Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190405

two jokes that drew immediate attention. you'll hear them. you decide. severe storms hitting this friday night. damaging winds, tornadoes possible, and heavy rain and ice sweeping into the northeast. sam champion has the timing. the boy missing since he was 6. the stunning turn and what we learned today. the charges. the grand canyon tonight. the third death in days. and taking selfies on the edge edge. >> major news coming in on mick jagger. the heart procedure, how it went. the update just in. the new consumer warning tonight for parents and grandparents about a very popular sleeper. good evening. nice to you have here on a busy friday night. dra mat ikt new video coming in tonight revealing the danger faced by two sfefrs in a deadly hostage drama outside atlanta. police releasing bodycam images showing officers kicking down the door, immediately taking fire. another office inside. the negotiations lasted 17 hours. the officers have sur vooifd but there was a grim discovery inside. abc's steve osunsami is on the scene. >> blood on the driveway, female victim inside unresponsive. >> reporter: this is the moment when this tragedy began. someone had called 911 thursday morning, begging for help. these are the brave men who answered. in a body camera video released tonight, you see henry county police force their way into this suburban atlanta home after seeing a lifeless woman on the ground. inside, a man who may have already killed someone is shooting at the cops. officer taylor webb is hit twice, and gets trapped in the garage. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> reporter: a third officer outside rushes to help. officer keegan merritt is ducking bullets and gets shot in the hand. >> aw [ bleep ]. shots fired, shots fired. >> reporter: all the while, the gunman is warning police. >> don't come in here, i got a lot of shots. i got a hostage! >> reporter: but they break into the garage anyway, freeing their wounded officer. by the time police could get in the home after 17 hours, 39-year-old sandra white, who was 9 months pregnant, was dead and so was her 16-year-old son. police say the gunman was her boyfriend, 47-year-old anthony bailey, who they say took his own life. >> we got three babies to bury, we don't know how we're going to do it. >> reporter: the family tonight is asking for prayers for both themselves and the wounded officers. >> it will's get back to steve osunsami tonight live at the scene. those officers expected to make a full recovery, but this is just devastating for that family. >> reporter: it is, david. crime scene investigators behind me. the teenager behind me, he plays football at a local high school. they were planning a surprise baby show they are weekend, but instead, funerals. david. >> thank you. there is breaking news as we come on. the 15-year-old girl just found tonight. and the fan who hired her to babysit. where they for round. here is stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight after more than a week long search, authorities say louisiana teen domeanna spell has been found safe more than a thousand miles away from home in colorado. police say she ran away with her 47-year-old neighbor cory disotell. >> he told her that he loved her and stuff like that. >> reporter: authorities say disotell, a divorced man with three children, became friends with the 15-year-old's family, allegedly asking the girl to babysit for his granddaughter. but the teen's sister claimed that was a cover up for their alleged relationship. >> come to find out there was no granddaughter there for her to really be babysitting. they had that little secret relationship going. >> reporter: spell's family says they told police about disotell after seeing a number of texts to their daughter. the teen's distraught family going door to door handing out flyers in an attempt to find her, now thankful spell is safe. >> let hees get to stephanie ramos. authorities revealing her family is shocked by this too? >> that is exactly right, david. the family isn't exactly sure when the relationship started but they say in the last week, she has changed her appearance to avoid getting caught. but with the help of several agencies, authorities say they were able to take him into custody. i had could face several charges. >> thank you. and a midair scare, a flight headed for houston had to divert. when the screens in the cockpit went blank. abc's senior transportation correspondent david kerley. >> reporter: the united passengers didn't know. they landed in dallas, but they were expecting to be in houston. why the diversion? >> we lost two of our screens. now if we kept flying, we'd lose them all eventually. >> reporter: the united express pilot telling the 50 passengers from knoxville there was a cooling problem and their flight data screens were shutting down. two as he said and worry that others were in jeopardy. >> there is tremendous heat behind those screens. this dictates that we land as soon as possible because if we had continued eventually, i'd be flying blind. so that's why we're in dallas right now. it is unlikely this aircraft is going anywhere tonight. >> reporter: there are six main screens in the regional airliner, the crj 200. and there is a back-up, a stand by, a small, independently powered screen that gives basic information if everything else goes out. >> they wouldn't be flying blind. it's really incumbent upon the crew to talk to the passengers. you don't wanna inordinately scare them by using the wrong terminology. >> david kerley with us live tonight. the pilots did exactly what they were supposed to do as far as getting the plane down. but they were alarmed by the los angeles. >> reporter: that is the procedure. if you have an issue, go ahead and divert. get the plane on the ground. experts concerned about the language that the pilot used. >> unsettling for the rest of us. david, thank you. we are also learning more about the young man who gave that family hope to deliver heart break again. timmothy pitzen disappeared nearly eight years ago. and the new charges and whit johnson from kentucky. >> reporter: tonight, federal charges for the man accused of impersonating a missing boy, and giving false hope to a heartbroken family. authorities today describing how 23-year-old brian rini allegedly lied to federal agents claiming he was 14-year-old timmothy pitzen. >> at what point in the process did your officers become suspicious of his story? >> i think there were suspicions relatively quickly if for not other reason than he declined to be fingerprinted. >> reporter: but rini agreed to a dna test, which ultimately revealed his true identity. a convicted criminal just released from prison. the pitzen family crushed. >> it's like reliving that day all over again. >> reporter: rini told officers he got the idea after watching this cable show produced by abc news. >> rini told the agents that he wanted to get away from his family and that he wished he had a father like timmothy pitzen's father. >> reporter: his brother says that rini has battled mental illness for years. >> i hope he goes to prison for this, but -- or at least an institution. >> whit squlonson with us from ki qui. we know the man could face a federal judge. he can face prison time? >> reporter: that's right. he could face up to eight years in prison. and authorities say he has done something like this twice before, pretending to a victim of sex trafficking. david? >> whit, thank you. now to the price for 2020. vice president joe biden has not officially declared a run. his first public appearance since accused of inappropriate touching. making light of it inside the hall. outside the hall walking up to reporters to explain his humor on stage. abc's senior national correspondent terry moran was there. >> reporter: joe biden emerged on stage to the cheers of a friendly union crowd, his first appearance since several women went public with complaints about his unwelcome touching. >> i just want you to know i had permission to hug lonnie. i, uh, i don't know, man. >> reporter: minutes later, biden inviting the kids in the audience up to the stage. >> and you guys can sit on the edge, if you guys -- i don't want you to have to stand all along. by the way he gave me permission for me to touch him. [ laughter ] >> reporter: this crowd, organized labor, is the heart of >> how do you think we built the great middle class? unions. that's a fact! unions! [ applause ] >> reporter: then he went after president trump. >> this country can't afford four more years of a president locked in the past and grudges. >> reporter: but even as he spoke, it was those jokes he made about touching people that were already echoing across social media. and so immediately after, biden came out to explain. >> look. it wasn't my intent to make light of anyone's discomfort. i realize it is my responsibility not to invade space of anyone who is uncomfortable. >> do you think you owe these women a direct apology who have come forward so far? >> well, look the fact of the matter is i made it clear, if i made you feel uncomfortable, i feel badly about that. that was never my intention. ever. ever. ever. enchts terry moran live with us from washington tonight. and this conversation troversy o change some what how he come pains. >> he did say that, david. he acknowledged times have changed and he will have to change. that will be a challenge. he first ran for office 50 years ago, a half century ago and he has been a candidate as they used to say press the flesh. that has to change. david. >> terry, thanks. >> the battle over president trump's taxes heating up tonight after house democrats hand-delivered a letter to the irs asking for six years of his returns. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl is here. and jon, the president's lawyer a lawyer for the president sending a letter to the treasury department calling the democrats move "a gross abuse of power"? >> reporter: it's a three page letter, arguments from the legal department and the irs not to turn over the returns. and the laul says it's a transparent effort by one political party to harass the sfishl from the other party because they dislike his politics and speech. and they are digging for a fight on this. the lawyer also asks the treasury before, before doing anything, asked the justice department to offer a review on this. make no mistake, they digging in for a long, drawn out legal bat thal will almost certainly go to the supreme court. david? >> thank you. president trump with a new message for would-be migrants and asylum seekers tonight after a full retreat on his threat to close the border. the president visiting calexico, california to see a section of replacement for the border fence that separates the city from mexico. saying our country is full. turn around. that's the way it is. he is giving them a year to make chances. there is stormy weather sweeping through the mid-atlantic and northeast as a powerful new storm threatens to the south. large hail cracking this windshield in memphis, texas. we are tracking it all for you and same champion is tracking it. >> a lot of cold rain. let me show you the snow, ice and freezing rain. in central new york, all the twi boston. keep an eye on the mix tonight. it's going to be a little slippery. storms you're talking ability, david. that is developing not texas. jet stream dropping and another area of low pressure. it expands and could include tornadoes here and the flooding rain and places that flooded yesterday, lake charms, and new orleans, and sunday it, it seems to be even larger. >> thank you, sam. now the search for an american woman we were reporting on. tourist taken hostage in a national park in uganda by gunmen demanding half a million in ransom. and the fateful decision that unknowingly put her in danger. abc's ian pannell is in uganda tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the desperate hunt for a missing american tourist and her driver grows. kimberly sue endicott documenting her ugandan safari on instagram. she and her guide jean paul mirenge remezo haven't been seen for more than three days. untamed beauty rolls on mile after mile after mile. but you can also see why it would be so hard to find anyone who'd been kidnapped. searching for them in this terrain will be almost impossible. police believe they still alive. now a massive manhunt is underway in an area bigger than chicago and l.a. combined. both kidnapped at gunpoint. the abductors using one of their cell phones to demand half a million dollars ransom. and i they were going out in the afternoon searching for the lions and that is when the abduction took place. >> ian, i know authorities are offering cautious optimism that the american woman and her guide are alive. as you reported, this a difficult area to search in? >> that's right, david. that is not only hopeful term i have heard. as you say, the area they got to search here is absolutely enormous. so the longer they are missing, the more desperate that search becomes and the more worrying for the families and loved ones. david? >> thanks to you again. back here at home now and a new measles scare in sacramento. uc davis medical center, exposed to measles in the er.r. flay notifying people as a precaution. >> >> and u.s. employers adding 196,000 jobs last month. unemployee immediate was unchanged at 3.8%. there is much more ahead. there is news coming in tonight on mick jagger. we have that for you. the alarming headline from the grand canyon tonight. the third death in a matter of days and tourists who are take selfies on the edge there. the consumer warning for parents and grandparents and a very popular sleeper. what you need to know. and remarkable video coming in tonight, the solar eclipse. can you guess where the images were take snn a lot more news ahead on a friday night. where we all want more energy. but with less carbon footprint. that's why, at bp, we're working to make energy that's cleaner and better. we're producing cleaner-burning natural gas. and solar and wind power. and wherever your day takes you... we have advanced fuels for a better commute. and we're developing ultra-fast-charging technology for evs.. at bp, we see possibilities everywhere. so we can all keep advancing. oh, wow. you two are going to have such a great trip. thanks to you, we will. this is why voya helps reach today's goals... ...all while helping you to and through retirement. can you help with these? 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[ singing in spanish ] >> next, the deadly falls at the grand canyon. a tourist plunging to his death. the third tragic incident in a little more than a week. here's abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: it's a place of majestic beautt that can come with a deadly price. wednesday morning, grand canyon national park officials say a 67-year-old man was killed after falling 400 feet from the canyon's south rim. he is the third person to die in the past eight days, including one person outside the park boundary, a man from hong kong taking a selfie near the skywalk, stumbling and fell to his death. officials are still investigating a third fatality, a woman, her body found last week in a forest area above the rim. the grand canyon attracts more than 6 million visitors annually. last year alone 17 people died at the park. officials tnt with a new warning. >> stay the heck away from the edge. it's long way down in the grand canyon. there's no need to be walking out to the very extreme edge and leaning over for that view directly straight down. >> reporter: of the 17 deaths in the grand canyon last year, officials say the vast majority are not falls. they are heart attacks. david? >> clayton, thank you. when when we come back, the news coming in new on mick jag intera consumer warning for parents and grandparents on an item in a lot of homes. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. so my doctor said... symbicort can help you breathe better- starting within 5 minutes. it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. it may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. if you can't afford your medication, dad! dad!! can you drive me to jessica's house? 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