Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 2013091

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 20130918

details pouring in about the mental history of the man who opened fire yesterday, killing so many workers at the washington navy yard. we are studying these pictures tonight of aaron alexis showing what his friends say they saw, someone smiling, unthreatening. we now know there is evidence he was hearing voices, had even reached out for help, a warning sign that may have been missed. we begin our team coverage with abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas. >> reporter: law enforcement sources tell abc news aaron alexis was a ticking time bomb, in recent days, descending toward madness. on august 7th, at 6:00 am, alexis called the newport police in rhode island and began a bizarre tale -- documented in a police report obtained by abc news. he claimed after an argument at a virginia airport, an unidentified person had -- "sent three people to follow him and to keep him awake by talking to him and sending vibrations to his body" through a "microwave machine." he switched hotels three times that night, trying to escape the voices. newport authorities contacted naval station police, but it is unclear if the military took any action. today fbi officials would not talk about his mental state. >> can you give us any guidance on whether this young man was seeking any psychological treatment? >> i can't comment on that at this time. >> reporter: friends never thought he was dangerous. >> right now, i'm really crushed inside because it just wasn't the aaron that i knew that would do this. >> reporter: overnight, the fbi spent four hours with his parents in new york city and authorities seized his rental car in washington and began pouring over his laptop, recovered at the washington hotel where he had been staying. alexis's last ten years is story of gun play, run-ins with the law and trouble with his military commanders. it began in 2004 when he fired shots into the tires of a construction worker's car in a fit of rage. prosecutors say police never passed along the case. his problems continued. he was cited for at least eight military infractions -- from 2007 to 2011 ranging from unexcused absences to insubordination. in 2008, alexis was arrested in georgia for disorderly conduct. two years later, he was accused of firing his gun into the ceiling of his apartment. despite all this -- alexis went to work for a government computer contractor at the washington navy yard, using a secret security clearance he had received after joining the navy. he came to washington on august 25, only 17 days after hearing those voices. tonight president obama is ordering a study of security standards across all federal agencies. >> thanks so much, pierre. for all of us saying "again," not again. a reminder, since 2009, 21 mass shootings in the united states and all of those were the work of a lone gunman with lethal fire power, and at least half of those gunmen had a history of mental illness. of course in each of these tragedies people had to make lightning fast decisions that made a difference in their survival. abc's senior national correspondent jim avila with new stories tonight with the way the people at the navy yard stayed alive. >> reporter: a new harsh reality for the essential few who went back to work at the navy yard today. armed guards at the front gate and a new fear in the heart. >> there is an evil in this world and there is an evil in the population. but we just have to be aware. >> received gunshot wound to the head. >> reporter: those who survived called on to make literal life and death decisions during a 30 to 60 minute moment of crises. >> when i saw all these guns drawing and policemen saying run, run. so we keep running until we got into the other building. >> reporter: that decision to act rather than shelter in place a say experts, may have saved sha san's life because the lone gunman was on a mission to kill. entering the front door, carrying a duffle bag, shooting away. from there down to the third floor standing on a catwalk overlooking the a tree yum and shooting down to the food court cafeteria and finally to the stairwell on the first floor killing a security guard before taking his hand gun. >> about two seconds later i heard another really loud bang and i realized somebody is in here and they're shooting people. >> reporter: john weaver, 13 year veteran of the navy yard was at his desk on the fourth floor when he saw all around him die. >> he looked like he was all business except he had his jaw clinched so you can see the ball of his jaw. when he looked at her he looked straight at her, clinched that jaw and just, boom. >> reporter: in all 12 innocents murdered where they worked, none actually in the navy, all now identified as civilians from age 46 to 73, all victims of an evil those who survived cannot forget. jim avila, abc news, washington. >> one more poignant image from today, the baseball stadium a few blocks from the scene of the tragedy, the washington nationals donned navy hats, holding them over their hearts during the national anthem. and now we move on tonight to the extraordinary rescue mission in colorado, families stranded by the floods trying to send their homemade s.o.s. as simple as a white cross on a lawn. here's abc's meteorologist ginger zee. she is there. >> reporter: scanning from the sky for signs of life -- today, soldiers spotted this white cross on the ground outside a jamestown house -- a help signal from the people inside, who came running out. >> we're pulling these two out. >> roger that. >> reporter: one of the soldiers drops down out of the chopper and airlifts the couple to safety. tonight across colorado, the mission is clear. >> the mission is search and rescue. we went house to house with fema making sure nobody was still inside. there are still homes like this hardly holding on. at least 300 still unaccounted for. chopper crews were saving pets and people with 600 still believed to be stranded in the mountains. crissie sibbits and her family made it out of lyons just in time. >> right now the town is done. the bridges are gone. >> reporter: we join the civil air patrol for a damage assessment from above. we saw homes on islands, rivers five times their normal width, roads severed. just like one of those shattered roads going into estes park where dwyane and shirley batchman live. >> are you nervous to see your house. >> i'm nervous to see my cat. >> reporter: unable to drive in, they make the two mile hike. >> what do you think when you see that? >> devastating. >> reporter: when they finally get there, a long awaited reunion. >> this is why we had to come home. >> reporter: ginger zee, abc news, ft. collins, colorado. we now know the cause of that massive fire that burned across the already pummelled new jersey shore. investigators say it was faulty electrical, damaged by hurricane sandy nearly one year ago. and north of new jersey to stamford, continue continue, a explosion leveled one house and damaged three others. debris scattered 400 feet from the home. investigators say a propane tank may be to blame for the blast. now a major warning tonight about something heading our way affecting every american family. obama care and make a note. october 1st is the day americans can start to sign up for insurance in those new exchange. on january 1st, the deadline for getting a health care plan or pay a penalty. but new poles are showing there is a lot of confusion about how all this works. tonight abc's chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis says watch out for the scams taking advantage at this moment. >> reporter: tonight it's one of the fastest growing scams in the country. i'll tell you one thing, i've learned an expensive lesson. >> reporter: for marian kerr, it started with a phone call to her home in hastings, nebraska from someone claiming to be from washington d.c. with important changes to her health care. >> she said you're between the ages of 55 and 75 and i said no. she said what? >> reporter: she mistakenly revealed her name, birthday, and in a matter of minutes, her address, social security and bank information, thinking she was just confirming what the caller already knew. >> what was really strange was it needed to be on a recording which needed to be done within three minutes. >> they're looking to confuse. they're looking to steer you into making a quick decision. >> reporter: scam artists taking advantage of the confusion surrounding the new health care law. consumer watch dogs say they get complaints every day. >> the scammers see it on the news and know it's a heightened topic of awareness. that's where the scammers take advantage. >> reporter: kerr has this advice. >> the best thing to do would be to hang up. >> reporter: she is right. the very best piece of advice you can follow. you will never get a call about the new health care law unless you specifically request it. diane, you get a call, be weary, hang up. >> watch out for those calls. but we asked you to spend the day today and go to every site and tell us the simplest, best real site to learn what you should do now. >> reporter: yes. there is so much confusion. the kaiser family foundation has the hands down best website. they have an entire section dedicated to this with videos, flow charts and calculators so people know how this impacts their wallet. people can find that at, the website for the kaiser family foundation. >> that you can trust. thank you so much. and now after 19 long months, the costa concordia is upright in the waters off italy. the unprecedented salvage operation to raise the ship, as we said, took 19 hours. 32 people has been killed when it capsized. now look at the luxury liner as it resurfaced. slime covering the decks that were under water for so long. one part of the ship is still pristine white, the star board side covered with algae. the next step, repair the hull and tow the ship to port some time next spring. ahead here in just two minutes, a made in america exclusive, the simple ideas that could change the way we live and earn ordinary inventors a lot of money. david muir takes us inside the competition to create the next big thing. and neighbors to the rescue, caught on camera, the wonderful people who risk their lives hanging from a building to save a man trapped by fire. ♪ and now there's a new way to do the same for your dog. introducing new purina dog chow light & healthy. it's a no-sacrifices, calorie-light way to help keep him trim... ...with a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend he'll love... ...and 20% fewer calories than dog chow. discover the lighter side of strong. new purina dog chow light & healthy. i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. and next our made in america team is back with the simple inventions that can make you a fortune. americans from coast to coast, thousands have sent in videos and walmart is going to give one of them the ride of a lifetime. you can help choose. the captain of our made in america team david muir cheering them on. >> and having a blast. this is really something. we reported on the thousands of dollars spent by american inventors on patent but the no promise of big retail will even notice. tonight they have. the stakes are enormous as they make their pitch before america's biggest retailer and we're the only ones there. >> reporter: for more than two years now "world news" on this made in america journey cheering on so many americans certain they got the next big thing. tonight their big shot. thousands from every corner of this country sending in their home spun videos, their pitches, all for a chance at getting their product on the shelf in front of millions at walmart. >> this is could be a big success. >> reporter: one of them will. "world news" viewers, all of you at home will help judge, some of the pitches making us smile. the spray and squeegee in one. look how happy she seems now at her front door. then there was the hands free umbrella holder. you heard me right. then to the problems we all have, getting that last bit of toothpaste. attach this. it's made in america. and those disappearing socks in the washer and drier, give your kids a sock sack. put the socks in, zip it up and throw the whole thing in the washer. you'll get every one of those socks back. but then the inventions that locked us in like the smart lock that senses you're coming home linked up with your smart phone, it automatically unlocks your front door, no fumbling for keys. we had to see this invention on a front door in san francisco and one of their first customers, jonathan. >> you're fumbling for your keys every time you come home? >> yes. >> reporter: about to look for those keys no longer. >> press this unlock button. >> reporter: look at the message, "welcome john," as it unlocks. and not only that. that smart lock captures an image of every visitor who approaches your front door. if you are not home and a loved one visits, you can unlock the door from your smart phone. >> even if they're on vacation halfway around the world? >> halfway around the world or around the corner. >> reporter: if we come back for another made in america visit and the door lock sees this, would they let us in? they said come on back. especially if they win. in the meantime we are driving to california and right to this driveway. convinced she's going to win with this pet locator. put it on your dog's collar. here's her pitch. >> it's simple how it works. you attach it to your dog's collar. if your dog goes missing, go to your smart phone, open our giby app, press the button and up pops a google map with the exact location of your dog. >> reporter: the idea to intriguing look at how many neighbors and dogs showed up when we did. >> that's calla and enzo. >> reporter: so many of them we lost count but not their parents who with this device will know their dog's every move. >> this will track him on your iphone? >> with accuracy. >> reporter: more than 1,000 ideas but now comes the hard part, the pitch in person. >> they're getting ready. >> reporter: "world news" documenting their trips to walmart headquarters, about to go before the judges and we're the only ones invited in. tomorrow night the pitch that brought the judges to tears and the fear factor. >> very, very hard here. >> reporter: the stakes, the sweat. >> are you going to be okay? >> reporter: no do overs here. your front row seats beside the judges tomorrow. that's tomorrow night. we're in the room as they make that pitch before the judges. you'll meet the judges as well. if you think you've seen "shark tank," wait for this, diane. after our viewers see these pitches, they will be able to vote at home. everyone's vote counts on this one. >> heart pounding already. can't wait to see it. thank you, david. coming up right next here, a bride, a groom and uninvited guest. what if brad pitt walked up to your wedding? our "instant index." and uninvited guest. what if brad pitt walked up to your wedding? our "instant index." 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[ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. hey, dad. we're all tied up. really?! come on. oh! that's a lot of water up there. ♪ go. go. that's a nice shot. [ laughs ] yes! breakfast. [ male announcer ] share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're grreat! [ female announcer ] now with kellogg's family rewards, you can get even more from the products you love. join today at and our "instant index" tonight begins with an astonishing sight that stunned families in virginia looking out their windows. they saw this. it's called a roll cloud because of its resemblance to a giant rolling pin. it's caused by cold air and warm moisture, but unlike a twister, this one just created some rain. though we think somewhere dorothy is wondering if she's right side up. and be honest, who among us has not danced to our own play list when we thought no one was looking. this is ellie cole, a secretary at the bus stop on her way home from work. her dance moves captured on camera, a video sent everywhere. cole had to drop out of college, it turns out, and theatre classes because she couldn't afford tuition, but today she got to realize her dream. professional theatre group has offered her a role. so one way or another, a star was just born. and tonight the wedding crasher to end all wedding crashers. brad pitt there with newlyweds in england. the groom spotted pitt at the hotel, the site of couple's wedding reception and told his new bride, but she thought it was a joke. no, it turns out pitt was right there in town shooting a movie. the bride standing next to her own leading man after brad pitt told her she looked lovely. and she did. when we come back, the courage of strangers, the good samaritans out on a ledge saving their neighbor in need. samaritans out on a ledge save k their neighbor in need. we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ icaused by acid reflux disease, relieving heartburn, to enjoy all of these years. relief is at hand. for many, nexium provides 24-hour heartburn relief and may be available for just $18 a month. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. relief is at hand for just $18 a month. talk to your doctor about nexium. this is a map of the pressure points on my feet. i have flat feet. i learned where the stress was at the dr.scholl's foot mapping center. then i got my number, which matched the custom fit orthotic inserts with the right support. find a walmart with a foot mapping center at i'm a believer. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. and finally tonight we want to show you what happens when neighbors join hands in a daring rescue, risking their lives, hanging from a building to save someone in need. abc's gio benitez shows compassion outside your window. >> reporter: fire and billowing smoke, a terrified worker trapped on a new york city windowsill, five stories high. just feet away, this man, lopez, hears his cries. >> you grabbed this because you saw someone needed help? >> yes. >> reporter: lopez had younger men race up the fire escape. look at this guy risking his own life to help the trapped worker. two other men right behind him carrying that ladder. >> you took that ladder four flights up? >> yes. >> reporter: the good samaritans using that ladder as a bridge from the burning building to the fire escape. watch the man in blue. it's a high wire act to get to the worker. grabbing him and making it back to safety. look at that picture again. those three selfless men up there, lopez watching from below, his idea worked. >> a lot of people today calling you a hero. >> no, not really, not really. >> reporter: he calls these men heros, but they say they are just good neighbors. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> and we are so glad you were watching tonight. good to have you with us. we're always there at and of course "nightline" will be here later and i'll see you right back here again tomorrow night. until then, good night. sz tonight a marin county jury reaches a verdict on fate of a serial killer. dan noyes has the life or death decision. >> police m oakland announce the nation's biggest grant for fighting youth violence, how much or how little good it will do. >> we're live at bart talks for you. reaction to hopeful news yesterday shows two sides almost as far as ever tonight. >> and we'll take you on a shopping trip with new gps technology that can lead to you the best deals in the mall. >> and that breaking news is in oakland. a child has been wounded in a street shooting. oof you can see officers focusing on this car with the back window shot out. police say the 5-year-old boy was in the car struck by flying glass not a bullet. >> it happened near the fruit veil neighborhood in the 1500 block of 27 rjth avenue this afternoon. police say the boy was not seriously injured by the flying glass. police say another person was shot in the incident. we do not yet know how badly. we're going bring you more information as we get it. breaking news coverage continues right now on abc 7 news bay area. we're on this story. >> should this man be given a lethal injection or die a natural death? n.prison? that is the question the jury had to grapple w it took just three hours to reach a decision against a man convicted of committing four murders dating back to 1970s. the verdict? joseph naso should be sentenced to death by lethal injection. we have the story from the court house in san rafael. dan? >> well, it took the jury just five and a half hours to find him guilty. now, just three hours to sentence him to death this, follows a compelling argument that brought the courtroom to tears. >> the prosecution court says he had a long history of raping women.

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New York , United States , Marin County , California , New Jersey , Nebraska , Oakland , Washington Navy Yard , District Of Columbia , Estes Park , Colorado , Rhode Island , Virginia , Georgia , Washington , Reunion , Italy , San Francisco , Americans , America , American , Pierre Thomas , Dan Noyes , Brad Pitt , Aaron Alexis , Ellie Cole , David Muir , Jim Avila , Joseph Naso , Rebecca Jarvis ,

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