Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190703 00:30:00

can wrap your arms around it. that unknown contributes to that apprehension. >> lot of people aren't really familiar with san bruno if they are another town but your mall here is set up right next to the bart station. and that is why it may have been easy for someone to get on board bart. >> yeah and it is not uncommon. our police station is located close to the station as well. and when we thefts or other crimes at the mall it is not uncommon for these people the go to bart. so we know that is an avenue for them. it is not uncommon for those types of things to happen with your more day to day type of criminal activity. >> can we talk with the fire chief. would you tell us about the victims and what they are doing and how? >> -- responded at the request of p.d. for a shooter. updated information included multiple victims. ultimately additional resources were asked. we had a second alarm and declared a mci, a mass casualty incident. a total of four ambulances were dispatched as well.
initial crews as they are trained to do put their protective equipment on and formed what we call rescue task force and those pair one police escorts and the police escorts lead them in so we can treat and remove patients. as the chief said we treated and removed two gunshot victims. they were taken to san francisco general which is a trauma center by american medical response ambulances. two additional patients were treated. i don't know the extent of their injuries or how they were injured. somehow it was related to the incident. but they were treated and released. they signed refusal of services. all i know on the victims is they were lowrie extremity gunshot wounds and stable condition as they were transplanted to san francisco. >> not life threatening. >> at this point when they were transported from here, no. but sf general would have the latest information on those patients. >> when were they transplanted? >> i don't have the time. it was fairly quickly.
we don't stage anymore. once p.d. gives us officers to escort the paramedics in. they go in and pull them out and they were -- very quickly put in ambulances and transplanted. we'll have all those details later. i don't have those at this point. >> you don't have the exact age but did they appear to be younger victims? >> i'll go with what the chief said. i don't have any information on any additional information on the victims or age or any other. >> if they were related? knew each other. >> i wouldn't know that. the transplant ambulance would know that but obviously they are not here anymore. >> anyone else treated for anything here on scene? people were tweeted from inside the mall that they were hiding, scared for their lives. you mentioned it is possible those two other victims may have been trampled in getting out of the mall. do you know in anybody else was treated on scene. >> right now just two additional ones that were evaluated and they signed a release. we still have resources on scene as police officers check the
building. we'll be on scene here to treat anybody. but no additional people were treat order located. >> when they signed the releases they didn't need to be transplanted do you have any sense of what their injuries were? >> i don't at this point. sorry to say. >> can you describe what it looked like when you a i arrived on the scene? were people running from the mall at that point. >> there were people exiting the mall. i was here very quickly. i was in the area. and there were people outside of the mall. normally a very large police presence and like i said we've done recent training here in san bruno and our officers, firefighters work closely with the police officers. and their immediate concern was lets get the rescue group task force together and get the victims out. very happy with. as the chief said we're a small department. we have to rely on the other departments and neighbors and they all participated in this response. >> what is that recent active
training. >> we did some violent and shooter training here in san bernardino. three days here just a couple of weeks ago with a grant the police department received. that training is very valuable. we can't to do that in this county to prepare. >> feel like it made a difference today. >> definitely makes a difference. >> yes. >> thank you very much. >> i think i gave you the wrong time of the initial. i think said 2:56. the actual first call t initial call we received was 3:56 this afternoon. off by an hour. i don't want to mess that up for are. >> reporter: i got to step over to the side. some reporters just getting here. sorry if you just got a very close face shot. we're going to move aside a little bit because some reporters are just getting here on seen and just getting the information for the fist time. but if you are just joining us, let's walk you through some of what we just found out here live in san bruno. so we interviewed the police chief who described that there are two victims here. i'm hoping you can hear me guys.
two victims. they believe that there are two suspects possibly that are at large. and said they ha some evidence that they had found here at the scene that suggested there was perhaps more than one shooting suspect. they do not believe that this was an active shooter situation in the sense that this was not somebody that was in the mall that was openly shooting at random people but rather this may have been some sort of targeted crime. two victims. not many details here about the victims but we do have some details from the san francisco general public information officer who told us earlier as we've been talking with him. that's brent andrew. that those victims are 15 years old and 18 years old. and also that he had reason to believe that there were a couple of victims who were transplanted however here the chief of police in san bruno says as does the fire chief that there were two other individuals who were treated but refused going onto the hospital they may have been
injuries perhaps related to being stepped on or pushed as people were getting out of mall. but it was unclear what the injuries may have been. not sure if you hear me anymore. sounds like we may have lost our connection. we're going send it back to you. live in tanforan mall. >> we co-hear you. melanie woodrow live from the season. taking another live look at the shops at tanforan. the tanforan mall in san bruno which has been evacuated after this shooting. the first call came at 3:56. we know of at least two people confirmed shot. 15 and 18 years of age. one in serious condition. one in critical condition. >> and two people, two separate shooters are being sought. they have not arrested anyone yet. and they say one of the young males that they are seeking is wearing a green sweatshirt with a hoodie. and that is what we have right now. we know they shut down the oakland 12th street station bart
for a while, possibly seeking any suspects who might have made their way there. but they have not found anything and have reopened that particular station. >> right. so let's go back now live. abc7 news reporter lisa amin gulezian is at the mall, south side i believe. what are you hearing. >> reporter: we're just outside of b.j.s and barnes & nobles. the south soiftd the mall also where a lot of the police presence is. officers from south san francisco frameworks the highway patrol, men lowe park, the county sheriffs department. a lot of police officers are still here and there is still an active scene in the sense a lot of people and officers are here. lot of people are still stuck here waiting for rides to get them. joining me is paula silva, she was inside when this happened. you were working. tell me what happened when you were working. >> well i just saw a lot of people running from the food court, most likely. it looked like it was from that
area into, towards the outside of the mall. barnes & noble side. >> reporter: when people ran towards your store what did they do? >> a lot of them ran to the back swresmt a back exit. i told them to go in through there. and we started locking the doors. thank filet coworkers parents was there and helped me lock the doors. and there was not more people inside just the workers and probably like five or six more, you know, people that ran into the store and stayed in in in the back in the stock room with us. >> so you were literally hiding in the dark in the stock room. >> yes. we were hiding in the dark. we turned off the light as soon as we locked the doors and told everyone to just stay in there. >> reporter: you had to have been scared. >> it was pretty scary. a lot of my coworkers and also seeing lot of other people pretty scary. called down a little bit.
and it was definitely a scary experience. >> reporter: i don't know if you can hear us right now. this siren just started going off behind us. paula works inside of barnes & nobles inside the mall and ushered a lot of people to safety and they all hid inside of her store. >> they we they were hiding inside the store in barnes & noble in the dark. tell us about the people running towards. >> well at first. >> gives you sense what's happening out there right now. obviously police vehicles are still with their sirens coming. still a lot of heavily armed officers. i know you can't hear the interview very well but gives a sense how the threat is still very real in the area around tanforan mall right now. >> let's go down to abc7 news
reporter live in oakland with a little more on what's been happening there. the 12th street bart station close. uncer go ahead. >> reporter: good evening. so oakland 12th street bart station just reopened. joining me with the oakland police department. what do we know at this time? >> what we can share is that we received information through the bart police department about a possible suspect on the bart train either at 12th street and broadway or 14th street and broadway. and this would be in connection with the san bruno shooting the active shooting that happened the tanforan shopping center. we know that is still a very active scene to the oakland police department supported along with the bart police department and oakland fire department all responded to these two location. we did stop train service. we vacuated the train. we have information on what is suspect looks like.
so we knew who we were looking for. bart police indicated they did find a weapon and right now our commanders are in communication with them. our investigation and support for san bruno and bart will continue. >> reporter: so let's back up. what is the description of the suspect? who are we looking for. >> we can't share that with you right now but really our focus was on public safety. it was absolutely key that we evacuated the trains and ensured that our community, our riders, were safe. so we responded. we had a city response that came here. assisted bart. we stopped the trains and then we systematically evacuated those trains. it is extremely important in situations like this that we systematically very very careful. very cautious. we want to insure that the public safety comes first and we did so. right now the stations 12th street bart and 14th street bart are open. so those who were certainly
inconvenienced we want to welcome you back is. the stations are open so you can travel home. >> you said you found a weapon. was it found on the train? or at the station. > bart police department indicated they did find a weapon. we don't have all -- >> what type of weapon. >> we don't have all the details right now. i'm going share why. when we go down below in the ground we lose radio communication so it is difficult. we had to come back up here to speak with you and share the information to our community on why we stopped trains and why we evacuated. we have to go back downstairs because we're not receiving any radio communication. but i will share with you we're not going to describe the weapon right now or the suspect because this is an active investigation. and we are working with san wroon and bart police in a support role. >> why did you have to close oakland 12th street? what information did you receive that concerned you folks that a suspect might be here? >> i understand. great question. the bother police department and oakland police department
received information that the possible suspect in connection with the san bruno, that is the active shooter at the tanforan shopping center, was on bart and here at the 12th street or 14th street bart station. so it is absolutely key and critical that we stop those trains. we systematically checked and evacuate those trains for public safety and that is what we did. >> reporter: so when you did your search for a suspect, was it on the bart trains the platform? where? >> all inclusive. starts from the surface street here in case the individual is able to get off prior to us making it down below. we not only search the streets as officers arrive to the scene but also search anyone coming up from the platforms. and the trains. >> and this weapon was found here at oakland? one of the oakland stations. >> we can share bart did find a weapon and wear not going into go into the details of exactly where. we have a suspect and we're coping euro mind open. suspect or suspects.
but we have information on a suspect that would be in connection with the shooting down in san bruno. >> reporter: again, i know it is very early in the investigation. you can't give too many details. do we know a suspect or suspects got off at bart or continued on? why would the station be reopened. >> sure. i can certainly share with you this. we absolutely are not going close the stations down if we don't have very good information. we have very good, very reliable case investigative information that really had all of us moving very quickly from the oakland police department, the bart police department and the oakland fire department to concentrate at 12th and broadway because of this information. again this always goes back to public safety. if we have an individual armed, just responsible for a violent crime. public safety comes first. we're going to make sure we stop the trains, evacuate and continue to search for the suspect. >> lot of police out here.
how much longer do you think you will be out here till? >> we're going to stay out here if a while. we also want to make sure everyone we just evacuated off the train that they feel safe. they know the station is back open. they can continue but also we want everyone to know that they are safe. we're going to keep a police presence here for a while. we also still have an active investigation. and we are going to support san bruno and the bart police department as they continue their investigation. >> officer watson, thank you for your time. i know you've had a busy afternoon. >> you're more than welcome. >> so again, bart police confirming that one weapon was found. they don't know -- they aren't giving us information as to where. but 12th street bart station has been reopened. reporting live in oakland, ansar hassan. abc 7 news. >> one thing to point out, whul while we don't have a description of what that weapon was like we do know from san bruno police that they did find a couple of weapons, couple of handguns, and there is no indication despite an initial report that some sort of rifle
might have been involved. the suspicion is that handguns only were involved in this shooti shooti shooting. >> and the shooting is perhaps one of the two shooters because the police chief mentioned there were likely two shooters, might have gotten onto the system, the bart system from san bruno and arrived in the oakland vicinity, which prompted that information, prompting that massive search and closure of the station and the area which resulted in the finding of a weapon that they're not disclosing specifically right now the nature of it. but believed to be related possibly to the san bruno shooting there at the tanforan mall. but since they have no arrests not only is that one person to have gone through oakland there is another shooter at large possibly somewhere and they have no idea where. >> and i think one thing that people watching can find some comfort in, this shooting, police were quite confident this was not a random kind of attack where a shooter walks into a mall and starts shooting at people. this was some sort of targeted situation, some sort of argument
that escalated, some sort of who knows what in terms of why these two people pulled out guns and started shooting but it was not just at random people, someone who just walks in and starts shooting. so police will have surveillance video. they're looking at it now. they're trying to generate photos that we can share with you so that we can pass along a description, accurate description of the two people that they are looking very much to find and take into custody for questioning. so as soon as we get that information we'll be able to pass that along as well. but of course in this day and age there will be surveillance video and cell phone video and other things that come to light here in the next few minutes and hours. >> in fact, details on one of the persons they're seeking they said it's a young male wear a green sweatshirt with a hood. so right now they believe there may be two shooters that were targeting each other. we don't know the relationship between those guys and the two who ended up shot who were taken to sf general.
but they say those two at the hospital are in fact victims and they're still seeking two people. >> and two other people were hurt but the suspicion is they were maybe knocked down or trampled in the panic to get out of harm's way. these pictures are not live. our helicopter is not live at this very mome wevi you these pictures of some of t intense moments as people responded to the first call that came in at 3:56 to the tanforan mall and then san bruno police, san bruno fire and surrounding agencies that provided mutual aid descended on this mall with the report that an active shooter was involved and now we've learned there were probably two shooters probably shooting at each other and we don't know who was hit, whether it was with that group of people, you know, with the shooter's group of people. we don't know yet exactly who was hurt. the two people shot. and what their connection is to the shooters. that's still to come. >> we now know from the chief
that they believe the two were shooting at each other and that it was targeted and not random, and they've stopped calling it an active shooter situation. however, based on the witnesses that we heard from, that is exactly how they treated this in this day and age unfortunately because there have been so many incidents. you heard from store clerks that were just hiding in the storage room with the lights out. completely silent. how frightening it must have been from them. >> we've heard from two store clerks who really textbook response, lock the doors, turn out the lights, hide, and wait until you're told it's clear. in to instances. and as you say it's wonderful they were able to do that and respond appropriately. it's sort of a sad state of affairs that this is where we are that people have to be prepared to do this at any moment. >> responding agencies. you heard if the fire chief who said two weeks ago they had precisely that, active shooter drill. we do want to give you a look at latest impact on transit because many of you are asking us about
that on social media forums. right now san bruno's bart station is still closed. that is true. but not only that. you also southbound coming from san francisco, south san francisco, the train stop is south san francisco. it's not even like they're going through san francisco and take you to sfo or millbrae. they're not going there. a bus bridge has been set up. but it's going to take time. it's going to slow you down if you're headed to sfo, thinking of using bart. also, people are asking about caltrain. that is operating normally. san bruno and millbrae stations are still open. and also sfo. the latest we got if them is that even though the airport is just down 380, 101 there, not very far from the scene, everything is operating normally at sfo at this time. even as the investigation continues there at the tanforan mall. >> all right. this all began a couple hours ago. 3:56 was the first call that there was a shooting at the mall, and we've heard from several witnesses who describe immediate panic of course.
shooter, shooter, shooter, and people started running. a couple of people apparently were injured in that panic to get out of harm's way. two people were shot. still no suspects in custody but police are fairly confident at this point that handguns were used. despite an initial report someone may have thought they saw a rifle or something. they think handguns were used. and two suspects still on the loose no, one arrest at this point. >> two people who were apparently targeting each other they believe. we do have some video. we're going to show this with our viewers right now. from inside the mall. this is rather dramatic. of one of the shooting victims after he was hit down on the ground. we don't have that video -- >> cell phone video someone took. >> hearing the gunshots, seeing the people running and then going to help that person that was down. >> on that point, kristen, we should point out we've had two or three different people describeougunshots. pop, pop, pop, pop. so perhaps we'll no more in terms of how many shots were actually fired. but a couple of people have said four shots were fired o'.
this is the video kristen mentioned. one of the victims, shooting victims lying on the ground. you can see moving their arms as they're being attended to by presumably a passerby or a friend. ? you see the pink dresses there behind him. we believe that's nicole's bridal and formalwear. and that would be on the second floor. when you go up the escalateors from the food court the food court sort of continues because it kind of expanded to the upstairs part. >> so it's on the first floor and the second floor. >> the food court. but we think this is the second floor right above the main food court. nicole's bridal. and then right across from there is the century movie theater. so in the afternoon in the summer a lot of teens go and hang out there. and they believe the shooting victims are teenagers. >> again, we understand the two victims are 15 and 18ea old respectively. this is video of one of the victims being removed from the mall by authorities and with some s.w.a.t. officers as well. you see there semi-automatic rifles that they have with them. and in full riot or s.w.a.t.
gear. that was part of the response here of course when the initial reports of an active shooter came in. we now know it was a shooting between two people, presumably pulling guns after some words were exchanged or whatever happened. two people pulling guns and shooting at each other. here's another look now from sky 7. one of the things that are impressive from a law enforcement standpoint, the san bruno police department as you well know, fairly small city. they have small police and small fire departments. but they responded en masse. very, very quickly. with all available personnel. and of course called forward what is called mutual aid, asking other agencies nearby to respond as well with their police officers, their s.w.a.t. teams. there you see s.w.a.t. team members moving into position. uniformed officer there in the center of your screen being led by a couple of s.w.a.t. officers. so the response, police response, was really quick, immediate, and very, very intense and thorough with dozens
and dozens and dozens of officersand firefighters responding to the scene very, very quickly. >> it is a fairly small city, but it's been growing. certainly in economic importance too. with the addition of youtube in recent years with it being headquartered there, in fact sadly just about a year ago there was a shooting there from a woman who was unhappy with the changes in their policy on monetizing videos. went to youtube and intended -- and opened fire. so even though it is fairly small as a community, it has seen its share of shootings. but at the same time it is a very active retail hub for people and a gathering place. you can see the sears there. there's also a lowe's nearby. target. i shop there sometimes. and growing up i shopped there. back in the day tanforan opened as a mall -- >> was this a teenage hangout for you? >> yes. reasonably priced stores. it opened in 1971. >> it's been refurbished. >> it has.
and the movie theater there now. lots of restaurants in the food court. and of course, dan, you remember this. before that it was originally horse racing. >> this is not far from the airport. i'm not sure how many miles away. pretty close to the airport. >> a couple miles maybe not even. the costco there by the airport. and it's right off of 380. so a lot of people get off the freeway to shop there because it's only about one block off the ramps, exit ramps to 380. and you know, it's smack dab in the middle of 101 and 280. so no matter where you're going you're going through the centralized area. this is wreaking havoc seeing a lot of texts from friends who say they're stuck in gridlock in the afternoon commute, evening commute, trying to get home from that area. and then you have the thousands of youtube employees leaving as well. it's gridlock. and of course stay away not just because of that but for your own safety as the investigation continues. >> and these are pictures from our helicopter sky 7.
this is video of the scene. and you can see some of the heavy, heavy police response with armored vehicles and look at the top of the screen. all the fire trucks that moved in. they descended on this mall, tanforan mall, just to make sure that they got those who were wounded out as quickly as possible. and then the big job of course was to identify who was responsible and to try as best they can, which is very hard in a situation where there are hundreds and thousands of people, not to let them slip away. it is relatively easy sometimes to blend in in the crush of people. as a result two people that they are looking for, two suspected gunmen or shooters in this situation, presumably shooting at each other in some sort of gunfight, have gotten away. they have not yet found them. but police are fairly confident that they're going to be able to release some video and some pictures soon to get a good accurate description of exactly who they're looking for. and of course they have
witnesses and they are pressing those witnesses very hard. perhaps even witnesses who knew the shooters who were detained or who were stopped for questioning. police will not reveal everything they know to us of course for investigative reasons but there's a very good chance. very good chance they already know exactly who they're looking for. >> and we don't know also if they've had a chance to really interview the two who were shot who are at sf general. >> they are at the hospital. >> they're at the hospital. sure. we don't know what kind of information they've been able to get out of them. but it is possible if they might know the guys, the shooters that are being -- >> they're also interviewing the families of the two shooting victims and the families are there w understand at san francisco general hospital, we were told by a spokesperson from the hospital. so police will of course be asking the families who they may know, who may have done this. give us some names. >> but we do know right now because they do not have anyone in custody and they believe
there were two shooters. it is still a very tense situation with heavily armed police at the tanforan shopping center right now in san bruno. and if the investigation takes them onto the bart system, which it has, then there may be future closures on the line, on the system, as people are trying to get home. earlier the 12th street station in oakland was impacted when they got information suggesting that one of the suspects, one of the shooters might have passed through there or been in that vicinity. they closed it down for about a half hour, 45 minutes or so. they did a search. they found a weapon. they wouldn't tell us exactly what weapon that was. but they do believe it was related to this particular incident. but they did not arrest or detain anyone. >> but they did at the very least ascertain and determine that the bart system and the bart station was safe. and they were able to reopen and let commuters go about their business. and they were very adamant they
would not let that happen if they were not convinced there was no was no danger present and there was no one involved in this situation still on or near those bart trains or bart platforms. and you did hear johna watson, the public spokesperson for the oakland police department say they are going to keep a larger presence of oakland police officers and bart police officers than normal at these stations, 12th and 14th street station for some time this evening just to make certain that it is all clear and there's no more danger. but that is certainly what they seem very confident to be able to say, that there's no more danger anymore on the bart system. >> but they are not saying that, dan-b the tanforan mall area. >> correct. >> and they certainly still have the area surrounded. and we don't know exactly how many people they've been able to evacuate from the mall. so we don't know if most of the employees have gotten out, most of the shoppers. they certainy try to do the evacuation in an orderly way in the situation when they enter an

Related Keywords

Shooter , Victims , Fire Chief , Things , Type , Types , Criminal Activity , Request , Pd , Information , Ambulances , Resources , Alarm , Total , Mass Casualty Incident , Mci , Four , Chief , Crews , Patients , Police Escorts , Rescue Task Force , Equipment , One , San Francisco General , Gunshot Victims , Trauma Center , Extent , American Medical Response , Two , Al L , Incident , Injuries , Condition , Services , Gunshot Wounds , San Francisco , Lowrie Extremity , Point , Life , Officers , Details , Us , Age , Paramedics , Each Other , Other , Transplant Ambulance , Tanforan Mall , Scene , People , Anyone , Anything , Hiding , Lives , Police Officers , Anybody , Ones , Release , Sense , Building , Tanforan Mall Area , Police , San Bruno , Training , Concern , Fire Fighters , Presence , Response , Neighbors , Department , Departments , Rescue Group Task Force , Couple , Grant The Police Department , County , Feel , San Bernardino , Three , Call , Difference , Yes , Initial , 2 , 56 , 3 , Reporter , Reporters , Shot , Side , Bit , Police Chief , Guys , Let , Suspects , Situation , Shooting Suspect , Evidence , Sort , San Francisco General Public Information Officer , Crime , Somebody , Reason , Brent Andrew , 15 , 18 , Hospital , Individuals , Connection , Tanforan Mall In San Bruno , Look , Season , Shops At Tanforan , Melanie Woodrow , Shooting , Shooters , Oakland , Station Bart Fora While , 112th Street , Males , Sweatshirt , Hoodie , 12 , Station , Way , Amin Gulezian , Abc 7 , Lets Go , Lisa , Lot , Police Presence , South Side , South Soiftd , Barnes Nobles , Bj S , County Sheriffs Department , South San Francisco , Frameworks , Men Lowe Park , Food Court , Paula Silva , Rides , Store , Back Swresmta Exit , Outside , Barnes Noble Side , Doors , Thank Filet Coworkers , Parents , Workers , Stock Room , More , In The Dark , Back , Light , Six , Five , Everyone , Co Workers , Downa Little Bit , Siren , Experience , Safety , Paula Works Inside Of Barnes Nobles , Vehicles , Barnes Noble In The Dark , Area , News Reporter , Threat , Sirens , Interview , 12th Street Bart , Station Close , Uncer Go , Suspect , Hobart Police Department , Oakland Police Department , Bart Train , 114th Street , Tanforan Shopping Center , Broadway , 14 , Train , Oakland Fire Department , Train Service , Location , Looks , Weapon , Investigation , Bart , Commanders , Communication , Support , Description , Trains , Community , Public Safety , Riders , Focus , City Response , Situations , Safe , Stations 12th Street Bart , Bart Are Open , Stations , Home , Ground , Radio Communication , Share , San Wroon , Police Department , Question , Folks , Support Role , You , Search , Platform , Inclusive , Case , Surface Street , Streets , Individual , Platforms , Making It , Euro Mind Open , Shooting Down , Armed , Support San Bruno , Officer Watson , They Dont Know , Reporting , Afternoon , Aren T , Ansar Hassan , Report , Thing , Handguns , Rifle , Weapons , News , Indication , Kwhul , 7 , Suspicion , The System , Shooti Shooting , Vicinity , Closure , Finding , Nature , Person , Somewhere , Arrests , Idea , Kind , Attack , Comfort , Argument , Someone , Surveillance Video , Guns , Terms , Custody , Questioning , Photos , Course , Fact , Persons , Cell Phone Video , Green Sweatshirt , Hood , Relationship , Up , Panic , Harms Way , Pictures , Some , Helicopter , San Bruno Fire , Agencies , Mall , Aid , Group , Hit , Witnesses , Store Clerks , Incidents , Storage Room , The Lights Out , State Of Affairs , Instances , Lights , Hide , Many , Transit , Shooter Drill , Impact , Train Stop , Social Media Forums , Bus Bridge , Sfo , Millbrae , Airport , Everything , Caltrain , 380 , 101 , Video , Something , Arrest , No , Viewers , Cell Phone Video Someone , Gunshots , Kristen , Pop , Shots , O , Describeougunshots , Arms , Video Kristen , Friend , Dresses , Passerby , Nicoles Bridal And Formalwear , Floor , Upstairs Part , It , Escalateors , Movie Theater , Teens , Teenagers , Swat Officers , Rifles , Authorities , Swat , Whatever , Reports , Part , Gear , Words , San Bruno Police Department , City , Fire Departments , Law Enforcement Standpoint , Sky , Personnel , Teams , Mutual Aid , En Masse , Screen , Dozens , Officer , Police Response , Center , Members , Position , Immediate , Youtube , Addition , Growing , Importance , Officers And , Changes , Woman , Policy , Fire , Monetizing Videos , Shootings , Lowe S , Retail Hub , Gathering Place , Sears , Target , Back In The Day Tanforan , Stores , Hangout , 1971 , Lots , Restaurants , Horse Racing , Dan , Costco , Freeway , Exit , Cramps , Smack Dab , Gridlock , Texts , Matter , Afternoon Commute , Evening Commute , Havoc , Friends , Middle , 280 , Employees , Thousands , Helicopter Sky , Fire Trucks , Heavy , Top , Job , Hundreds And Thousands , Crush , Result , Gunfight , Chance , Reasons , Families , Being , Spokesperson , Will , Names , Closures , Line , They Wouldn T , 45 , Commuters , Business , Danger , Public , Bart Platforms , Johna Watson , Dan B , Correct , Most , Shoppers , Evacuation ,

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