Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20191018

42 people on board, including a high school swim team. narco shootout. the massive gun battle between police and drug cartel suspects. authorities trying to capture the son of convicted drug lord el chapo. why police say they were forced to let him go. the new clue in the search for a kidnapped 3-year old girl, taken on her birthday. this new surveillance showing her before she vanished, and a possible witness. also tonight, duchess meghan's surprisingly candid admission, sharing her struggle about living in the public eye as a royal and a new mother. and floating into history. an out of this world milestone. nasa's first all-female spacewalk. and good evening. thanks for joining us on this friday night. i'm tom llamas. david is on assignment tonight. we begin with the tropical threat bearing down on the gulf coast, moving quickly. winds picking up as it approaches the coast. and officials concerned winds could affect cranes at a worksite. here's victor oquendo. >> reporter: tonight, all eyes on tropical storm nestor. now barreling toward the gulf coast. this after category 5 hurricane michael struck the same part of the florida panhandle. making landfall in mexico beach just one year ago. this is what mexico beach looks like now. many here still struggling to get back on their feet. we met gale evans, living in this trailer after losing her home. do you feel safe in that with the storm coming? >> depends on the wind loads, if the wind is significant i'll have to leave. >> reporter: and in new orleans, where the hard rock hotel collapsed saturday, killing three, fears that gusting winds there could cause two damaged cranes to collapse. >> the wind has always been a concern of ours, regardless of any tropical storm or not. >> reporter: officials planning to use explosives to bring down the cranes tomorrow. here in mexico beach, the damage and devastation from hurricane michael is still everywhere you look. now, much of the florida panhandle bracing for nestor's arrival. >> victor, thank you. rob marciano tracking it all. he's in state college, p.a., tonight. and time out nestor for us, and there's two major factors you're worried about? >> reporter: the storm surge, and the winds, now clocked at 60 miles per hour. most of the heavy weather, to the east of the center. 250 miles from panama city. and storm surge warnings, all the way down to clearwater beach. landfall around 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. and tomorrow, to georgia and the carolinas on sunday. >> rob, thank you. w e isis in qutions whethe five-day cease fire is working. by tuesday night, all kurdish forces are supposed to pull back from their positions in northern syria. but is that likely tohappen? james longman with the reality check in the region tonight. >> reporter: a cease fire hanging in the balance tonight, while turkey says it's stopped its assault. kurdish forces claim some fighting continues. president trump today downplaying that report after a call with turkey's president. >> there was some sniper fire this morning. there was mortar fire this morning that was eliminated quickly. and they're back to the full pause. >> reporter: but the kurds claims a hospital was targeted in this key border town. >> sometimes you have to go through some pain before you can get a good solution, but the kurds are very happy about it. serioumiaku.-bke forces e kuish. y the turkish presidt ot, they'. the deal allows turkey to carve out a stretch of the border roughly 20 miles into syria. home to thousands of kurds. but the kurds, longtime partners of the u.s., say they won't surrender their land, calling it ethnic cleansing. hundreds have been killed and hundreds of thousands uprooted. many flooding into refugee camps like this one in iraq. there's a lot of anger against the united states in this camp. just a few days ago these people were at home in syria. they only feel they're here because of america. this man escaped two days ago with his family, and on trump, he's clear. "the man who leaves his supporters is a traitor. and he's only looking for his benefit." >> strong tensions there. james, the big question now, how likely is it that the cease fire can hold? >> reporter: tom, more violence is certainly possible because the two sides don't have the same idea on where the kurds must withdraw to. the kurds believe it's a far more limited pullback, and the turks expect something far more broader. we're learning the kurds want international observers to police it. >> james, thank you. now to the deadly plane crash in alaska. the plane overshooting the runway, coming to a stop just short of the bay. 42 people were onboard, including a high school swim team. two people were critically injured. and one has now died. here's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: tonight, investigators scrambling to the scene to determine why this plane flying from anchorage crashed upon landing at a rural airport in alaska. the twin turbo prop running off the runway at roughly 5:40 p.m., stopping just short of plunging into icy waters of the aleutian islands. authorities confirming 38-year-old david allen ottoman was killed. ten other passengers injured, one critically. you can see the front of the plane hanging over the rocks. 39 passengers and three crew in total onboard, including a high school swim team. they remain on the island and are shaken up but safe. symptom, the ntsb will be investigating. tom. >> thank you. and new messages between boeing test pilots suggest the company may have been aware of problems with 737 max jets before two crashes. here's alex perez. >> reporter: those newly revealed messages between boeing 737 max test pilots shows that even they were surprised at how the automated system dramatically took control of the aircraft. "it's running rampant in the sim on me," one pilot referencing the flight simulator. "the plane is trimming itself like crazy." the 2016 messages sent two years before the flight control system called mcas was linked to crashes in indonesia and ethiopia, killing 346 people. >> the test pilot seemed to indicate that they thought that the simulator was causing a problem in activating this mcas system when it shouldn't have been. in reality, it was the airplane that was doing it. >> reporter: tonight, the faa administrator is demanding an immediate explanation from the ceo of boeing, which alerted the department of transportation just last night. tonight, boeing says their ceo has called the faa and we've learned he will be testifying before on capitol hill later this months. and will certainly be asked about all this. >> thank you. and mick mulvaney acknowledging that military aid to ukraine was linked in part to investigation of democrats. here's jon karl. >> reporter: it may have been the defining moment to the impeachment inquiry, but when the president was asked today about his acting chief of staff's blunt admission of a quid pro quo, he quickly changed the subject. >> mr. president, do you want to clarify what mick mulvaney said yesterday? >> i think he clarified it. and i do have to say this. we yesterday had a tremendous day in texas. we opened a louis vuitton plant. >> reporter: acting chief of staff mick mulvaney is now denying that he said the president withheld military aid from ukraine in part to pressure them to investigate democrats. but he did say that, and it was on live tv. >> did he also mention to me in the past that the corruption related to the dnc server? absolutely, no question about that. >> reporter: so the demand for an investigation into the democrats was part of the reason that he ordered to withhold funding to ukraine. >> the -- the -- look back to what happened in 2016. certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation. and that is absolutely appropriate. >> reporter: withholding the funding? >> yeah. which -- which ultimately then flowed. >> reporter: what you described is a quid pro quo. it is, funding will not flow unless the investigation into the democratic server happens as well. >> we do that -- we do that all the time with foreign policy. >> reporter: today nancy pelosi was blunt. "what he said was, of course, a confession." house republican leader kevin mccarthy, however, said accepts mulvaney's denial of his own words. >> i take mick mulvaney at his word for clarification. >> jon, kevin mccarthy defending mulvan mulvaney's walk-back. but today, a different comment from another republican. >> reporter: yes, rooney said he was shocked by the words, and skeptical about his attempt to take it all back. he said it's not an etch-a-sketch. and he does not rule out supporting the impeachment inqui inquiry. >> thank you. and now to the gun battle in mexico over an attempt to arrest the son of el chapo, turning the streets into a war zone. the police eventually letting el chapo's son go. here's stephanie ramos. and chaotic gun battle erupting in the mexican city of culiacan after the mexican government says the national guard and army attempted to arrest el chapo's son, ovidio guzman lopez. authorities say a heavily armed drug cartel ambushed the military and police. spraying them with bullets. jou deafening gunfire rings out around him. taking cover behind his news van. masked gunmen paralyzing the city. lighting cars on fire to keep police back. women and children running for cover. the situation so out of control, authorities retreated and suspended the operation. at least eight killed. nearly two dozen wounded. guzman's father el chapo is serving life in prison in the u.s. for a number of criminal charges. tonight, mexico's president is defending the decision to call off the raid, saying too many innocent people were at risk. tom? >> stephanie, thank you. back here at home, new developments in the search for a little girl who vanished during a birthday party. she disappeared saturday night. police have released new surveillance video, asking for help in identifying a possible witness. here's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the surveillance video birmingham police are sharing tonight shows the kidnapping in progress last saturday evening. 3-year-old kamille mckinney is seen with another child at the playground outside a birthday party, when a man walks by. look again, this is the man police need to find tonight. >> i'll do anything to have my baby back. >> reporter: authorities underline that he is not at all a suspect, but instead a possible witness to this. a second man, who is a suspect, who then leads them away. one child made it home that night, the other, who her family calls cupcake, is still missing. >> we want to see if he has additional information, if he has something more for us. >> reporter: surveillance video recorded this blue suv speeding away, and it led police to these two people, who were questioned and have not been accused in the child's disappearance. both arrested for unrelated charges. for 39-year-old patrick stallworth, those charges are child pornography. authorities are now planning a search over the weekend, and asking for volunteers. tom? >> steve, thank you. now to politics, and a surprising attack from hillary clinton. saying she thinks the russians have their eye on somebody count currently in the democratic primary. mentioning no names, but her team making it clear she was talking about tulsi gabbard. gabbard calling clinton the embodiment of corruption. es mattis saying he's not offended. >> i'm honored to be considered that by donald trump, because also called meryl streep an overrated actress. so i guess i'm the meryl streep of generals. and you have to admit, at least we've had some victories between me and meryl. >> he resigned in december over the president's plan to withdraw troops from syria. still ahead on "world news tonight" this friday, the man seen dropping a body into a dumpster. police looking for the suspect. duchess about living the publisa first spacewalk. stay with us. 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"gma" first thing in the morning. i'll see you as always right back here on sunday. good night. you guys failed on so many levels. pg&ecutives the hot seat. the commission grilling them about the public safety power shut off that affected hundreds of thousands of customers in california. >> that meeting is still under way at the headquarters. in san francisco. the goal is to talk about lessons learned from the ent and what steps will be taken to ensure mistakes are not repeated. chief information officer explained why the web site crashed many times. it had 1.7 million question per hour when it usually has 7,000. >> that would have allowed customers to have some information while we were stabilizing the site. instead our customers were unable at times to get into the site. when they did get in, it was slow. sometimes they couldn't get information at all. and other times they received error messages. >> we're at the meeting now. and have a full wrap up tonight. >> pg&e has just raised gas and electricity rates at the beginning of this month. your bill is expected to jump again in january. monthly bills could rise nearly $9 a month. the average cost for electric service for a typical customer would be $130 a month. >> it may seem like a small problem for pg&e has become a major headache for the senior community near walnut creek. >> an old power pole near the development has been the source of repeated grass fires and want it replaced. we have the story from walnut te

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20191018 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20191018

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42 people on board, including a high school swim team. narco shootout. the massive gun battle between police and drug cartel suspects. authorities trying to capture the son of convicted drug lord el chapo. why police say they were forced to let him go. the new clue in the search for a kidnapped 3-year old girl, taken on her birthday. this new surveillance showing her before she vanished, and a possible witness. also tonight, duchess meghan's surprisingly candid admission, sharing her struggle about living in the public eye as a royal and a new mother. and floating into history. an out of this world milestone. nasa's first all-female spacewalk. and good evening. thanks for joining us on this friday night. i'm tom llamas. david is on assignment tonight. we begin with the tropical threat bearing down on the gulf coast, moving quickly. winds picking up as it approaches the coast. and officials concerned winds could affect cranes at a worksite. here's victor oquendo. >> reporter: tonight, all eyes on tropical storm nestor. now barreling toward the gulf coast. this after category 5 hurricane michael struck the same part of the florida panhandle. making landfall in mexico beach just one year ago. this is what mexico beach looks like now. many here still struggling to get back on their feet. we met gale evans, living in this trailer after losing her home. do you feel safe in that with the storm coming? >> depends on the wind loads, if the wind is significant i'll have to leave. >> reporter: and in new orleans, where the hard rock hotel collapsed saturday, killing three, fears that gusting winds there could cause two damaged cranes to collapse. >> the wind has always been a concern of ours, regardless of any tropical storm or not. >> reporter: officials planning to use explosives to bring down the cranes tomorrow. here in mexico beach, the damage and devastation from hurricane michael is still everywhere you look. now, much of the florida panhandle bracing for nestor's arrival. >> victor, thank you. rob marciano tracking it all. he's in state college, p.a., tonight. and time out nestor for us, and there's two major factors you're worried about? >> reporter: the storm surge, and the winds, now clocked at 60 miles per hour. most of the heavy weather, to the east of the center. 250 miles from panama city. and storm surge warnings, all the way down to clearwater beach. landfall around 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. and tomorrow, to georgia and the carolinas on sunday. >> rob, thank you. w e isis in qutions whethe five-day cease fire is working. by tuesday night, all kurdish forces are supposed to pull back from their positions in northern syria. but is that likely tohappen? james longman with the reality check in the region tonight. >> reporter: a cease fire hanging in the balance tonight, while turkey says it's stopped its assault. kurdish forces claim some fighting continues. president trump today downplaying that report after a call with turkey's president. >> there was some sniper fire this morning. there was mortar fire this morning that was eliminated quickly. and they're back to the full pause. >> reporter: but the kurds claims a hospital was targeted in this key border town. >> sometimes you have to go through some pain before you can get a good solution, but the kurds are very happy about it. serioumiaku.-bke forces e kuish. y the turkish presidt ot, they'. the deal allows turkey to carve out a stretch of the border roughly 20 miles into syria. home to thousands of kurds. but the kurds, longtime partners of the u.s., say they won't surrender their land, calling it ethnic cleansing. hundreds have been killed and hundreds of thousands uprooted. many flooding into refugee camps like this one in iraq. there's a lot of anger against the united states in this camp. just a few days ago these people were at home in syria. they only feel they're here because of america. this man escaped two days ago with his family, and on trump, he's clear. "the man who leaves his supporters is a traitor. and he's only looking for his benefit." >> strong tensions there. james, the big question now, how likely is it that the cease fire can hold? >> reporter: tom, more violence is certainly possible because the two sides don't have the same idea on where the kurds must withdraw to. the kurds believe it's a far more limited pullback, and the turks expect something far more broader. we're learning the kurds want international observers to police it. >> james, thank you. now to the deadly plane crash in alaska. the plane overshooting the runway, coming to a stop just short of the bay. 42 people were onboard, including a high school swim team. two people were critically injured. and one has now died. here's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: tonight, investigators scrambling to the scene to determine why this plane flying from anchorage crashed upon landing at a rural airport in alaska. the twin turbo prop running off the runway at roughly 5:40 p.m., stopping just short of plunging into icy waters of the aleutian islands. authorities confirming 38-year-old david allen ottoman was killed. ten other passengers injured, one critically. you can see the front of the plane hanging over the rocks. 39 passengers and three crew in total onboard, including a high school swim team. they remain on the island and are shaken up but safe. symptom, the ntsb will be investigating. tom. >> thank you. and new messages between boeing test pilots suggest the company may have been aware of problems with 737 max jets before two crashes. here's alex perez. >> reporter: those newly revealed messages between boeing 737 max test pilots shows that even they were surprised at how the automated system dramatically took control of the aircraft. "it's running rampant in the sim on me," one pilot referencing the flight simulator. "the plane is trimming itself like crazy." the 2016 messages sent two years before the flight control system called mcas was linked to crashes in indonesia and ethiopia, killing 346 people. >> the test pilot seemed to indicate that they thought that the simulator was causing a problem in activating this mcas system when it shouldn't have been. in reality, it was the airplane that was doing it. >> reporter: tonight, the faa administrator is demanding an immediate explanation from the ceo of boeing, which alerted the department of transportation just last night. tonight, boeing says their ceo has called the faa and we've learned he will be testifying before on capitol hill later this months. and will certainly be asked about all this. >> thank you. and mick mulvaney acknowledging that military aid to ukraine was linked in part to investigation of democrats. here's jon karl. >> reporter: it may have been the defining moment to the impeachment inquiry, but when the president was asked today about his acting chief of staff's blunt admission of a quid pro quo, he quickly changed the subject. >> mr. president, do you want to clarify what mick mulvaney said yesterday? >> i think he clarified it. and i do have to say this. we yesterday had a tremendous day in texas. we opened a louis vuitton plant. >> reporter: acting chief of staff mick mulvaney is now denying that he said the president withheld military aid from ukraine in part to pressure them to investigate democrats. but he did say that, and it was on live tv. >> did he also mention to me in the past that the corruption related to the dnc server? absolutely, no question about that. >> reporter: so the demand for an investigation into the democrats was part of the reason that he ordered to withhold funding to ukraine. >> the -- the -- look back to what happened in 2016. certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation. and that is absolutely appropriate. >> reporter: withholding the funding? >> yeah. which -- which ultimately then flowed. >> reporter: what you described is a quid pro quo. it is, funding will not flow unless the investigation into the democratic server happens as well. >> we do that -- we do that all the time with foreign policy. >> reporter: today nancy pelosi was blunt. "what he said was, of course, a confession." house republican leader kevin mccarthy, however, said accepts mulvaney's denial of his own words. >> i take mick mulvaney at his word for clarification. >> jon, kevin mccarthy defending mulvan mulvaney's walk-back. but today, a different comment from another republican. >> reporter: yes, rooney said he was shocked by the words, and skeptical about his attempt to take it all back. he said it's not an etch-a-sketch. and he does not rule out supporting the impeachment inqui inquiry. >> thank you. and now to the gun battle in mexico over an attempt to arrest the son of el chapo, turning the streets into a war zone. the police eventually letting el chapo's son go. here's stephanie ramos. and chaotic gun battle erupting in the mexican city of culiacan after the mexican government says the national guard and army attempted to arrest el chapo's son, ovidio guzman lopez. authorities say a heavily armed drug cartel ambushed the military and police. spraying them with bullets. jou deafening gunfire rings out around him. taking cover behind his news van. masked gunmen paralyzing the city. lighting cars on fire to keep police back. women and children running for cover. the situation so out of control, authorities retreated and suspended the operation. at least eight killed. nearly two dozen wounded. guzman's father el chapo is serving life in prison in the u.s. for a number of criminal charges. tonight, mexico's president is defending the decision to call off the raid, saying too many innocent people were at risk. tom? >> stephanie, thank you. back here at home, new developments in the search for a little girl who vanished during a birthday party. she disappeared saturday night. police have released new surveillance video, asking for help in identifying a possible witness. here's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the surveillance video birmingham police are sharing tonight shows the kidnapping in progress last saturday evening. 3-year-old kamille mckinney is seen with another child at the playground outside a birthday party, when a man walks by. look again, this is the man police need to find tonight. >> i'll do anything to have my baby back. >> reporter: authorities underline that he is not at all a suspect, but instead a possible witness to this. a second man, who is a suspect, who then leads them away. one child made it home that night, the other, who her family calls cupcake, is still missing. >> we want to see if he has additional information, if he has something more for us. >> reporter: surveillance video recorded this blue suv speeding away, and it led police to these two people, who were questioned and have not been accused in the child's disappearance. both arrested for unrelated charges. for 39-year-old patrick stallworth, those charges are child pornography. authorities are now planning a search over the weekend, and asking for volunteers. tom? >> steve, thank you. now to politics, and a surprising attack from hillary clinton. saying she thinks the russians have their eye on somebody count currently in the democratic primary. mentioning no names, but her team making it clear she was talking about tulsi gabbard. gabbard calling clinton the embodiment of corruption. es mattis saying he's not offended. >> i'm honored to be considered that by donald trump, because also called meryl streep an overrated actress. so i guess i'm the meryl streep of generals. and you have to admit, at least we've had some victories between me and meryl. >> he resigned in december over the president's plan to withdraw troops from syria. still ahead on "world news tonight" this friday, the man seen dropping a body into a dumpster. police looking for the suspect. duchess about living the publisa first spacewalk. stay with us. 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(crowd muttering) - [woman] is that paper mache? - it's you. - [woman] wow. - [narrator] jibber jabber ruins everything. - is it? - [woman] i am confused. - [narrator] at symetra life insurance company we're cutting through it, to help you choose the retirement benefits and life products that work best for you. the retirement benefits and life products so nice to meet you june, jay, ji, kay, raj, and... ray! good job, brain! say hello to neuriva, a new brain supplement with clinically proven ingredients that fuel five indicators of brain performance. neuriva. time now for our "index." the disturbing discovery inside a dumpster in pueblo, colorado. police searching for the suspect seen here on surveillance, throwing a suitcase into a dumpster with the body of a ng y her by her tattoos. the recall for a popular heartburn drug expanding tonight. the makers of zantac pulling the drug from stores in the u.s. and canada over concerns about a low-level amount of a possible cancer-causing substance. the fda issuing an alert last month. several pharmacies pulling their version of the drug. and lady gaga bouncing back. she was dancing with a fan when they both fell off the stage. getting right back up, consoling the fan. when we come back, the two american astronauts spacewalking into history. and here's what's coming up tonight on a special "20/20.." . >> sought after by every man in the world. and then bang. >> the death of a playmate. 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"gma" first thing in the morning. i'll see you as always right back here on sunday. good night. you guys failed on so many levels. pg&ecutives the hot seat. the commission grilling them about the public safety power shut off that affected hundreds of thousands of customers in california. >> that meeting is still under way at the headquarters. in san francisco. the goal is to talk about lessons learned from the ent and what steps will be taken to ensure mistakes are not repeated. chief information officer explained why the web site crashed many times. it had 1.7 million question per hour when it usually has 7,000. >> that would have allowed customers to have some information while we were stabilizing the site. instead our customers were unable at times to get into the site. when they did get in, it was slow. sometimes they couldn't get information at all. and other times they received error messages. >> we're at the meeting now. and have a full wrap up tonight. >> pg&e has just raised gas and electricity rates at the beginning of this month. your bill is expected to jump again in january. monthly bills could rise nearly $9 a month. the average cost for electric service for a typical customer would be $130 a month. >> it may seem like a small problem for pg&e has become a major headache for the senior community near walnut creek. >> an old power pole near the development has been the source of repeated grass fires and want it replaced. we have the story from walnut te

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