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Is a deal now possible . Did the russians persuade assad to turn over his chemical weapons . Even congress putting on the brakes. Moments ago i sat down with president obama who seemed to be signaling the tough stand by the u. S. May have caused a dictator to back down. If Bashar Alassad yields control of his chemical weapons to international authority, are we back from the brink . Is military strike on pause . Absolutely. If, in fact, that happened. I dont think that we would have gotten to this point unless we had maintained a credible possibility of a military strike, and i dont think now is the time for us to let up on that. I want to make sure that that norm against use of chemical weapons is maintained. Thats in our National Security interest. If we can do that without a military strike, thats overwhelmingly my preference. Now, the key is can we see is there a sense of urgency. Urgency meaning how long does he have to show us this is real . A week, a month . This is one of the situations where the stakes are high but theyre long term. They are not immediate. They are not imminent but they are serious. I dont anticipate that you would see a succession of votes this week or any time in the immediate future, and so i think there will be time during the course of the debates here in the United States for the International Community, the russians, the syrians, to work with us to see is there a way to resolve this. Weeks . Im not going to put a particular time frame on. We know whats at stake here. We know that the International Community even assads allies like iran agree that chemical weapons use is abhorrent. You still Want Congress to vote authorization and do you still reserve the right to strike if they say no . Strikes may be less effective if i dont have congressional support and if the American People dont recognize why were doing this. So i havent made a final determination in terms of what next steps would be. My hope would be that i can persuade congress that this is important. My hope is that i can persuade some of the American People that this is important. But ultimately i understand why a lot of americans are resistant. I think the polls are clear. I read them. This is not iraq. This is not afghanistan. This is not libya. The goal would be to degrade the capacity of assad to carry out the specific chemical weapons attacks. Bashar alassad has said everything is possible in terms of retaliation. Expect everything. Expect everything. Do you feel at this moment, looking at everything thats possible, that the American People should brace for retaliation . No. Look, we take all precautions, but understand, assads capabilities are not significant compared to ours. Theyre significant compared to an opposition that are not professional fighters. They have allies . Iran, hezbollah . Theyre significant relative to 400 children that they gassed. Theyre not significant relative to us. Iran is not going to war with the United States over the use of weapons that they, themselves, object to. But i think it is important for us to understand that if, in fact, the choices between a world in which dictators and other countries start believing its acceptable to use chemical weapons on civilians and children, that will make it more dangerous for us. Our troops when theyre in theatre all having to wear gas masks because they dont know whether chemical weapons will be used. If we can resolve this without military conflict, that is my great preference. I would much rather talk about how we can provide Early Childhood education to our kids, create more jobs, and focus on all the things that i think the American People care deeply about. But my responsibility as commander in chief is to make sure i think about the long term National Security interest and the use of chemical weapons threatens that in a significant way. Thank you, mr. President. I appreciate it, diane. Thank you so much. Our team is here right now. Abcs White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl and Global Affairs correspondent martha raddatz. Martha, what a turn of events today. Someone said its whiplash today. Its absolute whiplash. For the president to say this is a potentially positive development that may deter military strikes, put them off, saying to you absolutely it could put off military strikes, but when you look at it, his goal all along has been to deter any future Chemical Attacks in syria. If he can get some sort of breakthrough here with syria, they dont have to strike. And theyre going to stay on alert nonetheless. Military forces are ready to go whenever the president gives the order, but we have to see if Congress Votes on that to begin with. What about that, Jonathan Karl . It looks as if congress is going to have a long time to decide now. The senate Just Announced a few minutes ago that theyre going to delay the vote. It looks really bad for the president in terms of the vote, especially in the house. They need 217 votes in the house to pass. Thats the magic number. Take a look at where our vote count puts it. Only 44 have said they are yes or leaning yes. 241 members of the house saying theyre either no or leaning no. This looks really tough. The white house Still Believes they could turn this around. You had 70 members of the congress down to the white house today. The president is going to meet with all 100 senators tomorrow. This russian development, a lot of members im hearing from are saying they hope this is a way out. Everybody has a chance for the moment anyway to look and see what the developments bring. Thank you, jon, thank you martha. A reminder to everyone at home, the president is going to speak to the nation tomorrow night and abc news will be carrying it live. And now, tonight we move onto other big news this day, starting with a brand new wildfire threatening dozens of homes in northern california. Hundreds of firefighters battle the blaze in the Wilderness Park about 15 miles from san francisco. The fire started yesterday, quickly grew to 3700 acres, families and about 100 homes were forced to leave and it may take days before the fire is under control. Next we head east where tonight Tropical Storm humberto is churning in the atlantic. The National Hurricane Center Warning keep on eye on that storm, expected to power up. Humberto could strengthen into a hurricane later this week. That would be the first of the atlantic hurricane season. And next tonight we turn to george zimmerman, back in the headlines, acquitted nearly two months ago in the murder of trayvon martin. But he had a new run in with the law today and abcs matt gutman has those details. Reporter Police Called to George Zimmermans home after his wife made this terrified sounding 911 call. I dont know what hes capable of. Im really scared. Reporter you can hear shellie zimmerman, who filed for divorce from george last thursday, describe what she calls the assault. He punched my dad in the nose. My dad has a mark on his face and took my ipad out of his hands and smashed it and cut it with a pocket knife. Reporter about 2 00 p. M. Shellie told police she had come with her father to their house to pick up some things. Then the alt occasion began. She said zimmerman had his hand on his gun threatening them. He continually has his hand on his gun saying step closer. Step closer and what . Hes going to shoot us. Reporter after police arrive, eight units, you hear shellie break down. Oh, my god. Reporter police say zimmerman told them he acted in, quote, a defensive manner and quote, never had his hand on his gun. Both sides accuse the other of being the aggressor. Its his latest tangle with the law. Barely two weeks after this acquittal for shooting and killing trayvon martin, he was stopped for speeding on a texas highway and last yeek was slapped with a 250 speeding ticket. Days ago, this explosive interview with his wife shellie just after she filed for divorce. In my opinion he feels more invincible. Reporter police say for now there will be no charges in this latest incident. Zimmerman is free to go once again. We have news tonight about mammograms, research out of harvard. They say many who die from cancer never had a mammogram, including young women, many under the age of 50. What is the latest tonight about when women should get screened. Heres dr. Richard besser. Reporter Desiree Walker only got the mammogram because it was free at her job. She was 38, 12 years younger than federal guidelines routinely recommend. Without that mammogram . I wouldnt be here speaking with you today. Reporter a new harvard study adds fuel to the fire. The study says half of the Breast Cancer deaths were in women before age 50 and most never had a mammogram. They say mammograms before 50 could cut Breast Cancer deaths drastically. Why dont National Guidelines start younger . Statistics . It appears that mammograms work better in women that are slightly older. Younger women tend to have more aggressive cancers. The faster a cancer grows, the less likely it will be detected by mammography. Reporter those dont benefit as much as from early detection. There is another risk. One problem is having a false positive and having to have further tests, many of which are invasive. Reporter for people like desiree, even if you are under 40, you need to listen to your body, not to guidelines. If you feel a lump or breast discomfort, get checked, get a mammogram. Everyone can agree on that. Dr. Richard besser, our thanks to you. We are here in washington and there is a story everyone is talking about here. Its time for monday night football and as much as fans love their hometown redskins, a move is under way to change the name. Critics say its offensive to native americans. Tonight some of the biggest Sports Reporters in football are refusing to use the word. Abcs david kerley tells us why the team is refusing to budge. Reporter what is in a name . Controversy for washingtons nfl team. Tonight one of the countrys leading sports journalists, peter king of Sports Illustrated says he wont use the redskins name anymore, stating hes increasingly bothered by using the word. He joins a growing list of sports writers. My personal viewpoint is i dont want to use it anymore. I dont want to preach about it. Reporter some native american groups are turning up the heat. What flashes to my mind is our ancestors being skinned. Its painful, hurtful and time it changed. Reporter one tribe calling on the nfl committees ter to act. But the owner of the franchise is opposed. Dan snyder said, quote, well never change the name. Its that simple. Never. You can use caps. The mascot is a proud symbol, proud native american symbol. It means a lot to me. Reporter tonight the redskins take the field for the 80 year but will only be called washington by some. Let us know what you think online. Tonight news of a long lost masterpiece by van gogh recovered. Today the experts declared that this picture is the real deal after a csi investigation of paint and canvas underneath. The man who owned it has been told it was a fake so he stuck it in the attic. Now it could be worth tens of millions of dollars. This is where van gogh painted the picture. Van gogh speaking to us all from long ago tonight. Still ahead here on world news, in just two minutes, fish tales, diana nyad fighting accusations tonight she did not swim the historic trip the way she says she did. And is this mississippi or Jurassic Park, the search for what is causing super size gators. You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] id be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . Guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. Why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back . Thats how it works. You take some tums®. If heartburn comes back, you take some more. That doesnt make any sense. It makes plenty of sense if you dont think about it really, honey, why cant you just deal with it like everybody else . Because i took a pepcid®. Fine. Debbie, youre my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete. It works fast and lasts. Get relief from your heartburn relief with pepcid® complete. Next tonight 64yearold diana nyad was celebrated for that swim from cuba to key west. Today skeptics were saying her triumph was too good to be true. Did she have secret help . She says shell speak to the critics tomorrow, but here is abcs dan harris tonight. Reporter when she staggered ashore on key west last week, diana nyad, age 64, became an instant icon of perseverance. Youre never too old to chase your dream. Reporter pretty soon questions began. Fellow swimmers crunched the numbers based on gps data from nyads team. For the first 24 hours she was going 1. 6 miles per hour. But then, according to her critics, she appears to have rocketed up to speeds of 3 miles an hour, then 4, then briefly 6 which is faster than a u. S. Olympic speed swimmer. The community is wondering how her Team Accounts for that incredible speed. Reporter did she hold onto the boat during this time or even get in . Nyads team says she got lucky that the strong current helped her paddle into key west one full day ahead of schedule. There is also the question that, according to her blog, for a period of seven hours nyad apparently did not stop to eat or drink. I said in my own experience in marathon swimming i find it hard to go more than an hour without feeding. Its hard for me to imagine it even if my life depended on it. Reporter she told the New York Times she never cheated on anything in her whole life. If she cheated she had a lot of help. She was accompanied by almost 40 people on four boats. In an era when so many sports heros have been brought low, those inspired by diana nyad are hoping she will not become yet another one. Dan harris, abc news, new york. Again, she says shell answer tomorrow. Coming up here a friendship 30 years strong, howard stern, robin quivers, and an emotional mission today. Its our instant index next. Break a leg i used to love hearing that phrase. But not since i learned i have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture. 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Imagine youre out for an evening stroll around the block and you see this, a giant hot air balloon shaped like a panda attempting to land on a sleepy neighborhood in san diego, navigating between houses, trees. Startled neighbors capturing it on their cell phones, one even rushed to help, guiding the balloon to an open field. You remember the cinderella story, the voice teacher pulled up on stage singing a duet with kristin chenoweth, shocking everyone with that song from wicked. Well, the star was born in that moment. Last night sarah horn returned to the stage, this time the spotlight all on her. She dedicated her performance to kristin chenoweth. To paraphrase the song, she has been changed for good. And when we come back, the super sized monsters. How did they get so big . Searching the swamp for the answer tonight. Diarrhea, gas, bloating . Yes one Phillips Colon Health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. 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And find an Arthritis Treatment for you. Visit celebrex. Com and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. And fi and finally tonight, the monsters of mississippi making swamps look like a reallife Jurassic Park. Giant alligators weighing more than 700 pounds. How did they get so big . Abcs gio benitez went into the swamp to find out. Reporter they are monsters that can grow to epic proportions. Out here on the mississippi delta, beth caught this 723pound alligator. Youre a paralegal by day and alligator hunter by night. The alligator queen. Reporter dustin, another gator hunter. Hunting an animal, 700 pounds, something that can eat you, its pretty exciting. Reporter the state says hunting helps control an exploding gator population. Just why are they so big . Because for years nobody was allowed to hunt them so the gators kept growing and growing. Alligators grow well into old age, and if left alone for long enough, some grow to 19 feet. Thats the length of an average rv. So we set out to find them. Just go really slow because you dont want to spook them. Reporter after hours of watching them hide under water, this gator showed his face. I hear him now. Hes mad. Reporter while beth didnt net one of the big ones on the hunt, hours later another hunting team in the delta caught a 741 pounder, a new record. Dont mistake these for calm waters. Out here its Jurassic Park underneath the mississippi river. Gio benitez, abc news, the mississippi delta. You can see the full story later on nightline. We thank you for watching tonight. Were always there at abcnews. Com and from washington d. C. Im diane sawyer. Well see you right back here again tomorrow night. We have Team Coverage on the fire tonight. And weve heard from people who have had to evacuate their homes. And where weve learned no criminal charges will be filed. A neighborhood rebuilding after three years. Sacramento democrats end their feud over how to make more room in prisons but now putting inmates back out on the streets. A dramatic shot from sky 7. Smoke and flames from the so called morgan fire approached Historic Stone Lookout Tower at the summit of mount diablo. Officials say theyre confident they can get this fire contained in the next few days. Good evening, everyone, im carolyn johnson. The morlg morgan fire has grown too large for local agencies to handle so cal fire has stepped in and taken over management of the efforts. Here is what it looked like from our east bay hills camera. Weve had reports ash has been falling from the sky. Here is a look from san francisco. The smoke diminished but weve been watching it rise from the fire 30 miles away. Abc rrter laura anthony. Throughout the day looks like there has been improvements in the last couple hours, were just south of the summit on the danville side here on summit road. You can see at this point a little bit of light smoke. Acreage has grown, it appears firefighters have had good success getting a line around the fire in large part to those bulldozers up interes interest there. With so much of the terrain rugged, someplaces firefighters

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