Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20130311

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20130311

he was stately in his sunday best. >> let us pray that the holy spirit at home in the church to choose a new pope. >> reporter: officially, no one runs for pope, but supporters can get carried away. case in point, a music video put out today by fans of the cardinal from manila. ♪ >> reporter: catchy tune for sure, but slightly jarring in the context of electing a pope. still his youth, energy, and ability to inspire are what some say the church badly needs. >> it has been too roman, perhaps too european, too western. >> reporter: this south african cardinal, a potential pope himself, has several names in his mind going in. >> i'm looking for somebody, i think that would in some way reflect a vibrancy of the faith, that the faith is alive and its people want to belong. they're not just doing it grudgingly, it's just a tradition so we'll do it. >> reporter: less than 48 hours from now, the cardinals will have taken their first vote, but that first vote will likely be black smoke. >> david, thank you. diane sawyer anchors from rome tomorrow night and leads our team coverage all week, including live coverage when the conclave begins on tuesday at 11:30 eastern. josh elliott will be live from rome for gma all week. now to the wicked weather stretching across the country's mid section. tonight there are winter warnings in place in a half dozen states, from nebraska to michigan, the morning commute will be a challenge. while along the coasts, a much different story, a breath of spring air. abc's gio benitez has the details. >> reporter: it looks like a scene from the movie "fargo," from blizzard-like conditions in western minnesota, where driving is nearly impossible. to hail in kansas. there's even hail in texas. people are tweeting photos of hail larger than golf balls. in denver, truckers are stranded. >> my advice to people, don't get on the roads. stay home with your families. >> reporter: it's a winter weather blast slamming the nation's heartland, for the third weekend in a row. and adrienne green says it's not over yet. where is the storm going now? >> the storm will continue to lift north and east and will be heading towards the midwest, des moines, green bay, even marquette will be getting snowy conditions tonight. also gusty winds, on the order of 40 on 50 miles per hour wind gusts for that region. >> reporter: the northeast which saw blizzard conditions last week, today almost spring-like. but expect a chill in the air this week. gio benitez, abc news, new york. ? in ohio tonight, a makeshift memorial is growing where an accident claimed the lives of six teenagers. the suv hit a guard rail, flipped over and landed in a pond. two other passengers survived. the victims were between 14 and 19 years old. no one was wearing a seat belt. just outside seattle, a teenager playing video games at home was interrupted by a noise that sounded like thunder, but when he looked out the window, he saw a small plane had crashed into his house, sparing his life by just a few feet. clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: investigators tonight are trying to figure out why this small plane suddenly fell from the sky. slamming into this home just outside seattle on saturday. miraculously missing the teenager playing video games with a friend upstairs just a few feet away. >> i was sitting in my house, i heard a loud bang like thunder. i look outside and i look down and there's the wing. >> reporter: the pilot, identified as 45-year-old jay uzatalo was killed. his teenage nephew, flying with him, survived. airlifted to a hospital with severe injuries. >> i didn't see anything, but it sounded weird. it sounded -- it was loud. >> reporter: witnesses say before impact, the plane's engine was sputtering, the propeller stopped. the crash comes at a time the ntsb is trying to address problems in general aviation safety. the agency says every year crashes are responsible for killing about 475 private pilots and passengers. corn and his friend, the only ones home at the time, escaped unhurt. >> i feel very lucky because if that, if it hadn't hit where it did, if it hit like ten feet up, i would have been done. >> reporter: a deadly crash that was almost much worse. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. in california, there was a solemn ceremony at the animal habitat where a volunteer was killed by a lion. the center reopened today and did so with the blessing of the young woman's parents. tanya rivero has the story. >> reporter: a letter from diane hanson's grieving mother was read aloud at today's reopening of the california big cat sanctuary. >> i'm living every mother's worst nightmare in losing a cherished child. i'm pleased that cat haven is re-opening today. it's my desire that they continue their mission in support of saving my daughter's beloved creatures. >> reporter: hanson had been cleaning an empty enclosure last wednesday when the 550-pound lion escaped from his feeding pen and pounced on the 24-year-old intern, breaking her neck, killing her instantly. >> the lion has been taken care of. >> reporter: hanson's heart-broken father, telling abc news -- >> just used to scare her mother and me to death to think of her in the cage. i never got used to that. >> there's a long and growing casualty list of people who have been injured or killed by dangerous wild animals kept as pets. >> reporter: more tigers are kept in captivity in the u.s. than are left in the wild. in ohio, more than 50 exotic animals let loose by their owner, terrorized a community. >> i think i just seen one. looked like a jaguar or wolf or something. >> reporter: mitchell talmanson has a booming business ensuring exotic animal owners. inspecting their properties and making sure their cages are secure. >> you think they're nice and cute and cuddly. all of a sudden they're grown and they can turn within seconds. >> reporter: even in captivity these animals never lose their wild instincts. >> hanson's family started a fund in her honor to benefit the wildlife organizations she loved. including cat haven where her parents say, she died doing her dream job. >> tanya, thanks so much. new defense secretary chuck hagel's first trip to afghanistan is off to a rocky start. first a joint news conference with hagel and president hamid karzai had to be called off due to a security threat. karzai infuriated hagel by charging that the u.s. and taliban are working together. hagel finally met with karzai for dinner where he denied those allegations adding that the u.s. is not conducting any talks with the taliban. back overseas to london where queen elizabeth is set to take a historic stand against discrimination, it will include the strongest statements she's ever made about women's rights. abc's lama hasan reports from london. >> reporter: above all, the queen represents centuries of tradition and continuity, and she usually steers clear of making political decisions. but in a break with tradition, she will sign a remarkable document tomorrow and will give a speech endorsing the new agreement among former members of the british empire. which states opposition to, quote, all forms of discrimination, whether rooted in gender, race, color, creed, political belief, or other grounds. >> this is believed to be the first time she's shown her support of gay rights. that's a big step. we're not going to hear her views on these matters, but the fact that she's not only signing it, but she's signing it before television cameras, really does prove that she's endorses these changes. >> reporter: the queen will show support for new laws giving equal rights to boys and girls in royal succession. the timing of this is significant because with will's and kate's baby on the way. if it's a girl, this means she will be the next queen. with the stroke of the pen tomorrow, the queen will be making an historic, if symbolic, pledge for equal rights for billions of people in 54 countries around the world. amy? >> lama, thank you. now to the hollywood actress shaking up politics in kentucky. ashley judd is getting ready to announce a bid for the senate, from the state where she grew up. taking on one of the most powerful republicans in america. is it a stunt, and if not, what are her chances? abc's david kerley has the story from washington. >> ashley! >> ashley! >> right over here! >> reporter: she is a movie star, who knows her way around a red carpet, after a string of successful movies. "double jeopardy." "kiss the girls." >> somebody help me. >> reporter: but ashley judd's new role may be a real-live politician from kentucky. >> she's seriously considering a race for the united states senate. >> reporter: judd, who does her own fighting stunts in the movies and tv, is preparing to take on the most powerful republican in the senate, mitch mcconnell, who when asked about judd, talks only generally about liberals. >> they love to take out the republican leader of the senate. we expect a spirited race. >> reporter: maybe, but republicans are already attacking judd. >> an obama following hollywood radical liberal. with an ad that points out while judd was raised in kentucky and graduated from school there, she now lives in tennessee. >> who's right at home here in tennessee. i mean kentucky. >> reporter: the actress certainly has name recognition. >> in a celebrity culture, a celebrity candidate can occasionally elips an accomplished lifetime legisla r legislator. judd has been an anti-aids activist. if she jumps into the race, she will raise plenty of money, but it will be enough? >> she would have a very tough road against one of the most powerful senators in the country. >> so the question is timing. the derby is very important in kentucky politics, first weekend in may. so analysts believe if she's going to get in the race, she'll have to make an announcement sometime early next month. amy? >> david kerley in washington, thank you. still ahead on "world news," making money from mugshots, how some websites are charging people big bucks to take them down, even to people who are completely innocent. one woman's nightmare over a picture that won't go away. 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[ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. poured over rice! helps provide many with, day and night relief of heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. there is risk of bone fracture, and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. call your doctor right away if you have persistent diarrhea. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. ask your doctor if nexium is right for you. find out how you may be able to get nexium for just $18 a month at her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ tonight a closer look at an internet business that's thriving. websites cashing in on mugshots. they charge hefty fees, promising to take them down. but the pictures may never go away, even if the person is innocent. abc's steve osunsami has one woman's frustrating story. >> reporter: they're pictures of people in their worst moments, in their mug shots. and not just celebrities. the websites that showcase them are now a dime a dozen and charging everyday people hefty fees to take them down. >> once something gets on the internet that booking photo, that mugshot photo, is going to haunt you for the rest of your life. >> reporter: they legally download what police call booking photos from online arrest records, saying they're providing a public service. and the laws allow these arrest records to be shared with the public. >> i just don't know how to express in words how devastating this has been for me. >> reporter: sophia andrade says it feels like she's been violated twice -- first, by the husband who, in divorce papers, she claims repeatedly hit her. >> here you are. >> reporter: then, by the mug shot industry, which legally published these booking photos from what she says was a false arrest after police were called to her home. she says she sent them proof showing her record was cleared, and was still asked to pay nearly $400 to have the photos removed. >> it's not just that i take my photograph down on this site. it comes down on this site and it pops up somewhere else. over and over and over again. when does it stop? >> reporter: in this instance, you did nothing wrong. >> i'm not a criminal. i'm not charged with anything. >> reporter: we found a number of sites like tampa that refuse to remove photos for free, even when the person accused is innocent. the people making money from sites like these are difficult to track down. but we did find this man in louisiana who asked to remain in shadow. is this a dirty business that you're in? >> i don't consider it dirty what i do. what i do is help people. >> he told us to call him t.j. and says he's a middle man hired by thousands of americans each year to remove photos and repair reputations. he wouldn't explain to us how he negotiates with the mugshot websites, but says he collects as much as $1,300 for his services. the police can stop this overnight. why are we posting a mugshot of someone who missed traffic court? why is there a need, mr. sheriff, to post their photos? >> reporter: roger bruce is pushing for a new law that would make all of these fees illegal, but only in georgia. >> if they can't charge a fee, why put it out there. >> reporter: sophia thinks her mugshot kept her out of work for more than a year and says this business isn't right. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. still ahead tonight, our instant index. >> this is super boring. you've made me a very proud shoe. >> would you buy a talking shoe that nags you when you're not working out hard enough? >> en fuego. >> enfuego. research studies go unfunded. of promising fuego. for lung cancer. every cancer. the american cancer society has been behind nearly every breakthrough in resent history. but there is still more work to do. so let's make sure that no research is silenced. let's make noise. let's make noise. yeah! and let's finish the fight. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ] finally tonight, cue up the "rocky" theme. there's a new boxing champion, once again proving age is just a number. 48-year-old bernard hopkins was too much for a fighter 17 years younger, proving he still has plenty of punches left. here's abc's jon donovan. >> reporter: who had the edge last night? bernard hopkins versus tavarus cloud. consult the calendar. cloud born january 10, 1982 and undefeated. hopkins born january 15, 1965. which makes hopkins 6,204 days older. or 17 years older. hopkins is so old he wears glasses when he's not in the ring. what was he doing out there last night? at 48 years old. well, winning. a unanimous decision in 12 rounds, making him the oldest ever holder of a world championship in boxing, a record that once belonged to george foreman. >> this will mean more because i'm older. and 5-0 is around the corner. >> reporter: he joins the rank of other age-defying unlikelies, who have proven they still have kick in later years. like dara torrez, the olympic great famous for all of her medals and competing into her 40s. or singh, who completed a 10k in hong kong at the age of 101. he's done nine full marathons since taking up running in his late 80s. which suggests it's never too late to start, or too early to keep going. which hopkins did, despite his own mother asking him not to fight past 40. >> my mother said get the hell out of that ring. and don't go in there again. >> reporter: he had something to prove, experience, which takes years to build, can also be the winning edge. when it's not just the other guy you're fighting, but time itself. this round, going to hopkins. jon dan von, abc news, washington. >> and that's "world news" for this sunday. gma will have the latest in the morning and diane will anchor "world news" from the vatican tomorrow night. for all of us at abc news, thanks for watching and goodnight. >> ama: new denails deadly accident that killed three people in daly city. >> new questions after a boat race turns deadly in southern california. >> on the move. the celebration right here in the bay area as an eye comein museum has moved to a new location. abc7 news at 6:00 starts now. >> ama: family and friends gather at a growing memorial at the scene of a deadly car crash in daly city. good evening, i'm ama daetz. the people were killed in the crash last night on eastmoor avenue in daly city. tonight we're learning new details about what happened. nick smith is live with what we have learned. reporter: good evening. we have watched friends and family spend most of the day coming by to leave flowers and light ceanlz at a makeshift memorial for the relatives of those they lost in fatal crash lanight in daly city. >> my friend, mother, little brother die, and his girlfriend is at the hospital because she was with them, too. >> friends relatives of the victims of the fatal crash gathered at the spot their loved ones lost their lives. >> lots of fire trucks. the red car in pieces. >> chris witnessed the horrific aftermath and told me. >> it was smashed to the windshield. a highway accident in the neighborhood. >> relatives declined to go on camera, saying self family members have yet to be told what happened. they police received a report of a major accident last night. when they got there they found three people dead in a car that had been broadsided. a fourth passenger in the same car was taken to the hospital. the driver of the second vehicle was not hurt. police have been tight-lipped, telling me the cause of the accident, who what at fault and whether or not speed was a factor are all under investigation. >> i saw the yellow tarps they use to corner them in the corner. >> residents said this road has a royce hoff drivers moving up and down the street faster than the posted 25 miles-per-hour limit. >> look how fast that car is going up this hill. obviously not doing the speed limit. reporter: the coroner's office has yet to release the name or ages of the victims. daly city police are leading the investigation and may provide more information tomorrow. in daly city. abc7 news. >> ama: the search for wanted criminal in oakland today was unsuccessful. this morning around 11:00 officers gathered outside a residence near martin luther king, jr. way and second street. officers fault a search dog into the house. despite their efforts officer couldn't fine who they were looking

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20130311 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20130311

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he was stately in his sunday best. >> let us pray that the holy spirit at home in the church to choose a new pope. >> reporter: officially, no one runs for pope, but supporters can get carried away. case in point, a music video put out today by fans of the cardinal from manila. ♪ >> reporter: catchy tune for sure, but slightly jarring in the context of electing a pope. still his youth, energy, and ability to inspire are what some say the church badly needs. >> it has been too roman, perhaps too european, too western. >> reporter: this south african cardinal, a potential pope himself, has several names in his mind going in. >> i'm looking for somebody, i think that would in some way reflect a vibrancy of the faith, that the faith is alive and its people want to belong. they're not just doing it grudgingly, it's just a tradition so we'll do it. >> reporter: less than 48 hours from now, the cardinals will have taken their first vote, but that first vote will likely be black smoke. >> david, thank you. diane sawyer anchors from rome tomorrow night and leads our team coverage all week, including live coverage when the conclave begins on tuesday at 11:30 eastern. josh elliott will be live from rome for gma all week. now to the wicked weather stretching across the country's mid section. tonight there are winter warnings in place in a half dozen states, from nebraska to michigan, the morning commute will be a challenge. while along the coasts, a much different story, a breath of spring air. abc's gio benitez has the details. >> reporter: it looks like a scene from the movie "fargo," from blizzard-like conditions in western minnesota, where driving is nearly impossible. to hail in kansas. there's even hail in texas. people are tweeting photos of hail larger than golf balls. in denver, truckers are stranded. >> my advice to people, don't get on the roads. stay home with your families. >> reporter: it's a winter weather blast slamming the nation's heartland, for the third weekend in a row. and adrienne green says it's not over yet. where is the storm going now? >> the storm will continue to lift north and east and will be heading towards the midwest, des moines, green bay, even marquette will be getting snowy conditions tonight. also gusty winds, on the order of 40 on 50 miles per hour wind gusts for that region. >> reporter: the northeast which saw blizzard conditions last week, today almost spring-like. but expect a chill in the air this week. gio benitez, abc news, new york. ? in ohio tonight, a makeshift memorial is growing where an accident claimed the lives of six teenagers. the suv hit a guard rail, flipped over and landed in a pond. two other passengers survived. the victims were between 14 and 19 years old. no one was wearing a seat belt. just outside seattle, a teenager playing video games at home was interrupted by a noise that sounded like thunder, but when he looked out the window, he saw a small plane had crashed into his house, sparing his life by just a few feet. clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: investigators tonight are trying to figure out why this small plane suddenly fell from the sky. slamming into this home just outside seattle on saturday. miraculously missing the teenager playing video games with a friend upstairs just a few feet away. >> i was sitting in my house, i heard a loud bang like thunder. i look outside and i look down and there's the wing. >> reporter: the pilot, identified as 45-year-old jay uzatalo was killed. his teenage nephew, flying with him, survived. airlifted to a hospital with severe injuries. >> i didn't see anything, but it sounded weird. it sounded -- it was loud. >> reporter: witnesses say before impact, the plane's engine was sputtering, the propeller stopped. the crash comes at a time the ntsb is trying to address problems in general aviation safety. the agency says every year crashes are responsible for killing about 475 private pilots and passengers. corn and his friend, the only ones home at the time, escaped unhurt. >> i feel very lucky because if that, if it hadn't hit where it did, if it hit like ten feet up, i would have been done. >> reporter: a deadly crash that was almost much worse. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. in california, there was a solemn ceremony at the animal habitat where a volunteer was killed by a lion. the center reopened today and did so with the blessing of the young woman's parents. tanya rivero has the story. >> reporter: a letter from diane hanson's grieving mother was read aloud at today's reopening of the california big cat sanctuary. >> i'm living every mother's worst nightmare in losing a cherished child. i'm pleased that cat haven is re-opening today. it's my desire that they continue their mission in support of saving my daughter's beloved creatures. >> reporter: hanson had been cleaning an empty enclosure last wednesday when the 550-pound lion escaped from his feeding pen and pounced on the 24-year-old intern, breaking her neck, killing her instantly. >> the lion has been taken care of. >> reporter: hanson's heart-broken father, telling abc news -- >> just used to scare her mother and me to death to think of her in the cage. i never got used to that. >> there's a long and growing casualty list of people who have been injured or killed by dangerous wild animals kept as pets. >> reporter: more tigers are kept in captivity in the u.s. than are left in the wild. in ohio, more than 50 exotic animals let loose by their owner, terrorized a community. >> i think i just seen one. looked like a jaguar or wolf or something. >> reporter: mitchell talmanson has a booming business ensuring exotic animal owners. inspecting their properties and making sure their cages are secure. >> you think they're nice and cute and cuddly. all of a sudden they're grown and they can turn within seconds. >> reporter: even in captivity these animals never lose their wild instincts. >> hanson's family started a fund in her honor to benefit the wildlife organizations she loved. including cat haven where her parents say, she died doing her dream job. >> tanya, thanks so much. new defense secretary chuck hagel's first trip to afghanistan is off to a rocky start. first a joint news conference with hagel and president hamid karzai had to be called off due to a security threat. karzai infuriated hagel by charging that the u.s. and taliban are working together. hagel finally met with karzai for dinner where he denied those allegations adding that the u.s. is not conducting any talks with the taliban. back overseas to london where queen elizabeth is set to take a historic stand against discrimination, it will include the strongest statements she's ever made about women's rights. abc's lama hasan reports from london. >> reporter: above all, the queen represents centuries of tradition and continuity, and she usually steers clear of making political decisions. but in a break with tradition, she will sign a remarkable document tomorrow and will give a speech endorsing the new agreement among former members of the british empire. which states opposition to, quote, all forms of discrimination, whether rooted in gender, race, color, creed, political belief, or other grounds. >> this is believed to be the first time she's shown her support of gay rights. that's a big step. we're not going to hear her views on these matters, but the fact that she's not only signing it, but she's signing it before television cameras, really does prove that she's endorses these changes. >> reporter: the queen will show support for new laws giving equal rights to boys and girls in royal succession. the timing of this is significant because with will's and kate's baby on the way. if it's a girl, this means she will be the next queen. with the stroke of the pen tomorrow, the queen will be making an historic, if symbolic, pledge for equal rights for billions of people in 54 countries around the world. amy? >> lama, thank you. now to the hollywood actress shaking up politics in kentucky. ashley judd is getting ready to announce a bid for the senate, from the state where she grew up. taking on one of the most powerful republicans in america. is it a stunt, and if not, what are her chances? abc's david kerley has the story from washington. >> ashley! >> ashley! >> right over here! >> reporter: she is a movie star, who knows her way around a red carpet, after a string of successful movies. "double jeopardy." "kiss the girls." >> somebody help me. >> reporter: but ashley judd's new role may be a real-live politician from kentucky. >> she's seriously considering a race for the united states senate. >> reporter: judd, who does her own fighting stunts in the movies and tv, is preparing to take on the most powerful republican in the senate, mitch mcconnell, who when asked about judd, talks only generally about liberals. >> they love to take out the republican leader of the senate. we expect a spirited race. >> reporter: maybe, but republicans are already attacking judd. >> an obama following hollywood radical liberal. with an ad that points out while judd was raised in kentucky and graduated from school there, she now lives in tennessee. >> who's right at home here in tennessee. i mean kentucky. >> reporter: the actress certainly has name recognition. >> in a celebrity culture, a celebrity candidate can occasionally elips an accomplished lifetime legisla r legislator. judd has been an anti-aids activist. if she jumps into the race, she will raise plenty of money, but it will be enough? >> she would have a very tough road against one of the most powerful senators in the country. >> so the question is timing. the derby is very important in kentucky politics, first weekend in may. so analysts believe if she's going to get in the race, she'll have to make an announcement sometime early next month. amy? >> david kerley in washington, thank you. still ahead on "world news," making money from mugshots, how some websites are charging people big bucks to take them down, even to people who are completely innocent. one woman's nightmare over a picture that won't go away. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ] finally tonight, cue up the "rocky" theme. there's a new boxing champion, once again proving age is just a number. 48-year-old bernard hopkins was too much for a fighter 17 years younger, proving he still has plenty of punches left. here's abc's jon donovan. >> reporter: who had the edge last night? bernard hopkins versus tavarus cloud. consult the calendar. cloud born january 10, 1982 and undefeated. hopkins born january 15, 1965. which makes hopkins 6,204 days older. or 17 years older. hopkins is so old he wears glasses when he's not in the ring. what was he doing out there last night? at 48 years old. well, winning. a unanimous decision in 12 rounds, making him the oldest ever holder of a world championship in boxing, a record that once belonged to george foreman. >> this will mean more because i'm older. and 5-0 is around the corner. >> reporter: he joins the rank of other age-defying unlikelies, who have proven they still have kick in later years. like dara torrez, the olympic great famous for all of her medals and competing into her 40s. or singh, who completed a 10k in hong kong at the age of 101. he's done nine full marathons since taking up running in his late 80s. which suggests it's never too late to start, or too early to keep going. which hopkins did, despite his own mother asking him not to fight past 40. >> my mother said get the hell out of that ring. and don't go in there again. >> reporter: he had something to prove, experience, which takes years to build, can also be the winning edge. when it's not just the other guy you're fighting, but time itself. this round, going to hopkins. jon dan von, abc news, washington. >> and that's "world news" for this sunday. gma will have the latest in the morning and diane will anchor "world news" from the vatican tomorrow night. for all of us at abc news, thanks for watching and goodnight. >> ama: new denails deadly accident that killed three people in daly city. >> new questions after a boat race turns deadly in southern california. >> on the move. the celebration right here in the bay area as an eye comein museum has moved to a new location. abc7 news at 6:00 starts now. >> ama: family and friends gather at a growing memorial at the scene of a deadly car crash in daly city. good evening, i'm ama daetz. the people were killed in the crash last night on eastmoor avenue in daly city. tonight we're learning new details about what happened. nick smith is live with what we have learned. reporter: good evening. we have watched friends and family spend most of the day coming by to leave flowers and light ceanlz at a makeshift memorial for the relatives of those they lost in fatal crash lanight in daly city. >> my friend, mother, little brother die, and his girlfriend is at the hospital because she was with them, too. >> friends relatives of the victims of the fatal crash gathered at the spot their loved ones lost their lives. >> lots of fire trucks. the red car in pieces. >> chris witnessed the horrific aftermath and told me. >> it was smashed to the windshield. a highway accident in the neighborhood. >> relatives declined to go on camera, saying self family members have yet to be told what happened. they police received a report of a major accident last night. when they got there they found three people dead in a car that had been broadsided. a fourth passenger in the same car was taken to the hospital. the driver of the second vehicle was not hurt. police have been tight-lipped, telling me the cause of the accident, who what at fault and whether or not speed was a factor are all under investigation. >> i saw the yellow tarps they use to corner them in the corner. >> residents said this road has a royce hoff drivers moving up and down the street faster than the posted 25 miles-per-hour limit. >> look how fast that car is going up this hill. obviously not doing the speed limit. reporter: the coroner's office has yet to release the name or ages of the victims. daly city police are leading the investigation and may provide more information tomorrow. in daly city. abc7 news. >> ama: the search for wanted criminal in oakland today was unsuccessful. this morning around 11:00 officers gathered outside a residence near martin luther king, jr. way and second street. officers fault a search dog into the house. despite their efforts officer couldn't fine who they were looking

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