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Authorities sounding the alarm. Good evening. And we begin tonight with the new polls out in the race for president showing just how close this race is. And just how important the vp choice could be. Tonight, donald trump with his newest clues, his very public tryout for his vp candidates. Including indiana governor mike pence. Trump flying his children to indiana, perhaps a family interview. And it comes amid the Newest National polls showing Hillary Clintons lead shrinking to three points, 42 to 39 , thats within the margin of error. And take a look at ohio tonight. Two new polls in that allimportant swing state, both showing they are dead even. So, with the conventions almost here, who will be standing with donald trump on that stage . Abcs tom llamas leading us off. Reporter tonight, donald Trump Building the drama in his search for a running mate, saying the grand finale is near. Im narrowing it down. I mean, im at three, potentially four, but in my own mind, i probably am thinking about two. Reporter sources tell abc news, indiana governor mike pence is likely a finalist. Trump was at the Governors Mansion today. And almost like a scene out of the apprentice money money money reporter the trump children also showing up to size up pence. It was just very warm and just one family meeting with another. Reporter trump, in true reality tv fashion, ramping up suspense. Youll be calling up mike pence, i dont know whether hes going to be your governor or your Vice President , who the hell knows . Reporter this morning, a plot twist. Campaign sources saying mechanical problems grounded the billionaires jet in indiana, so, today, newt gingrich, another vp hopeful, flew to indiana. Im not saying its newt. But if its newt, nobodys going to be beating him in those debates, thats for sure, right . Nobody. Reporter also in the mix, new jersey governor chris christie. Trumps very public test drive of potential running mates, a true break with tradition. In 2008, senator john mccain surprised the world with sarah palin. I love those hockey moms. You know, they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull lipstick. Reporter after taking elaborate steps to keep his search process top secret. The wait continues. Tom with us live tonight. And tom, you are also learning just days before the convention, donald trump is now seeking 10 million in damages from a former Campaign Adviser . Reporter thats right. Trump is taking a former Campaign Adviser to court for allegedly breaching a nond nondisclosure agreement, alleging that the staffer leaked a false story about former Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski having an affair with a female staffer. Now, the former adviser says its not true, hes asking the court to drop the case because he did not leak this. David . Tom llamas with us every step of the way. Tom, thanks. Meantime tonight, the other major battle playing out involving donald trump and a justice on the Supreme Court. Trump calling on Ruth Bader Ginsburg to resign. Did she cross the line . You decide. Heres abcs jonathan karl. Reporter sides are now being taken in the unlikely battle of the titans. The 62 bombastic billionaire versus the 51 soft spoken Supreme Court justice. And perhaps most surprisingly, its the justice who started the fight. Ruth Bader Ginsburg telling cnn about trump, hes a faker. He really has an ego. Not an offhand comment, she slammed trump in three separate interviews. In another, saying, i cant imagine what the country would be with donald trump as our president. Even joking shed have to move to new zealand. Trump took to twitter, saying ginsburg has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot. Resign. The white house tonight lining up with ginsburg. She didnt earn the nickname the notorious rbg for nothing. Reporter david, Supreme Court justices rarely weigh in on anything even remotely political, so, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is drawing some surprising criticism, even the New York Times today in an editorial, saying, mr. Trump is right about justice ginsburg, saying she needs to drop the political punditry and the namecalling. Extraordinary criticism, david. Jon karl across town at the Supreme Court for us. Jon, thank you. Now, to the National Conversation over race in this country, and donald trump asked about black americans who believe the system is rigged. How he responded to that, and why Hillary Clinton decided to pounce. Abcs cecilia vega is in illinois. Reporter standing in the very chamber where Abraham Lincoln denounced slavery, Hillary Clinton today issued a warning. Donald Trumps Campaign adds up to an ugly, dangerous message to america. A message that you should be afraid. Reporter echoing lincolns words that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Clinton accused the Trump Campaign of dividing the nation once again. It is built on stoking mistrust and pitting american against american. Reporter the fault lines of race in america, now a battleground in the race for the white house. There is still some black americans who believe that the system is biased against them. What do you say to them . Well, ive been saying even against me, the system is rigged. When i ran as a, you know, for president , i mean, i could see what was going on with the system, and the system is rigged. Reporter clinton turning that into an attack line. Even this, the killing of people, is somehow all about him. Reporter but Hillary Clinton today admitted she is part of the problem, too, saying sometimes her own words have fueled division, saying, quote, i recognize, i have to do better, too. David . Cecilia vega with us tonight, as well. Cecilia, thanks. We are following new developments this evening in an alleged plot to kill police in baton rouge, louisiana. Three suspects have been arrested, and the urgent manhunt now under way for another, suspected of planning to attack officers in the wake of the Police Shooting of alton sterling. Abcs alex perez in that city on edge tonight. Reporter tonight, authorities in baton rouge on the hunt for a suspect they say was part of a plot to kill Police Officers. Three other suspects, and a 13yearold, taken into custody. The alleged threat uncovered after a failed burglary attempt at this pawnshop saturday. Eight guns stolen. One of the suspects telling police the plan was to steal ammunition to target Police Officers at protests. We have been questioned repeatedly over the last several days about our show of force, well, this is the reason. Reporter those protests sparked by this chilling video. The shooting death of alton sterling. Court documents now revealing the officers claim they saw the butt of a gun in sterlings pocket and fired after he attempted to reached for the gun. I want daddy reporter but sterlings 15yearold son, who broke down shortly after the shooting, today, defending his father. My father was a good man. Reporter tonight, a plea for peace. Protest in peace. Not guns, not drugs, not alcohol, not violence. Reporter and david, authorities here remain on high alert and say they will take any threats seriously. David . Alex perez with us tonight. Thanks, alex. And now, to the outpouring of grief in dallas. The long line of blue as the first of the funerals were held for five Police Officers. Law enforcement coming in from all over the country, Standing Shoulder to shoulder. Abcs Neal Karlinsky is in dallas. Reporter in dallas today, they came by the thousands, on both sides of the badge, to bury three fallen heroes. Sandy thompson didnt leave a dry eye, as she said goodbye to her dad, 43yearold officer brent thompson. One thing i would always say to my dad when he walked out the door was, goodbye, daddy, i love you. Be safe. But tonight, we say our final goodbye, daddy. We love you. Be safe. Reporter across town, 48yearold Corporal Loren Ahrens and Sergeant Michael smith were laid to rest, as well. My brothers murder will not be in vain. His selfless legacy will live on. Reporter the enormity of the loss magnified by miles of processions. Among the thousands here, police from every corner of the country. We are just here to pay our respects and to let dallas know that were all behind them. Reporter two more officers are yet to be laid to rest. There is still an awful lot of healing yet to be done out here. David . All right, neal, thank you so much. And one more note. We will be holding a landmark town hall with president obama tomorrow night. The president and the people, a National Conversation. About race, about policing, about how we bridge the divide. Ill be moderating as the president takes questions from americans from all over this country. It begins at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on abc, on espn, on freeform and on abc radio. Thats tomorrow night, right here, of course, we hope youll join us. In the meantime tonight, there are new details this evening in the desperate manhunt for a serial shooter in phoenix. At least seven People Killed in eight shootings, including a 12yearold girl, killed in a car in front of her house. Abcs kayna whitworth, riding along with the authorities tonight. Just a horrific scene. Reporter tonight, on the hunt with Phoenix Police. That urgent search to find out who is killing people at random in phoenix before he, or they, strike again. This is a guy who is getting out of the car and walking over, getting close. Reporter Police Actively chasing leads to find out whether several, seemingly unrelated shootings, can be tied to the man in this composite sketch. Between april 1st and june 12th, seven people have been shot dead after dark. The youngest, 12yearold maleah ellis, who was with her mother and her mothers friend, all gunned down in front of their own home while sitting in the car, just listening to music. A man was standing by the car. Reporter by the car, they heard gunshots they heard the gunshots and everything, because the other daughter, she ran, because she didnt know if, when he finished out here, if he was headed towards the house. Reporter david, this is the spot where 12yearold maleah was killed. Her sisters asleep in their home right there. And tonight, Phoenix Police are saying, finding the person responsible is their number one priority. David . Kayna whitworth, our thanks to you again tonight. Now, to the deadly pileup shutting down a major highway here in the northeast, right near new york city. At least one person was killed in the massive accident on interstate 84 in montgomery. Police say two tractor trailers and four cars were involved in the crash. Victims were pulled from the twisted metal. The highway shut down for hours, right into the evening commute. We turn now to the Severe Weather threat in the heartland tonight. Wisconsins governor declaring a state of emergency, because of flooding. In kansas city today, severe turbulence forcing a Southwest Airlines flight to make an emergency landing. And multiple water spouts in pensacola. Look at this tonight. Moving onto shore and just listen. [ screaming ] fear on the beach there. Strong storms moving across the florida panhandle. Chief meteorologist ginger zee is tracking it all for us, particularly in the midwest tonight. Reporter right there. At least 100,000 customers without power around st. Louis. And thats just the beginning of whats happening. You can see straight on the maps here, david, much of eastern illinois, into indiana, indianapolis included, in a severe thunderstorm watch. These things are cooking, moving east at 40 to 60. Heres what i wanted to show you next, is how its going to move by tomorrow morning. So, weve gotten through the commute. Then you say, okay, who gets it . By tomorrow morning, its nashville, paducah and parts of western kentucky and tennessee. Now, look at this summer heat. Everybodys talking about it. It finally really feels like july. But now its record. Amarillo hit a record of 105. And overnight, were not going to cool down. Thats what makes it an excessive heat warning in philadelphia. You dont go below, really, 80. All right, good luck sleeping tonight. Ginger, thank you. Overseas this evening, and the changing of the guard in britain. New british Prime Minister theresa may meeting with the queen today at Buckingham Palace, following the resignation of David Cameron. Abcs Alex Marquardt tonight on the new leader. Many asking, is she the new iron lady . Reporter the countrys now second female Prime Minister has drawn comparisons to its first. Iron Lady Margaret thatcher. Headlines across europe highlighting both her hard as nails toughness and bold sense of style. She comes to power in the chaotic wake of the brexit vote to leave the european union, which forced David Cameron to resign. David cameron leaving 10 downing street after six years, far sooner that he expected. Coming out of this official residence for the last time with his family. He will then go down to Buckingham Palace for a private meeting with the queen, where he will offer his official resignation. Then, that second meeting. Theresa may curtseying before the queen, known as kissing the hand. The 59yearold had also been against leaving the eu, but after the brexit vote, said the countrys leaders must embrace the will of the people. Brexit means brexit and were going to make a success of it. Reporter after moving in here, theresa may got right to work, naming a new cabinet, including boris johnson, who led the brexit campaign, and is also a u. S. Citizen, as foreign secretary. David . The big shakeup overseas tonight. Alex, thank you. And there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. The bomb threat that closed a popular Amusement Park today. Also ahead, the parents of this young woman. This was her last instagram post. She later fell to her death at the grand canyon. The family speaking out. What theyre now saying about their daughter and about that trail. Also just in, why authorities are sounding the alarm tonight over the pokemon go craze. And one scary headline involving a young girl now, hit by a car. Her mother says she was distracted by the game. And then, the black bear. Campers beware. It somehow locked itself in a subaru. No one could figure out why. Youll see how this ends, coming up. Dont go away. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. 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At issue, crooks are snatching phones right out of gamers hands as theyre distracted playing the game. Police say the car in this Surveillance Video has two gunmen inside, following gamers. They were robbed at gunpoint. Had their cell phones stolen. Reporter and its not just robberies. Its injuries, too. This girl was hit by a car while crossing a busy highway after playing the game. And serious car crashes. Incredibly, the driver wasnt badly hurt, but told police he was playing pokemon go. The nypd tweeting out this warning, dont catch them all and drive. Debuting just last week, pokemon go now has more than 21 million daily users, pulling in 2 million a day. And nintendo, a part owner, saw a sudden and steep rise in its stock, all to catch these little guys. Someone even caught in the act on live tv. Got a pokemon . Shes looking for pokemon right now. Reporter interrupting the forecast. And david, the makers of the game are saying tonight that every time you open the app, theres a warning, saying to be aware of your surroundings and be alert at all times. David . Be alert. All right, thats great advice. Gio, thank you so much. When we come back here tonight, more on that bomb threat that closed an Amusement Park today. Also, a major setback tonight for nfl star tom brady. Only a hail mary pass to the Supreme Court will help now. But has he run out of time . And then, that bear who locked itself inside a car. A subaru, in fact. Have no idea how this happened, but how they got the bear out, but how they got the bear out, when we come back. Rthritis causd. Just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor said joint pain from ra. Can be a sign of existing joint damage. That could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. 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While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. To the index and a popular Amusement Park shut down today after a bomb threat. The bomb squad responding to a threat received by text message about bombs inside Six Flags America near washington, d. C. Closing the park to visitors and investigating two unattended backpacks. After several hours, the bomb squad gave the all clear. The park did reopen. A setback for nfl star tom brady tonight. A federal Appeals Court today rejected a request by the patriots star to review the leagues fourgame suspension for his role in deflategate. Brady can try to take it to the Supreme Court, but with the nfl season less than two months off now, it increasingly appears that brady will start the year on the sidelines. The parents of a young woman who died after a fall at the grand canyon are taking to people magazine. The mother of Colleen Burns saying she got chills looking at this photo, what would be her 35yearold daughters final post to instagram. The next morning, her daughter tripped while trying to allow another hiker to pass at the lookout area. She fell 400 feet. Her father hoping for warnings about narrow trails. She will be remembered at a ceremony saturday in pennsylvania. To jefferson county, colorado, tonight, and to a black bear, opening the door of an unlocked subaru and becoming trapped, locking it. After the remote trunk opener didnt work, one deputy opened the hatch while the other stood with a shotgun drawn. The bear did scramble away. The subaru, a mess tonight. When we come back, america strong. The very powerful moment overnight. Millions were watching. And that song. Mary buys a little lamb. One of millions of orders on this companys servers. Accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. But with Cyber Threats on the rise, marys data could be under attack. With the help of at t, and security that senses and mitigates Cyber Threats, their Critical Data is safer than ever. Giving them the agility to be open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Cleasee ya ake off. When youre living with diabetes. Steady is exciting. Oh this is living baby only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. And try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. 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Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. Finally tonight here, america strong. The allstar game, and the moment they stood up to cancer. Ladies and gentlemen, we stand united in the fight against cancer. Reporter the players, umpires, managers, all taking part in stand up to cancer. And on each of their cards, the person they are standing up for. And then, Rachel Platten performing fight song. Like a small boat on the ocean reporter fans with their phones out, and with names in hand of their loved ones. This is my fight song take back my life song reporter and the singer moved by so many. Their stories and their courage and their fight has really blown me away and touched me. I still got a lot of fight left in me and we stand up with them. Thanks for watching here on a wednesday night. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. From all of us here at abc news, have a good evening. Good night. Good night. Tonight, the Bay Area Police department is taking action to outfits officers as the nation focuses on violence against police and by police. And were hopeful that its going to make a big difference on the road. How a smarter road could make your commute go faster and safer. In the pokemon craze sweeping the nation, what happens when those little imaginary creatures are living amongst the dead . Thats ahead on abc7 news. Has a solution. Im michael finney. 7 on your side is coming up. Live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc7 news. And its good, because good Police Officers have nothing to worry about and the bad ones do. New at 6 00, a local Department Takes a step forward on a national issue. Good evening. Today, the san jose Police Department began issuing body cameras to all of its Police Officers. Chris nguyen is live now with the story. Chris . Reporter its a milestone more than two years in the making. The chief called it a significant step, one that he hopes will improve relationships in the community. Tonight, San Jose Police will send out a first wave of Police Officers equipped with body cameras. When individuals make contact with the police, and their perception of what occurred differs from what the Police Department says that occurs, were going to know what actually is the truth. Reporter these officers will be the first to use the new technology after going through a fourour training this afternoon. Jason reyes lost his cousin in an officer involved shooting last weekend in east san jose. It keeps the Police Officers accountable. Reporter but some question if body cameras will make much of a difference. 2

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