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Good evening on this sunday night from boca raton, florida, where the president ial candidates will hold their final debate, right here tomorrow night. And a new poll tonight shows just how high takes this final debate will be. Well get to that in a moment. But were going to begin here with that mass shooting in wisconsin. That left three people dead and four more injured. This is the scene tonight, outside that spa near a crowded shopping ball. Police and First Responders flooding the area, putting them all on lockdown, searching for the gunman who slipped away for a time, but the ap reporting tonight that the gunmans body has been found inside that spa. Abcs alex perez is there in brookfield, wisconsin, tonight with the latest. Reporter what started out like any other quiet sunday morning in suburban milwaukee, within minutes, turned deadly. 11 00 a. M. , the azana spa had just opened for the day. Customers already filing in, for peticures and manicures, when a man entered the store and began shooting. Frantic spa customers, some in robes, others barefoot, scrambled to get out, running out the door, pounding on cars, screaming for help. We saw some woman crawl out of the front door and roll down the hill. Reporter three people were killed and four injured. The suspected gunman, 45yearold radcliffe haughton, also found dead inside the spa. And then, a woman came running across and she had said her stepfather was in there, trying to shoot as many people as he could. Reporter late this afternoon, a bomb squad surrounded haughtons home, after finding an explosive device inside the spa. Brookfield, a town of just 38,000, has had to cope with this kind of tragedy before. In 2005, a shooting at a Church Service inside a hotel here left seven people dead and just 25 miles away, six people were killed in august after a gunman stormed the sikh temple in oak creek, wisconsin. Back in brookfield, this tiny community, now trying to make sense of another tragedy. And Police Confirmed just moments ago that the gunman was found dead of a selfinflicted gunshot wound, inside the spa. The big question, the motive, still unanswered tonight. David . Alex perez with late information from the scene tonight. Alex, thank you. Were going to turn now to the race for president and the high stakes debate that will take place right here behind me tomorrow night. We are at Lynn University tonight in boca raton, florida, and its in this auditorium, where president obama and governor romney will go facetoface for the last time. The president will sit in the chair to the right, governor romney on the left, and this race could not be closer tonight. A new poll out this evening gives president obama a fivepoint lead among registered voters. But this is the more important number. Among those most likely to go out and cast their ballots tonight, it is a dead heat. Our Political Team weighs in on all of it tonight, on issues in the campaign that now has just 16 days to go, its your voice, your vote. And Abcs David Kerley is at the white house tonight. Reporter taking a break from debate preparation, mitt romney flipped a coin for a Football Team between his staff and reporters, who were still asking we. Would you be open to oneonone talks to iran . Reporter no answer, on the report that the iranians are ready to talk directly to the u. S. About its nuclear program. One republic called it an iranian ploy. And as to iran, theyve got quadruple the amount of enriched uranium to make a bomb they had before obama got in office. Nothing is working. Reporter the white house denied a meeting is set, but added it is open to oneonone talks. But a source warned, the administration is cautious, because the iranians have used negotiations in the past as a stalling tactic. What is clear, this will be a debate point. We have iran, four years closer to a nuclear bomb. Reporter not just iran. Republicans want to know if enough was done to protect u. S. Diplomats during the benghazi, libya, attack. Abc news has learned a drone did arrive over that city as the attack was ending and diplomats were being evacuated, which could allow romney to renew his attack. It was not a spontaneous demonstrati demonstration, is that what youre saying . Please proceed, governor. Reporter while the president has been out of site at camp david preparing for this last debate, we did get a hint of his plan. Highlight the killing of bin laden, the end of the iraq war and then question mitt romneys overseas trip as a president ial candidate, when he wondered about security at londons olympics. We all remember his dukes of hazzard tour of International Destinations over the summer, where he, not only roiled countries that are not as friendly to us, but our best al li, britain. Reporter this is a Foreign Policy debate, but both campaigns tell me that each of the candidates will figure out a way to make a point about the economy. The argument, that a Strong Economy makes the countrys National Security stronger, as well. David . No question theyre going to try to squeeze the economy in. David kerley, thank you. No question the last debates have made a real differences in this election. Joining us tonight, Good Morning America anchor and anchor of this week with the three things to watch for tomorrow night. Reporter david, the great thing about live tv is anything can happen. Weve already seen that this year. Heres what i expect. Number one, fewer fireworks. Coming off that ferocious last debate, which might have turned off some undecided voters, especially women. I think its a lot more likely than not that both men will take it down a notch. They will be sitting at a table. Theyre not going to be stalking each other. And it think also with the focus on Foreign Policy, its also possible youll see more agreement on some subjects. Mitt romneys been trying to strike a more moderate, bipartisan tone the last couple of days. And i wouldnt be surprised if he reaches out for a couple of areas where he can agree with and praise the president for example, for the killing of osama bin laden. But of course, there are going to be a lot of flashpoints, as well. No question that debate over the killings at benghazi will continue. And even though the president was able to score on that last week, i think youre going to see him pressed again on why there wasnt enough security at that consulate and how and why requests for more security were denied. And todays news that iran might be open to direct talks opens up a new front in this debate, as well. You know, going forward, will president obama confirm the details and encourage iran to come to the table or will he tamp down the talk of direct talks . You saw some of that in the white house statement today. It also puts mitt romney in a new position, too. Is he going to grab the opportunity to say hes open to every avenue that might avert war, or is he going to tie himself more tightly to the israeli government, which has already said iran should not be rewarded, thats their word, with direct talks. So, a lot to watch for tomorrow night and as weve seen this year, these debates have really mattered. I expect tomorrow night will, as well. No question, george. Ill be watching you with and diane right here tomorrow night. And with the race this close, so many observers noting just how much this third debate in this hall will matter this time. And with the race a dead heat, just a half percentage in the polls one way or another could really swing this race. And among those also watching tomorrow night, the undecided voters in this country. Weve been hearing them as we travel through the battlegrounds with 16 days to go. Tonight here, undecided voters here in florida, and we ask just how few of them could make a real difference . The big debate tomorrow night. How much can they shift opinion in these polls with the last debate . Well, the conventional wisdom that debates dont matter was shattered pretty well by the denver debate. Reporter nate silver tracks it all, every poll number, every shift in his 538 blog for the new york times. Constantly running the numbers, averaging the polls in every key battleground state. And with the National Race now tied tonight, silver says right now, the president s numbers in the midwestern battleground states give him a very slim edge, which is why both candidates this evening are concentrating on that last chance on the stage to reach the undecideds. How many undecideds in this final debate . So, the average poll shows only about 5 of voters who are still undecided. Reporter who are they . Who is undecided at this point . They are not a lot of people in the country who think they have two terrific choices. The undecideds are people that are not persuaded that romney is not a Good Alternative but disapprove with obamas performance in the white house. Reporter here in florida, we went looking for the undecided voters. And theyre not easy to find. Watching the debate tomorrow night . Absolutely. Yes. Reporter two of the three have decided, but michelle, in the middle, has not. Still not convinced whose economic plan is most fair. They need to help people more. Focus on the people falling through the cracks. Reporter you are voting president obama, youre voting mitt romney. Youre going to be the decided vote. Yes. Reporter lets check back in with you. Frank, leaning obama, but says romney in that first debate easterned a second look. I would be for obama, but mr. Romney brought up a lot of good issues. Reporter so, you really are going to be watching closely . Absolutely. I think a lot of people are. Reporter in fact, convincing the few undecided voters that remain could change the race. Just ask nate. Says tomorrow night the candidate that moves the needle even by a fraction could win. If one candidate gets a half a point gain, even a onepoint gain, because its so close, that could swing the election. A half a point. Incredible. Nate has a new book out, the signal and the noise. His numbers are updated constantly. Im checking it right now, 68 chance of winning for president obama, if the election were held right now. Thats because of the slight advantage for him in the battleground states. Everyone will be watching this tomorrow night. Hope you watch it right here on abc news. We begin tomorrow night with george and diane in new york, along with the rest of the power house Political Team. Ill be here with jake tapper. 9 00 p. M. Eastern, right here in the hall. And as weve been reporting here, the wisdom is that that election is going to be all about one thing, the economy. And so tonight here, the housing market, that was at the center of the meltdown. Well, parts of it are not surging. Last month, new Home Construction was up 15 . Thats a fouryear high. And abcs matt gutman reporting tonight on the new building boom right here at ground zero, in florida. Reporter this woman needed just one look. I feel in love immediately. Reporter consider it the new American Dream house, both downsized and supersized. You see, her new tiny threebedroom house is just 1,800 square feet. Down 500 from their average house built before the recession. But it is a full house, populated by three generations, plus the dog. The price was right. 143,000. A mortgage of just 1,200 a month. Half the price. It was half the price. Reporter wow. Shes one of the byers fueling the demand for new construction. Weve seen over a 20 increase in sales from year over year. Reporter and that, in one of the states hardest hit by the housing bust. Much of the growth is fueled by record low Mortgage Rates and pent up demand for new homes. And, of course, the price. How much would that have been five years ago . Five years ago, that home probably would have been in the high 200s. Reporter twice the price. This woman specifically sought a house to accommodate her parents. We are a United Family and we all cooperate. Reporter in fact, multigenerational homes are in such demand that miamibased lennar has rolled out next gen, a house designed for three generations. Theyve been selling these homes at a pace up to three times faster than just a couple of years ago. And that surge in Housing Starts is arguably the best Economic News in years, david, but is it soon enough and big enough to help president obama win the biggest battleground prize of them all, florida . David . That is the big question. Matt, thank you. And although pocketbook election issue, the price of gas. And here, too, some good news for voters this weekend. The average price of a gallon of gas is now headed downyard at 3. 68. Thats down ten cents in just the last week. And economists say it could go down 30 cents or so before the end of november. And as we sit in this debate hall tonight, we remember a political icon this evening. George mcgovern. He was a man of connions and conviction and he was a president ial candidate at a time when this nation was divided by war. Heres abcs john donvan now. Reporter when George Mcgovern was running for the white house in 1972, at a Campaign Stop in arkansas, the kid who met him at the airport, thats right, bill clinton, a good enough way to show how that 72 campaign, and the legacy of George Mcgovern, impacts the Democratic Party even today. The son of a south dakota minister, a decorated pilot in world war ii, he was a liberal. He was the first u. S. Senator to oppose the war in vietnam. I will halt the senseless bombings of indochina on inaugural day. Reporter though he ran in 72, it was the 60s he was channeling. The youthpowered, rule breaking, establishblaming assault on the status quo. Were wasting money on the war that we ought to use on building up our own country. Reporter liberal was in fashion. But his campaign was a mess. His pick for Vice President , tom eagleton, was dropped once it came out he had been hospitalized for mental illness. Theres not much cause for dancing in the streets of sioux falls, south dakota, tonight. Reporter on election day, he lost every state but massachusetts, and the Democratic Party lost once loyal voters who would never return. So, by the time that kid who met him at the airport pulled the party to the middle, the word mcgovernite was a slur that democrats would use against each other. As for the man, though, a kind of lasting respect came mcgov n mcgoverns way, as a senator and afterwards when he made a cause of fighting hunger. To the end, he stuck to his views, whether they were in fashion or not. John donvan, abc news, washington. Our thanks to john tonight. And there is still much more ahead here on world news on a sunday night. Those swipe cards you use to get into your hotel room. Coming up on world news, are they just giving thieves easier access . World news getting answers tonight as hotel gelss are getting warned. In America Today were running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. What we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. By 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough College Graduates to fill them. Thats why at devry university, were teaming up with Companies Like cisco to help make sure everyones ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure americas ready. Make sure youre ready. At devry. Edu knowhow. Your doctor will say get smart about your weight. I tried weight loss plans. 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These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. blowing sound ask your doctor about spiriva. We dont let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. So if youre one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day. Block the acid with prilosec otc and dont get heartburn in the first place [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. World news getting answers tonight as hotel chains and their guests have a new high tech problem on their hands this evening. The swipe cards to get into their room. Heres abcs mark greenblatt. Reporter just blocks from times square, tourists trust hotels like the Hilton Garden Inn for a safe nights sleep. But when abc news checked in, we discovered a major security hole. Electronic locks on guest rooms can open without a key. Im going to insert this marker into the bottom of the door and the door is going to open. Reporter you are in my room with your hands on my ipad. This Security Consultant showed us just how easy it is to break in, with a device that costs just 50 to build. I can go down the entire hallway and unlock every single door. Reporter and it worked at the nearby Holiday Inn Express. Where once again, no key, no problem. Hackers first exposed the problem earlier this summer. Posting videos like this one on youtube. Using more primitive gadgets. Now, the tools can be hidden in magic markers, even iphone cases. And the howto guide is just a click away online. Big name hotels reportedly bought millions of the faulty locks from a Company Called onity. I would say millions worldwide are at risk every single day. Until this problem is fixed. Reporter onity told abc news the company is working with its customers to deploy solutions. No one seems to have warned the manager at this Hilton Garden Inn. Im not aware of that. Reporter you never heard of it . No. Reporter but after we showed him the video i will be happy to bring this to hiltons attention, because this is a security problem. Reporter before we could follow up he was whisked away. What will you do about this . A spokesman for Hilton Worldwide later told us the whole company is investigating and addressing the problem. And in a major announcement, holiday inns Corporate Office has advised its hotels to try to expedite delivery of a product that will block the hack. The Holiday Inn Express in times square has placed its order already. David . All right, mark, thank you. When we come back here tonight. Rumor has it. What we learned about adele this weekend. 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The pictures and people that got us talking here this weekend. On the red planet tonight, the mars rover is eating dirt, literally. A small sample of the mysterious red soil. This picture shows three bite marks left on the surface. Each are about two inches long. The rover swallowed just a tiny pinch of dirt. About the size of a baby aspirin. Scientists are hoping its enough to identify what kinds of minerals exist on mars. Forget the robot dance. This humanoid has gone gangnam and the video tonight has gone viral. Charlie ii was made at virginia tech. Hes been used to research and develop a Fire Fighting robot one day. Clearly doing more than that in the meantime. The gangnam style dance is meant to show how the robot can move. And eighttime grammy winner adele is singing lullabies tonight. Rumor has it, the singer has given birth to a baby boy. People is reporting the birth happened on friday. Shes ecstatic with her new arrival. No word on the babys name yet. Adele who just released the new james bond theme song is laying low with her new baby. We want to hear from you. Which pictures, people and quotes caught your attention . Let us know at abcnews. Com or just tweet me, davidmuir. And coming up, what happens when you go out and ask people who won the first lady debate, between Michelle Obama and ann romney. You wont believe what happened when late night took that you wont believe what happened when late night took that question to the street. Stay at. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. Plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. 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Tell your doctor your medical history and find an Arthritis Treatment for you. Visit celebrex. Com and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. But they havent experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. In fact, in a recent survey, 95 of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. Visit fastreliefchallenge. Com today for a special trial offer. Visit fastreliefchallenge. Com sometimes life can be well, a little uncomfortable. But when its hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, theres dulcolax stool softener. Dulcolax stool softener doesnt make you go, it just makes it easier to go. Dulcolax stool softener. Make yourself comfortable. And finally tonight here on with one more debate tonight, some are still talking about a debate that never happened. Jimmy kimmel with a simple experiment and it caught our eye. We asked people what they thought about last nights first lady debate between Michelle Obama and ann romney. Now, as you probably know, theres no such thing as a first lady debate. Reporter but that didnt stop people from answering. Who do you think won the debate between ann romney and Michelle Obama last night . I have to say Michelle Obama. She really did a lot better. Who do you think won the debate between ann romney and Michelle Obama. Definitely ann romney. I think shes very classy and a wonderful lady. Anything she said during the debate in particular . No, i just like how she looks. Who do you think won the debate last night between ann romney and Michelle Obama. Michelle. Why do you say that . I love her. Was there anything in particular she said that spoke to you . No, in general, i just saw a little bit of it, to tell you honestly, i had Something Else going on, so i didnt see the whole debate. Reporter thats because there was no debate. But voters have seen and heard a lot from both wives who are the not so secret weapons for each campaign. Weve got to keep working to fix this. Weve got so much more to do. I love you women reporter and just this week, both willing to take on the unexpected. Ann romney with the women of the view. At one point, when he didnt think he was being heard, he said that he was not sure he wanted to come on with us, because were high risk and sharp tongued. No, he said sharp and young. Reporter and there was Michelle Obama, braving the lightning round on live with kelly and michael. Please forgive me. All right. For the president , do you prefer boxers or briefs . Oh. Ah none of the above. No, just kidding. The first lady and ann romney, huge parts of these campaigns. Bull their husbands will be right here debating tomorrow night. Diane sawyer back here on world news tomorrow night. And were all here for the debate tomorrow evening. Hope to see you then. Good night. Next at 6 00. A few clouds in the sky right now but wet weather is on the way. Well show you on live doppler 7hd when the rain is here. Under pressure. Doordo for the giants tonight. And a double dose of good news for bay area drivers for commuteres, all of us next weekend. Abc7 news at 6 00 starts right now. Terry dry outside right now and beautiful, i may add, but rain heating our heading our way. Im terry mcsweeney, in for ama daetz. Lets neck conclude check check in with leigh. In the north bay, the rain will moving in after moist, midnight. Were under a clear patch

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