few low 80s inland. 9:00, temperatures in the mid 50s to 60s. anywhere south of the richmond bridge from sfo over to oakland, that's where we will have the cloud deck, up to 2,000 feet. if you go south and east of there, you are going to be fine. no clouds to speak of. here you go, in san francisco, about 54 degrees. santa rosa, 58. warmer in san jose, 65. unfortunately, there's cloud cover for the fireworks here in san francisco. >> the good news, the fog will be colorful. >> good point. >> spin it that way. >> i like that. hillary clinton is trying to put her e-mail controversy behind her. she will be in the headlines tomorrow for a big reason. that's because president obama is going to join the presumptive democratic presidential nominee on campaign trail for the first time. the two are going to appear together in north carolina, a state he won in 2008 and then narrowly lost in 2012. the president originally planned to appear with clinton in wisconsin last month. that event got canceled because of the massacre at orlando's pulse nightclub. let's go to donald trump who is meeting with vp candidates. indiana governor mike pence met with him yesterday at trump national golf course. iowa governor earnst and chris christie and newt gingrich are on the short list. the republican national convention is coming up fast, in just two weeks. still to come, stepped up security on the fourth of july. we will show you what's being done nationwide to help keep americans safe. chew on this. oh, boy. that face. bay area rivals square off again in the nathan's hot dog eating contest. the death toll in saturday's suicide truck bombing in baghdad topped 165. that's the deadliest single attack in iraq in decades. the explosion ripped through a busy marketplace crowded with families who were out following the ramadan fast. dozens angrily threw rocks at the iraqi prime minister's convoy. isis claimed responsibility. it's the militant's third terror attack in just a week after bangladesh and turkey. new this morning, saudi authorities investigavesinvesti suicide blast. a man blew himself up after police approached him in a hospital parking lot. the officers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. a robot used there to detonate three other devices found in the car. police forces across the country are stepping up security. in new york, mobile cameras and so-called availabler dogs are being used to sniff out bombs. in washington, d.c., there's a strong law enforcement presence ahead of festivities on the national mall. >> we have a tight security plan for the fourth of july with our partners. >> there is increased surveillance in boston and chicago thousands of extra police are on duty. authorities say to be clear, there are no credible threats against the u.s. today. because of the recent terror attacks overseas, police here are not taking any chances. just ahead, what voters are being urged not to do on this fourth of july. the clouds evaporated quickly. look at walnut creek. look at the temperatures there. they are going to stay below average, even with all the sunshine. i wilt have another look at what's going to happen the rest of the holiday and the cool weather coming in the seven-day forecast. it bothered his owner. found out what the dog brought home that earned him a hand from one neighbor. the unprecedented view we're about to ♪ they go ooh ooh. ♪ hey! ♪ they go oh-ooh-ooooh. ♪ sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪ ♪ at the back of the bus ♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ all i wanna hear is get down, get down... ♪ get full on summer at target. get a $10 target giftcard when you spend $50 on groceries. through july fourth. restrictions apply. details at put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. . investigators want to know who started several fires north of the alameda line. ten acres burned early yesterday morning. firefighters say the fires were not accidental. no one was hurt. the coast guard is warning boaters out enjoying the holiday to not launch fireworks from their vessels. they are mistaken for distress signals. they warn boaters to not launch emergency flares unless there's an actual problem. from the i can't believe it happened file, a chicago man is thanking a neighborhood dog for helping him after a fireworks accident. >> let's say he gave him a hand. police say the 39-year-old man blew his hand off. investigators couldn't find it until a woman's dog found it in her front yard a few hours later. she was shocked when they are pooch came up to her with a hand in his mouth. >> you think? >> this is the first fourth of july i had off in four years. have i b i have body parts in my yard. i hear a scream. >> she lives 250 feet from where the man hurt himself. police say he had the equivalent of a half a stick of dynamite explode. doctors reattached the hand. he is working on regaining the use of his hand. >> did that lady lead off that sound bite with, this is the first fourth of july i've had off in three years. also, there's a hand. >> that's important. she wouldn't have had the day off. she never would have been around to get the hand. it would have been buried in the backyard. >> what to make of that. >> i don't know what to do of that. >> just be safe. >> thank you. let's look at what's going on. we're looking down on cloud cover that could affect a few of our fireworks displays. let's look at my highlights first for this seven-day forecast cycle. partly cloudy, cool breezes today, clouds and drizzle tonight. i see no summer warmth. 24 miles per hour wind. seeing a little more sunshine than yesterday. temperatures about the same, maybe a degree or two cooler. watch out if you want to do sailing. north of the bay bridge, small craft advisory. notice the winds of the southwest at 20 to 30 miles per hour. now, our beach hazard statement, fur if you are going to the beaches, watch out for the strong rip currents and for the chilly water. it's back to where it should be, 52 to 55, unlike some of the 60 degree temperatures last holiday season. let's start down in the south bay, upper 70s to low 80s. we're seeing more sunshine in santa cruz than yesterday. still about 66 degrees. low to mid 70s for the peninsula. upper 50s along the coast. downtown, south san francisco, low to mid 60s. low to mid 70s with the breeze off the water coming out of the south. mid to upper 60s for richmond, berkeley. and inland, we will have 78 in san ramon. brentwood, about 86 on the high side. we will wrap up the 75th marin county fair, 64, up to 70 by 3:00. if you are around at 9:30 when the fireworks go off, temperature will be around 59 degrees. let's over to the alameda county fair where we are wrapping up the fair. it's 70 right now. about 80 at 3:00 giants are in town taking on the rockies at 1:05. uv index very high. big burn factor there. temperatures in the mid 60s. let's look at what's going to happen in case you missed it off the top of the show. this is where i think we're going to have our greatest amount of cloud cover along the coast. right around san rafael and toward oakland, the farther to the south and east, the more likely to not have clouds. notice after we wake up to drizzle and cloud cover, especially along the coast, temperatures cooler tomorrow. again, wednesday, our coolest weather. thursday, friday, saturday, every day the temperatures are below average. >> thank you. we're about to get a closer look at jupiter than ever before. tonight, nasa's appropriate will rendezvous with jupiter for a front row view of our solar system's largest planet. it has been a long journey. it traveled nearly 2 billion miles over five years to get there. it's expected to reach the orbit around 8:18 tonight. it will spend 20 months circling the planet. they hope it will help scientists learn more about j jupiter'sing ing oorigins. joey chestnut and a guy named mega to ♪ light piano today i saw a giant. it had no arms, but it welcomed me. (hawk call) it had no heart, but it was alive. (train wheels on tracks) it had no mouth, but it spoke to me. it said, "rocky mountaineer: all aboard amazing". coming up at 4:00, airports are busy as people celebrate the fourth and head out on summer vacation. a renewed folk eed focus on sa. what's being done to keep you safe as you travel. and at 5:00, cracking down on illegal fire works. the warning from a police department for everyone out celebrating tonight. competitive eater joey chestnut is relishing the national spotlight. >> did you just say that? >> relish. >> awesome. >> this tweet pretty much says it all. it shows the winner this year. this is a tweet from nathan's hot dogs. it shows you matt stoney -- wait, chestnut won. he was against matt. chestnut had 70 hot dogs in ten minutes. it was 17 more -- 17 more than what matt stoney managed to stomach. i will show you a slide show of this. there. this is from last year. this is chestnut from last year when stoney won. they are both from san jose, which i find very interesting. >> you better hurry up. we're almost at the end of the show. you need to ketchup. >> the winner gets something called the mustard belt. >> that's it for us. >> 14 questions, 3 lifelines, $1 million. it all boils down to six simple words. "who wants to be a millionaire"? [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ hello, everybody, i'm chris harrison. welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "millionaire"? [cheers and applause] i am too. our first contestant works in a library and has quite the rolodex of information right here. from framingham, massachusetts, please welcome jon baril. [cheers and applause] jon, how you doing, buddy? >> very good, sir. >> welcome. >> all right. [cheers and applause fade] >> so you work in a library. >> yes, i do. >> tons of knowledge. obviously you love to read, but what are you hoping to get a question on today? like, what do you really hoping for? >> you know, chris, one thing that i really know is disney animated movies.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Brentwood , California , Alameda County , North Carolina , Oakland , Washington , Redwood City , Fox Theater , Wisconsin , Turkey , Santa Clara County , Boston , Massachusetts , Indiana , South San Francisco , San Francisco , Berkeley , Marin County , Bangladesh , Iraq , Baghdad , Iowa , Danville , Saudi Arabia , Orlando , Framingham , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , Saudi , Iraqi , Amy Holyfield , Steven Smith , Chris Christie , Jon Baril , Chris Harrison , Matt Stoney , Newt Gingrich , Hillary Clinton , Jap Jupiter ,

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